Describing A Person

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 Jane Goodall had long been an idol of mine before I had the opportunity to meet her
personally. I have been a member of one of her international Jane-Goodall-Institutes
(JGI) for a couple of years now. I have read some of her books and like her idea of
teaching children all over the world about environmental conservation and wild
animal care so much that I hope to do it personally one day, too. As the greatest and
most popular scientist of chimpanzees in the world and today also an active member
of the UN Security Council and close friend of Kofi Anan, she is very busy and
always travelling, so the chance to see her is quite rare.

It was two years ago, that Jane Goodall came to the German JG-Institute in Munich
to give a lecture, and so I took a flight to Munich to see her. She did not look like
what I had expected a popular world-renowned scientist would look like. In spite of
having been born in Britain in April 1934, she had nothing of a typical British
behaviour about her. She wore blue jeans, trainers and a cotton blouse. She looked
like a normal and modest woman, one that you would meet in a supermarket. And
she did not even look like a woman over 50, though her long hair tied in a ponytail
was grey. Her face was smooth and in a very mysterious way looked carefree like a
child ´s face does.

There was a very lively as well as wise expression in her eyes, but most impressible
was the deep love and peace they transmitted to everybody when she spoke to the
audience. She had lived over 30 years next to chimpanzees in the rainforest,
studying and learning from them as she said. You could see the marks of that life, as
her whole body seemed to talk with peace and wisdom and was as fit as that of a
young woman in her mid-twenties. And even though she has been back to the
civilized world for many years now, where she has taught at many universities and
fought battles against politicians, businesses and other strong opponents to get
protection for chimpanzees and other apes, she must have done this with those very
calm gestures that are more convincing than any powerful and eloquent talk. I guess
that has made her so successful, because when you watch her you cannot help but
agree with her. And her most important message to us was that the love of creatures
can be more powerful than all the weapons in the world, if we will just let it.

The concert of my favorite band, Coldplay. Listening and seeing my favorite singers

on that cold night was awesome because I had never seen them. I remember myself
arriving at the MMRDA Grounds in Mumbai at 6 o’clock. The line to get into the
concert was longer than I thought it would be. As we were walking to get closer to the
access area I could listen to people talking about their likes and dislikes concerning
the famous and controversial rock bands. At that time, the weather was nice. It was
neither warm nor cold; it was just perfect for a concert night with friends. On the
street, some people were selling black t-shirts, big posters and some snacks which
smelled delicious and looked awesome in people's eyes. Then, we started getting
closer to the concert stage.

People started screaming every time that they listened to any sounds of the different
instruments from backstage. From one moment to another, the VIP zone was
overcrowded. People started pushing each other and the concert started. The music
was extremely loud. I could listen to people’s screams as they were singing in
unison. As it was darkening, from the stage, green, yellow and red fluorescent lights
started illuminating us. After all, the amazing singers and band had played; people
started pushing each other again to get out of that enormous place.

The night was cold and dark. The light posts around the avenue helped us see the
small, but attractive food carts. The smell was great; I bought an icy cold soda. My
friend bought some potato chips and she shared them with me. We then saw my
dad’s blue car coming to take us home. This was one of the most enjoyable and
memorable experiences in my life. I still remember the sounds; the sights and the
smells of the food which makes me want to go back in time to live that occasion

       Pulau Langkawi is a place of interest in my country.For the role it plays in the
lives of countless visitors around the woeld,”The Enchanted Island” or “Paradise” is
most aptly named.Pulau Langkawi is surrounded by a cluster of small islands and is
situated in the north-western part of Peninsular Malaysia.It is always blessed with
perpetual sunshine,adequate rainfall and refreshing breeze.In fact,Pulau Langkawi is
a perfect tourist destination which is reserved for the kind of tranquility and
transcendental experience that no other places can rival.A visit to Pulau Langkawi
offers you an inexhaustible experience which is indeed rewarding.
               First and foremost,Pulau Langkawi offers breathtaking and stunning
beaches .One of the famous beaches which is situated in the heart of Pulau
Langkawi is Pantai Teluk Datai.The beach is surrounded by emerald green sea and
blanketed by sapphire blue sky.One can hear the soothing hum of gentle waves
which creates a symphony of natural sound.Visitors can savour hours of serenity on
the white sandy beach lined with swaying coconut trees .On top of that,one can relax
his lethargic body on the hammock that swings between two shady trunks.At the
seaside,you are able to take a leisure stroll while enjoying the kissing of the gentle
breeze.Apart from that ,the beach is always filled with laughter and shrieks of joy as
children are splashing around with one another.The beach also provides numerous
watersports activities such as snorkeling ,windsurfing and scuba-diving for the

