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Synthesis Project: Life: The Video Game SL

By: Chris Gault
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” - Vincent Van Gogh
Introduction: You have been feeling nostalgic recently and decided to play the Sims video game again. You
have been impressed with the way that the video game often seems to imitate real life. You are also very
intuitive and build a strong network within the game as you start playing again. For this reason, you have
recently been contacted by a secretive, new video game company which is hoping to create the next, new
experience which will use virtual reality and allows you to instantly teleport anywhere in the world. However,
there is one catch. This new video game will need to take place 5-10 years in the future to add a science fiction
element to it. For this reason, the company is hoping to understand the top users of other reality-based games
so they can draw in new customers. They would like to combine a futuristic perspective with your own sense
of identity/future plans. For this reason, they have asked YOU to join the Beta group and the best part is that
you will be handsomely rewarded for your participation as well. The only catch is that your real life might not
be as dreamy as the video game. In the end, the creators say, “Let your dreams become a reality.”

Instructions: Please first explain 2-3 big changes which you think will take place in the next 5-10 years (either
locally or internationally). You should include a minimum of 1 source for this in APA. Afterwards, determine
how these changes can be brought into a video game format. Finally, discuss why your identity in 5 years will
help you flourish in this future world. This should highlight your values, skills, education, background, and
understanding of the local and global context. Within the text, please highlight both the video game and why
you should be the basis of the first character within the game. You should write roughly 200-300 words on
your future world, 200-300 words on your profile (personal statement) in the video game, and finally how this
virtual world will feel/look (100-200 words). Finally, you will complete a 3-4 minute interview highlighting the
future and how you will fit into it.

Productive Criteria
Criteria A Language
Students should…
Utilize future tense appropriately when considering future events
Utilize appropriate vocabulary related to their identity/professional profile
Develop connections to video game with descriptive writing of the video game world.
Criterion A: Language
How successfully does the candidate command written language?
• To what extent is the vocabulary appropriate and varied?
• To what extent are the grammatical structures varied?
• To what extent does the accuracy of the language contribute to effective communication?
Marks Level descriptor
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Command of the language is limited.
Vocabulary is sometimes appropriate to the task.
Some basic grammatical structures are used, with some attempts to use more complex structures.
Language contains errors in both basic and more complex structures. Errors interfere with communication.
Command of the language is partially effective.
Vocabulary is generally appropriate to the task and varied.
4–6 A variety of basic and some more complex grammatical structures is used.
Language is mostly accurate for basic structures, but errors occur in more complex
structures. Errors at times interfere with communication.
Command of the language is effective and mostly accurate.
Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and varied, including the use of idiomatic
A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used effectively.
Language is mostly accurate. Occasional errors in basic and in complex grammatical structures do not interfere with
Command of the language is mostly accurate and very effective.
Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and nuanced and varied in a manner that enhances the message, including the
purposeful use of idiomatic expressions.
A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used selectively in order to enhance communication.
Language is mostly accurate. Minor errors in more complex grammatical structures do not interfere with

Criterion B: Message
Students should…
Include an overview of why the world will change in the next 5-10 years (200-3000 words)
Ensure that their video game is engaging and connected to real life changes taking place
Highlight their personal strengths and the goals of their future selves
Use examples and details from local and global context to make it realistic
To what extent does the candidate fulfill the task?
• How relevant are the ideas to the task?
• To what extent are ideas developed?
• To what extent do the clarity and organization of ideas contribute to the successful delivery of the
Marks Level descriptor
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The task is partially fulfilled.
Few ideas are relevant to the task.
Ideas are stated, but with no development.
Ideas are not clearly presented and do not follow a logical structure, making the message difficult to determine.
The task is generally fulfilled.
Some ideas are relevant to the task.
4–6 Ideas are outlined, but are not fully developed.
Ideas are generally clearly presented and the response is generally structured in a logical manner, leading to a mostly
successful delivery of the message.
The task is fulfilled.
Most ideas are relevant to the task.
Ideas are developed well, with some detail and examples.
Ideas are clearly presented and the response is structured in a logical manner, supporting the delivery of the message.
The task is fulfilled effectively.
Ideas are relevant to the task.
10–12 Ideas are fully developed, providing details and relevant examples.
Ideas are clearly presented and the response is structured in a logical and coherent
manner that supports the delivery of the message.

