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Il, CORE EXPERIMENTS Se | oe To study pollen germination on a slide. OBJECTIVE REQUIREMENTS Fresh seasonal flowers, slide, coverslip, microscope, sucrose, boric acid, magnesium sulphate, potassium nitrate, beakers ete. PROCEDURE 1. Prepare a nutrient solution by dissolving 10 g sucrose, 10g boric acid, 30 mg magnesium sulphate and 20 mg potassium nitrate in 100 ml of water. 2, Take a few drops of this solution on a clean slide and dust a few pollen grains from the stamen of a mature flower on it. 3. Observe the slide in the microscope after 5 minutes and then observe it regularly for about half an hour. OBSERVATIONS Innutrient medium, the pollen grain germinate. The tube cell enlarges and comes out of the pollen grain through one of the germ pores to form a pollen tube. The tube nucleus descends : : to the tip of the pollen tube. The generative cell also passes into Fig. 1.1. Germination of pollen grains it. It soon divides into two male gametes. Each male gamete is lenticular to spherical in outline. PRECAUTIONS 1, Flowers should be freshly plucked. 2. Use clean slide to observe the pollen grains. EXPERIMENT 5 Eee OBJECTIVE —— & To study plant population density and frequency of an area by quadrat method. ne REQUIREMENTS Metre scale, string or cord, nails, paper, pencil ete. ~“ COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY ACTIVITIES voy 20 80 = 0 10 2 30 4 50 6 70 8 9% 1m Fig. 5.1. Procedure to find out minimum size of the quadrat. PROCEDURE ize of Quadrat. Prepare (a) Determination of the 3 nails and tying a string with them. Now meas Prepare 10 x 10 sq. em area using another piece area. Increase this area to 20 x 20 sq. cm and simi Repeat the same procedure till 1 x 1 sq. m area covered. Record the observations as ‘Table 5.1. Total number of sure 10 cm on one side of the of string. Count the number of species occurring in this the field of 1 m x 1 m by using a L shaped structure in .e arm of L and then the other. larly record additional species occurring in this area s follows : species and the area S.No. ‘Area Total no. of species 10 x 10 sq. em 20 x 20 sq. em 30 x 30 sq. em upto 100 x 100 sq. em 1 2. 3, fe recorded data, prepare a graph. ted on Y axis and size of the quad- f graph, curve starts flattening jase. This point denotes mini- table for the study of an area Using the abov Number of species are plott rats on X axis. At one point of or shows only a gradual incre: mum area of the quadrant sui under consideration. (b) Determination of Po} centage frequency. pulation density and per- Take a quadrat of suitable size, lay it randomly at number of places. Count the number of each plant species present in the quad- tat. If the number of plants in the quadrat is large, the quadrat can be divided into smaller sub-units and the sum total of all the sub-units will give the number of individuals of a species in the quadrat. Record the data in the observation table. 25 50 re 000m Fig. 5.2. Species area curve to determine the size of the quadrat, ‘ORE EXPERIMENTS 21 Total No. Li ls in all the quadrats studied Popul: re vidual he quadrats studied ulation Density = tal No. of quadrats studied Per quadrat size . drats in which species occurred Percentage Frequency = Tes] No.of quadrats in witch spot cs oocurred ao Total No. of quadrats studied oa 50m Fig. 5.3. A quadrat. ZY specesno.1 © Species. 2 AF Species No.3 Y_Specis No.4 Species No.5 Plants Gutside the quadrat Fig. 5.4. Occurrence of plant species in a quadrant, < COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY ACTIVITIES vox OBSERVATIONS AND RESULT ‘Table 5.2. Different plant species, their population density and percentage frequency occurring in a given area | | No. of individuals | Total no. of | Total no. of Total no. of | Population Frequency om | per quadrat | individuals | quadrats in quadrats | density percentage va | speci Ty] in all the whick studied (B) NIB AIB x 100 | Ne | smcioe Ta Ta av |v | | | quadrats species | | I | w) a 7 | _ ley 1 | [Ei Ae] | 13 | 4 7 | | € 8 I PRECAUTIONS 1. The measurement of quadrats should be accurate, 2, The string or cord used should not be very thick. 