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Iron homeostasis and management of oxidative stress response in bacteria

Article  in  Metallomics · June 2011

DOI: 10.1039/c1mt00022e · Source: PubMed


199 1,497

4 authors, including:

Pierre Cornelis Qing Wei

Vrije Universiteit Brussel Chinese Academy of Sciences


Simon Colin Andrews

University of Reading


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Lactobacillus plantarum 10CH View project

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Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c1mt00022e


Q1 Iron homeostasis and management of oxidative stress response

in bacteria
10 10
Pierre Cornelis,*a Qing Wei,a Simon C. Andrewsb and Tiffany Vinckxa
Received 21st February 2011, Accepted 14th April 2011
DOI: 10.1039/c1mt00022e
15 15
Iron is both an essential nutrient for the growth of microorganisms, as well as a dangerous metal
due to its capacity to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) via the Fenton reaction. For these
reasons, bacteria must tightly control the uptake and storage of iron in a manner that restricts the
build-up of ROS. Therefore, it is not surprising to find that the control of iron homeostasis and
20 responses to oxidative stress are coordinated. The mechanisms concerned with these processes, 20
and the interactions involved, are the subject of this review.

Introduction Fe3+ with the glycoproteins, transferrin and lactoferrin.1,2

Iron is essential for microorganisms due to its involvement
25 For the vast majority of microorganisms iron is an essential in multiple metabolic processes including respiration ([Fe–S]- 25
element that is not easily available under aerobic conditions, containing ferredoxins, heme-containing cytochromes) and
due to the poor solubility of the oxidized Fe3+ form.1 For this key enzymatic reactions (e.g. [Fe–S] proteins, such as fumarase
reason, environmental microorganisms exercising aerobic life- and aconitase of the TCA cycle). However, iron can also
styles are frequently confronted with shortages of bioavailable present a hazard to organisms because of the Fe2+-triggered
30 iron. For pathogens, the iron-restriction problem is even more Fenton/Haber-Weiss reaction which produces harmful reac- 30
extreme since the host actively limits iron availability by tive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide (O2), hydrogen
sequestering it within intracellular proteins such as hemoglo- peroxide (H2O2) and the highly destructive hydroxyl radical
bin, cytochromes or ferritins, or by chelating extracellular ( OH).

35 a Fe3+ +  O2 - Fe2+ + O2 35

Microbial Interactions, Department of Molecular and Cellular
Interactions, VIB and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050
Brussels, Belgium. E-mail:
School of Biological Sciences, Whiteknights, University of Reading, Fe2+ + H2O2 - Fe3+ + OH +  OH
Reading, UK RG6 6AJ
40 40

Pierre Cornelis is Professor of Qing Wei is a Chinese student

General and Molecular Mi- doing his PhD in the labora-
crobiology at the Vrije Univer- tory of Pierre Cornelis on iron
siteit Brussel (VUB) and a homeostasis and oxidative
45 Senior Group Leader at the stress in P. aeruginosa. He 45
Flemish Institute of Biotech- investigates the role of the
nology (VIB). He obtained OxyR regulator in the man-
his PhD in 1975 and has been agement of iron uptake and
at the VUB since 1988. He in response to stress. Last
50 organized the Pseudomonas year, he was awarded a FEMS 50
meeting in Brussels in 2011. fellowship to work in the La-
His research focuses on iron boratory of Prof. Susanne
uptake (siderophore recep- Haüssler in Braunschweig.
tors, regulation) and homeos-
Pierre Cornelis tasis in P. aeruginosa. He Qing Wei
55 recently investigated the role 55
of the regulator OxyR in iron management. He was editor of the
book Pseudomonas Genomics and Molecular Biology. He is co-
editor of the recently published book ‘Iron Uptake and Home-
ostasis in Microorganisms’.

