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CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS Chemical reactions : Chemical equation, Balanced chemical equation, implication of a balanced chemical equation, types of chemical reactions : Combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, precipitation, neutralization, oxidation and reduction. MIND MAPPING ean GHEMICAL EQUATION) EXOTHERMIC ‘clease heat ENDOTHERMIC absorb heat CHEMICAL REACTION ‘COROSSION Eating away of metals) \ (REDOX REACTION DOUBLE Show both oxidation |, DISPLACEMENT RANCIDITY | «~ |__and reduction TYPE OF CHEMICAL) _, | Two different atoms Oxidation of fats REACTION or group of atoms and oils | | displace each other B + CD > AC+ BD) ‘COMBINATION Hwo more substances to give single ‘Single substances) | | Mote reactive decomposes to | | element displaces give two or more less reactive new substances element A> BEC A+BC > AC +B product A+B>C Ean Sterne wien CBSE COMPENDIUM SOLVED SUBJECTIVE EXERCISE CHEMICAL EQUATIONS 1. What happens when magnesium ribbon bums in air ? ey (NCERT] Sol. When magnesium ribbon burns in air, it combines with the oxygen to form magnesium oxide. 2Mag{s) +0, (g] —> 2MgO\s) 2. What is a chemical equation ? m Sol. A chemical equation is a symbolic notation that uses formulae instead of words to represent a chemical equation. 3. On which chemical law, balancing of chemical equation is based ? t1) Sol. Balancing of a chemical equation is based on the law of conservation of mass. 4. Why a chemical change cannot be normally reversed ? 2] Sol. Ina chemical change some bonds are broken and some bonds are formed. The products are quite different from the reactants. Therefore it normally can't be reversed. 5. — Why is it always essential to balance a chemical equation? fet} [NCERT] Sol. A chemical equation has to be balanced to satisfy the law of conservation of mass. Which means the mass of all products should be equal to total mass of reactants. 6. What happens when CO, gas is passed through lime water and why does precipitate of CaCO, disappear on passing excess CO;? BI Sol. On passing CO, gas through lime water, it tums'milky due to formation of insoluble calcium carbon- ate which dissolves on passing excess CO, due to formation of soluble calcium bicarbonate. Ca(OH), +COp{a) —>CaCOs (5) 4H,0(0) C200, (s) +H,0(0) + CO(g) > »CalHHC0, (soluble) 7. Which method is used for balancing of chemical equation ? (2) Sol. Hit and trial method is used for balancing simple chemical equations. In this method, coefficients before the symbols/formulae of the reactants and products are adjusted in such a way that the total number of atoms of each element on both the sides becomes equal. 8. What are the different ways that make chemical equation more informative ? BI Sol. i) By indicating the “physical states” of the reactants and products. (i) By indicating the “heat changes” taking place in the reaction, (ii) By indicating the “conditions” under which the reaction takes place. [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unl lockdown is ted after which classroom courses will commence. |[ 1 R ALLEN) 9. Write the balanced equation for the following chemical reactions. (i) Hydrogen + Chlorine -> Hydrogen chloride (ii) Barium chloride + Aluminium sulphate -> Barium sulphate + Aluminium chloride (ii) Sodium + Water > Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen (3] [NCERT] Sol. (i) Hej) + Cli —>2HCly, (ii) 3BaCly,) + Ala{SOg)j) —>3BaSOq,,) + 2AICl3,) (iil) 2Najg +2H,0,.) —>2NAOH,q) + Haig) 10. In the equations given below, state giving reasons, whether substances have been oxidised or reduced. (2) (i) PLO +CO—+Pb+CO, (a) HyS +Cl,—>2hICl +S Sol. i) Carbon monoxide is oxidised as it gains Oxygen. (ii) Chlorine is reduced as it gains hydrogen. 11. Asample of water weed was placed in water and exposed to sunlight. Bubbles of a gas are seen on 12. Sol. 13. . (i the surface of the leaves. (i) Name the gas evolved. (ii) Name the process taking place, (ii) Write a balanced'equation of reaction. 13] Oxygen (ii) Photosynthesis (ii) 6COs+6H,0 —>GcHysO, +60, ‘Write a balanced chemical equation with state symbols for the following reactions. (i) Solutions of barium chloride and Sodium sulphate in water react to give insoluble barium sulphate and the solution of sodium chloride. (ii) Sodium hydroxide soltition (in water) reacts with hydrochloric acid solution (in water) to produce sodium chloride soltition and water. BI [NCERT] (i) BaClyggj + NAg50 4g) —> BAS.) + 2NeClha (ii) NaOH ga) + HCligq —2NaChagy +H20 ¢, Give balanced equations, wherever possible, or where this is not possible, explain the following by giving examples : (i) A reaction which gives out heat. (i) A reaction which takes place with the help of sunlight. (ii) A reaction which is brought about by electric current. (iv) A reversible reactions, (v) A reaction with a solid and gas which produces heat. (51 [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unt lekdown is ited afer which classroom courses will commence Ean Sterne wien Sol. 14. Sol. 15. Sol. 16. Sol. Sol. (i) Coke on heating in air, catches fire and liberates large amount of heat. +0, —>€0, +H (ii) Carbon oxygen. ‘ide and water react in the presence of chlorophyll and sunlight to form glucose and 6CO, +6H,O—>C,H,,0, +60, (iii) Molten lead bromide decomposes into lead metal and bromide on the passage of electric current. PbBr, —>Pb + Br, (iv) The reaction between red hot iron and steam is reversible. Fe + 4H,O——Fe,0, +41 (v) When magnesium bums in air or oxygen it liberates large amount of heat. Balance the following chemical equations (i) Mg+Np—>MagNp (ii) KCIO, —>KCI+0,, BI (i) 3Mg-+Nz—>MggNp (il) 2KCIO, —s2KC1+30, What are the characteristics of chemical reactions ? 