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The influence of nature tourism on changes in rural communities with various



If you can fully explore and exploit the great potential of your area, you are growing.
This is because it has an impact on increasing local revenue. The need for development
to support regional development and provide sustainable change steps to create a better
atmosphere in accordance with the objectives achieved in the region. Development is an
activity for the benefit of the community, nation and state, as an effort to achieve
national goals in accordance with the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. One of the
fields that plays an important role in regional development is the economic sector.

Tourism plays an important role in supporting the development of the Indonesian

nation, because tourism is a service industry activity that generates high profits by
increasing the country's foreign exchange, and the service industry plays a role in
encouraging the economy. Its rapid development every year can also generate large
local revenue by taking advantage of the advantages that exist in the area. Indonesia has
tourism potential that can attract domestic and foreign tourists by utilizing natural
resources and taking advantage of the great diversity in community activities such as
ethnicity, customs, culture, religion and language. Indonesia seeks to utilize and develop
regional tourism because it is hoped that this effort will not only increase government
revenues but also improve people's welfare and economic improvement.

This has become an attraction for the government to develop tourism in potential tourist
areas. In tourism development, the role of local communities is very important because
the community knows the potential of tourism inside and outside, from which the
Indonesian government empowers regional autonomy. The existence of regional
autonomy means that the rights and obligations of regulation and implementation are
delegated to local governments whose attitudes are in accordance with statutory
regulations. This authority has a significant impact on the community because it can
manage the potential of the area in accordance with the goals achieved by the
community itself. From this authority, the city government can create a tourism
economy that is beneficial for regional welfare and supports the development of
regional independence.
The development of tourism not only has a broad impact on economic growth, but also
on the protection of culture and the environment. Tourism development can also
increase regional income and strengthen the community. According to (Pitana and
Gayatri, 2005), tourism development in developed areas will have an impact on the
community through changes in economic, socio-cultural and environmental aspects.
Improper farming not only has a positive impact on society, but also has a negative
impact. One of the environmental impacts is land use change and land change due to the
construction of new buildings such as: Addition of supporting infrastructure for hotels,
stands and tourism that are more attractive to visit, economic aspects that change
people's sources of work, and social aspects that change people's attitudes and


a. community development

Per capita income is not only used as the most important benchmark for measuring
current economic growth. Indicators used by previous governments to measure
development success. The concept of development based on development success
indicators of high net savings and investment is that high per capita income of
individual members of society leaves fundamental problems in filling vacancies, income
distribution and poverty alleviation. If these three factors were reduced, even if per
capita incomes were to double, it would be very difficult to determine that they are all
development outcomes.

Development can simply be interpreted as a community effort to improve the standard

of living. The improvement of the Prophet's standard of living (1969) was an attempt to
rise from poverty and injustice. This can be seen from his definition of development.
This means efforts to free people from poverty, low literacy, unemployment and social
injustice. Professor Scott Campbell (1996) from the University of Michigan stated that
development focused on maintaining the balance of the triangle to maintain the
triangle's center of gravity. At the three corners of the triangle there is a dome of
economic growth. The next hood is for the preservation of nature and the last hood is
for social justice. Building means managing these three types of profits. These interests
always attract and repel each other in fighting over their respective priorities.
Campbell states that (sustainable development) is in the middle of the triangle, which is
expected to be the focus of all balances. Very profitable, environmentally friendly, and
at the same time fair development. The conflict of welfare, ecology and justice in the
development movement is perceived as something that is eternal and applies throughout
the world at all times and places. Therefore, it should not be avoided or silenced, but
should be disclosed to encourage creative and collective initiatives for sustainable and
equitable development.

Everett M. Rogers (1985) simply states that development is a favorable transition for a
socio-economic system determined as the will of the state. On the other hand, Rogers
argues that communication is the basis of social change. More clearly, Roger (1979)
describes development by seeing it as a form of social change and defining it as a broad
and participatory process of social change to promote social and material conditions.
More control over the environment is appreciated. It is clear that development must be
defined not only for the improvement of material life, but also for immaterial life. That
way, it can reflect all aspects of life, including the immaterial. The intangible aspect of
development is the process of acquiring new knowledge, information, and skills.