This journal is 
c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Metallomics, 2011, ]]], 1–10 | 1
1 Net reaction:  O2 + H2O2 -  OH + OH + O2 Siderophore-mediated iron uptake in bacteria 1

These ROS can cause damage to [Fe–S] clusters, protein In the presence of oxygen at physiological pH, iron is oxidized
carbonylation, Cys/Met-residue oxidation, membrane lipid (Fe3+) and is highly insoluble due to the formation of poorly
5 peroxidation, and DNA damage.3–6 ROS are ‘accidentally’ soluble iron hydroxides. This is why bacteria have to produce 5
generated by aerobes via incomplete reduction of O2 during strong extracellular Fe3+chelators, termed siderophores.1,14,15
respiration and through flavin-mediated reductive processes.7 The general mechanism of siderophore-mediated high-affinity
ROS are also produced deliberately during competition be- iron uptake by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria is
tween organisms as the result of redox-cycling antibiotics, as depicted in Fig. 1. Gram-positive bacteria have only one
10 generated by plants and microbes. Phagocytic mammalian membrane and so require only one receptor together with a 10
coupled ABC-type permease, which are both membrane-asso-
cells (e.g. macrophages) intentionally produce such reactive
oxygen species (as well as NOS, reactive nitrogen species) in ciated. Gram-negative bacteria have two membranes so re-
order to attack and destroy engulfed microorganisms. This quire a receptor in the outer membrane (ferri-siderophores are
involves the so-called ‘oxidative burst’ response which is an too large to pass through the porins of outer-membrane), an
15 important component of innate immune defense. As a con- intermediate ferrisiderophore-binding protein in the periplasm 15
sequence of such natural exposure to ROS, many bacteria, as well as an ABC-type permease.1 Once in the cytoplasm, the
particularly aerobes and pathogens, have developed mechan- ferrisiderophore is either degraded by an esterase, as in the
isms to resist redox stress assault. The main strategy employed case of enterobactin, or there is a reductive process leading to
is production of enzymes that degrade ROS species (and their the release of Fe2+ leaving the iron chelator (apo-siderophore)
20 precursors) to maintain stress levels within the range of intact, allowing re-cycling.1 Little is known about these ferri- 20
tolerance. Such ROS degrading enzymes include superoxide siderophore reductases, but it seems that some are proteins
dismutases, catalases, alkylhydroperoxidases, superoxide re- containing a [Fe–S] center while others are NADP(H)-depen-
ductases and peroxidases, and some of these, ironically, are Fe dent flavoproteins.16–18 The reduction step is quite important
co-factored (e.g. mononuclear Fe for some superoxide dismu- because mutants in currently identified ferric reductase genes
25 tases and superoxide reductase, and heme iron for cata- show poor growth under iron-limiting conditions and in- 25
lases).8–11 Since iron is a major contributor to redox stress creased sensitivity to oxidative stress, probably because Fe is
(and is also required by some ROS-degrading enzymes), it is needed for heme-containing catalases, and for the activity of
no surprise to find that there is significant regulatory cross-talk Fe-containing superoxide dismutase (Sod) enzymes.17
between the iron homeostasis and oxidative-stress resistance
30 networks. It is this bacterial iron-ROS interface that is the Heme-mediated iron uptake in bacteria 30
focus of this review. In particular, we aim to highlight some of
the key recent developments that have arisen since the superb Another important source of iron for bacteria is heme, which
review of Touati in 200012 and will complement the very recent is obtained from the hosts they colonize.19 Heme must first be
review of Faulkner and Helmann.13 extracted from hemoproteins such as hemoglobin or hemo-
35 pexin. It is not found in the unbound form because free heme 35
is both toxic as well as highly hydrophobic causing it to

