Fact About Atheism

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The survival tactics of polar animals 4
The secret of firefly efficiency 7
The design of the woodpecker 8
Genome Research Is Demolishing the First Cell That Formed by Chance Claim 10
Spiders fishing techniques 14
The scientific world is turning to God 16
The perfect creation in the voice box Larynx 20
All living things act on the urging and behest of God 22
The glorious intelligence manifested in the cell 26
A single example is enough to see how Darwinism is an utter nonsense 27
The first food of this world Mother s milk 28
Complexity of RNA Molecules Refutes Evolutionist Claims 32
Communication and Signalling in the Language of Birds 34
The peacock is an example of Allah’s matchless creative artistry 37
The Size of the Atom 40
The invalidity of the famous Darwinist claim that useful mutations do exist 41
The theory of evolution a unique deception in the history of the world 44
The idea that mutations cause evolution is a falsehood 47
The biological clock in plants 53
Why Darwinism is Dangerous for Society 56
The question Darwinism and materialism will never be able to answer… 59
Wisdoms in raindrops 61
Common material design and designer 66
The glorious irreducible complexity in the synthesis of a single protein 69
Allah s artistry in colour 71
Man: The living machine 74
Design in nature 77
Migration and orientation in animals 81
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The Theory of Evolution Is a Deception of Satan, and Satan's Deception Is Weak 92
Allah keeps the entire universe and the systems in it under his simultaneous
control 94
Evolutionist despotism in the United States 101
The placenta The Bridge of life 105
The perfect design in the universe is not by chance 109
The babys’ water of life and the first breath 113
The ideological basis of Satanism 117
Specialist in many ways The Koala 121
What Darwinists said what happened then… 126
The concealment of Cambrian fossils for 70 years is a deception 133
The invalidity of the claims that the eye is not an irreducibly complex structure and
that the eye evolved 136
Fascism’s hatred of women 139
Protein cannot form unless the cell exists as an integral whole 142
Delving into the actual cause of moral depravity 145
The Cambrian Period Is Enough to Demolish the Theory of Evolution 149
The Role of The Theory of Evolution in School Attacks 151
The Darwinist deception is a disgrace against all mankind 160
The glorious world of electrons 165
The miracle that prevents the sun ceasing to exist 166
The Miracle of Coordination-A System That Functions Flawlessly in Our Bodies 169
Proof of a Magnificent Creator. 175
Scientists confirm the sign of God 184
Bees that have technological knowledge 190
The protein that prevents tumors in mothers milk-The HAMLET Protein 196

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The survival tactics of polar animals

Emperor Penguins

Emperor penguins are able to dive to depths of 500 meters (1,640 feet) for up to 20
minutes with no adverse effects to their respiration or blood pressure. They also
possess the ability to adapt to these conditions in different ways. While diving, they
are able to lower their heartbeats from 200 a minute to only 60, thus allowing them
to store extra myoglobin.

How Can Penguins Hold Their Breath for So Long?

Myoglobin is a protein present at high levels in these birds’ muscles. These

myoglobin proteins bind to themselves high numbers of oxygen molecules. In other
words, the penguin conserves the oxygen it will need not in the air held in its lungs,
but directly inside its muscles. This lets penguins swim underwater for long periods
and to dive as deep as they wish, without relying on the breathed in air held in their

Why Do They Not Suffer from the Bends?

Penguins are able to continue swimming even when the oxygen in their blood drops
to the lowest levels. Human beings suffer from the bends under such conditions. The
level in question is 20 mm Hg for penguins and 25 mm Hg for humans. However,
scientists have been unable to explain how penguins can to overcome this in the
water without being affected by low levels of oxygen in the blood.

How Can They Go Without Food for 65 Days?

Male penguins have a secret that lets them survive without eating anything for 65
days, until the females arrive to take care of the young in order to protect their eggs:
they possess a structure capable of blocking their digestive systems.

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Their Magnificent Diving Costumes

Adult penguins on the ice eat nothing for months until after they shed their coats in
the summer. All their old feathers are shed, and new ones emerge from underneath.
The result is a windproof, insulated and waterproof diving suit that prevents cold—
whether from icy wind or frigid water— reaching their skin. The most striking
feature of their new plumage is that it appears just when the penguins need it most—
when the time to migrate has arrived.

Brief Facts from the Pole

In the middle of winter, daylight at the North Pole last for only three hours. In order
to protect themselves from the freezing cold during the other 21 hours, penguins
huddle up against one another in the dark.
By huddling up to one another, the male penguins are able to raise their body
temperatures to up to 20° C (68 °F). Since solitary penguins are unable to benefit from
other penguins’ body heat, they cannot survive in temperatures any lower than 10°
C (14 °F)

Under Such Conditions, How Can Penguins Walk for Many Kilometers with Such
Large Bodies and Short Legs?

In order to conserve energy when they walk, penguins waddle from side, to side,
which tires their muscles less. In this way, at the end of every step, they store up
enough momentum for the next. If they employed a normal gait, their short legs
would force them to expend twice as much energy as any other animal their own
size. However, penguins exert the most energy only when they start to walk and
when they want to stop.

These features of penguins are some of the greatest proofs of Allah’s affection and
compassion for living things. Walking in such a way as to conserve energy by using
the conversion of kinetic and potential energy and back again is something no bird
can learn on its own. No penguin can know about potential kinetic energy
conversion and develop such a gait as to take advantage of this, unless so inspired
by Allah.
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Allah’s sovereignty over living things is revealed as follows in one verse of the

"I put my trust in Allah, My Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving creature,
but He hath grasp of its fore lock. Verily, it is my Lord that is on a straight
Path.” (Surah Hud, 56)

How Do Seals Locate Their Prey in the Dark?

A seal locates its prey without using its eyes by following traces that its quarry leaves
behind it in the water. These traces, invisible to the naked eye, are hydrodynamic
waves set up by the movement of the prey. Just by following these traces, a seal is
able to catch its prey. Thanks to this ability, seals have no difficulty in hunting in the
dark or in murky water.

Secret Whale Feeding Techniques

The cold waters of the North Pole are actually very rich in nutrients—for which
reason, whales deliberately migrate to these from warmer waters. During their time
near the Pole they consume small, shrimp like fish known as krill, and store up
nutrients in their blubber.

When a pod of whales locates a school of fish or krill, they act in unison. When the
fish sense danger and start diving to the bottom, the whales dive down even deeper,
en masse, and immediately begin exhaling air bubbles, which form a kind of
stockade or barrier cage around the fish. These bubbles that spread around the fish
and stop them getting away from a round wall. Then all the whales need to do is to
open their mouths as they begin returning to the surface through the middle of this
ring. Thanks to this planning and joint action, they are easily able to engulf their

For all this astonishing behaviour, there is only one explanation: These birds and
marine mammals behave in accordance with the inspiration of Allah, their Creator.

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The secret of firefly efficiency

Fireflies produce yellow green light in their stomach parts. The cells that
manufacture this light contain a chemical known as “luciferin,” the product of a
chemical reaction between oxygen and another chemical, “luciferase.” The insect
controls the emission or extinguishing of the light by regulating the amount of air
reaching the cells through its respiratory passages. Normal light bulbs work with a
10% efficiency; the other 90% is being given off as heat. In contrast, fireflies produce
light with a 100% efficiency. This achievement by fireflies represents a model for

But what is the force that directs fireflies to produce light so efficiently? According
to evolutionists, the source of light power is from unconscious atoms, chance, or
external agents with no directive force. None of these, however, has the power to
initiate this efficient activity. Allah’s artistry is incomparable and infinite. What
people need to do is to reflect on the miracles of creation and turn to Almighty Allah
alone. One verse tells us that:

And in your creation and all the creatures He has spread about there are Signs for
people with certainty. (Surat al Jathiyya, 4)

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The design of the woodpecker

As we all know, woodpeckers build their nests by boring holes in tree trunks with
their beaks. This may sound familiar to most people. But the point many people fail
to examine is why woodpeckers suffer no brain haemorrhage when they beat a tattoo
so vigorously with their heads. What the woodpecker does is in a way similar to a
human being driving a nail into the wall with his head. If a man ventured to do
something like that, he would probably undergo a brain shock followed by a brain
haemorrhage. However, a woodpecker can peck a hard tree trunk 38 43 times in
just two or three seconds and nothing happens to it.(1)

Nothing happens because the head structure of woodpeckers is ideally created for
such a task. The skull of the woodpecker has a remarkable suspension system that
absorbs the force of the blows. Its forehead and some skull muscles adjoined to its
beak and the jaw joint are so robust that they help lessen the effect of the forceful
strokes during pecking.(2)

Design and planning do not end here. Preferring primarily pine trees, woodpeckers
check the age of the trees before boring a hole in them and pick those older than 100
years, because pine trees older than 100 years suffer an illness that causes the hard
and thick bark to soften.
This was only recently discovered by science and perhaps you may be reading of it
here for the first time in your life; woodpeckers have known it for centuries.

This is not the only reason why woodpeckers prefer pine trees. Woodpeckers dig
cavities around their nests, the function of which was not originally understood.
These cavities were later understood to protect them from a great danger. Over time,
the sticky resin that leaks from the pine trees fills up the cavities and the outpost of
the woodpecker's nest is thus filled with a pool whereby woodpeckers can be
protected from snakes, their greatest enemies.

Another interesting feature of woodpeckers is that their tongues are thin enough to
penetrate even ants' nests in the trees. Their tongues are also sticky, which allows

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them to collect the ants that live there. The perfection in their creation is further
revealed by the fact that their tongues have a structure which prevents them from
being harmed by the acid in the bodies of the ants.(3)

Woodpeckers, each of whose characteristics is discussed in a different paragraph

above, prove with all their detailed features that they are 'created'. If woodpeckers
had evolved coincidentally as the theory of evolution claims, they would have
died before they acquired such extraordinarily consistent traits and they would be
extinct. However, as they were created by God with a special 'design' adapted to
their life, they started their lives by bearing all the vital characteristics.
(1) Grzimeks Tierleben Vögel 3, Deutscher Taschen Buch Verlag, Oktober 1993, p. 92
(2) Ibid, p. 89
(3) Ibid, pp. 87 88

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Genome Research Is Demolishing the First Cell That
Formed by Chance Claim

The theory of evolution maintains, on the basis of no scientific foundation

whatsoever, that at a time when there was still no life on Earth, inanimate substances
came together to give rise to the first living organism. According to this evolutionist
claim, the first living organism must have had a sufficiently simple structure to have
been able to form by chance.

The fact is, however, that Darwinists ARE UNABLE TO ACCOUNT FOR HOW

The fact that a single protein cannot form spontaneously is one that in any case
totally demolishes the theory of evolution. But even if we assume for a moment that
this impossibility did actually come about, we still see that the “primitive cell”
claimed by Darwinists eliminates with absolutely certain proofs the possibility of life
coming into being spontaneously. Data provided by science in the 21st century
shows that even the life form with the very simplest structure is in fact highly
complex, and that it is practically impossible for it to emerge spontaneously and by

Genome research supplies this information. Based on the idea that living things with
the smallest genome (extremophiles and eubacteria) have the least complexity,
scientists have calculated the probabilities of these organisms appearing by chance
and spontaneously. Another point needing clarification here is this: scientists also
regard these organisms as the oldest life forms on Earth.

Genome research revealed that the lowest number of proteins required for life was
between 250 and 450.[1]In other words, the minimum number of different proteins
that would have to combine together at the same time in order to give rise to the
structural features of the cell and performs its basic functions is between 250 and 450.

It also needs to be made clear that this minimum number of 250-450 proteins is the
number of proteins obtained from microbes living parasitically. The minimum
number of proteins needed in order for an organism to live independently of another
is around 1500. In other words, Darwinists have to account for the separate existence
of 1500 different proteins needed to give rise to a single functioning cell. But, to
reiterate, Darwinists are unable to account for the emergence of even a single protein.
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It is totally impossible for between 250 and 1500 different proteins required for an
organism to be considered as living to form spontaneously and at the same time.
Probability calculations on the subject are given in the following table:

Minimum Protein Probability of Emerging

Number[2] Simultaneously

250 1018,750

350 1026,250

500 1037,500

1,500 10112,500

1,900 10142,500

As the above table shows, the probability of a living organism with the least protein
forming by chance is 1 in 1018,750. (In order to grasp the vast size of this number, it
will be useful to remember that the total number of atoms in the universe is 1078.) In
other words, there is no chance at all. Despite all these calculations and scientific
data, evolutionists still insist on believing in the impossible. The sole reason for that
insistence is their determination to deny the existence of Almighty Allah, Who
created all things out of nothing.

Morowitz’s probability calculation

The probability calculations cited above are in agreement with a calculation by the
biophysicist Harold Morowitz. He assumed he had broken all the chemical bonds in
the E. coli bacterium and released all the atoms comprising it, and then calculated

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the probability of these atoms spontaneously recombining to give rise to the E.
coli once again. In this theoretical experiment, all the atoms required are present in
all the appropriate quantities, and it is assumed that no other atom can become
involved from the outside. Nonetheless, he calculated that the chances of all the
atoms coming together spontaneously in a specific order, despite their being in the
appropriate numbers and in an appropriate environment, in such a way as to
produce an E. coli bacterium was 1 in 10100,000,000,000.[3]This goes far beyond being
merely impossible. Such a number reveals the impossibility of even the least complex
organism in the universe forming by chance, even if all the conditions and materials
are brought together.

A sufficient number of proteins combining together is not sufficient for life to


Let us imagine we have all the proteins necessary for life ready to hand. The
existence of these proteins, which cannot come about in this way, IS NOT ENOUGH
FOR EVEN A SINGLE CELL TO FORM. Microbiologists and biochemists explicitly
say that the organization of these proteins within the cell is also highly important,
otherwise the proteins will serve no purpose. Moreover, as Darwinist scientists
know full well, the cell possesses organelles that manufacture proteins and a
glorious DNA data bank far more complex than proteins. A living cell is made
possible by all these structures possessing the same function and organization at the
same time, and acting with the same consciousness. This is a fact that demolishes

The fact that bacteria possess an extraordinary internal organization was unknown
until the 1990s. The fact is, however, that the complex cells (eukaryotic) comprising
single cell protozoans are known to be made up of a nucleus, organelles, membrane
systems, a cytoskeleton, several internal sections and other contents organizing the
content of the cell on the molecular level.[4]All these systems are extraordinarily
complex. One cannot function independently of the others.


As the information provided here shows, microbiology, biochemistry and genome

research, all the main scientific advances in the second half of the 20th century and
the 21st century in short, have eradicated all the claims of the theory of evolution.
These scientific conclusions have revealed that Darwinism is totally unscientific and
consists of claims that are far removed from science. Science has refuted evolutionist
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claims regarding “a very simple first living organism.” Aside from the minimum
number of proteins and minimum complexity needed for it to be alive, an organism
is too complex to be explained by evolutionist claims of chance and possesses a
perfect organization. In addition to all this complexity, the existence of a single cell
brings the theory of evolution to a complete halt.

It is an evident fact that life came into being from nothing with the infinite
intelligence, knowledge and might of Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala). This fact,
obvious to reason and good conscience, is also corroborated by countless scientific
data today.

The following is revealed in the Qur’an about our Lord’s matchless Creation:

[Allah is] the Originator of the heavens and earth. When He decides on
something, He just says to it, “Be!” and it is. (Surat al Baqara, 117)

[1]Jack Maniloff, “The Minimal Cell Genome:’On Being the Right Size’,” Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 93 81996), pp. 10004 10006; Mitsuhiro Itaya,
“An Estimation of Minimal Genome Size Required for Life,” FEBS Letters 362 (1995),
pp 257 260; Rana and Ross, Origins of Life, p. 163
[2]Rana and Ross, Origins of Life, p. 163
[3]Robert Shapiro, Origins: A Skeptic’s Guide to Creation of Life on Earth (New York:
Bantam Books, 1986), p. 128; Rana and Ross, Origins of Life, p. 164
[4]Lucy Shapiro and Richard Losick, “Protein Localization and Cell Fate in
Bacteria,” Science 276 (1997), pp.712 718; Rana and Ross, Origins of Life, p. 166

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Spiders fishing techniques

Some spiders hunt in even the most unexpected environments. For example, the
hunting field of the water spider Dolomedes is the surface of water. This spider is
mostly to be found in shallow places such as marshes and ditches.

The water spider, which lacks good eyesight, spends most of its time by the side of
the water spinning threads and spreading them over its surroundings. These serve
two functions at the same time: they are a kind of warning to other spiders, setting
the limits of its own territory, and they also form an escape route in the event of
unexpected danger.

The spider's most frequently used hunting method is to put four of its legs on the
water while the other four hold on to dry land. While doing this, it employs a most
clever technique to avoid sinking. The spider covers those of its legs which will go
into the water with a water proof coating by passing them through its fangs. It then
approaches the edge of the water. Pushing its body down with great care, it moves
on to the surface of the water. It places its fangs and feelers under the water in such
a way as not to disturb the surface. It waits for a living creature to approach, with its
eyes looking around it and its legs feeling for vibrations in the water. To feed itself,
the spider needs to find prey at least the size of the "Golyan" fish.

When the spider is hunting, it stays motionless until the fish comes within 1.5
centimetres of its jaws. Then it suddenly enters the water, catches the fish in its legs,
and bites it with its venomous fangs. Then, in order to stop the fish, which is much
bigger than it, from dragging it under the water, it immediately turns upside down.
The venom quickly takes effect. It not only kills the prey, but also dissolves the prey's
internal organs, turning them into a kind of soup and making them easy to digest.
When the prey is dead, the spider drags it on to the shore and feeds. (Science and
Technology Gorsel Science and Technology Encyclopedia, p. 494, 495)

At this point various questions spring to mind. How did the spider come by that wax
which stops it sinking? How did it learn to coat its legs with it against the risk of

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sinking? How did the spider come by the wax's formula and how did it make it? The
spider certainly did not bring about all of these things each one of which bears the
mark of intelligence of its own volition. Like all other living creatures, this species
of spider acts in such an intelligent way, is capable of making such a plan and
putting it into practice by inspiration from God. In one of His verses, God states
that He gives every creature its own provision:

There is no creature on the earth which is not dependent upon God for its
provision. He knows where it lives and where it dies. They are all in a Clear
Book. (Surah Hud: 6)

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The scientific world is turning to God

“As people have certainly been influenced by me, I want to try and correct the
enormous damage I may have done.” (Anthony Flew)

The newspapers these days are echoing with these regret-filled words by Antony
Flew, in his time a well-known atheist philosopher. The 81-year-old British
professor of philosophy Flew chose to become an atheist at the age of 15, and first
made a name for himself in the academic field with a paper published in 1950. In
the 54 years that followed, he defended atheism as a teacher at the universities of
Oxford, Aberdeen, Keele and Reading, at many American and Canadian universities
he visited, in debates, books, lecture halls and articles. In recent days, however, Flew
has announced that he has abandoned this error and accepts that the universe was

The decisive factor in this radical change of view is the clear and definitive evidence
revealed by science on the subject of creation. Flew realized, in the face of the
information-based complexity of life, that the true origin of life is intelligent design
and that the atheism he had espoused for 66 years was a discredited philosophy.

Flew announced the scientific reasons underlying this change in belief in these terms:

“Biologists’ investigation of DNA has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity

of the arrangements which are needed to produce [life], that intelligence must have
been involved.”[1]

“It has become inordinately difficult even to begin to think about constructing a
naturalistic theory of the evolution of that first reproducing organism.”[2]

“I have been persuaded that it is simply out of the question that the first living matter
evolved out of dead matter and then developed into an extraordinarily complicated

The DNA research which Flew cites as a fundamental reason for his change of
opinion has indeed revealed striking facts about creation. The helix shape of the
DNA molecule, its possession of the genetic code, the nucleotide strings that refute
blind chance, the storage of encyclopaedic quantities of information and many other
striking findings have revealed that the structure and functions of this molecule were

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arranged for life with a special design. Comments by scientists concerned with DNA
research bear witness to this fact.

Francis Crick, for instance, one of the scientists who revealed the helix shape of DNA
admitted in the face of the findings regarding DNA that the origin of life indicated a

An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state
that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle,
so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it

Based on his calculations, Led Adleman of the University of Southern California in

Los Angeles has stated that one gram of DNA can store as much information as
a trillion compact discs.[5] Gene Myers, a scientist employed on the Human
Genome Project, has said the following in the face of the miraculous arrangements
he witnessed:

“What really astounds me is the architecture of life… The system is extremely

complex. It’s like it was designed… There’s a huge intelligence there.”[6]

The most striking fact about DNA is that the existence of the coded genetic
information can definitely not be explained in terms of matter and energy or natural
laws. Dr. Werner Gitt, a professor at the German Federal Institute of Physics and
Technology, has said this on the subject:

A code system is always the result of a mental process… It should be emphasized

that matter as such is unable to generate any code. All experiences indicate that
a thinking being voluntarily exercising his own free will, cognition, and creativity,
is required… There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise
to information, neither is any physical process or material phenomenon known
that can do this.[7]

Creationist scientists and philosophers played a major role in Flew’s acceptance of

intelligent design, backed up by all these findings. In recent times Flew participated
in debates with scientists and philosophers who were proponents of creation, and
exchanged ideas with them. The final turning point in that process was a discussion
organized by the Institute for Metascientific Research in Texas in May,
2003. Professor Flew participated in the discussion together with the author, Roy

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Abraham Varghese, a physicist, and the molecular biologist, Gerald Schroeder. Flew
was impressed by the weight of the scientific evidence in favour of creation and by
the convincing nature of his opponents’ arguments and abandoned atheism as an
idea in the period following that discussion. In a letter he wrote for the August-
September, 2003, edition of the British magazine Philosophy Now, he recommended
Schroeder’s book “The Hidden Face of God: Science Reveals the Ultimate Truth” and
Varghese’s book “The Wonderful World.”[8] During an interview with the professor
of philosophy and theology Gary R. Habermas, who also played a major role in his
change of mind,[9] and also on the video “Has Science Discovered God?” he openly
stated that he believed in intelligent design.

The “Intelligence Pervading the Universe” and the Collapse of Atheism

In the face of all the scientific developments outlined above, the acceptance of
intelligent design by Anthony Flew, famous for defending atheism for many years,
reflects a final scene in the process of collapse which atheism is being subjected to
Modern science has revealed the existence of an “intelligence pervading the
universe,” thus leaving atheism out of the equation.

In his book “The Hidden Face of God,” Gerald Schroeder, one of the creationist
scientists who influenced Flew, writes:

A single consciousness, a universal wisdom, pervades the universe. The

discoveries of science, those that search the quantum nature of subatomic matter,
have moved us to the brink of a startling realization: all existence is the expression
of this wisdom. In the laboratories we experience it as information that first
physically articulated as energy and then condensed into the form of
matter. Every particle, every being, from atom to human, appears to represent a
level of information, of wisdom.[10]

Scientific research into both the functioning of the cell and the subatomic particles of
matter has revealed this fact in an indisputable manner: Life and the universe were
brought into being from nothing by the will of an entity possessed of a superior
knowledge and wisdom. There is no doubt that the possessor of that knowledge and
wisdom that designed the universe at all levels is Almighty God. God reveals these
truths in many verses of the Quran.

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[1]Richard N. Ostling, “Lifelong atheist changes mind about divine creator,” The Washington Times 10 December
2004; (http://washingtontimes.com/national/20041209-113212-2782r.htm.)
[2]Antony Flew, “Letter from Antony Flew on Darwinism and Theology,” Philosophy Now;
[3]Stuart Wavell and Will Iredale, “Sorry, says atheist-in-chief, I do believe in God after all,” The Sunday Times, 12
December 2004; (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-1400368,00.html)
[4]Francis Crick, Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981, p. 88
[5]John Whitfield, “Physicists plunder life’s tool chest”, 24 April 2003; (http://www.nature.com/nsu/030421/030421-
[6]San Francisco Chronicle, 19 February, 2001
[7]Werner Gitt, In the Beginning Was Information, CLV, Bielenfeld, Germany, pp. 64-7, 79
[8]Antony Flew, “Letter from Antony Flew on Darwinism and Theology,” Philosophy Now;
[9]“Atheist Becomes Theist: Exclusive Interview with Former Atheist Antony Flew;”
[10]Gerald Schroeder, The Hidden Face of God, Touchstone, New York, 2001, p. xi.

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The perfect creation in the voice box Larynx

Just as in the entire universe, miraculous systems that are created by our Lord exist
also within the human body. One of these systems, the voice box or larynx is one of
these superior miracles of creation. The voice box is the name given to the part of the
windpipe, or trachea, that opens to the mouth, or oral cavity. Right at the entrance
of the larynx are located the vocal cords. Thanks to the muscles that govern them,
these cords can assume different shapes and as a result, we can make various sounds,
including speech.

One reason why other living beings cannot make sounds like human beings is that
their voice boxes are located at a higher part of the mouth cavity than in human
beings. The human larynx is lower in the windpipe than in any other animal,
including monkeys. Thanks to this position, the breath coming out of the lungs is
transformed by the voice box into a wide variety of different sounds.

Evolutionists fail to answer many questions. But when they try to explain them by
offering the thesis of “selection of advantageous traits through natural selection,” at
this point, they face another deadlock— for the lower position of the voice box is by
no means a physical advantage. Due to this position, the food we eat may easily get
into the windpipe and choke us, or the liquids we drink may accidentally get into
the lungs.

In order to prevent this, while we are eating or drinking anything, a “little tongue”
has been created that closes the voice box. When we try to eat or drink something
and speak at the same time, these two actions interfere with each other and—as each
you have certainly experienced during your life—we develop an immediate cough.
But animals have a different system. The windpipes of animals—of monkeys, for
instance—is higher up in their throat. For this reason, whatever food they swallow
never gets into their windpipe and consequently, they do not run the risk of choking.

Despite our dangers and difficulties in taking nutrition, our unique voice box
structure allows for speech. The constant risk of getting food into the windpipe, on
the other hand, is eliminated by reflexes gained during infancy and by an organ

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called the uvula, which is a little flap of tissue. Briefly, this lower position for the
voice box’s structure is unique to human beings.

Evolutionists, of course, assert that natural selection has “chosen” the more
advantageous structure over time, but the “more advantageous” larynx would only
result in incoherence. But the true situation is exactly the opposite, and entirely at
variance with the evolutionary rationale. This “odd fact” is something that Charles
Darwin tried to explain away:

“ . . . [it]s an odd fact that every food and liquid we swallow has to pass over the opening to
the windpipe with the risk of slipping into our lungs.” (Darwin C.1859 On the Origin of
Species, Facsimile edition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, p. 191.)

When we examine the features of the voice box, we discover a miracle of creation
with details that have been meticulously calculated. The voice boxes of babies are
positioned higher up in the throat than in adults. This way, the infants can breathe
while suckling, without running the risk of getting their mothers’ milk down into
the windpipes and lungs. Yet before the infant gains the ability to speak, this voice
box—which is up until now has been a hindrance for speech— lowers itself in the
throat. In other words, it develops in the right way just at the right time.
This example once again reveals that human beings enjoy a perfect creation. Allah,
the Lord of all the universes, the One Who creates Man, Grants him a body proper
for its needs, Protects babies against choking, and Lets them speak by placing their
voice box at the right position with an ideal timing. . In one verse, Allah proclaims:

"He created Man and taught him clear expression.” (Surat ar Rahman: 3)

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All living things act on the urging and behest of God

Scientists use the word instinct to define animals' inborn behaviors. Always left
unanswered, however, are the questions of how these instinctive behaviors first
appeared, and how animals developed these instincts and passed them down
through later generations.

In his book, The Great Evolution Mystery, evolutionist and geneticist Gordon
Rattray Taylor admits this logical dead end:

When we ask ourselves how any instinctive pattern of behaviour arose in the first
place and became hereditarily fixed, we are given no answer... i

Some evolutionists, who do not admit this dilemma as Taylor does, try to pass over
such questions with vague rhetoric of no specific meaning. According to the theory
of evolution, instinctive behaviours are coded in the genes. According to this
rationale, bees build their extraordinary and mathematically precise combs because
of their instincts. In other words, someone must have programmed into the genes of
all the bees on Earth the instinct of how to construct regular six sided combs.

If so, everyone of reason and common sense must wonder: If living things act out
most of their behaviours because they are programmed to do so, who programmed
them in the first place? No program is self-generating or self-fulfilling, and every
program must have a programmer who originated it.