3. One individual of a species should be counted only once in the quadrat. EXPERIMENT 6 OBJECTIVE é To prepare temporary mount of onion root tip to study mitosis. REQUIREMENTS Onion bulbs, conical flasks/glass bottles, corked vial/tube, petridishes, scissors, forceps, needles, methyl alcohol, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, acetocarmine, distilled water, spirit lamp, microscope, slides, coverslips, blotting paper ete. PROCEDURE 1, Take a medium sized bulb of onion and trim off the old roots from its base by means of a sharp blade, 2. Place the onion on a conical flask/glass bottle full of water, with its base touching the water. Keep it for a week to grow the roots. 3. Cut 5 mm off the tips of roots and put them into a vial containing a mixture of 1 : 3 acetic acid and metha- nol. Keep for one hour. This process is called fixation, (Cutting of root tips should be done in the morning between 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. during the summer and between 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. during the winter), Fig. 6.1. Method of growing onion root tips. ‘ORE EXPERIMENTS, 2 4. Remove 2 or 3 : : ‘move 2 or 3 root tips and hydrolyse them by warming to 60° femove the root tips and wash them thoroughly in water. 6. Place a drop of acetocarmine on a si root. in LN hydrochloric acid for 15 minutes ‘lide. Put one hydrolysed root tip in a drop and place a coverslip on the 7. Gently squash the root by root by tapping the coverslip with the blunt end of a pencil or needle until the cella Separate and spread out into a very thin layer. a | ; Make sure that there are no air bubbles under the coverslip. 8. Gently warm the slide over a flame for a few seconds, 9. Observe first under the low : J ler the low power of the microscope to locate the dividing cells. Examine the different stages of mitosis under the high power of the microscope. . OBSERVATIONS Under low power of the microscope, rectangular cells with pink nucleus are seen scattered. Under high Power of the microscope following stages become distinct : (Figs. 6.2 and 6.3) Zone of seoaton—| Mersate ne —| Interphase Fig. 62. Different stages of mitosis in the onion root tip. 1. Interphase (i) It is a non-dividing phase of the cell cycle between two successive cell divisions. (ii) Chromatin fibres appear in the form of a network within the nucleus. (iii) Nuclear envelope and nucleolus are distinct. 2. Prophase (i) Chromatin material shortens and condenses into thread like structures called chromosomes. (ii) Each chromosome consists of two chromatids, jointed at a point called centromere. (iij) Nuclear membrane and nucleolus start disintegration and disappear at the end of prophase. 3. Metaphase . (® A bipolar spindle develops in the cell. Chromosomes become thick and two chromatids of each chromosome become clear. (ii) Chromosomes become arranged at the equator of the spindle. (iii) Each chromosome get attached to the spindle fibres at its centromere 4. Anaphase (i) The two sister chromatids of each chromosome separate from the centromere and move towards the oppo- site poles. (ii) The daughter chromosomes (separated chromatids) appear V, J, L and I shapes, depending upon the position of centromere. COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY ACTIVITIES voy, Nuclear membrane Chromatin fibres Nucleolus Cell membrane Interphase stage |_—Cell wall Nuclear ‘Nuclear membrane [membrane | Disappearing | Nucleotus nucleolus t— chromosomes ; [— Chromosomes |— Cell wall Early prophase Late prophase BS spine at Daughor Bond ne ‘chromosomes , § s | — Chromatids , an St} Spindle fibres ww “ Early anaphase Metaphase stage co + — Daughter cells | — Chromosomes [Daughter nuciei (Chromatids) Coll plate Nuclear }— Spindle fibres membrane Late anaphase Telophase stage Fig. 6.3. Various stages of mitosis in onion root tip eels. 5. Telophase (© The spindle disappears and the daughter chromosomes uncoil to form chroi (@) Nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappears and two daughter nuclei (iii) Cytokinesis occurs by cell plate formation between the two daughter matin fibres at the two poles appear at opposite poles. nuclei, CORE EXPERIMENTS PRECAUTIONS 1. The base of the onion bulb should be in contact of water while growing the roots. 