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This reference is intended only for the personal use of existing

owners of the game. No claim whatsoever is made to the rights of Agnes Baker may be just an unassuming
the publisher and copyright holder, and there is no benefit waitress in this life, but in a previous
financially from this player aid. This PDF may not be re-posted life, she knows that she was a powerful
online, sold or used in any way except for personal use. witch. In a time and age undreamt of in
the modern world, she forced spirits to
obey her and destroyed her enemies with
terrifying energies.

She might have never known of her previous incarnation had she
not fallen from a ladder and hit her head while changing a light in
This document is intended to be a consolidated and alphabetized the diner. But when she awoke in the hospital, she whispered one
investigator reference for Arkham Horror, as well as all Arkham word, "Hyperborea."
Horror expansions. Unlike the rulebooks, this reference guide does
not teach players how to play the game. Players should first read Even then, she would have dismissed her visions of a past life as
the base rulebooks in their entirety, then use this reference as simple hallucinations if it wasn't for the fact that the spells she
needed when playing the game. dreamed of were real. Trying one in secret, mortally embarrassed to
even be attempting it, she was stunned to see it take effect. Since
then, she has been nurturing her new powers in secret, extremely
careful not to let anyone else find out.

But as Agnes finishes her shift at the diner this evening, a whisper
in the air warns her. Something is coming. Something that
This glossary lists all investigators, home locations and abilities in destroyed her once before, in the ancient past, and she must be
detail. Each entry begins with the investigator name and their prepared.
introductory story, then lists their home location, basic statistics,
starting possessions, and the expansion in which they were Occupation Waitress
introduced. Skills are then listed, followed by Unique Abilities, and Home Velma’s Diner
finally the investigator’s personal story path. Each entry has Sanity 5
clarifications added where appropriate from the comprehensive Stamina 5
FAQ. Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $5, 3 Clue tokens, 1 Spell (Wither)
At the end of the investigator listing are several tables, Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 1 Spell,
summarizing all investigator statistics, fixed possessions, random 1 Skill
possessions, starting locations and thematic groupings. Expansion Innsmouth Horror

Content has been incorporated from the base components, the

comprehensive FAQ, and Arkham Horror Wiki. Some minor
editing and formatting has been done for consistency, but please
feel free to comment on errors or missing information. Thanks to
Speed 1 2 3 4
all the designers of the game, and those who have contributed
content over the years. Sneak 3 2 1 0
Fight 1 2 3 4
Will 3 2 1 0
Lore 3 4 5 6
Luck 4 3 2 1

1 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Shaman
Home Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
Sanity 7
 Memories of Conquest (Any Phase): When Agnes casts a Stamina 3
spell that provides a bonus to Combat checks, the spell adds Focus 1
the number of hands it requires to its Combat check bonus. Fixed Possessions $3, 1 Clue token
Random Possessions 1 Unique item, 2 Spells, 1 Gate Trophy,
 Blood is Power (Any Phase): When paying a spell's Sanity 1 Skill
cost, Agnes may spend Stamina for part or all of the Sanity Expansion Innsmouth Horror
cost on a 1-for-1 basis.

She could sense it. The creature that destroyed her once before had Speed 2 3 4 5
returned to repeat the job. Last time she faced it, she was at the
peak of her powers. This time, she only had a few half-remembered Sneak 4 3 2 1
spells and a couple of useful items. Fight 1 2 3 4
Hopefully she could find its weakness before it claimed her life once Will 4 3 2 1
Lore 2 3 4 5
Luck 3 2 1 0
Pass Fail
If Agnes has 3 or more If Agnes is knocked
monster trophies, place “Not unconscious or driven insane,
This Time” in play: place “History Repeats” in
Not This Time: Casting one
 Guardian of the Veil (Any Phase): It costs Akachi 1 less
final spell, Agnes watched in History Repeats: Agnes
Clue token to seal gates.
satisfaction as the creature awoke, body aching.
was utterly consumed. “Not Although the creature had not
this time,” she said. killed her as it did last time,  Secret Rites (Any Phase): Akachi gains +1 bonus to all skill
she could feel that it had checks to close or seal a gate. In addition, Akachi may always
Agnes may exhaust this card taken something precious seal gates, regardless of other game effects.
to re-roll a failed Spell check. from her.
Agnes’ maximum sanity is
reduced by 1.
The bones of the earth were strong here in Arkham. They responded
to her queries with a quivering eagerness that almost made her
nervous. But she knew that this was an advantage that she couldn’t’
afford to squander. She would need all of her power to face the Old

Pass Fail
For as long as Akachi can remember, she
was trained to be the tribes' next If Akachi has 3 gate trophies, If any investigator spends a
shaman. Studying at the feet of the old place “The Earth Speaks in gate trophy, place “The
shaman, she learned how to speak to the play. Earth’s Anger” in play
spirits, how to read the bones of the The Earth Speaks: The The Earth’s Anger: The
earth, and how to avoid the fell creatures bones of the earth spoke to her earth is silent. Our actions
that dwelt in the dark places. then, telling her the secrets of must have offended it,
how she might be able to somehow.
Her education was supplemented by tutoring from an earnest defeat the Old One, if she
young missionary. Her mentor allowed the man to teach her as long were cautions…and lucky. Akachi must discard 1 Spell
as he taught her English and other modern topics in addition to of her choice.
trying to convert her to Christianity. Place a clue token in every
unstable location without an
open gate.
As for his religion, Akachi was uninterested, for she had already
learned many of the great secrets of lore, and felt the power of the
old ways.

Recently, her old mentor called her to his bedside. His face was pale
and gaunt. "Akachi, I have seen that a great trial is coming for you. Akachi’s Secret Rites ability may only be used to seal gates in
You must go to the United States, to a city called Arkham. There, unstable locations.
you will have to face one of the old creatures, using the things that I
have taught you."

Weeks later, as she opens the door to Ye Olde Magick Shoppe,

Akachi hopes that she can meet the challenge that lies ahead of

2 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Pass Fail
Each time Amanda draws a If there are two open gates
Unique Item, put a Clue R’lyeh, places “Aquatic
Amanda has been a student at
token on this card. If there Destiny” in play.
Miskatonic University for 2 years now.
are 3 Clue tokens on this
On her way to talk to one of her Aquatic Destiny: “Ia! Ia!
card, place “Head of the
professors last month, she saw a Cthulhu phtagn!” Amanda
Class” in play.
painting in the hallway that captured shed her clothing and skin
her attention with its hazy depiction of Head of the Class: Finally, alike as the life-giving water
some horrible creature rising up out of Amanda had found a way to enveloped her. She was
the ocean. Ever since, Amanda has heard silence the whispering voices finally going home.
strange whispers in a foreign language and stave off the dreams of a
whenever her attention drifts. More life under the waves. For the Amanda has the Innsmouth
disturbingly, she has begun to dream of the vast green depths of the first time since the dreams Look. Place a Deep One
ocean and terrible alien cities that lie in its darkest crevasses. had begun, she was at peace. monster token in her current
location and add an uprising
Amanda’s maximum Sanity token to the Deep Ones
This evening, as she finishes her shift as a bank teller at the First
and Stamina are each Rising track. Amanda is
Bank of Arkham, something out of the night calls to her--
increased by 1. She devoured.
something dark and sinister that leaves the feel of sea foam in her
immediately gains 1 Sanity
mind and makes her gasp with the effort of resisting it. Leaning
and 1 Stamina.
against the brick wall of the bank, Amanda realizes that she has to
find out what's happening to her or she's going to fall prey to
whatever alien presence is invading her mind.

Occupation Student
Home Bank of Arkham Clue tokens are only placed on the personal story card when
Sanity 5 Amanda draws and keeps a Unique Item.
Stamina 5
Focus 3
Fixed Possessions $1, 1 Clue token
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 2 Skills,
1 Spell

When you've lived on the streets as long

as Pete has, you see things. Things that
would drive braver men screaming into
Speed 1 2 3 4
the night. But you also learn to be quiet,
Sneak 4 3 2 1 to stay hidden, and to play stupid if all
Fight 1 2 3 4 else fails. It also helps to have a good
dog, like Duke, to scare away the
Will 4 3 2 1 meaner elements of the street.
Lore 1 2 3 4
Unfortunately, this time, Pete can't hide, and there's nothing Duke
Luck 4 3 2 1 can do to protect him. His nightmares have been growing steadily
worse over the last month, driving him all the way here... to
Arkham. Even the whiskey isn't helping much anymore. Soon, he
won't be able to sleep at all. Still, there are always opportunities for
a man who knows how to stay quiet... as long as he isn't too picky.

Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Occupation Drifter
Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the Home River Docks
cards. Sanity 4
Stamina 6
Focus 1
Fixed Possessions $1, 3 Clue tokens, 1 Ally (Duke)
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 1 Skill
In her dreams, she swam along the ancient submerged columns,
feeling pure joy and freedom. But when she awoke, she was filled
with revulsion and dread. But Amanda had always felt there was
no problem a little research and observation couldn’t fix. And if she
couldn’t solve the problem of her nightmares, she’d have to learn to
adapt. Speed 0 1 2 3
Sneak 6 5 4 3
Fight 2 3 4 5
Will 5 4 3 2
Lore 0 1 2 3
Luck 3 2 1 0

3 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Salesman
Home General Store
Sanity 4
Scrounge: When Pete draws from the Common item, Unique item, Stamina 6
or Spell deck, he may draw from either the top or the bottom of that Focus 1
deck, his choice. Pete may look at the bottom card of those decks at Fixed Possessions $9
any time. Random Possessions 2 Common items, 2 Unique items, 1

The nightmares just kept getting worse and worse. Last two nights,
Pete woke up covered in sweat. Even Duke was starting to whimper
and whine in his dreams. Speed 2 3 4 5
It had to be more than dreams. There had to be some kinda truth Sneak 3 2 1 0
out there, hidden away in his nightmares, and it was time for
“Ashcan” Pete to find out what. Fight 1 2 3 4
Will 6 5 4 3
Pass Fail Lore 0 1 2 3
If Pete has a Dreamlands If there are 5 of more doom Luck 4 3 2 1
gate, trophy, place “Sweet tokens on the Ancient One’s
Dreams” in play. doom track, place “Living
Nightmare” in play.
Sweet Dreams: Pete lay
back on the grass and pulled Living Nightmare: Was he
his hat down low over his asleep? Was he still
eyes. For once, he was dreaming? Pete couldn’t tell Shrewd Dealer (Any Phase): Whenever Bob draws one or more
looking forward to getting a anymore. cards from the Common item deck, he draws one extra card and
good night’s rest. then discards one of the cards.
“Get away! Get away!” He
Pete gains +1 Speed and +1 staggered into the night,
Luck. reeling. With a whine, Duke
followed faithfully behind.
Pete discards all his Ally It cost Bob Jenkins two dollars just to get one of those old coins, but
cards except Duke. He may now he had one. He could feel it, heavy and old, in his hand. It was
no longer gain Allies. a strange sort of gold, maybe an alloy, and the symbols pressed into
its surface didn’t resemble any language that Bob was familiar with.
Well, so it was a funny old coin. That just meant that there was an
even bigger market for it! All of Bob’s senses told him he was onto
something big. Real big.
Pete’s Scrounge ability only applies when he is the investigator
having the encounter which results in drawing cards. Pass Fail
If Bob has 5 or more Clue If Bob has 3 or more monster
tokens, place “Jackpot!” into trophies, placed “Greed” into
play play.
Jackpot! He’d found them. Greed: The old woman
Stacks and stacks of alloyed placed a single coin in his
gold coins, minted by no hand and cackled. “Take it,
As a traveling salesman, Bob is always human hand. then. And much joy may it
on the go. But yesterday, he saw bring you!” Her hands were
Of course, by this time, money cold and clammy and felt like
something that made him decide to stay was the last thing on Bob
in Arkham and miss his train. While he seawater. Bob fled into the
Jenkins’ mind. night.
was in the General Store selling his
wares, a robed man came in and bought Bob gains $15. Bob is Cursed. He cannot be
several items, paying with old gold coins. Blessed while has any money.
Astounded, Bob turned to the Once per turn, during the
Upkeep Phase, Bob may If his is Blessed and gains
shopkeeper for an explanation, but the man just ignored his any money, he must discard
questions, simply saying, "That happens, sometimes." spend $3 to gain 1 Clue
token. his Blessed card.

Now, Bob isn't leaving until he figures out where those gold coins
came from. If he plays his cards right, maybe this will be the big
score. Maybe he'll finally be able to retire and buy that boat he's
had his eye on and spend the rest of his days fishing in a tropical
paradise. Then again, maybe Bob will finally come to see that all
that glitters is not gold.

4 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Pass Fail
If Carolyn is at Arkham If Carolyn has 6 or more Clue
Asylum during the Upkeep tokens, place “Followed” into
Phase, she may spend $15 to play.
place “Cured” in play.
Carolyn is a first year resident at a Followed: Carolyn knew her
sanitarium in Providence. Over the Cured: The bribe worked, patient was murdered to
past six months, she has been studying and Carolyn quickly began protect some dark secret, and
the dreams of her patients using cross-referencing names, now she found herself in a
hypnosis. One patient in particular dates and room numbers. similar position.
gave her vivid and disturbing She not only identified her
patient’s murderer, she Everywhere she went, she
descriptions of his dreams, right up
discovered fresh information could hear the footsteps
until he was murdered with a strange
regarding the dark events in behind her. She could feel the
knife that closely resembled something from one of his nightmares.
Arkham. eyes watching her. It was just
a matter of time, she knew.
Disturbed and frightened by his murder, Carolyn dug back through Carolyn immediately gains 3
her notes, poring over them late into the night. Finally, she found Clue tokens and is Blessed. Carolyn receives a -1 penalty
some subtle clues that led her here, to Arkham, where he was to all Sneak checks.
previously an inmate in Arkham Asylum. Someone here has to
know why a harmless man was murdered for talking about his
dreams to his psychologist.

Occupation Psychologist Carolyn’s Psychology ability can be used in any location, street
Home Arkham Asylum area, or Other World area.
Sanity 6
Stamina 4
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $7, 1 Clue token
Random Possessions 2 Common item, 2 Unique items, 1 Skill

Charlie Kane promised the people of

Arkham a safer future. He made a lot of
Speed 0 1 2 3 promises-- lower taxes, better schools,
Sneak 3 2 1 0 less crime. It was part of the job, after
all. He said what he had to say to get
Fight 1 2 3 4 elected, and then he set about doing
Will 4 3 2 1 what he could to help people. Although
he had to do things he wasn't proud of,
Lore 2 3 4 5 Charlie always worked for the greater good. The people came first.
Luck 5 4 3 2
So when Charlie Kane started hearing the reports, he put the
people first. Of course, he couldn't tell anyone -- couldn't reveal
what he had pieced together, reports from various parts of the city
government that painted a macabre portrait of Arkham's future.
For one, who'd believe him? For another, how would widespread
Psychology (Upkeep Phase): Dr. Fern may restore 1 Sanity to panic serve the public good?
herself or another character in her location. She cannot raise a
character's Sanity higher than that character's maximum Sanity. Still, Charlie has always had connections in town. So he gathered
up his reports and paid a visit to Professor Grant at Miskatonic

The fact that he now stands before Professor Grant's mutilated

Carolyn Fern read over the frustratingly obtuse paperwork in her corpse in Professor Grant's blood-stained office, does not fill Charlie
room. Getting records from Arkham Asylum had turned into a Kane with confidence.
bureaucratic nightmare. It was going to take a hefty amount of
bribery to grease the wheels. Occupation Politician
But even as she filled in all the blanks, she worried that she as too Home Administration Building
close to whatever it was that had killed her patient. It wasn’t safe to Sanity 4
be here. Stamina 6
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $9
Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Skill, 1 Ally
Expansion Kingsport Horror

5 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Speed 0 1 2 3
Sneak 4 3 2 1
Fight 2 3 4 5 Books have always been the most
Will 4 3 2 1 important thing in Daisy's life. She
started reading tales of horror at a young
Lore 1 2 3 4 age, thrilling to the terror of Edgar Allen
Luck 4 3 2 1 Poe, of Stoker's Dracula. She explored in
fiction what she abhorred in life-- horror,
violence, fear.

Then, she stumbled across the John Dee edition of the

Necronomicon. It was macabre indeed. It was also blasphemous,
 Connections (Any Phase): Charlie may gain Allies that have unholy, and too awful to be real. Frankenstein and "The Raven"
been returned to the box. were forgotten. The chills that ran down Daisy's spine were not
those of a forbidden pleasure. A new horror was born in her mind, a
terror that such things could be.
 Settle Down! (Any Phase): Charlie may pay 2 Clue tokens to
prevent the terror level from increasing by 1. He may do this
as often as he likes. There were more books after that – De Vermiis Mysteriis, Cultes
des Goules – each worse than the last. She read them all in a
mounting panic. Could they be real? Could the things they spoke of
be true?

“It’s a nightmare.” Now she knows it to be so. The Thing that appeared in library was
something she'd read about in the Ponape Scripture. If the Thing
He’d seen it before, faced it and lived to tell the tale, but he didn’t was real, then everything she'd read about might be real... in which
have to like it. case Daisy is the only one who knows how to stop it.
The awful slumbering of a dead god is one thing, but this? On top of
it all? Occupation Librarian
Home Library
“Please Bonnie, say it ain’t so. Didn’t we just do this?” Sanity 5
Bonnie left his coffee and walked off with a shrug. Stamina 5
Focus 2
“Another election. Now, of all times!” Fixed Possessions $5, 1 Clue token, 1 Unique item (Livre
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 1 Spell,
Pass Fail 1 Skill
If Charlie is at the If the terror level reaches 4 or Expansion Kingsport Horror
Newspaper during the higher, place “Dark Times
Upkeep Phase, he may Ahead” in play.
spend $15 to place “Kane for
Arkham!” in play. Dark Times Ahead: “Don’t
people realize what this
Speed 1 2 3 4
Kane for Arkham! means?” Charlie tugged at
“Congratulations, sir” I knew this tie. The stupid thing was Sneak 4 3 2 1
you’d win.” choking him again. “That
Fight 0 1 2 3
idiot Parkins has no idea
“Thanks Bonnie.” Charlie what’s coming…” Will 5 4 3 2
sipped his coffee and looked
out the window. Time to get Bonnie couldn’t meet his gaze. Lore 2 3 4 5
back to the real work. “Sir, I have a confession. I Luck 4 3 2 1
didn’t vote for you.”
Charlie’s Settle Down! ability
only costs 1 Clue token to use Charlie’s Settle Down! ability
for the rest of the game. costs 3 Clue tokens to use for
the rest of the game.