Evolutionists can find no answers to this question. In their publications on the

subject, they use a convenient smokescreen: the claim that "Mother Nature" gives all
creatures their innate qualities. But "Mother Nature" consists of rocks, soil, water,
trees, and plants. Which of these elements could possibly make animals behave in a
rational, conscious manner? Which part of nature has the intellect or ability to
program living creatures? Everything we see in nature has been created and
therefore, cannot create on its own. What intelligent person, on seeing a painting,
would say, "What a nice picture these pigments have developed"? This is an
obviously irrational question. To the same degree, it would be irrational to claim that

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creatures without intellect can program their own offspring to act rationally and
Here, we're confronted with a very clear fact: Since these creatures haven't acquired
these superior features with their own intellects but were born with these faculties,
some superior Being of intellect and knowledge must have given them these abilities
and created them in a way as to display their behaviors. No doubt the owner of the
intellect and knowledge we see everywhere in nature is God.

In the Qur'an, God uses bees as an example, saying that it is He Who inspires in them
their seemingly intelligent behavior. In other words, God's inspiration is really what
evolutionists attempt to explain as instincts, or that animals are "programmed" to do
certain things. This reality is revealed in the Qur'an:

Your Lord revealed to the bees: "Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees,
and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and
travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow." From
inside them comes a drink of varying colors, containing healing for mankind.
There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect. (Qur'an, 16: 68 69)

Evolutionists disregard this clear fact, in order to deny the existence of God. In
reality, they themselves search for an explanation for observed animal behavior, but
are well aware that the theory of evolution cannot explain it. In any current
evolutionist book or publication on animal behavior, you will read sentences like,
"To do this requires higher intelligence, but how do animals, lacking intellect, do it?
This is a question that science cannot answer."

The renowned evolutionist Hoimar Von Ditfurth's comments on the atlas moth
caterpillar are a classic example of what evolutionists have to say on the obvious
awareness in animal behavior:

The thought of presenting predators with decoys (other dry leaves) in order to
conceal itself is astonishing to us, but whose clever idea is this, anyhow? It's an
extremely original strategy to send away hungry birds who hunt for caterpillars by
reducing the probability of their being discovered among the dry leaves. Who

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devised it for the caterpillar to use not long after it was hatched? . . . These are
methods of survival that intelligent humans might resort to. However, if we consider
the primitive central nervous system of the atlas moth caterpillar (Attacus) as well
as its other behavior, it's clearly incapable of reasoning or designing along those
lines. Then how can this caterpillar protect itself this way? In the past, naturalists
who made such observations believed not only in the existence of miracles, but in
the existence of a supernatural Creator or God Who, in order to protect His creations,
distributed such knowledge for them to defend themselves. Such an explanation is
anathema for today's naturalists. But on the other hand, its equally pointless for
modern science to try and explain such a phenomenon with instincts. Contrary to
what most of us might believe, attributing such behavior to instincts—in this case,
the caterpillar's—means interpreting them as inborn. That doesn't get us anywhere
else than where we started from, and prevents us from finding true answers to this
problem… However, it's well-nigh irrational to speak of the "intelligence" of
caterpillars lacking a developed brain. Yet if we look at the behaviors that we've been
examining from the start, we do notice that some features meet the criteria of
intelligence. If focusing on a goal, predicting future events, calculating the potential
behavior of another species, and responding appropriately are not indicators of
intelligence, then what is? ii

This is a famous evolutionist's attempts to explain the behavior of a small caterpillar

that acts with intelligence and planning. In such books or publications, it's not
possible to find other comments or explanations, aside from this sort of demagogic
sentences and unanswered questions.

Actually Charles Darwin, father of the theory of evolution, realized the threat that
animals' instinctive behavior posed to his theory. In his book, On the Origins of
Species, he admitted this clearly, here as well as in other places:

Many instincts are so wonderful that their development will probably appear to the
reader a difficulty sufficient to overthrow my whole theory. iii

In The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Francis Darwin, Darwin's son, relates his
father's dilemma over instincts:

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Chapter III of [The Origin of Species], which concludes the first part, treats of the
variations which occur in the instincts and habits of animals… It seems to have been
placed thus early in the Essay to prevent the hasty rejection of the whole theory by a
reader to whom the idea of natural selection acting on instincts might seem
impossible. This is the more probable, as the Chapter on Instinct in the "Origin" is
specially mentioned (Introduction, page 5) as one of the "most apparent and gravest
difficulties on the theory." iv

Anyone who has observed living organisms must agree that clearly, these behaviors
neither originate in them nor are the product of successive "selective" coincidences.
The true source for animal behavior is to be found neither in their bodies nor in their
environment. It is self-evident that these behaviors are governed by an invisible
power and intellect, which belong to God, the most compassionate and merciful. It
is God, the Lord of everything on earth, in the heavens and in between, Who creates
every being from nothing, controls it, guards it, and commands its behavior. As the
Qur'an reveals:

[Hud said], "I have put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is no
creature He does not hold by the forelock. My Lord is on a Straight Path." (Qur'an,
11: 56)

i Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Great Evolution Mystery (London: Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd, 1983), p. 222.
ii Dinozorların Sessiz Gecesi 1 (Turkish translation of the German original of Im Amfang War Der Wasserstoff ((In
the Beginning Was Hydrogen)), (Istanbul: Alan Publishing, Nov. 1996) Trans. By Veysel Atayman, pp. 12 19.
iii Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species (New York: The Modern Library), p. 184.
iv Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1896), Letter of C. Darwin
to J. D. Hooker, Down, March 1, 1854.

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The glorious intelligence manifested in the cell

Unnecessary, flawed, or diseased cells in a living body kill themselves. Many cells
manufacture a series of proteins in order to destroy themselves. However, for so long
as the cell is useful to the body it halts this protein; in other words, it is its own agent
of death. If the cell becomes ill or malignant, or if it starts to threaten the health of
the organism, these killer proteins are let loose, become active, and kill the cell.

It is most important that the cell decide at the right time and under the right
circumstances. Otherwise, if the killer proteins go into action while the cell is still
healthy, then healthy cells in the body will keep dying, and this will result in the
death of the organism itself. If harmful and diseased cells remain alive, however, this
may also end in the organism dying.

The cell that needs to die and activates the death protein first collapses and
withdraws itself. Swellings then form on the surface and this creates an impression
that the cell is boiling. First the nucleus and then the entire cell break apart. The waste
products from cells that break themselves down are immediately eliminated by other
cells around. Even more interestingly, not all the dead cells are cleaned up by others.
Some dead cells are deliberately left, because their work in the body is still not
completed. For example, tissues such as the eye lens, the skin, and the nails are
formed from dead cells, but these are not eliminated because they will still be of use
to the body. The way that cells decide which dead cells they will eliminate and which
they will leave, and the way that the trillions of cells in the body go along with this,
is a most important matter requiring careful reflection. All cells are created in the
most ideal form for the organism concerned to survive. A reflection of Allah’s
omniscience and matchless artistry can clearly be seen in every detail of life.

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A single example is enough to see how Darwinism is an
utter nonsense

Each Protein Molecule in our bodies acts with discipline to carry out Allah's
commands. Allah, the Lord of the worlds, is the One Who creates each molecule to
do "absolute must" type operations.

Albumin, which is one of the "carrier" proteins in the blood, binds itself to fats like
cholesterol, hormones, toxic gallbladder materials and drugs such as penicillin.
Albumin travels with the blood in the body and leaves the poisons which it collects
in the liver for neutralization, and carries the nutrients and hormones wherever
they are needed throughout the body.

* How does a molecule like albumin, which is made up from atoms and do not
have consciousness or knowledge, distinguish between fats, poisons, drugs
and nutrients?

* How does the albumin recognize between the liver, gall bladder and
stomach and take the substances which it carries to the right place, in the right
amount and invariably without error?

* How does it recognize the differences between toxic substances, drugs and
nutrients carried in the blood and understand exactly how much should be
left in which organ?

The albumin molecule, which is a combination of a few unconscious atoms, knows

information that the vast majority of people do not know without proper
education, and has performed its duty in every person who has ever lived thus far
for millions of years. The capability of showing a consciousness like this
doubtlessly takes place through Allah's infinite power and knowledge.

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The first food of this world Mother s milk

From the moment a baby opens its eyes to this world, its body must adapt to a new
life. Every factor to facilitate this adaptation has been put into effect during and after
the pregnancy. The clearest example of this is the stage of the formation of mother's

The formation of the milk is provided by the mother's hormones. The production of
milk is connected basically to a hormone called "prolactin" produced by the anterior
pituitary gland in the brain. During pregnancy, the progesterone and the oestrogen
hormones produced by the placenta prevent prolactin from being activated and
producing milk. But the placenta is discharged after birth causing the level of
progesterone and oestrogen in the blood to fall; after this, prolactin comes into action
and contributes to the formation of milk. Because of this communication among the
hormones, such a valuable nutrient as mother's milk is prepared exactly at the
moment when the baby needs it. This is indeed a momentous exchange of
information. While the placenta is in the body, it performs vital tasks but at the right
time it must be ejected. This brings with it a very important development for human
life. In the stages of human creation all the things that take place complement one
another. Certainly, these are clear proofs that every human being has been
constructed by a supreme power.

And these stages continue after the baby has come into the world. The production of
milk by the mother increases according to the baby's need for nourishment. In the
first days, up to 50 g. is produced; in the sixth month, the production may be as high
as one litre. Those scientists who have tried to find the formula for mother's milk
have been unsuccessful after long investigations because there is no standard type
of mother's milk. In every mother's body, milk is produced according to the needs of
her own baby, and this milk nourishes the baby in a way that no other extraneous
nourishment can. Research has shown that the antibodies, hormones, vitamins and
minerals in mother's milk are determined by the needs of the baby.

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The Difference Between Mother's Milk and Other Nutrients

The use of nutrient material other than mother's milk does not completely meet the
needs of the baby. For example, no other nutrient material contains the antibodies
required for the baby's immune system.
Cow's milk is considered to be the classic nutrient material for babies. When we
compare it with mother's milk, we can better understand the superiority of the latter.
In cow's milk there is a higher amount of casein than in human milk. Casein is a
protein found in coagulated (sour) milk. This material breaks down into larger pieces
in the stomach making digestion difficult. For this reason, cow's milk is harder to
digest than mother's milk. The fact that little of this material is found in mother's
milk makes the baby's digestion easier.

These two kinds of milk are also different with regard to the composition of amino
acids. Due to this difference in composition, the total number of amino acids present
in the plasma of a baby fed with cow's milk is greater; the level of some amino acids
is too high while the level of others is too low. This has negative effects on the
nervous system and, because of the higher protein content, places an extra burden
on the kidneys.

Another factor that makes mother's milk different is its sugar content. In mother's
milk and cow's milk there is the same kind of sugar lactose. But the amount of lactose
in human milk (L / 7g) is different from that in cow's milk (L / 4.8g). Besides, the large
coagulated particles of cow's milk pass much more slowly through the small
intestine. For this reason, high amounts of fluid and lactose, which are very
important, are absorbed in the first section of the small intestine. Coagulated
particles of mother's milk (unlike those of cow's milk) pass through the small
intestine easily, and lactose and fluid reach the large intestine. In this way, a healthy
intestinal structure develops. The second advantage of the great quantity of lactose
found in human milk is that it ensures the synthesis of a material called
"cerebroside", which plays an important role in the construction of the essential
structures of the nervous system.

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Despite the fact that the fat level in mother's milk and cow's milk is almost the same,
the quality of those fats is different. The linoleic acid in mother's milk is the only fatty
acid required in the nourishment of the baby.

Another factor that distinguishes mother's milk is the amount and proportion of the
salt and minerals it contains. For example, in cow's milk the amount of calcium and
phosphorus is high; but the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in cow's milk makes it
difficult to digest properly. Phosphorus can combine with calcium in the digestive
tract and actually prevent the absorption of calcium. Therefore, if a baby is given
cow's milk in the first days of its life, the way can be opened to certain abnormalities
due to a drop of the level of calcium in the blood. 1

Apart from this, human milk is 50% iron. Because cow's milk contains a much lower
proportion of this mineral, babies fed on cow's milk can develop anaemia linked to
iron deficiency.

Richness in vitamins is another factor that makes mother's milk indispensable for the
baby. From the point of view of the vitamins they contain, mother's milk and cow's
milk are quite different. Despite the fact that the level of vitamin A is the same, the
level of vitamins E, C and K is higher in mother's milk. The amount of vitamin D in
mother's milk is sufficient for the baby's needs.

Mother's Milk Protects the Baby at Every Stage

A baby coming into the world from the protected, bacteria free womb of its mother
must fight against several bacteria in the external world. One of the most important
features of mother's milk is that it protects the baby from infections. The protective
cells (antibodies) that pass from the mother's milk to the baby cause the baby to start
fighting against bacteria it had never known before, as if it had actually been
informed. The antibodies contained in great quantities in the form of mother's milk
called "colostrum", which is secreted in the first few days after birth, perform an
especially protective function.

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This protection that mother's milk provides for the baby (protection from slight
infections to very serious ones), is vitally important for the first few months, and its
benefits increase in proportion to the period of breast feeding.

The benefits to the baby of mother's milk become more evident every passing day.
One of the things scientists have discovered about mother's milk is that it is highly
beneficial for a baby up to two years of age. 2

The importance of this recent discovery was revealed to us 14 centuries ago:

We have instructed man concerning his parents. Bearing him caused his mother
great debility and the period of his weaning was two years: "Give thanks to Me
and to your parents. I am your final destination." (Qur'an, 31: 14)

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Complexity of RNA Molecules Refutes Evolutionist

Probabilistic calculations make it clear that complex molecules such as proteins and
nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) could not ever have been formed by chance
independently of each other. Yet evolutionists have to face the even greater problem
that all these complex molecules have to coexist simultaneously in order for life to
exist at all.

Evolutionary theory is utterly confounded by this requirement. This is a point on

which some leading evolutionists have been forced to confession. For instance,
Stanley Miller's and Francis Crick's close associate from the University of San Diego
California, reputable evolutionist Dr. Leslie Orgel says:

It is extremely improbable that proteins and nucleic acids, both of which are
structurally complex, arose spontaneously in the same place at the same time.
Yet it also seems impossible to have one without the other. And so, at first
glance, one might have to conclude that life could never, in fact, have
originated by chemical means.1

The same fact is also admitted by other scientists:

John Horgan, "In the Beginning", Scientific American, vol. 264, February 1991, p. 119

DNA cannot do its work, including forming more DNA, without the help of
catalytic proteins, or enzymes. In short, proteins cannot form without DNA,
but neither can DNA form without proteins.2

Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, New York,
Vintage Books, 1980, p. 548

How did the Genetic Code, along with the mechanisms for its translation
(ribosomes and RNAmolecules), originate? For the moment, we will have to
content ourselves with a sense of wonder and awe, rather than with an

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1 Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on Earth", Scientific American, vol. 271, October 1994, p. 78
2 John Horgan, "In the Beginning", Scientific American, vol. 264, February 1991, p. 119
3 Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, New York, Vintage Books, 1980, p. 548

33 | Page
Communication and Signalling in the Language of Birds

Scientific research has revealed that throughout the living world, communication is
just as important as it is to human beings. Countless living things lack the capacity
for human speech, yet they employ entirely different methods in order to
communicate with each other—and even with other species. Some of the most
dramatic examples of this is displayed by birds.

All forms of life on Earth have been created with miraculous properties and
astonishing abilities. The examination of just one single species is enough to reveal
hundreds of proofs of Allah’s magnificent creation.

In one verse of the Qur’an, Allah reveals that:

There is no creature crawling on the earth or flying creature, flying on its

wings, who are not communities just like yourselves—We have not omitted
anything from the Book—then they will be gathered to their Lord. (Qur’an,
6: 38)

The birds to which this verse draws our attention notice are one of the living
communities that we need to examine and reflect upon.

There are roughly some 10,000 species of bird in the world, each of which possesses
its own miraculous features. Wherever you may live, you can see a great number of
these feathered creatures and can observe different and extraordinary properties in
each and every one. With their attractive appearances, flawless flight mechanisms,
expertise on the routes and timing of migrations, ability to build nests and altruistic
behavior toward their young and to one another, birds possess countless proofs of
the fact of creation. Their ability to communicate is another of these.

Birds' Sense of Hearing

For birds to display their talents in communicating by sound, song—and in the case
of some birds, words— they require excellent hearing. At critical times in their lives,
their sense of hearing becomes particularly important. Experiments have shown that
in order for birds to learn the distinctive song of their own species, they need an
auditory feedback system. Thanks to this system, young birds learn to compare the
sounds they produce themselves with the patterns of a song they have memorized.
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If they were deaf, it wouldn't normally be possible for them to sing recognizable

Birds' ears are well equipped for hearing, but they hear in a different way from us.
For them to recognize a tune, they have to hear it in always the same octave (a series
of seven notes), whereas we humans can recognize a tune even if we hear it in a
different octave. Birds cannot, but can instead recognize timbre—a fundamental note
combined with harmonies. The ability to recognize timbre and harmonic variations
lets birds hear and reply to many diverse sounds, and sometimes even reproduce

Birds can also hear shorter notes than we can. Humans process sounds in bytes in
about 1/20th of a second, whereas birds can distinguish these sounds in 1/200th of a
second. This means that birds are superior at differentiating sounds that arrive in
very rapid succession. In other words, a bird's capacity to perceive sound is
approximately ten times greater than ours; and in every note heard by a human, it
can hear ten. Moreover, some birds are also able to hear lower frequency sounds
than we are. Their hearing sensitivity is so finely tuned that they can even tell the
difference between pieces by such famous composers as Bach and Stravinsky.

Birds' extremely sensitive hearing functions perfectly. Clearly, each of this sense's
components is created by special system, for if any one failed to work properly, the
bird would not be able to hear any sounds at all.

Bird Sounds Are Not Haphazard

Usually, birdsong is not composed of randomly produced sounds. Songs are

exceptionally diverse melodies of specific meaning, sung for a purpose, and are
much more complex than the calls used for signalling. They are generally used by
males to advertise and defend a territory, or in courtship. It is also believed that
songs serve a social function. When a pair is building their nest, they also establish
communication by song. Experiments on caged birds have also demonstrated that
birds find it easier to learn songs if another bird is present, but out of sight, in another

Male and female songbirds have different brain structures, particularly in the
regions related to sound production. With many songbird species, the males can
sing, but the females cannot. The males use "song" to call their mates or designate a
tree, pole, or electrical cable as a place to perch. Each species sings a song with its
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own characteristics, but any given species' songs display variations according to age,
sex, particular time of year, and geographical location appropriate for the
environment in which they live. For example, birds that live in meadows use "songs
of flight." Similarly, ones that live in the dense foliage of rain forests or reed thickets
have loud voices to compensate for reduced visibility.

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The peacock is an example of Allah’s matchless creative

According to one of the evolution scenario's claims, some water dwelling

amphibians developed into fully, terrestrial reptiles. One branch of this group
evolved further, constituting the ancestors of today's birds.

However, despite all the efforts expended over the last century and a half, not a
single trace has ever been found of the half bird, half reptile creatures that
evolutionists assume must once have lived. No transitional forms covered half in
scales and half in feathers, or with half developed wings, have ever been found in
the Earth's geological strata. In fact, contrary to what's been conjectured, only fossils
with perfect structures ─ the remains of flawless, fully formed living things ─ have
ever been discovered.

But despite the absence of any evidence to support their unscientific tale,
evolutionists doggedly persist in their claims, hoping that these fictitious fossils will
one day be found.

Stuart Burgess, an assistant professor of engineering design at Bristol University in

England, revealed the extraordinary nature of the peacock feather in a most striking
way and concluded that this structure could not be explained in terms of Darwin's
theory of "sexual selection."

With its large tail feathers with their vivid hues and unique patterns, the peacock
possesses an extraordinary beauty. One feature of these stunning iridescent colors
is that they change according to the angle one views them from. These are created
not thanks to pigments (the substance that gives color to feathers ), but to an
optical effect in the micro hairs known as the "thin film."

The eye shape at the end of each feather of this bird emerges through a combination
of thousands of micro hairs. Although they are independent of one another,

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thousands of neighboring micro hairs produce this pattern. If they were arranged at
random and in an unordered manner, they could not produce the geometric shapes.
The odds of this shape arising by chance are as slim as that of the flowers in a garden
combining to produce the same pattern.

The information determining all the structures in the feathers is concealed in DNA.
This once again emphasizes the extraordinary nature of Creation. The number and
thickness of the keratin layers, the number of micro hairs, the brown background,
the distance between the feathers all these factors are produced according to data in
the DNA. This peerless beauty cannot possibly have emerged through random
mutations, as evolutionists would have us believe.

Right from the outset, this fact has represented a major predicament for the theory
of evolution. Darwin, who endeavoured to account for the signs of Creation in living
things in terms of blind coincidence, made the following confession regarding
peacock feathers in a letter he wrote to his friend Asa Gray on 3 April, 1860:

The sight of a feather in a peacock's tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick! (Francis
Darwin, Letter to Asa Gray, 3 April 1860, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,
London: John Murray, Vol. 2, 1887, p. 296.)

This certainly demonstrates Darwin's biased point of view.

The beauty in the peacock tail has nothing to do with its function. This attribute of
the peacock is a clear indication of creation. When one sees beauty in a human
design, one immediately realizes that it must have a designer. For example, in
addition to imparting order and functionality to a garden, a landscape architect also
brings to it beauty and attractiveness clear signs that this garden was the work of a
designer. Every detail the architect adds to its beauty is further proof that the garden
has not been arranged at random.

The beauty in peacock feathers, which display all the fine detail of optical science,
are examples of aesthetic marvels that reveal the existence of their Creator, Our Lord.

Every detail in the peacock feather, which we have reviewed here only in broadest
terms, has the appropriate location, shape, color and structure for a specific purpose.
That purpose displays to us Allah's artistry, introduces us to His knowledge in the
details and that Allah possesses all the power necessary to create matchless beauties
that delight human beings.
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In one verse of the Qur'an, people who fear Allah and who are able to comprehend
such concepts by drawing attention to the beauty in living things are described as
"possessing knowledge":

And humanity and beasts and livestock are likewise of varying colors. Only
those of His servants with knowledge have fear of Allah. Allah is Almighty,
Ever Forgiving. (Surah Fatir, 28)

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The Size of the Atom

The atom is the fundamental building block of the entire universe, yet atoms are
extraordinarily minute.

It is impossible to see an atom under a normal microscope.

The extraordinary minute size of the atom can be illustrated with these examples:

The atom is just ONE MILLIONTH of a millimetre across. In other words, 100
million atoms placed side to side would be just ONE CENTIMETER LONG.

One page of paper “IS THE THICKNESS” of approximately 1 million atoms.

A large protein in the cell consists of approximately 500,000 atoms.

There are some 40 million atoms in just one of our cells.

If we were to count all the atoms in a single grain of salt, at a rate of 1 million atoms
per second, nonstop for 24 hours a day, it would take more than 500 years.

Just this sentence alone contains some 125 million atoms.

Our cells, the food we eat, what we drink, our homes, mountains, seas, the heavens,
the Moon, the Sun, the glorious planets, all the stars and galaxies, in short, absolutely
everything, are all made up of atoms just one millionth of a millimetre in size .

Allah is mighty enough to create all these things from a tiny speck, and to bring them
into being out of nothing with no natural causes. Our Lord tells us in one verse that:

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan

It is He Who created the heavens and the earth with truth. The day He says
‘Be!’ it is. His speech is Truth. The Kingdom will be His on the Day the
Trumpet is blown, the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible. He is the All
Wise, the All Aware. (Surat al An’am, 73)

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The invalidity of the famous Darwinist claim that useful
mutations do exist

The false idea that useful mutations exist is a classic Darwinist claim. Although the
whole scientific world knows, with absolute scientific evidence, that mutations have
a destructive or fatal effect, this claim is still persistently made, out of a fear of
humiliation. Because Darwinism is a theory that depends totally on mutations. All
Darwinists know that if the destructive effect were to be mentioned just once, that
would spell the end of Darwinism. It is for that reason they try to give the
impression, citing invalid and utterly pitiful examples, that mutations can be
beneficial. But this is a complete deception.

● As we have set out many times before, mutations have a net harmful effect, with
only 1% being neutral, though the latest scientific research has shown that even
these can produce long term damage in the organism.[1] The net harmful effect
of mutations is not a psychological defence mechanism, but an explicit truth
revealed by science.

● If Darwinists object to this, then they are directly flying in the face of science.
Because this is not a matter of opinion, but an absolute scientific fact.

● It is impossible for mutations to bestow any useful characteristic. Under normal

conditions, everything in a living body exhibits complete regularity, order and
symmetry. In addition, these systems co-exist with the most delicate balances
and exhibit a glorious complexity right down to the finest detail. Mutations are
random interventions, such as with radiation, and mean breakages, impairments
and dislocations. They INEVITABLY DAMAGE these extraordinarily complex
systems, with their regularity, symmetry and order. It is illogical and a violation
of science to maintain anything else.

● The results at Chernobyl, Nagasaki and Hiroshima were all the results of
mutations. Under the effect of mutations, organisms with regular structures
either died or suffered severe damage, and this harmful effect even manifested
itself in subsequent generations.

● Darwinists generally cite various examples of immunity in order to try to

corroborate their claims that “beneficial mutations do exist.” But these examples
all consist of a variation or impairment in bacteria or immune cells.

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● Sometimes, a dislocation in a single DNA nucleotide, or base, can bestow
immunity to an antibiotic on a micro-organism. But although this may be useful
to the micro-organism, IT IS NOT A BENEFICIAL MUTATION. Because the
mutation in question has actually harmed the micro-organism. The ribosome
sequence belonging to the micro-organism has been impaired, and it prevents
the antibiotic binding to the organism by damaging the lock and key harmony.
In other words, rather than there being any novelty in the micro-organism, we
are looking at a loss of information.

● Mutations are literally like firing at a regular structure with a machine gun.
Opening fire on a healthy structure will entirely do away with that structure. The
fact that one bullet has no effect or destroys an existing infection in the body
changes nothing. The organism will already have been killed by the other 99
bullets hitting it.

● The example that Darwinists cite with such examples is like a bullet healing the
body by destroying a single infection. The organism is devastated by mutations,
but Darwinists concentrate on the one that heals this infection.

● Since the subject of mutations constitutes one of the most damaging points for
Darwinists they engage in demagoguery by depicting minor instances of
variation or the effects examined above as major evidence. The fact is, however,
that the adherents of evolution, who maintain that all living things acquired their
present symmetrical and complex structures by way of evolution, have to be able
to cite examples of mutations that take place one after the other and are all
beneficial, and that also bestow new information on the organism.

● What is more, Darwinists also have to provide evidence for the scenario of one
living thing’s physiology turning into that of another life form through mutation
SUCH EVIDENCE. Because as they know full well, mutations destroy and ruin
and occasionally entirely destroy the organism concerned.

● It addition, we need to make the following point very clear: mutations can never
bestow any new data on an organism that is not already in its genome. That is
impossible. The examples alleged to have “added new information” are all
misleading. No new genetic information is ever added. All that happens is that
information already existing in a living thing’s genes starts to be used by
becoming more visible as a result of variations.

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● Breaks and dislocations in the bases that make up DNA CAN NEVER
PRODUCE NEW INFORMATION. They do not equate to information that did
not already exist being bestowed on a living thing. Darwinists are without doubt
well aware of this. But they insist on depicting dislocations in genetic bases as
new data. This is an example of Darwinist demagoguery.

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The theory of evolution a unique deception in the history
of the world

The way that for 150 years certain people have been devoted to such an
extraordinarily illogical belief as the theory of evolution is a great miracle created by
God by making use of Satan. Those with good sense and faith in God and who are
aware of this miracle have been waiting for 150 years to see just when evolutionists
would become aware of this deception of Satan's, and have been using various
means of suggestion, employing scientific and rational methods, to awaken them.

The way that hundreds of thousands of professors, scientists, university students

and doctors have blindly believed in the exceptionally illogical claims of the theory
of evolution is a historical phenomenon that will be remembered with astonishment
in no more than 20 years, and will be the subject of jokes and sketches.

Believers in evolution fall under the spell of the Latin terminology and pompous
language employed by evolutionist scientists, saying, "whatever they say must be
true," and do not think about the real meaning of what they are told. One of the most
effective ways of getting these people to think is to explain what the theory of
evolution actually maintains in a very clear and simple manner, and thus to remove
the spell under which they have fallen.