2. Root tips should be fixed in the morning between 8 to 1 A.M. 3. The slide should be warmed gently much above the flame of the spirit lamp. COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY ACTIVITIES VOL. 1 CORE EXPERIMENT—8 Isolation of DNA from Plant Materials oe EN | OBJECTIVE & To isolate DNA from available plant material such as spinach leaves, green pea seeds, papaya ete. REQUIREMENTS wn papaya), mortar and pestle, beakers, test Plant material (such as spinach leaves, green pea seeds or greet ‘meat tenderizer or papain solution/juice of tubes, liquid detergent, non-iodised sodium chloride, distilled water, Papaya/pine apple juice, 95% ethanol, spool etc. + Detergent salt solution is prepared by adding 10 mL liquid detergent and 10 g of non-iodised sodium chloride to 90 ml of distilled water. + Meat tenderizer solution is prepared by adding 5 g of tenderizer (enzyme) to 95 ml. of distilled water. Juice of papaya/pine apple, filtered through muslin cloth can be used as substitute for meat tenderizer. * 5% NaCl solution is prepared by dissolving 5 g of non-iodised sodium chloride in 100 mL. of distilled water. Chilling of ethanol must be done by keeping 95% ethanol in plastic bottle in the freezer over night. PROCEDURE © Take 5 g of the plant tissue (spinach leaf/green pea seed/ green papaya) and grind it in mortar by adding 10 mL, detergent salt solution and filter it through muslin cloth. ‘* Take 10 mL of the filtrate, add 3-4 mL tenderizer/papaya juice and swirl the test tube by holding the tube between the two hands to mix the content. ‘© Pour 10 mL of chilled ethanol carefully down the side of test tube to form a layer on the top of the content; let it stand undisturbed for about 3 minutes. © Using the glass rod stir gently through interface of the two layers to collect the precipitate of DNA and place it ina test tube with 5% NaCl or distilled water. «The quantity of DNA present in the given plant material can be estimated through spectrophotometer. Fig. 8:1. DNA that separates out can be removed (Cy siting (spool = reel for winding yar. ‘OBSERVATION “The addition of ethanol to the solution causes DNA to precipitate. The DNA fi ite precipi- tate of very fine threads on the glass spool. ph PRECAUTIONS 1. The plant material should be washed thoroughly with distilled water to remove any dust and dried by blotting before weighing. 2. All the glasswares used must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. 3. The enzyme and other chemicals used for the experiment must be of ird quality, which should be manufactured by standard pharmaceuticals, : standard quality, which show! Ill. EXPERIMENTS FOR SPOTTING EXPERIMENT 1 OBJECTIVE ge To study of flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (wind, insect and bird). REQUIREMENTS Fresh flowers of maize or any other cereal/grass, Salvia/Ocimum and Brassica (mustard) forceps, hand lens, slide, needle ete. PROCEDURE Place the given flower on a slide and observe it with the help of hand lens. Note down tne adaptations of the flowers meant for pollination by the external agencies. Maize Flowers (Anemophilous or Wind Pollinated Flowers) The flowers of maize show following adaptations for pollination by wind. 1. The maize plant is monoecious and bears unisexual flowers. The male flowers are born in terminal inflores- cence while the female flowers are born in axillary inflorescence. Flowers are small and inconspicuous. The flowers are colourless, odourless and nectarless. Flowers are produced above the foliage or placed in hanging position. Both the stigmas and anthers are exerted (i.e., hang outside the perianth). vp ee Versatile Stigmas Fig. 1.1. Anemophily in maize. Fig. 1.2, Feathery stigmas and versatile anthers in a flower of grass. 