 Careful Reader (Any Phase): Daisy never loses Sanity from

reading a Tome.

 Whenever Charlie would normally draw a card from the Ally  Iron Will (Any Phase): Daisy's Sanity cost to cast spells is
deck using his Connections ability, he may instead choose always reduced by 1.
any of the 11 starting Allies that have been returned to the
box. Whenever Charlie is instructed to take a specific Ally
card, he gains that card even if it has already been returned to
the box (but only if that card was among the starting 11 Ally

 Charlie’s Settle Down! ability allows him to prevent terror

increases resulting from Rumors and Mythos Card effects.

6 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Daisy struggled to control her panic. “It was delivered in a large Speed 2 3 4 5
crate this morning. It was sitting on my desk.”
Sneak 3 2 1 0
Carol shrugged meekly. “I’m sorry, Miss Walker, but I didn’t see
anything. It was a real busy day.” Fight 2 3 4 5
Will 4 3 2 1
“Do you have any idea…” she stopped. How could Carol have
known how dangerous that book might be? “Forget about it, Carol, Lore 0 1 2 3
I’ll track it down.”
Luck 4 3 2 1

Pass Fail
If Daisy has 6 or more Clue If Daisy has no Tomes, place
tokens, place “Book of “Better Left Unread” in play.
Secrets” in play. Hometown Advantage (Arkham Encounter Phase): When
Better Left Unread: Daisy drawing location encounters in Arkham, Darrell draws two cards
Book of Secrets: The walls was surprised how easily the and may choose whichever one of the two he wants. This ability
were covered with notes and lost book was recovered. It does not work when drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds.
sketches. Daisy entered was almost as if someone
cautiously, wading through wanted her to find it, or the
an ankle deep layer of torn book itself wanted to be
and crumpled paper. There found. Without thinking, she
was a hollow wooden thud as opened the book to the first
The closer Darrell had gotten to his quarry, the more problems he’d
her toe kicked the create that page and began reading a
been having. Flash bulbs turned up inexplicably crushed. His lens
had once housed the book. language she was unfamiliar
fogged over. Innumerable mechanical failures conspired to thwart
Quickly, she began tearing with. After that her memories
his efforts.
through the paper until, at became uncertain.
last, the ancient book was But now he was heading into the darkroom to develop what had to
recovered. Daisy’s maximum Sanity is
be the perfect shot. This would be the one that vindicated him.
reduced by 1.
Take the first Tome from the
Unique Items deck. Pass Fail
If Darrell has 2 or more gate If Darrell has 5 or more Clue
trophies, placed “There’s tokens, place “The Film Is
Your Proof!” in play. Ruined!” in play.

When using Daisy’s Iron Will ability for items with variable Sanity There’s Your Proof! The The Film Is Ruined! Inside
costs, calculate the cost being spent, then reduce the cost by 1. editor’s skepticism vanished the darkroom, Simmons
away quickly. What he was pulled the photo out of the
looking at was just too chemicals and examined it.
horrible. There was no way Nothing. Blurs and smears.
Simmons could have doctored After all his promises, he
a photo to this extent. “This is knew he’d never work again.
one heck of a picture, Kid. I’m
sorry I doubted you,” he said. Darrell must immediately
I won’t ever make that discard a Retainer if has one
Even while growing up in Arkham, mistake again. and may no longer receive a
Darrell always knew that there was Retainer or Bank Loan.
something not quite right about the Darrell gains a Retainer if he
strange little town. After graduating does not already have one.
from high school, he went to work for the Darrell keeps his Retainer for
Arkham Advertiser as a photographer, the rest of the game.
and in the years since, he's crawled over
every square inch of the city.

Last night, however, Darrell saw something horrible-- something

that has shaken his world to its core and torn away the safe When instructed to draw two cards and choose one, Darrell draws
illusions we all foster to protect our minds and our souls. His editor three cards and chooses one to encounter.
says he was just seeing things, but as he leaves the newspaper
building, he knows just what he saw and he intends to show the
world! This time he'll be more careful. This time he'll take pictures
and prove that things are not normal in Arkham.

Occupation Photographer
Home Newspaper
Sanity 4
Stamina 6
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $4, 1 Clue token, 1 Special (Retainer)
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 2 Unique items, 1 Skill

7 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Pass Fail
Each time Dexter draws a If Dexter is driven insane,
Tome, put a Clue on this place “Phony” in play:
card. If there are 2 Clue
tokens on this card, place Phony: “Is it really magic?”
After returning from his stint in the “Sorcerer” in play. The boy gazed up, his eyes
army during WWI, Dexter became a wide.
stage magician, and proved to be very Sorcerer: Thumbing
through the John Dee edition “You don’t want to see real
successful at his trade, but he always
of the Necronomicon, Dexter magic, kid. No one does.”
longed to find real magic. As they say,
be careful what you wish for. Years smiled. “Ahh,” he said. “Just Dexter must discard 1 Spell
later, in a rundown store, Dexter came the thing.” of his choice.
across a burnt and torn fragment of
Dexter reduces all Sanity
the Necronomicon itself. Intrigued by this ancient piece of occult
costs to cast Spells by 1 (to a
knowledge, Dexter began to use his wealth in search of the truth
minimum of 0).
about the ancient lore, and what he found horrified him.

Now, the more he learns, the less he wants to know, but his studies
have led him to believe that a great evil will soon arise in Arkham.
He knows that he may well be the only person with the ability to
stop this evil from swallowing the world, so he has come to that
sleepy town to speak with the proprietor of Ye Olde Magick Shoppe,
one of the few magic shops that contain true lore, and not merely
the stage tricks he once studied. Diana Stanley moved to Arkham two
years ago. As the owner of a small
women's clothing shop, she wanted to fit
Occupation Magician
into the community as quickly as
Home Ye Olde Magick Shop
possible. Therefore, she joined the
Sanity 5
Chamber of Commerce, the Women's
Stamina 5
league, and the Historical Society. Her
Focus 2
efforts were clearly paying off since
Fixed Possessions $5, 1 Spell (Shrivelling)
business was booming, and just a few months ago Carl Sanford
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 2
invited her to join a very elite club in Arkham-- the Silver Twilight
Spells, 1 Skill

Her initial joy at the invitation has since turned to horror. The
weekly meetings have been growing ever more disturbing since she
advanced to the second rank of the Order, and her sleep has become
Speed 2 3 4 5 haunted by nightmarish beings. Last week she actually witnessed
the summoning of a dark creature and learned that an evil plot to
Sneak 4 3 2 1
summon what Sanford refers to as an Ancient One was in motion.
Fight 1 2 3 4 It was at that moment that Diana decided to not only get away from
the Order, but also to stop them. She is aware that when the Order
Will 3 2 1 0
finds out what she's doing they'll come for her, but she sees this as
Lore 2 3 4 5 her only chance for redemption, whatever the cost.
Luck 3 2 1 0
Occupation Redeemed Cultist
Home General Store
Sanity 4
Stamina 6
Focus 1
Fixed Possessions $4, 2 Clue tokens, 1 Special (Silver
Magical Gift (Any Phase): Whenever "The Great" Drake draws Twilight Lodge Membership)
one or more cards from the Spell deck, he draws one extra card and Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Spell, 1 Skill
then discards one of the cards. Expansion Dunwich Horror

It was clear that the Great Drake was in over his head.
Speed 0 1 2 3
There was no one to equal him for stagecraft and illusions, but when
it came to the real thing… Well, Dexter had to admit, when it came Sneak 4 3 2 1
to genuine magic, he was a talented amateur at best. Fight 1 2 3 4
Unfortunately, it had become abundantly clear that a talented Will 4 3 2 1
amateur was not what the world needed now. It was sink or swim
time. Lore 3 4 5 6
Luck 4 3 2 1

8 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Although Finn has never been a vengeful man, that incident left
him rattled in ways he hadn't been since getting beaten up on the
playground years ago.
 Trusted Sister (Any Phase): You cannot lose your Silver
Twilight Lodge Membership. Stepping out of the bank with enough borrowed cash for guns and
supplies, Finn vows that those lunatics will regret the day they ever
 Dark Insight (Any Phase): Gain 1 Sanity or 1 Stamina each crossed him.
time a doom token is added to the Ancient One's doom track.
Occupation Bootlegger
Home Bank of Arkham
Sanity 4
Stamina 6
Diana knew that the Lodge had eyes everywhere. She walked Focus 1
casually through Arkham’s streets toward the police station. She Fixed Possessions $8, 1 Common Item (Whiskey), 1 Special
was certain the evidence she had would see that Carl Sanford was (Bank Loan)
locked away as a madman for the rest of this life. Random Possessions 2 Common Items, 2 Unique Items, 2
She just hoped that whomever she spoke to at the station wasn’t one Skills
of the Lodge’s minions. Expansion Innsmouth Horror

Pass Fail
If Diana is at the Police If the terror level reaches 4, Speed 3 4 5 6
Station during the Upkeep place “Laying Low” in play.
Phase, she may spend 5 Clue Sneak 5 4 3 2
tokens to place “The Mole” in Laying Low: Diana washed
Fight 0 1 2 3
play. her face again before looking
in the mirror. Yesterday had Will 3 2 1 0
The Mole: Sherriff Engle been too close. She was going
Lore 1 2 3 4
gaped at the assembled to have to lay low for awhile
evidence. “Is this for real?” and not draw anymore Luck 4 3 2 1
Diana nodded. “Carl Sanford. attention to herself.
I can’t believe it.” The sheriff
stood, running a hand Diana cannot be Blessed.
through his hair. “Dingby!
Come on! We’re paying a visit
to the Silver Twilight Lodge.”  Slippery (Mythos Phase): When moon monsters move, Finn
Diana’s Focus is increased by may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not
1. need to make any Evade checks when doing so.

When Diana has Inner Circle  Holdout (Any Phase): Finn never has to discard items or lose
encounters, she draws one money, even when he is knocked unconscious or driven insane.
extra card, encountering He must still pay costs as usual.
whichever one she chooses.

Finn smiled savagely to himself. Chase him through the woods,

Diana’s Dark Insight ability no longer functions once the Ancient would they? Brandish knives as him, eh? Well, they’d be sorry.
One awakens, or when the Ancient One awakens before its doom Nobody did that Finn Edwards without facing the music.
track is full.
Yes, indeed, his plans were coming together nicely.

Pass Fail
If Finn has 3 or more If the terror level reaches 3,
monster trophies, including place “Cut Your Losses” in
at least 1 Cultist monster play.
trophy, place “Best Served
Prohibition was the best thing that ever Cut Your Losses: “There
Cold” in play.
happened to Finn Edwards. Until they comes a point during all truly
banned alcohol, he was just drifting Best Served Cold: It was spectacular failures when a
through life, doing odd jobs here and true. There was nothing more smart man cuts and runs,”
there. But afterwards, the demand for satisfying that a well planned Finn said to himself. “Clearly,
alcohol rose to such a fever pitch that he and well executed revenge. that time has come.
was able to make a comfortable living
evading the law and giving people what they wanted. His new Finn may use his Slippery Finn must discard all of his
lifestyle particularly suited his personality, providing him with a ability to move as a circle Clue tokens. In addition, he
taste of danger, plenty of cash, and a great deal of personal monster in addition to receives 1 less movement
satisfaction. moving a moon monster. If point than normal each turn.
both types move, he must
choose one or the other
Of course, those things are all well and good until you find yourself
symbol – he cannot move as
running through the woods at night trying to lose a bunch of knife-
both types.
wielding maniacs who want to sacrifice you to their dark gods.

9 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

 Finn starts the game with only $8. He gains no extra money
for starting with a Bank Loan. Speed 0 1 2 3
Sneak 5 4 3 2
 When using his Slippery ability, Finn moves after all other
monster movement. Fight 0 1 2 3
Will 4 3 2 1
 Using an item that states it must be discarded in order to use Lore 1 2 3 4
it is considered a cost and the card must be discarded. It is
unaffected by Finn’s Holdout ability. Luck 5 4 3 2

 Finn can default on Bank Loans while he still has money

without discarding items.

 If Finn gains the Back Injury card, he is immune to discarding

but must not pick up additional cards over the limit.  Knowledge is Power (Any Phase): When spending a Clue
token to add to a skill check, George may add +1 to the result
of one of his rolled dice instead of rolling an extra die.
 Finn’s Holdout ability cannot prevent losses from the Return
to the Old Ways rumor.
 Bail Out (Any Phase): George may spend $2 to prevent any
investigator from being arrested, including himself.
 Finn’s Holdout ability can prevent items from being discarded
as the result of Ancient One attacks.

“Well, Maria, I’ve tracked them down, so it looks like this is it. I’ll
either see you soon, or maybe not at all. Whether I see you or not,
take care my love.”
George checked his weapons one last time, then moved forward, eyes
fixed firmly on his targets.
George Barnaby always had the need for
control - control of his life and of his
surroundings. That's why, after Pass Fail
spending a month in jail at the age of 19
for a crime he didn't commit, George If George claims a Cultist as If George is knocked
became a lawyer. a monster trophy, place “My unconscious or driven insane,
Sweet Maria” in play. place “I’m Sorry, Maria” in
Possessing a keen mind and a My Sweet Maria: “That’s it,
charismatic personality, he found that he excelled in his chosen Love. They won’t bother I’m Sorry Maria: “I’m sorry,
field and soon rose to a position of power and wealth. George anyone else ever again.” Maria. In the end, I just
enjoyed the challenge of practicing law, and the years rolled past in couldn’t do it.”
a pleasant blur until he was ready to retire. He figured that he and George’s maximum Stamina
his wife, Maria, would buy a boat and sail around the world. is increased by 1. He George cannot gain any new
immediately gains 1 Allies.
That was before the night when his home was invaded, his wife was
murdered, and his house was burned to the ground by two men
wearing strange amulets.

Now, he has tracked these men to the city of Arkham. They will pay
for making him feel helpless, and for taking away his dear, sweet For items that require a natural roll of 6 (such as the Shotgun),
Maria. after all, if there's one thing lawyers are known for, it's George Barnaby’s Knowledge is Power ability does not elevate a
collecting debts that are owed to them. roll of 5 to a 6.

Occupation Lawyer
Home Library
Sanity 7
Stamina 3
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $7, 1 Special (Retainer)
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 1 Spell, As a young girl, Gloria was haunted by
1 Skill terrible visions. After years of visiting
Expansion Innsmouth Horror doctors and some therapy, she learned to
control her visions somewhat by writing
stories. Her weird and disturbing fiction
somehow spoke to the public in these
troubled times, and has made her a
bestselling writer.

This evening, while leaving a book signing she's attending in

Arkham, she was knocked to the ground by the most powerful
vision she's ever experienced. Gloria saw the sky tear open, and a

10 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

huge and monstrous form pour out of the very air itself, wreaking card and draws two Other World cards that match the color of
untold havoc and killing thousands. As she sat on the ground with one of the encounter symbols on the Other World she is in. She
her arms wrapped around herself, Gloria knew, somehow, that this then chooses whichever one of the two she wants.
vision was real, and that it would come to pass unless she did
something about it.  When instructed to draw two cards and choose one, Gloria
draws three cards and chooses one to encounter.
Now, she finds herself in a run-down diner, sipping coffee and
trying to decide what to do.

Occupation Author
Home Velma’s Diner
Sanity 6
Stamina 4
Focus 2 As he was growing up on his parents'
Fixed Possessions $7, 2 Clue tokens farm, it soon became obvious that Hank
Random Possessions 2 Common items, 2 Spells, 1 Skill was more of a doer than a thinker. He
wasn't stupid, exactly, he just didn't
spend a lot of time thinking things
through before he did them. A lot of the
time, this tended to get him in trouble.

Speed 1 2 3 4 Then again, sometimes it came in handy, like it had in the last
Sneak 3 2 1 0 month when he heard the cows panicking. Picking up his shotgun,
Hank rushed outside, only to see some kind of giant buzzard thing
Fight 0 1 2 3 attacking the cattle. Now, some might have questioned their own
Will 5 4 3 2 sanity at the sight while others might have fainted away in sheer
horror. But Hank, he just took aim and blew the darn thing's head
Lore 1 2 3 4 off. It only occurred to him later to wonder just what it had been.
Luck 5 4 3 2
When Pa saw the corpse, he told Hank that they were going to take
it to a Professor he knew at Miskatonic University. So, they crated
it up, drove to the nearest train station, and hopped a train to

Psychic Sensitivity (Other World Encounter Phase): When Only, things haven't gone so well since then. First, the crate
drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards vanished off the train, and then Pa went missing when he went to
that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, complain about the missing crate.
then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does
not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham. As Hank grows tired of waiting at the General Store where his Pa
told him to meet up if they got separated, he wonders if he might
not have to start doing a little thinking after all.

Occupation Farmhand
Gloria looked around the room at the nervous faces. Why wouldn’t Home General Store
they believe her visions? Why couldn’t they see the horrors she saw? Sanity 5
Or maybe they could and they were working against her, trying to Stamina 6
convince her that she was crazy. Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $3, 1 Clue token, 1 Common item (Food)
“I assure you I am in total control of my faculties.” They seemed Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Unique item, 1 Skill
unconvinced. And to be honest, it had been increasingly difficult Expansion Innsmouth Horror
lately to separate the visions from the reality.

Pass Fail
If Gloria has 5 Clue tokens, If Gloria is driven insane,
Speed 2 3 4 5
place “I’m Writing It” in play. place “It’s Writing Me” in
play. Sneak 4 3 2 1
I’m Writing It: All the plot
threads were coming together. It’s Writing Me: Gloria Fight 2 3 4 5
Gloria now knew exactly what could see it now. She was just
Will 3 2 1 0
she needed to do. a character in a story, and
her fate was determined long Lore 0 1 2 3
Gloria gains +1 Fight. ago.
Luck 4 3 2 1
Gloria receives a -1 penalty to
all Will checks.