The Claims of the Theory of Evolution Are a Complete Violation of Reason and

According to the unscientific and irrational claim of the theory of evolution, the
nothingness in the infinite universe gradually gave rise to mankind as a result of
chance developments. According to this utterly unbelievable theory, first dust, then
soil, stones, waters, mountains and oceans came spontaneously into being in this
nothingness devoid of anything of the sort. Later, certain atoms in the mixtures of
these came together by chance and brought into being such elements as calcium,
phosphorus and carbon. Over millions of years these lifeless elements, completely
lacking in intellect, memory, knowledge and consciousness, turned into human
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beings able to breathe, speak, think, rejoice and mourn, possessed of a soul and
memory, with the intelligence, knowledge and consciousness necessary to invent
things, and capable of writing libraries full of books. In other words, under the effects
of coincidence over billions of years, accumulations of dust, soil and mud turned
into human beings of flesh, blood and soul, capable of building extraordinary
factories and producing the latest model of cars in them, of establishing space
stations, of constructing palaces, and making marvels of art. To believe that stone
and soil could one day turn into human beings as the result of chance is even more
irrational and illogical than believing in fairy tales. Not even children would believe
such a tale.

If evolutionists are sincere in these claims of theirs, then according to those claims
there should be no reason why this so called evolution should not happen again.
They could go, for instance, to the largest swamp in the world and expect to see a
palace built there billions of years later. Let them sit by that swamp and see whether
a human being to build palaces will emerge from the rocks, stones and mud there.
Will even a single living cell come into being, let alone a human being? In order to
help coincidences along, let them even fill the swamp up with as much carbon,
phosphorus, nitrogen, iron, magnesium and oxygen necessary for a living cell.

It will be absolutely out of the question for a single living cell to emerge
spontaneously from there. Even a single living cell is extraordinarily complex,
containing; power stations to produce energy; factories that produce the enzymes
and hormones essential for life; a data bank containing information regarding all the
products to be produced; complex transportation systems to carry raw materials and
products from one region to another; pipelines; advanced laboratories and refineries
to break down the raw materials brought in from outside into useful components;
and specialized cell membrane proteins that control the entry into and departure
from the cell of various substances. This is the simplest and superficial description
of a cell. Just one single feature of the cell is sufficiently complex and magnificent to
fill many volumes.

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Could chance produce such an organized system from that mud? Can chance make
that smallest organized system increasingly complex and produce an entity such as
a human being? Can chance teach a monkey to speak, to make compliments, to think,
to build palaces, to found civilizations and nations, to build ships and discover
continents, to set up laboratories or to perform experiments by investigating the cells
that comprise them? What coincidence can endow an ape with a soul? The answer
to each one of these questions is very clear and definite: chance can produce neither
a human being nor the cell, the smallest component thereof.

Since evolutionists believe in this impossibility, then let them take a suitable amount
of mud and wait for it to construct palaces, produce the latest model Jaguar, or build
bridges. Let them wait for that mud to produce, spontaneously, first a single cell,
then amoeba, fish, lizards, horses, apes and finally human beings. Then let them
watch those human beings design cars, make discoveries and found civilizations. In
fact, even the most dyed in the wool evolutionist knows this can never happen, but
they imagine that by making this claim together with Latin terms and a weighty style
it somehow becomes credible.

To believe that all the living things we see on Earth, the flowers with their matchless
beauty, fruits, flavors, butterflies, gazelles, rabbits, panthers, birds, and billions of
human beings with their different appearances, the cities built by these human
beings, the buildings they construct, and bridges all came about by chance from a
collection of mud, means taking leave of one's senses. The fact that large numbers of
people believe in such nonsense in no way legitimizes it; on the contrary, it shows
that we are looking at a miracle. A miracle took place 150 years ago, when an old
man with an amateur interest in biology began to bring a huge mass of people under
his influence with the senseless ideas he produced from his imagination during a sea
voyage. The fact that so many people were taken in by these nonsensical claims like
a spell is a great miracle of God. In the Qur'an God reveals that some people will
believe in the impossible and be taken in by nonsense, though they will be unaware
of the fact.

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The idea that mutations cause evolution is a falsehood

Mutations are dislocations, breaks and impairments as a result of radiation of

chemical effects in the DNA molecule in the nucleus of the living cell and that carries
all the information about a human being. The information in DNA is set out by 4
separate nucleotides, symbolized by the letters A, T, C and G, laid out in a special
and significant sequence. But an error in a single letter in that sequence will damage
the entire structure. The leukemia observed in children appears because one of the
letters in the DNA is incorrect. The reason for diseases such as cancer appearing or
subsequent generations being deformed as a result of the radiation leakage in
Chernobyl of the atom bomb dropped over Hiroshima is harmful effects of this kind
caused by mutations in people’s bodies.

Almost all mutations are harmful, and they are generally lethal to living things.
Examples of mutations that are not harmful generally do the organism no good, and
are at best neutral. Scientists have concluded that not a single one out of all those
that have been studied has had a positive effect on a living thing’s life.1

But the theory of evolution is based on fictitious mutations that produce “new”
living things and work miracles. Darwinists maintain that species emerge from one
another through structures and organs appearing as a result of countless fictitious
and beneficial mutations. This claim, a source of terrible shame for Darwinists, is
put forward by Darwinist scientists who know that mutations always harm an
organism. Moreover, although Darwinists are well aware of these harmful effects of
mutations they still point to a mutant, four winged fruit fly subjected to mutations
in the laboratory in support of their claims. Darwinists portrayed the extra pair of
wings produced in a fruit fly as a result of carefully performed mutations as the
greatest evidence that mutations could lead to evolution. But the two wings in
question actually damaged the creature rather than benefiting it, leading to its losing
the ability to fly. The University of California molecular biologist summarizes the
position as follows:

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In the 1970s, Cal Tech geneticist Edward B. Lewis discovered that by carefully
breeding three mutant strains he was able to produce a fruit fly in which the
balancers were transformed into a second pair of normal looking wings.

At first glance, this might seem to provide evidence for Carroll's claim that small
developmental changes in regulatory DNA can produce large evolutionary changes
in form. But the fruit fly is still a fruit fly. Furthermore, although the second pair of
wings looks normal, it has no flight muscles. A four winged fruit fly is like an
airplane with a second pair of wings dangling uselessly from its tail. It has great
difficulty flying or mating, so it can survive only in the laboratory. As evidence for
evolution, a four winged fruit fly is no better than a two headed calf in a circus

Jonathan Wells continues:

Disabled fruit flies with extra wings or missing legs have taught us something about
developmental genetics, but nothing about evolution. All of the evidence points to
one conclusion: no matter what we do to a fruit fly embryo, there are only three
possible outcomes a normal fruit fly, a defective fruit fly, or a dead fruit fly. Not even
a horsefly, much less a horse.3

As we have seen, the four winged mutant fruit fly that is the only evidence that
Darwinists point to in support of their warped claims is in fact nothing more than a
disabled fruit fly. No matter what effect mutations may have on a life form, they do
not possess the miraculous property of bestowing a characteristic belonging to
another life form onto it. But Darwinists want to believe the lie that miracles occur
in living things by way of mutations.

The interesting thing is that although Darwinist scientists know that the fruit fly in
question is defective, attempts are still made to depict it as the greatest evidence for
evolution by mutation in school text books. The molecular biologist Jonathan Wells

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According to Peter Raven and George Johnson’s 1999 textbook, Biology, “all
evolution begins with alterations in the genetic message… Genetic change through
mutation and recombination [the re arrangement of existing genes] provides the raw
materials for evolution.” The same page features a photo of a four winged fruit fly,
which is described as “a mutant because of changes in Ultrabithorax, a gene
regulating a critical stage of development; it possesses two thoracic segments and
thus two sets of wings.”

Adding to the confusion, textbook accounts typically leave the reader with the
impression that the extra wings represent a gain of structures. But four winged fruit
flies have actually lost structures which they need for flying. Their balancers are
gone, and instead of being replaced with something new have been replaced with
copies of structures already present in another segment. Although pictures of four
winged fruit flies give the impression that mutations have added something new,
the exact opposite is closer to the truth.4

Even if we assume that the “fictitious first cell” that Darwinists claim represents the
beginning of life and that cannot possibly have come into being by chance did
actually emerge spontaneously, even the smallest stage of the imaginary
evolutionary process that would have to take place to give rise to man with his
complex structure would require an astounding amount of information to be
produced and countless mutations to take place. “All” of these many mutations have
to be beneficial to the life form or else bring about the appearance of something
“new.” Because a single error in this fictitious developing life form will cause the
entire system to go wrong and collapse. Ninety-nine percent of mutations are
harmful while 1% are neutral. It flies in the face of both reason and science, therefore,
to suggest that every single one of these mutations that would have to take place
according to the theory of evolution can be beneficial.

It is therefore impossible for a brand new organ or characteristic that did not exist
before to appear by chance as the result of mutations. Mutations have no power to
bestow new information on a life form that does not belong to it, or to turn it into a
different organism. The idea of mutation represents the greatest manifestation of the

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falsehood and illogicality of Darwinism. Because the idea of evolution is based on
these illusory “beneficial mutation” that do not in fact exist.

The Infinite Amount of Time Needed for Hypothetical Beneficial Mutations

Even if we hypothesize that beneficial mutations could take place, the idea of
mutation is still incompatible with the theory of evolution. In a paper titled “The
Inadequacy of Neo Darwinian Evolution As a Scientific Theory,” Professor Murray
Eden from the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Faculty of Electrical
Engineering showed that if it required a mere six mutations to bring about an
adaptive change, this would occur by chance only once in a billion years while, if
two dozen genes were involved, it would require 10,000,000,000 years, which is
much longer than the age of the Earth. 5 Even if we assume that mutations were
effective and beneficial in complex organs and structures requiring more than one
mutation to occur at the same time, mathematicians still say the problem of time is
an acute dilemma for Darwinists. Even Professor of Palaeontology George G.
Simpson, one of the most unrepentant Darwinists, clearly states that it would take
an infinite length of time for five mutations to happen at the same time. 6 An infinite
amount of time means zero probability. And that is a probability applying to all the
structures and organisms possessed by living things. There is thus no possibility of
the glorious variety of life we see in our daily lives coming about through mutations.

The evolutionist George G. Simpson has performed another calculation regarding

the mutation claim in question. He admitted that in a community of 100 million
individuals we assume to produce a new generation every day, a positive outcome
from mutations would only take place once every 274 billion years. That number is
many times greater the age of the Earth, estimated at 4.5 billion years. 7 These, of
course, are all calculations assuming that mutations have a positive effect of that new
generations gave rise to. But no such assumption applies in the real world.

Why Is the Body That Is Supposedly Evolving Protected against Mutations?

All evolutionist scientists know that the probability of a replication error taking place

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in a living thing’s DNA for no reason is very low. Research has revealed that there
are protective elements in the cell that prevent genetic errors arising. The
information in DNA cannot be copied in the absence of particular enzymes that
protect one another against errors. These include doubt filter enzymes for ensuring
that the right amino acid binds to the right tRNA. One filter rejects amino acids that
are too large, and the other those that are too small. This is a very sensitive and
rational system. There are also enzymes that do the final checks against the
possibility of any error arising in this intelligent system. Scientists have concluded
that there is a better cellular control and protection system aimed at maintaining the
integrity of DNA than they had ever imagined. 8

Pierre Paul Grassé, who spent 30 years as professor of evolution at the Sorbonne,
wrote this on the subject:

The probability of dust carried by the wind reproducing Dürer’s “Melancholia” is

less infinitesimal than the probability of copy errors in the DNA molecules leading
to the formation of the eye. 9

Darwinists ignore this miraculous system in DNA and avoid going deeply into the
subject and coming with any explanation of it. But they construct a scenario of the
history of life built on replication errors with an almost zero possibility of coming
about. This once again reveals the nonsensical nature of Darwinist logic.

Following the realization that Darwin’s idea of natural selection very definitely did
not constitute an account of the so called evolution and the emergence of the laws of
genetics as a lethal blow to Darwinism, the claim of the “evolutionary effect of
mutations,” which had been the main weapon of neo Darwinism, was seen to be no
more than a deception. It is absolutely ridiculous to claim that a mechanism such as
mutation, which damages, destroys and kills the living organism, as well as
sometimes harming all subsequent generations, can give rise to whole new living

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But masses of people were taken in by this lie for years. Darwinist scientists of course
know that mutations have no such miraculous power. Even Richard Dawkins, one
of the present day’s most fervid Darwinists, admits that “most mutations are
deleterious, so some undesirable side effect is pretty likely.” 10The reason why
Darwinists still propose this discredited claim as a mechanism for evolution is their
devotion to the superstitious religion of Darwinism.

1 Nicholas Comninellis, Creative Defense, Evidence Against Evolution, Master Books, 2001, pp. 74 75
2 Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, Regnery Publishing
Inc., Washington, 2006, p.34
3 Ibid., p. 36
4 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, pp.185,186, 187
5 Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Great Evolution Mystery, Sphere Books Ltd., 1984, p. 4
6 Ibid., p. 230
7 Nicholas Comninellis, Creative Defense Evidence Against Evolution, Master Books, 2001, p. 81
8 Ibid., pp.74 75
9 Ibid., p. 81
10 Richard Dawkins, The Extended Phenotype, Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 141

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The biological clock in plants

Many plants have a biological clock containing details of their own structure and
other life forms that assist them with pollination and that bears a literal resemblance
to a computer. The existence of this biological clocks points to a single reality, the
fact of Creation.

The ability to measure time is an ability that one does not usually expect to see in
other living things other than man. It may be thought that this is limited to man, but
both plants and animals possess a time measuring mechanism, or "biological clock."

In the 1920s, when two scientists in Germany, Erwin Buenning and Kurt Stem, were
studying the movement of bean plant leaves, they saw that the plants were moving
their leaves towards the sun throughout the day, and that at night they were
gathering their leaves vertically upwards and assuming a sleeping position.

Some 200 years before these two scientists published their findings, the French
astronomer Jacques d'Ortuous de Marian had also observed that plants possessed
such a regular sleep rhythm. Experiments in a dark environment where temperature
and moisture were controlled showed that this situation did not change, and that
plants possessed systems inside themselves which measure time.

Under natural conditions, plants select certain times for certain activities. They do
this in line with certain changes in the sunlight. Because their internal clocks are
tuned to sunlight, they complete their rhythmic activities in 24 hours. In other cases,
there are some rhythms which are much longer than 24 hours.

No matter how long the rhythmic motions last, there is one point that does not
change. These motions happen to ensure the life of the plant and the survival of the
generations, and always take place at the most appropriate time. And in order for
them to be successful, several complicated processes have to be completed in a
flawless manner.

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For example, in most plants flowers open at a particular time of year, i.e. at the best
possible time. Plants' clocks, which regulate this time, also calculate the duration of
sunlight falling on the leaves. Every plant's biological clock calculates this period in
accordance with the plant's particular features. No matter what the calculation, the
flowers open at the most appropriate time. As a result of research into the regulation
of time in the soya bean, it was seen that, at whatever time these plants are sown,
they open their flowers at the same time of year.

Plants use this perfect sense of timing in many of their functions, not just opening
flowers. For example, it causes the time the poppy flower disperses its pollen to
coincide with the days and hours when pollinators are most prevalent. And these
days and hours vary from plant to plant. But at the end of the day, with this time
regulation, every plant disperses its pollen in a manner guaranteed to give the best
results. Poppy flowers disperse their pollen in July and August between 05:30 and
10:00 in the morning. That is the time is that bees and other insects emerge to look
for food. At this point the flower has to include in its calculation not just its own
characteristics, but also those of other living things, down to the finest detail. The
plant must have accurate knowledge of the time when the creatures which will
fertilize it emerge, the length of the journey they will undertake, and the times they
feed. In such a situation the following question comes to mind: Where in the plant is
this clock, which possesses all this "information," which does all the necessary
calculations, analyses the features of other creatures, and works in a way reminiscent
of a computer centre? Scientists believe that biological clocks in living things other
than plants generally come into existence as an effect of the pituitary gland. But
where the perfect time measuring system is in plants is still a mystery to them.

This clearly indicates a superior intelligence and power which establishes and
controls the timing of all plants' different activities.

The biological clock in plants is just one of the countless miracles of Creation. The
theory of evolution on the other hand, which irrationally maintains that life emerged
by chance, conflicts with scientific truths and tries to find support for its claims by
building various fantasies. This is a reality that evolutionists admit from time to time.

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The famous, Nobel prize winning evolutionist Dr. Robert Milikan admits the
evolutionists’s predicament;

"The pathetic thing is that we have scientists who are trying to prove evolution,
which no scientist can ever prove. (SBS Vital topics, David B. Loughran, April 1996,
Stewarton, Scotland,

God shows us proofs of His creation with His superior power and infinite
knowledge everywhere, and expects us to reflect and draw conclusions from them.
As stated in the Qur’an, only people capable of using their intellects can think and
learn and thus know and appreciate our Lord in the best possible way.

“It is He Who sends down water from the sky. From it you drink and from it come
the shrubs among which you graze your herds. And by it He makes crops grow
for you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of every kind. There is certainly
a Sign in that for people who reflect.” (Sura An Nahl, 10 11)

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Why Darwinism is Dangerous for Society

Most people react the same way when they hear Darwinism is a danger to humanity:
they are surprised. They don’t see how a theory about biology could be dangerous
in any way. They know about the many current significant problems worldwide but
they don’t see how any of it could be related to Darwinism.

Darwinism is dangerous because it is not merely a theory about biology, it also

branched off in unexpected directions and made enormously negative impacts
everywhere it touched. It started with the unscientific and inaccurate claim that life
was coincidental. Then it claimed that there had to be constant struggle for
everything, that the strong should crush the weak, that there had to be absolute
selfishness for success and even made the outlandish claim that all these allegations
were supported by science.

First of all, all of these claims are wrong. Not only has no evolutionary process ever
taken place, but selfishness and cruelty are nothing other than deliberately made
choices. It certainly is not something we are programmed to do, as Darwinist like to

Nevertheless, Darwinism managed to create quite an impact with these

assumptions. To begin with, in many cases, its selfish and materialistic rhetoric
stripped people of their happiness falsely reducing beautiful feelings like love,
compassion and altruism to mere illusions and biological reactions. And because it
claimed to be scientific.

The majority of people are led to think that their lives are meaningless. After constant
propaganda through education systems and the media, most people began to believe
that there really was no purpose to life, that human life was not valuable at all, that
it was ‘every man for himself’, etc.

As a result, people began to live their lives without a sense of purpose, constantly
stressing over everything without being able to trust God, crushed under the weight
of believing that the world is against them. It is no wonder that people are not
smiling anymore, no wonder that relationships –be they with family, friends or
neighbours that are so vital to happiness are dwindling to the point of
disappearance. Even zealous Darwin admirer and famous atheist Richard Dawkins

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admits that he wouldn’t want to live in a Darwinian society. Whether he wants it or
not, he is living in a Darwinian world, and so is the rest of the world.

However, the effect is not limited to people’s lack of happiness. It has made people
angry and even violent. As a matter of fact, the school shootings that have become
the new normal in the USA are directly related to this long standing materialist
indoctrination. American journalist and author Alex Newman, who was a guest at
the recent International Conference on “The Origin of Life and the Universe” in
Istanbul, explains how this Darwinist indoctrination led to violence in American

“The teaching of evolution in schools as truth is absolutely central, I think, to the explosion
of violence that we’ve seen in the schools and the gang activity and the shootings. It’s very
simple to understand why: If you teach children that only the strong survive, if you teach
children that life is meaningless, that human life has no value above and beyond just seeking
pleasure and dominating others and propagating one’s genes, it’s very clear to see what this
would lead to. [Even if] the kid is not going to shoot up the school, maybe he is going to
become a politician, maybe he is going to lead a government and then put these ideas into
practice on a broader scale.

It’s so fundamental to these worldviews to believe in the evolutionary theory because without
the evolutionary theory you recognise that humans are made by God in the image of God.
How can you kill people, how can you murder people, when you recognize that God values
them, and that God has created them?”

It may surprise you but many people don’t know that Nazism was heavily
influenced by Darwin’s ideas and Hitler notoriously called all people other than
Nordic Germans “apes” or “subhumans.” Similarly, Karl Marx dedicated his book
to Charles Darwin and Stalin and Lenin, who together are responsible for the death
of tens millions of innocent people, both admired and were inspired by Darwin’s
ideas in their horrible actions.

There is constant talk, meetings after meetings to find solutions to our world’s
problems, but no one seems to think that materialist, Darwinist doctrines are causing
serious damage to the fabric of our society. Realising that it manifests itself in the
sudden bursts of anger and violence that are becoming more and more common
around the world, in the societies lost to divisions and separatism.

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Thus, it is extremely important to sense the dangers that Darwinism theory poses
and to challenge it scientifically.
International events organised by The Technics and Science Research Foundation
attract huge interest and aim to tackle the Darwinist dictatorship that corrupts
society. However, it is also true that our world needs more of these efforts and
definitely needs sensible, rational people to connect and work together to take an
intellectual stance against Darwinism.

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The question Darwinism and materialism will never be
able to answer…

(The following is an excerpt from the book titled Origins of Life*, by Hugh Ross** and Fazale

Currently scientists stand no closer to understanding life’s beginning than they did
when Stanley Miller conducted his first experiments fifty years ago. Though some
scientists assert that the research is in its infancy, significant resources have been
brought to bear on the origin of life question over the past five decades. To date, no
real answers have emerged. Rather, a misguided approach has essentially stalled the
research program.

Bestselling author Paul Davies makes this point in his book The Fifth Miracle:

When I set out to write this book, I was convinced that science was close to wrapping
up the mystery of life’s origin… Having spent a year or two researching in the field,
I am now of the opinion that there remains a huge gulf in our understanding… This
gulf in understanding is not merely ignorance about certain technical details; it is a
major conceptual lacuna. (Paul Davies, The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin and
Meaning of Life (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999), pp. 17 18)

Davies’ statements likely surprise most people, including scientists. From popular
media reports, one would think researchers have all but finalized the explanation for
life’s beginning. But such is not the case.

Davies explains why this mismatch persists between public perception and stark

Many investigators feel uneasy about stating in public that the origin of life is a
mystery, even though behind closed doors they freely admit that they are baffled.
There seems to be two reasons for their unease. First, they feel it opens the door to
religious ….. explanations. Second, they worry that a frank admission of ignorance
will undermine funding. (Davies, pp.17 18)

So scientists are keeping quiet and searching for new directions in which to proceed.
Their behind the scenes frustration became evident (to these authors) at the
combined meetings of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life
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and the International Conference on the Origin of Life, held both in 1999 at the
University of California, San Diego, and in 2002 in Oaxaca, Mexico (hereafter
referred to as ISSOL 1999 or ISSOL 2002). This joint scientific meeting, held every
three years, attracts leading origin of life investigators from around the world and
serves as a platform for them to share and discuss their latest findings.

The atmosphere at such gatherings typically crackles with anticipation as

participants gather to hear about new discoveries and breakthroughs. However, at
both of these last two ISSOL events, a grim mood laced with desperation prevailed.
Participants acknowledged that some fifty years of well-funded investigation have
led to one barricade after another. The old intractable problems remain as new ones
come to light. (Fazale R. Rana, “Origin of Life Predictions Face Off: Evolution vs
Biblical Creation,” Facts for Faith 6 (Q2 2001), pp.41 47)

…..Origin of life researchers cannot identify any location on primordial Earth

suitable for production of prebiotic molecules. Those studying the problems cannot
explain how the uniform “handedness” (homochirality) of amino acids, nucleotids,
and sugars could emerge in any so called prebiotic soup.

Data from the geological, geochemical, and fossil records all place impossible
constraints on naturalistic scenarios. Life arose rapidly and early in Earth’s history
as soon as Earth could possible support it. Origin of life researchers recognize that
life had no more than tens of millions of years to emerge. Life also appeared under
amazingly harsh conditions, conditions that would not allow life to survive, let alone

Earth’s first life was complex chemically… Consistent with this. Investigators have
discovered that life in its most minimal form requires an astonishing number of
proteins that must be spatially and temporally organized within the cell.

Many [under the leadership of militant atheist Richard Dawkins converted to

the Space Religion] now speculate that life may have originated somewhere other
than on Earth.

* Hugh Ross and Fazale Rana, Origins of Life, Navpress 2004, CO, pp.25 27

**Astronomer and Astrophysicist

*** Biochemist

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Wisdoms in raindrops

 Why does rain not fall in the form of a mass like a waterfall but fall as single
 What is the shape and size of raindrops?
 Why does rain not heat up due to friction force and fall in the form of boiling

Every year, approximately 45 million cubic meters of water vaporize from the
oceans. The vaporized water is turned into clouds and moved to the land via winds.
So every year between three and four cubic meters of water moves from the oceans
to the lands, meaning where we live. Water, which people cannot control the
circulation of and cannot live without it, is sent specially. Also there are many
wonders about the formation of water and its fall onto the ground. In the Qur’an,
Allah reveals the erudite characteristics of the rain, which is one of the clearest signs
that a person should be “thankful”, as such:

"Have you thought about the water that you drink? Is it you who sent it down
from the clouds or are We the Sender? If We wished We could have made it
bitter, so will you not give thanks?" (Surat al Waqi‘a, 68 70)

It is Allah’s Mercy That Rain Falls Drop by Drop from the Clouds

One of the wonders Allah created in rain is that rain does not fall onto the ground in
the form of a large water mass like waterfalls. If rain fell on the ground in this form,
it would not be possible for people to continue their daily lives during rainy seasons
and floods would form during every rainfall. These floods would drag away
everything in front of them and cause serious damage, both material and spiritual.
However, due to the laws of physics created by our Almighty Lord, it falls on the
ground in drops and by decreasing its speed turns into the precious water that is the
source of life for all beings.

The reason that rain falls in drops is that water droplets are formed inside clouds.
As is known, a cloud is formed by water vapor being thickened with dust and
electrically positive charged particles. The diameter of these particles are generally
between one and ten microns. (1 micron = 0.001 millimeters.) When clouds move
upwards at a certain speed (1 10 meters/sec), they take water droplets with them
naturally. As the water droplets rise up, they get bigger as their volume increases.

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Two or more droplets unite and form a rain drop. The air can no longer carry these
drops and the rain drops begin to fall to the ground.

Since big drops fall faster than small drops until they reach a fixed speed, big drops
and small drops crash and unite. Drops, which get bigger through crashing and
uniting, encounter air resistance which distorts the shape of the water drop, spreads
and turns into many small droplets in a short time, something on the order of six
hundredths of a second. Since the speeds of drops of the same size are the same, and
they move in the same direction, they do not crash with one another.

Raindrops Slow Down When Falling On the Ground by Our Lord’s Inspiration

One of the wonders our Almighty Lord created in raindrops is certainly the falling
speed of rain. When an object of the same size and weight as a raindrop is left from
a height of 1,200 meters, it would get faster gradually and fall on the ground with a
speed of almost 558 kilometers per hour. If the raindrop would fall from this height
in the same way, this time all crops would be destroyed, places of settlement, houses
and cars would be damaged and people would not be able to walk without taking
necessary precautions. However, such an incident never occurs; no matter how high
a distance raindrops fall from, when they reach the ground their speeds are only
eight to ten kilometers per hour. The reason for this is that the raindrop has a shape
that increases the frictional force of the atmosphere and makes it fall slower. If the
raindrop had another shape, or if the atmosphere had no friction force, it would be
enough to take a look at these numbers to see the disasters the world would face
every time it rained.

● The minimum height of rain clouds is 1,200 meters. The effect of a single drop
that falls from this height is equal to the fall of a one-kilogram weight from a
height of 15 centimetres.

● There are also rain clouds up to 10,000 meters high. This time a single drop
would have the same effect of a one-kilogram weight falling from 110
centimetres high and thus people would need to take shelter by taking major

As it is seen, Allah defines the falling speed of rain and makes rain beneficial for all

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"And We sent down blessed water from the sky and made gardens grow by
it and grain for harvesting" (Surah Qaf, 9)

Rain Not Being Hot is Allah’s Mercy Over His Servants

If rain drops got heated owing to the effect of friction force and fell on earth in the
form of boiling water, life would never happen. However, rainwater is cold to
maintain life due to our Lord’s knowledge and mercy for His servants.

As it was told previously, after rainwater is separated from the cloud it speeds as it
falls down. As raindrops fall down with the effect of gravity due to their weight, the
air’s resistance tries to hold it up at the same time. The droplet speeds up until the
air resistance is equal to the force of gravity that affects the drop. The speed when
they are equal is the terminal speed, and the droplet continues its journey down at
this fixed speed. When the droplet goes down, it becomes heated due to friction.
However, this temperature is used for the vaporization of the droplet. Vaporization
causes cooling on the surface of the droplet. Thus, a droplet gets smaller as it falls
down, but it does not get hot. Therefore, the droplet is not hot and it does not rain
scalding hot water from the skies.

Almighty Allah reveals that He controls the rain and turns it into a life source for
people and all living things in one verse:

"It is He who sends down water from the sky. From it you drink and from it
come the shrubs among which you graze your herds." (Surat an Nahl, 10)

Fertilizing Feature of the Rain

Rain is an important fertilizer. Even poor soil can gather all the elements plants need
within a century, even though fertilizers that come via the rain. Forests also grow
and feed with the help of these sea origin aerosols. In this way, 150 million tons of
fertilizers fall on earth’s surface every year. Without this natural process of
fertilization, there would be very little flora on earth and the balance of life would
be distorted.

