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IEPRCHAY ERADESH RREG. @ FH DEDARTHEND ‘Me -PWPH-17-4/9¢= 5BG- 636 Pateds- [=3- Fo Te All the Supert mending Engi neers/ Executive Hoginrora unde: south fone, Sublectr Nobtftesttont Regarding HP, Water Supply Rules, 1909, R3wnam Enclosed please find hereut th sottétottion M.trH(3) 14/34 dates 30.12.89 Lsaued by the Commisstouer-cum-Secretary(IPH) te the Gove. of Himachal wredesh Shinle1710¢2 on the stove voted subject forh tn Reglish eed Hindi language for uatem taking further sence action st your emi, ‘ P Thorton to ebsure that the omy of above Rules bes been received 1n your office, 1c receipt may Please be ackriovledged at an early dates oy est Beeoutlve Biyt wer (H) “iy, utslucrimctter easy < Messiet Rateah Ah, Bnel:- Aw above. Copy alongwith cacy of eove Rules {s Forvanted for {ufuimetion am guidance to thet ie Soperiutetding'Engineer(pér) x 6 tr ta fess Office, 2 Bxeoutive Engl nsen(se) ay Fegletner (ravi) Pentt.shimMlast7ie0t. 4, Aesouute Officer (uudger) / CIR, 5. Vigtisnce officer of this vEFt e pe i OL ereraghne auitaesio Ep alipes tronic Tiiierclay dL fs Autherttative Baglish text of drate Notification Ne. TPH(3)14/84, Geigd 20-12 1909 99 required under Article 340(2)e# the 4 Sonmeeteution of india. Governmént of Himachal Pradesh \ Trrigation Public Health Department we, TOH(G)T4/a4, dated: shimi&22}°*** the 30-12-1969. porrsrexsron Tn cxsrciee of the powere confarcea by Sectl: Et of the iimachal Pradnen Waeer Supply Act, 1968 (ict Hens of 1 the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to make the followin ralesi~ (1) These miter shalt be called the siinachal Prades: weter Supply Roles, 138% 19% 0 Qe ctesute (it) Te extends to the whole state of Nimechelrredco Uillymicss shall ceme inte force atonce. Q. In these mles;unless wie: dn the eubjoct or contexts ah peilegeyeeash (4) "act" means the Hinachal Predebh Water Sproly Ret ISEB (Act a of 1969): (£2) “Authorised Ofticor" mains, Superintending | Shginorr/By-cutive Bnginget/Asaiatant engineer Of irrigation end public Heeith beprrtment of the Stste of dincchal Prevceh for the ares wit his jurisdictions ULL) “FormMnesna the form a5 appended to these rales, Uv) ALL other words and expressions used heretn fat not defined énd defined in the act shail pave the mianings respectively e-sigard to then in the Act. { the Government may initate new xiue schemes or Tnprove thon she onisting schemes fran ftwer se tiny aubreyiog the pequizenents of the sren/oh «ics vs pieing wetor Spi on'a.foyurse tran the ioeal anhrbissnte, dissect to ply schones fhe eet towing sonatetonsr= " Raciprcs ana sufficient water is aveileble to be tappe at the sources; and (uj -the inhabitants to be benefited are te give Su Nntareering in writiag to allow the Laying Bf pipes and cunguanntton of storage tenk/ tanks under ard over their Land wihuor jong, reonsoneatde Af A, ig) mai new connections oF steatatieng © she apg ReScctane, se * Sone Pe eS tne WELgEg rere 8 enorisea office® Beer Teiow che renk Of feor and 185 exeqution may Pe acnetthrowsh His oe resontative vnich fe exceed ont cor snepectane 2 oe BeEporised oFfscer? Ll Be SPR Soroeunr co teeue SES ‘airections: WE? feed $00! Fire taate sesvieg wtb LDP Sy oe proviers 5 trod the pean aopety 14ne MET set Bock ot ee cost fen Oe nen toe PR PES toe ‘copneattone ca a) the authorkse: DEW foe below tho tome OF perineending NS: gee te the snotanievion Of ne or yay st in e paresculse eohanes OFF fe ocher private Sonne ST Shall be anileed exun the Beton PHPS tobe ot the parivate Bonnactione nT AT works otetind €or, privete comvation mnali oe excited €9 S00 SOETTS, sctreesction of the Suthorieed 0} trechins. (6) Ro bde Corson duly Deretee ‘py the eusor: en ate connects Virereere Aba 0 pyarante aber coumtsure, open WEY ety are Werpipe and LAL SG Fey ection wherePy SO ed Gry CO ae a Oe agcat of she. BcPans, Jo contaminate peekneentin © ther: pig ‘Of sits poe Mee ergs 2 i Oe OE owed