2) (i) Evolution of a gas (ii) Formation of a precipitate (ii) Change in colour {iv) Change in temperature (v) Change in state Asolution of a substance *X’ is used for white washing, (i) Name the Substance “X’ and waite its formula, (ii) Write the reaction of the substance.°X’ named in (i) above with water. BI [NCERT] (i) The substanee *X is calcium oxide. Its chemical formula is CaO. (i) Calcium oxide reacts vigorously with water to form calcium hydroxide (slaked lime). CaO, + HsQjn —>CalOH bie, TYPES OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS Name the gas evolved when zinc reacts with dil. HCL Ww Hydrogen gas is evolved. Represent decomposition of ferrous sulphate with the help of balanced chemical equation. [2] 2FSO4{s) —* >Fe,O5(s)+ $0, (a) + $0,(a) ‘zine rod is left for nearly 20 minutes in a copper sulphate solution. What change would you observe in zine rod ? 2] Zinc rod will change into zine sulphate and solution becomes colourless. [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unl lockdown is Ifted after which classroom courses will commence. |[ 3 4. — What type of reaction is this : NaySOq + BaCl) —>BaSO, + 2NaCl a Sol. It is a double displacement reaction. 5. Anion knife kept dipped in a blue copper sulphate solution tums the blue solution light green. Why? (2) (NCERT] Sol. As we know iron is more reactive than copper. So, it displaces Cu from CuSO, solution and forms ferrous sulphate which is of Light Green Colour. CuSO, (aq) + Fe (s) > FeSO, (aq) + Cu(s) Blue colour light green 6. What do you mean by understand by precipitate ? Explain with suitable examples. [3] Sol. Precipitate : When two reactants react and product formed remains insoluble and settles as a solid it is called a precipitate. Such reactions in which precipitate is formed are called precipitation reactions For example, (i) When aqueous solution of sodium sulphate is mixed with the aqueous solution of barium chloride, barium sulphate comes in the form of white precipitate Na,SO, (aq)+BaCl,(aq) > BaSO,(1) +2NaCl(aq) 7. Write the uses of decomposition reactions. [2] Sol. The decomposition reactions, carried out by electricity are tised to extract several metals from their naturally occurring compounds like chlorides and oxides. ‘When passing electricity decomposes the fused metal chloride or metal oxide, then metal is produced at the cathode. 8. What happens when zine granules ate treated with dilute solution of H,SO,, HCl, HINO,. Also write the balanced chemical equations. [3] Sol. With dilute H,SO,,2inc gives zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas. Zn+H,SO, —>ZnSO, +H, * Zinc when reaets with dil. HCl, it gives zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Zn+2HCl-—>2n@l, +H * Zinc with nitric acid, gives products like 4Zn+10HNO, ——>4Zn(NO3}, +5H,O +N,O 9. Asilvery-grey eoloured rod is placed in a blue solution. The blue colour of the solution fades away gradually and after a few days, the tod appears etched. Answer the following (i) Name the silvery-grey material of the rod. (ii) Name and write the formula of the substance present in blue solution. (iii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved. iv) What is the type of reaction ? (5) Sol. (i) Name of the silvery-grey material ~ Zinc. (ii) Blue solution contains copper sulphate (CuSO,). (iii) CuSO,{aq) + Zn(s) > Culs) + ZnSO,(aq) {iv) Displacement reaction. 4 | [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Gasses and mater wl conus unt lockdown is Med ater which classroom courses wil commence. Ean Sterne wien 10. Give an example of a double displacement reaction. (2) [NCERT] Sol. Sodium carbonate reacts with calcium chloride to form calcium carbonate and sodium chloride. NagCO3jqqj + CaCloigq —> CaCO 3) + 2NAChog) In this reaction, sodium carbonate and calcium chloride exchange ions to form two new compounds. Henee, it is a double displacement reaction, 11. Identify the substances that are oxidised and the substances that are reduced in the following reactions. (i) 4Na,, + Oz) —>2Na,O, (ii) CuO,,, + Hag —>Ctyy) +1204, BI [NCERT] |. (i) Sodium (Na) is oxidised as it gains oxygen and oxygen gets ¥educed. (ii) Copper oxide (CuO) is reduced to copper (Cu) while hydrogen (H,) gets oxidised to water (HO). Why do we store silver chloride in dark coloured bottles ? 