Simon C. Andrews is Profes- Tiffany Vinckx did her PhD in

40 sor of Molecular Microbiol- the laboratory of Pierre Cor- 40
ogy at the School of nelis and presented her thesis
Biological Sciences in the Uni- at the end of 2009. She was the
versity of Reading, UK. Prof. one who discovered the impor-
Andrews obtained his PhD in tance of OxyR for the man-
Biochemistry at the University agement of low or high iron
45 of Sheffield in 1982 under the stress by P. aeruginosa. 45
supervision of Prof. Pauline
Harrison, and continued at
Sheffield as a Research Assis-
tant working with Prof. John
50 Guest in Microbiology and 50
then progressing to a BBSRC
Simon C. Andrews Advanced Fellowship in the Tiffany Vinckx
Department of Mol. Biol. &
Biotechnol. (Sheffield). In 1998 he moved to Reading as Reader
in Microbial Biochemistry, and was promoted to a personal
55 Chair in 2008. His research focuses on iron homeostasis (reg- 55
ulation, storage, transport) in bacteria. Prof. Andrews is cur-
rently head of the section of Biomedical Sciences (Reading). He
is co-editor of the recently published book ‘Iron Uptake and
Homeostasis in Microorganisms’.

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Fig. 1 Mechanisms of siderophore-mediated iron uptake in Gram-positive (A) and in Gram-negative bacteria (B): Fe 3+ is chelated by a secreted
siderophore and the complex binds a receptor which transfers the ferrisiderophore to a transporter either directly (in the case of Gram + bacteria)
or via a periplasmic binding protein (in the case of Gram bacteria). In Gram-negative bacteria the energy for the transport of the ferrisiderophore
25 to the periplasm after binding to the gated porin receptor is transmitted by the inner membrane TonB protein assisted by ExbB and ExbD. Once in 25
the cytoplasm the iron is removed by a reductive process or by the action of an esterase. Reactive oxygen species could interfere with the reductive
process when the reductase contains [Fe–S] cluster(s).

associate with membranes where it promotes non-enzymatic oxygenase or, as described recently, heme can be de-ferrated
redox reactions.20 Two types of pathways for the uptake of leaving the tetrapyrrole ring intact19,22 (Fig. 2). As already
30 30
heme have been described, one based on the release of extra- mentioned, free heme is toxic, which is why some proteins bind
cellular hemophore proteins that scavenge heme while the heme as chaperones to prevent oxidative damage.20,23
other pathway involves receptors that directly bind hemopro-
teins and extract heme19,21 (Fig. 2). Once inside the cytoplasm,
heme is either broken down to biliverdin and CO via a heme
35 35

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55 Fig. 2 Mechanisms of heme uptake in Gram-positive (A) and in Gram-negative bacteria (B): in Gram-positive bacteria the hemoprotein is 55
recognized by a receptor and the extracted heme is shuttled via NEAT (Near [iron] Transporters) proteins to a transporter; in Gram negative
bacteria the hemoprotein is either bound directly by a gated porin receptor at the outer membrane or heme is first bound to an extracellular
hemophore protein. Transport of heme to a periplasmic binding protein is TonB-dependent as in the case of ferrisiderophores. Once in the
cytoplasm heme is either degraded by a heme oxygenase to biliverdin, CO and iron or heme is de-ferrated to give protoporphyrin IX (PPX).