eaenot, ee Yee eeatan net poten Tat Gs ET COH ence cetena/elten EC. Prreonte) 2 MAY, tes my ee PT aucrene OFLC Soe ae ah roan by te oy inapectien. to ths ELeOr Sten ceeneurrane STAI eotD tent. wo hese FOND, Girections 1 GY ine authorised OFF LES 3 newton gunnise apa s9080k COIS noBIEen Bemus water counesElel as eed lab testénig, removing, exenining, repairing or repiscing any pipe, stupncocky Glacesn, moter or otherfiteings? and () cetecing westege;mis-uee, contamins ton, etc. of the waters ae) If ony defect te noticed in the orivate: connection under the control of the consumer, due to his fegiigence om ery other cdrcumstances which is likely qoveamue Nestoge] missude or contamine/on of vater, the dutherisea officer may got it Alsconnected until the fofeces "5 vectified and charges therefore, {£ enyy paid by the private consumer, ay Tf any private consumer in whose promises. br properey any private connection has besn provided Gith che awaly pipe Line wilfully or negligently omits ko report witni t#o days to she suthorised officer any denage or leakeges tapening or appenring in any oine connection or comminicetion ahail acaned to hve Bouiltsed on offence under section 10 of the ficte We) potwithscanding the omership of pines» Shop-cock,ncter and other appurtinences of privese Gonnection,the connection as 9 whoke shall be under fhe control of the authorised officers 3) ‘he auchorised officer shall dreide tn 2 heson to “proviaing of voter for Istetses,privices | eppeton AG wbeoe closet in oactioular scxene an’ St RESi aise be leweel for the eachorised officer to real tage Sf cleterns of sich fines ana dvccetpiton ce Fete atreae to che sna Ieertnen, privicr uetaal pe ey Oe ciseet steel such cisterns shell -be ‘Novides and fixed at the cost of the consumers ay Huery betlor for qanersting steen shell be Ughiica with steer fron @ rosurvoie and not c4rcct from Seed we dices Beery Guch recrrvode, gmail be Ene fond with © aotee, ¢ bell volve .a davective or Pigvar mens Or access for inspection thereof he Bron: Meegredei® instalistions shall bo borne by the Gonsunere Gs) A person who intends to gets urivate GGhection aiell subrit an aggligecton in form 2! Gbteiuakle fron the authoriscd ofticer on the paynunt (Bf &.2/-.The conn-ckion my be sanctlongd by ths. Gathorised officer not beloy the F oe gepsetiea atondtnd), i Miho avellabiiity of water in he apres Bubjust te the conditions that other oublic hydrents Deivace connsction are not adversely afwoted «The Cenctlone® shall be comeyad in rornt et stlons Connection shell submis an apyL: 5. (4) 2 pereon jhe Inteads to get sonmerctel i iSebton tn fom ‘ht gptelnadie' fron th: authorised offlearion pament of | | -2/-.he connection may be senetioned by tho ge ele || suthoitsea officer not Lelow the sank of GupeettEottiing 22> Boginoet on, the avefiebility of water on the aystam sya, subjost to the condition etat other public hrasenes, peivate connections s22 mot caversely aftpoe as the comection shall be sllows through s popeccts meter by the authorised officer snd the sanction sili he Sonveyed in this behelf in fom'Brs (41) The authorised officer sith auc notice gual hove the power to @laconmect the SUBCiY for Sottmercial purposos 4€ tho doneetic supply 42 found 5 be deficient. : Stats acpott SOMumeE for ney comections. tn uunen oreo shell dopostt secur Is 50/afor donestis on: § 00/ctor coonereied connecelan nia’ ft fused Ceone, nuPTEY shall bo %.25/-for domestic and txto/; ‘conmercial contegtionas 7. Sa) For urtan weter suvply schemes) private Banneetions nay ba given by sho authorised oeticer not bolow the sak of rBngimnr afeor installation of note: BS sabes white | (44) -For rurel woter suoply schemes, © privete wetek connection shvl1 be aiiowed on out stich Fisy sstea | as may be fixed by ths Goverment Eran tine oa tine eed the dnstalletion of motors 1a not pomiselales \ (HL) af the motor 1s provided by the Goverment with tho water! connaétion, the rent of meter aia, 2/— Ber