Mypro Ver8: by Myscada Technologies

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myPRO ver8

myPRO ver8
by mySCADA Technologies

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myPRO ver8

1. Introduction ................................................................................................... 3
2. Installation ..................................................................................................... 4
3. Using myPRO WWW access ........................................................................ 4
4. myPRO settings ............................................................................................ 5
5. GUI - graphical user interface ...................................................................... 6
5.1. HMI ........................................................................................................... 6
5.2. Language ................................................................................................... 6
5.3. System ...................................................................................................... 7
5.4. License ...................................................................................................... 8
5.5. Project ....................................................................................................... 9
5.6. History ...................................................................................................... 10
5.7. myCLOUD ............................................................................................... 11
5.8. SMTP ...................................................................................................... 12
5.9. Serial ....................................................................................................... 13
5.10. SMS ...................................................................................................... 14
5.11. Advanced WWW settings ........................................................................ 16
5.12. Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 16

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1. Introduction

Thank you for using myPRO on your PC. mySCADA is a full featured HMI/SCADA system with advanced options
such as vector graphics views, advanced trending, complex alarming, data-logging and user access options.
myPRO is multi-platform HMI/SCADA solution available for:

MS Windows 7 and above

Mac OS X

Purpose of this Manual

This manual is a reference guide for the myPRO software. It will:

explains how to install and operate myPRO system on each platform

If you are new and you want to try myPRO, the testing version is NOT LIMITED by a number of tags, you are
free to use as much tags as you want, but after certain amount of time your project will be stopped.



Getting help

For technical support, please visit the RESOURCES(

section on our website, where you can find most of the necessary information – product information, video
tutorials, other manuals.

If you do not find information you need, go

and submit a ticket. Our qualified personnel is ready to help you. For quick and effective communication, please
send detailed information about the project.

* The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. In no event will mySCADA technologies. be
responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment. Reproduction of the
contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of mySCADA Technologies, is prohibited. mySCADA Technologies
reserves the right to change this manual at any time without notification.

Copyright – ©2018 mySCADA Technologies s.r.o.

Trademark – the names used for identification are all registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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2. Installation


myPRO for Windows is supported on Windows version 7 and above. Windows installer is provided as a self
installation exe package. To install the myPRO do following:

Double click on the installation package to perform installation.

Follow onscreen instructions to finish installation.

After installer finishes, please reboot your system to finish installation.


myPRO for MAC OS X is available for Mac OS 10.8 and above. Mac installer is provided inside DMG package.
To install the myPRO do following:

Mount dmg package by double clicking it.

Double click on mySCADA_PRO_v8.pkg file inside mounted dmg.
Follow onscreen instructions to finish installation.

After installer finishes, please reboot your system to finish installation.


myPRO for Linux is tested on following distributions: Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Read Head, and SUSE. Installer
bundles all required functionality and dependency modules so it should work out of the box for most Linux
distributions. Installer comes in two versions 32 bit and 64 bit, please use a version to match your OS version.
Linux installer is distributed as sh package. To install the myPRO do following:

Open a terminal and change directory to the location of installation package sh.
Make sh package executable by running: sudo chmod 777 ./ for 32 bit OS
Or sudo chmod 777 ./ for 64 bit OS.
Run installer: sudo ./ for 32 bit OS
Or sudo ./ for 64 bit OS

After installer finishes, please reboot your system to finish installation.

3. Using myPRO WWW access

Once myPRO is installed, you can access the HMI over regular web browser. Tested browsers are:

MS Edge

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Open your web browser and into address bar enter https://localhost or then you will be
presented with introduction screen. You can go over demo projects or look at the manuals and tutorials.

Opening mySCADA at specified View, Trend, etc.: to open www at specified view, trend, data-log or alarm view,
use one of the parameters after your link.

When you specify a name, please use only ASCII characters accepted in URL links, all special characters must
be escaped (for example a “space” is escaped as “%20”). You can use online URL escape tool
such as
. You can easily see which parameter to pass if you look at the address bar of your browser.

