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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

clinical implications of basic research

Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor

The Clinical Implications of Basic Research series has focused on highlighting laboratory research that could lead
to advances in clinical therapeutics. However, the path between the laboratory and the bedside runs both ways:
clinical observations often pose new questions for laboratory investigations that then lead back to the clinic.
One of a series of occasional articles drawing attention to the bedside-to-bench flow of information is presented here,
under the Basic Implications of Clinical Observations rubric. We hope our readers will enjoy these stories of discovery,
and we invite them to submit their own examples of clinical findings that have led to insights in basic science.

basic implications of clinical observations

Vitamin B12 and Pernicious Anemia — The Dawn

of Molecular Medicine
H. Franklin Bunn, M.D.

“From bedside to bench and back again” is a Peabody and George Richards Minot shared a
time-honored trajectory to which many medical deep appreciation of the importance of cell
students, residents, and fellows aspire. Arguably morphology in the diagnosis and monitoring of
the earliest and most celebrated completion of blood disorders.3 Peabody’s observations on bone
this circuit was the dietary cure of pernicious marrow biopsy specimens from patients with
anemia that drove the discovery of vitamin B12 pernicious anemia led him to conclude that
(cobalamin) and its physiologic role. their red-cell production was disordered and
The story begins in 1855 with Thomas ineffective. George Whipple at the University of
Addison’s initial report of a patient with the in- Rochester had recently explored the effect of
sidious development of pale countenance, languor, diet on the regeneration of red cells in dogs
and “increasing indisposition to exertion.”1 Over after periodic phlebotomy.4 These experiments
the next 30 years, it became apparent that many prompted Peabody and Minot to independently
patients with this clinical presentation had a initiate dietary trials involving patients with
sore, beefy red, smooth tongue, and some had pernicious anemia.
digital numbness and tingling that occasionally Minot joined forces with William Murphy at
progressed to spasticity and ataxia. By the end the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. The two were
of the 19th century, patients with these clinical extraordinarily thorough, both at the bedside and
manifestations were shown to have atrophy of in the laboratory. Whipple’s results in dogs sug-
the gastric mucosa and absence of acid in the gested that liver should be the key component
gastric juice as well as an anemia characterized of their dietary regimen. In 1926, Minot and
by large, oval erythrocytes. The term “pernicious Murphy reported the results of studies involving
anemia” crept into common medical parlance 45 patients with pernicious anemia who had
for designating patients with this striking con- been treated with “a special diet” consisting of
stellation of clinical and laboratory findings. seared (nearly raw) liver, along with beef or
At the beginning of the 20th century, perni- mutton and fresh fruit.5 By the end of the first
cious anemia attracted the attention of a number week of treatment, a striking increase in the
of inquisitive Boston physicians. In 1908, Richard number of new red cells (reticulocytes) was
Cabot reported that the duration of survival ­accompanied by a clear improvement in well-
among 1200 patients was usually 1 to 3 years being. Within 2 to 4 months, the red-cell count
after the onset of symptoms.2 Francis Weld rose to normal levels in virtually all the patients

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

who were able to adhere to the prescribed diet.6 in patients with pernicious anemia. Biochemical
In many patients, there was a dramatic improve- fractionation of these extracts coupled with the
ment in the neurologic manifestations. In 1934, development of a microbiologic assay eventually
the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was led to the isolation and partial characterization
bestowed on Minot, Murphy, and Whipple “in of vitamin B12 in 1948 by Karl Folkers at Merck.
recognition of their discoveries respecting liver In 1955, Alexander Todd and Dorothy Hodgkin
therapy in anaemias.” at Cambridge University in England collaborated
The remarkable efficacy of this treatment of to solve the chemical and three-dimensional
a hitherto incurable and generally fatal disease structure of vitamin B12. In 1973, Robert Wood-
prompted a vigorous search for the active prin- ward and his team at Harvard University
ciple in liver that was responsible for the cure. achieved a tour-de-force chemical synthesis of
In collaboration with Edwin Cohn, a chemist at this very complex molecule. The latter three scien-
Harvard Medical School, Minot and Murphy were tists were also Nobel laureates.
able to test the efficacy of purified liver extracts One year after the discovery of liver therapy

A Clinical Features
Anemia Sore Tongue Autoimmune Gastritis Numbness and Ataxia
Hypersegmented Atrophic glossitis Atrophy of parietal cells Demyelination of posterior
neutrophils Loss of papillae Achlorhydria and lateral columns
Megaloblastic Intrinsic factor reduced

B Hematologic Response C William B. Castle

Figure 1. Pernicious Anemia.

Panel A shows clinical features of patients with pernicious anemia. Panel B shows hematologic responses in two
patients with pernicious anemia, as assessed by William Castle (Panel C).8 One patient (solid diamonds) received
oral liver treatment, and the other (open circles) received an intragastric infusion of the contents of a normal stom-
ach of a human after the ingestion of 300 g of beef. Dashed lines indicate red cells (RBC) per cubic millimeter, and
solid lines the percent of reticulocytes (retics).