This journal is 
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1 Iron storage in bacteria The ferric uptake regulator (Fur) is a conserved protein in 1
many different bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram-nega-
In many bacteria, including aerotolerant anaerobes, iron is tive, which operates primarily as a repressor of iron-uptake
stored in three types of protein: ferritins, bacterioferritins, and genes (e.g. those involved in siderophore biosynthesis or in
5 the DNA-binding protein Dps.24–27 Their function is two-fold: transport across the membrane). Fur repression is generally 5
on the one hand they provide a source of iron that can be achieved when the homodimeric protein is associated to its co-
utilized when this metal becomes scarce, on the other hand, by repressor, Fe2+.33–35 Fur binds one structural Zn2+ and one
sequestering iron they protect the cell from the ROS produced regulatory Fe2+ per monomer. It often acts as a global
via the Fenton reaction. This is particularly the case for Dps regulator, either directly repressing the transcription of its
10 (DNA-binding proteins from starved cells), which belongs to target genes or indirectly controlling their expression via 10
the ferritin family of proteins but contains just 12 subunits secondary regulators (extracytoplasmic s factors [ECFs],
rather than 24, as found in larger ferritins and bacterioferri- AraC regulators, two-component sensors, small RNAs). For
tins.28 Dps proteins protect DNA against Fenton-mediated instance, in P. aeruginosa Fur-Fe2+ represses the expression of
oxidative stress since they use H2O2 to catalyze the oxidation 11 ECF s factors and two other regulators.36 The Fur-Fe2+
15 of Fe2+ at ferroxidase centers generating water rather than complex generally controls expression by binding to a con- 15
ROS.28,29 We will see later that these genes are controlled both sensus sequence (the Iron or Fur box) that overlaps the
by iron availability and oxidative stress. promoters of genes under its direct control.34,36,37 Binding to
the Fur box blocks access of RNA polymerase to the promoter
thus inhibiting transcription of the downstream gene(s).36 In
Enzymes involved in the detoxification of ROS
20 this way, down-regulation of iron uptake components is 20
The superoxide anion (O2) is dangerous because it can achieved when cellular iron levels are high. However, Fur is
damage [Fe–S] centers in proteins resulting in their inactiva- not the only answer to the iron-control problem in bacteria, as
tion and in the release of free Fe in the cell.7 One or more in some cases very different regulators are used in place of
superoxide dismutase(s) (Sod) is/are part of a first line defense Fur.35 For instance, high-GC Gram positive bacteria tend to
25 of nearly all aerobes. These enzymes catalyze the dismutation use DtxR-like proteins to control iron-dependent gene expres- 25
of O2 to H2O2 and O2. Sods contain a Mn-, Fe-, Cu/Zn- or sion (DtxR in Corynebacterium species38–40 and IdeR in
Ni-based cofactor. For example, E. coli is equipped with three Mycobacterium tuberculosis41–44). The DtxR proteins operate
Sods: one cytosolic Fe-Sod (SodB), one cytosolic Mn-Sod in a fashion similar to that of Fur proteins, although they are
(SodA), and a periplasmic Cu/Zn-Sod (SodC).30 H2O2 is not phylogenetically unrelated.
30 a radical, but nevertheless it can oxidize certain biomolecules, In Rhizobiales, the story is different yet again. A protein 30
including [Fe–S] clusters, and cysteine (Cys) and methionine very similar to Fur is present but surprisingly is not involved in
(Met) residues, which are often present in active sites of the regulation of iron homeostasis. Instead, this Fur-like
proteins. Among ROS, H2O2 is the longest-lived and it is the protein responds to manganese (and so is designated ‘Mur’)
product of the Sod-catalyzed dismutation of O2, diffusing and its role appears limited to the control of manganese
35 freely through membranes. In addition, cells are faced with uptake via the MntH.45–47 The iron homeostasis regulatory 35
various exogenous sources of H2O2, such as that provided by function in Rhizobiales is fulfilled by two other regulators,
the phagosomal oxidative burst upon infection of mamma- RirA (rhizobial iron regulator) and Irr (iron response regula-
lians by bacteria.6,31 Catalases and peroxidases represent a tor).48,49 RirA is a member of the Rrf2 family of transcription
second line of defence and inactivate H2O232 according to the regulators (Pfam, PF001022) that include the [Fe–S] cluster-
40 following reaction schemes: sensing IsrR repressor and the NO-responsive NsrR activator. 40
RirA functions as a transcriptional repressor of iron uptake
2H2O2 - 2H2O + O2 (catalase) via siderophores in Rhizobium leguminosarum and Sinorhizo-
bium meliloti.50–52 However, unlike Fur, RirA appears to
ROOR 0 + electron donor (2e) + 2H+ - ROH + R 0 OH respond to [Fe–S]-cluster status rather than cellular free-iron
45 (peroxidase) levels. The other rhizobial iron-regulatory protein, Irr, is a 45
distant member of the Fur family and so is quite distinct from
In addition to catalases and peroxidases, non-heme, cysteine-
RirA. Irr was initially found to be involved mainly in the
based enzymes catalyze the reduction of alkyl hydroperoxides.
regulation of heme biosynthesis, but it is now clear that it is
These are termed peroxiredoxins (Prxs) or alkyl hydroperoxide
also a global regulator of iron homeostasis and metabolism in
reductases (Ahps) and they act as broad-specificity peroxi-
50 many a-Proteobacteria. Unlike Fur, its regulatory activity is 50
dases, reducing H2O2 and small alkyl hydroperoxides.32
not directly dependent on free-iron levels. Instead, its activity
depends on cellular heme/protoporphyrin status.49,53–56 When
Regulation of iron uptake and storage in bacteria: iron levels are sufficient, Irr associates with ferrochelatase and
binds to heme which initiates Irr degradation. When iron is
the Fur paradigm
55 low, heme production is reduced so Irr remains heme-free, and 55
As indicated earlier, tight control of iron uptake is crucial for ferrochelatase is present in the protoporphyrin-bound state
microorganisms in order to avoid the accumulation of poten- which triggers its dissociation from Irr. In this way, Irr
tially dangerous free iron in the cell which could trigger the remains stable and free to control (it acts as both activator
Fenton reaction.3–6 and repressor) multiple genes involved in iron homeostasis.