month sh211 be payable by the consumers Tht) ront shell be dn sddttion to the Weeer chero™a.addl tion security of maters shall be M.Su/-which ahell be refundable, (ly) the meters whether provided by the Gevernmone of arranged by the congumors shell be uihr the Gontrol of ‘the authorises officer ,and the dost of installation of motor, fixing of pipes, appirtenn iced, Gteghall be pala by the consumer. Ths consimerfhell depesit the cost intine a by the authorised effiear in advance for installation of tho motor, (7) __ The consumer shill be fully tnaponsible for tha. saf3 custody of vate: mstar provided co nis promites, The cost of aay danay: ir repiscemcnt Of the meter shall be peyebie by the comsumar who will be responsive to ensure thit: nam ne demage of tempecdne: be the meter te Aonesthe dicision of the suthorisca ‘gtficer shall be final and Mnding on the consumer. such Gost nay be recavered from the consumer alonwith the weter clvrges and in cose he fils to say the seme within the period spce4fied ,the cannegtion my be Alscomccted without any further notice, teresra on ‘this account will bo adjusted from the security f-11tng widen the same shell bo rccovered ag erresrs Of land (el) The consume sh22 suomte-am stplic= tion Acconprnied by 4 f2> of %. 20/-far th puryor. of vesting @F extnining or repriring or © nlnciag m metersin come the meter 1g Droved to ba frst/slow by 5% or nore, the Gost of the tenting will be barne by tha Government and the advance money denositsd hy the consumer abe! be adjusted inthe future bills,otherwiae this advance Srl not be refunded or cajuated. (vit) TE any defect ts noticed in the working of tha peter, average of atlonst 12 months or the water tax {yy OF the previous ronding st the time of dnetelictton of meter whichever is lesa will be recovered. tos, (1) in the urton aren,the loca] authority emt bee take the peymont of simply Sf water ace throuth JP? puniie hyaranes, eeroit tape, eterto the testacane Bnjincor conactned snd collect the Litle from tho ISIY dndividuel consumer fondly at thetr ovn Levelt urban SSF arens sbheme whian er: haing wint-ined hy the & “Government the concarncé Assistant Engineor shell eollact the weer hereon oa nise davue the ratte co the sonsumers alrectly. (44) tn rur)t arene for petysta consetionsy the chinges shell be. collected by sh tamrdarsoue Of She dollictioa chregss mde 20% toverds canitsston shell be deducted by the Inuhand-rs end che balance amount shai be depanitaa tn the Pronsuey dn the Following head of zeccunts= water — 0235a"oLer supply end Sanitetion, 01 wator Supply, Receints for Suz Wes, ‘the Lambardars wiil deposit the enount #6 eellected Inthe Trensury witli 15 deye of collection falling which they will nat be untithed for comsions cha for private connections the Gharges es applicable sill & pala t> she fgststent Engineer concerned nnd shall be dcbited to the following Head of Account, 0215 Wnter Supply Sanitation, <1 Water Suroly 103-Recedpts for VEbsn WSS, 8 Mio fhe feyoi, laa Fovomiesfoe for recennacrien may Be PideGsted cnn be consiaered onsatreetse oe Spptcation on-plain paper to end seen ota’ officer, SAP Be suthorised offer sbx11 ette « commetne Bay Eiteh oe Dotson whosovar commits a trestle Haggbievistos of the not or evies befere’s crete UaeRsteats to eave the comieunce oF the fost tg ‘the arment my direct in this Hohale, We MOM taal cto Hat 08 sane J 2% By Or@ory Comitssiongr_cun-seem tary (TPH) to tho Government of Misisen=] ered ete Cop He E3)14/84, Datods shiminw2, the 30-19-1909, Compe forvarded to; As) [ Qe Sonteclier, Printings stationary, 1.8.cove. Wor publicstion in the Hee, Breas, Shimon’ "eRajpetra (axtra Orditwry)and » cory therco® bo suplicd to this deste 4 Wd thot oy Sectoterts ovesnorst Seoretarte/Totnt Hee, on/ POPUeY Sacrctaries/inder sonrotecfew Corte Govts Ee. ie Secretary (tau) tthe coves of HP, iS Scorctary, HePsVidhan Sabha, Shinis Sell the Heads ’cE Borertmenc in tree tite prigbeEMty Countesionere in