33 COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY AcTivirie: 34 6 Anthers are versatile, and pollen grains are light, small and dusty. 7. The pollen grains are produced in very large numbers. 8. | Stigma is hairy, feathery or branched to eatch wind born pollen grains. Salvia Flowers (Entomophilous or Insect Pollinated Flowers) The flowers of Saliva show following ‘adaptations for pollination by insects 1. The flowers are showy or brightly coloured for attracting pollinating inseets, 2. The flowers are born in verticellaster inflorescence to become conspicuous. 3. Flowers secrete nectar to feed visit. ing insects. Nectar glands are placed in such a position that an insect must touch both the anthers and stigmas. 4. The flowers have landing platform for the insects. 5. The flowers are protandrous with bilipped corolla, and have turn pipe or lever mechanism, 6. Each stamen has long connective which bears a fertile anther lobe at the upper end and sterile plate like anther lobe at the lower end. The two sterile anther plates block the path of insect. 7. As the insect moves inward a young flower in search of nectar, its head Pushes the anther plates and forces the fertile anther lobes to strike against its back. 8. In older flowers, the style brings the stigma in such a position that it brushes against the back of insect and collect pollen grains brought by the insect from a young flower. Bignonia /Callistemon (Bottle brush) Flowers (Ornithophilous or Bird Pollinated Flowers) The flowers of Bignonia show following adaptations for pol- ination by birds. 1, The flowers are usually brightly coloured-red, orange, yellow or blue. 2. The floral parts are commonly leathery. 3. In some cases, the corolla are leathery. 4. The flowers secrete abundant watery nectar or have edible parts : 5. The nectar is secreted in such abundance that drops of it can be brought down by shaking branches, 6. The flowers are generally odourless or without fragrance, Closed stigma Fertie anther lobe ‘Shedding of Pollen grains ‘on the back of insect Stigma receiving alien grains from the back of insect anther Fig. 1.3. Pollination in Salvia. A, Flower with mature anthers, ‘enclosed stigma and short style. B, Shedding of pollen grains on the back of entering insect, C, Flower with mature stigma and withering anthers. D, Stigma receiving pollen grains from the back of entering insect. Fig. 1.4. Pollination in Bignonia. Humming bird collecting nectar from Bignonia flower and thus pollinating it, EXPERIMENTS FOR SPOTTING 35 [EXPERIMENT 2 | OBJECTIVE er To study of pollen germination on stigma through a permanent slide. REQUIREMENTS Fresh pollinated flowers of Portulaca/grass or any other suitable flower, glass slide, coverslip, needles, forceps, brush, dropper, safranin, glycerine, petridish, water, blotting paper, microscope ete. PROCEDURE 1, Take out the pollinated carpel from the flower of Portulaca/grass or any other suitable flower and place it on a glass slide in a drop of water. Gently tease it with the help of needle or pick up the carpel from the flower and cut a longitudinal section of it. Place the section on a glass slide in a drop of water. allen grains Stigma Polen grain Fig. 2.1. Pollen germination. A. Pollen grains germinating on stigma (a teased preparation). B. Growth of pollen tube in the earpel (L-S.) 2. Pour a drop of safranin on the teased carpel or its section and wash it with water. 3. Put a drop of glycerine and cover the teased carpel or its section with coverslip. Remove the extra glycerine with blotting paper. Observe the preparation under the high power of microscope and draw the diagrams of different stages of pollen germination. OBSERVATION Different stages of germinating pollens are observed in the stigma and style regions of the carpel. Some pollens are in their initial stage of germination, others have quite long pollen tube containing tube nucleus and two male nuclei. COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY ACTIVITIES YOR. «yy «d carpels should be selected for the experiment. 