 Whenever Gloria resolves an Other World card that instructs

her to “Discard this card and draw again,” she discards the

11 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Thick-skulled (Any Phase): Hank does not make a Horror check Speed 0 1 2 3
when he first encounters a monster. Instead, he only makes a
Horror check if he first fails a Combat or Evade check against a Sneak 5 4 3 2
monster. Fight 0 1 2 3
Will 3 2 1 0
Lore 3 4 5 6

Hank was alone in a strange city, and Pa was missing. Luck 4 3 2 1

Well, that was okay, he’d just go back to the Train Station and look
for Pa. If Pa wasn’t there…well, he’d worry about that later.

Pass Fail
Strong Mind (Any Phase): Harvey reduces all Sanity losses he
Hank may spend 5 Clue If Hank fails a Horror check, suffers by 1, to a minimum of 0.
tokens while at the Train place “The Boy Who Learned
Station during the Upkeep Fear” into play.
Phase to place “There’s Pa!”
in play. The Boy Who Learned
Fear: Hank shivered and
There’s Pa! “Hey Pa, why rocked back and forth. “I Professor Walters sat in his office surrounded by the mountain of
were you tied up among all wanna go home.” research he had amassed: books clippings, photographs, plaster
those boxes and bags?” molds of footprints, etc.
Hank’s maximum Sanity is
This card counts as Pa reduced by 1. How could he have been wrong about so many things when he
Samson, an Ally card. Hank began? He’d been a fool.
gains +1 Will and +1 Lore But now, he was on the edge. The final answer was here, right in
while Pa is with him. front of him. These things were trying to tell him a story, and he
could almost hear it.

Pass Fail
If Harvey has at least 1 Clue If Harvey is lost and time and
token, 1 Unique Item, 1 gate space, place “It’s Worse Than
trophy, and 1 monster I Feared” in play.
trophy, place “Eureka!” in
play. It’s Worse Than I Feared:
Slowly, numbly, Harvey
Harvey is a visiting Professor at Eureka! “Good Lord!” pushed his chair back away
Miskatonic University. With Doctorates in Professor Walters leapt up from the desk. If this were
History and Archaeology, he has uncovered from his desk. He grabbed his true – but no, it couldn’t be!
several interesting artifacts over the years notes and his equipment, then
and learned a little of the arcane arts. rushed to the door. He had to Harvey may never have more
Recently, by carefully studying the papers take action immediately! than 5 Clue tokens at once.
and talking to people in the streets, he has
begun to detect a disturbance in the city-- something that could Harvey’s maximum Stamina
potentially herald the arrival of something unthinkable from is increased by 1. He
beyond time and space. immediately gains 1
Checking his notes, Professor Walters prepares himself for one last Harvey reduces the Sanity
trip into the streets of Arkham to confirm his theory. If he's right, it costs to cast spells by 1, to a
could spell the end of everything. minimum of 0.

Occupation Professor
Home Administration Building
Sanity 7
Stamina 3
The professor’s Strong Mind ability works on losses, not costs or
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $5, 1 Clue token
Random Possessions 2 Unique items, 2 Spells, 1 Skill

12 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Pass Fail
If Jacqueline has 2 or more If the terror level reaches 3,
Allies, place “Vision of Hope place “Vision of Despair” in
in play. play.

Jacqueline witnesses the future every Vision of Hope: “I see a way Vision of Despair: “There’s
night. Her dreams are filled with things out of this. There’s still hope.” no way out. We’re doomed.”
that have not yet come to pass-- usually
Jacqueline discards 1 Ally of Jacqueline’s maximum
terrible visions of blood and fire. This
her choice. Remove one doom Sanity is reduced by 1.
time is no different. She has dreamed of
token from the Ancient One’s
a city called Arkham. A quiet town that
doom track.
is to be destroyed by a terrible creature
before the world is plunged into Jacqueline’s maximum
indescribable chaos for a thousand years. Her dreams have never Stamina is increased by 1.
been wrong before. She immediately gains 1
Unable to ignore this latest vision, Jaqueline did some research and
found the location of the doomed city. Now she has come to the
place that haunts her to try and stop the destruction she knows will
come. Drawn to an image from her darkest dreams, she takes a
deep breath as she enters the Curiositie Shoppe-- a place she knows Jacqueline can use her Precognition ability to force a new draw
will soon become a nightmare made flesh. for the Mythos Card drawn during setup.

Occupation Psychic
Home Curiositie Shoppe
Sanity 7
Stamina 3
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $7, 2 Clue tokens, 1 Unique item
(Enchanted Jewelry)
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill Several months ago, Jenny was visiting
Expansion Dunwich Horror Paris when she received a letter from
her sister, Isabelle. In it, Isabelle
rambled incoherently, writing about men
in dark cloaks following her wherever
she went, and of hoof prints in the
woods, left by an enormous goat. The
outside of the envelope was partially
Speed 1 2 3 4 stained with blood, and it was mailed from Arkham. That was the
Sneak 3 2 1 0 last letter from Isabelle she received.
Fight 1 2 3 4
Jenny has since returned to the States, coming to Arkham to find
Will 4 3 2 1 her missing sister. Stepping off the train from Boston into the dark
Lore 2 3 4 5 autumn night, she believes that her sister was abducted by a
strange cult, and is determined to find her and thwart the plans of
Luck 4 3 2 1 those that took her... even if she has to save all of Arkham in the

Occupation Dilettante
Home Train Station
Sanity 6
Precognition (Mythos Phase): Once per turn, when a mythos Stamina 4
card other than "The Story Continues…" is drawn, Jacqueline may Focus 1
spend 2 Clue tokens to discard that mythos card without effect and Fixed Possessions $10
draw another one instead. The second mythos card then takes Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Unique item, 1
effect. Spell, 1 Skill

Jacqueline was having visions again. One in particular kept

haunting her. One face. A face in a crowd. If she could find that one Speed 0 1 2 3
face, she could find out what it means! Was it the key to the whole
thing, or merely another red herring? Sneak 4 3 2 1
Fight 1 2 3 4
Will 5 4 3 2
Lore 1 2 3 4
Luck 5 4 3 2

13 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Musician
Home Velma’s Diner
Sanity 6
Trust Fund (Upkeep Phase): Jenny gains $1 Stamina 4
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $3, 3 Clue tokens, 1 Unique item
(Golden Trumpet)
Random Possessions 2 Spells, 1 Common item, 1 Skill
She was just off the first train here in Arkham and already Jenny Expansion Dunwich Horror
hated this town. Of course, she’d had a few weeks on the trip from
Paris to build the hate and fear.
In truth, Arkham doesn’t seem as bad in person as it did in her
imagination. The gabled roofs and New England architecture were
actually fairly charming, and the people didn’t seem too
horrid…until she started asking questions, that is… Speed 1 2 3 4
Sneak 3 2 1 0
Pass Fail Fight 0 1 2 3
If Jenny is at the Unvisited If the terror level reaches 3 or Will 5 4 3 1
Isle during the Upkeep higher, place “Too Late!” in
Lore 1 2 3 4
Phase, she may spend 5 Clue play.
tokens to place “Reunited” in Luck 5 4 3 2
play. Too Late! The last envelope
had contained a finger. The
Reunited: “Jenny! Jenny! one before that, a toe.
Thank God you’ve come!”
Isabelle’s crying, and Jenny’s When she saw the box sitting
crying too. outside her door, Jenny
started wailing in horror.  Dead Man Stomp (Any Phase): Jim may spend 1 Clue token
“You’re safe now,” says Jenny, to automatically pass a Combat check against an Undead
rubbing her sister’s shoulder. Jenny must either leave this
card in play or draw a
“No.” Isabelle shakes her head Madness card and discard
and tries to dry her eyes.” this card. If she leaves this  Strange Luck (Any Phase): Other Worlds are considered to
None of us are.” card in play, her maximum have a green encounter symbol for you in addition to their
Sanity is reduced by 2. normal encounter symbols.
This card counts as Isabelle
Barnes, an Ally card. Jenny
gains +1 Speed and +1 Lore
while Isabelle is with her.
Maybe Jim had spent a little too much time in this graveyard
talking to the departed and not enough time making music for
normal, living folks. But Old Jim, he wasn’t dead yet, and if these
decaying things that shuffled around between the tombs thought
they could make him dance to their tune, well they were in for a rude
Jim Culver was just getting warmed up.

Pass Fail
Daddy used to say, "Jazz is a lot like
liquor, it makes everything go down a If Jim has 3 or more monster If the terror level reaches 4,
little smoother." trophies, including at least 1 place “Out of Time” in play.
Undead monster trophy,
place “Sweet Harmony” in Out of Time: There was a
Daddy used to say a lot of stupid things. music inside Jim that he
could not drown out. It was a
Jazz has been nothing but trouble for Sweet Harmony: Joe could frightful, nauseating music
Jim since the day he picked up his daddy's trumpet. There was feel the rhythm in his gut. that possessed him. It
something weird and otherworldly about the writing on the inside The creatures, the visions of compelled him to play. Once
of the bell, but the tones from it were smooth and dark, like good other worlds, the terror – heard these cursed melodies
coffee. There was something about it that made you want to tap there was a music to it all, were ruinous to the soul,
your feet and snap your fingers. That trumpet landed Jim a lot of and he could hear it. It was breeding fear and despair.
gigs until the time it made Widow Jenkins get up and dance, the time for Jim Culver to play a
day he played at her funeral. After that, it was kind of hard to find solo in this nightmarish Each time Jim goes insane or
work, especially playing funerals. melody. is knocked unconscious, the
terror level increases by 1.
Each time an Undead
Since then, Jim has learned a lot about jazz-- and the things the monster appears in Arkham,
graveyard ghouls talk about on cold autumn nights. Lately, they've Jim instead immediately
been talking about The End, as in the end of everything that is and claims it as a monster trophy.
could be. The Final Rhapsody. The fact is, Jim isn't too keen on that
idea. He's got more songs he wants to play before then. So, sitting
in a booth at Velma's, Jim takes one last swallow of hot coffee
before heading out to play what could be his last encore. The coffee
is smooth and dark going down, just like the night...

14 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Pass Fail
If Joes is at the Silver If Joe discards a Unique
Twilight Lodge during the Item, place “No Dice” in play.
Upkeep Phase, he may
spend 5 toughness worth of No Dice: “It was destroyed?
The job sounded simple enough-- pick monster trophies and 1 You’re certain?” Carl
up a statue at the Providence Museum Unique Item to place “Finish Sanford’s questions seemed
and deliver it to a guy at the Silver the Job” in play. eerily calm. “Never fear, Mr.
Twilight Lodge. The money was good, Diamond. You will be
and the dame who gave him the job Finish the Job: “There you appropriately compensated
seemed sincere. are, Sanford. Just like I said. for your efforts.”
Now pay me.”
Joe must either leave this
Sadly, things never seem to work out that easily for Joe. Now the Sanford didn’t respond to card in play or draw an
statue is missing, two people are dead, strange cultists are on his Diamond right away. He was Injury card and discard this
tail, and all clues lead to Arkham. Lady Luck can be funny that too engrossed in the package card. If he leaves this card in
way. Joe had just handed him. play, his maximum Stamina
“Well done, Mr. Diamond. is reduced by 2.
He's already tried talking to the Sheriff, but that flatfoot proved to Very well done.” Sanford
be worse than useless. Looks like it's once again going to be up to called for the Lodge’s security.
Joe Diamond to solve the case. “You’ve earned this.”
Joe Diamond immediately
Occupation Private Eye gains $15.
Home Police Station
Sanity 4
Stamina 6
Focus 3
Fixed Possessions $8, 3 Clue tokens, 1 Common item (.45
Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Skill
A brilliant researcher, but a shy, lonely
person, Kate Winthrop has been
working at the Miskatonic Science Labs
for 4 years now and her supervisor still
doesn't know her name. That doesn't
Speed 3 4 5 6 matter to her though, as she has been
Sneak 4 3 2 1 working to complete a private quest for
most of that time. Almost 3 years ago,
Fight 2 3 4 5 she watched as a device malfunctioned, and Professor Young, her
Will 3 2 1 0 long-time mentor and friend, was torn apart by an indistinct
creature that shrieked and gibbered before vanishing into the
Lore 0 1 2 3 night. Since then, she has delved into darker scientific studies,
Luck 3 2 1 0 always hoping to find something that would allow her to find and
defeat that creature along with others of its kind.

Tonight, her research has finally paid off, allowing her to create a
device that can defeat the alien beings she has detected in Arkham!

Hunches (Any Phase): Joe rolls one extra bonus die when he Occupation Scientist
spends a Clue token to add to a roll. Home Science Building
Sanity 6
Stamina 4
Focus 1
Fixed Possessions $7, 2 Clue tokens (Do not place a Clue
“It’s not the statue itself, Mr. Diamond. It’s what’s inside that’s token on the Science Building to start
important.” Carl Sanford sat behind his dark oak desk, looking the game)
coolly at Joe. Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 2
Spells, 1 Skill
“I’ll get it back,” spat Joe. “And those goons that took it, I’ll add
them on as a bonus.”
“That would be just fine with us.” Sanford narrowed his eyes. “We
here at the Lodge are anxious to meet these thieves.”

Speed 1 2 3 4
Sneak 5 4 3 2
Fight 1 2 3 4
Will 3 2 1 0
Lore 2 3 4 5
Luck 4 3 2 1

15 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

 If Kate has an explored token in the same location as a gate
that has a monster surge, and her Science! ability cancels the
surge, an uprising token is still added to the Deep One Rising
Science! (Any Phase): Gates and monsters cannot appear in track.
Kate's location due to her flux stabilizer. Monsters and gates do not
disappear if she enters their location, however, and monsters can
move into her location as usual.

If only she could find a way to increase the resonance of her flux
stabilizer, Kate was certain that her device would begin to heal the Anderson took seven men with him into
damage caused by the gates. the Yucatan. Two came back-- more or
less. Technically, three men made it out
But in order to do that, she’d need samples of matter brought back of that jungle alive, but Mitch Brown's
from beyond several of the gates. not exactly himself anymore. As a point
of fact, he's a blithering madman now,
and has already been shipped off to the
Pass Fail asylum.
If Kate has 2 or more gate If the doom track has 6 or
trophies, place “It’s Working!” more doom tokens, place Leo couldn't read the tablets they found in those ruins-- only Dr.
in play. “This Is No Good” in play. Volk could, of the seven of them-- but he's holding the good doctor's
notes in his hand. The ones Volk took before he went mad. Before
It’s Working! Yes! The This Is No Good: “I don’t
he killed two of Anderson's men.
improved flux stabilizer understand it. The theory is
seemed to be diminishing the sound, but nothing is
effects of the gates! happening!” Now Anderson's fresh off the boat and he's got word that Dr.
Philips, the man who organized the Yucatan expedition in the first
It takes one more open gate Kate can no longer spend place, is dead. Philips is dead, and that leaves Anderson holding the
to awaken the Ancient One. Clue tokens to add to skill scribblings of a murderous lunatic-- scribblings with today's date
check made to close or seal circled in blood.
Occupation Expedition Leader
Home River Docks
Sanity 5
Stamina 5
Focus 2
 When Kate’s Science! ability prevents a gate from opening on
Fixed Possessions $5, 2 Clue tokens
her location, it also prevents a doom token from being added to
Random Possessions 1 Ally, 2 Common items, 1 Skill
the doom track.
Expansion Dunwich Horror

 Kate’s Science! ability can be used in any location, street

area, or Other World area.

 If a Gate Burst occurs at Kate Winthrop’s location, the Gate

Burst is completely prevented. The seal remains. Speed 1 2 3 4

 Kate cannot use the Summon Monster Spell, nor can it be used Sneak 4 3 2 1
by an investigator in her location or street area. Fight 1 2 3 4
Will 4 3 2 1
 Kate’s Science! ability prevents encountering named
monsters in specific encounters as well as monsters from Lore 1 2 3 4
appearing due to Other World encounters. Luck 4 3 2 1

 Kate’s Science! ability does not prevent Mask or Spawn

monsters from appearing.

Leadership (Any Phase): Once per turn, Leo may prevent 1 point
 If Kate has an explored token in the same location as a gate
of Stamina or Sanity loss for any investigator.
that has a monster surge, her Science! ability completely
cancels the monster surge.

 If Kate has an explored token in the same location as a gate

other than one that has the monster surge, the surge is
resolved normally, except monsters do not appear at Kate’s
location. The total number of monsters is distributed as evenly
as possible among the remaining open gates, with no gate
having more monsters placed on it than the gate where the
monster surge occurred this turn. (Note: her ability does not
reduce the number of monster tokens drawn as a result of the
surge, it simply redistributes them to other gates).

16 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Martial Artist
Home Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
Sanity 4-7
“Listen, I won’t lie to you. This is going to make the Yucatan look Stamina 7-4
like a cakewalk.” Leo tugged his collar straight and leaned forward. Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $4, 2 Clue tokens, 1 Skill (Martial Arts)
“But this ain’t no lie either – I need you. Arkham needs you. Hell, the
Random Possessions 1 Spell, 1 Common item
world needs you. We’re not after riches, and we’re no after a lost
Expansion Kingsport Horror
civilization this time. We’re out to save the world, plain and simple.
Are you with me?”

Pass Fail
If Leo has 3 or more Allies, If an investigator is
place Get to Work” in play. devoured, or the terror level Max. Sanity 4 5 6 7
reaches 4, place “Leo’s Guilt” Max. Stamina 7 6 5 4
Get to Work: “Alright, folks. in play.
You all know the stakes. Let’s Speed 1 2 3 4
get to work.” Leo’s Guilt: “Good men keep
Sneak 4 3 2 1
dying on my watch.”
Once per turn, Leo may Anderson clasped his big Fight 2 3 4 5
exhaust one his allies instead hands together and started
of spending a Clue token. Will 4 3 2 1
into the flames. “That stops
now.” Lore 1 2 3 4
If Leo ever discards an Ally, Luck 4 3 2 1
he is devoured instead.