Ainschel Pradech, ihe! Detvrte Sicrcensics ee gfe Minis ter/Minlatere/ ra pinas, Of Bho State/parlisncneary aeceege Eps poet Tegel Ronenborencer, ta tne Gt te up, IRS Beptncer-tu-chiter (101) H.P, 18, Club saint t Shtef Engineer (usreh) inh Dopte.Unheunee aS a/— Aputy Scorstery(aPH) +5 the Gove. or Hinechtl Busaton® . (Bee Rule 4(18) APPLIONTION 70 T3KH Na DoNeSTIG/cotwgRaE An INR CORE! EXTESSIOW OF YoaER CO!OMOTION. * (Gross ot eny Of the worlls which ere not Speltcsbie) 0 tye Ruucuiive Bugtacee, 1. Meme of Howse 2, Lecslity 3, Year cf consteuction Sq Mame Cf owner of the building 54 Name cf person desiring to hava the come tions whether owner ox sonant in case of now construction hes the completion plan baen epproved from the competent sutnority Size of commintention pips, Monber of Flughing cdkt; ms xemiin'alde eny)iakth Qescription eof other flttiags requiret Retail of axtating fitting, Name and signatures of the owner/tensnt, fadzees of the cmez/t act! for eorrstpondonce, || trplicent, gnewtmre of the | esioning autnort.tys Brecutive Bnotneer. Poot notarThis applichtion snow DIAN showin near. 8 cranset to acccupenica + maine ana 7 ete: FORM! ; (Bee mute 405) Govt, of HimachAl Pradesh Trrigation & Public Health Dent. XD. Bota Gubfects= House conncetLons Refi Your mupHention to, 2 asta, actioned to your houev/prentocd on flat sebesmotered weber fate basis subject to the conétcions: | te The nipelines and other nocaswany epourtandasse to your House /oronises shall bo lata by you at your coat fron She supply Line. te The pipeline shell be provided With wheel valve ond weter mater weovided In euiesonary chember ax per drewine Nving | Proper lecking srrargomente at your coats 3. Netar motor mayhe provided by the Geversment for connection or you may b recuirad £9 orovide the aime. In osec it fs provited by the Govarnmentsyou shell he liebe to pay. | {%.2/Sper month tovarda the rental chergea hosides water Ghirges. | You shall glee constevot another mevanary chaiiver of 90 onxJecu size an per draving between ths ehamber for m-cer and ster top Be cereioe sails Wee vale ne out cose winriy te Soe consumption or the lenkago ok yetor could be concrelia by yous he koy ef the lock of thie dhamber she1l romin in you cuatodpe house/promises through rivete land if ony. 6, Tho Gavi tment sive eoseryie the stunt bo withiren | the sanction in cesc it ig fou4 that your conncetion aaversoly, affccts the suply of weer !- the sch ms, ‘ LK You shell be ¥¢ le to ansure that tha actor 48 in your sefo custody and ca, wal Je not tangered wit) as You shall depen? scourdeys Oe M £0/A-towauan 2D tantee TRte AE NotSEte9 by the Gave, crop tino to timo ieheit'be pevanie fy y Fos reaulorly wtthtn 18 aeve 1 be dovightee re sgeittmicrea tere the sateen er ie Liberty adjust the ea biz ro raguegi@t S9FO® to’ the sbovd terns HeEunT Teed £0 contnee the hesistne PUD. 121 <1 and depehit necosseey the comnection, thing amit oette0 -she12, towvers be tekenonly efter the above arergsend Cond Elons have bore faves ee oN all the by the cena vegPeen found e> bo aacseenc hee Anspection by the authorised represrntgeive ce tis Departments snd conéstions, you ngineer, TPH. Subspivs eto, mount’ for getting Govertment of Fmoebal fradash Tevigetion & Public Yaalth Department: NosIbH (3) 14/04, dated ¥ Shinie~?71002, the 14.2.92 MgiGiention ‘En execciee of Uiwbewars conterred ty section ! ot thn sitmiael Sloss veeae dete aces toee Gore feo of Shelf ele Soresere of sinavind pragpey <2 pleased, to mie coe Bitnelng sales, bo Spotl Gin iinchel Pradesh water 317) See ooe sublisncr, in che Reapene ¢ iimecial Praran, “ated Hoe ee ee ede thiol Govcrmeat Woeketeution oF AER ToRbse dated’ 3040 Decenber, i503, pamely &> (3 Trese ruler simi} bs called the iltumanet Deatarh, oun supply Gimardment) Roles, 1990, Amencnent of 2, In rule 4 of the tlmcint Predesh limte= gummy Butea, 1909. (herstinf ee exilel the ) %ostd -ulss") for the words " fuperintenting Enjineer", wh thay cocxs 