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What is staff training?

Staff training is a way to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to be highly
effective in their jobs. Typically this is the responsibility of the learning and
development/talent teams in larger companies and the human resources department in
smaller companies. These are responsible for identifying training needs, developing training
programs and making them available to employees.

Advantages of staff training

Staff training is crucial to the success of any business. Your employees are the driving force
behind your company, so helping them expand their knowledge and improve their professional
skills will only improve your business. These are at least four reasons why this should matter to

Greater efficiency

A well-designed training program that meets employee needs makes your staff more
productive and efficient. Over time, these improvements will make your business more

increased motivation

Training programs help employees, teams, and departments unify into a single organizational
structure. Employees who understand how their job title supports the company's mission and
overall goals can draw a line between "my job" and "my company's success."

Lower staff turnover

Surveys have shown that today's young professionals want more than just a salary. Millennials
(ages 22-37) especially value employers that offer flexibility, career growth opportunities, and
a sense of purpose. These are likely to change jobs if they are not satisfied with their current

The job turnover trend can be expensive for employers. According to a recent Gallup study,
the cost of replacing workers is at least half of an employee's annual salary. Staff turnover can
be prevented, so companies have a financial incentive to keep employees engaged and

Create a corporate culture

High-quality training aligns corporate values and strategy. Going beyond the basics shows that
the company is willing to invest in its employees for the long term. To employees, strong
training is a company message that tells them "You matter to us."
Types of Staff Training Programs

Different companies may have several different training programs, depending on their size,
diversity, and the specifics of the business. Here is a list of the most common types of staff
training programs:

1. Onboarding and orientation

This type of training takes place right after a newly hired employee arrives at the workplace
and continues until the employee is able to work independently. Its main objective is to speed
up the adaptation process of new employees, help them feel comfortable and be productive

The onboarding training program is quite flexible, but is typically divided into two main parts:

Training for all new employees. It offers general information about the company, its history,
mission, vision and values, as well as corporate policies and regulations.

Specific training for a particular position. This training focuses on developing the basic
knowledge and skills that a new employee must acquire for a given position.

New Employee Onboarding: Help New Employees Succeed From Day One →

2. Compliance Training

Compliance training is often included in new employee onboarding training and is mandatory.
Typically, it is a formal program that focuses on company policies or standards that enable
employees and employers to prevent both workplace problems and violations of the law.

These policies and procedures are often job-specific or industry-specific. Location can also
influence the standards staff must meet and the type of training required. For example,
compliance training may include diversity and anti-harassment training, business ethics,
workplace safety, and data protection and privacy training.

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