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c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
1 Thus in the rhizobia, iron control is exerted by monitoring and ROS buildup. A similar iron-toxicity effect may occur for 1
cellular heme levels and [Fe–S]-cluster status, rather than by Mycobacterium smegmatis since ideR mutation caused raised
detection of the precursory cytosolic free-iron. sensitivity towards hydrogen peroxide, and decreased levels of
Although Fur generally behaves as a typical repressor, this the KatG and the Mn-Sod enzyme.42 In E. coli, it was shown
5 model has changed recently since in some bacteria, Fur has (surprisingly) that fur mutants have lower amounts of intra- 5
been shown to positively regulate the expression of various cellular iron but higher levels of reactive free Fe2+, due to the
genes encoding iron proteins (e.g. bacterioferritin and the iron reduced assimilation of iron into proteins, such as ferritin.71
co-factored superoxide dismutase, SodB1). This positive reg- The same phenomenon was observed in P. aeruginosa for
ulation is generally mediated indirectly by Fur-Fe repressed mutants with decreased Fur activity72 and in other bacteria
10 small regulatory RNA molecules. In E. coli, the Fur-respon- where fur mutations similarly lead to an increased sensitivity 10
sive regulatory RNA is called RyhB. RyhB is able to hybridize to oxidative stress.73–75
to targeted messages and so acts post-transcriptionally, in In Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Sinorhizobium meliloti,
conjunction with the Hfq protein (an RNA chaperone), rirA mutants display a growth deficiency in iron-replete media,
through the promotion of RNAse E-mediated degradation due to enhanced accumulation of iron, and increased sensitiv-
15 of its target.58,59 RyhB can also stabilize target mRNAs and so ity to H2O2.50,76 15
can act positively.60 In P. aeruginosa, the role of RyhB is taken Beyond the iron-responsive regulators described above,
by two near-identical, co-transcribed, small, regulatory RNAs another member of the Fur family plays a crucial role in
(PrrF1 and PrrF2). In addition, a larger heme- and iron- redox-stress management in some bacteria. This protein is
regulated transcript ‘PrrH’ is expressed from the prrF locus. designated PerR (Peroxide regulator) and is found in Gram-
20 This molecule appears to mediate heme-dependent regulation positive bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium acetobu- 20
of target genes.61,62 RyhB is however not involved in the Fur- tylicum, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus aureus33,77–79 as
mediated activation of the ferritin gene ftnA in E. coli, as well as some Gram-negative species such as Campylobacter
recently demonstrated.63 Upstream of the ftnA transcription jejuni and Neisseria gonnorhoeae.80,81 The PerR homodimer,
start site six binding sites for the histone-like protein H-NS are like Fur, carries one structural Zn2+ per monomer. It also
25 found. Under conditions of iron limitation these sites are binds either Mn2+ or Fe2+ as ‘regulatory metals’ at a site that 25
occupied by H-NS, causing DNA looping which blocks the is distinct to that occupied by the structural Zn2+,82,83 but it is
access of RNA polymerase. However, when sufficient iron is only the Fe-form of PerR that senses peroxides. Thus, sensi-
present in the cell, Fur-Fe2+ binds to an extended Fur box tivity to peroxides is dependent on the relative availabilities of