1) Sociology of Tourism Development

Sociology of development is a science that studies and/or analyzes the dynamic changes
of the socio-economic life of the community. Sociology of development seems to be
more concerned with the development process from the point of view or approaches of
sociology and anthropology. Therefore, development is seen more from modernization
theory, functional structural, dependency, and sociological problems in development
planning and implementation. Sociology of development tries to complement economic
studies which so far have only been based on productivity and efficiency in measuring
development success. Development as a planned social change cannot only be explained
quantitatively with an economic approach alone, but there are aspects that are hidden
deep within the community such as perceptions, lifestyles, motivations and culture that
affect people's understanding in taking advantage of existing opportunities. Sociology of
development also seeks to explain the various positive and negative impacts of
development on the socio-cultural community
2) Sociology of Tourism

the increasing number of phenomena and social problems that arise related to tourism.
Tourism activities are growing rapidly as a field that socio-economically has positive
and negative impacts on society. In Indonesia, the tourism sector is also growing
rapidly, marked by the increasing flow of domestic and foreign tourist arrivals. “This
situation encourages the role of government and society to become stronger in
responding to the rapid growth of this sector. The view of the sociology of tourism “
McIntosh (1977) is indicated by matters relating to the social phenomena of tourism that
arise, because they are marked by the rapid and widespread development of activities in
society. Groups and organizations engaged in tourism, travel operators ,


Based on the analysis of the case studies studied, the following results were obtained.
The location of each case study has a different impact on tourism development, because
each study has different tourism benefits. The existence of tourism developments that
have an impact on land changes that have an impact on the environment and socio-
economic community, here are some conclusions from the case study:

a. Tourism development has a negative impact on land transformation due to the

ongoing development of tourism infrastructure, but tourism can also have a positive
impact, such as the ability to empower communities.

b. The impact of tourism on the environment affects environmental sustainability and

changes in environmental conditions. The tourism industry converts agricultural land
into non-agricultural land as land use increases every year due to population growth and
development of the tourism industry. Waste from tourists and tourism administration
also has an impact, but some people can take advantage of tourism by utilizing tourism
related to the management of livestock waste as biogas.

c. The impact of tourism on the community is related to tourism, changing people's

lives, due to the busyness of the community in tourism management, and ultimately
reducing socialization and mutual cooperation in village cleanliness. The population
will increase. Tourism habits change people's behavior, but tourism can also protect and
maintain local culture. in short Impact on the economy.
This has an impact on increasing job opportunities for those who become tourism
workers before and after tourism, open businesses and do not work before increasing
their income. However, this leads to a reduction in the number of farmers, because
farmers work in the tourism industry rather than farmers and prefer to reduce the
number of young farmers, but some farmers make tourism part-time workers

Natural tourist attraction Natural tourist attraction is a natural resource that has the
potential and has an attraction for visitors both in its natural state and after cultivation.
Natural tourism potential can be divided into 4 areas, namely:

1. Flora and fauna.

2. The uniqueness and peculiarities of ecosystems, such as coastal ecosystems and

mangrove forest ecosystems.

3. Natural phenomena, such as craters, hot springs, waterfalls and lakes.

4. Cultivation of natural resources, such as rice fields, plantations, livestock, fishery

businesses. There are several things that need to be considered in managing the tourism
sector, tourist objects and attractions and services, these things need to be considered in
planning, management and marketing. Geography Education Study Program STKIP
PGRI West Sumatra

Management of Tourism Objects and Attractions Planning before managing an object

and tourist attraction in order to succeed in accordance with the objectives, A.Yoeti
(1990: 285), there are three factors that need to be considered, namely;

a. Tourist attractions, interesting things provided and to be held.

b. Accessibility facilities, easy access to tourist attractions.

c. Value of The Object, the high value of the tourist attractions that are visited and seen.
In the management of tourism and tourist attractions, things that need to be considered

a. Development of facilities and infrastructure as well as service facilities, in the

construction of facilities and infrastructure it is necessary to have ratification and
regulatory decisions from the government or the competent authority according to the
region. Likewise with the establishment and arrangement of service facilities.

b. Management of facilities and infrastructure, after the formation of regulations,

management can be carried out with instructions and provisions that have been decided
in writing and scheduled.

c. Provision of facilities and facilities, this provision can be regulated directly from the
government, or it can also help participation from the surrounding community with the
limitations of existing regulations.

d. The implementation of existing wisdom in tourist attractions, this is usually an

attraction program at certain times (events), so that tourist attractions are more varied,
such as; staging cultural values that exist in these tourist attractions, as an added value
for tourist attraction. In staging the tourism industry usually invites someone important
or who is popular with the community. In a tourist attraction, several things need to be
done, including: Tourism marketing is an effort to actualize tourist trips, where the
ultimate goal is for people to buy the products offered. Soekardjo (2000: 217). Tourism
marketing includes; finding what consumers want (market reason), developing
appropriate service delivery to tourists (product planning), notification of products made
(advertising and promotion) and providing instructions where tourists can get these
products (chamels of distribution). -tour operators and travel agents). Marpaung (2002:
118) Tourism marketing can be understood as a way for the tourism industry to make
tourists visit, see, and pay for or buy what is provided or produced at tourist sites. In
marketing, there needs to be an adjustment between tourism products and tourism
market demand, this is called tourism promotion. After the promotional action, the
results of the adjustment are created into something that can affect the demand for the
tourism market by highlighting the wishes of the tourism market, this is called tourism
publication. 1. Promotion Adjusting tourism products to tourism market demand can be
divided into two, directly and indirectly: a. Direct promotion:

1. Exhibitions or displays, such as traditional house demonstrations, demonstrations of

traditional clothes, traditional objects of high value.
2. Holding a performance about tourism products, or providing a venue for
performances or events from tourist attractions by inviting something or someone that is
considered popular with the tourist market.