Loading custom project:

Download and install myDESIGNER from our web

. Create your project in myDESIGNER and download it to your PC running myPRO. If unsure, follow the Getting
started tutorial provided with myDESIGNER

4. myPRO settings

myPRO settings menu can be accessed if you click at toothed wheel which is usually located in the right top
corner on the top toolbar.

First please change user password that is in default set to 1234.

You need to log in using button “LOGIN” Then you will fill password which is set by default on 1234.

Then you will click on tab “SYSTEM” In tab system you are able to change the actual password. If you won’t
change password, everyone is able to change internal settings of myPRO!

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5. GUI - graphical user interface

5.1. HMI

HMI provides the possibility to view HMI views and gather data (data protocols and alarms). So HMI is a place,
where you a project can be viewed. After first installation of myPRO you will have loaded our default project.

5.2. Language

As mentioned before, myPRO has pre-selected English language after first installation. myPRO can be set to
Czech as well as to German language. To get into this settings you need to click on LANGUAGE tab.

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5.3. System

SYSTEM is a tab inside settings menu, which allows you to get an overview of CPU usage, usage of RAM
memory ( inside this section we can see actual available, used and free memory) And about free space at
myPRO device.

We can also see there processes (on the right side). If any of these processes are red, please wait a bit, if
process won’t refresh, please restart myPRO device.
If the problem still persists, please contact our technical support

Inside SYSTEM tab, we can also see connection to local network as well as the connection to myCLOUD service.
Green color indicates that everything is correct or that the device is connected successfully, but the red color
indicates something is wrong or that device is not connected.

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5.4. License

Inside LICENSE tab is the actual version of SW displayed, which is installed inside myPRO device, next we can
find there HW-ID which is the identification number for myPRO device.

Under HW-ID, there is possible to see version of our license, which says how much tags you can use in your

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5.5. Project

PROJECT tab allows you to lock project. We can set up password there, to prevent loss of data from the project.

We can change password by clicking on “Upload Password”. The similar process is for changing HTTP and
HTTPS port, for change click to grey window, change port and then click on button “change” to confirm you

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5.6. History

Inside HISTORY tab we can allow Data-Logs, CAS Alarms and user actions to be stored inside myPRO
memory. To apply changes you just need to click on button “change” and changes will be applied.

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5.7. myCLOUD

myCLOUD tab is used in case that you need to connect your myPRO device to myCLOUD service. For setting up
myCLOUD, we need to upload file which was generated before by myCLOUD service. We will click to “Choose
File” and download file into myPRO device.

Then, after turning on myCLOUD service, will myCLOUD inside system setting indicator turn green from red,
which will indicates the successful connection to myCLOUD service.

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5.8. SMTP

SMTP tab has its purpose if you are looking for sending emails using CAS alarms or any other mail sending
service in myDESIGNER.

From this smtp server, the emails will be sent. In next fields, there are more detailed informations about ports,
senders of the emails, selection from verification or access data. We can also select which variant of security is
server using if TLS/SSL or STARTTLS.

Then we can try, if everything is set correctly using button “Test” where we will fill email of the test mail receiver.

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5.9. Serial

SERIAL tab is used in case, that we need to connect the device with serial port connection. If you are using serial
device, don’t also forget to select proper settings inside myDESIGNER!

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5.10. SMS

This tab allows you to send SMS from myPRO device using Modem.

Firstly, you specify SMS Center. Modem port is port where is your modem plugged into your myPRO device.

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For additional SMS settings you can open up modem settings to fill required setting to make myPRO work with
your modem.

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5.11. Advanced WWW settings

WWW Access – Advanced Options You can control how is mySCADA shown and behaves using settings screen.
Press CTRL + ALT + S to enter settings screen.

In the setting window you can change default language and you can hide Top menu by clicking Full-
screen option.

5.12. Troubleshooting

Press SHIFT+ ALT + D to enter info about view, here you can see detailed info about your view.

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You can also use diagnostic tool by simply typing http://#.#.#.#/#diagnostics which will open up diagnostics
tool (Replace “#.#.#.#” by IP address of your mySCADA device).

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