which overlaps the H-NS binding region, thus displacing Mn and Fe since the Mn-co-factored form displays low
30 H-NS and preventing DNA looping, which in turn allows sensitivity to peroxide signals. Interestingly, B. subtilis pos- 30
access of RNA polymerase.63 In some bacteria, such as sesses both a PerR and Fur that recognize very similar DNA-
Helicobacter pylori and Neisseria meningitidis, Fur can work binding sites yet still manage to control distinct sets of target
directly as a positive regulator (or anti-repressor) to activate genes.84 In C. jejuni, there is some overlap between the Fur and
the transcription of genes involved in virulence or in oxidative PerR regulons since the katA gene (encoding catalase) is
35 stress response.64–68 In H. pylori, Fur can act as a repressor in controlled by both regulators.85,86 This suggests that Fur 35
the apo-form for the sodB gene encoding the Fe co-factored and PerR have evolved divergently from a common ancestor
Sod.69 In M. tuberculosis, IdeR can also work as an activator by gene duplication, with one protein retaining its role in
when its binding site is upstream of the promoter, as is the case controlling iron homeostasis while the second protein evolved
for the bacterioferritin and ferritin genes.70 Fig. 3 summarizes to specialize in responding to oxidative stress. A recent
40 how Fur-family proteins operate (Fig. 3a–c) and how the Irr transcriptome analysis revealed that the PerR regulon in C. 40
protein responds to the availability of heme (Fig. 3d). jejuni comprises 66 genes, including genes specifying oxidative-
stress defense enzymes (KatA, AhpC, a ferritin, the TrxB
Importance of the Fur family of regulators for the thioredoxin and the NAD(P)H quinolone reductase, MdaB)
as well as its own gene.80 Similarly, the B. subtilis PerR regulon
resistance to oxidative stress
45 comprises a large number of genes (75), that likewise includes 45
As might be expected, a mutation incapacitating global-iron katA, ahpC, as well as perR itself.87 Fig. 4 summarizes the
regulation can lead to accumulation of high levels of free- involvement of the E. coli Fur protein in the response to
cytosolic iron which in turn results in excessive iron-catalyzed oxidative stress.
production of ROS;12 although it should be noted that in some
50 cases the global-iron regulator appears essential and so cannot 50
be inactivated (e.g. Fur in P. aeruginosa and IdeR in M.
Regulators of oxidative stress response
tuberculosis43,57), possibly because of ensuing iron toxicity.
Furthermore, as already mentioned, Fur-Fe2+ can both in- Redox-active groups, such as cysteine-thiols or iron (as heme,
directly and directly activate the transcription of the genes [Fe–S] or mononuclear iron), are often present in redox-stress
55 coding for iron proteins.1 This means that fur inactivation responsive transcriptional regulators where they act as sensors 55
simultaneously leads to unrestrained iron uptake and dimin- mediating a conformational change that adjusts interaction
ished incorporation of internalized iron into iron proteins. The with target DNA sequences and thus influences the transcrip-
consequence of these two effects is amplification of ‘free’ iron tion of cognate genes.88 Cysteine residues have the capacity to
within the cytosol which greatly promotes Fenton chemistry sense redox signals through oxidation, which can promote the