When Leo Anderson’s “Get to Work” Personal Story is in play, Yin and Yang: When spending Focus, Lily may adjust her
exhausted Allies still give their bonuses. maximum Sanity and Stamina as though they were skills.

Lily closed her eyes and focused. Balance. Grace. Serenity. With
every new horror that came shambling out of the shadows, Lily
Lily Chen had an unusual childhood, to found it harder to return to a state of inner calm. The trial before
put it mildly. She was born in mainland her was so great. Surely her teachers could not have anticipated the
China, and on the next day, a group of challenges she must face. But she could not falter now, with her
monks arrived at her home, asking if any destiny so close at hand. Balance. Grace. Serenity. Lily opened her
children had been born there the night eyes and focused.
before. The monks were seeking a child
of prophecy, and although they were
surprised to find that she was a girl,
they wished to take and train her at their monastery. Her parents,
Pass Fail
both poor and devout, agreed, after making sure she would be well If the Ancient One awakens, If Lily is knocked unconscious
cared for. place “This Is It” in play. or driven inane, place I Can’t
Do It” in play.
The monks began her on a rigorous training program nearly as soon This Is It: The illusions of
as she could walk, teaching her every martial arts technique they the mundane world were torn I Can’t Do It: Lily had come
could, going so far as to invite instructors from other countries to away and the horrible truth to see the horror she always
teach her. She knew from a young age that she was fated to lay revealed. But Lily had secretly feared. There was no
perform an incredibly dangerous task when the time came, so she never been deceived by the destiny and no future. Her
pursued her studies with a will. Lily learned not only a myriad of illusions of this world. Now strength and will were of no
deadly unarmed combat techniques, but also how to link her mind that her moment was at more significance to the
to her body on a fundamental level, each supporting the other. hand, she stood clam and ancient evil than a speck of
ready to fulfill her destiny. dust. She would die the same
meaningless death that
Finally, last month, it happened. One of the monks awoke from his Remove two doom tokens everyone else would.
meditations screaming, "The Great Eye is opening! The final days from the Ancient One’s doom
are upon us!" before falling dead. track. If Azathoth is the Lily’s maximum Sanity is
Ancient One, only remove one reduced by 1.
Now, Lily stands inside a magic shop in Arkham, hoping to find doom token, but Azathoth
someone or something that will aid her in fulfilling her destiny. does not awaken. Afterwards,
discard this card.

 Each time Lily increases her maximum Sanity, she gains 1

Sanity. Each time she increases her maximum Stamina, she
gains 1 Stamina.

17 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

 Lily's current Sanity or Stamina can never exceed her
maximum Sanity or Stamina.

 After moving her maximums slider, Lily Chen only restores Improv (Upkeep Phase): Once per turn, Lola may discard one of
her stamina/sanity based on its final position (she does not her skill cards to draw a new skill from either the top or the bottom
heal 1 point for each notch moved). Additionally, if one of her of the Skill deck. Lola may look at the bottom card of the Skill deck
maximums increases by more than 1 at once, she only restores at any time.
1 point of that type.

 If Lily Chen uses her Yin and Yang ability to increase either
her maximum Stamina or Sanity by two, she gains only one
Lola’s footsteps echoed throughout the abandoned auditorium. Were
Sanity or Stamina token. She raised her maximum only once,
they all gone? Every cast member, every technician, even all the
even if it was raised by more than one.
ushers – could they all truly be dead or missing? No one even
claimed to remember seeing that fateful play.
 The rule that no more than three doom tokens can be removed
from Chaugnar-Faugn’s doom track does not apply when Lily’s But surely there was at least one person who wouldn’t have
“This Is It” card is in play. The Personal Story card is resolved forgotten. Her biggest fan certainly must remember. Now all she had
to its full effect if it is in play. to do was find this dear friend to the arts.

Pass Fail
If Lola has an Ally, place If there are 4 or more doom
“Tread the Boards” in play. tokens on the doom track,
place “The Show Must Go
Tread the Boards: “You On” in play.
know, all I really needed was
Lola walked out the doors of Arkham my audience,” Lola said to The Show Must Go On:
Asylum into a bright, sunny day. It had her friend. “I’ve survived bad There was no spotlight, no
been the right move, checking herself reviews and cursed plays. I audience, and no applause.
into the sanitarium to recuperate after can certainly survive Lola was only left with the
her last show. She still didn't like to whatever melodrama Arkham part she had to play, and the
think about that play, of course-- all that can cook up for me.” script she had to follow to her
strange chanting and those awful masks; final dark and lonely scene.
they still appeared sometimes in her nightmares. Once per turn, Lola may Then she, like everything else,
exhaust this card before would fade into the
making a skill check to everlasting night.
She glanced down again at the newspaper clipping in her hand.
receive a +1 bonus to that
"Famous Director Hangs Himself!" She had decided to check out of
check. Lola’s maximum Sanity is
the asylum when she had seen it and realized that there was
reduced by 1.
something more to that play than just her own wild imaginings.

Subtly checking once more to make sure her derringer was still
safely hidden, Lola strode back out onto center stage for what could
be her final starring role.
When Lola Hayes uses her Improv ability, she places her discarded
Skill off to the side until after she looks at and/or draws the bottom
Occupation Actress card from the Skill deck, so she doesn’t just see the card she just
Home Arkham Asylum discarded.
Sanity 6
Stamina 4
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $6, 2 Clue tokens, 1 Common item (.18
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 1 Spell,
1 Skill
Expansion Kingsport Horror
It was many years ago when Luke
discovered the Dreamlands. He climbed
down the Seventy Steps of Light
Slumber, faced the judgement of Nasht
Speed 2 3 4 5 and Kamen-Tha, and walked through
Sneak 3 2 1 0 the Doors of Sleep into another world.

Fight 1 2 3 4
There, Luke had grand adventures, returning each night while he
Will 5 4 3 2 slept to explore the strange and wonderful land he'd discovered. In
time, he began to start seeking the deeper mysteries of the places
Lore 1 2 3 4
he went and the beings he talked to. He peeled back layers of
Luck 4 3 2 1 secrecy until he came across a great truth-- the Dreamlands were
real and he could physically travel there.

Luke wasted no time. He settled his affairs in the waking world and
gathered up the mystic puzzle box his Uncle had left him. Then, he
traveled to the gateway he'd learned of and passed through it, for
what he thought was for good.

18 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

But word has come to him in the golden fields of the Dreamlands
that a great evil is awakening, and the waking world is in danger. Pass Fail
So, gathering up his possessions once more, Luke prepares to
return to Arkham to help defeat this ancient evil. After all, If Luke has 3 or more gate If there are 4 or more elder
although New England may seem dull and provincial after the trophies, place “Found You” sign tokens in play, place
splendors of the Dreamlands, it's still home. in play. “Given up for Lost” in play.
Found You: For the first Given up for Lost: The
Occupation Dreamer time in years, Luke’s half- doors in Arkham were locked.
Home The Dreamlands closed eyes fully opened. Paths that Luke could once
Sanity 7 There at last was his long-lost travel so easily were now
Stamina 3 friend. “Sorry, I’m late,” Luke closed to him. This half-
Focus 1 said. “I overslept.” remembered friend was
Fixed Possessions $6, 1 Clue token, 1 Unique item (Gate nowhere to be found. Did such
Box) Take 1 Ally of your choice a person ever really exist? Or
Random Possessions 1 Unique item, 2 Spells, 1 Skill from the Ally deck. was he simply another
Expansion Kingsport Horror dream?
Luke cannot gain any more
Note: Luke starts in the first area of the Dreamlands. He begins
the game delayed.

 Luke’s Experienced Dreamer ability allows him to gain one

Clue for each space (first and second area) in the Other World
Speed 0 1 2 3 that he enters.
Sneak 4 3 2 1
 Luke’s Experienced Dreamer ability does not allow him to
Fight 1 2 3 4 gain one Clue at the start of the game for starting in the
Will 6 5 4 3 Dreamlands.

Lore 1 2 3 4
Luck 4 3 2 1

Mandy came to Arkham several years

 Experienced Dreamer (Any Phase): Luke gains 1 Clue ago looking for work as a researcher for
token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Miskatonic University. Since then, she
Time and Space. has worked with many of the University
professors, delving into esoteric tomes
 Heirloom (Any Phase): Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or filled with scientific information,
stolen unless he allows it. historical reports, and sometimes even
occult ramblings.

It was while reading an old book of prophecies last week that she
first felt that she had stumbled onto something big. Mandy came to
Walking through Arkham’s drab streets, Luke was compelled by a believe that certain signs and portents described in the book were
memory. In this world, there was a friend – one of such ability that taking place in Arkham right now-- omens that indicated the return
the coming storm could be avoided. But where to find this one? of a terrible being referred to as an Ancient One, which would grind
the cities of Man beneath its loathsome tread.
There were many doors in Arkham, and many of them led to
unpleasant places, but Luke would visit them all and continue his
Tonight, the full moon has turned blood red, which is the final omen
of the return of the Ancient One. Slipping into the night, and armed
with her knowledge of the prophecy, Mandy has decided to see if
she can defy fate and stop these events from taking place.

Occupation Researcher
Home Library
Sanity 5
Stamina 5
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $6, 4 Clue tokens
Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Unique item, 1 Skill

19 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Entertainer
Home Ma’s Boarding House
Sanity 6
Speed 1 2 3 4 Stamina 4
Focus 2
Sneak 5 4 3 2 Fixed Possessions $4, 2 Clue tokens, 1 Unique item
Fight 0 1 2 3 (Enchanted Knife), 1 Spell (Voice of Ra)
Random Possessions 2 Spells, 1 Skill
Will 5 4 3 2 Expansion Dunwich Horror
Lore 1 2 3 4
Luck 3 2 1 0

Speed 1 2 3 4
Sneak 4 3 2 1
Research (Any Phase): Once per turn, Mandy can activate this Fight 0 1 2 3
ability after any investigator (including herself) makes a skill
check. That investigator then re-rolls all of the dice rolled for that Will 5 4 3 2
check that did not result in successes. Lore 1 2 3 4
Luck 4 3 2 1

The prophecies were starting to come to pass. If something wasn’t

done soon to disrupt the sequence, events would start falling into
place like dominoes, gathering more and more momentum as they
went until they became completely unstoppable.  Witch Blood (Upkeep Phase): Once per game, at the start of
your turn, remove 1 doom token from the Ancient One's doom
Pass Fail
Each time a gate is prevented If the terror level reaches 5,  Third Eye (Any Phase): Marie has a third hand usable only
from opening by an elder sign place “Inevitability” in play. for casting spells.
token, put a Clue token on
this card. If there are 5 Clue Inevitability: “No matter
tokens on this card, place what we do, the prophecies
“Broken Chain” in play. keep coming to pass. I’m
afraid that the sequence of Maybe it was a sin. Marie didn’t know. What she did know was that
Broken Chain: Mandy events is already unalterable.” her grande-mere had been a good woman with a good heart.
laughed and cheered. Finally,
fate had been denied. Perhaps One less gate is required to But maybe grande-mere had been a witch, too.
they had a chance after all. awaken the Ancient One.
She did a little of the swamp magic, made a few gris-gris, Love
Immediately close and seal charms, women’s magic – that sort of thing. It never hurt nobody.
one open gate of your choice.
Only, maybe it did. And maybe Marie was a witch now, too, whether
she wanted to be or not

Pass Fail
Each time Marie Lambeau If there are 5 doom tokens on
draws a Spell, put a Clue the doom track, place “Legacy
token on this card. If there of Salem” in play.
are 2 Clue tokens on this
card, place “Grande-mere’s Legacy of Salem: “I’m just a
Marie Lambeau always had a voice to Gift” in play. singer, I got no business
die for. People called her "the Smoky messin’ about with things I
Velvet." They said she was born to sing Grande-mere’s Gift: don’t understand. Please, I
jazz, that she had the magic touch – and “There’s witches an’ then don’t want any more people to
maybe they were right. there’s witches, child. Which die because of me.”
kind are you?
The terror level increases by
Once, Marie heard of a man who could Marie Lambeau may use her 1 immediately.
make the dead dance when he played his trumpet. She never could Witch Blood ability one extra
do that – her voice wasn't magic that way. But when people hear it, time during this game.
they like it, and they like her, and that suits her just fine.
Each time Marie uses her
Witch Blood ability, she
Marie's grande-mere just passed away. Why the old dame moved
draws 2 Spells, keeps 1 and
from New Orleans to Arkham, Marie never knew. Anyway, she
discards the other.
never paid much attention to the stories people told about the old
woman. She just figured they were jealous. But now, she's sitting in
Ma's Boarding House holding her grandmother's knife, and she can
hear it singing with a voice like smoky velvet...
When using her Third Eye ability, Marie’s empty third hand
cannot be used for any skill or item cards that are not Spells.

20 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

of typewritten text spilled out. At last, he knew what killed
Sophie…and where to find it.

Pass Fail
If Mark claims a R’lyeh gate If Mark is reduced to 0
Most people think Mark Harrigan is trophy, place “Mission Sanity, place “I Failed You”
crazy. They can't blame him if he is-- Accomplished” in play. in play.
he's back from the war, he's seen things
Mission Accomplished: I Failed You: He could still
no man should see, and there's plenty
Mark landed easy, his boots hear her screaming. It used to
who came back broken in body or spirit.
crunching on the gravel. be every night, but it was
But Harrigan came back in one piece,
Arkham gravel. He was back worse now. He could hear it
all right. He had Sophie.
home. sometimes when he was
Sophie believed him, she believed when he wrote her about the He pulled out his last
things he saw-- not the men killing other men, but the other things, cigarette and lit it, smiling for From now on, each time
the monsters. She believed, and that was enough to keep him sane the first time in forever. “I did Mark enters the Graveyard,
in the trenches, enough to keep him alive. it, Sophie. I did it.” he loses 1 Sanity.
Mark’s maximum Sanity is
Then he came home and went to visit Sophie, and he found out that increased by 1. He
the reason she believed him was that she had one of the creatures immediately gains 1 Sanity.
inside her, eating her from the inside out. As he watched in helpless
horror, she faded away into the air, screaming as the thing finished
its meal.

Now everyone thinks Mark Harrigan is crazy. Maybe he is. Maybe

he's finally lost it. But he knows the monsters are real and they're
here, and he's got to stop them. As he crouches down in front of the
alter in South Church, he prays for Sophie's soul, and he prays for
forgiveness for the many, many sins he's about to commit all over As a soldier in the O'Bannion gang,
this godforsaken town. Michael didn't really believe in all this
voodoo mumbo jumbo around town. Or at
Occupation Soldier least, he didn't until the night of the
Home South Church Foreman job, when he saw Fast Louie
Sanity 3 Farrell pulled screaming into the river
Stamina 7 by a scaly green creature. As they say,
Focus 1 seeing is believing and Michael is
Fixed Possessions $4, 3 Clue tokens, 2 Common items starting to believe.
(Flamethrower, Molotov Cocktail)
Random Possessions 1 Unique item, 1 Skill Now, he has gathered his belongings together in the room that he
Expansion Dunwich Horror rents at Ma's Boarding House. Louie was a friend of his, and he
won't rest until he finds out what's happening in this town and
avenges his buddy ...

Occupation Gangster
Home Ma’s Boarding House
Speed 1 2 3 4 Sanity 3
Stamina 7
Sneak 5 4 3 2 Focus 1
Fight 3 4 5 6 Fixed Possessions $8, 2 Common items (Dynamite, Tommy
Will 3 2 1 0 Random Possessions 1 Unique item, 1 Skill
Lore 0 1 2 3
Luck 4 3 2 1

Speed 2 3 4 5
Sneak 4 3 2 1
One Man Army (Any Phase): Mark cannot be arrested or Fight 3 4 5 6
Will 4 3 2 1
Lore 0 1 2 3
Luck 3 2 1 0
When the envelope came in the mail, Mark didn’t open it right away.
He told himself that he wanted to savor it, that he wasn’t really
scared. It’s possible he wasn’t even lying to himself.
Finally, after a drink to steady his nerves, he tore open the yellow
paper. Photographs and newspaper clippings and pages and pages

21 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

 Strong Body (Any Phase): Michael reduces all Stamina
losses he suffers by 1, to a minimum of 0.

 The Strong Body ability only applies to involuntary losses. Originally from Korea, Minh's family
Voluntary expenditures to gain some benefit are not affected. came to the United States to seek a
fresh start and escape Japanese
persecution. They worked hard to get
ahead, and Minh was able to attend a
small community college. Although she
“Is this your friend? The orderly pulled back the sheet. It wasn’t a was often teased or harassed because of
pretty sight. “He was found in the water last night. We have no clue her heritage, Minh tried to focus on her
what these marks indicate.” studies, reminding herself that her parents had faced much worse
in Korea. Eventually, she was able to finish her degree and landed
“Don’t you worry about that. I think I got a pretty good idea.
a job at a small office in Arkham.
Thanks, Rudy.”
“I owe you, Mr. McGlen. You know that.” Initially Minh was mostly worried that her employer might make
improper advances towards her, but Mr. Thomas seemed
“Yeah I know that, Rudy, but thanks anyway.”
uninterested in her in that way, so she relaxed and concentrated on
her work. Then he loaned her the book. As she started to read The
Pass Fail King in Yellow, she found herself repulsed and horrified by its
contents. When she expressed these feelings to Mr. Thomas, he just
If Michael has 5 or more If Michael gains $5 or more, smiled oddly and told her, "Keep reading, it gets better towards the
monster trophies, place “This place “Crime Doesn’t Pay” in end." Although fearful for her job, she returned the book to him,
One’s for Louis!” in play. play. saying it just wasn't her sort of thing.
This One’s for Louis: Crime Doesn’t Pay: “Mr.
McGlen stepped out onto the McGlen, you’re being charged The next day, she received a call from the hospital. Mr. Thomas was
streets of Arkham with with the crime of income tax dead - suicide - and for some reason she was listed as his emergency
vicious purpose. For too long evasion.” contact.
these things had been hiding
in the shadows, out of reach. Michael immediately loses all
So, Minh now finds herself standing outside St. Mary's Hospital
It was time to show them who money and may not gain any
with Mr. Thomas’ personal possessions, including that terrible
really ran Arkham. more money for the duration
book, wondering what to do.
of the game.
Michael’s maximum Sanity is
increased by 1. He Occupation Secretary
immediately gains 1 Sanity. Home St. Mary’s Hospital
Sanity 6
In addition, each time he Stamina 4
claims a monster trophy, Focus 2
Michael gains 1 Sanity. Fixed Possessions $4, 2 Clue tokens, 1 Unique item (The
King in Yellow)
Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Unique item, 1
Spell, 1 Skill
Expansion Innsmouth Horror

 If a combat or encounter is a stalemate (for example, when

Michael McGlen can’t roll enough dice to kill the monster, he
continually absorbs the combat damage, but can’t evade
either), his sanity is reduced to 0, he goes insane, and the
combat ends immediately. If he is in an Other World, Michael
is lost in time and space. Speed 2 3 4 5
Sneak 4 3 2 1
 Michael McGlen fails his Personal Story if he ever gains $5 or Fight 1 2 3 4
more at one time.
Will 4 3 2 1
Lore 1 2 3 4
Luck 3 2 1 0

 Synergy (Any Phase): Minh gains a +1 bonus to all skill

checks while she has an Ally, or while another investigator is
in the same location as her.

