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30 Ways to Self-Empowerment


Written and Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

Translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb

Motto of this End Time


Honored Readers,

Due to the special resonance to the “30 Ways to Self-

Empowerment” I have decided to exclusively publish
here this excerpt from the contribution “2015 The Year
of Truth”.

More than ever it is up to each one of us to

courageously stand up against the dark forces, which
wrestle against their survival on all levels, and at all
opportunities to withdraw our energy from them. The
global and planetary change, which takes place now, is
based on it and initially it is necessary to revolt against
our own inner lethargy and be the change ourselves,
which we demand from the outside.

It is necessary to develop a new world of peace within

ourselves first, to create it in our soul and to anchor it
deep within.

After that everything will be easy, after that everything
is simple and it clearly appears how, when and where
an individual human Being serves the great divine plan

Wake up, get up, be outraged,

and defend yourself!

Thereby always remain in peace!

Act without violence and forgive those,
who have hurt you.
Everyone is enabled to forgive oneself,
if one meets self without violence and without
continuing to hurt oneself.

Heal yourself; this is the inevitable

motto of this end time.

Empower yourself, whereby you become aware of your

own shadows and dissolve them, because only then are
we in a position to encounter darkness in this world in
an appropriate manner.

Whoever knows oneself, knows Life; whoever denies
oneself, denies Life.
This time needs redeemed and from blockages mostly
freed human Beings, in order to give the societal
change the necessary power.

This mankind needs warriors of Light, which

never leave the path of kindness and Love.

We must be aware that each transformation begins

within oneself and with the revolt against our own
And the „30 Ways to Self-Empowerment” offer the path
toward it.

In Love

Jahn J Kassl

The Great Purification – ASANA MAHATARI:

30 Ways to Self-Empowerment

1.) Wake up!

2.) Stand up!
3.) Be up in arms!
4.) Defend yourself!
5.) Declare total refusal to this system!
6.) Withdraw your energy from this system:
a.) Avoid every election!
b.) Avoid the mass media!
7.) Pay attention to your body:
a.) Eat vegetarian or vegan (implicitly free of
meat and fish)
b.) Give up pre-prepared dishes.
c.) Drink pure water.
d.) Avoid Fluor (toothpastes)
e.) Avoid vaccinations (mercury).
f.) Meditate, pray, go to sacred places.
8.) Free yourselves from false belief patterns like:
a.) “One person alone cannot change anything“
b.) „One cannot do anything about it“
9.) Free yourselves of any sluggishness.

10.) Activate your spiritual nature:
a.) with energy work.
b.) due to direct devotion to Angels, Archangels,
the Ascended Masters and to God.
11.) Yourselves be the change, which you champion.
12.) Liberate yourselves from any dark energy:
a.) Ask Archangel Michael for help.
b.) Be ready to let go of everything.
13.) Destroy any dark energy in your environment
by means of mandates and the Light sword:
a.) Elementals
b.) Dark entities on and from different levels
14.) Purify your energy field daily:
a.) Call on the gold-violet Flame of Transformation
(Master St. Germain)
b.) Call on the blue Flame of Truth and Clarity
(Archangel Michael)
15.) Think for yourself, feel for yourself, speak for
yourself and act out of yourself.
16.) Refuse any outside determination!
17.) Have courage to be wrong.
a.) Always trust your “stomach feeling” even if
sometimes you are wrong. Exercise makes the master.
Whoever gives up, already has lost.
b.) Trust your ability to learn.
Everything is possible, as you trust in yourself and you
persistently continue on your path to truth.
18.) Treat yourself and your fellow human Beings
lovingly, as they do not mistreat you with their dark
19.) Always be willing to forgive.
20.) Build a kingdom of peace in yourself, whereby
you redeem any warlike condition from your soul.
21.) Shape the new world!
a.) Give orders, issue decrees, manifest by means of
b.) Confront the responsible ones with their lies (write
to them, call them, say it into their face).
c.) Say STOP!
22.) Enlighten human Beings in your
environment without imposing on them.
23.) Recognize your assignments in this society
and your place in this world.
24.) Recognize your true nature, your spiritual reality.
25.) Recognize the essence of this matrix; what is
illusion, what is reality.

26.) Recognize your right for self-determination,
to be able to leave this matrix at any time.
27.) Ask for assistance from Heaven.
28.) Bind with the Light/God/Primal Source of All-That-
29.) Expect the ascension, yet do not wait for it.
30.) Serve the truth, courageously, decidedly and

Source: 2015: Year of Truth – JAHN J KASSL:

Master-Dialogues, Volume I - JAHN J KASSL
"Blessed be, who follows these words, because the invisible hand of the
Creator glides you through time and space." Sananda - The first volume of
the new digital publication series from the Lichtweltverlag "Master-
Dialogues" is available. In 14 messages (9 of them conversations)
questions regarding this time quality are being answered. Clearly,
unmistakably and in unconditional Love, the High Masters Babaji, Sananda
and Asana Mahatari point out the greater context. Our questions find
answers and in every line you can also experience the closeness to the
Masters. It is a book at the pulse of global, planetary and cosmic
transformation, which in full force and intensity has captured life in this
world. Now dive into these wonderful dialogues and experience also, what
has been granted to me, because I am convinced that what is possible for
me, can also be given to you - and even more. Jahn J Kassl

92 pages in PDF

Publications Jahn J Kassl in English:

The Biography of Jesus, Part I (new):
The Biography of Jesus, Part II (new):

Put down the Weapons! Mandate for this World

(new, for free download):
Telos-Welcome to Agartha (new eBOOK):
Elija Prophecies 1-48 (new eBOOK):
Elija Prophecies 49-65 (new eBOOK):

© The Copyright of these texts is with Jahn J Kassl.
It is expressively allowed to copy these texts in whole and unabridged
in any form without further enquiry. A quotation without the pointer to the
whole text is not allowed. Any commercial utilization of these pages is
forbidden and requires the explicit authorization of the author.

You find all “messages from All-That-Is” under:


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