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Fig. 3 Regulation of iron uptake and storage by regulators belonging to the Fur family: Fur binds Fe2+, which allows it to contact a consensus
operator sequence overlapping with the promoter sequences. In H. pylori, apo-Fur acts as a repressor of the sodB gene (A). Fur-Fe2+ represses the
transcription of a small RNA (RyhB in E. coli) which normally destabilizes the mRNA for iron storage proteins, thereby acting indirectly as a
30 positive regulator (B). IdeR, DtxR-like iron regulator in mycobacteria, binds Fe2+ as co-repressor to repress the transcription of iron uptake genes 30
or it binds Fe2+ as co-inducer and contacts a DNA sequence upstream of the promoter, thereby acting as a direct activator of the transcription of
genes for iron storage proteins (C). The rhizobacterial Irr regulator binds heme after iron incorporation into the protoporphyrin IX (PPX); this
stimulates Irr degradation. When the level of iron is too low to ensure enough metallation of PPX, Irr is stable and free to both activate the
transcription of genes involved in the uptake of iron and down-regulate the genes for the biosynthesis of heme and for the storage of iron (D). Irr
also associates with ferrochelatase, although this is not shown in this figure.
35 35
formation of disulfide bridges which consequently alter pro- divergent) SoxS-encoding gene. SoxS is a simplistic MarR-like
tein conformation, thereby influencing regulatory activity.88 transcriptional activator that only consists of a single DNA-
binding domain (no effector domain is present, although it
MerR-like redox sensor: SoxR contains two HTH-DNA binding motifs) but is responsible for
40 40
direct transcriptional activation of the entire SoxRS regulon
SoxR senses and responds to redox-cycling agents (e.g. para-
(e.g. the Sod enzymes and O2-resistant dehydratases). This
quat) that stimulate the accumulation of superoxide inside the
unusual type of two-component regulation for superoxide/
cell through mediation of ‘elicit’ single-electron transfer pro-
redox-cycling agents is not observed in organisms other than
cesses.89 SoxR was originally thought to sense the superoxide
the enterobacteria. In some bacteria, SoxR homologues are
45 anion directly, but recent findings indicate that redox-cycling 45
present but do not control the ROS induction of Sod enzymes.
agents activate SoxR in the absence of oxygen and so this
For instance, for P. aeruginosa the SoxR-equivalent shows
finding excludes O2 as a direct SoxR effector.89 SoxR is a
77% sequence similarity with its E. coli counterpart but only
member of the MerR family of transcriptional activators
seems to control the induction of one efflux pump (MexGHI-
which include transcriptional activators responding to heavy
OpmD), which is thought to be involved in the export of the
50 metals (e.g. mercury). MerR-like proteins act by remaining 50
redox-active secondary metabolite pyocyanin.91,92 P. aerugi-
attached to the promoter in both the active and inactive state,
nosa SoxR is activated by the redox-cycling phenazine com-
but upon activation they catalyse distortion of the DNA
pound pyocyanin and does not seem to act as a paraquat-
duplex allowing the 35 and 10 boxes to reposition such
responsive regulator.92 Externally added pyocyanin was found
that they can engage RNA polymerase enabling open-complex
to cause a decreased expression of pyoverdine genes by an
55 formation. SoxR employs a [2Fe–2S] cluster to sense redox 55
unknown mechanism and it is thought that this activity assists
cycling agents. Such agents appear to reversibly oxidise the
in lowering the levels of free iron in the cell, thus relieving
SoxR [2Fe–2S] cluster, and thus activate SoxR-stimulated
redox stress.92
transcriptional activation.90 Interestingly, in E. coli, SoxR
directly controls just a single gene—the adjacent (and