 Team Player (Upkeep Phase): Minh may choose one other

investigator in her location. That investigator gains a +1 bonus
to all skill checks he makes until the end of the turn

22 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Standing outside the hospital still rattled from the death of her Speed 1 2 3 4
employer, Minh looked down at the tattered copy of The King in
Yellow she was holding and somehow knew that it contained at least Sneak 3 2 1 0
some of the answers she was looking for. Although the book was Fight 2 3 4 5
extremely distasteful to her, she knew that she would have to
stomach it if she wanted to get to the bottom of things. Will 3 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 4
Luck 5 4 3 2
Pass Fail
Each time Minh reads a If Minh is driven insane,
Tome, put a Clue token on place “Turning Away” in play.
this card. If there are 3 Clue
tokens on this card, place Turning Away: Face
“Into the Dark” in play. contorting in disgust, Minh
threw the book into the river Archaeology (Any Phase): Whenever Monterey draws one or
Into the Dark: Although with a shout. Even if she more cards from the Unique item deck, he draws one extra card and
Minh was frightened by the never figured out what then discards one of the cards.
things she had learned, at happened to Mr. Thomas, she
least she had found a friend knew that she couldn’t bear to
to help her out. read another page of that vile
Take an Ally of your choice “Your father was no stranger to Arkham. Let me show you some
from the Ally deck. Minh discards all Tomes. photos.”
Minh cannot gain any Tomes
for the rest of the game, Monterey thumbed through the black and white images. In the
immediately discarding any background, he could see several valuable artifacts that he didn’t
that she draws or is given. recognize. “These things. Why aren’t they in a museum? My father
would have insisted.”
The elderly gentleman simply stared back at Monterey sadly. The
time for discussion was over. It was time for action.

Minh’s Synergy and Team Player abilities can be used in any

location, street area, or Other World area.
Pass Fail
If Monterey has 3 or more If Monterey has 5 or more
monster trophies, place Clue tokens, place “Lost to
“Nothing Stays Hidden” in the Ages” in play.
Lost to the Ages: Monterey
Nothing Stays Hidden: Jack finally had his answer.
Monterey has been a globe-trotting treasure
There was no doubt. The His father had been killed for
hunter and adventurer for many years.
lifeless thing on the ground collecting antiquities to be
Following in his father's footsteps, he's
had been responsible for his used against the powers of
always tried to ensure that the specific
father’s death, and the things darkness. But where this
value of his finds is preserved. Recently, he
around the room were collection was now, no one
followed a lead on an odd prehistoric statue
unmistakably his father’s could say.
to Arkham. However, when he arrived, the
most prized possessions, long
man he came to buy the statue from was Monterey must pay 1 Clue
thought lost.
locked up in the asylum. Monterey was just about to give up and go token to use his Archaeology
home in disgust when a robed figure pushed past him. Monterey’s maximum sanity ability.
is increased by 1.
For just an instant, there was a flash of a silver pendant with a
In addition, each time
symbol on it Monterey would never forget. That symbol had been
Monterey uses his
carved into his murdered father's forehead, and had haunted his
Archaeology ability, he gains
dreams for years.
1 Clue token as well.

Chasing after the mysterious figure, he turned a corner only to

discover that he had lost his quarry.

However, Monterey knows that somewhere in Arkham may lie the If Cthulhu is the Ancient One with the Dark Pharaoh as the
answer to the mystery of his father's murder, and he's not leaving Herald, Monterey starts the game at Arkham Asylum with 1 Sanity
until he finds it. and must discard his Clue token as well as half of his items before
starting the game.
Occupation Archaeologist
Home Curiositie Shoppe
Sanity 3
Stamina 7
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $7, 1 Clue token, 2 Common items
(Bullwhip, .38 Revolver)
Random Possessions 2 Unique items, 1 Skill

23 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Norman knew that to prepare for the coming of the beast, he’d have
to delve deeply into obscure places and lore. Ideally, if he could
study the type of energies that were found in the beast’s home
dimension, he could perhaps discover a weakness.
The stars hold secrets both great and
terrible for those with courage - or
curiosity - enough to look. While Norman
would never claim to be especially Pass Fail
courageous, he'd be the first to admit If Norman has 3 or more gate If Norman is lost in time and
that he has an inability to ignore a trophies, place “The Path Is space, place “Set Adrift” in
mystery. Lit” in play. play.

So when six stars vanished from the section of sky he was studying, The Path Is Lit: “That’s it. Set Adrift: Lost far from
he couldn't just let it go, not even when his colleagues told him that That must be the creature’s world and stars that he knew,
he was just imagining things and sent him home to sleep it off. weakness!” Norman was confused and
terrified. If this was where the
If the Ancient One awakens beast was from, he had no
It took him years, not to mention the near death of his career, but immediately roll 4 dice, hope of ever understanding it.
he eventually found his answers in a book that none of his removing 1 doom token from
colleagues would be caught dead reading. An ancient tome, it its doom track for each Norman’s focus is reduced by
described the stars and the sequence in which they would vanish, success rolled. 1.
even detailing the date when their disappearance would take place.
It was a sign, the book said, of the end of everything. It was the If the Ancient One is
harbinger of a great beast that would tear asunder all that man had Azathoth, this card has no
wrought. effect.

Norman isn't sure what he can do to stop the beast from destroying
the world. He knows that he isn't very strong, but if an answer can
be found in the stars, then he will stand in the path of destruction
until his dying breath.  If after closing or sealing a gate, Norman uses his In the
Stars ability to change the gate’s dimensional symbol for the
Occupation Astronomer purposes of removing monsters, the symbol he changed it to is
Home Administration Building also used for removing Corruption Cards.
Sanity 6
Stamina 4  The rule that no more than three doom tokens can be removed
Focus 2 from Chaugnar-Faugn’s doom track does not apply when
Fixed Possessions $3, 3 Clue tokens, 1 Spell (Find Gate) Norman’s “The Path Is Lit” card is in play. The Personal Story
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 1 Spell, card is resolved to its full effect if it is in play.
1 Skill
Expansion Innsmouth Horror

Speed 0 1 2 3
All her life, Patrice has lived for music.
Sneak 4 3 2 1 The soaring sonatas, the graceful arias,
Fight 0 1 2 3 and the booming marches have always
been her closest companions.
Will 4 3 2 1
Lore 2 3 4 5 But sometimes as she plays, she can
sense something at the edge of her
Luck 5 4 3 2
awareness - something that watches her and waits, for what she
doesn't know.

The presence has been growing over the last month, and her
increasing nervousness is starting to spoil her ability to play the
violin. That's not something she can tolerate.
In the Stars (Any Phase): Whenever Norman closes or seals a
gate, he may choose any dimensional symbol other than the moon.
The gate is considered to have that dimensional symbol instead of So when an old gypsy she was swapping tunes with told her that
its normal dimensional symbol for purposes of removing monsters she was being watched by an evil spirit, Patrice listened with
from the board. somewhat less skepticism than she might have had even a month
ago. The gypsy referred her to a shop in Arkham that might have
what she needs to get rid of the spirit.

That explains why Patrice finds herself entering the Curiositie

Shoppe this evening, feeling a little silly and more than slightly

24 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Violinist
Home Curiositie Shop
Sanity 5
Stamina 5
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $1, 2 Clue tokens
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 2 Unique items, 1 The gypsy woman who read Rex's palm
Spell, 1 Skill in Lithuania had shrieked in his face,
Expansion Innsmouth Horror screaming a single word over and over,
pointing one bony, talon-like finger at

"Cursed," his translator had said,

shrugging and clapping his thick hands together to ward off spirits.
Speed 1 2 3 4
Sneak 4 3 2 1 The rest of the trip hadn't gone any better. The diary he'd found
detailing the secret rituals of the local cults had gone missing, but
Fight 1 2 3 4
Rex was used to things like that. Heck, he'd discovered and lost
Will 4 3 2 1 enough evidence of strange things over the years to almost believe
he might be cursed. That business in Innsmouth with the
Lore 2 3 4 5
photographs that had blown out to sea in the wind. The tracks in
Luck 3 2 1 0 Dunwich that had washed away in the rain just before he'd brought
the sheriff out to see. Time and again, something had gone wrong.

Stepping out of the offices of the Arkham Advertiser, Rex sighed

and ran his hand through his goatee. This time, nothing was going
to stop him from getting at the truth.
 Inspiring (Any Phase): Patrice may allow the other
investigators to spend her Clue tokens, even if they are not in Occupation Reporter
the same location or world. Home Newspaper
Sanity 5
 Ominous Dreams (Any Phase): Patrice gains 1 Clue token Stamina 5
each time a gate opens. She also gains 5 Clue tokens when the Focus 2
9th space on the Ancient One's doom track is filled. Fixed Possessions $3, Curse, 3 Clue tokens
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 2 Unique items, 2
Spells, 1 Skill
Expansion Kingsport Horror

Whatever this presence was that kept hounding her, Patrice knew
that she had to get rid of it before something unpleasant happened.
According to her gypsy friend, somewhere in this town there was
something that could help her, and she would find it no matter what
Speed 1 2 3 4
it took.
Sneak 5 4 3 2
Pass Fail Fight 1 2 3 4
Each time Patrice draws a If Patrice is knocked Will 3 2 1 0
Unique Item, put a Clue unconscious or driven insane, Lore 2 3 4 5
token on this card. If there place “Soulful Aria” in play.
are 2 Clue tokens on this Luck 4 3 2 1
card, place “Rhythm Restored Soulful Aria: Staring sadly
in play. at her violin, Patrice knew
she could not risk playing it
Rhythm Restored: Smiling, again, or else the Watcher
Patrice closed her eyes and might find her.
basked in the music as her
Each time Patrice uses her  Investigation (Any Phase): When Rex gains one or more
bow flew across the strings,
Inspiring ability, she must Clue tokens, he gains one extra Clue token.
unbothered once more.
lose 1 Sanity or Stamina for
Patrice gains 5 Clue tokens. each Clue token she allows  Family Curse: Rex never checks to discard Curses during his
another investigator to Upkeep. He may only discard a Curse by being Blessed.

Patrice’s Ominous Dreams ability can only be used once per


25 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Athlete
Home Police Station
Sanity 4
As the last of his carefully collected photographs and other material Stamina 6
evidence blew away in the wind yet again, Rex took off his glasses Focus 2
and resolutely set about cleaning them. As he did so, a passing taxi Fixed Possessions $4, 2 Clue tokens, 1 Special (Retainer)
splashed most of a huge puddle in his face. He spat out some muddy Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Unique item, 1 Skill
water. Expansion Dunwich Horror
“Terrific. Just terrific.”

Pass Fail
If Rex is at the Newspaper If Rex ever has 0 Clue tokens,
during the Upkeep Phase, placed “Accepted Doom” in Speed 3 4 5 6
he may spend 10 Clues to play. Sneak 4 3 2 1
place “Extra! Extra!” in play.
Accepted Doom: Rex sat Fight 2 3 4 5
Extra! Extra! “Read all down at his desk and put his
Will 4 3 2 1
about it! Nameless evil head in his hands. Just one
slumbers at the core of the break. Why can’t I catch just Lore 0 1 2 3
world! End times are night! one break?”
Luck 3 2 1 0
Extra! Extra!
Rex cannot be Blessed. If he
Rex gains $5 and is is ever Cursed while he
immediately Blessed. already has a Curse, then he
is devoured instead.
Upkeep: The first player
gains 1 Clue token.
Resilient (Any Phase): Whenever Rita draws one or more Injury
or Madness cards, she draws one extra card and then discards one
of them, keeping the other. In addition, if Rita gains a duplicate of
an Injury or Madness card she already has, the second has no
 Rex Murphy’s Investigation ability does not work during
setup, and he does not gain a 4th Clue token when he receives
his initial 3 Clue tokens from his fixed possessions.
“Well, if the police aren’t going to do anything, I’m just going to have
 If an encounter allows Rex to double his Clue tokens, he gains to take matters into my own hands,” muttered Rita as she walked
an additional Clue token after doubling them. away from the Police Station.

 Rex loses Stamina for having a Curse when The Dark Pharaoh “These guys are dangerous. I can’t believe the cops are just going to
is the Herald, even though he never rolls to lose it. ignore them. But then, maybe they would’ve helped me if I had
blonde hair and blue eyes.”

Pass Fail
If Rita has 3 or more monster If Rita is knocked
trophies, including at least 1 unconscious or driven insane,
Cultist, place “Justice is place “Leave Me Alone!” in
Served” in play. play.
Growing up in the South, Rita has often
had to fight discrimination in one form Justice is Served: Leave Me Alone! After the
or another. Although her family was Throwing the cloak after the attack, Rita found herself
poor, she worked hard and received a fleeing figure, Rita shouted afraid to walk alone at night,
scholarship to Miskatonic University, “And if you know what’s good much to her disgust.
where she joined the track and field for you, you’ll stay gone, too!”
Rita must either spend 1
team. Now, she may have to fight for her
Rita gains +1 Will Clue token or lose 1 Sanity
each time she enters an area
or location containing more
Someone is after her. That much she's sure of. She has no idea who than 1 monster.
it is or why they want her, but there have been several strange men
hanging around her dorm. Last week, her roommate was assaulted
while wearing Rita's jacket, and Rita feels certain that it was a case
of mistaken identity.

Today, Rita spent several hours trying to convince the police to do

something, but the Sheriff says that his hands are tied without
more evidence. Still, while running away might be the best way to
avoid this premonition of personal doom hanging over her, that's
never been Rita's style. Whether her stalkers are members of the
Ku Klux Klan or something even more sinister, she's going to face
them head on, the same way she's been facing the world all her life.

26 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Pass Fail
If Roland has 5 or more Clue If Roland is arrested or
tokens, place “Heck with It” driven insane, place “Take a
in play. Vacation” in play.

Methodical. By the book. If you looked in Heck with It: Roland threw Take a Vacation: “You’ve
the Federal Agent's handbook, you'd find the handbook in the trash. been working too hard,
a picture of Roland Banks next to those “That does it. I’m just gonna Banks. Why don’t you take a
sections. At least, if it had any pictures, have to make this up as I go vacation?”
you would. along.”
While this card is in play,
Roland’s Intuitive ability now Roland can’t use his Expense
Where other agents found the rules gives him a Clue token if he Account ability.
restricting and annoying, Roland took has fewer than 4 Clue tokens
comfort in procedure. It was a relief to have guidelines to follow in instead of 2. Upkeep: Place 1 Clue token
any given situation. Well, at least until this latest case. on this card. Afterwards, if
there are 6 Clue tokens on
Try as he might, Roland could find no mention in the handbook of this card, discard it.
what to do when confronted with strange creatures, gates through
time and space, or magic spells. This case was rapidly escalating
into a fiasco, and if he dropped the ball, losing his job was the least
of his worries.

Sitting outside the Asylum after an interview with yet another

demented witness, Roland dropped his battered Agent's handbook
back into his briefcase and sighed. At least the agency was sending
him some backup. Maybe they could help him make some sense out
of this mess.
Silas always felt the call of the ocean.
Even as a little boy he loved to play in
Occupation Fed
the waves. There was just something
Home Arkham Asylum
soothing and otherworldly about the sea
Sanity 4
that put him at ease in a way nothing
Stamina 6
else could.
Focus 3
Fixed Possessions $3, 2 Clue tokens
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 1 Ally, 1 It came as no surprise to his family when Silas announced that he'd
Skill decided to become a sailor and travel the world. They'd actually
Expansion Innsmouth Horror been waiting for him to reach that conclusion for several years.

So, he signed up with a merchant shipping company and spent the

next few years gallivanting from one port to the next and seeing all
the sights he could take in.

Speed 1 2 3 4 Periodically, he would dream. At these times, his sleep was haunted
with strange, ethereal visions of undersea vistas and bizarre
Sneak 4 3 2 1 creatures that smiled toothily at him. Gradually, he came to feel
Fight 1 2 3 4 that there was something sinister about these dreams, and when he
asked his family, they simply nodded and said, "It's time for you to
Will 5 4 3 2 visit the main branch of the family up in Innsmouth. They'll set you
Lore 1 2 3 4 straight."
Luck 4 3 2 1
Two days later, as he disembarks from a ship at the Arkham docks,
Silas can't help but find his family's remark just a little bit sinister.

Occupation Sailor
Home River Docks
Sanity 4
 Intuitive (Upkeep Phase): If Roland has fewer than 2 Clue
Stamina 6
tokens, he gains 1 Clue token.
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $7, 2 Clue tokens, 1 Common item
 Expense Account (Upkeep Phase): If Roland has less than (Cavalry Saber)
$2, he gains $1. Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Unique item, 1 Skill
Expansion Innsmouth Horror

Roland looked through his notes again. “This is ridiculous,” he said.

“My report’s going to get me locked up in a looney bin. This case has
weird cults, magic spells, and the apparent end of the world. All it
needs is some demented fish-men or something and I’ll have all the
makings for a best-selling novel.”