2 Sol. Silver chloride is kept (stored) in dark coloured boitles because its light-sensitive’ It gets decomposed to produce fine particles of silver metal. 2AgCl—!* 5 2Ag +Cly 13. Why is respiration considered af exothermic reaction ? Explain. BI (NCERT] Sol. Energy is required to support life. Energy in our body is/Sbiained from the food we eat. During digestion, large moleculles of food are broken down into simpler substances such as glucose. Glucose combines with oxygen in the cells and provides energy. The special name of this combustion reaction is respiration. Since energy is released in the whole process, it is an exothermic process. HAVE YOU OBSERVED THE EFFECTS OF OXIDATION IN EVERYDAY LIFE ? 1. Can rusting of iron take place in distilled water? w Sol. No, rusting of iron cannot take place in distilled water because it neither contains dissolved oxygen nor CO, both are essential forrusting of iron. 2. Identify the compound oxidized in the following reaction. a) H,0(g) +C—>>€O(g)$H2(a) Sol. H,0 is reduced and ‘Cis oxidized in above reaction. Identify the oxidising agent (oxidant) in the following reactions BI (a) Pb,O, +8HCI—>3PbCl, +Cl, +4H,0 (b) 2Mg+O,—+2Mgo | (a) PbsO, +8HCI—>3PbCl, +Cl, +4H,O (Oxidising agent : Pb;O,) (b) 2Mg+O,—+2Mgo (Oxidising agent : O,) [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unl ockdown is Ife after which classroom courses will commence. |[ 5 R ALLEN) What is rust ? () |. Rust is mainly hydrated iron (lll) oxide, Fe,O, . xH,O. 5. Can rancidity be retarted by storing foods away from light ? 2) Sol. In the absence of light, the oxidation of fats and oils present in food is slowed down and hence the |. Honey has some extraordinary qualities like its nutrient content and medicit development of rancidity is retarded. Give three examples of natural redox reactions. rey) |. The three natural redox reactions are respiration, rusting (corrosion) and rancidity Why honey can be stored for a long time? [3] 1 use. Honey can be stored for longer time by pasteurisation, crystallisation and ultrasonication method. Honey is stored for longer time due to its qualities. It is used as medicine for treatment of ailments like gastric ulcer allergy, colitis etc. 8. What will happen to the crystals of ferrous sulphate when they are exposed t0 air? [2] Sol. Forrous sulphate crystals get converted to ferric sulphate which is brown in Colour due to exposure to air. 9. What is conosion? State the conditions necessary for rusting of ifon. How rusting is harmful ? [5] Sol. Corrosion: The process of eating away of the metal by the action of atmospheric reagents changing the metal into its compound is called corrosion. Rusting of Iron: When iron and iron Objects are exposed t0 atmosphere, they are attacked by air and moisture (watet) of the atmosphere and a brown and orange colored layer is formed on the surface. It is called rust which is mainly hydrated iron (lll) oxide Fe,O,. xH,O. Harmful Effect of Rusting: Hydrated irom (Ill oxide is brittle substance and moves away from the surface thus the object is damaged. The objetts get holes, cavities and rough surface. Conditions necessary for nisting: (i) Open surfaces of thie metal (ii) Presence of air (Oxygen). (iii) Presence of moisture (water), 10. What is rancidity? Write the common method to prevent it. 5) Sol. When food itemare kept unprotected for some time, they give some unpleasant smell and taste and become rancid This process is called rancidity. Actually, the micro organisms oxidize the fat and oils present in them. So, oxidation of food items need to be prevented to protect them. Common methods to Prevent Rancidity of Food item (i) Keeping the food at low temperature (ii) Keeping food item in air tight containers (iii) By filling nitrogen in the food storage bags 6 | [ALLEN Digtl Classroom support Gasses and mater wl conus unt lockdown is ed ater which classroom courses wil commence. CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS (PREVIOUS YEARS BOARD PROBLEMS) CBSE 2004 ‘The aqueous solution of copper sulphate and zine sulphate appear. (A) Blue and green respectively (B) Green and colourless respectively (C) Blue and brown respectively (D) Blue and colourless respectively When you add sodium hydrogen carbonate to acetic acid in a test tube, a gas liberates immediately with a brisk effervescence. Name this gas. Describe the method of testing this gas. CBSE 2005 4. Iron nails were dipped in an aqueous solution of copper sulphate. After about 30 minutes, it was observed that the colour of the solution changed from (A) Colourless to light green (B) Blue to light green (C) Blue to colourless (D) Green to blue A cleaned aluminium foil was placed in an aqtiedtis solution of zinc sulphate. When the aluminium {oil was taken out of the zinc sulphate solution after 15 minutes, its surface was found to be coated with a silvery grey deposit. From the above observation ican be concluded that (A) Aluminium is more reactive than zine (B) Zinc is more reactive than aluminium (C) Zine and aluminium