                 Besides,the most striking scene in Pulau Langkawi is the night markets.It
is indisputable to say that the night markets play an vital role in the night life of either
foreign or local visitors.At the night markets,one will be surprised to discover the
boisterous crowd.Everywhere,you can see people moving from stall to stall,young
couples strolling around.Teenagers with multi-coloured spiky hair are window-
shopping.Very often,at night the whole area will be illuminated by colourful and bright
lights which exude a fiesta-like atmosphere.Within the short span of an hour or so,the
whole area will be transformed into a shoppers’ paradise.Wholesalers and individual
stall owners flock to the area in lorries and vans to unload their goods.They then sort
out their wares on the makeshift stalls under colourful plastic canopies.On top of the
canopies stand some colourful signs or flags advertising “Special Offers”,”Free Gifts”
and “Discounts”.Soon, the potential customers will be making a beeline heading to
every stall to start their spending-spree.Fashion conscious shoppers will be amazed
to find out an array of blouses,T-shirts,dresses ,skirts,jeans and shorts that are
arranged and displayed on the makeshift stalls.Housewives will have their wonderful
time bargaining for better prices with vegetable stall owners or
butchers.Obviously,stall owners are doing a roaring business at the night markets.
               A little distance away from the night market holds a number of modernized
and air-conditioned food courts and restaurants.In order to suit the taste buds of both
foreign and local visitors,most restaurants and food courts offer a wide choice of
dining options,ranging from delectable steaming Chinese dishes to hot and spicy
Thai and Malay food.In every food court,one’s nose will be invariably greeted by the
sweet and overpowering smell of spices.After that,aromatic wisps of delicious
“satay”,”Fried Chicken”,”Laksa” and a variety of local cuisine which unfailingly invade
the nostrils,sight and taste buds of customers.They are sure to salivate at the sight of
hungry customers slurping their soup,munching their fried chicken,crunching their
crabs,some even shamelessly polishing their empty plates of fried rice.Everyone at
the food courts cannot resist their temptation!Certainly,the food courts and
restaurants make the island almost like a gourmet’s paradise.

                   For the adventurous and nature-loving visitors,Pulau Langkawi pristine

forests will be their perfect destinations.All the forests in Pulau Langkawi are well-
equipped with facilities and have well laid out trails for jungle-trekking.Definetely,one
can seize the golden opportunity to get closer with the nature as well as isolating
themselves from the hustle and bustle of city life.When you cast your feet into the
forests,you will be welcomed by the chirping of birds interspersed by the occasional
calls of bizarre insects.Further inside the jungle,the smell of rotting leaves merged
with the sweet fragrance of flowers wafting in the air.Dry leaves are rustling in the
gentle wind.The forests have diverse flora and fauna – wild orchids and flowers of
every imaginable kind grow among the tall trees and thick bushes.Colourful birds of
various species soaring overhead.Playful monkeys swinging from tree to
tree.Beautiful butterflies fluttering in between the flowers.A herd of deer dart across
the trails.As you go deeper into the equatorial forests,you will be able to watch the
majestic waterfalls cascading from great heights.On top of that,you are able to take
some snaps of the picturesque freshwater lakes.
                  It is true that Pulau Langkawi is one of the best cultural tourist attractions
in Malaysia.Kuah is a quaint little town with a number of gorgeous classic wooden
buildings.One of the classic buildings is none other than the traditional stilt
house.Majority of the people who live in the stilt houses are Malays.Although,the
façade of the house looks dull but the beauty inside the house will literally cause
one’s jaw to drop!In the housing estate,housekeepers will entertain you with some
cultural shows under a conducive environment.At the same time,you can let yourself
indulge in the melody of traditional songs that reverberate in the perimeter of
house.Nevertheless,you can get your first taste of some mouthwatering home-
cooked dishes served by the local people.Outside the stilt houses,the smell of salty
and fresh dried sea produce fills the air.Heaps of heaps of colourful and succulent
tropical fruits crowd the fruit stalls.In fact, Kuah is a typical market in Pulau
Langkawi.Here you can pick your choice,haggle and bargain over the prices.

                 For city dwellers who have to put up with the hassles of city life such as
traffic jams,noise and crowds,Pulau Langkawi is undoubtedly an idyllic retreat that
few other tourist destinations can rival.

