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AXIS M3027-PVE Network Camera

About this Document Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista,
This document includes instructions WWW, Internet Explorer, DirectX, Intel,
for installing AXIS M3027-PVE on your Intel Core, Pentium and Xeon are
network. Previous experience of registered trademarks of the respective
networking will be beneficial when holders.
installing the product. Acrobat, Adobe, Apache, Debian,
Ethernet, Internet
Legal Considerations Explorer, Iomega, LaCie, Linux,
Video and audio surveillance can be Machintosh, Microsoft, Mozilla,
prohibited by laws that vary from MySQL, Red Hat, UNIX, Windows,
country to country. Check the laws in WWW, Wi-Fi are registered
your local region before using this trademarks of the respective holders.
product for surveillance purposes. This Java and all Java-based trademarks
product includes one (1) H.264 and logos are trademarks or registered
decoder license. To purchase further trademarks of Oracle and/or its
licenses, contact your reseller. affiliates. UPnPTM is a certification
Trademark Acknowledgments mark of the UPnPTM Implementers
AXIS COMMUNICATIONS, AXIS, ETRAX, Corporation. WPA is a mark of the Wi-
ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered Fi Alliance.
trademarks or trademark applications Electromagnetic Compatibility
of Axis AB in various jurisdictions. All (EMC)
other company names and products
are trademarks or registered This equipment has been designed and
trademarks of their respective tested to fulfill applicable standards
companies. for:
Apple, Boa, Apache, Bonjour, Ethernet, • Radio frequency emission when
Internet Explorer, Linux, Microsoft, installed according to the
Mozilla, Real, SMPTE, QuickTime, UNIX, instructions and used in its intended
Windows, Windows Vista and WWW environment.
are registered trademarks of the • Immunity to electrical and
respective holders. Java and all electromagnetic phenomena when
Java-based trademarks and logos are installed according to the
trademarks or registered trademarks of instructions and used in its intended
Oracle and/or its affiliates. UPnPTM is a environment.
certification mark of the UPnPTM USA - This equipment has been
Implementers Corporation. tested using a shielded network cable
SD, SDHC and SDXC are trademarks or (STP) and found to comply with the
registered trademarks of SD-3C, LLC in limits for a Class B digital device,
the United States, other countries or pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
both. Also, miniSD, microSD, These limits are designed to provide
miniSDHC, microSDHC, microSDXC reasonable protection against harmful
are all trademarks or registered interference in a residential
trademarks of SD-3C, LLC in the installation. This equipment generates,
United States, other countries or both. uses and can radiate radio frequency
WPA, WPA2 and Wi-Fi Protected Setup energy and, if not installed and used in
are marks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio Australia
communications. However, there is no This digital equipment fulfills the
guarantee that interference will not requirements for RF emission
occur in a particular installation. If this according to the Class B limit of AS/
equipment does cause harmful NZS CISPR 22.
interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by Korea - ࢇ̛̛Еɼࢽࡈ %̗ ࢷ࢕ળࢶଢ̛̛Ի۰
turning the equipment off and on, the ࣯Իɼࢽ߾۰‫ࡈی‬ଜЕʨࡶּࢶࡳԻଜֲֻҘ
user is encouraged to try to correct the एࠇ߾۰‫ࡈی‬ଟܹ࢑‫ݡ‬ТЬ
interference by one or more of the
following measures: Japan - この装置は、クラスB 情報技術装置です。
• Reorient or relocate the receiving この装置は、家庭環境で使用することを目 的として
antenna. いますが、この装置がラジオやテレビジョン受信機
に近接して使用されると、 受信障害を引き起こすこ
• Increase the separation between the とがあります。 取扱説明書に従って正しい取り扱い
equipment and receiver. をして下さい。