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2+ 2+
Fig. 4 Importance of Fur-Fe in the control of oxidative stress in the model bacterium E. coli: In wild-type E. coli (WT, top panel) Fur-Fe
represses the uptake of iron. This limits the amount of iron in the cell, thereby reducing the potential for production of ROS via the Fenton
reaction. Additionally, Fur-Fe2+ indirectly (via the RyhB regulatory RNA) activates the expression of genes encoding iron-storage proteins as well
as the Fe-cofactored superoxide dismutase SodB (and down-regulating the Mn-factored SodA). Transcription of fur is activated by the OxyR
25 regulator when it gets oxidized by H2O2 (and SoxRS in response to superoxide inducers; not shown). In mutants devoid of peroxidases (Hpx) the 25
levels of H2O2 rise considerably, damaging the Fur protein (probably by splitting it from its bound iron), which results in increased Fe uptake,
elevating the Fenton reaction, leading to the further destruction of [Fe–S] clusters. Likewise, Fur can no longer activate the transcription of sodB or
other iron-protein genes, leading to further increases in free iron as well as diminished Sod activity.

MarR-family redox sensors: PqrR and OhrR tetramer formation and resultant transcriptional activation
30 30
of regulated genes.100–103 In E. coli, OxyR regulates several
P. aeruginosa contains a MarR-like regulator, PqrR, that
peroxide-detoxifying enzymes, such as KatG (hydroperoxi-
controls expression of a gene encoding a thioredoxin
dase I) and AhpCF (alkylhydroperoxide reductase). In addi-
(PqrABC) and contributes to resistance against paraquat as
tion, OxyR regulates several genes with other roles in oxidative
well as to other oxidizing compounds.93 PqrR seems to sense
stress defense. Such genes include dps (a protective, non-
35 redox signals through an iron-containing prosthetic group 35
specific DNA binding mini iron-storage protein), fur (the iron
coordinated by conserved Cys residues. Unlike SoxR, PqrR
regulator), trxC (thioredoxin 2), gorA (glutathione reductase),
is a repressor and oxidation causes its release from the
and grxA (glutaredoxin I); these have roles in maintaining
operator sequence, allowing the transcription of the pqrABC
appropriate reduction status of cellular Cys residues or in the
genes.93 OhrR is another member of the MarR family involved
management of free iron levels.104,105 It is somewhat revealing
40 in redox-stress regulation. Rather than an Fe-containing 40
to observe that OxyR collaborates with Fur in some cases: in
sensor, this transcription factor utilises redox-sensitive cy-
E. coli, OxyR induces fur transcription (which, appropriately,
steine residues (similarly to the H2O2-sensing OxyR protein).
would be expected to lower free iron levels during redox stress)
It acts as a repressor when its sensory Cys residues are in the
and jointly (along with Fur) controls fhuF which encodes a
reduced form, enabling de-repression upon oxidation (like
ferric reductase, a [2Fe–2S]-protein required for release of iron
45 PqrR). OhrR responds to the presence of organic peroxides 45
from certain siderophores.105 It should be noted that SoxRS
and one of its major regulatory targets is a gene specifying a
also activates fur transcription in E. coli104), so iron uptake is
thiol peroxidase. The OhrR regulator is found in B. subtilis,
likely to be down-regulated by both redox-cycling agents as
Xanthomonas campestris and P. aeruginosa.94–99
well as H2O2. For P. aeruginosa, OxyR appears indispensible
for growth under conditions of extreme iron limitation, despite
50 50
The LysR regulator OxyR continued production of the siderophore pyoverdine and
unabated uptake of ferripyoverdine.106 One possible explana-
OxyR is a redox sensor belonging to the LysR type transcrip-
tion is that the release of iron from ferripyoverdine by a
tional regulator family (LTTR). It binds DNA as dimers or
periplasmic reductase is sensitive to ROS. A similar growth
tetramers using an N-terminal helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-
defect is observed when P. aeruginosa oxyR mutants are
55 binding motif. Upon exposure to H2O2 (in excess of 100 nM) 55
propagated at high (>20 mM) FeCl3 concentrations.106 These
or change in the cytoplasmic thiol-disulfide redox status, two
results suggest that the extremely redox-stress sensitive P.
conserved cysteine residues in each monomer, Cys199 and
aeruginosa oxyR mutant is unable to cope with either iron
Cys208, form a reversible, intramolecular disulfide bridge
limitation or excess. As in E. coli, Fur levels are decreased by
(S–S) that induces a conformational change triggering

This journal is 
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