27 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Speed 1 2 3 4
Sneak 4 3 2 1
Fight 3 4 5 6 Sister Mary has served the Church
Will 4 3 2 1 faithfully for many years, so when she
was sent to Arkham to work with Father
Lore 1 2 3 4 Michael, a man whose writings she had
Luck 3 2 1 0 admired for many years, she felt that she
was truly blessed. Now, after witnessing
Father Michael's strange mood swings
and seeing some of the bizarre practices
that go on in this town, she's beginning to feel that she may have
been a bit too hasty ...
 Able Seaman (Movement Phase): When in an Aquatic
location, Silas may pay 2 movement points to move to any For instance, last night, there was a knock on the door of the
other aquatic location. Silas also gains a +2 bonus to all skill church, and when she answered it, there was nothing but a
checks in aquatic locations. handwritten journal laying on the steps outside. Reading it, she
learned of strange cults and terrible creatures that lurk in the
darkness. Worse, when she laughingly showed it to Father Michael,
 Tainted Blood (Any Phase): Each time Silas draws one or
he turned pale and threw it into the fire, yelling at her to forget
more Innsmouth Look cards, he must draw one extra
what she'd seen.
Innsmouth Look card.

Now, gathering her things and quietly leaving South Church, Sister
Mary has decided to investigate this town, and in so doing, reaffirm
her faith.
The more Marshes from the main branch of the family he met, the
more uneasy Silas became. Their protruding, bulbous eyes reminded Occupation Nun
him of something from his dreams. Home South Church
Sanity 7
Increasingly, Silas began to think that he should just get out of Stamina 3
Innsmouth while he still could, and learn to deal with the Focus 1
nightmares on his own. Fixed Possessions $0, Blessing, 1 Common item (Cross), 1
Unique item (Holy Water)
Pass Fail Random Possessions 2 Spells, 1 Skill

Silas may spend 3 Clue If Silas ever enters R’lyeh,

tokens, 1 gate trophy, and 1 place “Blue Depths” in play.
monster trophy during the
Upkeep Phase to place “I Blue Depths: “And as I
Won’t Give In!” in play. walked out into the water, I
knew that this was the last Speed 1 2 3 4
I Won’t Give In! I know now time I would see the sun as a Sneak 4 3 2 1
that there are things more man, and I welcomed the sea
terrible than death, and I change that was to come. Ia! Fight 0 1 2 3
refuse to let that siren’s song Ia!” Will 4 3 2 1
claim me like it has so many
of my family.” Silas has the Innsmouth Lore 1 2 3 4
Look. Place a Deep One
Luck 6 5 4 3
Seal one open gate of your monster token in his current
choice. Silas is devoured. location and add an uprising
token to the Deep Ones
Rising track. Silas is

Guardian Angel (Any Phase): Sister Mary is never Lost in Time

and Space. Instead, if her Sanity is 0, she returns to Arkham
Asylum. If her Stamina is 0, she returns to St. Mary's Hospital. If
neither her Sanity or her Stamina are 0, she returns to South
 Silas’ Able Seaman ability can be used in any location, street Church.
area, or Other World area.

 Silas may use his Able Seaman ability to move to Devil Reef
from any aquatic location.

 When Silas Marsh’s “I Won't Give In” card is in play, it allows

him to take the gate trophy for the gate sealed and hand it on
to the next investigator (who replaces him when he is

28 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Ex-Convict
Home Ma’s Boarding House
Sanity 3
How could this be? Had she become a modern-day Job, cursed and Stamina 7
tested in her faith? The works of dream pagan gods and heretical Focus 2
cults were rampant in this town. Even Father Michael was shaken Fixed Possessions $5, 3 Clue tokens , 1 Common item (Axe)
in his faith. How could Mary, humble servant of God that she was, Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Unique item, 1 Skill
hope to persevere? Expansion Innsmouth Horror
“Father into your arms I commend my spirit.” Mary tightened her
grip on her cross and marched out into the night. If this was a test of
faith, she intended to see it through.

Pass Fail Speed 0 1 2 3

Each time an investigator is If Mary gains a Curse card, Sneak 5 4 3 2
Blessed, put a Clue token on place “I Shall Not Want” in
this card. If there are 2 Clue play. Fight 2 3 4 5
tokens on this card, place Will 3 2 1 0
“Fear No Evil” in play. I Shall Not Want: “Why do
bad things happen to good Lore 1 2 3 4
Fear No Evil: As the thing people?” It is a simple
Luck 4 3 2 1
moved in the darkness, Mary question, yet it is also one of
turned, smiled gently, and the most difficult to answer.
began reciting Psalm 23. Mary felt that she had found
an answer at last. “Because
Sister Mary is Blessed and they do.”
may not be Cursed.  School of Hard Knocks (Any Phase): Once per skill check,
Sister Mary discards her "Skids" may roll two bonus dice for each "1" he rolled. He may
Once per turn, Sister Mary Curse card and gains a do this either before or after spending Clue tokens on the roll.
may exhaust this card to re- Blessing card instead.
roll a die rolled during the  Criminal Record: "Skids" cannot become the Deputy of
Upkeep Phase. Arkham, nor may he gain a Bank Loan.

Skids knew that he would have to search every nook and cranny of
When Sister Mary’s “Fear No Evil” card is play, she may allow any this city if he was going to find out what happened to Brad.
player to re-roll an upkeep die roll. Fortunately, since he was fresh out of jail, he had nothing but time
on his hands.

Pass Fail
Each time Skids gains a Clue, If there are fewer than 3 Clue
put a Clue token from the tokens on the board, placed
Skids had knocked over a few banks supply on this card. If there “Dried Up” in play.
before they caught him, but he'd never are 5 Clue tokens on this
card, place “Disturbing Dried Up: No matter where
killed anyone. Scared someone? he looked, Skids could find no
Intimidated someone into handing over News” in play.
further information about
his possessions? Yeah, ok, he'd done Disturbing News: “Before I had happened to Brad.
that, but he wasn't a bad person. He was give you your answers, be
just desperate. When he told the cops certain that you truly wish to Discard the remaining Clue
that he'd needed the money for an operation for his mother, they'd hear them,” said the old man. tokens from the board.
just laughed. Apparently they'd heard that excuse once or twice
before. “It’s not whether or not I want
to know what happened to my
His mother died of her illness during the second year of his friend. I need to know, old
sentence. After that, no one came to visit him. He managed to cling timer.”
to his sanity by befriending his cellmate, a scrawny little guy Skids gains +1 Lore and
named Brad Hollins. Brad was a weird guy. He would rant and draws 1 Spell.
rave in a quiet voice every evening about the "Old Ones" and tell
Skids about bizarre adventures he'd had while dreaming. Skids Skid’s maximum Sanity is
humored him until one night he'd woken up to hear Brad chanting increased by 1. He
strange words, still asleep. Smelling smoke, Skids turned to look at immediately gains 1 Sanity.
his cellmate just in time to see Brad scream and burst into flames.
The screws had tried to pin it on him, but really, there was no way
they could get it to stick.

Now, finally out on parole, Skids finds himself staying in a place When “Disturbing News” is in play, Skids puts a Clue token on the
that Brad frequently mentioned in his ravings - the city of Arkham. card for each Clue token he gains.
Perhaps he can find some answers to the questions raised
by his friend's death.

29 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Pass Fail
If Tommy is devoured, place If the terror level reaches 5,
“Giving His All” in play. place “Where Were You?” in
Giving His All: “Tommy was
Tommy Muldoon wasn't sure what was a good kid. He was a hero in Where Were You? “Where
going on in this crazy city. He'd no sooner the end.” were you when my little girl
graduated from the Police Academy in was killed? Where were you
Choose another investigator. we needed you?”
Boston than he'd been loaned out to the
That investigator gains 5
Arkham Sheriff's department. That
Clue tokens. Tommy’s maximum Sanity is
wouldn't have been so bad, except that
reduced by 1.
some of the stuff going on in Arkham was Remove 1 doom token from
right out of a bad horror novel. Weird the Ancient One’s doom
creatures in the woods, people found turned inside out, and worse. track.
The next time the terror level
Still, Tommy had sworn to protect and serve, and he would do his
would increase, discard this
best to live up to those vows, no matter what. Besides, he had his
card instead.
trusty rifle, Becky. what could go wrong?

Standing in front of the Police Station, Tommy feels a shiver run

down his back at the thought. "Ok, Tommy," he mutters to himself,
"Time to be a hero."
Tommy’s Hero ability can be used in any location, street area, or
Occupation Rookie Cop Other World area.
Home Police Station
Sanity 6
Stamina 4
Focus 1
Fixed Possessions $2, 2 Clue tokens, 2 Common items
(Map of Arkham, Rifle)
Random Possessions 2 Common items, 1 Unique item, 1 Skill
Expansion Innsmouth Horror
Tony didn't know what it was that he'd
killed, but it had nearly taken his arm
off at the shoulder, and he still couldn't
quite control his trembling at the touch
of water.
Speed 1 2 3 4
The thing had the form of a man, more
Sneak 3 2 1 0 or less, but it had been covered in loathsome scales and slime, like
Fight 2 3 4 5 some horrid creature of the deep. Miles from the sea, it had made
for the river when it scented him on its trail. The abomination
Will 4 3 2 1 stank of salt water, rotten fish, and the blood of the farm animals it
Lore 0 1 2 3 had mutilated to sate its unwholesome hunger.

Luck 6 5 4 3 He should've let it go when it dove into the river, but he'd never let
a bounty escape before, and he hadn't been about to start then.
Drawing his knife, he'd gone in after it, and everything had become
a blur of blood, shrieking horror, and muddy water.
 Hero (Mythos Phase): Before a mythos card is drawn,
Tommy may cause one or more monsters that are adjacent to Three days later, he'd awakened in the hospital, muttering to
his location to move to his location, regardless of their normal himself and shaking with a mixture of fear and anger over his
movement. escaped quarry.

 On the Force (Any Phase): Tommy may not be arrested. In After two weeks, the doctors have finally declared him fit enough to
addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth leave and get back to his hunt. But this time, his prey isn't human,
of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham. whatever it is.

Occupation Bounty Hunter

Home St. Mary’s Hospital
Sanity 3
Tommy had a bad feeling down in his bones about this assignment. Stamina 7
Something told him there was going to be trouble – bad trouble – Focus 2
and that he just might not get to walk away from it in the end. Fixed Possessions $6, 3 Clue tokens, 1 Common item
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Unique item, 1 Skill
Expansion Kingsport Horror

30 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Speed 1 2 3 4
Sneak 3 2 1 0
Fight 1 2 3 4 It seemed so surreal when she was
Will 5 4 3 2 approached by a recruiter after one of her
gymnastic meets all those years ago.
Lore 0 1 2 3 Somehow, she had come to the attention
Luck 6 5 4 3 of a nameless agency working for the
government to protect the country. Never
one to turn down a new challenge, Trish
had eagerly signed up.

One of the first things that they taught her is that there is strength
 Clean Takedown (Any Phase): Tony's monster trophies are in focus - in joining the mind to the body to exceed the whole. With
worth one extra toughness each when spent. her agile body and formidable mind, she was soon one of their best
 Blood Money (Upkeep Phase): Once per turn, while in a
street area, Tony may spend one monster trophy to gain money But recently, Trish has begun to wonder at the motives of the
equal to that monster's toughness. organization she works for. Are they really tied to the government,
or is she working for some sort of shadow society ruling the country
from behind the scenes? Her quiet inquiries eventually led her to
the small city of Arkham, Massachusetts.

The man behind the desk was cloaked in shadow. Only the glow of Normally, newspaper buildings are something that Trish avoids
his cigar betrayed any hint as to his identity or his mood. His voice like the plague in her line of work. But standing in front of the
was cultured; he was an educated man, maybe foreign. Arkham Advertiser, she knows that this is her last lead. If the
information she needs is anywhere, it'll be here.
“I will understand if you think I am a madman, Mr. Morgan, or if
you want nothing to do with this business, but I think you are the
Occupation Spy
man for the job.
Home Newspaper
Sanity 6
Pass Fail Stamina 4
Focus 1
If Tony has 4 monster If Tony has 5 or more clue Fixed Possessions $4, 2 Clue tokens, 1 Common item
trophies, discard those tokens, place “Deal’s Off” in (Lucky Cigarette Case)
trophies and place “Payoff” in play. Random Possessions 2 Common items, 2 Unique items, 1
play. Skill
Deal’s Off: “That son of a…”
Payoff: “So what’d you want Tony slammed his fist down. Expansion Innsmouth Horror
these for anyway?” After Hard. “He played me.
staring for a moment, the He…that son of a – !”
man simply drove away,
leaving Tony scratching his Discard all of Tony’s monster
head. trophies. From now on, when
Tony claims a monster Fight 1 2 3 4
Discard all of Tony’s Clue trophy, he also gains 1 Clue
tokens. He gains $15 token. Sneak 3 4 5 6
Lore 2 3 4 5
Will 1 2 3 4
Speed 1 2 3 4
Luck 0 1 2 3

 Abnormal Focus (Upkeep Phase): Trish does not spend

focus to adjust her sliders. Instead, at the start of each Upkeep
Phase, move her sliders all the way to the left. She may then
shift her sliders to the right a total of five shifts.

 Breaking the Limits (Upkeep Phase): Trish may spend 1

Sanity or 1 Stamina for one extra shift to the right when
adjusting her skills. She may do this up to three times per

31 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

“Am I actually working for the government, or is the agency using Speed 2 3 4 5
me to undermine the real government?”
Sneak 3 2 1 0
That was the key question that Trish set out to answer when she
came to Arkham. Hopefully, she would find her answers in the Fight 1 2 3 4
archives of the Arkham Advertiser, but if not, perhaps she could try Will 4 3 2 1
Miskatonic University.
Lore 0 1 2 3
Luck 5 4 3 2
Pass Fail
If Trish gains 2 or more Clue If 2 or more Clue tokens are
tokens at the same during an removed from the board by
encounter, place “Exposed to an opening gate at the same
Light” in play. time, place “Shadows” in
play.  Quick-witted (Arkham Encounter Phase): Ursula may
Exposed to Light: “I can’t
believe they had me fooled for Shadows: “It’s not good. All have an encounter at a location even after using a location
so long, but at least I’m free of my leads just taper off into ability that would normally be taken instead.
them now.” the shadows and vanish in
the night.”  Adventurer (Arkham Encounter Phase): After reading her
Trish may exhaust this card Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula
instead of spending 1 Sanity Trish only gets to move her may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
or Stamina when using her sliders to the right a total of
Breaking the Limits ability. four shifts instead of five
 Choice of Home: Ursula may begin the game in any non-
when using her Abnormal
Other World location or street.
Focus ability.

Ursula crouched in the shadows, watching yet another truck unload

itself at the docs. She knew that she was closing in on the missing
shipment of relics; she just needed a few more leads to crack this
caper open.
Soon she’d be able to recover the artifacts and get out of this town
Not so many people can say that they've once and for all.
climbed a mountain on every continent
that has one. Fewer still can say they've
stolen a golden idol from a tribe of
Pass Fail
cannibals. Among women in a male- If Ursula has at least 3 If Ursula goes insane or the
dominated society, Ursula is probably monster trophies and 3 Clue terror level reaches 3, place
unique in being able to make these sorts of tokens, place “Scratch One “This Is No Fun” in play.
claims. Mystery” in play.
This Is No Fun: “Um, I
Scratch One Mystery: “The think this may be more than I
Ever since she was a small girl, Ursula had broken the rules set
museum is grateful enough bargained for.”
down for her: climbing trees, playing in the mud, exploring the
that I doubt they’ll mind if I
woods, and plenty of other things "that a proper young lady Ursula is Cursed.
borrow one or two teensy little
shouldn't have been doing."

After all, she was as good as any man. When she was accepted to Ursula draws 5 Unique
Boston University, she set out to prove it, excelling and exceeding Items, then chooses 2 of them
the other students in Archaeology. She graduated top of her class to keep, discarding the rest.
and used her inheritance to set herself up as an explorer, roaming
all over the world and writing articles for magazines.

Now her path has brought her here to Arkham, following a

shipment of stolen relics, a cult that seems to have members in very  If Ursula Downs begins on an unstable location, she can take
corner of the world, and a trail of corpses. Smiling to herself, Ursula the Clue that is there.
thinks, "Now THIS is an adventure."
 Ursula cannot start in Y’ha-nthlei or any of the Kingsport
Occupation Explorer Head locations.
Home Players Choice
Sanity 5
Stamina 5
Focus 2
Fixed Possessions $1, 4 Clue tokens
Random Possessions 2 Common items, 2 Unique items, 1
Expansion Innsmouth Horror

32 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Pass Fail
If Vincent discards 5 Clue If Vincent has 3 or more
tokens in a street area during monster trophies, place
the Upkeep Phase, place “The “What Have I Done?” in play.
Doctor Is In” in play.
A Yale graduate of Medicine, Vincent has What Have I Done? Vincent
recently moved to Arkham from Boston The Doctor Is In: Doctor wiped the sweat from his
to practice at St. Mary's Hospital. Since Lee examined the would brow with his bloody hand. “I
his coming to Arkham, he has seen far again with a relieved sigh. had to defend myself,” he said
too many horrible and unexplained His patient would be fine, to the unmoving body. But he
deaths - an elderly victim torn apart by and the source of the injuries had broken his most sacred
unknown wild animals, a healthy young seemed consistent with his oath to protect life, and he
man whose heart exploded, and so many earlier findings. If he moved hated himself for doing so.
others. Their faces haunt his dreams, especially the young man's fast enough, he could get rid
of the source of this vile Vincent’s maximum Sanity is
terrified expression. After all this, small wonder that Vincent has
infection once and for all. reduced by 1.
begun to wonder if there's something sinister going on in this quiet
Massachusetts town.
Vincent receives 2 extra
movement points each turn.
Tonight Dr. Lee made the decision to investigate the mysteries of
Arkham and stop the strange deaths. He is determined to see this Also, he may use his
through, even if in so doing he becomes another puzzle for the next Physician ability on any
doctor who comes to Arkham. investigator in his current
Occupation Doctor
Home St. Mary’s Hospital
Sanity 5
Stamina 5
Focus 2
Vincent’s Physician ability can be used in any location, street
Fixed Possessions $9, 1 Clue token
area, or Other World area.
Random Possessions 2 Common items, 2 Spells, 1 Skill

Speed 0 1 2 3
Sneak 5 4 3 2 Mama used to let Wendy play with her
Fight 0 1 2 3 necklace when she was small. The
strange eye-in-star design was one of her
Will 4 3 2 1 earliest memories. Mama would tell her
Lore 2 3 4 5 stories and Wendy would spin the
necklace and watch as it glittered.
Luck 4 3 2 1
Then, word came that her father had
been lost at sea, and Mama started acting strange. She drew
unusual symbols in chalk all over the house and read bizarre and
terrible books. Wendy went to the orphanage. Before they took her
away, Mama gave her the necklace. "Keep this close, Wendy. It'll
Physician (Upkeep Phase): Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to protect you when I can't. Always remember that your Mama loves
himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a you."
character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum
Wendy stayed in the orphanage for several years before running
away, finally deciding that she could take better care of herself the
state could.