• Connect the equipment into an Safety

outlet on a circuit different from This product complies with IEC/EN/UL
that to which the receiver is 60950-22, Safety of
connected. Information Technology Equipment.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help. The power supply used with this
Canada - This Class B digital product shall fulfill the requirements
apparatus complies with Canadian for Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV)
ICES-003. and Limited Power Source (LPS)
according to EN/IEC/UL 60950-22.
Europe - This digital equipment
fulfills the requirements for RF
emission according to the Class B limit Equipment Modifications
of EN 55022. This equipment must be installed and
This product fulfills the requirements used in strict accordance with the
for immunity according to EN 61000- instructions given in the user
6-1 residential, commercial and light- documentation. This equipment
industrial environments. contains no user-serviceable
This product fulfills the requirements components. Unauthorized equipment
for immunity according to EN 61000- changes or modifications will
6-2 industrial environments. invalidate all applicable regulatory
This product fulfills the requirements certifications and approvals.
for immunity according to EN 55024 Liability
residential and commercial Every care has been taken in the
environments. preparation of this document. Please
inform your local Axis office of any
inaccuracies or omissions. Axis
Communications AB cannot be held
responsible for any technical or
typographical errors and reserves the
right to make changes to the product
and documentation without prior the product supplier for information
notice. Axis Communications AB about how to dispose of this product
makes no warranty of any kind with correctly.
regard to the material contained This product complies with the
within this document, including, but requirements of Directive 2011/65/EU
not limited to, the implied warranties on the restriction of the use of certain
of merchantability and fitness for a hazardous substances in electrical and
particular purpose. Axis electronic equipment (RoHS).
Communications AB shall not be liable
nor responsible for incidental or China
consequential damages in connection This product complies with the
with the furnishing, performance or requirements of the
use of this material. This product is legislative act Administration
only to be used for its intended on the Control of Pollution
purpose. Caused by Electronic Information
Disposal and Recycling Products (ACPEIP).
When this product has reached the Support
end of its useful life, dispose of it Should you require any technical
according to local raws and assistance, please contact your Axis
regulations. For information about reseller. If your questions cannot be
your nearest designated collection answered immediately, your reseller
point, contact your local authority will forward your queries through the
responsible for waste disposal. appropriate channels to ensure a rapid
In accordance with local legislation, response. If you are connected to the
penalties may be applicable for Internet, you can:
incorrect disposal of this waste.
• download user documentation and
firmware updates
This symbol means that the • find answers to resolved problems in
product shall not be the FAQ database. Search by
disposed of together with product, category, or phrases
household or commercial • report problems to Axis support by
waste. logging in to your private support
Directive 2012/19/EU on waste area.
electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE) is applicable in the Battery Replacement
European Union member states. To This Axis product uses a 3.0 V CR2032