2. Teasing should be done gently, so that the pollen tubes are not ruptured rinehwater should be removed by blotting paper 9, Excess of gl OBJECTIVE & To study and identify the stages of gamete development in mouse T.S. of ovary through permanent slide. (mammal) ie, TS. of testis and REQUIREMENTS Permanent slides of T.S, of testis and T'S. of ovary, microscope. ¥ PROCEDURE Fix the permanent slide under the microscope. First observe power it under the low power and then under high OBSERVATIONS TS. of Testis 1. The mouse (mammal) testis is covered by a thick fibrous tissue called tunica albuginea 2. The testis consists of numerous seminiferous tubules embedded in the interstitial tissue 3. Various types of germinal cells are present from outside towards lumen in the following sequence Spermatogonia —> Spermatocytes —> Spermatids — Spermatozoa —> Sperms. 4, Between the germinal cells, pyramid shaped cells called sertoli cells are present. 5. A large number of spermatozoa with their heads embedded in sertoli cells are present in the lumen of seminiferous tubule. 6. The interstitial tissue also contain leydigs cells, which produce male sex hormone testosterone. tubule ii Spermaioeyes Spermatds Spermatozea Mh a Fig. 3.1. A. A Part of transverse section of testis of mouse (mammal B. Sectional view of a part of seminiferous tubule (enlarged) EXPERIMENTS FOR SPOTTING fa TS. Ovary 1. A mouse (mammal) ovary is a solid structure bounded by germinal epithelium followed by a thick layer of fibrous tissue, the tunica albuginia, 2. The ovary consists of outer cortex and inner medulla. 3. The medulla contains many rounded or oval bodies called ovarian or Graafian follicles at various stages of development. 4, The medulla also contains blood vessels, nerves fibres and some smooth muscles. 5, Bach follicle contains a large ovum surrounded by many layers of follicle cells. 6. The cortex contains young and mature follicles. 7. The cortex may also contain a large mass of yellow cells termed corpus luteum, formed in an empty Graafian follicle after the release of its ovum. Egg nest Primary folie Cortex ‘Secondary folicle Blood vessel Tertiary toile Viscoral peritoneum Mesovarium Graatan toile Corpus albicans Corpus luteum uptured folie Meduta Fig. 32. A section of a mouse (mammal) ovary. PRECAUTIONS 1. First observe the slide under low power and then under the high power of the microscope. 2. Use fine adjustment of the microscope for focussing the slide under high power. EXPERIMENT 4.1 & To study meiosis in onion bud cells through permanent slide. OBJECTIVE Se REQUIREMENTS Permanent slide of different stages of meiosis in onion bud cells, microscope. = COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY ACTIV PROCEDURE 1. Fix the permanent slide under the microscope. 2. First observe the slide under the low power an dd then under high power of the microscope OBSERVATIONS Under the high power of microscope, following stages of meiosis a! A. Meiosis I 1. Prophase I. It is of long duration and has five sub stages rre distinctly observed (a) Leptotene Gy Ghisetitin bres exodense and form thick thresd like stractures called chreoeanc (ii) Nuclear envelops and nucleolus are distinct. fal Ol 1@ 8 f Telophase-i Various o stages of meiosis in onion floral bud. EXPERIMENTS FOR SPOTTING z 9 (b) Zygotene (2) Homologous chromosom (ii) The individual of a pa (©) Pachytene form pairs called bivalent. This pairing is called synapsis. are similar in length and in position of their centromere. ( The two chromatids of each chromosome become visible, so that a bivalent becomes a tetrad, (ii) Crossing over (exchange of chromatid segments between homologous chromosomes) takes place between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. (@) Diplotene ) The two chromosomes of each bivalent move away and homologues are held together at one or more points called chiasmata. (e) Diakinesis (i) Homologous chromosomes appear thick and ring shaped. (ii) Nucleolus and nuclear envelope disappear and spindle begins to be formed. 