Dodie Smith's novel I Capture the Castle is a journey through the mind of a young
writer as she attempts to chronicle her daily life. Seventeen-year-old Cassandra
Mortmain has recently learned to speed-write, and she decides to work on her writing
skills by describing the actions and conversations of those around her.

Cassandra lives in a fourteenth-century English castle with an interesting cast of

characters: her beautiful older sister, Rose; her rather unsociable author father and
his second wife, artist-model Topaz; Stephen, the garden boy; a cat and a bull terrier;
and sometimes her brother Thomas when he is home from school. One fateful day
they make the acquaintance of the Cotton family, including the two sons, and a web
of tangled relationships ensues.

While I definitely recommend this book to other readers, I would recommend it to

older teenagers, mainly because it will resonate better with them. The writing is tame
enough that younger teens could also read it, but most of the characters are adults or
on the verge of adulthood. Older readers would take the most from it since they can
not only relate, but they may also better pick up on and appreciate Cassandra's
sometimes subtle humor.

Over the course of the novel, Cassandra undergoes a definite transformation from
child to mature young adult, even though it's only over the course of several months.
I love that I could see into her mindset and read exactly what she was feeling when
she thought out situations. Her thoughts flowed well and moved the book along very

Cassandra's narrative voice is wonderful. She is serious at times, but also very witty,
which makes for an engaging read. It feels absolutely real, as though I'm reading
someone's actual journal. Sometimes I forget that I am reading a story and not a
real-life account. Her emotions and the dialogue are so genuine, and they are spot-
on for a seventeen-year-old girl in her situation.

Cassandra has many wonderful insights on life, on topics ranging from writing to faith
to matters of the heart. I personally have had some of the same thoughts as
Cassandra, except Ms. Smith was able to put them into words.

Capture the Castle should be essential reading for aspiring writers, those looking for
historical fiction or romance, or anyone who loves reading amazing classic books.
Dodie Smith is an exceptional writer, and I Capture the Castle is a book that will
never become obsolete.

Yesterday I had the unpleasant experience of attending to one of the most overrated
restaurants on the coast of Valencia.  Its name, should you know, is “Els pins” and it
is located on a kind of waste land which they have the audacity to call landscape. 

Once inside, you are greeted with the most distasteful furniture. The tables and
chairs are simply dreadful and as for the table cloths there is only one thing to be
said and is that they are made of paper. There is no doubt that in this establishment,
functionality is more important than any kind of style. 

The service is the sort one that one would expect form a fast food chain, but without
its speed and simplicity. The waitresses (all females) were more concerned about
how they looked rather than who to look. It seemed like a competition and the one to
take the longest time attending a table was the winner. 

After having endured all this nonsense, the thought of enjoying a good meal seemed
to me impossible, this is when things turned really interesting. We ordered the
infamous dish paella, we thought, what can go wrong? after all, we are in Valencia
birth place of rice dishes in Spain. What it was presented to us was an
unrecognisable mash of what seemed to be a mixture of rice vegetables and a lonely
chicken breast. At this point I had to convince myself into trying it. You know when
they say, trust your first instincts. Well, I should have followed that advice. The
moment I put the spoon into my mouth it felt like an explosion. It was as spicy as a
Tabasco soup. 

At this time, I had enough of this torture and asked for the check. To my surprise the
previously deceptive waitresses came alive and rushed with the check as if their life
depended on it.  I won´t comment on the price because whoever pays to be taken for
a fool deserves to be one. Never again will I lay eyes on this sorry excuse of a
restaurant. It is banned from my list and so it should be from anyone´s.


This is an extravagant story of peter parker a character which displays no social

skills. A Highschooler.who displayed nerd like qualities. Peter has a knack for
adversity, he hasn’t got much of a social life. While at a science exhibition, a accident
occurs, a stray, altered Spider is unleashed into the lab unnoticed. The same Spider
curiously finds its way onto him. Without the slightest clue, the venomous, malicious
fangs pierced through his skin. Giving him superhuman abilities and power to any
ordinary person’s dreams.

It’s not every day you seemed to get bitten by a genetically-altered spider, gain
superhuman strengths and gain the special “5”th scent. Throughout this extraordinary
experience he will find a thin line between and ordinary HighSchooler and an
amazing superhero. He throughout the film has to be the one who crosses the line as
he battles the likes of; green goblin. And attempts to win over his Childhood
sweetheart, Mary Jane Watson.