prevent potential harm to human lithium battery as the power supply for
health and the environment, the its internal real-time clock (RTC).
product must be disposed of in Under normal conditions this battery
an approved and environmentally safe will last for a minimum of 5 years. Low
recycling process. For information battery power affects the operation of
about your nearest designated the RTC, causing it to reset at every
collection point, contact your local power-up. A log message will appear
authority responsible for waste when the battery needs replacing. The
disposal. Businesses should contact battery should not be replaced unless
If the battery needs replacing, • Le remplacement incorrect de la pile
please contact www.axis.com/techsup peut entraîner un risque d'explosion.
for assistance.
• Remplacez la pile par une pile
identique ou équivalente
uniquement, en respectant les
recommandations du fabricant.
Dispose of used batteries according to
the manufacturer's instructions. Batteriewechsel
Dieses Axis-Produkt ist mit einer 3,0 V
CR2032 Lithium-Batterie als
Stromversorgung für die
• Risk of explosion if battery is interne Echtzeituhr (RTC) ausgestattet.
incorrectly replaced. Unter normalen Bedingungen hält die
• Replace only with the same or Batterie mindestens 5
equivalent battery, as recommended Jahre. Bei entladener Batterie ist der
by the manufacturer. Betrieb der Echtzeituhr nicht mehr
ausreichend gewährleistet,
Remplacement des piles so dass die Uhr bei jedem Systemstart
Ce produit Axis nécessite une pile au zurückgesetzt wird. Sie erhalten eine
lithium CR2032 de 3,0 V pour Protokollnachricht,
l'alimentation de son horloge en wenn ein Batteriewechsel erforderlich
temps réel interne. Dans des ist. Die Batterie sollte erst bei Bedarf
conditions normales d'utilisation, cette gewechselt werden.
pile est censée durer au moins Unter www.axis.com/techsup finden
5 ans. Si la pile est faible, le Sie Informationen darüber, was Sie
fonctionnement de l'horloge en temps beim Austausch der
réel peut être affecté et Batterie beachten müssen.
entraîner sa réinitialisation à chaque
mise sous tension. Un message
enregistré apparaît lorsque la • Verbrauchte Batterien sind gemäß
pile doit être remplacée. Ne remplacez den Herstelleranweisungen zu
la pile qu'en cas de nécessité ! entsorgen.
Si la pile doit être remplacée, veuillez
contacter www.axis.com/techsup pour
obtenir de l’aide.
• Explosionsgefahr bei fehlerhaftem
• Die Batterie muss durch dasselbe
• Jetez les piles usagées oder ein gleichwertiges Fabrikat
conformément aux consignes du ersetzt werden, das vom Hersteller
fabricant. zugelassen ist.
Sostituzione della batteria cuando sea necesario sustituir la
Questo prodotto Axis utilizza una batería. No se debe sustituir la batería
batteria al litio CR2032 da 3.0 V per a menos que sea necesario.
alimentare il real-time clock Si necesita sustituir la batería, visite la
(RTC) interno. In normali condizioni página www.axis.com/techsup para
questa batteria ha una durata di recibir asistencia.
almeno 5 anni. La batteria
scarica influisce sul funzionamento
dell'RTC, che viene reimpostato ad
ogni accensione. Un • Deseche las baterías usadas según
messaggio di registro apparirà quando las instrucciones del fabricante.
la batteria dovrà essere sostituita. La
batteria non deve
essere sostituita a meno che non sia
Se la batteria non deve essere • Deseche las baterías usadas según
sostituita, contattare www.axis.com/ las instrucciones del fabricante.
techsup per assistenza.
Contact Information
Axis Communications AB
Emdalavägen 14
223 69 Lund
• Smaltire le batterie usate secondo le Sweden
istruzioni del produttore. Tel: +46 46 272 18 00
Fax: +46 46 13 61 30