both are equally reactive (D) Zine and aluminium both are non-reactive. A student added acetic acid to test tube I, Il, Ill and IV contai brought a buming splinter near the mouth of each test tube, (i) (ul) (IV) NaOH NaCl NaHCO, Ca(OH). The splinter would be extinguished when brought near the mouth of test tube (al (B) IL (C) Ml (D) IV ing the labelled substances and then Dry ammonia gas has no action on litmus paper, but a solution of ammonia in water turns red litmus paper blue, whyis itso ? CBSE 2006 student takes 2 ml acetic acid in a dry test tube and adds a pinch of sodium hydrogen carbonate to ii, He makes the following observations: (1) Acolourless and odourless gas evolves with a brisk effervescence. (Il) The gas tums lime water milky when passed through it. (I) The gas bums with an explosion when a buming splinter is brought near it. (IV) The gas extinguishes the buming splinter that is brought near it The conect observations are : (A)1, Wand It (B) I, Mand Iv o) ML, IV and T (D) IV Land It [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unl lockdown is Ife after which classroom courses will commence. |[ 7 CBSE 2007 1. What happens when a piece of sodium metal is dropped into water ? 2. Name the catalyst used in the manufacture of ammonia by Haber's Process. How is the ammonia formed separated from the other gases ? CBSE 2008 1. Balance the following chemical equation : Fe{s) + H,O(g)—> Fe;04(s) + H (a) 2. Why is respiration considered an exothermic process ? CBSE 2009 1. _ Inclectrolysis of water, why is the volume’f gas\collected over one electrode is double that of gas collected over the other electrode ? 2. What happens when a small piece of sodium is dropped into ethanol? 3. (i) Name the products fornied when sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated. (il) Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved in the above. 4. (i) Whatis observed when a solution of potassiuntiodide is added to a solution of lead nitrate taken ina Yesttube? (ii) What type of reaction jis this ? (ii) Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the above reaction. 5. Balance the following chemical equation : DINO.) (6)! PBO(s) + NO2(a)+02(a) 6. Name a reducing agent that may be used to obtain manganese from manganese dioxide. CBSE 2010 1. What happens when an aqueous solution of sodium sulphate reacts with an aqueous solution of barium chloride ? State the physical conditions of reactants in which the reaction between them will not take place. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction and name the type of reaction 2. Write a chemical equation to illustrate the use of aluminium for joining cracked railway lines. | [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes end material wil continue unl ockdown i fed afer which casstoom courses wll commence Ean Sterne wien CBSE 2018 Decomposition reactions require energy either in the form of heat or light or electricity for breaking down the reactants. Write one equation each for decomposition reactions where energy is supplied in the form of heat, light and electricity. What is observed when a solution of sodium sulphate is added to a solution of barium chloride taken ina test tube? Write equation for the chemical reaction involved and name the type of reaction in this Astudent added few pieces of aluminium metal to two test tubes A and B containing aqueous solutions of iron sulphate and copper sulphate. In the second part of her experiment, she added iron metal to another test tubes Cand D containing aqueous solutions ofaluminiim sulphate and copper sulphate. In which test tube or test tubes will she observe colur chanige? On the basis of this experiment, state which one is the most reactive metal and why. CBSE 2019 On heating blue coloured powder of copper (ll) nitrate in a boiling tube, black copper oxide, O, and a brown gas X is formed. (a) Identify the type of reaction and the gas X. (b) Write balanced chemical equation of the reaction. (c) Write the pH range’of aqueous solution of the gas X. CBSE 2020 Leat nitrate solution is added to a test tube containing potassium iodide solution. (a) Write the nafne and colour of thé compound precipitated, (b) Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction involved. (c)_Name the type of this reaction justifying your answer, OR What happens when food materials containing fats and oils are left fora long time ? List two observable changes and suggest three ways by which this phenomenon can be prevented. List three differentiating features between the processes of galvanisation and alloying. [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unl lockdown is Ife after which classroom courses will commence. |[ 9 Booey Very Short Answer Question (1- marks each) 1. Why does colour of copper sulphate change when a strip of Zinc metal is immersed in it ? 2. — Identify the compound oxidized in the following reaction : SnCl, +HgClp —>SnCl, + HCl 3. Give an example of photochemical reaction. 4. Name the reaction which forms insoluble salts. 