Peter Parker ( Tobey Maguire), A geeky high school student, living with this Aunt
Mary ( Rosemary Harris) and his Uncle Ben ( Cliff Robertson) after the sudden death
of his parents from when he was young. His Best friend Harry Osborne (James
Franco) the father of Norman Osborne (William Dafoe) a Machiavellian technology
tycoon. He went through high school. And certain of a career through science he
interestingly had a passion for photography. He developed his hobbies and worked at
the local newspapers with J.Johan Jameson (J.K Simmons) offering him a Job within
his cooperation.

From making this film into reality there comes big expectations and promising
possibilities. Where they film scene was going to either make or break the film. What
Sami Raimi has cleverly done it not completely remove the comic feel towards the
film. They started filming on January 8, 2001, New York. The Big Apple. The wonders
of New York just create an unexplainable feeling which embrace’s over the film
creating a humoristic view, a view of a typical comic cal-like city. Big sky scrapers,
typical American buses. Fascinating attractions of which makes the viewer’s
prospective of the film even more convincing. They were able to film scene at the
most well know areas. The New York public library, Queensboro Bridge, Rockefeller
Centre. It’s just that little detail’s which enables the viewer to create a imagination for

The majority of the film is inspired by the special effects, visual and audio effects. To
achieve such a high standard Sony hired John Dykstra, They would of found it
physically impossible to create the stunt’s without the expertise of His. They tried not
to completely rely on computer generated ideas. Throughout the film they use
different camera views, different speed’s, Within many Sami Raimi film he trend’s not
to rely on computer animation technology so much, to keep the film as realistic as
possible with also the comical view towards it they intended the keep the computer
animation to a all time low.
I regard this film very highly, it’s a very well written script from Sami Raimi, I rate this
film at 8/10. Throughout the film there a consistently high standard of filming, it’s a
extremely entertaining movie with action and humour, but this doesn’t compare to
similar films to gladiators, It was overall a absolute joy to view.


Kim was nervous when the door opened. His heart was pounding like a drum. His
pupils turned smaller as the door creaked larger and larger. A tall slender shadowy
figure was seen. He grabbed the nearest object and the man at the door said, “Kim,
can I enter?”

It turned out to be his housemate, Jason. Kim was sick after a long day making
pizzas at Pizza Hut. Jason showed that he brought medicine. Kim then quickly
washed his paranoia away and let Jason in.
Jason was astonished to see how pale and sweaty Kim was so he asked, “Are you
sick or did you saw a ghost?”

Kim replied weakly, “It’s not like that. I just had this eerie dream where I was almost
murdered by a man in a white mask. He showed neither eyes nor mouth. He chased
and chased me with his long legs. He was trying to murder me with his axe. It just felt
so real, man. I got so carried away by it. Before you knocked that door, in my dream
there was also an old lady with red fiery eyes. She kept whispering over and over
about trusting nobody and run. It was weird. Creepy. I think it was just my migraine
and fever. I should stop overthinking. Can I have those pills now?”

Jason simply nodded his head while listening. He continued by giving Kim the
medicine followed by a glass of water. Kim had it all in instance with the hope of
getting better soon. 

However, the medicine did not make Kim feel any better. Nausea began to kick in.
He also felt a sudden urge to puke. It felt as if a ball of steel as the size of his hand
was coming out of him. Blood was starting to be seen in his nose.

He shouted for help as the pain began to feel excruciating. Kim simply wanted the
pain to halt immediately. Yet Jason, with a grin on his face, stood at the corner
watching Kim suffocating in his own blood. Kim vomited blood as he shrieked louder
and louder.

After some minutes, Kim died in a horrific scene. Jason watched till his very last
breath. He reached out his phone in pocket dialing a number with the name Boss and
said, “Mission accomplished, sir.”

Students Who Study Abroad Achieve Greater Success

Much of our learning takes place outside the classroom. We learn how to maintain
budgets, forge friendships, develop business relationships, and more. Imagine
extending those skills on a global level. We would immediately cease to believe the
world only contains the people and things we can see but, rather, a wide variety of
opinions, customs, beliefs, and ethics. This is why every college-level student must
study abroad during their undergraduate years. They will learn more in that semester
abroad than in any other academic year.

According to IES Abroad, a company that encourages students to become

international leaders, students who study abroad are more likely to be accepted into
the graduate degree program of their choice. In fact, 90% of students who studied
abroad with IES are admitted to their first or second choice for graduate school.