• Rischio di esplosione se la batteria Dome Cover Cleaning

non viene sostituita correttamente.
• Sostituire solo con una batteria • Be careful not to scratch or damage
identica o equivalente, come the dome cover. Do not clean a dome
raccomandato dal produttore. cover that looks clean to the eye and
never polish the surface. Excessive
Sustitución de la batería cleaning could damage the surface.
Este producto Axis utiliza una batería • For general cleaning of a dome cover
de litio CR2032 3.0 de 3,0 V como it is recommended to use a non-
fuente de alimentación abrasive, solvent-free neutral soap
para su reloj de tiempo real interno or detergent with water and a soft
(RTC). En condiciones normales, esta cloth. Rinse well with clean
batería durará un mínimo lukewarm water. Dry with a soft
de 5 años. Cuando la batería tiene cloth to prevent water spotting.
poca carga, el funcionamiento del RTC
se puede ver afectado, ya • Never use harsh detergents, gasoline,
que esto puede hacer que se reinicie benzene or acetone etc. and avoid
cada vez que se encienda. Aparecerá cleaning in direct sunlight or at
un mensaje de registro elevated temperatures.
Nettoyer la bulle du dôme weichen Tuch empfohlen. Spülen Sie
gut mit sauberem, lauwarmem
Wasser nach. Trocknen Sie die
Kuppelabdeckung mit einem
• Veillez à ne pas rayer ou weichen Tuch ab, um Wasserflecken
endommager la bulle du dôme. Ne zu vermeiden.
nettoyez pas la bulle du dôme si elle • Verwenden Sie niemals scharfe
semble propre à l'oeil nu et ne Reinigungsmittel, Benzin, Benzol,
frottez jamais sa surface. Un Aceton o. Ä., und führen Sie die
nettoyage excessif peut Reinigung nicht unter direkter
l'endommager. Sonneneinstrahlung oder bei hohen
• Pour le nettoyage général de la bulle Temperaturen durch.
du dôme, il est recommandé
d'utiliser un savon ou un détergent Pulizia della copertura a cupola
neutre sans solvant, non abrasif,
avec de l'eau et un chiffon doux.
Rincez abondamment avec de l’eau
tiède et propre. Séchez à l'aide d'un • Fare attenzione a non graffiare o
chiffon doux pour éviter les tâches danneggiare la copertura a cupola.
d'eau. Non pulire una copertura a cupola
• N'utilisez jamais de détergents forts, visivamente pulita e non lucidare
d'essence, de benzène ou d'acétone, mai la superficie. Una pulizia
etc. et évitez toute exposition directe eccessiva potrebbe danneggiare la
aux rayons du soleil ou à des superficie.
températures élevées lors du • Per la pulizia generale della
nettoyage. copertura a cupola si raccomanda
l'uso di un sapone neutro, non
Reinigung der Kuppelabdeckung abrasivo e privo di solventi o di un
detergente con acqua e un panno
morbido. Risciacquare perfettamente
con acqua tiepida pulita. Asciugare
• Achten Sie darauf, die con un panno morbido per evitare
Kuppelabdeckung nicht zu macchie d'acqua.
zerkratzen oder zu beschädigen. • Non utilizzare detergenti irritanti,
Reinigen Sie die Kuppelabdeckung benzina, benzene o acetone, ecc. ed
nicht, solange sie sauber aussieht, evitare di pulire alla luce diretta del
und polieren Sie niemals die sole o a temperature elevate.
Oberfläche. Übermäßiges Reinigen
kann die Oberfläche beschädigen. Limpieza de la cubierta del domo
• Zur allgemeinen Reinigung einer
Kuppelabdeckung wird die
Verwendung einer nicht aggressiven,
lösungsmittelfreien neutralen Seife • Tenga cuidado de no arañar ni dañar
bzw. eines solchen Reinigungsmittels la cubierta del domo. No limpie una
zusammen mit Wasser und einem cubierta del domo que parezca
limpia y no pula nunca la superficie.
El exceso de limpieza podría dañar la
• Para la limpieza general de la
cubierta del domo se recomienda
utilizar un jabón neutro no abrasivo
y sin disolvente o un detergente con
agua y un paño suave. Aclare bien
con agua limpia y tibia. Seque con
un paño suave para evitar las
manchas de agua.
• No utilice detergentes abrasivos,
gasolina, benceno, acetona, etc., y
evite limpiarlo con luz directa del sol
o a temperaturas elevadas.


AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide Page 9


1x 1x 1x 1x

1x 1x 2x 1x


1x 1x 1x
Page 10 AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide

PoE IEEE 802.3af/802.3at

Type 1 Class 2 Max 4.5 W
AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide Page 11

14 17


Page 12 AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide


Ø5 - 8 mm (1/5 - 3/10 in)

4 20 mm 5
4/5 in

5 mm
1/5 in

AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide Page 13

14 17
Page 14 AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide


AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide Page 15

Page 16 AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide



AXIS IP Utility

AXIS Camera Management

AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide Page 17

13 Horizontal


>Ø18mm (0.71 in)

Page 18 AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide


AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide Page 19




AXIS IP Utility

AXIS Camera Management

Page 20 AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide


AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide Page 21

Page 22 AXIS M3027-PVE Installation Guide

21 0.6 Nm
(0.45 lb ft)


Installation Guide Ver.1.2
AXIS M3027-PVE Network Camera Printed: January 2015
© Axis Communications AB, 2014 Part No. 61629

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