Although such a matter would normally be left up to the police, Now, Wendy stands in front of the bank, staring at the photograph
Vincent felt that he owed it to his patients to track down the source someone dropped into her cup when she wasn't looking - a
of the strange deaths in Arkham. To sit back and do nothing was photograph of her father, with an even more mysterious message
simply too foreign to his way of thinking. He just had to be careful written on the back, "Soon the Red Tide rises. Stay safe, my little
and call the authorities if things got too hot to handle. girl."

Looking up, Wendy feels something welling up inside her that she
hasn't felt for many years - hope.

33 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Urchin
Home Bank of Arkham
Sanity 4
If Wendy Adams uses her Elder Sign to place the third seal on the
Stamina 4
board, she may choose to either pass or fail, although players will
Focus 3
probably prefer that she passes.
Fixed Possessions $3, 3 Clue tokens, 1 Unique item (Elder
Random Possessions 1 Common item, 1 Skill
Expansion Kingsport Horror

If all the world truly was a stage, then

Speed 2 3 4 5 William Yorick felt he had a bit part at
best. After studying for years to become
Sneak 6 5 4 3 a Shakespearean actor, he found that
Fight 0 1 2 3 dramatic monologues didn't put bread
on the table. So, desperate for work, he
Will 3 2 1 0 had accepted a job as a gravedigger.
Lore 1 2 3 4
He figured that while grave digging was an unusual job, there
Luck 5 4 3 2
wasn't really anything wrong with it. After all, one of Shakespeare's
best scenes involved a gravedigger. Sure, the work was hard and
dirty, but William had never shied away from honest labor before.

That, of course, was before the weird corpses began turning up.
Strange, inhuman things, they caused William's flesh to crawl and
 Streetwise (Any Phase): Wendy automatically passes any his palms to sweat. He began to see strangers watching him
Evade checks made in a street area. wherever he went, and he knew instinctively that taking the
corpses to the University would be the last mistake he ever made.
 Blessed is the Child (Any Phase): Wendy cannot be
arrested or Cursed while she has an Elder Sign. Which is why William find himself in the pews at South Church.
While he has never been a particularly religious man, he finds that
 Minor: Wendy cannot gain a Bank Loan. Father Michael usually has good advice. Today, William feels like
that could make all the difference in the world.

Occupation Gravedigger
Home South Church
“Have you seen this man?” Wendy asked yet another dock worker, Sanity 4
hoping for a lead on her father. “He was last seen around the docks.” Stamina 6
The gruff worker shook his head, pity obvious on his face. “Sorry, Focus 1
girlie. Wish I could help ya out.” Fixed Possessions $4
Random Possessions 2 Common items, 2 Unique items, 1
Wendy forced a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll find him. It’s just a matter Skill, 3 Monster trophies
of time.” Expansion Innsmouth Horror

Pass Fail
If there are 3 or more elder If Wendy does not have an
sign tokens on the board, Elder sign, place “Lost Hope”
place “Family Reunion” in in play. Speed 0 1 2 3
Lost Hope: Wendy walked Sneak 4 3 2 1
Family Reunion: “I can’t away from the corpse, trying
Fight 1 2 3 4
stay yet, kiddo. I’ve got not to cry. She knew, deep
something really, really inside, that thing hadn’t Will 6 5 4 3
important that I have to do really been her father, but for
Lore 1 2 3 4
first to stop the Red Tide, but a time, she’d allowed herself
then we’ll set those to hope. Luck 4 3 2 1
bureaucrats straight and get
your mom out of Arkham. Wendy’s Focus is reduced to
Until then, here’s some money 2.
to tide you over.”
Wendy gains $10. Discard  Secrets of the Dead (Any Phase): William may spend his
this card to return all monster trophies as though they were Clue tokens, on a 1-for-1
monsters in the Outskirts to basis.
the monster cup.
 Bury Them Deep (Any Phase): Each time William spends a
monster trophy, he may decide to return it to the box instead
of placing it back in the monster cup.

34 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Occupation Handyman
Home Train Station
Sanity 5
When William dug up the first corpse, he couldn’t believe what he Stamina 5
was seeing, but he put it in the shed for safe-keeping anyhow. Focus ∞
Fixed Possessions $4, 3 Common items (Motorcycle,
When he found the second corpse, he began to get a little worried,
Shotgun, Whiskey)
but he put it in the shed with the other one.
Random Possessions 2 Unique items, 1 Skill
After the third corpse turned up, William decided that he was going Expansion Dunwich Horror
to have to talk with Father Michael about them.
After all, the shed was getting kind of crowded.

Pass Fail Speed 1 2 3 4

If William is Blessed, place If William is knocked Sneak 5 4 3 2
“Heaven and Earth” in play. unconscious or driven insane,
place “Alas, Poor Yorick” in Fight 1 2 3 4
Heaven and Earth: “It play.
seems as though the world is Will 3 2 1 0
a much stranger place that I Alas, Poor Yorick: “This Lore 1 2 3 4
ever imagined.” isn’t funny. I was nearly
killed. I wish I’d never found Luck 4 3 2 1
William’s Focus is increased those cadavers.”
by 1.
William must either leave
this card in play or draw an
Injury or Madness card and
discard this card. If he leaves  Jack of All Trades (Upkeep Phase): Wilson's focus is
this card in play, his unlimited.
maximum Stamina and
Sanity are each reduced by 1.  Odd Jobs (Arkham Encounter Phase): Wilson may gain $1
instead of having an encounter at any location (but not an
Other World or street area).

If Rhan-Tegoth is the Ancient One, and William draws a Cultist as

part of his starting equipment, the Cultist token is placed on Rhan- It was all that kid’s fault. Wilson was a sucker for kids – reminded
Tegoth’s Ancient One sheet. The terror level then increases by 1, a him of happier times – and an even bigger sucker for kids who
doom token is added to the doom track, and a replacement monster offered him a drink of water on a hot day.
is drawn. If this occurs during setup as a result of William The kid had it rough. Her poppa was gone – not walked out, just
Yorricks’s starting equipment, wait until all investigators have gone – like too many people in Arkham. Her momma was looking
received all of their equipment before returning an Ally to the box sick and wasting away. She’d like to move away from this haunted
due to the increase in the terror level. town, but she was into O’Bannion for more money than she cared to
Dang kids.

Pass Fail
If Wilson discards $15 during If there are 6 or more doom
You see a lot of strange things on the the Upkeep Phase and tokens on the Ancient One’s
road, and Wilson has been traveling for doesn’t have a Bank Loan, doom track, place “Too Little,
many years now. Wandering from town place “Get Outta town” in Too Late” in play.
to town, he's earned his keep by taking play.
Too Little, Too Late:
various odd jobs - but he's never seen Get Outta Town: She O’Bannion was leaning
anything like the events occurring in already looked a little less against the white picket fence.
Arkham. sick. Just the idea of getting Wilson felt his knuckles go
out of this cursed place, white. The cops were leading
Something's just not right here, and when you're a loner and a Wilson figured. And the kid? the kid to a car.
drifter by trade, you develop a certain sixth sense about people and The kid didn’t even seem to
places. Right now Wilson's sixth sense is telling him to get out of know what was going on. “What happened?”
town, and fast. But for some reason his curiosity is greater than his O’Bannion pushed off the
fear, and he has a weird feeling that the job he needs to do in “Better that way,” he said,
and headed back out into the fence. “None of your business,
Arkham may be a little bigger than mending a step or painting a boys.”
fence. night.”
When the terror level would Wilson immediately discards
increase by 1, place a Clue all of his Clue tokens.
token on this card instead. If
there are 3 Clue tokens on
this card, discard it.

35 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

 For encounters or any use of Focus aside from setting skill
sliders, treat Wilson’s focus as being 4. Speed 1 2 3 4
Sneak 4 3 2 1
 Wilson’s Odd Jobs ability does not count as having an
encounter. Fight 1 2 3 4
Will 4 3 2 1
Lore 1 2 3 4
Luck 5 4 3 2

Zoey knew that she was special. She'd

known it ever since God had spoken to
her one night when she was six years Killer Instincts (Any Phase): When Zoey makes a Combat check
old... the night that terrible fire took against a monster or Ancient One with Physical and/or Magical
away her parents. He told her that He Resistance, ignore that ability. If the monster or Ancient One has
had chosen her from among all the Magical and/or Physical Immunity, treat it as Resistance instead.
people of the world to be His agent. She
would protect the innocent and punish
the wicked.

Since then, He came to her in times of trouble, offering guidance “As you have called me into service once again, my Lord, so I shall
and comfort. He has also come to lead her to an evildoer on several serve. This city is thick and swollen with evil like a rotten fruit, but
occasions. In each instance, with His aid, good triumphed. Then, I will bring war to those who pervert the natural order and call
one day, He spoke to her, telling her to come to Arkham, where she upon false gods.”
would face her greatest challenge yet. He has not spoken to her “Amen.”

Now, as Zoey steps off the train onto the platform, she fingers her Pass Fail
cross, feeling the wrongness of this place in her bones. Perhaps if If Zoey has 5 or more monster If Zoey is arrested or discards
she cleanses the city of its taint, He will speak to her once again. trophies, place “A Grim her Cross, place “Forsaken”
Harvest” in play. in play.
Occupation Chef
Home Train Station A Grim Harvest: “I have Forsaken: “Where have you
Sanity 3 worked your will and brought gone, my Lord? Why do you
Stamina 7 ruin to your enemies.” forsake your servant?”
Focus 1 Zoey’s maximum Sanity is Zoey suffers a -1 penalty to
Fixed Possessions $2, 4 Clue tokens, 2 Common items increased by 1. She all Luck checks.
(Cross, Knife) immediately gains 1 Sanity.
Random Possessions 2 Unique items, 1 Skill
Expansion Innsmouth Horror Zoey gains +1 Fight.

36 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Powerful organizations known as Institutions can provide help for
investigators in exchange for resources that are acquired over the
course of the game.

Institutions are similar to Heralds and Guardians, and players may

When Miskatonic University
choose to play with any combination of Heralds, Guardians, and
is the Institution, place the
Institutions. However, players should generally limit themselves to
Miskatonic Student cards and the Expedition markers near the
one of each type at most.
Institution sheet.

"My good fortune in securing the backing of Miskatonic University

was great..."

 Launch an Expedition: If an investigator is in the Science

Building or in a street area with an Expedition marker during
the Upkeep Phase, he may spend 10 toughness worth of
When the Bureau of monster trophies or 2 gate trophies to place an Expedition
Investigations is the marker on a street area on an expansion game board
Institution, at the start of the game, place the Agent tokens next to (Dunwich, Kingsport, or Innsmouth). An Expedition marker
the Institution sheet. can only be placed on a street area on an expansion game
board and cannot be placed on an expansion game board that
already has an Expedition marker on it. An Expedition marker
cannot be moved once it has been placed. (Note: Expedition
"Keener news-followers, however, wondered at the prostigious markers do not affect, nor are they affected by, any other
number of arrests, the abnormally large force of men used in making tokens or markers on the board.)
them, and the secrecy surrounding the disposal of the prisoners."
 Chartered Transportation: During his Movement Phase, an
 Upkeep: For each monster token, compare the monster's investigator may spend 1 movement point to either move from
toughness to the number of Agent tokens in the same area. If the Science Building to an area with an Expedition marker or
the monster's toughness is equal to or greater than the number move from an area with an Expedition marker to the Science
of Agent tokens, return one Agent token from that area to the Building or to another area with an Expedition marker. This
pool of Agent tokens next to this sheet. If the monster's does not interrupt the investigator's normal movement.
toughness is less than the number of Agent tokens, return one
Agent token from that area to the pool of Agent tokens next to  Advanced Classes: If an investigator is in the Administration
this sheet and then return the monster to the monster cup (or, Building or in a street are with an Expedition marker during
in the case of Spawn monsters, to wherever the token was the Upkeep Phase, he may spend 5 toughness worth of
placed during setup). The order in which monster tokens are monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to either gain a Miskatonic
resolved is determined by the first player. Student card or, if he already has a Miskatonic Student card,
to flip the card over to the Miskatonic Alumnus side.
 Movement: At any point during his movement, if an
investigator is in a street area, he may place 1 Agent token in  The Restricted Section: If an investigator is in the Library
his street area for each 2 Clue tokens he spends. (Note that or in an area with an Expedition marker during the Upkeep
monsters ignore Agent tokens when moving.) Phase, he may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or
1 gate trophy to search the Common Item deck and take the
first Tome he finds. Alternatively, he may spend 10 toughness
worth of monster trophies or 2 gate trophies to search the
Unique Item deck and take the first Tome he finds.
"Picked up and dusted off by ready hands, he was found to be
conscious, organically unhurt, and evidentially cured of his sudden
nervous attack" Expansion: Miskatonic Horror

 When a player is instructed to return an Ally card to the box,

he may instead place the card next to any of the expansion
game boards (Dunwich, Kingsport, or Innsmouth). If an Ally is
already next to the chosen expansion game board, that card is
returned to the box and the new one takes its place.

 Upkeep: If an investigator is in a location on one of the

expansion game boards, he may spend 5 Clue tokens to gain
the Ally card that has been placed next to that expansion

Expansion: Miskatonic Horror

37 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

"I cannot see a well or subway entrance without shuddering... why
cannot the doctors give me something to make me sleep, or truly
calm my brain when it thunders?"

When Organized Crime is Upkeep Phase: If an investigator in a location (but not in a street
the Institution, after area or an Other World area) has 2 or less Stamina, he may spend
players have received their $1 to gain 1 Stamina. If an investigator in a location (but not in a
fixed possessions and street area or an Other World area) has 2 or less Sanity, he may
random possessions during setup, each player may choose to spend spend $1 to gain 1 Sanity.
$3 or discard 1 item to gain either a Retainer (if he does not already
have a retainer) or a Sheldon Gang Membership (from the Dunwich
Horror expansion).

"Desire to avoid needless explanation is case of unexpected police

intrusions prompted these plans for a quiet and unostentatious
"To the police we both declared ignorance of our late companion's
Upkeep Phase: If an investigator is in a street area (but not in a
location or an Other World area), he may either draw a Common
Anytime an investigator is arrested, he may choose to pay $3 Item and purchase it for $1 more than its list price or draw a
instead, and ignore all effects of being arrested. (This includes Unique Item and purchase it for $2 more than its list price. When
being arrested in Innsmouth.) an investigator draws a card using this ability, he must purchase
the item if he is able to.

Expansion: Miskatonic Horror

38 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Investigator Occupation Home Sanity Stamina Focus Expansion
Agnes Baker Waitress Velma's Diner 5 5 2 Innsmouth Horror
Akachi Onyele Shaman Ye Olde Magick Shoppe 7 3 1 Innsmouth Horror
Amanda Sharpe Student Bank of Arkham 5 5 3
"Ashcan" Pete Drifter River Docks 4 6 1
Bob Jenkins Salesman General Store 4 6 1
Carolyn Fern Psychologist Arkham Asylum 6 4 2
Charlie Kane Politician Administration Building 4 6 2 Kingsport Horror
Daisy Walker Librarian Library 5 5 2 Kingsport Horror
Darrell Simmons Photographer Newspaper 4 6 2
Dexter Drake Magician Ye Olde Magick Shoppe 5 5 2
Diana Stanley Redeemed Cultist General Store 4 6 1 Dunwich Horror
Finn Edwards Bootlegger Bank of Arkham 4 6 1 Innsmouth Horror
George Barnaby Lawyer Library 7 3 2 Innsmouth Horror
Gloria Goldberg Author Velma's Diner 6 4 2
Hank Samson Farmhand General Store 5 6 2 Innsmouth Horror
Harvey Walters Professor Administration Building 7 3 2
Jacqueline Fine Psychic Curiositie Shoppe 7 3 2 Dunwich Horror
Jenny Barnes Dilettante Train Station 6 4 1
Jim Culver Musician Velma's Diner 6 4 2 Dunwich Horror
Joe Diamond Private Eye Police Station 4 6 3
Kate Winthrop Scientist Science Building 6 4 1
Leo Anderson Expedition Leader River Docks 5 5 2 Dunwich Horror
Lily Chen Martial Artist Ye Olde Magick Shoppe 4-7 7-4 2 Kingsport Horror
Lola Hayes Actress Arkham Asylum 6 4 2 Kingsport Horror
Luke Robinson Dreamer The Dreamlands 7 3 1 Kingsport Horror
Mandy Thompson Researcher Library 5 5 2
Marie Lambeau Entertainer Ma's Boarding House 6 4 2 Dunwich Horror
Mark Harrigan Soldier South Church 3 7 1 Dunwich Horror
Michael McGlen Gangster Ma's Boarding House 3 7 1
Minh Thi Phan Secretary St. Mary's Hospital 6 4 2 Innsmouth Horror
Monterey Jack Archeologist Curiositie Shoppe 3 7 2
Norman Withers Astronomer Administration Building 6 4 2 Innsmouth Horror
Patrice Hathaway Violinist Curiositie Shoppe 5 5 2 Innsmouth Horror
Rex Murphy Reporter Newspaper 5 5 2 Kingsport Horror
Rita Young Athlete Police Station 4 6 2 Dunwich Horror
Roland Banks Fed Arkham Asylum 4 6 3 Innsmouth Horror
Silas Marsh Sailor River Docks 4 6 2 Innsmouth Horror
Sister Mary Nun South Church 7 3 1
"Skids" O'Toole Ex-Convict Ma's Boarding House 3 7 2 Innsmouth Horror
Tommy Muldoon Rookie Cop Police Station 6 4 1 Innsmouth Horror
Tony Morgan Bounty Hunter St. Mary's Hospital 3 7 2 Kingsport Horror
Trish Scarborough Spy Newspaper 6 4 1 Innsmouth Horror
Ursula Downs Explorer Player's Choice* 5 5 2 Innsmouth Horror
Vincent Lee Doctor St. Mary's Hospital 5 5 2
Wendy Adams Urchin Bank of Arkham 4 4 3 Kingsport Horror
William Yorick Gravedigger South Church 4 6 1 Innsmouth Horror
Wilson Richards Handyman Train Station 5 5 4 Dunwich Horror
Zoey Samaras Chef Train Station 3 7 1 Innsmouth Horror