5. Name the product obtained and type of reaction given below : Na,SQ, + BaCl, —>.aenect 6. Which colour fumes are evolved when lead nitrate powder is heated ? 7. Name the various types of chemical reactions. Short Answer Question (2-marks each) 8. Define reducing agent with suitable example. 9. — Why does copper not liberate hydrogen on reacting with dilute sulphuric acid ? 10. Astrip of silver metal is kept immersed inan aqueotis copper sulphate solution. What change will take place ? 11. What is a redox reaction ? Givenan example. 12. Define oxidising agent with suitable example. 13. What isthe genefal name of the chemicals added to food containing fats oF oils to prevent them from rancidity ? 14. When sulphur dioxide is passed through a saturated solution of hydrogen sulphide, the following reaction takes place SO, +2H)S—>2H,0 +38 Predict the oxidising and reducing agent in the rea ‘Short Answer Question (3- marks each) 15. On what criteria do displacement reactions depend ? 16. Explain the following in terms of gain or loss of oxygen with one example (a) Oxidation (b) Reduction. INCERT] 10 | [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material wil continue unt lekdown is ited after which classroom courses will commence Ean Sterne wien 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Why do we apply Zine coating on iron articles ? INCERT] Blue crystals of copper sulphate on heating in a dry test tube become colourless. Give reasons. What is rancidity ? Write the common methods to prevent it INCERT] ‘Translate the following statements into chemical equations and then balance them. (a) Hydrogen gas combines with nitrogen to form ammonia. (b) Hydrogen sulphide gas burns in air to give water and sulphur dioxide. (c) Barium chloride reacts with aluminium sulphate to give aluminium chloride and a precipitate of barium sulphate. (d) Potassium metal reacts with water to give potassium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. [NCERT] Balance the following chemical equations. (a) HNO, + Ca(OH) —+CalNOp)2 +H,0 (b) NaOH + H,S0, —>Na,SO, +H,0 (c) NaCl + AgNO; —> AgCl+ NaNO, (4) Bec! H,SO, —>BeSO, + HCI INCERT] Long Answer Question (5- marks each) 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reaction. (a) Calcium hydroxide + Chloride — Bleaching powder + water (b) Zine + silver nitrate —> Zinc nitrate + silver (c) Aluminium + copper chloride —> Aluminium chloride + copper (4) Hydrogen sulphide + Chlorine gas — Sulphur + Hydrogen chloride INCERT] Name the type of reactions in the following cases : (a) Garbage producing foul smell. (b) Burning of natufal gas. (c) Carbon dioxide gas passed through lime water. (a) Why can nota chemical change be normally reversed ? (b) Why is it always essential to balance a chemical equation ? (c) What happens when CO, gas is passed through lime water and why does precipitate of CaCO, disappear on passing excess CO, ? (4) Can rusting of iron take place in distilled water ? INCERT] What happens when an aqueous solution of Aluminium sulphate is added to Barium chloride solution (a) Write the balanced chemical equation with all the necessary informations involved. (b) Write the name of reaction in which this type of insoluble substance formed. (c) What name is given to the insoluble substance formed ? Balancing the following chemical equations (a) NH, +O, —>NO+H,O. {b) Hg(OH}, +H;PO, —>Hgs(PO4) +H,0. (c) MnO, + HCL Mn H,0+Cl, (d) Al+ NaOH + HO —> NaAllOH), +H [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unl ockdown i ted after which classroom courses will commence. |[ 14 | EXERCISE-2B | (NUMERICAL/HIGH LEVEL) Very Short Answer Question (1- marks each) 1. Mohan took pure water for the electrolytic decomposition of water but did not see any bubbles near the electrodes. Explain why ? A brown coloured element X, which is used to make industrial boilers. On heating in air becomes a black coloured compound. Name the element ‘X’ & black the coloured compound formed. Also write the equation. Prove that decomposition reaction is just opposite of combination reaction? Explain it by giving example of NaCl. INCERT] Why does rate of rusting become fast in raitiy Season ? Give an example of thermite reaction? ‘Short Answer Question (2-marks each) 6. The marble statues offen slowly get conoded when kept in"open’for long time. Assign a suitable explanation 7. The gases hydrogen & chlorine do not react with each other even if kept together for a long time . However, in the presence of sunlight, they readily combine. What does actually happen? 8. Why is copper used in designing water boilers? 9. What are the majority of combination reactions exothermic in nature? 10. A substance “X" displaces *Y” from its solution in water. It is called displacement reaction. What other chemical name can be given to such type of reactions ? Explain by giving an example ? Short Answer Question (3-marks each) 11. Agrey coloured metal 2" (Atomic wt. = 65) is used in making dry cell. It reacts with dil. HCl to liberate a gas. What is the gas'evolved ? Calculate the minimum amount of ‘2’ required to produce 44.8 L of gas? 12. You are given the following materials (a) marble chips (b)dilute hydrochloric acid (c) Zinc granules identify the type of reaction when marble chips and Zinc granules are added separately to acid taken in two test tubes . 