2. Metaphase I (a) The bivalent (homologous chromosomes) arrange themselves at the equator of the spindle. (b) The spindle get attached to the centromere of the chromosome. 3. Anaphase I (a) The two chromosomes of each bivalent move to the opposite pole. (b) Each pole has half the number of chromosomes with two chromatids each. 4, Telophase I (a) The chromosome at each pole uncoil, and nucleolus and nuclear envelope reappear. (6) Cytokinesis occurs to form two haploid daughter cells. Interkinesis ‘A very short interphase may intervene between meiosis I and meiosis TI B. Meiosis I It includes following four stages : . Prophase II (a) The chromosomes of daughter cell begin to condense and become thick, (b) Nuclear envelope and nucleolus begin to disappear. 2. Metaphase I (a) The chromosomes are arranged on the equator of the spindle. (8) Each chromosome is held by the spindle at the centromere to both the poles. 3, Anaphase II (a) The sister chromatids (daughter chromosomes) of each chromosomes separate and migrate towards the opposite poles. (6) Bach pole thus, receives haploid number of chromosomes: 4, Telophase II (a) The chromosomes begin to uncoil and become thin. (b) The nuclear envelope and nucleolus are reconstituted. Cytokinesis occurs and four daughter cells are formed, each with haploid number of chromosomes. PRECAUTIONS 1. Floral buds should be fixed between 8 to 10 A.M. 2. Slide should be warmed gently to avoid over heating, ‘cOMPREHEN' 40 [ ExpERIMENT 42 | OBJECTIVE Pd To study meiosis in grasshopper testi REQUIREMENTS Permanent slide of stages of meiosis in grasshopper testis, PROCEDURE Fix the permanent slide under the microscope: is through permanent slide- microscope. Jive BIOLOGY ACTIVITIES VOL | jicroscope. 1 2. First observe it under the low power and then under high power of the mi Centiole a Nuclear chromatids Cee membrane Loptotone Zygotene Pachytene Spindle Equatorial plate fe = Diplotone Prophase-tt Telophase-! ‘Anaphase-ll Telophase-t! Fig. 4.2.1. Various stages of meiosis in grasshopper testis. y EXPERIMENTS FOR SPOTTING OBSERVATIONS 1. Spherical cells wi 2, ith various stages of be stages of meiosis can be observed. Locate different stages of meiosis with the help of diagram. PRECAUTIONS 1. Grasshopper should be dissected from dorsal side. Preserved testis should be properly washed before use. 3. Do not heat the testis tubules. 4, Proceed for squash preparation only when testis has taken sufficient stain ——— | EXPERIMENT 5 | [eee OBJECTIVE & To study T.S. of blastula through permanent slide. REQUIREMENTS Permanent slide of blastula, microscope. PROCEDURE Fix the slide of T.S. of blastula under microscope. First observe the slide under low power and then unde high power of the microscope. Inner cell mass OBSERVATIONS ce Aa PI (Formative cells) 1. It is a spherical mass of about sixty four cells, J. voproecgcom 2. Itis composed of an outer envelope of cells, the trophoblast or trophoecto- derm and inner cell mass (= embryo- blast). 3. Within the envelope there is a fluid filled cavity called blastocoel. 4, The side of the blastocyst to which the inner cell mass is attached is called the embryonic or animal pole, while the opposite side is the embryonic (O \ papa Sa \2a%5 oo ry 4 jl] 8, J 58 Cte LZ! ee eae et ‘around the zona pole. ule The i 1 mass is thi os ieee ee Fig 51.7. blstala PRECAUTIONS L. First focus the slide under low power and then under the high power of the microscope 2. Use fine adjustment while focussing the slide under high power of the microscope HENSIVE BIOLOGY ACTIVITIES VOL. ig, er : cow EXPERIMENT 61 | OBJECTIVE i lant. Gir 20 s1uay sendetian inbertance using seeds of different cotourisize of any P REQUIREMENTS ok, pencil/pen. Pea seed sample, enamel tray, petridishes, notebo PROCEDURE ‘Take a lot of about 100 pea seeds in an enamel tray. Sonarate out round and wrinkled seeds and put them in separate petridishes, Note down the number of round and wrinkled seeds and calculate their approximate ratio. Repeat the process for the other contrasting trait of the seed Ee, yellow and green colour. 