39 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Investigator Clues Money Common Items Unique Items Spells Skills Allies/Special
Agnes Baker 3 $5 Wither
Akachi Onyele 1 $3 Gate Trophy
Amanda Sharpe 1 $1
"Ashcan" Pete 3 $1 Duke
Bob Jenkins 0 $9
Carolyn Fern 1 $7
Charlie Kane 0 $9
Daisy Walker 1 $5 Livre d’Ivon
Darrell Simmons 1 $4 Retainer
Dexter Drake 0 $5 Shrivelling
Diana Stanley 2 $4 Silver Twilight
Finn Edwards 0 $8 Whiskey Bank Loan
George Barnaby 0 $7 Retainer
Gloria Goldberg 2 $7
Hank Samson 1 $3 Food
Harvey Walters 1 $5
Jacqueline Fine 2 $7 Enchanted Jewelry
Jenny Barnes 0 $10
Jim Culver 3 $3 Golden Trumpet
Joe Diamond 3 $8 .45 Automatic
Kate Winthrop 2 $7
Leo Anderson 2 $5
Lily Chen 2 $4 Martial Arts
Lola Hayes 2 $6 .18 Derringer
Luke Robinson 1 $6 Gate Box
Mandy Thompson 4 $6
Marie Lambeau 2 $4 Enchanted Knife Voice of Ra
Mark Harrigan 3 $4 Flamethrower, Molotov Cocktail
Michael McGlen 0 $8 Dynamite, Tommy Gun
Minh Thi Phan 2 $4 The King in Yellow
Monterey Jack 1 $7 Bullwhip, .38 Revolver
Norman Withers 3 $3 Find Gate
Patrice Hathaway 2 $1
Rex Murphy 3 $3 Curse
Rita Young 2 $4 Retainer
Roland Banks 2 $3
Silas Marsh 2 $7 Cavalry Saber
Sister Mary 0 $0 Cross Holy Water Blessing
"Skids" O'Toole 3 $5 Axe
Tommy Muldoon 2 $2 Map of Arkham, Rifle
Tony Morgan 3 $6 Handcuffs
Trish Scarborough 2 $4 Lucky Cigarette Case
Ursula Downs 4 $1
Vincent Lee 1 $9
Wendy Adams 3 $3 Elder Sign
William Yorick 0 $4 M. Trophies
Wilson Richards 0 $4 Motorcycle, Shotgun, Whiskey
Zoey Samaras 4 $2 Cross, Knife

40 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Investigator Common Items Unique Items Spells Skills Allies
Agnes Baker 1 1 1 1 0
Akachi Onyele 0 1 2 1 0
Amanda Sharpe 1 1 1 2 0
"Ashcan" Pete 1 1 0 1 0
Bob Jenkins 2 2 0 1 0
Carolyn Fern 2 2 0 1 0
Charlie Kane 2 0 0 1 1
Daisy Walker 1 1 1 1 0
Darrell Simmons 1 2 0 1 0
Dexter Drake 1 1 2 1 0
Diana Stanley 1 0 1 1 0
Finn Edwards 2 2 0 2 0
George Barnaby 1 1 1 1 0
Gloria Goldberg 2 0 2 1 0
Hank Samson 2 1 0 2 0
Harvey Walters 0 2 2 1 0
Jacqueline Fine 1 0 2 1 0
Jenny Barnes 2 1 1 1 0
Jim Culver 1 0 2 1 0
Joe Diamond 2 0 0 1 0
Kate Winthrop 1 1 2 1 0
Leo Anderson 2 0 0 1 1
Lily Chen 1 0 1 0 0
Lola Hayes 1 1 1 1 0
Luke Robinson 0 1 2 1 0
Mandy Thompson 2 1 0 1 0
Marie Lambeau 0 0 2 1 0
Mark Harrigan 0 1 0 1 0
Michael McGlen 0 1 0 1 0
Minh Thi Phan 2 1 1 1 0
Monterey Jack 0 2 0 1 0
Norman Withers 1 1 1 1 0
Patrice Hathaway 1 2 1 1 0
Rex Murphy 1 2 2 1 0
Rita Young 2 1 0 1 0
Roland Banks 1 1 0 1 1
Silas Marsh 2 1 0 1 0
Sister Mary 0 0 2 1 0
"Skids" O'Toole 2 1 0 1 0
Tommy Muldoon 2 1 0 1 0
Tony Morgan 1 1 0 1 0
Trish Scarborough 2 2 0 1 0
Ursula Downs 2 2 0 2 0
Vincent Lee 2 0 2 1 0
Wendy Adams 1 0 0 1 0
William Yorick 2 2 0 1 0
Wilson Richards 0 2 0 1 0
Zoey Samaras 0 2 0 1 0

41 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Home Investigators
Administration Building Charlie Kane, Harvey Walters, Norman Withers
Arkham Asylum Carolyn Fern, Lola Hayes, Roland Banks
Bank of Arkham Amanda Sharpe, Finn Edwards, Wendy Adams
Curiositie Shoppe Jacqueline Fine, Monterey Jack, Patrice Hathaway
The Dreamlands Luke Robinson
General Store Bob Jenkins, Diana Stanley, Hank Samson
Library Daisy Walker, George Barnaby, Mandy Thompson
Ma’s Boarding House Marie Lambeau, Michael McGlen, “Skids” O’Toole
Newspaper Darrell Simmons, Rex Murphy, Trish Scarborough
Player’s Choice Ursula Downs
Police Station Joe Diamond, Rita Young, Tommy Muldoon
River Docks “Ashcan” Pete, Leo Anderson, Silas Marsh
Science Building Kate Winthrop
South Church Mark Harrigan, Sister Mary, William Yorick
St. Mary’s Hospital Minh Thi Phan, Tony Morgan, Vincent Lee
Train Station Jenny Barnes, Wilson Richards, Zoey Samaras
Velma’s Diner Agnes Baker, Gloria Goldberg, Jim Culver
Ye Olde Magick Shoppe Akachi Onyele, Dexter Drake, Lily Chen

Theme Investigators
Adventurers Monterey Jack, Leo Anderson, Lily Chen, Ursula Downs, Silas Marsh, Trish Scarborough
Criminals Finn Edwards, Michael McGlen, “Skids” O’Toole
Destiny Akachi Onyele, Amanda Sharpe, Lily Chen, Silas Marsh, Tommy Muldoon
Entertainers Jim Culver, Lola Hayes, Marie Lambeau, Patrice Hathaway
Everyman Agnes Baker, Bob Jenkins, Charlie Kane, George Barnaby, Hank Samson, Minh Thi Phan, Zoey Samaras
Law Enforcement George Barnaby, Joe Diamond, Roland Banks, Tommy Muldoon, Tony Morgan, Trish Scarborough
Loners “Ashcan” Pete, Hank Samson, Wendy Adams, Wilson Richards
Magic Users Agnes Baker, Akachi Onyele, Dexter Drake, Luke Robinson, Marie Lambeau
Medical Carolyn Fern, Vincent Lee
Miskatonic University Amanda Sharpe, Daisy Walker, Harvey Walters, Mandy Thompson, Rita Young
Religious Akachi Onyele, Diana Stanley, Sister Mary, William Yorick, Zoey Samaras
Reporters Darrell Simmons, Rex Murphy
Researchers Daisy Walker, Mandy Thompson, Harvey Walters, Norman Withers
Scientists Kate Winthrop, Norman Withers
Seers Gloria Goldberg, Jacqueline Fine, Luke Robinson, Patrice Hathaway
Students Amanda Sharpe, Rita Young
Finn Edwards, Hank Samson, Joe Diamond, Mark Harrigan, Michael McGlen, “Skids” O’Toole, Tommy
Muldoon, Wilson Richards
Wealthy Bob Jenkins, Charlie Kane, Jenny Barnes, Vincent Lee

Institution Suggested Investigators

Bureau of Investigations George Barnaby, Joe Diamond, Roland Banks, Tommy Muldoon, Tony Morgan, Trish Scarborough
Miskatonic University Amanda Sharpe, Daisy Walker, Harvey Walters, Mandy Thompson, Rita Young
Organized Crime Finn Edwards, Michael McGlen, “Skids” O’Toole

42 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Neighborhood Location Stability Encounters Special Special Location Ability
Downtown Arkham Asylum Stable Sanity, Clues Psychiatric Care: Instead of having an encounter
(White) here you may recovery Sanity by receiving
psychiatric care. You may either re-gain 1 Sanity
for free, or pay $2 to restore your Sanity to its
maximum value.
Bank of Arkham Stable Money, Blessings Bank Loan: Instead of having an encounter here,
you may take out a Bank Loan out if you don’t have
one yet.
Independence Unstable Clues, Unique Items
Easttown Hibb’s Roadhouse Unstable Money, Common Items
(Gray) Police Station Stable Common Items, Clues Jail Cell Deputized: Instead of having an encounter here,
you may spend 10 toughness worth of monster
trophies, 2 gate trophies or 5 toughness of monster
trophies and 1 gate trophy to become the Deputy of
Arkham. Take the Deputy of Arkham Card.
Velma’s Diner Stable Money, Stamina
French Hill Silver Twilight Unstable Unique Items, Clues Inner Sanctum: If you have a Silver Twilight
(Blue) Lodge Membership, then you look at the Inner Sanctum
entry when having encounters here.
The Witch House Unstable Clues, Spells
Merchant River Docks Stable Money, Common Items Aquatic Shady Character: Instead of having an encounter
District here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster
(Green) trophies or 1 gate trophy to gain $5.
The Unnameable Unstable Unique Items, Clues
Unvisited Isle Unstable Clues, Spells Aquatic
Miskatonic Administration Stable Money, Skills Classes: Instead of having an encounter here, you
University may spend $8 to draw 2 Skills. Keep one of them
(Yellow) and discard the other.
Library Stable Unique Items, Spells
Science Building Unstable Clues, Unique Items Dissection: Instead of having an encounter here,
you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster
trophies or 1 gate trophy to gain 2 Clue tokens.
Northside Curiositie Shoppe Stable Unique Items, Shop: Instead of having an encounter here, you
(Orange) Common Items may draw 3 Unique Items and purchase one of
them for its list price. Discard the other two items.
Newspaper Stable Money, Clues
Train Station Stable Unique Items, Train Train Depot: Spend $1 and 1 Movement Point to
Common Items Depot move to any other Train Depot location. This
movement does not interrupt the investigator’s
normal movement.
Rivertown Black Cave Unstable Common Items, Spells
(Purple) General Store Stable Money, Common Items Shop: Instead of having an encounter here, you
may draw 3 Common Items and purchase one of
them for its list price. Discard the other two items.
Graveyard Unstable Clues, Unique Items
Southside Historical Society Unstable Skills, Spells
Ma’s Boarding Stable Allies, Stamina Recruit: Instead of having an encounter here, you
House may spend 10 toughness worth of monster trophies,
2 gate trophies or 5 toughness of monster trophies
and 1 gate trophy to take any 1 Ally of your choice
from the Ally deck.
South Church Stable Blessings, Sanity Blessing: Instead of having an encounter here, you
may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies
or 1 gate trophy to have any investigator you
choose be Blessed.
Uptown St. Mary’s Stable Clues, Stamina Medical Care: Instead of having an encounter
(Red) Hospital here you may recovery Stamina by receiving
medical care. You may either re-gain 1 Stamina for
free, or pay $2 to restore your Stamina to its
maximum value.
Woods Unstable Money, Common Items
Ye Olde Magick Stable Spells, Unique Items Magic Lessons: Instead of having an encounter
Shoppe here, you may pay $5 to draw 2 Spells. Keep one of
them and discard the other.

43 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Neighborhood Location Stability Encounters Special Special Location Ability
Backwoods Cold Spring Glen Unstable Blessings, Spells
Country Whateley Farm Unstable Clues, Spells
(Orange) Wizard’s Hill Unstable Money, Spells
Blasted Devil’s Hopyard Unstable Money, Clues Strange Deal: Instead of having an encounter
Heath here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster
(Blue) trophies or 1 gate trophy to gain 1 Clue token and
Gardners’ Place Unstable Stamina, Clues
Harney Jones’ Stable Stamina, Sanity Hospitality: Instead of having an encounter here,
Shack you may regain 1 Sanity or 1 Stamina.
Sentinel Hill Sentinel Hills n/a n/a Special See the Dunwich Horror.
Village Bishop’s Brooke Stable Money, Unique Items Train Train Depot: Spend $1 and 1 Movement Point to
Commons Bridge Depot move to any other Train Depot location. This
(Green) movement does not interrupt the investigator’s
normal movement.
Darke’s Carnival Stable Sanity, Money Wheel of Fortune: Instead of having an
encounter here, you may pay $1 to roll a die. On a
success, you gain $3.
Dunwich Village Stable Clues, Money Osborn’s General Store: Instead of having an
encounter here, you may pay $4 to roll a die. On a
success, draw 1 Unique Item. On a failure, draw 1
Common Item.

44 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Neighborhood Location Stability Encounters Martial Special Location Ability

Church Church Green n/a n/a +0

Green Streets
(Orange) Esoteric Order of Unstable Clues, Blessings -1
Innsmouth Jail Stable Clues, Common Items -1, Jail Break: Each investigator in the Jail Cell
Jail during the Arkham Encounter Phase makes a
Cell Sneak (-1) check and draws one encounter card,
plus one additional card for every success rolled,
encountering one card of his choice and discarding
the others.
Sawbone Alley n/a n/a +0 Outside Help: Investigators imprisoned in
Innsmouth Jail gain one extra success on their Jail
Break roll for every investigator in Sawbone Alley.
Factory Factory District n/a n/a +0,
District Streets Aquatic
(Blue) First National Stable Clues, Common Items +1 Food and Gossip: Instead of having an encounter
Grocery here, you may spend $1 to search the Common Item
deck for a “Food” or “Research Materials” card.
Gilman House Stable Sanity, Stamina +1 Uneasy Sleep: After having an encounter here, if
Hotel you are still at this location, you may gain 1 Sanity
or 1 Stamina.
Marsh Refinery Unstable Clues, Money -1
Innsmouth Innsmouth Shore n/a n/a +1,
Shore Streets Aquatic
(Green) Falcon Point Stable Clues, Common Items n/a, Boat Charter: During the Movement Phase, you
Aquatic may spend $2 to move to any aquatic location and
have an encounter there (if applicable), or to move
any other investigator in an aquatic location to
Falcon Point. Investigators may not move any
further after moving with this location ability.
Devil Reef Unstable Clues, Unique Items n/a, Accursed: Investigators must end their movement
Aquatic upon entering Devil Reef. Flying monsters may
move into Devil Reef as though it were a street area.
Y’ha-nthlei Unstable Clues, Unique Items n/a, Inaccessible: Investigators may only enter Y’ha-
Aquatic nthlei from Devil Reef or when returning to Arkham
from an Other World, regardless of other game
effects. This is true even if there is an open gate
Joe Sargent’s Joe Sargent’s n/a n/a +0, Train Depot: Spend $1 and 1 Movement Point to
Bus Service Bus Service Train move to any other Train Depot location. This
Streets Depot movement does not interrupt the investigator’s
normal movement.

45 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

Neighborhood Location Stability Encounters Special Special Location Ability
Central Hill Central Hill n/a n/a Train Train Depot: Spend $1 and 1 Movement Point to
(Blue) Streets Depot move to any other Train Depot location. This
movement does not interrupt the investigator’s
normal movement.
7th House on the Stable Spells, Clues
Congregational Stable Sanity, Stamina Treatment: Instead of having an encounter here,
Hospital you may spend $1 to regain 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina.
St. Erasmus’s Stable Clues, Unique Items
Harborside Harborside n/a n/a Aquatic
(Yellow) Streets
607 Water St. Stable Spells, Stamina
North Point Stable Clues, Sanity Aquatic The White Ship: Instead of having an encounter
Lighthouse here, you may spend 10 toughness worth of monster
trophies, 2 gate trophies or 5 toughness of monster
trophies and 1 gate trophy to take the Captain of the
White Ship card.
The Rope and Stable Sanity, Stamina Tavern: Instead of having an encounter here, you
Anchor may spend $1 to search the Common Item deck for a
“Food” or “Whiskey” card.
Kingsport The Causeway Stable Spells, Unique Items Aquatic Hard Going: You must end your movement upon
Head entering this location.
(White) Wireless Station Stable Stamina, Common Hard Going: You must end your movement upon
Items entering this location.
Strange High Stable Unique Items, Otherworldly: Instead of having an encounter
House in the Common Items here, you may spend 10 toughness worth of monster
Mist trophies, 2 gate trophies or 5 toughness of monster
trophies and 1 gate trophy to take the Changed card.
South Shore South Shore n/a n/a Aquatic
(Red) Streets
Artists’ Colony Stable Stamina, Money
The Hall School Stable Clues, Spells
Neil’s Curiosity Stable Money, Clues Pawn: Instead of having an encounter here, you
Shop may sell a Common or Unique Item. Make a
Will (-1) check. If you pass, you get its list price. If
you fail, you get half its list price (round up).

46 Arkham Horror Investigator Guide v 2.6

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