13. A, Band Care three elements which undergo chemical reactions in the following way: AO, + 2B >B,O + 2A 3-CSO, + 2B + B,(SO,), + 3C 3CO+2A>A,0, +3C Answer the following (a) Which element is most reactive ? (b) Which element is least reactive ? 14. What is hydrolysis? What is the experimental set up to perform electrolysis of water ? “12 ] [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material wil continue unt eckown Is ted ater which classroom courses wil commence CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS Long Answer Question (5- marks each) 15. 16. 17. 18. Awater insoluble substance ‘X’ on reacting with dilute H,SO, released a colourless and odourless gas accompanied by brisk effervescence. When the gas was passed through water, the solution obtained turned blue litmus red. On bubbling the gas through lime water, it initially became milky and milkyness disappeared when the gas was passed in excess. Identify the substance “X". Write its chemical equations of the reactions involved. Ahmad took a magnesium ribbon (cleaned) and bumed it on a flame. The white powder formed was taken in a test tube and water was added to it. He then tested the solution formed with red and blue litmus paper. What change was seen ? Why ? How the rate of chemical reaction increases in the presence of a catalyst? A.caystalline pale green compound A, when heated, gives the characteristic odour of buming sulphur and another tesidue B is obtained which is brown in colours Write the balanced equation and identify compounds A and B. [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and materl wil continue unl lockdown is Iifted after which classroom courses will commence. || 13 10. Bawa (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) XI, + YOH” —> Zl + m10, +n HO The coefficient X, Y, Z and mare respectively (A)3,6,5, 1 (B) 3,5, 6,2 (C)3,6, 4,2 (D)6,3,.2,4 The chemical formula of lead sulphate is (A) Pb,SO, (B) PbiSO,), (C) Peso, (D) Pb,(SO,); The oxidising agent and reducing agent in the given reaction respectively are SnCl, + HgCl, —> SnCl, + HCl, (A) SnCl, and HgCL,(B) HgCl and SnCL,(C) SnC,and Hg,Cl, (D) HgCl, and SnCl, Fe + HO —> Fe,O, + H, this equati equation? (A) 3 Fe(s), 4H,0, SH, (B) 3Fe, 5H,O,4H, (C) 3Fe, 4H,0,4H, (BD) 4Fe, 5H,0, 3H, is unbalanced. What is the correct way to balance the ‘When zine is added to CuSO, solution, copper is precipitated. It is $0 because of (A) Reduction of Zn (B) Reduction of Cu** (C) Reduction of SO (D) None of the above Astudent states that heating of lime stone in air is an oxidation process. The reason he gives is that an oxide of the metal is produced on buming caleium carbonate. Which on (A) The statement and reason are true, the reason is\conect explanation (B) The statement and reason aré true, the explanation is not correct (C) The statement is true but reason is false (D) The'statement is false but the reason is true conect ? Which of the following is ¥edox reaction : (A) Reaction of H,SO, & NaOH (B) Conversion of O, from,O, in the atmosphere (C) Conversion of nitrogen in nitric oxide by lightening, (D) Evaporation of water. Red hot carbon removes oxygen from XO and YO but not from ZO. Y also removes oxygen from XO. The above information is sufficient to provide order of activity among the metals X, Y, Z as : (A)X>Y>Z (B)Z>Y>X (C)Y¥>X>z (D)Z>xX>¥ Which of the following is not an example of single displacement reaction? (A) 2A + Fe,0, ——> ALO, + 2Fe (B) Ca + Cl, —> CaCl, (C) 2KI + Cl, > 2KCI + I, (D) 2Na + 2H,O ——> 2NaOH + H, Which one of the following is observed when dilute HCl is added to iron filings in a conical flask? (A) Chlorine gas is liberated and ferrous chloride is formed (B) Hydrogen gas is liberated and ferrous chloride is formed. (C) Oxygen and hydrogen are liberated and fentic chloride is formed. (D) No change is observed 4 [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unt lekdown is ited afer which classroom courses will commence CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS (PARAGRAPH TYPE QUESTIONS) Paragraph-1 For Q. No. (1 to 5) The process of slowly eating up of the metals due to attack of atmospheric gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, water vapour etc. on the surface of the metals so as to convert the metal into oxide, carbonate, sulphide etc. is known as corrosion. ‘The most common example of corrosion is rusting i.e. corrosion of iron, When an iron article remains exposed to moist air for a long time, its surface is covered with a brown, flaky (non-sticky) substance called rust. Its formed due to attack of oxygen gas and water vapour present in the air on the surface of iron. Conosion of metals involves (A) Physical reactions _(B) Chemical reactions (C) Both (A) and (B) _(D) None of these A greenish coating develops on copper utensils due to formation of (a) Cuco, (B) Cu(OH), (C) Cu(OH),,CuCO, (D) Cua What is corrosion of metals ? Rus of iron is quicker in saline water than in ordinary water. Why 2 How does rain effects on corrosion 2 Paragraph-2 For Q. No. (6 to 10) 9. 