Criterion C: Conceptual understanding

Students should…
Highlight their understanding of guidelines and personal statements
Ensure that they are utilizing a minimum of two sources (APA) about what the future will look like
Challenge their audience with either an optimistic or pessimistic view of the next 5-10 years
Use assertive language to ensure that your audience feels you are an authority on the topic.
To what extent does the candidate demonstrate conceptual understanding?
• To what extent is the choice of text type appropriate to the task?
• To what extent are register and tone appropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task?
• To what extent does the response incorporate the conventions of the chosen text type?
Level descriptor
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Conceptual understanding is limited.
The choice of text type is generally inappropriate to the context, purpose or audience.
The register and tone are inappropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task.
The response incorporates limited recognizable conventions of the chosen text type.
Conceptual understanding is mostly demonstrated.
The choice of text type is generally appropriate to the context, purpose and audience.
3–4 The register and tone, while occasionally appropriate to the context, purpose and
audience of the task, fluctuate throughout the response.
The response incorporates some conventions of the chosen text type.
Conceptual understanding is fully demonstrated.
The choice of text type is appropriate to the context, purpose and audience.
The register and tone are appropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task.
The response fully incorporates the conventions of the chosen text type.


Interactive Criteria
Criterion A: Language
Students should…
Use assertive language related to the theme
Apply the future tense effectively in their discussion
Utilize appropriate vocabulary related to current events/future outlook, and personal growth
How successfully does the candidate command spoken language?
• To what extent is the vocabulary appropriate and varied?
• To what extent are the grammatical structures varied?
• To what extent does the accuracy of the language contribute to effective communication?
• To what extent do pronunciation and intonation affect communication?
Level descriptor
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Command of the language is limited.
Vocabulary is sometimes appropriate to the task.
1–3 Some basic grammatical structures are used, with some attempts to use more complex structures.
Language contains errors in both basic and more complex structures. Errors interfere with communication.
Pronunciation and intonation are generally clear but sometimes interfere with communication.
Command of the language is partially effective.
Vocabulary is generally appropriate to the task, and varied.
A variety of basic and some more complex grammatical structures is used.
Language is mostly accurate for basic structures, but errors occur in more complex
structures. Errors at times interfere with communication.
Pronunciation and intonation are generally clear.
Command of the language is effective and mostly accurate.
Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and varied, including the use of idiomatic expressions.
A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used effectively.
Language is mostly accurate. Occasional errors in basic and in complex grammatical structures do not interfere with
Pronunciation and intonation are mostly clear and do not interfere with communication.
Command of the language is mostly accurate and very effective.
10– Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and nuanced and varied in a manner that enhances the message, including the
12 purposeful use of idiomatic expressions.
A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used selectively in order to enhance communication.
Language is mostly accurate. Minor errors in more complex grammatical structures do not interfere with communication.
Pronunciation and intonation are very clear and enhance communication.

Criterion B2: Message—conversation

Students should…
Ensure that their audience is clear on the interviewee’s outlook for the future and beneficial
experiences to overcome challenges
Adapt to questions that are asked by their interviewer, and clarify concerns with well thought out
How relevant are the ideas in the conversation?
• How appropriately and thoroughly does the candidate respond to the questions in the conversation?
• To what depth are the questions answered?
Level descriptor
0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The candidate consistently struggles to address the questions.
1–2 Some responses are appropriate and are rarely developed.
Responses are limited in scope and depth.
The candidate’s responses are mostly relevant to the questions.
3–4 Most responses are appropriate and some are developed.
Responses are mostly broad in scope and depth.
The candidate’s responses are consistently relevant to the questions and show
some development.
Responses are consistently appropriate and developed.
Responses are broad in scope and depth, including personal interpretations and/or attempts to engage the interlocutor.

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