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It is a great blessing of our Almighty Lord that He sends a certain amount of water
down from the sky, that this water has is drinkable and can revive a dead region. In
one verse, our Lord’s knowledge of creation is revealed as such

“Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the sky and threads it
through the earth to emerge as springs and then by it brings forth crops of
varying colors, which then wither and you see them turning yellow and then
He makes them into broken stubble? There is a reminder in that for people
of intelligence.” (Surat az Zumar, 21)

The source of rainwater is vaporization and 97% of vaporization occurs in “salty”

waters. However, rainwater is sweet. The reason that rainwater is sweet is another
law that Allah sets. According to this law, water does not carry any other foreign
substance no matter if it is vaporized from saline seas, mineral lakes or mud flats. As
it is revealed in the verse, "We send down from heaven pure water..." (Surat al
Furqan, 48), it falls on the ground in a clear and clean form.

Clouds That Form the Rains Are the Examples of Allah’s Art of Variety:

In the Qur’an, verses about the clouds, which have great importance in the formation
of rain, give information about the variety in Allah’s creation as well:

"It is Allah Who sends the winds which stir up clouds which He spreads about the
sky however He wills. He forms them into dark clumps and you see the rain come
pouring out from the middle of them. When He makes it fall on those of His slaves
He wills, they rejoice,"(Surat ar Rum, 48)

● The size of a mid-sized cloud with a diameter of half a kilometer is four billion
cubic meters and there is 1.5 million kilograms of water inside

● No cloud is the same with another in terms of shape and size. This is because
there are so many factors such as air flows that affect their formations,
temperature, pressure, the amount of dust in the air and so forth, so it is not
possible to obtain the same conditions in two locations in the atmosphere, which
is very changeable.

● Water, which vaporizes from the heating ground, rises up to the sky in the form
of light, minute water vapor. As pressure decreases and air gets cold at a certain
height, they become small water dropletss and form the clouds. At the start, the

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diameter of these drops is a few microns. (a typical human hair is 100 microns.)
For the formation of an average raindrop, millions of these have to unite.

● Even though clouds are very heavy, the reason that they can stay hung in the sky
is that these drops are very small. If there is at least 1,000 tons of water inside a
cloud, the size of this air is one thousand times heavier than this. Therefore,
clouds travel in the sky, until the raindrops inside them grow and fall onto the
ground by getting heavy. Actually, since the formation of raindrops continues
while it is raining, they do not get lost suddenly by emptying the water inside
the cloud.

● The raindrops that are formed first are very small. Thus they reflect the
sunlight directly and such clouds appear as white. As these drops unite and get
bigger, meaning thicker, they reflect the light less. Therefore, rain clouds are
dark, gray and sometimes even close to black in color.

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Common material design and designer

The recent completion of the human gene map within the scope of the Human
Genome Project is an important scientific improvement. However, some results of
this project are being distorted in some evolutionist publications. It is claimed
that the genes of chimpanzees are 98 % similar to human genes, and this is
presented as an evidence for the claim that apes are close to humans, and therefore,
logical ancestors of humans as claimed by Darwin's theory of evolution. The
argument is misleading.

The claim of 98% similarity is deceptive. To claim that the genetic make ups of man
and chimpanzee bear 98 % similarity to each other, the genome of the chimpanzee
also has to be mapped just as that of man and the two have to be compared. No such
result for the chimpanzee has been done yet.

This claimed similarity is an exaggerated generalisation grounded on the similarity

in the amino acid sequences of some 30 40 basic proteins present in man and
chimpanzee. A sequence analysis has been made with a method named "DNA
hybridization" on the DNA sequences that are correlated with these proteins and
only those limited number of proteins have been compared. However, there are
about hundred thousand genes, and therefore 100,000 proteins coded by these genes
in humans. The claim that all the genes of man and ape are 98 % similar is based
on the similarity in 40 out of 100.000 proteins!

Moreover, the above mentioned basic proteins are common vital molecules present
in various other living beings. The structures of the same kinds of proteins present
not only in chimpanzees, but also in completely different living beings, are very
similar to that in humans.

For example, the genetic analyses published in New Scientist have revealed a 75 %
similarity between the DNAs of nematode worms and man. (New Scientist, 15 May
1999, p.27) This definitely does not mean that there is only a 25% difference between
man and these worms!

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On the other hand, the analyses done on some proteins show man as close to some
very different living beings. In a survey carried out by the researchers at Cambridge
University, some proteins of land dwelling animals were compared. Amazingly, in
nearly all samples, man and chicken were paired as the closest relatives. The next
closest relative was the crocodile. (New Scientist v.103, 16 August 1984, p.19)

Another example used by evolutionists on "the genetic similarity between man and
ape", is the presence of 48 chromosomes in chimpanzees and gorillas and 46
chromosomes in man. Evolutionists regard the closeness of the number of
chromosomes as indication of an evolutionary relationship. However, if this logic
were true, then man should have an even closer relative than the chimpanzee: the
potato! The number of chromosomes in a potato is exactly equal to the number of
chromosomes in a human: 46

These examples show that genetic similarity does not constitute evidence for the
theory of evolution. This is because the genetic similarities are not in line with the
alleged evolution schemes, and on the contrary, they yield completely opposite

Not surprisingly, when the issue is evaluated as a whole, it is seen that the subject of
"bio chemical similarities" does not constitute an evidence for evolution, but on the
contrary leaves the theory in the lurch. Dr. Christian Schwabe, a biochemistry
researcher from the Medical Faculty of South Carolina University, is an evolutionist
scientist who has spent years to find evidence for evolution in the molecular domain.
He particularly did research on insulin and relaxin type proteins and tried to
establish evolutionary relationships between living beings.
However, he had to confess for many times that he could not find any evidence for
evolution at any point in his studies. He said;

"Molecular evolution is about to be accepted as a method superior to palaeontology for the

discovery of evolutionary relationships. As a molecular evolutionist I should be
elated. Instead it seems disconcerting that many exceptions exist to the orderly
progression of species as determined by molecular homologies; so many in fact that I

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think the exception, the quirks, may carry the more important message"(Christian Schwabe,
"On the Validity of Molecular Evolution", Trends in Biochemical Sciences. V.11, July

Based on the recent findings obtained in the field of molecular biology, the renowned
biochemist Prof Michael Denton made the following comments;

"Each class at molecular level is unique, isolated and unlinked by intermediates. Thus,
molecules, like fossils, have failed to provide the elusive intermediates so long sought by
evolutionary biology… At a molecular level, no organism is "ancestral" or "primitive"
or "advanced" compared with its relatives… There is little doubt that if this molecular
evidence had been available a century ago… the idea of organic evolution might never have
been accepted." (Michael Denton, Evolution; A Theory in Crisis, London; Burnett Books
1985 pp.290 291)

It is surely natural for the human body to bear some molecular similarities to other
living beings because they all are made up of the same molecules; they all use the
same water and atmosphere; and they all consume foods consisting of the same
molecules. Certainly, their metabolisms and therefore genetic make ups would
resemble one another. This, however, is not evidence that they evolved from a
common ancestor.

This "common material" is not the result of an evolution but of "common design",
that is, their being created upon the same plan.

It is possible to explain this subject with an example. All building constructions are
done with similar materials (brick, iron, cement, etc.). This, however, does not mean
that these buildings "evolved" from each other. They are constructed separately by
using common materials. The same is true of living beings as well.

Darwinists are distorting the results of the Human Genome Project. Life did not
originate as a result of unconscious coincidences as evolution claims, but as the result
of the creation of God, the Almighty, the Owner of infinite knowledge and wisdom

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The glorious irreducible complexity in the synthesis of a
single protein

● Sixty special proteins acting as enzymes are needed to make a single protein
inside the cell.

● If just one of these enzymes needed for protein synthesis is missing, the cell
cannot produce proteins.

● The proteins that serve in protein synthesis are therefore indispensable, they all
have to be present in order to manufacture a single protein and they all
constitute an irreducibly complex system.

● In addition, it is not enough for these 60 enzymes to exist at the same

time, they all also have to be present in the same small region within the

● They all have to be co-ordinated and directed in the right location.

● Furthermore, all the organelles inside the cell have to be in the right place and
have to fully discharge their functions for this. Because all the organelles in
the cell are involved in all the stages of protein synthesis. If the other organelles
do not perform all their functions, then protein synthesis cannot happen since

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important functions will not take place.

● The formation of a single protein in a single cell exhibits a glorious irreducible

complexity. And Darwinists are unable to account for the events that take
place for a single protein.

● They are unable to, because all the worlds created, down to a single atom in
the giant planets in the universe, reveal the sublime might and creation of

Reference: William Dembski, Jonathan Wells, How to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist (or not), Intercollegiate
Studies Institute, 2008, p. 52

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Allah s artistry in colour

Have you ever thought what it would be like to live in a world without colour? Free
yourself for a moment from your experience, forget all that you've learned and start
using your imagination. Try to visualise your body, the people around you, the seas,
the sky, trees, flowers, in short everything in black. Imagine that there is no colour
around you. You would never want to live in such a world, would you?

A colourless world would normally be thought of as having only black, white and
shades of grey. However, black, white and shades of grey are also colours. In this
respect, it is difficult to imagine colourlessness.

Try, just for a second, to imagine that all of a sudden, everything loses its colour. In
such a situation, everything would mix with everything else and it would become
impossible to distinguish one object from another. It would become impossible to
see, for example, an orange, red strawberries or colourful flowers on a brown
wooden table, for neither would the colour of the orange be orange, nor that of the
table brown, nor that of the strawberries red. For a person, it would be quite
annoying to live, even for a short time, in such a colourless world, which is even
difficult to describe.

Colour has a crucial role in man's communication with the outside world, in the
proper functioning of his memory, and in his brain's fulfilment of its learning
functions. This is because humans can develop appropriate connections between
events and places, people and objects only through their external appearances and
colours. Neither hearing nor touch alone suffice to define objects.

Identifying objects and our surroundings are not the only benefits from the diversity
of colours. The perfect harmony of colour in nature gives the human soul great
pleasure. In order to see this harmony and derive pleasure from every detail of it,
man has been equipped with a pair of eyes, which have a very special design. In the
world of animate beings, human eyes are the most functional and can perceive
colours in their smallest details, so much so that the human eye is sensitive to

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millions of colours. Evidently, the visual apparatus in humans that works so
perfectly has been specially designed to see a world full of colour.

The only being on earth that can understand the existence of such an order in the
universe is man because he has the power to reflect and reason. Hence, in the light
of all the foregoing, we conclude the following:

Every detail, pattern and colour in the heavens and the earth have been created for
humans to acknowledge and so to appreciate this order and reflect on it. The colours
in nature have been arranged in such a manner as to appeal to the human soul.
Perfect symmetry and harmony prevail within colour, both in the worlds of animate
and inanimate beings. This situation will certainly evoke some questions in the mind
of someone who reflects, such as:

What makes the earth colourful? How do the colours, which make our world so
extraordinarily beautiful, come into being? To whom belong the design of the
diverse colours and the harmony between them?

Is it possible to say that whatever exists might have come into existence by
purposeless changes brought about by a chain of coincidence?
Certainly, no one would claim such an absurdity. Uncontrolled coincidences cannot
create anything, let alone billions of colours. Just observe the wings of a butterfly or
colourful flowers of any kind, each of which looks like a wonder of art. It is surely
impossible for sound reason to attribute all these to unconscious processes.

We can have a better understanding of this fact if we take an example. When one
sees a painting depicting trees and flowers in nature, one would not claim nor even
think that the harmony of colour, the organised patterns and the conscious design in
this painting could have come into existence by coincidence. If someone came along
and said, "the paint boxes were overturned by the wind, mixed, and with the effect
of rain etc., and after a long period of time this beautiful painting was formed", it is
certain that nobody would take him seriously. There is a very interesting situation
here. Although nobody would attempt to put forward such an unreasonable claim,
some people can nevertheless claim that the perfect colouring and symmetry of

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nature came about by such an unconscious process. Nevertheless, evolutionists
produce theses that it is the workings of coincidence to explain this subject and they
produce various researches. They do not hesitate to put forward baseless claims on
the issue.

This is obvious blindness, with which it is difficult to come to terms. Still, someone
who escapes from this blindness through exercising his faculty of thought will
understand that he actually lives in an extremely miraculous environment on the
earth. He would also fully acknowledge that such an environment furnished with
the most appropriate conditions for the survival of humankind could not have come
into existence by chance.

Just as a man who reflects, acknowledges the moment he looks at a painting that it
has a painter, so will he understand that the multi coloured, harmonious and
extremely picturesque environment around him also has a Creator.

This Creator is Allah, Who has no partner in creation, Who creates everything in full
harmony, and Who placed us in this world overflowing with numerous beautiful
things embellished with millions of colours. All the things Allah creates are in perfect
harmony with each other. Allah describes the uniqueness of His artistry in creation
in the Qur'an as follows:

He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any flaw in the
creation of the All Merciful. Look again do you see any gaps? Then look again and
again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Surat al Mulk: 3 4)

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Man: The living machine

The human body, a totally separate world of its own, resembles a living “machine.”
Inside that machine there is equipment with a technology far superior to any
advanced technology outside, specialized elements displaying consciousness, by the
will of Allah, fully equipped soldiers and many other systems. It is our Lord,
Almighty Allah, Lord of the Worlds, who creates this order in the systems in the
body and the sublime design visible at every point.

Brain / computer

Every nerve cell possesses special units for transmitting data. All by itself, the brain
is capable of performing the work of 4.5 million transistors that permit the
transmission of data by the microprocessor in a good computer. This figure is very
low compared to the 10 billion nerve cells engaged in the electrical exchange of
information in the brain. In addition, while the brain is able to perceive taste and
smell signals, there is as yet no product of industry capable of doing this.

Muscle and bone / central heating air conditioning

The movement of the muscles warms the body in cold weather. In this way the
muscles are able to provide 90% of body heat. Perspiration, on the other hand,
functions as an ideal cooling mechanism in the event of overheating. These two
complementary systems work to keep the body temperature stable under all
circumstances. This system works much faster, and with much better results, than
any central heating or air conditioning system.

Hormones / the mail system

Everything in the body is in a state of communication. Many messages consist of

hormones, made up of large molecules. There is no destination address on the
message packet carried by hormones, which travel freely through the circulatory
system and neurons. Yet, the package still reaches its destination because the organs
to open it are equipped with special receptors to capture these messages.

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Kidneys/ purification facilities

Thanks to up to a million mini filters known as nephrons, the human kidney filters
140 liters of blood a day. Over the course of 80 years around 1 decilitre a minute
(one tenth of a liter) is constantly subjected to this filtration process. Processing
facilities, used for industrial wastes, have a greater capacity than that of kidneys.
However, their life spans are incomparably shorter. Moreover, the structure of the
substances being filtered is much simpler than that of blood. The kidney has a far
more complex and efficient system than any filtration facility

The heart / pumping systems

The heart starts beating while still in the mother’s womb and works nonstop at a rate
of 70 200 beats a minute throughout one’s life. It rests for at least half a second
between beats. It beats approximately 10,000 times a day. At the time of resting, the
heart of someone weighing 60 kilos pumps an average of 6.5 liters of blood. During
one’s life time the heart pumps enough blood to fill 500 swimming pools with a
volume of 300 m3. Man-made pumping systems are unable to function as efficiently
without requiring any maintenance.

Arm / lever

The arm works like a lever. It uses the elbow as a fulcrum and establishes movement
by stretching and contracting the muscles. Levers operate on the same principle. Yet,
Levers have to show the same effort no matter what weight is involved, whereas the
arm muscles are capable of adjusting their contraction accordingly.

Eye / camera

The retina layer in the eye is the most light sensitive of all known materials. Different
types of light perceiving cells are arranged so as to provide the best image of the field
of vision. The eye also focuses automatically and adjusts its sensitivity according to
the intensity of light outside. Such features make the eye far more superior to any
camera or photographic equipment in the world.

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Ear / hi fi

Hairy cells in the human inner ear convert vibrations in the air into electrical signals,
like a microphone. The ear only perceives sounds between frequencies of 20 20,000
Hz. This range is the ideal specially selected for human beings. If the human hearing
range had been any wider, we would be able to detect the footsteps of an ant walking
on the ground or the high frequency sound waves in the atmosphere. Living in such
a constant state of noise would mean that human beings would never enjoy neither
peace nor comfort.

Immune system / army

Our organisms are being protected by some 200 billion lymphocytes (white blood
corpuscles). These have intelligence systems, lethal weapons and particular war
strategies, similar to that of soldiers. Nevertheless, no army in the world is as
accurate, flawless, and successful as the immune system.

Cell / engine

In terms of fuel, the cell is a very economical engine. It burns small molecules namely
ATP as fuel. The efficiency it maintains in using these molecules is greater than that
of any engine. The cell also performs various and highly complex functions which
technological devices are not able to perform.

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Design in nature

Let's think of an aspirin pill for a moment; you will immediately recall the mark in
the middle of it. This mark is designed in order to help those who intake half a dose.
Every product that we see around us is of a certain design even though not as simple
as the aspirin pill. Everything from vehicles we use to go to work, to TV remotes.

"Design", briefly, means a harmonious assembling of various parts into an orderly

form towards a common goal. Going by this definition, one would have no difficulty
in guessing that a car is a design. This is because there is a certain goal, which is to
transport people and cargo. In realization of this goal various parts such as the
engine, tires and body are planned and assembled in the plant.

However, what about a living creature? Can a bird and mechanics of its flying be a
design as well? Before giving an answer, let us repeat the evaluation we did for the
example of a car. The goal at hand, in this case, is to fly. For this purpose, hollowed
bones, strong muscles that move these bones are utilized together with feathers
capable of suspending in the air. Wings are formed aerodynamically, and
metabolism is in tune with the bird's need for high levels of energy. It is obvious that
the bird is product of a certain design.

If one explores other creatures besides a bird, similar facts are attained. There are
examples of a certain meticulous design in every creature. If one continues further
on this quest, one would discover that our selves are also a part of this certain design.
Your hands that hold these pages are functional as no robot hands could ever be.
Your eyes that read these lines are making vision possible with such focus that the
best camera on earth simply cannot.

Hence one arrives at this important conclusion; all creatures in Nature, including
us, are of a Design. This, in turn, shows the existence of a Creator Who designs all
creatures at will, sustains the entire nature and holds absolute power and wisdom.

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However, this truth is rejected by the theory of evolution that was formed in the
middle of 19th century. The theory set forth in Charles Darwin's book "On The Origin
of Species" asserts that all creatures evolved within a chain of coincidences and
essentially mutated from one another.

According to the fundamental assertion of this theory all living things go through
minute and coincidental changes. If these coincidental changes help the creature
then it gains advantage over the others, which in turn is carried onto following

This scenario has been passed around as if it is a very scientific and convincing one
for 140 years. When scrutinized under a bigger microscope and when compared
against the examples of the Design in creatures Darwin's theory paints a very
different picture i.e. Darwinism's explanation of creation is nothing more than a self-
conflicting vicious circle.

Let us first focus on the "coincidental changes". Darwin could not provide a
comprehensive definition to this concept due to lack of genealogical knowledge in
his time. The evolutionists who followed him put forth the concept of "mutation" on
this subject. Mutation is arbitrary disconnections, dislocation or shifts of genes in
living things. Most important point is that there is not one single mutation in
history that is shown to improve the condition of genetic information of a creature.
Nearly all the known cases of mutations disable or harm these creatures and the rest
are neutral in effect. Therefore, to think that a creature can improve through
mutation is same as shooting at a crowd of people and hope that the injuries will
result in healthier and improved individuals. This would clearly be nonsense.

As importantly, on contrary to all the scientific data, even if one assumes that a
certain mutation could actually improve a being's condition, Darwinism still cannot
be delivered from inevitable collapse. The reason for this is a concept called
"irreducible complexity".

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The implication of this concept is that majority of systems and organs in living things
function as a result of various independent parts working together, elimination or
disabling of even one of which would be enough to disable the entire system or

For example, an ear perceives sounds only through a chain reaction of a series of
smaller organs. Take out or deform any one of these, e.g. one of the bones of the
middle ear, and there would be no hearing whatsoever. In order for an ear to
perceive a variety of components such as auditory meatus, malleous, incus and
stapes bones, tympanic membrane, cochlea and fluid, sensory cells, vibration sensor
extensions of these cells, net of nerves that connect to brain and hearing centre in the
brain have to work together without exception.

The system could not have developed in segments because none of the segments
could possibly function alone at all.

Hence the concept of irreducible complexity demolishes the theory of evolution from
its foundations. What is really interesting is the fact that Darwin also worried about
these very prospects. He wrote in On The Origin of Species:

"If the impossibility of formation of a complex organ through a series of small changes was
ever to be proven my theory would have certainly collapsed. However I could not find such
an organ..." (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition,
Harvard University Press, 1964, page 189.)

Darwin could not or might not have wanted to find such an organ at the premature
levels of 19th century science. However the science of 20th century did study the
nature down to minute details and proved that majority of living structures embody
irreducible complexity. Therefore, Darwin's theory has most "certainly collapsed"
just as he feared.

As we examine the living beings we will not only see an immense error
Darwinism makes but also witness the greatness of wisdom that these systems

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were created with. These mechanisms will be found anywhere from the wings of a
bird to inside a bat's skull. Hence we will see the indisputable evidences of God's
creation without error. Likewise, the power and faculty of God to create without
error is expressed in a surah of Qur'an as follows:

"He is God the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most
Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies Him. He is the
Almighty, the All Wise." (Qur'an, Al Hashr, 59:24)

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Migration and orientation in animals

There are many migratory animals in nature: Birds, butterflies, turtles, salmon and
eels are only a few of them. The distances these animals travel during migration is
expressed in thousands, even in tens of thousands of kilometers. Migration requires
enormous amounts of energy.
At times, birds fly thousands of kilometers without landing at all. Furthermore,
migrating animals do not always come across with favorable weather conditions.
Although these tiny living beings struggle against rain, storms, and similar other
hardship, they manage to reach to their destination.

Before proceeding with the migration stories of birds, some consideration on the
concept of orientation in living beings will provide us with a better understanding
of the subject.

Navigation refers to the series of methods employed to plot a route to reach a

destination. This definition already embodies the meticulously planned nature of
migration. When one considers thousands of birds in a flock migrating in perfect
harmony, it becomes more comprehensible that enormous skills would be required
for such a planned movement. The question is how birds acquired these skills? It
is evident that birds cannot devise these intelligent tactics themselves, the nature of
which is better understood when compared to skills of human beings.

A comparison will provide a better understanding of this issue: imagine that a man,
all alone and completely non equipped, sets off to a trip of 5 thousand kilometers.
During the course of this trip, any answer he would give to any question regarding
his position and direction without the help of a compass, map or a similar apparatus
would merely be an estimate. Based on estimated values, one can never reach a
destination, and in case he gets lost, he can never locate his position. In the case of
birds, however, we are not talking about a distance of 100 200 kilometers. Unlike
birds or other migratory animals, man cannot cover thousands of kilometers. Let
alone crossing kilometers, he is likely to lose his way even when he goes to a different

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What kinds of things does man need to find his direction? If he does not have an
apparatus, then, by observing the location of the stars or looking at plants turning to
sun, he can make a general estimation about his position. This is, however, only
possible if he knows how to interpret them. Still, however, he can never attain 100 %
accuracy in his conclusions. For a definite result, he certainly needs a specific
apparatus like a map or a compass, which may still prove to be insufficient in certain
cases. Today, technological breakthroughs in finding direction have enabled
precision in this field. For instance, a global positioning system called GPS makes
use of satellites in finding direction.

The GPS system ensures a precise determination of a receiver's position on earth

through signals sent by specific satellites on the earth's orbit. The GPS system yields
rapid and reliable results since it operates via satellites. By the same token, birds can
achieve fast and accurate results in finding direction. That birds innately accomplish
the operations, which are only achievable by the support of high technology, is
utterly amazing. It is obvious that the abilities of birds in finding direction are
specially given to them so that they can migrate.


Why do birds migrate, how do they make very long distance flights without ever
getting lost, and what determines the timing of migration? All these questions are
among the issues even today science fails to provide an answer. Formerly, it was
thought that birds migrate on account of seasonal changes. That is to say, some
scientists claimed that once there was no migration but some seasonal changes gave
way to it.
However, migration is by no means an incident which could be affected upon a
sudden decision. It requires some special skills like orientation, food storage and the
ability to fly for long periods. It is impossible for an animal not possessing these
characteristics to transform into a migratory animal. Not surprisingly, experiments
addressing this issue revealed that migration is unrelated to any seasonal changes
and it is merely a component of the established ecological equilibrium of the earth.

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One of the experiments made to address this issue was the following: garden
nightingales were subjected to experiments in a lab where internal conditions such
as temperature and light could be varied. Internal conditions were arranged
differently from external conditions. For instance, if it was winter outside, a spring
climate was created in the laboratory, to match the migration seasons.

Under these conditions scientists anticipated the birds to organize themselves for
migration. The birds stored fat for fuel, just as they do when time for migration
approaches. Although birds organized themselves according to the artificial season,
and prepared themselves as if they were going to migrate, they did not set out to
migrate before it was time. They observed the season outside and did not migrate.

Considering this behaviour of these birds, some questions occur to the mind like
"What makes birds determine for migration?" and "What are the factors in force
determining the time for migration?".

According to evolutionists, living things have "body clocks" that help them to know
the time in a closed environment and to differentiate seasonal changes. They
maintain that birds behave in compliance with this "body clock". They decide to
emigrate when this clock "rings". At this point, many questions arise: What is the
origin of this clock? In which part of the body is it located? Is this "body clock" the
same in every living being? What would happen if this clock were out of order or
stayed behind? In this case, would birds simply stop migrating? No, such problems
never occur in birds' migration, nor this clock ever becomes out of order. That is
simply because such a clock does not exist. It is actually not an imaginary clock that
makes the birds determine the time of migration, but the system God created for


Birds consume great energy in flight. They need more fuel than all sea dwelling and
land dwelling animals. They obtain this energy through quite different methods.

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For instance, prior to migration, migratory birds get prepared and start to store fat
in their bodies. Some bird species fly longer distances than others. For these species,
only storing fat may not be sufficient. In such cases, they find another solution and
meet their energy needs by resting at certain intervals.

Terns that fly polar to polar distances set a good example for this: They cover 30 40
thousands of kilometers during their migration.

Which methods do terns use to store energy so that they can fly 30 thousand
kilometres? To see how these birds deal with the energy problem, scientists observed
them for long periods of time. Their research led to the conclusion that, besides
storing fat, terns also save energy by landing on floating icebergs.

The techniques employed by birds to minimize energy consumption during

migration are not limited to these alone.

Using different "flight techniques", some migratory birds reduce their energy
consumption to zero. For instance, storks go up as high as 2 thousand meters with
rising warm air currents, and then glide along swiftly to the next warm air current
without beating their wings.

A similar flight technique is used by albatrosses.

These birds, which spend 92% of their lives on the sea, have wingspans of up to 3,5
meters. The most important characteristic of albatrosses is their flight style: they can
fly for hours without beating their wings at all. To do so, they glide along in the air
keeping their wings constant by making use of the wind.

One point deserves consideration at this stage. It requires a great deal of energy to
keep wings with a wingspan of 3.5 meters constantly open. A comparison would be
helpful to clarify the enormousness of their energy needs. A man can hardly keep

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his arms open for a few minutes. Albatrosses, however, can stay in this position for

This is due to the special anatomical system they are bestowed with from the
moment of their birth. During flight, the wings of the albatross are blocked.
Therefore, it does not need to use any muscular power. Wings are lifted only by
muscle layers. This greatly helps the bird during its flight. By means of this special
design albatrosses have by birth, they can fly without any difficulty.

Flying for hours by making exclusive use of wind provides an unlimited energy
source for it. For instance, a 10 kilo albatross loses only 1% of its body weight while
it travels for 1,000 kms. This is indeed a very small rate. Men have manufactured
gliders taking albatrosses as a model and by making use of their fascinating flight

While covering long distances, albatrosses make use of the best wind positions. In
the face of counter air currents, they prefer to fly at low altitudes above regions
where winds are blocked by mountains, hills and trees. To make use of the wind
pushing from the back, they go up to high altitudes where winds are strong.
Albatrosses fly in perfect harmony with winds.

