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UAR# 612638 - SolTRAQs

Request Details UAR Status: Approved; Implementation Status: Implementation Inprogress

System Id / Name: #258 - SolTRAQs

System Description: SolTRAQs

Requested For: Alvarado, Jose Humberto (12246222)

Manager: Giraldo, Silvestre (12109453)

Access Request Type: Modify Existing Access

Access Account Type: 5-1-1

User Id: ALVARJX78

ITSM Ticket #: RITM0376957

Access Details
Roles/Profiles: Not available

Divisions: All Divisions

# Question Text Response

1 Have you completed training? Yes

2 Request Type: Audit

What role will you perform for Audits? Auditee

What role will you use the Audit Manager ±Audit Execution Package? Can be Audit Report
added to any role above
What role will you perform for Audit Schedule? Can be added to any role above Manager

3 Your Location Country: Peru

4 Your Location City: Lima

Explanation of need
For EHS Audit CAPA support

Type Name Status Date

Manager Giraldo, Silvestre A Approved 07/22/2022 2:32:12 PM CDT

All Divisions Setia, Sanjeev Approved 07/24/2022 12:25:27 PM CDT

© Abbott Corporation. All rights reserved. Abbott Park, IL USA

UAR# 612638 - SolTRAQs

Audit Logs
Action By Name Action Date Comments

Alvarado, Jose Humberto (12246222) 07/21/2022 4:36:51 PM CDT Submitted

Giraldo, Silvestre A (12109453) 07/22/2022 2:32:12 PM CDT Manager Approved

Setia, Sanjeev (12043439) 07/24/2022 12:25:27 PM CDT UAR Approved

Setia, Sanjeev (12043439) 07/24/2022 12:25:27 PM CDT APPROVED: All Divisions;

Work Logs
Action By Name Action Date Work Log 07/24/2022 12:25:30 AM CDT Assignment Reference Note #: ADM-GLBL-

COG Quality Non-Critical App Support

UAR #: 612638
System #: 258
System Name: SolTRAQs

Requested For: Alvarado, Jose Humberto

Submitted By: Alvarado, Jose Humberto

© Abbott Corporation. All rights reserved. Abbott Park, IL USA

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