4 the yerus " Brecutive Korinser * iia la be sotet evens Short Lines Tr seh rele t words * Super a Anerdnent of pole 5 tana five Prgrecn" had, be substibuied « Amendment 6£ 4, tn sub mule (1) of zule 7 of the said rules, ma for the wor’s " upacintenting eng word MRuecutive Elajhassr” shall be maby By ordex conmieeionse-cum-toctery Coverment cf Hina soerit (2) 14/04, cated Sriiten 47002, the 3461, copy forwerdel for intormbion ard nacissary cation to t= 1, Bhs Conteolion, Hep, Brintiny & stationcey pablieetion in pajptra, 2e All the Seceotas Deputy Seorstart ms bo the Goeatal Secretarves/ Joint Senrstaries/ ‘ueigr Sechstarias to the Govt, of Nu>.Shinlas 3 Tho secretary (lav) (ot the Govt, of H,7. SMinis~24 4, The secretory, ar. Kahan Sasha shite. 5. All the Heade of Tepe, 6. ALL the Deputy Com "9, The Private Seeretitiests ton"hie cw/Minister/sunte Mints 8. he Deputy Legs Rremberancer £0 che Gort. of 3, 92.The Enciteor-imchlet (IPH) WP, U.8, elah Shimla-t, 10, The Chief Engineer (North) IPH, Deptt Sharaseala for W/A, IL, ‘The Asstt. hagislative Draftsman (Engle) yaglatetton cal Eoglien) uv besehe Ps somes Sage = A are. NouPH-PH-17-4/2008- 8319 — 44/2 Himachal Prades! Inigation & PH Deperiment Dole Shimla, ino 28hy — Morch,2008 to Alithe Chef engineers InIPH Department. sus REGARDING WATER CONNECTION. Your attention is invited to Government notification No. PH- (3}14(84 dated! 30.12.1989 where by (ules have been formulated as per provisions Of Sec-li to WSS Act 1968. Under rubs form A & 8 have been prescibed for ‘applying and sonctioning cf water connection under the scheme, |As por pravaling practice ta futil the requirement, applicants ore fo obtain o certificale from Fatwot os ownenhio proof, Keeping in view the ditfculy being encountered for procuring such certificates, i new decided that appleenis are alowed tc add an avermen! with regard fa hs cwnersnip of provelty where the ptivate tap Is belng pwoposed to be scnelioned in the Offidasit fsef mtich normally being submitled! wih application form covering Sarous other requrements as In vogue. This instruction may pleose be brought fo the notice of cli the Executive Engineets for implementation with immediote effect, Ths insiuction &s vai noth for RWSS/UWSS which ate being mointained by PH Department aalee tes) PH Degitament Himachal Prodesh-Shimlo-1 ‘Copy te the fiivate Secretary to the Honble IPH Minster for favour of nitormation pl ‘Cop He the Secretary {IPH} to the Gort. of HP for kind infermation ol, Copy to ol the Superintending snaineers IPH Department in, Himachal Pradesh tngnestn-Chief (PH) PH Department vimacha}erectesh-shimio-) opie ey WBesterey wey eRERTE = Fer ge ry eager wee WEN: sgoMOTAO—Mo (We) 43/2011 AIT aPB—2011 ara Rarre wee Ft were, fear wee wer ater anf fF, 1908 (1900 Tr one vieal 8) oA ere 49 IRI HERE cafterat or weir we Be, Fe Rin’ BY ater veer amfottoqao =) 14/64 untte so—y2—1989 greT safyfeRT RRaTERT weer sre Fram, 1989 ar che herr ay a fer Revers Par ent et are era (8 Bet a aie fiw ae (eieder) fre, 2011 81 [Para sar aera a ere weer orenggy rem, 1900 ig i Swe an, “vet Per wer Ta fae 4 ate atear oe ue oe Ha ont & o wert we * Hew afro” aq wa Te [Rare ar dae) [a car Pat @ Bar “sera afar eee Petra 4 can Prot & fam 7% whem |) A “altar aaPrera” rere tera" gor afte (Riad yi om waren), Rerrest weU TA | ter amfotowao—o (gs) 42/2011 ae eat-aot SARI rane et aracers area) By her 4 well ens ef (fete aa igen ea / or UPR /ame ‘aia Rarer weet savor, firerett—2 | ‘. fi Ee a season 10, 11 ‘after (PS) feareet weer ERO, ferraT-21 . ‘afta, Brae) year feet HH, fea) sei rea, feet HRT | wh fein, Barret weer | Prof afaa, a Pe a ener er Hee ar Wa OT ARCA) Youu way, Rama wee RrTeI—171007 | ‘el goa aiken, (Rens ga or sarsex) Fears seer SN oeerer iPrereny (Rear va Ory are) fPsTer weer eH cite aia (Ries ve er Fee) Barra vee BA Tera siPiere (Reng ed ory areex) fora sréar M5 be cam wher (Rind a or tare), wer AEE |

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