Another flight technique used by bird flocks is the "V" type flight formation. In this
technique, big strong birds at the front function as shields against counter air
currents and lead the way for the weaker. With such an organization, a saving of
23% is achieved in the flock in general.
Employing such flight techniques for the purpose of saving energy requires being
knowledgeable about the laws of aerodynamics. However, the being that employ
these techniques are only birds. It is unlikely that they can make such plans and
devise so complicated mechanisms with their own wisdom and will.

At this point, we face an obvious truth: the One who commands them to behave
so by designing them in the most perfect fashion is God, the owner of all

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Flying demands alot of skills and many conditions other than described until now.
Some migratory birds fly at very high altitudes. For instance, geese can fly at an
altitude of 8000 m. Well, have you ever thought how these birds manage to respire
at such high altitudes? Normally, at such high altitudes, let alone managing a
difficult task like flying, even breathing becomes impossible. For compulsory flights
at high altitudes, man needs to take additional precautions. For instance, in
airplanes, there exists a special pressure system balancing the interior pressure.
Climbers, on the other hand, can only climb high altitudes such as the Everest
Mountain by the help of oxygen masks. Birds, however, can fly in those altitudes
without problems, which is something quite difficult for people. That is because the
lungs of birds, which are already equipped with very special respiratory systems,
are created in a way to enable them to fly just like their other organs.

Another subject that arouses interest about birds is how they are unaffected by

It is true that birds are often not affected by storms, because they stay away from
stormy regions. But, while flying fast, how do they sense a storm breaking out way
ahead of them? Some ornithologists who made research into birds' sense of hearing,
observed that some birds can hear sounds of extremely small frequencies, which
diffuse to great distances in the atmosphere. Migratory birds can therefore hear a
storm breaking out over a far away mountain or thunder over an ocean hundreds of
kilometers ahead and change their route to avoid an approaching storm.

Owing to all these properties, birds can migrate to very distant regions. As we
mentioned earlier, migratory birds are very knowledgeable about their destination
and they reach there without being confused. But how do they accomplish this?

For example, a pigeon flies 1500 kilometers to return to its nest with no difficulty
at all. Furthermore, it does not matter whether this journey takes place during

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daytime or at night since pigeons are equipped with the world's best quality
compass. Birds have seemingly advanced "magnetic receptor" systems enabling
them to find their way by making use of the magnetic field of the earth.

As known, the earth has a magnetic field. The direction of this magnetic field is the
same anywhere on earth, but its intensity changes according to regions. While
determining their direction, pigeons can measure both the magnetic direction and
intensity of the area they fly over by their natural compass (!). They can even perceive
a 2 % variation in the magnetic field of the earth.

Scientists fail to have a complete understanding of the structure of this compass. In

fact, where this compass rests within the bird's body remains to be a mystery. Based
on subsequent research, it is assumed that a gland located in the mid-brain holds
control of this system. But how does this piece of flesh, weighing only a few grams,
can measure the magnetic field of the earth?

Let's look at the phenomena of flight from a more scientific viewpoint: in the brain
of a bird, there exists a central nervous system for finding direction. This system
informs the bird about the direction towards which it has to beat its wings. The
question is; can birds coincidentally possess such a complicated system? Did birds
delay their migration until this system coincidentally formed?

Certainly, the formation of such a complicated system as a result of a series of

coincidences is logically and scientifically implausible. Moreover, it is also
implausible that birds can wait for millions of years for this "so called" coincidental
formation of a system vitally important for them. That is because birds which are
unequipped with such a system cannot migrate and, even if they attempted to
migrate, being unable to find their direction and facing severe weather conditions,
they would lose their lives and become extinct in a short while.

Such a flawless system, which could by no means be formed by coincidences, is

granted to those living beings by their Creator, the One Who creates them from

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nothing with their flawless and excellent structure and equips them with all these
perfect traits.

This fact is related in the Qur'an as follows:

He is God the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most
Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies Him. He is the
Almighty, the All Wise (Surat Al Hashr: 24)


Subsequent research regarding how birds find their direction brought along
numerous questions. Even technology of today fails to explain the mechanisms
through which direction finding systems in birds operate. Basing the origin of these
perfectly operating systems on the random mechanisms and coincidences of the
theory of evolution would be the most unwise thing to do.

The theoreticians of evolution, who even fail to explain how a single feather came
into existence, cannot bring any explanation for the miraculous "natural compass"
inherent in birds.

Every research on living beings reveals hundreds of delicately planned, flawlessly

designed traits. All of these lead to a truth that every reasonable person can easily
recognize. This is the fact that no trait peculiar to any existing living being can ever
come into existence by chance. As we dwell on the details of structures and traits in
living beings, we will see that they are composed of interrelated, meticulously
planned, orderly and complex systems. It becomes obvious that the evolutionist
scenario asserting that coincidences gave rise to these systems by adding new
components to them over time is improbable.


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Let us outline what we have related so far: migratory birds can all alone overcome
many difficulties which seem to be impossible under normal conditions. While
doing this, the only thing they make use is the perfect technology they intrinsically
possess in their bodies. This is a high technology indeed; it ensures that the bird
flying at very high altitudes does not die of oxygen deficiency, get tired of beating
its wings across a route of thousands of kilometres, and fall down in the middle of
the ocean, become confused while migrating from one hemisphere to another while
helping it to hear a breaking storm far away and change its direction.

Migration is specially designed for birds and it has been practiced by them for
millions of years.


It is not only the birds that have amazing migration stories.

The migration story of Monarch butterflies, which live in southeast Canada, is more
complex than that of the birds..
Monarch butterflies normally live for only 5-6 weeks after they develop from
caterpillar. Four generations of Monarch butterflies live within a year. Three of these
four generations live in spring and summertime.

With the coming of autumn, the situation changes. Migration starts in autumn and
the generation that migrates, lives much longer than the other generations that lived
in the same year. The Monarchs that migrate are the fourth generation in the year.
Indeed, the Monarchs that migrate to the south live six months longer than the
previous generations. They need to live exactly this long to complete their journey
and return.

Interestingly enough, the migration starts exactly on the night of the autumn

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The butterflies that go down to the south do not disperse after they pass across the
Tropic of Cancer and leave the cold weather behind. After migrating over half of the
American continent, millions of butterflies settle down in the middle of Mexico. Here
the ridges of volcanic mountains are covered with a great variety of flora. Located at
a height of 3,000 meters, this place is warm enough for the subsistence of the
For a period of four months, from December to March, they eat nothing. As the fat
stored in their bodies nourishes them, they only drink water.

Flowers that bloom in the spring are quite important for the Monarchs. After a four
month fast, for the first time, in the spring they give themselves a nectar feast. They
now have stored enough energy to return to North America. This generation, which
lives a two-month life span extended to eight months, is no different from the three
earlier generations in other respects. They mate at the end of March before setting
out to their journey. On the equinox, the colony starts flying back to the north. Soon
after they complete their journey and arrive in Canada, they die.
However, before they die, they give birth to a new generation, which is necessary for
the perpetuation of their species.

The newly born generation is the first generation of the year and lives about one and
a half months long. Then comes the second and third generations. When it comes to
the fourth generation, migration starts over again. This generation will live six
months longer than the others will, and the chain will continue in the same way.

This interesting system provokes many questions: how is that the fourth of every
four generations lives six months longer? How does this long lived generation
always coincide with winter and has done so for thousands of years? How do these
butterflies always start migrating at the equinox, and how do they attune themselves
so sensitively, or are they using a calendar?

No doubt, there are no answers to these questions through "evolution" or other

variants on that theory. The butterflies must have borne these interesting
characteristics from the time they came into existence. If the first fourth generation

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of Monarchs on earth did not have the characteristic to live long, then all the
butterflies would die within that winter and these animals would become extinct.

Monarchs must have borne this extraordinary characteristic from the time they were
created. "Coincidences" unquestionably do not have such a faculty as could arrange
the generations of the animal according to migration. On the other hand, it is also
unlikely that butterflies decided to make their fourth generations live longer and
arranged their metabolisms, DNA, and genes accordingly.

It is obvious enough that monarchs are created with such a trait.

It is God, the possessor of All Knowledge, All Power, and the Almighty, Who has
created the birds in the sky, ants on the ground, giraffes, lions, in brief, all the living
beings on earth and inspired them their individual tasks. Through displaying the
astonishing traits He created in living beings to man, God commands man to ponder
over them:

In the 41st verse of Surat an Nur, God states as follows:

"Do you not see that everyone in the heavens and earth glorifies God, as do the
birds with their outspread wings? Each one knows its prayer and glorification.
God knows what they do."
2005 06 30 12:19:45

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The Theory of Evolution Is a Deception of Satan, and
Satan's Deception Is Weak

God reveals in the Qur'an that Satan has vowed to turn people away from the true
path, to deceive them, to make them believe in nonsense and perversions, and set
snares for them:

"I will lead them astray and fill them with false hopes. I will command them and
they will cut off cattle's ears. I will command them and they will change God's
creation." Anyone who takes Satan as his protector in place of God has clearly lost
everything. He makes promises to them and fills them with false hopes. But what
Satan promises them is nothing but delusion. (Qur'an, 4:119 120)

When we read that in past civilizations some people worshipped fire or idols made
of stone, and took the Sun or Moon as their gods, we are astounded that people could
have believed in such things. These people, as revealed in the verses, are taken in by
unbelievable nonsense at the prompting of Satan and imagine, as if labouring under
a spell, that the most irrational and illogical things are really true. Satan, by God's
leave and with the means He gave him of course, has assumed the task of deceiving
those who do not believe in God, making them do insane things, making them
believe in false things instead of God and portraying, by means of deception, these
things as reasonable and legitimate. The theory of evolution is just such a vehicle
that Satan has been employing for the last 150 years. In addition, he has turned this
vehicle into a most potent weapon by concealing it under the name of something
that people have the greatest confidence in science. Those who are taken in by
Satan's deceptions, albeit unawares, even professors, rectors, teachers and doctors,
come to believe the most incredible things that even children would not.

However, that weapon of Satan is only effective against weak people, those with no
faith. Sincere, devout individuals are never affected by it, and perceive Satan's
deception in all clarity. In the verse, "Satan's scheming is always feeble" (Qur'an,
4:76), God has revealed that Satan's deceptions are weak. In another verse God

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reveals that Satan says he will never be able to mislead His sincere servants (Qur'an,
15:39 40).

As is revealed in the verses, by God's leave, Satan's deceptions are powerless against
sincere servants. In the same way that the faithful are unaffected by Satan's snares,
they also foil him by revealing his deceptions.

It is easy to free oneself from Satan's snares. All one has to do is to think honestly.
Anyone who thinks honestly will see that the claims of the theory of evolution are
untrue. Evolutionists, too, would see this manifest truth if they could free themselves
from the effect of their own circles, their concerns to the effect that "If I say I do not
believe in evolution what will my colleagues think of me?" and will cease to believe
in such an impossible scenario as evolution. In one verse God reveals:

As for those who guard against evil, when they are bothered by visitors from
Satan, they remember and immediately see clearly. (Qur'an, 7:201)

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Allah keeps the entire universe and the systems in it
under his simultaneous control

Almighty Allah created the universe from a single point with a huge explosion.

While all other explosions damage the existing order, the 300 billion galaxies in the
universe emerged from zero volume, nothing in other words, with this explosion,
known as the Big Bang.

The Milky Way we live in is just one of these 300 billion galaxies.

There are 250 billion stars in the Milky Way. The Sun is one of these 250 billion

The number of stars, such as the Sun, in the visible universe is 1024, a stupendous
number, more than a billion times a billion times a billion. Allah has created the
Earth as a living space within the boundless universe. We live on a world that
occupies almost no place at all within infinity. In fact, not just our Earth but even
our galaxy occupies a tiny place in the universe. So just imagine how small a place
you yourself occupy in this utterly vast universe.

Every single atom in each of these 1024 stars is under the control of Allah at every
moment. Every movement, speed, speed of revolution, the temperatures and
distances of and between every planet, every one of the 1024 stars and 300 billion
galaxies are all determined in the Sight of Allah and are duly created at every
moment. Allah maintains countless balances on Earth at every second, without our
ever being aware of them. While a flawless equilibrium is being maintained in the
vastness of space, an extraordinary range of extraordinarily complex and perfect
processes also takes place within a few seconds in every square millimetres of our
bodies. For example;


About 100 billion processes have taken place in your eyes within a second.

50 million cells in your body have died every second.

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50 million new cells have been created every second to replace those that die.

10 million bits of information has been sent from your eyes to your brain every

10 million energy molecules, known as Adenosine triphospate, (ATP) have been

produced in all your 100 trillion cells, every single second.

In addition, these processes have taken place every single second, not just in your
EARTH AT THIS MOMENT because each of the 100 trillion cells in the bodies of
all these 7 billion people is under the control of Allah at every moment.

Are you at all aware of these events taking place inside and around you at every
single moment?

The balances maintained at every moment are not only limited to space and the
human body;

At the same time, quadrillions of plants, from more than 500,000 species, all make
photosynthesis, and oxygen levels are thus arranged in such a way that organisms
can remain alive.


Two million species of animals and plants on the land, under the ground and in the
depths of the seas continued their lives through their perfect systems.

100 billion birds from 10,000 species and trillions of fish from 40,000 species have
spent that second hunting, migrating or looking after their young. The digestive
and respiratory systems of every single one have functioned in perfection. Their
bones, muscles, eyes, feet and fins have all performed their tasks just as they

For example, this fly has beaten its wings 500 times a second. While it is impossible
for a human being to flap his arms 500 times a second, the trillions of flies on Earth

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have beaten their wings 500 times within the second that just passed by.

Insects whose numbers reach extraordinary figures of 10 quintillion

(10,000,000,000,000,000,000), from 1.5 million species, have remained alive through
their countless features such as their delicate insect antennae, the chemicals they
use to communicate, the poisons they employ for offense and defense and their
hunting and camouflage tactics.

It is Almighty and Omniscient Allah, He Who is aware of all things, Who keeps
each one of these systems under His control simultaneously.

While many living things in the animal kingdom continue their lives in a flawless
manner, with their numbers more than the human mind could conceive;


Every photon coming from the Sun has traveled 300,000 kilometers; and thus colors
have formed.

Every second, 16 million tons of water have fallen to Earth as rain.

The Sun, which is one of the 250 billion stars in the Milky Way, which itself is one
of the 300 billion galaxies in the universe, has converted 564 tons of hydrogen into
560 million tons of helium and thus provided light and heat for the Earth.

Are you at all aware of these events taking place inside and around you at every

Do you know how many leaves there are on all the trees on Earth?

Or how many atoms there are in every leaf?

Have you ever wondered how many grains of sand there are on and in the world?

Or what the number of raindrops is?

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Do you know how many billions of types of animals and plants there are in the

Or can you know how many people have lived ever since the time of the Prophet
Adam (pbuh), how many are living now, or how many will live up until the Day of
Reckoning? Is it at all possible for you to know the number of cells in their bodies,
or how many proteins are produced in those cells?

But our Almighty Lord knows all these things we've just counted, and He knows
how many planets and asteroids there are in the vastness of outer space, how many
stars there are, and how many electrons revolve around the nuclei of their atoms.
Each one of these acts occur by the leave of Allah, Lord of the worlds. Allah is
Omniscient and He knows all things.


• Apart from blood and reproductive cells, all the cells in the body
manufacture some 2000 proteins a second. This process takes place in EVERY
SINGLE ONE of all the 100 trillion cells of ALL the 7 billion people living

• The 100 trillion cells in an adult person’s body produce protein chains that
flawlessly organize some 150,000,000,000,000,000,000 (150 quintillion) amino
acids every hour. Note this; in order to produce protein chains, every single
one of the 100 trillion cells in the bodies of 7 billion people organize 150
quintillion amino acids a number that the human mind would fail to grasp
every hour.

• During every cell division, DNA, a library that consists of 3 billion letters,
1 million pages and 1000 volumes, is copied. This wondrous process of
division takes place with the same perfection in the 100 trillion cells of each
and every single one of the 7 billion people living in the world.

• A ribosome can add 20 amino acids to a protein chain every second. Wide
ranging protein synthesis thus takes place uninterruptedly every second in
every single one of the 100 trillion cells of all the people in the world.

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• There are some 10 billion nerve cells in the brain, and communication
between them is established by means of 100 trillion synapses.

• 4 billion information exchanges take place every second between the two
hemispheres of the brain. The brain deals with 750 million signals coming
from inside and outside the body.

• A single brain cell can transmit more than 200,000 pieces of information at
the same time.

• Do you realize that all these processes TAKE PLACE EVERY SECOND IN

• The white blood cells in the veins subject 10 billion cells in the body to
health checks every 2 seconds. This check up has taken place in all the people
who have ever lived, and is taking place in the 7 billion people currently living

• 500 different chemical processes are carried out in a single liver cell.

• With every breath taken, more than 300 million air sacs in the lungs open
and close to admit air into the body. These cells and sacs carry out the same
tasks, without exception, in the bodies of ALL THE 7 BILLION PEOPLE that
breathe in, every three seconds.


• The heart of the hummingbird, a tiny bird which has far better hearing than
human beings and can see ultraviolet rays, beats 300-1200 times a minute. And
the hearts of all the hummingbirds on earth beat 300-1200 times every single

• 40,000 bees have to visit 6 million flowers to make 1 kilo of honey.

• The fastest computers in the world can perform 16 billion arithmetic

processes a second. Yet the honey bee can perform 10 trillion processes in the
same time while expending less energy.
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• Bacteria provides the oxygen we breathe. Cyanobacteria, algae and other
micro-organisms in the sea give off some 150 billion kilograms of oxygen into
the air every year.

• A tiny ant has some 500,000 nerve cells. Thanks to this extraordinary system,
ants are able to use very different forms of communication. They are able to
perform many activities, such as hunting prey, following one another,
building nests and fighting enemies thanks to this special nervous system.

• More snowflakes than can ever be calculated fall from the skies every year,
and each one is different than all the others.

Allah has created systems that the human mind cannot fully comprehend, the
details of which have still not been discovered. Billions of details have been
combined together and provided for people in the finest and most beautiful way.
Man can only live by means of his DNA being copied every moment, the breath he
takes in, the oxygen he inhales with every breath he takes, his heart that beats
every single moment, the Earth that constantly revolves, the food cycle, the water
cycle, the nitrogen cycle, all the constantly moving atoms and countless other

Thıs is without doubt a very simple matter for Almighty Allah, Who creates from
nothing, Who ordains all things as He wishes and Who is mighty enough to create
them as He wishes at any time.

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan

The keys of the Unseen are in His possession. No one knows them but Him.
He knows everything in the land and sea. No leaf falls without His
knowing it. There is no seed in the darkness of the earth, and nothing moist
or dry which is not in a Clear Book. (Surat al An’am, 59)

What people who realize these miracles going on at every moment must do is to
reflect on the greatness of Allah, Lord of the worlds and give thanks to Him for
every blessing and every beauty. Because as we have been informed in the Qur’an,
every person will be called to account for the blessings bestowed on him when the
Day of Reckoning comes.

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I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan

He has given you everything you have asked Him for. If you tried to
number Allah’s blessings, you could never count them. Man is indeed
wrongdoing, ungrateful. (Surah Ibrahim, 34)

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Evolutionist despotism in the United States

We have referred to the existence of a Darwinist dictatorship that rules the world,
acts over and above all laws almost everywhere and that is protected under the law
many times before. This is a tyrannical dictatorship, the religion of Darwinism that
is totally constructed on deception, that is maintained by no scientific evidence and
that therefore imposes Darwinism on mankind by way of despotism, compulsion
and pressure. This despotic system tries all means to protect Darwinism and prevent
anti Darwinist activities, and recognizes no bounds as it does so. And this
dictatorship is currently propped up by laws, supported by political rulers and kept
on the agenda by the best known TV channels, papers and journals, especially in
Europe and America.

America has been the scene of one of the most despotic practices of this despotic
dictatorship for some time now. Various Darwinist organizations have brought
LEGAL PROCEEDINGS against public schools in America in order to prevent the
teaching of Creation.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Center of Science
Education (NCSE) that also acts on behalf of Darwinism, are now acting together in
this area. The ACLU first brought legal proceedings to make the theory of evolution
part of the curriculum in America in 1925 and, winning the case, initiated a period
when the deception of evolution was taught in schools. It is now an organization
trying to prevent the teaching of anything but evolution. The organization claims to
stand up for “freedom of ideas,” for which purpose it supports the presence of
heretical publications in school libraries and encourages perverted behavior among
students. What it generally does in espousing freedom of ideas and encouraging
perversion among young people is to seek to hinder all anti evolutionary activities,
to forbid students organizing religious meetings or activities and essentially to try to
prevent the discussion of the fact of Creation in schools. In order to do that, the
organization responds to schools that wish to include Creation in the curriculum by
bringing legal proceedings against them.

The ACLU sued schools in the city of Cobb in the state of Georgia for putting
warning stickers on text books saying they should think about evolution “with an

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open mind, by examining it carefully and critically.”

People representing the Americans United for Separation of Church and State
organization in Lebec, California, brought legal proceedings against schools for even
proposing selectivity on the subject of evolution and Creation.

A small group in Dover, Pennsylvania, supported by the ACLU and Americans

United for Separation of Church and State opened a legal suit in order to prevent the
discussion of Creation in 9th year biology classes. The judge ruled in their favor,
and the school has been told to pay compensation to the plaintiff. That sum is likely

This million dollar fine was imposed under pressure from the Darwinist
dictatorship, literally as a warning to others. Indeed, this repressive policy of the
Darwinist dictatorship has borne fruit, and state schools with already limited
budgets have become unable to defend their real views. In other words, Darwinism
is kept alive by pressure and intimidation rather than by any scientific evidence.
The writer Ann Coulter offers this analysis;

After Dover, no school district will dare breathe a word about “creationism”, unless
they want to risk being bankrupted by ACLU lawsuits. The Darwinists have saved
the secular sanctity of their temples: the public schools. They didn’t win on science,
persuasion, or the evidence. They won the way liberals always win: by finding a
court to hand them everything they want on a silver platter.
This isn’t science…2

Instances are by no means restricted to these. When the principal of a high school in
Detroit wished to place various books critical of Darwinism in the library in 1999,
the NCSE fiercely opposed the move, using all kinds of intimidation.3

Jonathan Wells describes this policy of intimidation thus:

The NCSE tells school boards that “evolution isn’t scientifically controversial,” so
“arguments against evolution” are “code words for attempt to bring non scientific,

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religious views into the science curriculum.” Since U.S. courts have declared it
unconstitutional to teach religion in public schools, this amounts to a warning that
the school board is contemplating something illegal. If the warning doesn’t work,
the NCSE calls on the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for backup, and the
ACLU sends a letter to the school board threatening an expensive lawsuit. Since
every school district in the country is already struggling to make ends meet, this
bullying by the NCSE and ACLU has been quite successful in blocking overt
criticism of Darwinian evolution in public school classrooms.4

Jonathan Wells also states that despite this intense pressure from the Darwinist
dictatorship in America, an increasing number of scientists are beginning to harbor
doubts about Darwinism and to take steps to make their voices heard:

The truth is that a surprising number of biologists quietly doubt or reject some of the
grander claims of Darwinian evolution. But – at least in America – they must keep
their mouths shut or risk condemnation, marginalization, and eventual expulsion
from the scientific community. This happens infrequently, but often enough to
remind everyone that the risk is real. Even so, there is a growing underground of
biologists who are in disenchanted with the Darwinists’ censorship of opposing
viewpoints. When isolated dissidents begin to realize how many of their colleagues
feel the same way, more and more of them will begin to speak out.5

Darwinists’ worst error is to fail to appreciate the might of Allah. The despotic and
fascist methods they use are an indication of that fact. They believe they can keep
Darwinism alive so long as they obstruct the teaching of the fact of Creation in
schools and forcibly silence people who make anti Darwinist statements. The fact is,
however, that there is no need for comprehensive anti-Darwinist education to see
that Darwinism is a deception. Even just a few of the illustrations of fossils in
the Atlas of Creation that show they have never changed over the course of millions
of years have sufficed to convince people, and the truth of the matter is that all the
250 million fossils so far unearthed corroborate the fact of Creation. Even just the
realization that not a single protein can form by chance clearly declares the fact of
Creation. Just one mention of the fact that not a single transitional fossil has ever
been unearthed has been sufficient to demolish this heretical theory. Darwinism is

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constructed on such rotten foundations that even the smallest blow has demolished
this huge deception. The increasing number of scientists who realize that
Darwinism is a deception and the fact that people are turning to belief in Allah in
huge numbers, despite all the intensive activities of the Darwinist dictatorship, is
one of the greatest proofs of this. Allah reveals in a verse how He will always do
away with superstition:

He sends down water from the sky and river beds fill up and flow according to
their size, and the floodwater carries with it an increasing layer of scum; a similar
kind of scum comes from what you heat up in the fire, when you desire to make
jewelry or other things. That is how Allah depicts the true and the false. As for the
scum, it is quickly swept away. But as for that which is of use to people, it remains
behind in the ground. That is a metaphor which Allah has made. (Surat Ar Ra‘d,

1. Ann Coulter, Godless The Church of Liberalism, Crown Forum Publishing, 2006, p. 200
2. Ann Coulter, Godless The Church of Liberalism, Crown Forum Publishing, 2006, p. 200
3. Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution “Science of Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution Is Wrong?”, Regnery
Publishing Inc., 2000, p. 237
4. Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution“Science of Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution Is Wrong?”, Regnery
Publishing Inc., 2000, p. 237
5. Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, “Science of Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution Is Wrong?”, Regnery
Publishing Inc., 2000, p. 239 2009 07 15 13:52:24

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The placenta The Bridge of life

Life support systems produced by the latest technology, used in most hospitals and
valued at millions of dollars, are primitive and nearly useless when compared with
a piece of flesh weighing only a few kilograms. This piece of flesh is the placenta,
called by scientists "the real hero of birth". 1

At a particular time, the embryo begins to take nutrients, oxygen and other material
from the mother's blood. The placenta, which is created to supply all the needs of the
developing foetus, acts as a bridge ensuring the passage of this material between the
mother and the foetus (From the beginning of the third month, the embryo is called
a foetus). The placenta is filled with soft blood vessels which will carry to the baby
the nutrient material seeping from among the trophoblast cells; it sends all this
nutrient material, oxygen, and important minerals such as iron and calcium that
come from the mother, first to the umbilical cord and then to the capillary vessels of
the foetus. Moreover, the placenta not only ensures the supply of nutrients needed
for the metabolism of the foetus, it also chooses and transports to the foetus the
nutrients needed for the formation of its tissues. 2. Amino acids are required by the
foetus for all kinds of syntheses (carbohydrates, nucleic acids the building blocks of
DNA, fats, etc.) The placenta selects these elements and takes them from the mother's
blood. This is generally done by special carriers. It stores the elements, uses what is
necessary for itself and sends a portion of them into the blood of the foetus. Besides
the nutrients, ions pass through the placenta; two of these are especially important
for the foetus, and it is necessary that they be stored in large quantities. Of these, one
is iron, needed to increase the blood volume; the other is calcium, required for the
development of the bones. The transfer of these elements is particularly effective:
even if the mother has consumed little iron, the placenta extracts the amount
required from the mother's blood, supplies the baby's needs and protects it from
every kind of danger. 3

The placenta also expertly performs the reverse operation, carrying waste material
from the foetus to the mother's blood.

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It must not be forgotten that the placenta, which we have described as "choosing",
"taking"' "storing" and "carrying" is a tissue composed of cells. It is the placenta
which performs all the activities denoted by the verbs listed above; for example, it
knows that there is a need for iron, and it is able to choose the element iron from
among other substances and it knows how the iron it selects will be used. It is not a
human being which has this knowledge but a collection of cells called the
placenta. The cells which constitute the placenta recognize the material they need
and are able to select it, and the fact that a cell can recognize an element is surely a
miracle. In addition to recognizing this element, it is even more miraculous that it
can take the appropriate material in the required amount and carry it to a particular
location. The information given so far and that will follow must always be
appreciated with this in mind.

The events that occur in the miracle of human creation indicate a consciousness
displayed by the cells, and by the molecules and atoms that produce the cells.
Indeed, this consciousness does not belong to any of them, but to God Who creates
them and inspires in them the functions that they are to perform.

Other Vital Functions of the Placenta

The umbilical cord, which joins the foetus to the placenta has three blood vessels and
looks like a long rope. One of these blood vessels is called the umbilical vein. It sends
blood containing nutrient material and oxygen from the placenta to the baby. The
other two of these vessels are called the umbilical arteries which transport blood
containing carbon dioxide and waste produced from the nutrient material from the
baby to the placenta.

Due to the strong and flexible structure of the umbilical cord, it does not coil and
cramp easily. It is very important that there be no problem with the delivery of blood.
Moreover, the flexible structure of the cord makes it possible for the baby to move.