3. Giving gifts during promotions, such as; discounted entry tickets for tourist products,
product stickers, freebies or discounts from other products if needed.

b. Indirect promotion:

1. Display of information about tourism products in places that are suitable for the
market; such as posters, banners, or billboards.

2. Dissemination of tourism information, such as brochures, booklets, pamphlets, etc.

3. Visiting distribution companies that can help inform tourism products, by presenting
tourism products to distribution companies.

Geography Education Study Program STKIP PGRI West Sumatra 6 2. Publications In

publishing tourism products, the thing that must be considered is how promotional acts
can arrive and are well received directly to the market. How to publish can be
distinguished according to the medium:

a. Print Media, such as hand-to-hand distribution, and installation or affixing; brochures,

pamphlets, , booklets, or posters and billboards.

b. Electronic Media, conducting promotional information via radio, television, or

through internet access; web site or various social networks. From the discussion on
managing tourism, this is an elaboration of existing theories so that tourism
management can be carried out starting from planning and management and marketing
to promotion and publication.

1234456487, & Sonny Eli Zaluchu. (2021). No 主観的健康感を中心とした在宅高齢

者における 健康関連指標に関する共分散構造分析 Title. 3(March), 6.

Andiarna, F., Irul, H., & Eva, A. (2020). Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Penggunaan
Antibiotik secara Tepat dan Efektif sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Resistensi Obat.
Journal of Community Engagement and Employment, 2(1), 15–22.

Armstrong, J. F., Faccenda, E., Harding, S. D., Pawson, A. J., Southan, C., Sharman, J.
L., Campo, B., Cavanagh, D. R., Alexander, S. P. H., Davenport, A. P., Spedding,
M., & Davies, J. A. (2020). The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in
2020: Extending immunopharmacology content and introducing the
Research, 48(D1), D1006–D1021.

Asmara, R. (2016). No 主観的健康感を中心とした在宅高齢者における 健康関連

指標に関する共分散構造分析 Title. Revista Brasileira de Ergonomia, 3(2), 80–

Banyumurti, I. (2020). Privasi & Perlindungan Data Pribadi (p. 310).

Fadli, A. (2020). Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 Bagi UMKM Serta Strategi E-

Marketing UMKM di Indonesia. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling,
53(9), 1689–1699.

Furqi Sholekhatun Sityardi, & Sufi Desrini. (2021). Potential of orchid as antifungal
agent resources: a scoping review. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacology and
Therapy, 2(3), 124–135.

Gresik, U. M. (2018). Panduan penulisan laporan pengalaman kerja lapangan.

Indexed, D. (2016). Perceived impact of eco-tourism on residents community life With

special reference to Wayanad district. 6(9).
Jayati, M. (2021). Operasional Di Tang Palace Restoran Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya
Pada Saat Pandemi Covid-19. 49.

Lampung, K. M. (2012). ( Studi Kasus . 15–31.

Lia Yunita, S., Novia Atmadani, R., & Titani, M. (2021). Faktor-faktor Yang
Mempengaruhi Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Penggunaan Antibiotika Pada
Mahasiswa Farmasi UMM. Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia, 6(2), 119–123. (n.d.). Wisata Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota.

Linier, T., & Linier, D. T. (n.d.). 6. transformasi linier 1. v.

Naufal, R. A. (2020). Tanggung Jawab PT Tokopedia dalam Kasus Kebocoran Data

Pribadi Pengguna. 134.

Patel. (2019). 済無 No Title No Title No Title. 9–25.

Privatum, L. (2013). Lex Privatum , Vol.I/No.3/Juli/2013. 3, 51–59.

Purba, H. O. (2016). Penyelesaian SPL dalam Rangkaian Listrik. 13514050.

Resources, N., & Liu, X. (2013). conservation : A case study in Yunnan , China.

Samsudin, C. M. (2020). No 主観的健康感を中心とした在宅高齢者における 健康

関連指標に関する共分散構造分析 Title. Konstruksi Pemberitaan Stigma Anti-
China Pada Kasus Covid-19 Di Kompas.Com, 68(1), 1–12.