Imagine walking into an interview and being able to discuss preparing the most
popular dish in India or organizing the best route to take from Sydney, Australia to
Perth. Not only does this strike up a memorable conversation, but it also
demonstrates a student’s fierce independence and determination. All this makes
someone who has studied abroad a more desirable candidate for their dream job. As
if IES Abroad’s statistic above was not astounding enough, it has been proven that
97% of students who study abroad find employment within 12 months of graduation
(Smith, 2019, p. 17).

Beyond college, students who study abroad will be better equipped to succeed in the
workplace. Their broadened worldview will help them relate to their co-workers,
especially in a worldwide organization. This increased scope of knowledge allows
25% of students who study abroad to receive higher starting salaries. That is clear
evidence that their experiences and views are valued by employers.

In spite of all these benefits, some parents simply will not allow their children to study
abroad. A portion will argue that it is not safe. Others will argue that studying abroad
costs too much money. In these cases, it is important to take a look at one
semester’s financial aid statement. How much does it cost to be a student at a local
university? When tuition, housing, textbooks, transportation, and meal plans are
considered, it becomes difficult to argue that there’s a stark difference in the cost of a
semester at home versus a semester abroad.

Studying abroad will have long-lasting, positive implications on a student’s future as

an academic and a professional. New windows of opportunity will be flung open the
moment an undergraduate boards a plane. Why not make an appointment with the
study abroad center at your university? You have nothing to lose by starting a
conversation today.

How Internet Affects Life

By:Syawalynn Zain

          Nowadays, the use of Internet is increasing especially among adolescence or more accurately, students. The Internet issue is discussed by
the adults and parents. Most of them are worried that the use of Internet is dangerous to their kids. Some others said that Internet may bring
benefits to their children especially to those who will be sitting for an examination.

          On my opinion, Internet has both benefits and drawbacks. First of all, let me  talk about the benefits first. As we know, Internet is mostly used
by students. By surfing internet, students can visit various websites to assist their studies. The examples of popular websites are , , and They can visit the websites and revise their studies in more exciting way. Some of  them are free. Students can visit
it anytime they want. The websites also provide useful notes and exercises. At the same time, students can get additional information that they
cannot find it in books. For instance, they can go to 'Google' or 'Yahoo' search engines to search for more ideas to write an essay. In short, Internet
provides vast informations and knowledge which is very beneficial for the students.

          Next, Internet also provides lots of social networks such as Facebook , Twitter, MySpace and many other. Through these social networks, we
can add more friends and make new friends. We can also know friends from other country as these social networks are used internationally. Other
than adding friends, we can also strengthen our relationship with our friends and family who are staying far away from us using Skype. We can see
them in front of our eyes eventhough they are actually far away  from us through web camera.

          Besides, Internet also offers entertainment. We canwatch videos of our favourite artists by just one click through 'Youtube' website. We can
also watch favourite movies without paying. Plus, there are many artists born from 'Youtube'. So, fans can know more about the artists from
Youtube. Meanwhile, provides tracks, videos and files  that can be downloaded for free!  Internet users can enjoy themselves at
anytime watching their favourite artists' performance for free.

          Internet doen not only offersbenefits for students but also to those who want to gain more money. It also provides business opportunities. As
for example, gives a wide room for surfers to promote anything they want to sell. Through this, people with no job can gain money and
support their lives by doing the online business.

          However, as I said earlier, Internet also brings bad effects to its users. Firstly, it can encourage cyber crimes. Besides that, students who
spend too much time on Internet may neglect their studies and do not finish their homework. This should be avoided as studies are important
especially to teenagers.

          Although Internet can add more friends to our list, yet, it still can develop anti-social behaviour. Not all of the users use Internet to make
friends, someof them only play video games or just sit down wayching videos on Youtube. They will only sit and ignore what is happening around
them. The worst thing is, they may not realise that there is an earthquake out there! This anti-social behaviour may leads to health problems. The
users will just stay at home and sit in front of computer and this will cause them to be lazy couch potatoes. It will also lead to obesity.

         Next, most students will not attracted to surf knowledgeable websites, but wasting their time on other non-beneficial things. Wasting timeon
Internet can cause students to neglect their studies. Not only time is wasted but also money. With the uses of more electricity non-stop, utility bills
may increase dramatically. We just not pay for the electric bills but also internet monthly bills.

        The conclusion is, everything has its own benefits and drawbacks. However, it depends on how we are using it. If we spend more time using it
for benefits, we will get positive effects. But if we use it more to non-beneficial things, we will get negative effects. So, it depends on you.

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