One of the most important functions of the placenta is to secrete the hormones (eg.
oestrogen and progesterone) required by the foetus. Of these hormones,
progesterone has a special effect on decreasing the contractility of the uterus in the

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mother's body and gives physical support to the baby. In order for the baby's
development to continue, it makes possible the formation of the most comfortable
environment. Moreover, it allows the development of the milk glands in the mother's
breasts and, at the right time, helps in the production of milk. Besides this, it gives
support by boosting the mother's metabolism, thus contributing to her health and

Together with all these functions, the placenta ensures that the baby is immune to
any infections that may occur in the last three months of the pregnancy.

What we have described up to this point are only a few of the functions undertaken
by the placenta during the development of the baby. And, in everything that we have
described here, there is an unimaginable amount of detail. Every system depends on
the functioning of many complex chemical operations.

Moreover, every new research conducted about the development of the foetus
reveals a new function that the placenta performs on behalf of the baby. But in all
this there is a common point. Every activity of the placenta binds the mother and the
embryo to each other in a perfectly harmonious union. This union is of the greatest
importance because, if even one of the balances ensured in the mother's body were
to be upset, the embryo could not survive.

The fact that an organ formed from cells is aware of the needs of a living thing,
determines what is needed and acts with the knowledge of how to supply the need;
and the fact that this organ can produce the required material in the correct
proportion, select and appropriate it from outside; in short, that such an organ can
display conscious activity is not something that it can do by its own unaided efforts.
For example, if a human being were required to perform the same function, he
would not be able to do it.

But these duties that a human being cannot perform, can be effected efficiently and
flawlessly by this organ we call the placenta. And the placenta of every one of the
millions of human beings who have lived throughout thousands of years has
demonstrated the same deep awareness and perfect performance. Indeed, the perfect

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structure of the placenta and its conscious activities are the result of God's creating
it with all of these characteristics. To claim the opposite would be to step beyond
the limits of intelligence. With the excellent design that He has created in the human
body, God shows us His incomparable art, and commands us in the Qur'an to
consider these truths:

He is Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in between them, so
worship Him and persevere in His worship. Do you know of any other worthy of
His Name? Man says, "When I am dead, will I then be again raised to life?" Does
not man recall that We created him before when he was not anything? (Qur'an, 19:
65 67)

1. Intimate Universe, The Human Body, vol. 1, 1998, British Broadcasting Corporation.
2. Guyton, A.C. & Hall, J.E. (2000) Textbook of Medical Physiology, (10th ed.). Harcourt International Ed.,
PA. p. 946.
3. Science et Vie, March 1995, No.190, pp. 119 120.

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The perfect design in the universe is not by chance

Just think about the things you see from the moment you wake up in the morning:
the pillow under your head, the blanket over you, the alarm clock that woke you up,
the slippers you search for as soon as you get out of bed, the window you open to
get some fresh air, the clothes hanging in your closet, the mirror you look into every
morning, the knife and fork you use for breakfast, the umbrella you take with you
when you leave the house, the elevator you get into, the key that opens your car
door, the traffic lights along the way, the billboards, the pen, paper and other things
on your desk at work...

Spend some time to consider, and it will no doubt occur to you that each of these
things was designed for a special purpose. No one would say that it was a matter of
chance that everything was where it should be when you arose up in the morning.
For example, who would claim that merely by chance, your house key was cut
exactly to fit the door? Or that it ended up in your pocket by chance, in the first place?
No one would claim that the billboards along the road were put there by chance, or
that the meanings they intend came about by randomly painted symbols.

By the same token, no one would deny that a staple—nothing other than a specially
shaped piece of wire on your desk—was bent and placed in its dispenser in order to
hold papers together. Each staple's metal alloy, size, shape, and intended function
show the evidence of deliberate design. It was planned specifically to accommodate
your needs; and there's a particular reason why staples are so often found in any
office setting.

What about the people you see walking along the street? Or the trees you pass by,
the dog that runs out in front of you, the pigeons that build their nests in the eaves
of your house, the flowers on your table, the sky above you? Could their existence
be by chance, do you think?

It would be nonsense to even consider this possibility! Everything surrounding you,

animate and inanimate alike, is too wonderful and complex to be compared with
man-made items or ever to be ascribed to the operations of chance. Each is an
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example of a conscious creation, requiring consummate intelligence and skill.
Everyone who finds it illogical to think that even a single staple came about by the
proper bending of a wire by chance, will see that it is even more impossible that
human beings, cats, birds, trees and the entire universe emerged by chance.

But today, there are people who cannot see this clear reality. Or rather they see it,
but pretend not to. They claim that trees, birds, clouds, houses, cars, you yourself,
others around you—in short, everything in the universe, animate and inanimate, is
all the work of blind chance.

These people, known as Materialist Darwinists, maintain the contradictory idea that
chance occurrences can display supreme intelligence; and that the sum total of
millions of chance events, occurring in sequence, can show creative power.
According to Materialist Darwinists, chance events have greater intelligence than
every person in the world—no matter how many people have come and gone. They
claim that a genius called "chance" has shaped everyone's brain, cognitive ability,
judgment, memory, and countless other human characteristics for hundreds of
thousands of years.

Let us examine the irrationality of those who have entered the blind alley of chance,
ignoring the wondrous design that surrounds them as well as the proofs of creation.

Chance Is Not a Deity: It Is God Who Is The Creator Of All That Exists

The theory of evolution puts forth the irrational claim that all plants, animals and
human beings are the result of blind, unconscious, accidental events. Evolutionists
believe that millions of years ago, in the primal soup of the oceans or in pools of
water, mindless atoms with no knowledge, powers of reason came together in
certain proportions and later, by chance, formed the proteins and cells that even
today's scientists with the most advanced laboratory technology have not been able
to duplicate. They go so far as to say that these cells, in their turn—and again by
sheer chance—formed starfish, fish, sparrows, hawks, seagulls, penguins, cats,
lambs, lions, and even human beings who possess the faculty of reason.

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To demonstrate just how incredible the claims of evolutionists are, let anyone who
believes in the creative power of chance events take a large barrel. Let them put into
it however much material they believe is required to form a living thing. For
example, let them include all the needed elements—carbon, phosphorus, calcium—
as well as organic compounds like amino acids, proteins, lipids, and carotene. Then
let them add to this mixture whatever outside influence they choose. For example,
heat or chill the barrel. Let it be struck by lightning or apply electric current. Let them
stir the mixture with whatever advanced devices they may have. In addition, let
them stand guard on this barrel transferring this responsibility from father to son for
millions, even billions, of years. And so as to increase the chances of success, let them
control the mixing at every moment. Let them consult with others; meet with the
world's foremost biologists, geneticists, physicists and experts on evolution. Leave
them free to produce whatever conditions they deem necessary to originate life.

Yet despite all this serious, conscious effort, they'll never be able to produce anything
like a living being in that barrel. No matter what they do, they'll never be able to
produce the living things pictured in this book.

Let those atoms in that barrel perform any reactions they want; never will they begin
an "evolution" capable of producing brilliant scientists like Einstein and Newton able
to solve complex problems; artists like Michelangelo and Picasso able to create
masterpieces; discoverers; scientists able to examine under electron microscopes the
molecules and atoms out of which they themselves are composed;. Or consider the
many artists; those who take pleasure in symmetry, aesthetics and harmonious
colors; those able to design automobiles and write books; thinkers with faculties of
logic and judgment; human beings able to retain in memory what they have learned,
share longings, feel excitement and pleasure; who are possessed with a sense of love,
mercy and compassion; who enjoy the taste of food and whose appetite is stimulated
by a cake baking in the oven; who laugh at something funny and enjoy being with
their friends; who can defend an idea and carry on a discussion.

Bring unconscious atoms together in whatever way you prefer. Never will they be
able to bring about a single one of these living things, or even one of their cells.

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If so—if no living thing can ever be produced by human effort and the whole pool
of human knowledge—how can life be brought into being with the aid of
unconscious atoms and chance events? Any intelligent human being of conscience
can certainly understand that he—and other living things—cannot be the result of
chance events. Every intelligent, unprejudiced person with a conscience knows that
God has created all these living things with His incomparable power.

Regrettably, a segment of the population has accepted this irrational scenario

throughout the 20th century. Professors, scientists and teachers may ridicule the
"primitive" beliefs of pagan societies, while themselves accepting the nonsense of
evolution. In this, they're equally as benighted as those human beings who expect a
wooden idol can help them. God's Messenger, the Prophet Mohammed, peace be
upon him, also reminded anyone afflicted with such blindness that the greatest sin
is associating His creatures with God:

The most severe sin is to associate partners with God, while He has created you.
(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

In the Qur'an (29:17), God warns those who worship idols and invent lies about them
that their power is strong enough to do anything:

Instead of God, you worship only idols. You are inventing a lie. Those you
worship besides God have no power to provide for you. So seek your provision
from God and worship Him and give thanks to Him. It is to Him you will be

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The babys’ water of life and the first breath

Amniotic fluid is specially produced for the baby; it ensures that the organs are
prepared to function after birth. The baby, as it were, practices with the amniotic
fluid to become accustomed to the outside world by regularly ingesting it. In this
way, its tongue begins to perceive bitter, sweet, salty and sour tastes. Afterward, the
saliva glands begin to function. The amniotic fluid ingested by the foetus begins to
prepare the intestines for their absorptive function, and it makes the kidneys
function by creating the necessity for the constant filtration of this same fluid from
the blood. The fluid absorbed from the kidneys is transmitted back again to the
amniotic fluid, without contaminating it, because the kidneys have the ability,
distinct from their later function, to filter and sterilize the fluid ingested by the baby.
And this fluid, as when you clean a swimming pool, is continually purified with the
help of a few other fluids.

In the same period along with these developments, digestive fluids begin to be
secreted in the stomach in order that the digestive system may be fully prepared. 1
And the cells in the baby's newly formed intestines acquire the ability to distinguish
between sugars and salts and later to return particular waste products to the
mother's blood. In this way, both the intestines and the kidneys are put into action.
The amniotic fluid is ingested by the intestines of the foetus once every three hours,
that is, eight times a day and is returned to the mother via the blood. As much fluid
as is ingested is released to the pool of amniotic fluid both from the mother's womb
and from the lungs and kidneys of the foetus where it is produced. In this way, the
amount of this fluid, so vitally important for the foetus, remains constant. Because
of this perfect system, the digestive system of the foetus is put into operation without
any harm to the foetus.

The amniotic fluid not only prepares the digestive system for the post birth period,
but also ensures that the baby may move more comfortably in the mother's womb.
The foetus floats in this fluid like a rowboat tied up in a harbour. In this state it can
move very securely in the mother's womb. At the same time, this fluid protects the
foetus from any physical trauma from outside. Pressure applied on the fluid from
any direction is dispersed equally in every direction protecting the foetus from any
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harmful effects. For example, if the mother runs, the jolts produced have no effect on
the baby; it is like a cork shaken in a container filled with water. The most perfect
protective system possible has been created for the foetus; every kind of danger has
been foreseen and precautions taken.

The presence of amniotic fluid is also important for the health of the mother. This
fluid fills the whole womb, so as the foetus grows and gains weight, no pressure is
exerted on the womb itself. If this fluid were not present, the growing foetus would
weigh the uterus down and the counter pressure exerted by the uterine walls would
make the normal development of the foetus impossible.

This special fluid provides another vital necessity for the foetus: a constant
temperature. It is known that fluids distribute heat evenly. The amniotic fluid is
recycled continually and has a constant temperature. The heat needed for the
development of the foetus is distributed equally in every direction.

If there is a single problem with the production of this fluid, with its continuous
purification or the adjustment of its volume, the natural development of the foetus
is impaired. For example, if the amount of amniotic fluid is less than required, or if
it is not present at all, a series of abnormalities begins to appear. Limbs wither and
become deformed, joints fuse, skin loosens and, because of pressure, the face is
deformed. The most serious problem is that the development of the lungs is impeded
and the baby dies immediately after birth. 2

All this shows us that from the first human being until now, the production of
amniotic fluid has continued flawlessly. Without it, a baby could not develop in its
mother's womb. This fact completely discredits the evolutionists' claim that
development occurs stage by stage over a period of time. If one single stage in the
creation of a new human being did not occur, for example, as we said just now, if
the production of amniotic fluid were deficient, birth could never take place and
the human race would never have come into existence. Therefore, it cannot be
claimed that amniotic fluid began to be produced over a period of time when the
need for it arose. This fluid must exist along with the baby. It is impossible to claim
that such a fluid, which has such important functions, was formed in a moment by

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chance. To say that a complex organism came to exist in a moment is to say that this
organism was created. It is impossible for chance actions to calculate, determine
needs, to select the things appropriate for these needs and apply them at the right
time and in the right place.

It is clear that God creates the amniotic fluid and the systems to which it is connected.
He too determines the amount of amniotic fluid required.

God knows what every female bears and every shrinking of the womb and every
swelling. Everything has its measure with Him. (Qur'an, 13: 8)

Preparations for the First Breath

After birth the most important thing for the baby is to breathe; it is necessary that the
lungs, which had never known air before, fill with it and start to breathe. The baby,
who had previously received oxygen from the mother's blood, must now take it from
the air with his own lungs. And in a miraculous way, the lungs, when had never
taken a breath before the first moment of birth, begin to breathe quite normally.

At the moment the baby is born, God creates everything in readiness and ensures
that the preparation of the lungs has been completed as required. For the preparation
of the lungs, the diaphragm comes into play; it is located between the stomach and
the rib cage. The diaphragm begins to function towards the sixth month of
pregnancy. At first it expands and contracts intermittently several times an hour, but
after birth it will do this continuously.

It can be seen from this that the baby is constantly under special protection, but it
must be remembered that this is not the mother's protection. As the foetus develops,
the mother carries on her normal life; none of the changes in her body are under her
control. Even if she wanted to intervene, she could not. All these developments occur
by the eternal power of our Lord. God has created all the things required for a child
to come into the world as a normal human being in the most wonderful way. All the
needs of the baby while it is in the foetus stage are met, and the mother is spared the
necessity of thinking about what she must do to bring the baby into the world and
ensure that the baby will survive.
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Even if she thought about doing something to this end, there is nothing she could
do. For example, taking waste material from the body of the foetus into her own
kidneys, purifying it and discharging it are things which no mother could do on her
own. It is God Who determines all the needs for a new human being to come into the
world and constructs the system in the way that will best respond to these needs.

1. Flanagan, G.L. (1996). Beginning Life. Dorling Kindersley, London. p. 64.

2. Science et Vie, (March, 1995). No.190. p. 112 113.

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The ideological basis of Satanism

Satanism is a perverted ideology that makes violence and savagery a ritual in its
creed. Satanists, who describe themselves as such, make deeds of inhumanity and
brutality into acts of worship.

Due to the influence of the media, they may think of satanists as performing strange
rituals, much unlike what ordinary and well balanced people would otherwise do.
It is true that satanists are part of a culture of violence and perform strange and
horrible rites, yet, what most people fail to see is that satanism is a materialist and
atheist ideology that supports violence and which dates back to the 1800s.
Furthermore, the ideology has a large number of followers throughout the world.

The fundamental principle of satanism is that it rejects all religious values, takes the
Devil as its deity, and claims that hell is a kind of salvation. According to the belief
of Satanism, people have no responsibilities, apart from that of following their own
desires. If his desires lead a person to anger, hatred, revenge, deceit, theft, the
harming others or even murder, then that is acceptable.

One of the most common ways satanists use to describe themselves, in their books,
magazines and publications, as well as their websites, is to regard man as a "kind of
developed animal," and to maintain that "only the fittest can survive." This is the
most important piece of evidence to corroborate that Darwinism lies at the very root
of the satanists' beliefs. In fact, many satanists do not hesitate to admit the fact. In A
Description of Satanism, a satanist writer describes the ideology in these terms:

…First of all, Humans are social animals... all people and animals share a common source in
mere biology. Satanism is the belief that Humans are nothing more than higher animals—we
have no special place in creation other than being lucky to have evolved and survived…

It is clear from the preceding that satanism regards Darwin's theory that human
beings evolved from animals, as the source of its own ideological "awareness." The
introduction to an interview with Anton LaVey, carried in the music journal MF
Magazine, describes the relationship between Satanism and Darwinism:

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In the late 1960s, Anton LaVey brought forth an easily understandable doctrine of social
Darwinism, and strong positive thinking (magic) to the growing mass of individuals sick of
both hippieism and the stagnant morals of Christianity.

The way satanism shares so many parallels with social darwinism, has led to
cooperation between it and a number of other racist and chauvinistic movements,
especially fascism. One can find many individuals who believed in Satanism among
the ranks of Hitler's National Socialists and Mussolini's Blackshirts. Anton LaVey
makes this reference to that collaboration:

It's an unholy alliance. Many different types of such people have made contact with us in the
past. The anti-Christian strength of National Socialist Germany is part of the appeal to
Satanists—the drama, the lighting, the choreography with which they moved millions of

Darwinism is the primary ground shared between these tendencies and satanism.
Social darwinism, which lies at the heart of all these deviant ideologies, is defended
by satanists as follows:

The principle of the survival of the strong is advocated on all levels of society, from allowing
an individual to stand or fall, to even letting those nations that cannot handle themselves take
the consequences of this inability… There would be a concomitant reduction in the world's
population as the weak are allowed to experience the consequences of social Darwinism. Thus
has nature always acted to cleanse and strengthen her children… We embrace reality and do
not try to transform it into some utopia that is contrary to the very fabric of existence.

Another expression of the satanists' attachment to social darwinism is their fierce

support for the theory of eugenics, itself the product of fascism. The theory of
eugenics maintained that the sick and the crippled ought to be eliminated from
society, and the number of healthy individuals increased through breeding. The
theory was most prominently implemented in Nazi Germany. According to the
theory of eugenics, in the same way that healthy animal stock is bred by mating
healthy species, by this way a race of humans also be improved. When this line of

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thinking was adopted in Nazi Germany, tens of thousands of people with genetic
and mental diseases were slaughtered ruthlessly.

Satanism is also in favor of the same terrible mercilessness. Their own publications
reveal their view on eugenics:

Satanists also seek to enhance the laws of nature by concentrating on fostering the practice
of eugenics… It is the practice of encouraging people of talent and ability to reproduce, to
enrich the gene pool from which our species can grow. This was commonly practiced
throughout the world… Until the genetic code is cracked and we can choose the character of
our offspring at will, Satanists seek to mate the best with the best. (Magister Peter Gilmore,
Satanism the Feared Religion, (http://www.churchofsatan.com/Pages/Feared.html))

We need to bear in mind the satanists' own views when considering the threat posed
by it. When satanists are asked how many of them there are, they claim to have large
numbers of followers, because there are many people who actually live by the tenets
of satanism without being aware of the fact. In a way, that is actually the case.

The claim that man is a species of animal, on which satanism is founded, is utter
nonsense. Mankind did not come into being as the result of blind chance. The Creator
of mankind, and of the order and splendor of the entire universe, is the infinitely
powerful, superior and All Wise God, Who has no weakness of any kind. He created
man with the ability to think and reason, to distinguish between right and wrong,
and also with a responsibility towards his Creator. Just as each individual's ego
direct him towards evil, so his conscience protects him from it, and commands him
to turn away from it. It is man's duty to listen to the voice of his conscience, not to
his ego and adopt the kind of morality that is pleasing to God. That morality will not
only allow the individual concerned, and the society in which he lives, to enjoy a
peaceful and secure existence, but will also, by the will of God, lead to the most
sublime reward in the hereafter.

One important fact that must not be lost sight of is that the life satan offers, which he
dresses up to appear so very attractive, is mere deception. satan may make all kinds
of promises about the possibilities of the life of this world, and may try to turn people

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away from the true path, yet, it must not be forgotten that the road he beckons man
to follow will only lead to ultimate destruction for those who take it. As God explains
in a verse:

… What they call on is an arrogant Satan whom God has cursed. He said, "I will
take a certain fixed proportion of Your servants. I will lead them astray and fill
them with false hopes. I will command them and they will cut off cattle's ears. I
will command them and they will change God's creation." Anyone who takes the
Devil as his protector in place of God has clearly lost everything. (Surat an Nisa’,
117 119)

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Specialist in many ways The Koala

Animals have various miraculous features and each one of them is a miracle of
creation. One of these animals is the koala. The koala feeding on eucalyptus leaves
has various splendid features that ensure a comfortable life for it on trees.

The bodily design of the koala, a native of Australia, has flawless details that it needs
in the kind of environment it lives. For instance, its limbs and claws ensure an easy
climb to eucalyptus trees with wide trunks. The two fingers in its forepaws are
separate from its other three fingers. When compared with the human hand, it can
be said that the koala has two thumbs. These thumbs, which are quite different from
other fingers, allows the koala to grip more securely.

Four of the limbs of the koala, with its claws that can stick into the soft and smooth
trunks of trees like a hook, grasp tree branches with ease as if we grasp a stick, and
render a comfortable climb for the koala. However, the features, of the koala, are not
limited to these. Here are some of them:

A Miniature Bio Chemical Plant

Eucalyptus leaves have a very high fiber and low protein content. These leaves are
rich in strong odorous oil, phenolic combinations and materials similar to cyanide
that are inedible and even poisonous for many mammals. These materials, which are
poisonous for other animals, lose their poisonous effect when it comes to the koala’s
body, for the koala is equipped with a digestive system having a very special
anatomy and physiology.

Just as in the case of other herbivorous mammals, the koala cannot digest cellulose,
the major component of eucalyptus. However, this task is accomplished by cellulose
digesting microorganisms in the cecum of the koala.

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The koala’s cecum, which is quite long, opens to large intestine. Indeed, the cecum
makes up 20% of the total intestine. Its length is 1.3m long. (Hume, I. D. (1999).
Marsupial nutrition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

The cecum is the most interesting part of the koala’s digestive system. The access of
the leaves to the digestive system is delayed right at this point. Thanks to this delay,
the microorganisms in the cecum transform the cellulose into a structure from which
the koala can benefit. With this structure, the koala’s cecum can be likened to a bio
chemical plant. While cellulose is being treated in this plant, oil and phenolic
combinations, which are poisonous chemicals, are rendered ineffective in the liver.

As is known, the unique food of the koala is eucalyptus leaves. This means, the
animal meets its carbohydrate requirements entirely by cellulose digested by
microorganisms. In the absence of microorganisms, it is obvious that the koala
cannot survive. The One Who creates these two creatures in perfect harmony is the
All Mighty Allah.

Allah is aware of all the needs of the living beings. He creates them perfectly. Such
examples prove Allah’s infinite power to us. In one of the verses in the Qur’an, Allah
relates that those who can use their intellect can understand this fact:

He said, “The Lord of the East and the West and everything between them if you
used your intellect.” (Surat ash Shu‘ara’: 28)

The Koala and the Balance of Water

In the language of Aborigines, the Australian natives, the word “koala” means “the
one who does not drink water.” Indeed, the koala does not drink water, for it feeds
entirely on eucalyptus leaves.

The eucalyptus leaves have a water content of around 40% to 65%. This ratio never
drops below 40%. Because plants with less than 40% water content dry up and die.

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Thanks to this feature, eucalyptus leaves provide the necessary amount of water to
the koala.

No doubt, this feature of the leaves is not sufficient alone. The koala’s body structure
utilizing the water in the eucalyptus leaves is extremely important.

The system in the kidneys that checks water loss of the koala’s body has a flawless
design. Yet, what is more important is the fact that the digestive system of the koala
has the feature of holding water. This way, only a small amount of the water is
thrown out from the koala’s body.

Thanks to the kind of digestive system that can hold water, the koala can rely on
excess amounts of leaves that do not contain high amounts of water. If the digestive
system of the koala lacked this feature, then the animal had to be down on earth,
being in a constant search for water.
This means, the animal, which lacks proper features to survive anywhere except for
trees, had to face many threats. However, thanks to its special bodily structure, the
koala never meets such difficulties.

The Koala’s Protective Fur

The main factor that determines the koala’s body temperature is its fur. The fur is
created in a way to ensure perfect heat insulation:

The intensity of feathers in the fur may reach around 55 feathers per square millimetre. The
fur in the back of the animal covers 77% of the body surface. The feathers on the stomach, on
the other hand, are only half as intensive as the back fur, and it covers only 13% of the body

The length of feathers changes from season to season. In summertime, the difference
between long feathers and short ones become even more.

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The thick fur on the back is darker than the loose ones on the stomach; this way, the
koala collects and insulates the sun’s heat. Despite the loose stomach feathers, the
koala can adjust the grade of insulation by steepening them.

On windy days, the koalas on trees give only their middle backs against the wind,
and they curl up into the shape of a ball. As the intensity of the wind increases, they
bend their ears forward. This way, none of their limbs becomes vulnerable to the air
stream. The back fur of the koala has the highest grade of insulation. It’s insulation
is very close to the grade of insulation of the animals living in the Northern Pole.

The wind has only a weak effect upon this strong fur on the back of the animal.
Under heavy wind, the fur can maintain a constant body temperature. Indeed, even
on very cold days and under heavy winds, the fur’s heat protection capacity drops
only by 14%. Such data indicates that for an animal living on the top branches of
trees in forests, they are ensured a perfect protection against cold.

The koala’s metabolism rate is also regulated in a way to complement the heat
insulation of the fur. The metabolism of the koala is quite slow; it is only 74% of other
animals’ metabolism rate. With such a slow rate, the animal also has a low water

The Koala is a Great Deadlock for Evolutionists…

Let’s remember the features of the koala:

The koala has a body structure that helps it to easily climb trees and live a
comfortable life there.

Thanks to the special design of its digestive system, the koala can get enough food
and water from the eucalyptus leaves they find in ample amounts.

It has a physiological system that eliminates the poisonous effects of eucalyptus oils.

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It has a metabolism that ensures maximum use of water taken from leaves.

All of these features are required for the survival of an animal such as the koala that
lives on trees. Could it be that these features, which are essential for the survival of
the koala, have come into existence by chance, as evolutionists assert?

A man of wisdom, who is able to think without prejudice and objectively, has only
one answer to this question.

No. It is the All Mighty Allah Who has created the koala with its flawless features.
Allah reveals His infinite compassion and mercy through these features He grants
to all living beings. Our Lord informs us about the miracles He creates in living
beings as follows:

And in your creation and all the creatures He has spread about there are Signs for
people with certainty. (Surat al Jathiyya: 4)

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What Darwinists said what happened then…

Darwinists come up with a sensational claim to deceive public, and when it

comes out that it is fake, they remain utterly silent about it and seek another
hoax. Here are some of the sensations and confessions of forgery in Darwinists’
own words:

Piltdown Man:
What They Said:
During his visit to British Museum in 1935, H. F. Osborn, the renown American
paleoanthropologist, said: " …Nature is full of paradoxes…[this is] a discovery of
transcendent importance to the prehistory of " (Stephen Jay Gould, "Smith
Woodward's Folly", New Scientist, April 5, 1979, p. 44.)

What Happened:
Le Gros Clark, a member of the crew who unveiled the hoax said: " The evidences
of artificial abrasion immediately sprang to the eye. Indeed, so obvious did they
seem it may well be asked how was it that they had escaped notice before?"
(Stephen Jay Gould, "Smith Woodward's Folly", New Scientist, April 5, 1979, p. 44.)

F. Clark Howell “Piltdown was discovered in 1953 to have been nothing more than
an ape’s jaw placed with a human skull. It was a hoax placed on purpose. They
recognized neither the jaw to be an ape’s or the skull to be a human’s. Instead, they
declared each part as [from] an in between [species] of ape and human. They dated
it to be 500,000 years old, gave it a name (Eoanthropus Dawsoni or “Dawson’s
Dawn Man”), and wrote some 500 books on it. The “discovery” fooled
paleontologists for forty-five years.” (Howell, F. Clark, Early Man, NY: Time Life
Books, 1973, p.24 25)

Nebraska Man:
What They Said:
“Nebraska's Ape man of the western world,” (The New York Times, Sept. 17, sect. 7,

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p. 1, 1924)

What Happened:
Nebraska ape tooth proved a wild pig's. (The New York Times, Feb. 20, p. 1)
"Hesperopithecus (The Nebraska Man) dethroned" (The Times (London), Feb. 21, p.

What They Said:
Darwinists said it was an extinct transitional form from sea to land with lungs and
feet that were about to form.

What Happened:
“With the discovery of Latimeria (Coelacanth), it was hoped that direct information
regarding transition from fish to amphibians could be gathered... However
examinations carried out on Latimeria’s anatomy and physiology revealed that this
presumption of relation consisted only of a wishful thinking and that depiction
of Coelacanth as a “lost ring” had no basis at all.

