Washington County: Governor Should Take Proposal

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Published June 23, 2011 by Mark Nicklawske, Regional Editor

Washington County: Governor should take proposal

Board asks governor: avert state shutdown
STILLWATER Washington County has picked sides in the state budget battle while its administrators deal with anxious health care recipients and complications that could stall a major bridge reconstruction project. The Washington County Board unanimously agreed June 14 to send a letter advising Gov. Mark Dayton to accept a budget proposal as presented by the State Legislature. State government will shutdown July 1 if officials fail to reach a budget agreement. I think this is ridiculous, said District 1 Commissioner Dennis Hegberg. Were wasting government resources planning for a shutdown. Someone needs to come up with a bill that will keep the government running at its current levels until they agree on a new budget.
government shutdown to increase taxes, said Lehrke. Overall (the Legislature) is increasing spending by 6-percent but theyre not increasing taxes.

I dont think its worth a

Were wasting resources and scaring a lot of individuals who dont understand whats going on, he said.

District 4 Commissioner Autumn Lehrke said the governor could end the budget standoff if he signed a budget bill approved by the Republican-controlled State Legislature. Dayton, a Democrat, said the bill does not provide enough funding for state programs and proposed a tax increase on the states wealthiest residents to balance the budget. I dont think its worth a government shutdown to increase taxes, said Lehrke. Overall (the Legislature) is increasing spending by 6-percent but theyre not increasing taxes. Lehrke motioned to send a letter to Dayton recommending he sign the budget bill. District 2 Commissioner seconded the motion. Board Chairman Gary Kriesel, who represents District 3, reluctantly supported the motion. I dont want to get into the political part of this but maybe we need to, he said. I dont totally understand all the aspects of the budget to tell one side to capitulate, he said.

Hegberg said the county could simply encourage state officials to settle the budget dispute before the July 1 deadline.

All four board members voted in favor of the Lehrke motion with District 5 Commissioner Lisa Weik absent.

The state shutdown would create serious problems for the county Health and Human Service Department, the County Transportation Department and other counties agencies. Weve been making plans for the possible state government shutdown, he said. And those plans will continue. Schug said state health care recipients received notice of possible service interruptions last week and many were calling the county with questions.

Washington County Manager Jim Schug said some county employees may lose work due to the state shutdown but it remains too early to issue notifications.


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