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MATRIC: F/ND/20/3210013

1. Describe the process of creating and developing a simple java

This tutorial introduces the basics of creating a very simple Java program. When learning a new
programming language, it is traditional to start with a program called "Hello World." All the
program does is write the text "Hello World!" to the command or shell window.

The basic steps to create the Hello World program are: write the program in Java, compile the
source code, and run the program.

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Write the Java Source Code

Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

All Java programs are written in plain text — therefore you don't need any special software. For
your first program, open up the simplest text editor you have on your computer, likely Notepad.

The entire program looks like this:

While you could cut and paste the above code into your text editor, it’s better to get into the habit
of typing it in. It will help you learn Java more quickly because you will get a feel for how
programs are written, and best of all, you will make mistakes! This may sound odd, but each
mistake you make helps you to become a better programmer in the long run. Just remember that
your program code must match the example code, and you’ll be fine.

Note the lines with "//" above. These are comments in Java, and the compiler ignores them.
1. Line //1 is a comment, introducing this program.
2. Line //2 creates a class HelloWorld. All code needs to be in a class in order for the Java
runtime engine to run it. Note that the entire class is defined within enclosing curly braces
(on line /2 and line //6).
3. Line //3 is the main() method, which is always the entry point into a Java program. It also
is defined within curly braces (on line //3 and line //5). Let's break it down:
public: This method is public and therefore available to anyone.
static: This method can be run without having to create an instance of the class
void: This method does not return anything.
(String[] args): This method takes a String argument.
4. Line //4 writes "Hello World" to the console.

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Save the File

Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

Save your program file as "". You might consider creating a directory on your
computer just for your Java programs.

It’s very important that you save the text file as "". Java is picky about
filenames. The code has this statement:

This is an instruction to call the class "HelloWorld". The filename must match this class name,
hence the name "". The extension ".java" tells the computer that it’s a Java code

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Open a Terminal Window

Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

Most programs that you run on your computer are windowed applications; they work inside a
window that you can move around on your desktop. The HelloWorld program is an example of a
console program. It does not run in its own window; it has to be run through a terminal window
instead. A terminal window is just another way of running programs.

To open a terminal window, press the "Windows key" and the letter “R”.

You will see the "Run Dialog Box". Type "cmd" to open the command window, and press "OK".

A terminal window opens on your screen. Think of it as a text version of Windows Explorer; it
will let you navigate to different directories on your computer, look at the files they contain, and
run programs. This is all done by typing commands into the window.

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The Java Compiler

Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
Another example of a console program is the Java compiler called "javac." This is the program
that will read the code in the file, and translate it into a language your computer
can understand. This process is called compiling. Every Java program you write will have to be
compiled before it can be run.

To run javac from the terminal window, you first need to tell your computer where it is. For
example, it might be in a directory called "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk\1.6.0_06\bin". If you don’t
have this directory, then do a file search in Windows Explorer for "javac" to find out where it

Once you’ve found its location, type the following command into the terminal window:


Press Enter. The terminal window will just return to the command prompt. However, the path to
the compiler has now been set.

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Change the Directory

Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

Next, navigate to the location your file is saved. 

To change the directory in the terminal window, type in the command:


You can tell if you’re in the right directory by looking to the left of the cursor.

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Compile Your Program

Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

We’re now ready to compile the program. To do so, enter the command:

Press Enter. The compiler will look at the code contained within the file, and
attempt to compile it. If it can’t, it will display a series of errors to help you fix the code.

Hopefully, you should have no errors. If you do, go back and check the code you’ve written.
Make sure it matches the example code and re-save the file.

Tip: Once your HelloWorld program has been successfully compiled, you will see a new file in
the same directory. It will be called “HelloWorld.class”. This is the compiled version of your

Run the Program

Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

All that’s left to do is run the program. In the terminal window, type the command:

When you press Enter, the program runs and you will see "Hello World!" written to the terminal

Well done. You’ve written your very first Java program!

MATRIC: F/ND/20/3210013
2. Write a java program file text editor e.g. Notepad

Using Notepad++ to Compile and Run Java Programs

Running External Tools in Notepad++:

External tools can be executed by passing the current edited document as argument. For doing
this the “environment variable” is used

The usage of Environment Variable:


Ex: Lets say we are editing “”

The 5 environment Variable that can be used are:

FULL_CURRENT_PATH: C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy

CURRENT_DIRECTORY: C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsJavaP




Note: The environment variables must be enclosed with in double quotes.


For Java Compiler its: javac “$(FILE_NAME)”

For Running the Program i.e interpreting the byte code its: java “$(NAME_PART)”

The screenshots can guide u much better:

Above: Program Snapshot
Above: Using the “Run” Menu

Above: Typing in the “javac” command for Compiling

Above: Typing in the “java” command for interpreting the Byte Code

Above: The Output Obtained

One can click on “Save” to Save the commands, and the next time the same can be accessed
through the “Run” menu.

Suggested Tidbit on Using Notepad++

1. (after code is saved) press f6

2. type:


javac $(FILE_NAME)
java $(NAME_PART)

pressing enter after each command

1. save for future use

2. press ok

If you are able to compile thru the PC cmd prompt this will do the same but with in the Notepad+
+ environment.


Using F6 to run would require NppExec plugin to be installed. So if its not installed the user may
wonder why nothing is happening on pressing F6. One can install the plugin from the Plugins list
in Notepad++ or download

I enhanced the script a little bit. Perhaps someone else has also use for this. It stores the *.class
file in a different path (specified through the system variable CLASSPATH).

1. Press F6 to open NPPExec plugin

2. type:

1 //save current file

5 //switch to java classpath defined in windows system variable
8 //compile current file (full_current_path) to java classpath (javac
9 switch -d used)
13//pressing enter after each command

3. save as “Java – COMPILE” for future use

4. press ok to use the script
5. type:

1 //save current file

//switch to java classpath defined in windows system variable
8 //compile current file (full_current_path) to java classpath (javac
9 switch -d used)
13//pressing enter after each command

6. save as “Java – COMPILE & RUN” for future use

7. press ok to use the script

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