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Basic Implications of Clinical observations

for pernicious anemia, William B. Castle joined with an intrinsic factor normally present within
Minot’s clinic and laboratory at Boston City the stomach.7 He tested this hypothesis by aspi-
Hospital. Keenly aware of the nearly universal rating his own gastric juice after the ingestion
presence of atrophic gastritis in pernicious ane- of a hamburger and transferring it into the
mia, Castle wondered whether the extrinsic fac- stomach of patients with pernicious anemia. As
tor in liver that cured these patients interacted shown in Figure 1, a brisk rise in reticulocytes

Gastric lumen
cell Intrinsic

H+/K+ Intrinsic
factor B12



Distal ileum

ATPase reactive
CD4 T cell

Lymphocytes lymph node

Figure 2. Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Atrophic Gastritis in Pernicious Anemia. COLOR FIGURE

Draft 3 cells produced

The autoimmune attack is directed by dendritic cells in the stomach that clear apoptotic parietal 2/3/14
Bunnwhere they acti-
during the normal turnover of gastric mucosa. The dendritic cells include paragastric lymph
Fig # 2
vate CD4 T cells that recognize H+/K+ ATPase expressed in gastric parietal cells.9

DE Longo
Artist Knoper
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset

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Basic Implications of Clinical observations

was observed within approximately 5 days, fol- with documented vitamin B12 deficiency are in-
lowed by a rise in the red-cell count.8 The tim- fected with Helicobacter pylori. One study reported
ing and extent of this hematologic response was that approximately half the infected patients had
similar to that achieved with oral liver treat- a complete and generally durable hematologic
ment. He then showed that the intragastric ad- remission with antibacterial therapy alone.10
ministration of normal stomach juice and beef The illustrious history of pernicious anemia,
muscle was effective only if given together or from bedside to bench and back again, invites
within a 12-hour period. Subsequent studies by speculation. If Thomas Addison’s patient with
Castle and others showed that the intrinsic fac- severe anemia had been blessed with vitamin
tor within stomach juice is a protein that is both B12 treatment, in later life he would have been
necessary and sufficient for the absorption of at increased risk for Addisonian adrenal insuf-
small (dietary) amounts of vitamin B12 in the dis- ficiency. George Minot was a lean man who had
tal small intestine (Fig. 2). brittle diabetes, and he was one of the first pa-
Castle’s discovery of this intrinsic factor not tients in Boston successfully treated with insulin.
only paved the way for our current understand- If he had lived another decade or so, he would
ing of the subtle and elegant mode of absorption have been at substantially higher risk for auto-
of vitamin B12 in the gastrointestinal tract but immune atrophic gastritis and pernicious anemia.
also provided a crucial clue to the autoimmune Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
pathogenesis of pernicious anemia. More than full text of this article at
90% of patients with pernicious anemia have se- I thank Dr. Paul Anderson, Dana–Farber Cancer Institute,
and Dr. Scott Lovitch, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard
rum antibodies against gastric parietal cells, and Medical School, for helpful suggestions.
approximately 50% have antibodies against in-
trinsic factor. This autoimmune attack is directed From the Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine,
by dendritic cells in the stomach that clear apop- Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston.

totic parietal cells produced during the normal

1. Addison T. On the constitutional and local effects of disease
turnover of gastric mucosa (Fig. 2). These den- of the suprarenal capsules. London: Samuel Highley, 1855:1-43.
dritic cells travel to paragastric lymph nodes, 2. Cabot RC. Pernicious and secondary anemia, chlorosis and
where they activate CD4 T cells that recognize leukemia. In: Osler W, Mac CT, eds. Modern medicine. Vol. 4.
Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1908:612-8.
hydrogen–potassium ATPase expressed in gastric 3. Rackemann FM. The inquisitive physician: the life and times
parietal cells.9 of George Richards Minot. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Pernicious anemia is but one of a host of dis- Press, 1956.
4. Corner GW. George Hoyt Whipple and his friends.
eases that arises because of the interplay between Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1963.
nature and nurture. The distribution of certain 5. Minot GR, Murphy WP. Treatment of pernicious anemia by a
HLA polymorphisms is substantially skewed in special diet. JAMA 1926;87:470-6.
6. Minot GR, Murphy WP, Stetson RP. The response of the re-
persons with chronic atrophic gastritis as well ticulocytes to liver therapy: particularly in pernicious anemia.
as those with autoimmune thyroiditis. Indeed, Am J Med Sci 1928;175:581-99.
atrophic gastritis is strongly associated with auto- 7. Castle WB. The conquest of pernicious anemia. In: Wintrobe
MM, ed. Blood, pure and eloquent. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980:
immune thyroiditis, a combination designated as 284-317.
the autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 3B. 8. Idem. The effect of the administration to patients with perni-
In addition, atrophic gastritis is often encoun- cious anaemia of the contents of the normal human stomach
after ingestion of beef muscle. Am J Med Sci 1929;178:748-63.
tered with other autoimmune disorders such 9. Toh BH, Chan J, Kyaw T, Alderuccio F. Cutting edge issues in
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10. Kaptan K, Beyan C, Ural AU, et al. Helicobacter pylori — is
Graves’ disease (hyperthyroidism). it a novel causative agent in vitamin B12 deficiency? Arch Intern
The environment appears to play a crucial, Med 2000;160:1349-53.
independent role in the pathogenesis of perni- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcibr1315544
cious anemia. A sizable minority of patients Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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