What They Said:
Darwinist Berhane Asfaw from California University said: “We just found the
chain of evolution, the continuity through time.”
“One form evolved to another. This is evidence of evolution in one place through

What Happened:
On May 1999 Science et Vie put Lucy on its cover. The following quotation is from
the article, "Adieu Lucy": “…that apes of the species Australopithecus did not
represent the origin of man.”

Albert W. Mehlert (evolutionist and paleoanthropology researcher:): “The

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evidence given above makes it overwhelmingly likely that Lucy was no more than
a variety of pygmy chimpanzee, and walked the same way (awkwardly upright on
occasions, but mostly quadrupedal). The “evidence” for the alleged transformation
from ape to man is extremely unconvincing.”


What They Said:

Science Daily: “extraordinary”.
Sky News: “eighth wonder of the world”
Darwinist David Attenborough: “The link they would have said until now is
missing ... it is no longer missing.”

What Happened:
Darwinist Elwyn Simons from Duke University:
“It’s absurd and dangerous.” “This is all bad science... Darwinius is a wonderful

Haeckel’s embryo drawings:

What They Said:
Haeckel: Being evolved from its ancestors’ long and slow paleontological
developments, during its rapid evolution an individual repeats the most important
changes in terms of shape.

What Happened:
Haeckel’s confession of his own forgery: “After this compromising confession of
"forgery" I should be obliged to consider myself condemned and annihilated if I
had not the consolation of seeing side by side with me in the prisoner's dock
hundreds of fellow culprits, among them many of the most trusted observers and
most esteemed biologists. The great majority of all the diagrams in the best
biological textbooks, treatises and journals would incur in the same degree the
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charge of "forgery," for all of them are inexact, and are more or less doctored,
schematised and constructed (Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe: Where
Darwin Went Wrong, New York: Ticknor and Fields 1982, p.204)

Horse Series:
What They Said:
Darwinist Bruce J. McFadden said horse fossils have been beneficial in
understanding evolution.

Darwinist W. D. Matthew said the geological record of horse’s relatives is one of

the classical examples of evolution. (W. D. Matthew The Evolution of the Horse: A
Record and Its Interpretation”, The Quarterly Review of Biology, 1(2):139 185.)

What Happened:
Evolutionist Boyce Rensberger: The popularly told example of horse evolution,
suggesting a gradual sequence of changes from four toed fox sized creatures living
nearly 50 million years ago to today's much larger one toed horse, has long been
known to be wrong. Instead of gradual change, fossils of each intermediate species
appear fully distinct, persist unchanged, and then become extinct. Transitional
forms are unknown.

Evolutionist paleontologist Dr. Colin Patterson (one of the executives of the British
Natural History Museum): There have been an awful lot of stories, some more
imaginative than others, about what the nature of that history [of life] really is. The
most famous example, still on exhibit downstairs, is the exhibit on horse evolution
prepared perhaps fifty years ago. That has been presented as the literal truth in
textbook after textbook. Now I think that is lamentable, particularly when the
people who propose those kinds of stories may themselves be aware of the
speculative nature of some of that stuff

What They Said:
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Pat Shipman: [Archaeopteryx] more than the world’s most beautiful fossil…it is] an
icon a holy relic of the past that has become a powerful symbol of the evolutionary
process itself. (Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution)

What Happened:
Science: “Archaeopteryx probably cannot tell us much about the early origins of
feathers and flight in true protobirds because Archaeopteryx was, in a modern
sense, a bird.” (Hank Hanegraaff, Fatal Flaws "What Evolutionists Don't Want You
To Know", W Publishing Group, 2003 p. 19)

Industrial Melanism
What They Said:
Michael E. N. Majerus: “the most famous example of evolution in action...”

What Happened:
A quotation from the Daily Telegraph in 1999: “Evolution experts are quietly
admitting that one of their most cherished examples of Darwin's theory, the rise
and fall of the peppered moth, is based on a series of scientific blunders.”

Homo Floresiensis (Flores Man – Hobbit):

What They Said:
BBC: Australian archaeologists unearthed the bones while digging at a site called
Liang Bua, one of numerous limestone caves on Flores. The remains of the partial
skeleton were found at a depth of 5.9m (19ft).
The bones unearthed by Australian scientists in the Liang Bua province
excavations opens a new era in the history of archaeology. The examinations made
on tooth, coccyx and skull revealed that the living being was no different than
human beings and walked upright. This new living being (Homo floresiensis) was
named after the island (Flores island) where the skeleton was found.

What Happened:
It came out that these remains belonged to deformed individuals of Homo sapiens.
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What They Said:
Darwinists claimed that Neanderthals were a more primitive human race.

What Happened:
Erik Trinkaus: “Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with those
of modern humans have shown that there is nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that
conclusively indicates locomotor, manipulative, intellectual, or linguistic abilities
inferior to those of modern humans.” (Erik Trinkaus, "Hard Times Among the
Neanderthals," Natural History, vol. 87, December 1978, p. 10; R. L. Holloway, "The
Neanderthal Brain: What Was Primitive," American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Supplement, vol. 12, 1991, p. 94. )

“What was considered a major piece of evidence showing that the Neanderthals
once lived in northern Europe has fallen by the wayside. We are having to rewrite
prehistory.” (Tony Paterson, “Neanderthal Man ‘never walked in northern
Europe”, 22 August 2004)

Dino bird (Archeaoraptor)

What They Said:
Christopher P. Sloan, a National Geographic writer said: "We can now say that
birds are theropods just as confidently as we say that humans are mammals."

What Happened:
Alan Feduccia: Archaeoraptor is just the tip of the iceberg. There are scores of fake
fossils out there, and they have cast a dark shadow over the whole field. When you
go to these fossil shows, it's difficult to tell which ones are fake and which ones are
not. I have heard there is a fake fossil factory in northeast China, in Liaoning
Province, near the deposits where many of these recent alleged feather dinosaurs
were found. Journals like Nature don't require specimens to be authenticated, and

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the specimens immediately end up back in China, so nobody can examine them.
(Discover, February, 2003)

Junk DNA
What They Said:
Prof. Beyazıt Çırakoğlu: "It is thought that these DNA sequences are no longer
used junk DNA sequences.”

What Happened:
Evan Eichler, an evolutionist scientist from Washington University " The term
‘junk DNA’ is a reflection of our ignorance."

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The concealment of Cambrian fossils for 70 years is a

The Cambrian Period is one of the oldest in natural history and took place 543 490
million years ago. Prior to that, life consisted of single celled organisms and a few
multi celled organisms, but during it the whole extraordinary variety of life emerged
suddenly, in fully formed and perfect states. All of these life forms have
extraordinarily complex features, totally unlike those that went before them and of
the kind belonging to living things today. This means that the Cambrian Period deals
another deadly blow to the theory of evolution.

The fossils of Cambrian Period life forms provide specimens of 55 different phyla,
including those in existence today. (Phylum: the largest category after the “world” in
the classification of living things according to their basic physical characteristics.) To
put it another way, present day living things and even more were around with all
their perfect basic physical structures 540 million years ago. (The current number
of phyla is 35.) Cambrian life forms are identical to present day living things that
exhibit a flawless complexity. This repudiates Darwin’s fictitious evolutionary tree
and overturns the false development set out for this mythical process. According to
Darwin’s theory of evolution, following the formation of the first cell by chance,
single celled organisms must have ruled the world. After that, the active life that
began with simple structured multi celled organisms must continue in the form of a
single, water dwelling phylum. The number of phyla should increase gradually, and
the number of species should grow in proportion. But the reality revealed by the
Cambrian findings is very different. Things happened in the exact reverse to
Darwin’s imaginary evolutionary tree, with a greater diversity than that in existence
today appearing right from the beginning of natural history, immediately after
single celled organisms.

It will certainly be devastating for someone utterly devoted to Darwinist ideology to

discover this. As one of the most loyal followers of this heretical religion Charles
Doolittle Walcott, a paleontologist and also director of the Smithsonian Institute, one
of the best known museums in the United States, was appalled by the diversity in
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the Cambrian fossils he began discovering in 1909. During his research, which he
continued until 1917, he collected a total of 65,000 fossils. These all belonged to
complex Cambrian life forms.

Bearing in mind Darwinist frauds, it comes as no surprise that these fossils, which
heralded the destruction of Darwinism, were immediately hidden away by the same
Darwinist who found them. Walcott decided to conceal these fossils, which so
terrified him as they threatened to demolish the superstitious faith of which he was
a member and so contradicted his own beliefs. He locked the photographs he had
taken and other documentation away in drawers in the Smithsonian Museum. These
special and important fossils would only see the light of day 70 years later.

The Israeli scientist Gerald Schroeder comments:

Had Walcott wanted, he could have hired a phalanx of graduate students to work
on the fossils. But he chose not to rock the boat of evolution. Today fossil
representatives of the Cambrian era have been found in China, Africa, the British
Isles, Sweden, Greenland. The explosion [in the Cambrian Period] was worldwide.
But before it became proper to discuss the extraordinary nature of the explosion, the
data were simply not reported.1

The Cambrian fossils found by Walcott in Burgess Shale were re-examined decades
after his death. A team of experts known as the “Cambridge Group” made up of
Harry Blackmore Whittington, Derek Briggs and Simon Conway Morris conducted
a detailed analysis of the fossils in the 1980s. And they concluded that the fauna was
much more diverse and extraordinary than Walcott had determined. They
announced their opinion that some of the fossils could not be classified under the
categories of life known today, for which reason they represented
different phyla from those currently in existence. Life forms emerged suddenly, in
perfect and complex states, in the Cambrian Period 490 543 million years ago.

The conclusion was so unexpected for Darwinists that scientists referred to this

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sudden activity as an “explosion.” The “Cambrian Explosion” was one of the most
incomparable and inexplicable phenomena in the history of science for evolutionist
scientists. As a result of these findings confronting theoreticians of evolution, who
were already at a dead end in all areas, they should have put an end to the tales they
developed for propaganda purposes and returned to the “problem of the beginning
of life.” (Of course, this was a problem for Darwinists, who had no rational and
scientific explanation for the origin of life. Anyone acting logically and scientifically
can clearly see that life and the universe are the work of Almighty Allah.) Darwin’s
imaginary tree of life had been turned upside down, and the position was now in
total conflict with the fundamental logic of the theory of evolution.

Darwinists are still silent on the subject on the Cambrian Explosion that exhibits
higher life forms and Allah’s magnificent Creation. Darwinists have gone very quiet
in the face of these extraordinary findings and behave literally as if they did not exist.
They publish countless deceptive scenarios they have dreamed up about the history
of life in scientific journals, but try to avoid reminding people of this huge
phenomenon of 540 million years ago and how it totally refutes the theory of
evolution. Charles Doolittle Walcott, who did this quite blatantly, is the greatest
proof and instance of the dimensions that the deception of Darwinism can assume.

If Darwinism were really a science, if the proponents of Darwinism really were

scientists, then findings of such enormous scientific value, such a huge discovery,
would be highlighted and discussed as a matter of urgency on scientific websites
and in books and articles. The fact that the opposite applies, the reason for this
eagerness to hide concrete scientific findings away, stems from Darwinism not being
a science but rather a false religion that has emerged as a stratagem on the part of
the antichrist. Built on a lie, this theory tries to survive through falsehoods. The
concealment of the Cambrian fossils is just one of the scientific deceptions
perpetrated in the name of Darwinism.

1 Gerald Schroeder, “Evolution: Rationality vs. Randomness,”

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The invalidity of the claims that the eye is not an
irreducibly complex structure and that the eye evolved

With its perfect, irreducible complexity, the eye is one of the most important
subjects that neither Darwin nor the Darwinists who came after him have been able
to explain. With his primitive, 19th century level of knowledge Darwin was
sufficiently alarmed to say that the eye “gives me a cold shudder.” Under the
influence of that increasing alarm, present day Darwinists have sought the solution
in claiming that the eye is not irreducibly complex at all. That is the claim of Celal
Sengor. Claiming that even unicellular protozoa have light sensitive structures,
Sengor, suggests that these are primitive eyes, and that complex eyes evolved from
these so called primitive eyes. But this suggestion is invalid because;

A light sensitive cell is not, as Sengor and other Darwinists maintain, a

primitive eye. In the same way that Darwinists cannot explain the emergence of
single celled protozoa, neither can they account for the light sensitive structures
they possess.

Indeed, even Darwin, who was not totally aware in his day of the complexity of
the structures in question, made the following admission: How a nerve comes to be
sensitive to light, hardly concerns us more than how life itself originated. i

In order for “sight” to be able to arise, even in its simplest form, it is essential
that some of a living thing’s cells become light sensitive, that these possess the
ability to transfer that sensitivity to electrical signals, that a special nerve network
from these cells to the brain form and that a “visual cortex” capable of analyzing
this information appear in the brain.

A light sensitive cell is not the first or a primitive eye. The idea that a
complex eye gradually evolved from this cell is a deception. The eye of the
trilobite, which lived 530 million years ago in the Cambrian Period when all the
characteristics of living things and complex life forms appeared, is IDENTICAL to
the perfect faceted eye of the present day fly and dragonfly. ALL THAT LIVED
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BEFORE THAT TIME WERE BACTERIA. There is no question of any light
sensitive cell or any transition from it.

The perfect human eye is far too complex that makes it impossible for all its
components to have evolved separately. The 40 separate parts that make up the eye
have to exist together in order for the eye to see.

The retina is described as the most complex tissue in the body. Millions of
cells bind together on the retina to constitute a miniature brain. It is impossible for
even the retinal layer in the eye alone to have come into being spontaneously and
by chance.

The cornea and the retina constantly move in tiny circles just about a
thousandth of a millimeter in diameter. If those movements alone were to stop, the
light sensitive cells in the retina would immediately freeze and stop sending
information to the brain. That would lead to the image being perceived
disappearing within seconds.

Just the absence of ocular fluid is enough for the eye to stop working.

The reason why images are of such a quality is that the movements and
colors in the images are constantly refreshed, right down to the finest detail, and “a
slice of motion” takes place at an unbelievable speed, without our ever being aware
of it.

The efficiency and flawlessness of our eyes and brain are incomparably
greater than that of any device or equipment invented to date.

The 40 different parts that make up the eye act together to collect 1.5 million
electrical signals in one millisecond deliver them to their destination and interpret
them. Dozens of super computers would have to be flawlessly programmed and
work together, never making a mistake, in order to perform the same function.

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Darwin, troubled even with his 19th century level of knowledge and technology,
made the following admissions:

To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus
to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the
correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by
natural selection, seems, I freely confess, ABSURD IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE. ii

The eye to this day gives me a cold shudder, but when I think of the fine known
gradations, my reason tells me I ought to conquer the cold shudder. iii

The recur to the eye. I really think it would have been dishonest, not to have faced
the difficulty. iv

If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not
possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my
theory would absolutely break down. v

Richard Dawkins, similarly alarmed in the face of such an extraordinary and

irreducibly complex organ as the eye, confesses:

But it must be gradual when it is being used to explain the coming into existence of
complicated, APPARENTLY DESIGNED OBJECTS, like eyes. For if it is not
ALL. Without gradualness in these cases, we are back to miracle, which is simply a
synonym for the total absence of explanation.iv

i Charles Darwin, Origin of Species, New York: New York University Press, p. 151
ii Charles Darwin, Origin of Species, Onur Publishing, Ankara, 1996, p.198
iii Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. II, p. 67
iv Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. II, p. 84
v Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, Chapter VI. “Difficulties of the Theory.”
vi Richard Dawkins, River Out of Eden, New York: Basic Books, 1995, p. 83

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Fascism’s hatred of women

Fascism has an inimical attitude towards women and sees them as inferior to men.
This is a little known but exceedingly important aspect of fascism.

This fact is recognizable in words and statements of 20th century fascist leaders. For
instance, Mussolini's statement to Maurice de Valeffe, a reporter for the French
Publication Journal, on Nov. 12, 1922, openly belittled women:

There are those who say that I intend to limit the right to vote. No! Every citizen will
keep his right to vote for the Rome Parliament... Let me also admit to you that I am not
thinking of extending the vote to women. There would be no point. My blood opposes
all kinds of feminism when it comes to women participating in state affairs. Naturally
a woman shouldn't be a slave, but if I conceded her the vote, I'd be laughed at. In our
state, she must not count. [i]

During the serious economic crisis beginning in 1930, Mussolini ordered that women
should leave their places of work. Because he saw women as "thieves who reach out to
steal men's bread, and responsible for men's unproductiveness." [ii]

Through various measures, restrictions on women in the workplace were also imposed
in education. For instance, a decree of Jan. 30, 1927 forbade women in high school from
taking classes in literature and philosophy. A decree passed in 1928 resorted to legal
measures to oppose women's education, and women were prevented from becoming
directors of middle schools. Female students were required to pay double the fees in
schools and universities.

A decree which Mussolini put before Parliament on Nov. 28, 1933 declared, "State
bodies are empowered to impose conditions excluding women in advertisements for
exams to take on new employees... They must impose limits against a rise in the number
of female workers in public offices..." [iii]

These decrees did not just represent a social ideology or merely imposed regulations
to foster a division of labor, they were actually the implementation of the biological
dogma of Nazism.

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The Darwinist Roots of the Hostility to Women

The root of this prejudice among fascists towards women was, as in so many other
matters, Darwinism. Fascists did not merely appropriate the idea of the inequality
between the races from Darwinism, they also adopted the idea that men were
superior to women.

In The Descent of Man, Darwin wrote that women some of whose "powers of intuition,
of rapid perception, and perhaps of imitation are characteristic of the lower races, and
therefore of a past and lower state of civilisation." [iv]

In the Descent, Darwin also wrote, "Man is more powerful in body and mind than woman,
and in the savage state he keeps her in a far more abject state of bondage than does the male
of any other animal; therefore it is not surprising that he should have gained the power of
selection." [v]

Darwin's views could also be recognized in his personal outlook towards women.
He described a woman's role in marriage as "constant companion, (friend in old age)
who will feel interested in one, object to be beloved and played with—better than a dog
anyhow—Home, and someone to take care of house..." [vi] It is evident that Darwin looked
at women and the institution of the family from a materialistic standpoint. There was
not a trace of love, respect, loyalty, affection or compassion in his outlook.

The evolutionist and materialist Carl Vogt, a contemporary of Darwin and a Geneva
scholar of the mid nineteenth century, also held disparaging views regarding
women. "We may be sure that wherever we perceive an approach to the animal type the
female is nearer to it than the male" he wrote. "Hence we should discover a greater [apelike]
resemblance if we were to take a female as our standard." [vii]

Another follower of Darwin, the evolutionist social psychologist Gustave Le Bon,


In the most intelligent races... are a large number of women whose brains are closer in
size to those of gorillas than to the most developed male brains. This inferiority is so
obvious that no one can contest it for a moment; only its degree is worth discussion...
Women... represent the most inferior forms of human evolution and... are closer to
children and savages than to an adult, civilized man. [viii]

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Therefore, at the basis of fascism's disparagement of and contempt for women lies
the theory of Darwinism. Mussolini's taking away of women's social rights, and
Hitler's building of "breeding farms" to reproduce the superior race and obliging
young girls to sleep with SS officers, are all reflections of fascists' attitudes to women.
Both Darwinists and fascists are enemies of women. They see them as an inferior and
backward species, and both despise them, as well as employing discriminatory and
oppressive methods against them.

This fascist perspective is completely at odds with the ethics of the Koran. God has
commanded in the Koran that women should be cherished, respected, and protected.
In addition, He has shown examples of women with superior morals, such as Mary
and the wife of Pharaoh. In the eyes of God, superiority does not lie in race, sex or
rank, but in closeness to Him and strength of belief. In a number of verses of the
Koran, God has revealed that all believers will receive their reward without
discrimination between men and women.

Their Lord responds to them: "I will not let the deeds of any doer among you
go to waste, male or female—you are both the same in that respect..." (Surah
Al 'Imran, 195)

Anyone, male or female, who does right actions and is a believer, will enter
the Garden. They will not be wronged by so much as the tiniest speck. (Surah
an Nisa, 124)

Anyone who acts rightly, male or female, being a believer, We will give them
a good life and We will recompense them according to the best of what they
did. (Surah an Nahl, 97)

However, as religion was abandoned, these truths were abandoned with it, and in
their place were provided superstitions such as fascism and Darwinism, in which all
forms of discrimination based on sex or race are seen as justified.

[i]Maria A.Macciocchi, Eléments Pour Une Analyse du Fascisme, Paris, UGE, 1976, p.108.
[ii]Maria A.Macciocchi, Eléments Pour Une Analyse du Fascisme, Paris, UGE, 1976, p.126 127.
[iii]Maria A.Macciocchi, Eléments Pour Une Analyse du Fascisme, Paris, UGE, 1976, p. 128 129.
[iv]Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, The Modern Library, New York, p. 873.
[v]Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, The Modern Library, New York, p. 901.
[vi]Charles Darwin, The Autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809 1882 (Edited by Nora Barlow), W. W. Norton &
Company Inc., New York, 1958, pp. 232 233.
[vii]Roger Lewin, Bones of Contention, Simon and Shuster, New York, 1987, p. 305.
[viii]Stephen Jay Gould, The Mismeasure of Man, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1981, p.104, 105.

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Protein cannot form unless the cell exists as an integral

Darwinists can write as many deceptive books jam packed with formulae, produce
as many false fossils as they like, make as many demagogic assaults on the
scientific evidence for Creation as they choose or stick posters up full of fantastical
illustrations and present these as exhibitions of evolution all over the place, but
none of this will ever change the fact of their fundamental defeat. Because the
worst nightmare for Darwinists is the very beginning of life. Darwinists HAVE
protein came into being. This is an expression of the despairing situation into
which, Dawkins, Futuyma, Tim White and all other Darwinists now find
themselves. None of this demagoguery can resolve this great and stupendous rout
in the face of a single protein. A SINGLE PROTEIN HAS TOTALLY

One important feature of Darwinist demagoguery is that Darwinists always tended

to reduce the question of the origin of life to the very simple, despite all the
complexity of life, by portraying everything within it as very simple. That is the
reason for such myths as “the cell emerged from muddy water” and “DNA
spontaneously began replicating itself.” Darwinists imagined it would be easier to
deceive people in this way. But they have now seen that the time for such
deception has passed. Not only do people now know that a single protein is far too
complex ever to come into being spontaneously, they are also aware that neither a
protein, DNA, RNA or any other minute component of the cell WILL SERVE ANY

This fact is of great important in terms of the defeat of Darwinism:

 DNA is essential for a single protein to form

 DNA cannot form without protein
 Protein cannot form without DNA
 Protein cannot form in the absence of protein
 Sixty separate proteins are needed for a single protein to form
 Protein cannot form in the absence of any one of these
 Protein cannot form with no ribosome
 Protein cannot form with no RNA
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 Protein cannot form without ATP
 Protein cannot form without the mitochondria to manufacture ATP
 Protein cannot form without the cell nucleus
 Protein cannot form without the cytoplasm
 Protein cannot form in the absence of a single organelle in the cell
 And proteins are necessary for all the organelles in the cell to exist and
 There can be no protein without these organelles.
This is an interconnected system that has to
function simultaneously. You cannot have one part
without the other. Even if one component exists, it
will still not function in the absence of the others.

In short,


OF THE WHOLE CELL, with its perfect complex
structure we see today, but of which we understand only a very small part.

Even if this protein did form spontaneously (which is in any case impossible), it
will still serve no purpose. It will just wander around alone and die.

Therefore, Dawkins’ claim of “a spontaneously replicating molecule” is utterly

ludicrous and solely intended to deceive. NO MOLECULE IN THE HUMAN CELL

The Cambridge University Professor of Philosophy Stephen C. Meyer describes

this in his book The Signature in the Cell:

Following the elucidation of the structure and function of DNA during the 1950s
and early 1960s, a radically new conception of life began to emerge. Not only did
molecular biologists discover that DNA carried information; they soon began to
suspect that living organisms must contain systems for processing genetic
information. Just as the digital information stored on a disc is useless without a
device for reading the disc, so too is the information on DNA useless without the
cell’s information processing system. As Richard Lewontin notes, “No living
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molecule (i.e., biomolecule) is self-producing. Only whole cells may contain all the
necessary machinery for self-reproduction... Not only is DNA incapable of making
copies of itself, aided or unaided, but it is incapable of ‘making’ anything else... The
proteins of the cell are made from other proteins, and without that protein forming
machinery nothing can be made.”1

These statements once again reveal the inconsistency of these accounts by

Dawkins, who has recently converted to the religion of outer space. The Earth is
the most ideal environment in all of space for the survival of the living cell. But not
even these ideal conditions by themselves make it possible for the cell to be able to
form spontaneously. Dawkins has looked for a new explanation in the face of this
and now maintains that a molecule capable of replicating spontaneously formed in
space and subsequently made its way to Earth. The first insoluble problem here is
that no such living molecule can form spontaneously. The second is, as set out
above, that no living molecule can replicate spontaneously, not even on Earth.
Aware of these insoluble problems, Dawkins eventually had to admit that such a
molecule was created by a sublime intelligence.2

1 Stephen C. Meyer, The Signature in the Cell, Harper One, 2009, p. 132 133
2 Ben Stein, Expelled “No Intelligence Allowed”, 2008, movie

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Delving into the actual cause of moral depravity

News of pickpocketing, fraud, violence, mass shootings, abuse and homicide that
many newspapers around the world carry everyday reflects the level of morality of
societies today. These stories are indicators of the loss of values and virtues in society
while conveying the risks and threats the same members of society face on a daily

As the nature of these crimes becomes ever more vile, society becomes more
vulnerable everyday; the crimes diversify in nature, the age of the perpetrators
decrease, the number of injured parties increase, ultimately leading societies into a
downward spiral of iniquity.

No one can deny the profound influence of the media on the psychosocial
development of children and teenagers. Being more media and social media savvy
individuals, teenagers and the young are particularly exposed to the moral harms
inculcated by society through a story, tweet or a blog post. Stories of misconduct and
violence flooding the news outlets everyday often make young minds knowingly or
at the subconscious level familiar with such unpleasant scenes, and in some cases,
feel sympathy for them.

This gloomy picture that makes its way right into our homes via the media every
day alarms scrupulous people and parties who are concerned about the integrity of
their family members and communities. Concerned about possible repercussions the
general moral decline can cause in their environment, they feel the urge to take
measures and swing into action.

However before taking any action, it is wiser and more reasonable to be aware of the
real cause of this malice and eliminate it for once and all. For this to happen, first an
accurate diagnosis of the root of the problem must be made.

In our time what plagues the world most is hatred, intolerance and prejudice among
members of communities who don’t belong to the same religion, ethnicity, race or
conviction. These unfavourable feelings largely stem from people’s intolerance for
differences. Different opinions, convictions, viewpoints whatever makes people
dissimilar set them against one another. But when we delve deeper, we come across
with the main and unique cause, which is Darwinist/Materialist education.

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People may ask, how can Darwinist/Materialist education be responsible for all these

Principally the Darwinist/Materialist education inculcates young minds to consider

other people as little more than advanced forms of animals. Under the suggestions
of this mind-set, the mind starts to see a human being as something equivalent to an
animal and does not attach any value on him, just as how an animal is, in most
cases, not considered as important. At this point, for a Darwinist/Materialist
mindset, another human being becomes a mere animal which can be oppressed and
defeated, if the other party wants to survive. According to this sick outlook on life,
conflict is the basis of survival. Conflicts, fighting, murder in brief anything that
will allow one person to defeat the other party and let him survive becomes
permissible. On this course, ruthlessness replaces love while treachery replaces
compassion. Sacrifice is forgotten and every individual starts to live a self centered

For a young mind which is raised with this Darwinist education, life revolves only
around his own self. Egoism, greed and the instinct to defeat the other party become
the main motives of his existence. While this warped education quenches love,
affection, self-sacrifice in the human soul –which are the feelings that make a person
a human being it replaces them with violence, rage, hate and aggressiveness.
Sometimes this hate and the instinct to oppress take the form of an ailment.

The school shootings that struck the USA in recent years present a comprehensible
illustration of the kind of harm the Darwinist education does upon young brains.

The Columbine High School massacre (1999) is still fresh in our memories as the
deadliest high school shooting in US history.[1] As we may remember, two senior
students Dylan Klebold (17) and Eric Harris (18) murdered a total of 12 students and
one teacher while injuring 24 people. The shooting spree ended with the suicide of
the two perpetrators.