1 2. 3. 4. OBSERVATIONS mm of a table given below. Data related to two findings is given in the table, Present your findings in the for record your finding in the same way. ‘Table 6.1.1 'S. | Characters/Traits of seed Total no. of ‘No. of seeds showing contrasting | Approximate | lew __| seeds observed form of the trait ratio 1. | Seed shape (Round/Wrinkled) | 106 80 (Round) : 26 (wrinkled) 3.07:1 [2 | Seed colour (Yellow/Green) 110 83 (Yellow) : 27 (Green) 3or:1 | CONCLUSION The contrasting forms in both the traits of pea seed (ie. seed shape and seed colour) show an approximat® ratio of 3/1, This ratio is exactly the same as obtained by Mendel for monohybri : the dominant and recessive forms of seed shape and seed colour exist in the asset eee ae a oe walation PRECAUTIONS 1. Take a sufficiently large number of seed lot for analysis to minimise the e ror. 2. Observe the contrasting form of the trait carefully. OBJECTIVE R T7 To study the pre, : pared pedi — ; é& widow's peal cere’ Pediaree charts of genetic traits such as rolling of tongue, blood groups, REQUIREMENTS Prepared pedigree chart of the genetic traits. Fig. 7.1. Tongue rolling. Fig. 7.2. Widow's peak and straight hairline PROCEDURE Observe the given pedigree chart and write comment on it. Problem 1 (Inability to roll the tongue) Inability to roll the tongue appears in the progeny due to recessive gene. Find out the possible genotype of the family members in the following pedigree. COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY AC “ or a at eal Ss . nd 7 © 999 Solution/Comment The trait is present in the father parent due to presence of two recessive genes (I—2 aa). The trait can appear in the progeny only when it becomes homozygous recessive. Since, only one of the progeny carries the trait, the mother parent must be heterozygous (test cross—Aa x aa = 50% heterozygous, 50% recessive), i.e., 1 Aa, TI is aa. H—2, 1-8 and II—4 are heterozygous (test cross) and, therefore, Aa, The cross between II—1 and her husband also produces one homozygous recessive (III—2 = aa). This is possible only if the outsider is heterozygous (Aa). Naturally III—1 is also a heterozygous (Aa). II is heterozygous (Aa). Her husband can be either heterozygous (Aa x Aa AA, 2Aa, aa) or homozygous dominant (Aa x AA 2AA, 2Aa). Since none of the progeny is with recessive rolling tongue the possibility is that the new entrant in the pedigree is homozygous dominant (AA), IIl—3, IIJ—4, III—5 are either AA or Aa. Problem 2 (Widow peak) In the pedigree given below, indicate whether the shaded symbols belong to dominant or recessive trait. Also sive genotype of the whole pedigree. O48 7 2 u Of old O i 12 3 4 7 2 Sere Solution/Comment Since the shaded symbol appears in all the offspring, father must . =——A be homozygous dominant while the mother homozygous recessive (AA x a = all Aa) because in all other cases this possibility is absent (Aa x aa = 2Aa + 2aq ; aa x AA = all Aa ; aa x Aa = 2aA + 2aq). All the members of II generation will, therefore, be heterozygous (Aa). This is further confirmed by marriage of II-1 with homozygous recessive (Aa x aa = aa + Aa) bears children of both the parental types. Marriage of II-3 with the homozygous recessive can produce both recessive and heterozygous. Problem 3 (Colour blindness) Colour blindness is a sex linked recessive disorder of humans, The pedigree chart given below shows the inheritance of colour blindness in one family. Study the pattern of inheritance and answer the following questions. ( Give all the possible genotypes of the members 4, 5 and 6 in the pedigree chart. (ii) A blood test shows that the individual 14 is a carrier of colour blindness. The member number 15 has recently married the