10. When the fats and oils present in food materials get oxidised by the oxygen (of air), their oxidation products have unpleasant smell and taste. Due to this, the smell and taste of food materials containing fats and oils change and become very unpleasant (or obnoxious). The condition produced by aerial oxidation of fats and oils in foods marked by unpleasant smell and taste is called rancidity. Which substance is flushed in bags of potato chips to prevent rancidity ? (A) Oxygen (B)Carbon (C) Nitrogen (D) None of these Which substance does get oxidized in rancidity of food ? (A) Fats {(B) Carbohydrate (C) Iron (D) None of these Write the common method to prevent rancidi Corrosion and rancidity are both due to which type of chemical reaction ? Give any two example of antioxidants which prevent oxidation of food? [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unl lockdown is fed after which classroom courses will commence. || 15 R ALLEN) Paragraph-3 For Q. No. (11 to 15) The conversion of a single compound into two or more simple substances is called decomposition. For example: AB>A+B Here AB is the original compound and A and B are simple substances. A and B may be elements or simpler compounds into which the original compound AB decomposes. Decomposition reactions are promoted by heat, electricity or light. Therefore, these reactions are classified as follows: (a) Thermal decomposition (caused by heat) (b) Electrolytic decomposition (caused by electricity) (c] Photo decomposition (caused by light) 11. Which one of the following reactions is an example of electrical decomposition? (A) CaCO, (s) ——> CaO{s} + CO,(g) (B) 2HOCl(aq)——> 0,(g) + HCl(aq) (C) 2H,0() —> 2H,(q) + O,(a) {D)2AgC\(s) —> 2Ag(s) + CLig) 12. Which of the following reactions is an example of photodecomposition? (A) CaCO, (s) —> CaO{s) + CO,(g) (B) NH,Cl(s) ——> NHG(@) + HCl (a) (C) 2H,0 (I) ——> 2H.Jq) + O,(a) {D) 2AgCl (s) —>2Aqls) + CL(a) 13, Why are decomposition reaction called the opposite of combination reaction ? 14. State an important use of decomposition teaction ? 15. What is observed when lead nitrate is heated in test tube ? 716 ] [ALLEN Digtal Gssoom support Glasser and materi wil continue unl ocldown fs Med afer which castoom counes wil commence. Eases CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS (ASSERTION AND REASON TYPE QUESTION) Directions : Each of these questions contains an assertion followed by reason. Read then carefully and answer the ques mn on the basis of following options. You have to select the one that best de- scribes the two statements. (A) If both assertion and reason are correct and reason is the correct explanation of assertion. (B) If both assertion and reason are correct, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion. (C) If assertion is correct but reason is incomrect. (D) If assertion is incorrect but reason is correct. 1. Assertion Reason 2. Assertion Reason 3. Assertion Reason 4. Assertion Reason 5. Assertion Reason 6. Assertion Reason 7. Assertion Reason 8. Assertion Reason 9. Assertion Reason 10. Assertion Reason Combustion reactions are also called exothermic oxidation reactions. In these reactions, oxygen is added and heat enefay is released. White silver chloride turns grey in the presence of sunlight. Inthe presence of the sunlight, silver chloride decomposes into silver métaliand chlorine gas. When calcium carbonate is heated, it decomposes to give caleium oxide and carbon dioxide. ‘The decomposition reaction takes place on application of heat, therefore it’s a endot- hermic reaction. Rusting of iron is not a chemial change The chemical properties of hydrated iron oxide are different from iron and oxygen. In a balanced chemical equation, total mass of the each element towards reactant side = total mass of the same element towards product side. Mass can neither be created nordestroyed during a chemical change. Colour of CuSO, does not change when an iron nail is kept in it. Iron is more reactive than copper and displaced it. Nitrogen is flushied in potato chip packets to preserve acidity of potato chips. Nitrogen prevents contact of chips to air and thus prevents oxidation. Boiling of water to give water vapour is a physical change. During a physical change states of matter changes. Copper is used in designing water boilers. On heating copper cannot react with water to form compounds of copper, as copper comes below the hydrogen in reactivity series. Stannous chloride is a powerful oxidi mercury. Stannous chloride gives grey precipitate with mercuric chloride, but stannic chloride does not do so. agent which oxidises mercuric chloride to [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and materl will