Subadra, I. N. (2019). Alleviating poverty through community-based tourism: Evidence

from Batur Natural Hot Spring Water - Bali. African Journal of Hospitality,
Tourism and Leisure, 8(5), 1–23.



Timur, J. (n.d.). Adzkia Faradiba Eyila Putri. June 2020, 2020–2021.

Tiyas. (2020). Transformasi Geometri. Yuksinau, 58, 1.

Yanto, O. (2017). Penjatuhan Pidana Mati Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dalam
Keadaan Tertentu (Death Penalty To Corruptors In A Certain Condition ). Jurnal
Legislasi Indonesia, 14(1), 49–56.

Yunaz, H. (2019). Dampak pengembangan wisata alam terhadap kondisi sosial

ekonomi masyarakat (studi kasus taman nasional gunung gede pangrango Jawa

1234456487, & Sonny Eli Zaluchu. (2021). . 3(March), 6.

Andiarna, F., Irul, H., & Eva, A. (2020). Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Penggunaan
Antibiotik secara Tepat dan Efektif sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Resistensi Obat.
Journal of Community Engagement and Employment, 2(1), 15–22.

Armstrong, J. F., Faccenda, E., Harding, S. D., Pawson, A. J., Southan, C., Sharman, J.
L., Campo, B., Cavanagh, D. R., Alexander, S. P. H., Davenport, A. P., Spedding,
M., & Davies, J. A. (2020). The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in
2020: Extending immunopharmacology content and introducing the
Research, 48(D1), D1006–D1021.

Asmara, R. (2016). No 主観的健康感を中心とした在宅高齢者における 健康関連

指標に関する共分散構造分析 Title. Revista Brasileira de Ergonomia, 3(2), 80–

Banyumurti, I. (2020). Privasi & Perlindungan Data Pribadi (p. 310).

Fadli, A. (2020). Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 Bagi UMKM Serta Strategi E-

Marketing UMKM di Indonesia. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling,
53(9), 1689–1699.

Furqi Sholekhatun Sityardi, & Sufi Desrini. (2021). Potential of orchid as antifungal
agent resources: a scoping review. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacology and
Therapy, 2(3), 124–135.

Gresik, U. M. (2018). Panduan penulisan laporan pengalaman kerja lapangan.

Indexed, D. (2016). Perceived impact of eco-tourism on residents community life With

special reference to Wayanad district. 6(9).

Jayati, M. (2021). Operasional Di Tang Palace Restoran Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya

Pada Saat Pandemi Covid-19. 49.

Lampung, K. M. (2012). ( Studi Kasus . 15–31.

Lia Yunita, S., Novia Atmadani, R., & Titani, M. (2021). Faktor-faktor Yang
Mempengaruhi Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Penggunaan Antibiotika Pada
Mahasiswa Farmasi UMM. Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia, 6(2), 119–123. (n.d.). Wisata Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota.

Linier, T., & Linier, D. T. (n.d.). 6. transformasi linier 1. v.

Naufal, R. A. (2020). Tanggung Jawab PT Tokopedia dalam Kasus Kebocoran Data

Pribadi Pengguna. 134.

Patel. (2019). 済無 No Title No Title No Title. 9–25.

Privatum, L. (2013). Lex Privatum , Vol.I/No.3/Juli/2013. 3, 51–59.

Purba, H. O. (2016). Penyelesaian SPL dalam Rangkaian Listrik. 13514050.

Resources, N., & Liu, X. (2013). conservation : A case study in Yunnan , China.

Samsudin, C. M. (2020). . Konstruksi Pemberitaan Stigma Anti-China Pada Kasus

Covid-19 Di Kompas.Com, 68(1), 1–12.

Subadra, I. N. (2019). Alleviating poverty through community-based tourism: Evidence

from Batur Natural Hot Spring Water - Bali. African Journal of Hospitality,
Tourism and Leisure, 8(5), 1–23.



Timur, J. (n.d.). Adzkia Faradiba Eyila Putri. June 2020, 2020–2021.

Tiyas. (2020). Transformasi Geometri. Yuksinau, 58, 1.

Yanto, O. (2017). Penjatuhan Pidana Mati Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dalam
Keadaan Tertentu (Death Penalty To Corruptors In A Certain Condition ). Jurnal
Legislasi Indonesia, 14(1), 49–56.

Yunaz, H. (2019). Dampak pengembangan wisata alam terhadap kondisi sosial

ekonomi masyarakat (studi kasus taman nasional gunung gede pangrango Jawa

(1234456487 & Sonny Eli Zaluchu, 2021; Andiarna et al., 2020; Armstrong et al., 2020;

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