member 1a numbered 14. What is the possibility that their first child will be hemophilic male? 2 13 4 15 EXPERIMENTS FOR SPOTTING Solution/Comment (The allele for colour blindness is present on X chromosome (X°), while corresponding allele for this character + Amale has only one X chromosome, which he receives from his mother, * He is colour blindness if his mother is carrier + A female becomes colourblind, when her mother is Thus, in the above case ‘The genotype of number 4 will be } the chromosome ¥ does not bear a carrier and father is colourblind, + that of member 5 will X*Y and that of member 6 will be wR xy conan YOM - end) Posabie x eo progeny * carer 4% clout’. Nema rat — — = oo The possibility of Ist child to be colourblind will be 1/4 = 25% (_EXPERDMENT 6] OBJECTIVE & To exercise on controlled pollination—emasculation, tagging and bagging through modelsicharts. 1. Emasculation Identification. Forceps or scissors method of emasculation. Comments () This method is employed in the crops having flowers of (ii) The instruments used in this method include brush ete, f sufficiently large size lint cotton. Pocket lens, forceps, needle, scissors, scalpel, camel hair (iii) In this process anthers are removed from the flowers before their maturation. (iv) The anthers are cut with the help of sterilized forceps or scissors, Fig. 8.1, Instruments used in the process of emasculation and hybridization 46 COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY ACTIVITIES yoy , Petal Stigma ‘anther ‘stamen Carpet Removal of anthers (Emasculation) o Transier of Polen . (Polination) VAZEIWN ahs Fig. 8.2. Forceps or scissors method of emasculation, Identification. Hot or cold water and alcohol emasculation, Comments (0 This method of emasculation is employed the crops having small flowers like paddy, sorghum ete. (i In this method, the penicles (clusters of flowers) are dipped in hot water (40°C-45°C) for 1-10 minutes to kill the anthers. (iii) In the same way emasculation is done with cold water or alcohol. Fig. 8.3. Methods of emasculation. A. Sing!® spikelet of paddy B. Removal of anther = opening of a flower C. Emasculation by bo water. EXPERIMENTS FOR SPOTTING Identification. Bagging, tagging and label- ling. Comments (i) After emasculation, the flowers are covered with small bags to prevent pollination with undesired pollen grains. ) These bags are made of polythene, paper, muslin cloth or parchment paper. ‘The bags are punctured or made perforated so as to provide aeration to the flowers. ) The flowers of male parents are also protected in bags to prevent mixing of their pollen grain with foreign pollens. After dusting of the desired pollen grains on the emasculated flowers, the bags are retagged, vi) A label of paper is tagged on the plant which displays the date of emasculation, crossing and brief account of the parents. 2 OBJECTIVE To identify common disease causing organisms like Ascaris, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Ringworm through permanent slide or specimen. Comment on symptoms of diseases that they cause. 1. Entamoeba Indentification. Entamoeba histolytica. Nucleus Food vacuoles Disease caused. Amoebiasis or Amoebic Plasmalemma aysentry CT _ Eetopiasm Comments é 1. It is a human parasite that resides in the upper part of the large intestine. 2. It causes the disease called amoebic dysentry or amoebiasis. 3. The symptoms of the diseases include abdominal pain, repeated motions with blood and mucus Ingested bactena ozo ot 4. The parasite is unicellular and has one —- pseudopodium. Fig. 9.1. Entamoeba histolytica 5, There is a single nucleus and a number of food vacuoles. 6. It feeds on red blood corpuscles by damaging the wall of large intestine and reaching the blood capillaries. 7. It produces ulcers and can also reach to other body organs 50 COMPREHENSIVE BIOLOGY AcTHngs c Fig. 9.5. Ringworm, A. Ringworm of skin, B, Ringworm of scalp C. Fungus causing ringworm (Microsporm andouini).

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