continue unl lockdown is Ife after which classroom courses will commence. || 17 ECKLIS “Chemical changes or chemical reactions are the changes in which one or more new substances are formed. Representation of a chemical reaction in terms of symbols and formulae of the reactants and products is known as chemical equation. The chemical equation in which the number of atoms of different elements is same on both sides of the arrow is called balanced chemical equation, “The reaction in which a single compound breaks up into two or more simpler substances are called decomposition reactions. For example, 2Pb(NO3}z —> 2PbOIs) + 4NOz{a) + Opa) The decomposition of a substance by passing electtic currentthrough it is known as electrolysis. ‘The decomposition of a substance on heating is known as therifial decomposition, The decomposition of a substance by absorbing light/energy is called photochemical decomposition, “The chemical reactions in which a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from ‘a compound ate known as displacement reactions. For example. (i) Zn{s) + CuSO, {aq)——> ZnSO, (aq) + Cus). (ii) Cufs) + 2AgNO4 faq) —> CUNO, lag)+2Aals) “The chemical reactions in which compounds react to form two different compounds by mutual exchange of ions ate called double displacement reactions. These reactions take place in Solution two common types of this reaction are precipitation reactions and neutralization reactions. (i) Precipitation Reaction : In this reactions, aqueous solution of two salts are mixed. (ii) Neutralization Reaction : In this type of reaction an acid reacts with a base to form salt and water by exchange of ions. ‘Redox Reaction : Chemical reaction which shows both oxidation and reduction reaction. (®) Oxidation : Reaction that involves the gain of oxygen or loss of hydrogen. (ii) Reduction : Reaction that show the loss of oxygen or gain of hydrogen. Both oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously and hence called redox reaction. 290 +C—>2n+CO ZnO reduce to Zn .......teduction. C oxidize to CO.......oxidation. [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material will continue unt lekdown is ited afer which classroom courses will commence E ALLEN foray, in aeuen ee Lens eneen On the basis of energy changes during chemical reaction, they can be classified as. (i) Exothermic Reaction : A chemical reaction in which heat energy is produced. C+0,—>€0g(g)+ heat (ii) Endothermic Reaction : A chemical reaction in which heat energy is absorbed. CaCO; +Heat—+Ca0+CO,, + The process of slow conversion of metal into their undesirable compounds due to their reaction with oxygen, water acids, gases ete. present in the atmosphere is called corrosion. Rusting — Iron when reacts with oxygen and moisture forms red substance called rust. The taste and odour of food materials containing fat and oil changes when they are left exposed to air for long time. This is called rancidity. It is caused due to oxidation of fat and oil present in food material. Itcan be prevented by using various methods such as by adding antioxidants to the food mate- vials, Storing food in air tight container and by flushing out air with nitrogen. seek [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and materl wil continue unl lockdown is Ife after which classroom courses will commence. || 19 ANSWER KEY EXERCISE-3 1A) 2.0) 3B) 4.(C) 5.8) 6M) 7.0) 8. (B) 9.(B) 10. (B) EXERCISE-4 Paragraph-I for Q. No. (1 to 5) 1.8) 2.(C) 3. Corrosion is a process of gradual deterioration and degradation of a metal surface by chemcial or electrochemical reaction of metal with environment. 4. Saline water contains common salt which leads conductivity of water. 5. _ It may remove conosion product as in the case on nickel. Its presence may develop a product having protective quantities as in the case of copper. Paragraph-2 For Q. No. (6 to 10) 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. Common methods to Prevent Rancidity of Food item (i) Keeping the food at low temperature (ii) Keeping food itenvin air tight containers (ii) By filling nitrogen in the food storage bags 9. Corrosion and rancidity are both due to result of oxidation reaction, 10. vitamin C, BHA, BHT. Paragraph-3 For Q. No. (11 to 15) 11. (C) 12. (D) 13. In combination reaction substances combine together to produce a new compound, Whereas in a decomposition feaction constituents are broken down to form multiple products. 14. One major aplication of thé decomposition is the extraction of metals from its ore. Ex. Zn from calamine 15. Ayellow residue of PbO is formed along with the evolution of borwn fumes of NO, & a gas that lights a splinter (Q,). 2PLNO,), (9) 92PbO,,, +4NO,,,, +O, Cobbualess Yellow Brown fumes EXERCISE-5 1.(A) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4.(D) 5. (A) 6.(D) 7. (D) 8. (A) 9.(A) 10. (D) 20 | [ALLEN Digtal Classroom support Classes and material wil continue unt lockdown is ted after which classroom courses will commence

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