In the aftermath of this disaster, the FBI and a team of psychiatrists and psychologists
made a lengthy analysis into the psychological state of the two high school students
who killed their schoolmates. The private journal of Harris, which began with the
sentence, “I hate the world”, revealed the hate in his heart. Harris’ website, journals
and personal videos were also filled with lists of things he hated. The only thing he
expressed in all these personal documents was contempt. Harris wrote his real
feelings in his journal as follows:
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“'Isn't America supposed to be the land of the free? How come, if I'm free, I can't deprive a
stupid … dumb… from his possessions if he leaves them sitting in the front seat of his … van
out in plain sight and in the middle of … nowhere on a … night. NATURAL SELECTION.
… should be shot.' " [2]

Meanwhile, that Eric Harris’ wore a T Shirt that read “Natural Selection” while he
was carrying out the attack reveals his motive clearly.[3] Under the auspices of
Darwinist education, the perpetrators considered themselves as superior to their
classmates as a result of natural selection and thus saw it proper to kill them.

Barry Arrington, the attorney of the six pupils killed in Columbine shooting,
explained Harris’ devotion to Darwin as follows:

“As the attorney for the families of six of the students killed at Columbine, I read
through every single page of Eric Harris’ journals; I listened to all of the audio tapes
and watched the videotapes, including the infamous “basement tapes.” There can
not be the slightest doubt that Harris was a worshiper of Darwin and saw himself as
acting on Darwinian principles. For example, he wrote: “YOU KNOW WHAT I
LOVE? Natural SELECTION!” It is the best thing that ever happened to Earth.
Getting rid of all the stupid and weak organisms….but it’s all natural! YES!” [4]

Harris expressed his Darwinist convictions in a video he shared on the Internet as


“I'm coming for EVERYONE soon and I WILL be armed to the teeth and I WILL
shoot to kill. .... I can't wait till I can kill you people…

My belief is that if I say something, it goes. I am the law. If you don't like it, you die.
If I don't like you or I don't like what you want me to do, then you die…

So that's the only way to solve arguments with all you (expletive removed) out there,
I just kill.” [5]

As it can be clearly seen in the example of the Columbine Massacre, the

Darwinist/Materialist mind-set makes a substantive negative impact on the mind
and deprives the soul of all humane feelings. As long as hearts are not softened with
love of Allah and awe of Allah, the iniquity, immorality and horrific crimes that we
have become accustomed to hearing every day will never cease to exist.

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It is only the morality of the Qur'an, faith in Allah and love of Allah that give peace
and relief to the human heart and makes us live as real human beings.

[1] http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2012/12/14/1337221/a timeline of mass shootings in the us since columbine/

[2] http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/assessment/2004/04/the_depressive_and_the_psychopath.2.html
[3] Rocky Mountain News, May 16th, 2000
[4] http://www.uncommondescent.com/intelligent design/darwin at columbine/
[5] http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_7686925

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The Cambrian Period Is Enough to Demolish the Theory
of Evolution

The Cambrian Period is the name given to the geological age when all the multi
celled groups living today suddenly emerged. This was so sudden and so wide
ranging that scientists refer to it as the “Cambrian explosion.”

According to the myths of the theory of evolution, life should be like a tree that
developed from a single root and then began spreading out its branches. Indeed, this
hypothesis is emphasized in Darwinist sources, and the concept of the “tree of life”
is frequently used. That is what the theory of evolution claims. But is that really what

Absolutely not! All the animal phyla known today emerged at the same time, in
the geological age known as the Cambrian Period. That period lasted some 10
million years, between 520 and 530 million years ago. All animal phyla appeared,
fully formed, during that brief space of time!

Fossils found in Cambrian rocks include very different life forms, such as snails,
trilobites, sponges, jellyfish, starfish, sea lilies and swimming crustaceans. The great
majority of the life forms in these strata have complex systems and advanced
physiological structures identical to those of specimens living today, such as eyes,
gills and blood circulation. These structures are both very complex and very

Cambrian life forms, with more complex structures than many living things today,
baffle evolutionists

The theory of evolution maintains that the Cambrian Period is a “too early” period
for the biological complexity it exhibits because Darwinist theory claims that the
complex structures possessed by living things are acquired gradually, over long
periods of time. Accordingly, life forms must have “primitive” features at the
beginning of their supposed evolutionary histories and only acquire more advanced
ones after a long process of evolution.

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But the history of life reveals the exact opposite. The first life forms possess the same
complex anatomical features as today’s, such as eyes, antennae, feet, mouths and
stomachs. Therefore, “complexity” is a property appearing “at the first moments” of
life, not later on.

Berkeley University’s Professor Philip Johnson describes the open inconsistency

between Darwinism and this fact revealed by paleontology by saying,

“'Darwinist theory assumes that a species develops within “a triangle of increasingly

expanding diversification.” According to this, life began from the first living
organism or primitive animal species, diversified increasingly and gave rise to
higher categories of biological classification. But animal fossils show us that this
triangle actually stands upside down: Phyla existed all together from the first
moment, their numbers declining subsequently.'”

As Philip Johnson has said, rather than phyla developing gradually, all phyla
appeared at once and the same time, with some of them later becoming extinct. And
all these very different life forms appearing suddenly and flawlessly, means they
were created.

All the scientific evidence shows that the first living things on earth did not evolve
and develop. They did not evolve from one another and turn into different species.

Cambrian life forms suddenly appeared on the stage of history with no supposed
primitive forebears before them.

Cambrian life forms dating back 530 million years ago and containing all the basic
structures of the animal kingdom totally refute the theory of evolution. Evolution
has ceased to exist in the face of this reality.

Darwinism will seem just as ludicrous to later generations as the stories from
previous centuries about the Earth resting on the back of a giant turtle that people
once believed in so fervently do to us today. People will fail to understand how
Nobel prize winning professors, teachers and scientists believed in such a farce and
lined up behind such nonsense. The 20th Century will be one of shame for all
Darwinist circles.

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The Role of The Theory of Evolution in School Attacks

A large number of students in schools have been killed in attacks using weapons on
schools in Europe and the USA in recent years. The media have generally suggested
that these attacks are the work of people with depression or psychopathic behavior
(antisocial personality disorder). Looked at closely, however, there is another more
striking factor behind these attacks; the theory of evolution which claims that life is
a struggle between weak and strong.

Thirteen people were murdered in the attack by Columbine High School final year
students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who then killed themselves, in the U.S. state
of Colorado on 20 April, 1999. One newspaper report described the reason for the
massacre as follows; “It has emerged that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who killed 13
fellow students in the attack on Columbine High School, were influenced by Darwin's theory
of ‘natural selection’.” [1]

During the attack, Eric Harris wore a T shirt that made the origin of the violence he
perpetrated perfectly clear. The T shirt read “natural selection.” In video recordings,
the pair stated that they were influenced by the ideas of natural selection and the
elimination of the weak in natural selection. Darrell Scott, who lost his 13 year old
daughter Rachel in the attack and only saved his son Craig with difficulty, said that
he could not understand why the motivation of the killers was completely ignored:

“Harris wore a ‘Natural Selection’ T shirt on the day of the killings. They made
remarks on video about helping out the process of natural selection by
eliminating the weak. They also professed that they had evolved to a higher level than
their classmates.” [2]

Harris was so firmly convinced a Darwinist as to say that inoculating human beings
and plants was an interference in nature’s process of eliminating weeds. He even
said there should be no warnings on dangerous goods; “let natural selection take its
course. All the fat, ugly, retarded, crippled dumbass, stupid … in the world would die …
Maybe then the human race can actually be proud of itself.” [3] he said.

Barry Arrington, lawyer for a family who lost six children at Columbine, described
how devoted to Darwinism Eric Harris was:

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“I read through every single page of Eric Harris’s journals; I listened to all of the audio
tapes and watched the videotapes … It became evident to me that Harris consciously
saw his actions as logically arising from what he had learnt about evolution. Darwinism
served as his personal intellectual rationale for what he did. There cannot be the slightest
doubt that Harris was a worshipper of Darwin and saw himself as acting on Darwinian
principles.” [4]

On the web site “Psikiyatri ve Hayat,” expert psychiatrist Dr. Kubilay Boğoçlu
considered the details of the attack at Columbine High School and psychological
analyses of the perpetrators. Boğoçlu emphasized on the site that the attackers’ first
victim was specially selected. This was female student Rachel Scott. Rachel’s father
was a clergyman and Rachel had been raised within the Christian culture. The name
of one performance she put on at school was Watch the Lamb, for instance. Klebold
knew about that project since her personally helped Rachel during the preparations.
In other words, the first victim was the daughter of a clergyman and had put on a
performance about the need to protect the weak. [5]

Harris and Klebold, on the other hand, regarded themselves as strong and superior
people who had to eliminate the weak. In a video recording during which he
described natural selection by the elimination of the weak, Harris claimed that they
had evolved to a higher level than their classmates. [6]

Harris expressed his Darwinist attitudes in this way on his website:

“...im comin for EVERYONE soon, and i WILL be armed to the … teeth and i WILL
shoot to KILL and i WILL … KILL EVERYTHING!... I am the law, if you don’t like it,
you die. If I don’t like you or I don’t like what you want me to do, you die... So thats the
only way to solve arguments with all you … out there, I just kill!” [7]

It is a fact that ideas within the theory of evolution that encourage aggression and
moral degeneration, such as life being a battlefield and the use of physical force to
prevail over others is a law of nature, incite the immoral tendencies and acts of
violence that have been seen in schools in recent times are regarded as normal.

Killers regard themselves as a pioneer force in the battle for survival.

According to their twisted perspective, if conflict prevails in nature, then it is as

normal for people to kill those they regard as weak as it for a lion to kill an antelope.
If the lion is not held to account for killing the antelope, neither should they be held
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to account. Because, like the lion, they are also acting in the light of the natural
selection in Darwin’s teaching. Indeed, it emerged at while the attack on a school in
Pennsylvania in 2007 was being prepared, one of the students frequently visited a
web site called “Natural Selection's Army,” and this perverse logic has been shown to be a
significant factor in such attacks.[8] Moreover, visitors to that site also took part in chat
rooms known as “cyber school for killers.” These sites were immediately closed
down by the service providers once the police became aware of them. However,
many teenagers still continue to play a computer game in which the opposing sides
seek to annihilate one another. The name of this popular game is “Natural
Selection.” This shows that this term is associated by many young people with
sudden and extreme violence. This game, which stars Harris and Klebold, also
features original images of the Columbine massacre. [9]

According to information given to the press, one of those who frequently visited the
Natural Selection’s Army web site was the 18-year-old Finnish student Pekka Eric
Auvinen. On 7 November, 2007, killed 6 students and 2 officials, and then himself,
in an armed attack on the Jokela High School in the town of Tuusula.

One newspaper reported headed “I Was Inspired by the Theory,” described the
reason behind Auvinen’s massacre:

“The 18 year old armed student Pekka Eric Auvinen who attacked a school in Finland
on 7 November, 2007, shot his teacher after forcing him to kneel down first. It also
emerged that Auvinen, who also shot 8 of his friends, was a regular visitor to the
"Natural Selection’s Army" web site inspired by Darwin’s theory of
evolution. Auvinen later admitted that he was inspired to perpetrate the massacre by
Darwin’s theory.”[10]

Pekka Eric Auvinen posted a apologia on the internet before carrying out the killings.
In that apologia, Auvinen described himself as a “Social Darwinist” and said that
natural selection no longer worked and had even gone into reverse. He spoke of
stupid, weak minded people reproducing faster than intelligent, strong minded
ones. He was sure that if society continued to ensure the survival of the former, then
the gene pool would be deteriorated. He worried over what to do about the problem.
He finally concluded that life consisted merely of meaningless coincidences and
lengthy, random mutations, and that trying to do anything is
meaningless. “But eventually he had decided he would do his bit by becoming
a natural selector, aping the pitiless indifference of nature.” [11]

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Auvinen set out the pretext for his reaching that decision:

“No mercy for the scum of the Earth! Humanity is overrated. It’s time to put natural
selection and survival of the fittest back on track.” [12]

The 18-year-old Auvinen broadcast a number of video clips under different user
names on various web sites. These consisted of images of violence accompanied by
pessimistic and aggressive songs. Nobody should be surprised that someone who
perpetrated such a bloody massacre should have had violent tendencies. However,
one of these video clips was particularly striking in times of shedding light on the
background to the attack. In a clip titled “My Philosophy” on one web site under the
user name of I'm Gonna Kill You All 667, Auvinan stated he would commit the
killing as a requirement of natural selection.

Natural selection is a concept on which Charles Darwin based his theory fo evolution
and expresses the idea that in the supposed struggle for survival, the strong should
eliminate the weak. Natural selection is a concept based on absolutely no scientific
findings. Since it was based on violence and described human beings as the result of
blind natural events, it became the indispensable foundation for both atheist
philosophies and for ideologies and movements that favoured violence. The
dictators who sent millions to their deaths in the Second World War also regarded
conflict as a part of natural selection and made a great many references to Darwinism
in their propaganda.

We again come across "natural selection" in the Jokela High School massacre.
Auvinen called for the application of natural selection in the video in which he set
out his “philosophy.” Posing in a T shirt reading “Mankind Is Unimportant,”
Auvinen said this about the value that Darwinism attached – or rather does not
attach – to man:

"I am just a normal anarchist that believes in natural selection. Humans need to put
natural selection back on tracks. The animals live that way, why won't the humans. We
are animals after all. We … pollute the Earth that birthed us. Humans are the worst
animals on the planet. We humans came up with a screwed up society. The whole world
is screwed. All of the society shall fall. That [natural selection] is what should happen.
The sooner, the better... Law is the opinion of the "higher in power" ...That's why you
should take control of your own life. Live in anarchy. Do what you want and don't let
others tell you what to do. This is your own life.

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The weak should die while the strong live. Itis survival of the fittest, natural selection.
Animals die all the time. You don't see some dog crying their eyes out after they figure
out that some other dog died. because another dog has died. Humans die too. It should
be the same reaction. It is just all natural, not a big deal. Do not cry for someone you
don't know, this is not sad... My personal phylosophy, THE GENOCIDE OF THE
HUMAN RACE MUST HAPPEN." (Capital letters and spelling errors in original
text) [13]

In the manifesto in which he set out his views, Auvinen explicitly stated that his
Darwinist opinions influenced his perpetration of the killing:

"I am prepared to fight and die for my cause … I, as a natural selector, will eliminate
all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. No, the fact
is that I am merely an animal, a human being and a dissident…The time has come to set
the principle of the survival of the fittest and natural selection back on its feet.” [14]

The Effects of One Sided Darwinist Education

By spreading the lie that there is no purpose to human life, Darwinist education
turns people into psychologically sick individuals, pessimistic and psychopathic,
devoid of all hope and joy.

One of the latest examples of this is the Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik. Breivik
admitted to perpetrating twin terror attacks in Norway on 22 July, 2011. One of these
was a bomb attack on the government building in Oslo in which 8 people died. The
other was an attack on a Labor party youth camp on the island of Utoya. Sixty nine
people lost their lives in that attack.

Before the attacks, Breivik set out his views in his ”European Independence
Manifesto.” On page 1518 he stated that he regarded himself as a champion of the
scientific world view and modern biology. Among the books he “most valued” was
Charles Darwin's Origin of Species. [16] According to Breivik, "a perfect Europe"
must include the laws of social Darwinism. [17]

On page 1202 of his book, Breivik says that he entirely agrees with the Darwinist
biologist from Princeton University Lee Silver regarding the re implementation of
eugenics. He agrees with Silver’s view that radical policies will have to be applied in
the future if the world population is to be reduced to less than half of the current

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figure, or 3.8 billion. [18] On the same page, Breivik makes it clear that he has signed
up to Darwin's argument that "genocide and natural selection … go hand in hand ":

“Even if the second and third world countries ignores the call of this ”hegemony” [to
stop having babies], nature will correct their suicidal tendencies as they are unable to
feed their populations.” [19]

Breivik the goes on to say that there must be no intervention in this natural process,
or famine:

“If starvation threatens the countries who have failed to follow our [population capacity]
guidelines we should not support them by backing their corrupt leaders or send any form
of aid.” [20]

“Food aid to 3rd world countries must stop immediately as it is the primary cause of
overpopulation.” [21]

These words written by Breivik in person clearly show that he had lost all moral
values because of his Darwinist education, as a result of which he cold bloodedly
perpetrated his terrorist attacks that cost the lives of dozens of people.

Another example of the moral collapse and savagery caused by Darwinist education
is the American serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who killed and ate 17 children before he
was caught. In a last interview with the Dateline NBC channel immediately before
he was put to death, Dahmer made the following statement:

“If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point
of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I
thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came
from the slime [by chance]. When we died, you know, that was it, there was
nothing.” [22]

Darwin’s superstition that has poisoned vast numbers, turns people into serial killers
and even makes them psychopathic enough to eat human flesh. That is what comes
of this false religion that seeks to indoctrinate people with the idea they have no
responsibility to a Creator, that convinces them they are purposeless, irresponsible
and aimless entities, that regards human beings as animals and that seeks to turn
people away from the fact of the hereafter by portraying death as the end.

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Darwinism is the worst perverse force that has caused war, killing, oppression,
terror, mass slaughter, degeneration and afflictions of all kinds for the last 200 years.
CENTURY, and was behind the world wars and the communism and fascism that
led to irreligion, racism and mass slaughter in societies at one time.

The unfortunate effects on society of this dark scourge initiated by Darwin have
persisted down to the present day. The latest book by Richard Dawkins, one of the
most committed devotees of Darwinism today, contains suggestions far removed
from belief in Allah that will inevitably lead to pessimism and despair. One of the
most significant instances of this was the way that Jesse Kilgore, a 22-year-old
student in America, committed suicide under the effect of Dawkins’ book he was
recommended by a teacher. [23]

The effect of Dawkins’ terrifying views based on the sinister ideology of Darwinism
are by no means limited to that example. In the foreword to his book Unweaving the
Rainbow,Dawkins himself admits that fact:

“A foreign publisher of my first book confessed that he could not sleep for three nights
after reading it, so troubled was he by what he saw as its cold, bleak message. Others
have asked me how I can bear to get up in the mornings. A teacher from a distant country
wrote me reproachfully that a pupil had come to him in tears after reading the same book,
because it had persuaded her that life was empty and purposeless. He advised her not to
show the book to any of her friends, for fear of contaminating them with the same
nihilistic pessimism.” [24]

This sinister scourge, Darwinism, is a perverse religion that inflicts death, murder,
despair, lack of feeling, terror and savagery and encourages people to think they are
nothing more than animals that came into being by chance. The few remaining
representatives of that faith are still striving with all their might to turn people away
from belief in Allah. That is why they strenuously oppose the teaching of the
weaknesses of Darwinism in schools, hide away fossils that prove Creation, and
never admit that protein cannot come into being by chance and that more than 350
million fossils totally refute Darwinism. Yet despite all these measures, people in the
21st century are no longer taken in by lies. All the efforts made to keep Darwinism
propped up after it was exposed as a fraud have been in vain.

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Bearing in Mind These Destructive Effects of Darwinism on Society There Must Be

an End to One Sided Darwinist Education in Schools

Of course we need to concentrate on the psychologies of the aggressors responsible

for the Jokela, Columbine and Virginia Tech University massacres and the personal
factors that led them to commit them. However, the basic factor behind all these
events is the Darwinist education persisting in schools. As we all know, students are
taught that life began spontaneously and that human beings are a species of ape
that supposedly emerged through natural selection, as if these were scientific facts.
Those responsible for the Jokela, Columbine and Virginia Tech attacks also received
this pro Darwinist instruction.

Darwinism is taught as if it were a scientific reality in school curricula, and it is

forbidden for the opposite view, that the universe and human beings were created
by Allah in the light of a valuable purpose, to be taught. In other words, Darwinism
has been launched as a supposed scientific fact, in a totally biased manner. Yet
Darwinism is actually a groundless theory that has totally collapsed in the face of
350 million fossils that show that living things have never changed. When we look a
bit deeper, we see that Darwinism, which claims that life emerged from inanimate
matter, is even incapable of explaining how its own theory might work. It is a known
fact that Darwinists, trapped on the ropes in many areas, have resorted to frauds and
hoaxes, such as the "Piltdown Man scandal,” in which they attached the jaw bone of
an orangutan to a human skull.

There are thousands of dilemmas facing Darwinists of the type outlined in brief
above, and the number is increasing all the time as scientific advances are made. Yet
students exposed to biased education from very early ages in schools think that the
teachings of Darwinism, that lead to savagery, are actually true, and that leads to the
most terrible consequences. As well as stories of mass killings in the news,
Darwinism can also be seen many cases of suicide and moral degeneration.

What needs to be done right away is to put an end to the one sided indoctrination of
Darwinism and for the scientific facts that refute Darwinism to be included in the

Those who shape educational policies must know that Darwinist education can lead
to such consequences, and must feel the responsibility that goes with. The
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curriculum must be shaped accordingly. And young people must be made aware of
the scientific collapse of Darwinism and its ideological background.

[1] Habertürk, 09.11.2009

[2] http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/014745.html
[3] http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/014745.html
[4] http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/014745.html
[5] http://www.psikiyatrivehayat.com/columbinelisesikatliami.htm
[6] http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/014745.html
[7] http://www.bredel.homepage.t online.de/Buch/Columbine English/columbine english.html, the spelling errors
correspond to the original
[8] Habertürk, 09.11.2009
[9] http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/014745.html
[10] Habertürk Gazetesi, 09.11.2009
[11] http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/014745.html
[12] http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/014745.html
[13] Pekka Eric Auvinen's Video “My Philosophy”
[14] http://www.reuters.com/article/2007/11/07/us finland shooting idUSHEL00597220071107
[16] http://www.darwinthenandnow.com/2011/07/breivik a darwinist/?cb=09394448816310614
[17] Anders Behring Breivik, A European Declaration of Independence, p.1386
[18] http://www.darwinthenandnow.com/2011/07/breivik a darwinist/?cb=09394448816310614
[19] Anders Behring Breivik, A European Declaration of Independence, p.1202
[20] Anders Behring Breivik, A European Declaration of Independence, p.1202
[21] Anders Behring Breivik, A European Declaration of Independence, p.1203
[22] Kelly J. Coghlan, Houston Chronicle Sunday 15 February 2009
[23] http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=81459
[24] Richard Dawkins, Unweaving The Rainbow, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998, p. ix.

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The Darwinist deception is a disgrace against all

For the last 150 years, people have been obliged to believe in Darwinism as an official




CAN COME INTO BEING BY CHANCE and have made people believe the lie that
“life emerged by chance.”

They have pointed to FALSE SKULLS as evidence for the supposed evolution of

THE HAVE PERPETRATED FRAUDS. They have produced hoax fossils and
shamelessly exhibited these for decades.


FALSE, as supposed proof for evolution in school textbooks.


photographed as evidence for evolution by natural selection.

THEY KEPT CAMBRIAN FOSSILS, which are definitive proof of


They have spread the lie that MUTATIONS AND NATURAL SELECTION GIVE
RISE TO NEW LIFE FORMS, even though this is scientifically impossible.

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Fossils, which people occasionally come across in their gardens, by the sea or down
in mines and which can easily be found by anyone, have literally turned into a
nightmare for Darwinists.

The teaching and propagation of evolution, a pagan idea that has come down to us
from the Sumerians, is imposed by the Darwinist dictatorship, while all kinds of
efforts are made to suppress the exhibition and discussion of fossils, concrete proof
of creation.

The aim is to keep the scientific facts hidden under pressure from communists,
atheists and materialists. Darwinists’ great fear of science is proof of the wretched
nature of their ideology.

If Darwinists were really confident of their theory, there would be no need for them
to panic in the face of the facts revealed by science. Instead of trying to muffle science
with the fascistic methods of the last century, they could just produce their own
evidence, if they had any. But that they can never do BECAUSE THERE IS NOT

There Is No Such Thing as the First Self Reproducing Molecule That Gave Rise to

The scenario regarding life that Darwinists have been rehearsing ever since Darwin’s
time begins with a mythical “first cell” that supposedly came into being
spontaneously. This mythical first cell;

● Was described in Darwin’s day as “a small balloon filled with water,”

because under the primitive conditions of the time, nobody even knew
what the cell really looked like.

● It was irrationally suggested that this alleged first cell came into being
spontaneously in water.

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● It was claimed that all the varieties of life developed from this first cell that
came into being by chance.

Enormous scientific progress was subsequently made in the 20th Century and the
structure of the cell was fully revealed. It was realized that;

● A single cell has a more complex structure than the city of New York.

● That it was impossible for even a single protein inside the cell, let alone a
cell itself, to come about spontaneously.

● The idea that the cell came into being in muddy water is therefore
scientifically illogical and impossible.

These facts caused a terrible panic among Darwinists. The fact that the theory of
evolution had collapsed RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING OF LIFE totally demoralized
them. They wanted to conceal this fact. They set about using the press and
universities. “We can probably manufacture protein in laboratories and are
conducting experiments,” they said. “There are hypotheses that life began from a
single cell,” they said. “We will prove our claims eventually,” they said. But nothing
changed over the next 150 years and no evolutionary claim was ever proved. On the
contrary, every new scientific advance has proven that no protein can ever come into
being by chance.

Why Do Evolutionists in Turkey Still Espouse Claims That Darwinists Elsewhere

Have Abandoned?

Stunned by a succession of scientific defeats, Darwinists recently, under the

leadership of Richard Dawkins, began speaking of a supposed “self-reproducing
molecule.” But even this did not rescue the position, and even Dawkins had to
publicly admit the illogical nature of the claim, and thus that such a creation could
only be brought into being by a sublime intelligence.

Yes, despite all these facts and scientific advances, evolutionists in Turkey insist on
repeating the idea. They reiterate such illogical and unscientific ideas as, “We cannot
speak of an advanced life form, but we speak of an organization progressing toward
life,” “...the first self-replicating molecule created life,” or “....life emerging from
inanimate matter is the result of the laws of nature, and there is nothing to discuss
about it.” The reason for this is that these people are unable to divorce themselves
from the old, fraudulent evolutionist conception of science.
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There Is No Such Thing as a First Self Reproducing Molecule

Since Darwinists are unable to account for how a protein might have formed
spontaneously, they claim that the beginning of life was “a first molecule capable of
self-reproducing.” First of all, there is no such thing as a “self-reproducing
molecule.” If this molecule was a protein, the smallest units inside the living cell,
then it must be borne in mind that proteins themselves have no “self-reproductive”
property. In order for a protein to be able to self-replicate, IT NEEDS

● Other proteins


● Ribosomes

● Endoplasmic reticulum

● Cytoplasm

● Energy manufacturing mitochondria

● And the cell membrane.



Therefore, the idea of a “self-reproducing molecule” is totally fraudulent. It is

impossible for a molecule not inside a living cell to be able to take in energy from the
outside and use it to replicate itself. To refer to this as “an organization progressing
toward life” is demagoguery and a deliberate distraction. “Organization progressing
toward life” is a totally illogical term. The smallest living thing is “a CELL.” Only a
cell and the structures inside it can self-reproduce. Only a cell can take in energy
from the outside and use it. Only a cell can maintain its own existence through its
own organelles and the energy it takes in from the outside.

To put it another way, there can be no supposed stages progressing from the
say, “....there is scientific evidence that life formed from inanimate matter,” they are
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not speaking the truth. All research at the molecular level has proved in the 20th
Century that life cannot come from what is inanimate; and this has been confirmed
by science in the 21st Century. Not even the presence of a protein is enough for a
living thing to form. In order to be able to explain life, Darwinists have to account
SPONTANEOUSLY. A tiny protein inside the cell totally demolishes Darwinism.

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The glorious world of electrons

Atoms, too small to be seen with the naked eye, are made up of a nucleus and
ELECTRONS revolving around that nucleus.

Since the proton constituting the nucleus is positively charged and the neutron is
uncharged, the nucleus itself is always POSITIVELY CHARGED. The electrons that
revolve around the nucleus one million times per second ARE ALWAYS

One of the most important characteristics that makes atoms so magnificent is the
endless revolution of the electrons.

The electrons in the atom, that never cease to exist since the moment of their
SPEED, no matter how much time passes or what substance they are a part of.

Every atom has a different number of electrons. For example, there is just one
electron in a hydrogen atom, two in a helium atom and 92 in a uranium atom.

These electrons revolve in seven separate orbits. In heavy atoms, some 100 electrons
are distributed among these seven orbits. Scores of electrons revolve at an
extraordinary speed in the same orbit, or even cross between orbits. YET THEY
This is one of the most amazing aspects of electrons. Not one of the hundred or so
electrons in seven different orbits, revolving a million times a second, ever collides
with another, goes off course or slows down. Each maintains its glorious movement
on its own path, in a stunning harmony, and has done so since the creation of the

There is another amazing point here. In order for electrons to have different orbits
they should have different masses, just like the planets. But all electrons HAVE THE
SAME MASS AND SIZE. It is as yet unknown why the energy levels of these
identical particles are different and why they travel in different orbits.

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The miracle that prevents the sun ceasing to exist

A Giant Ball of Fire

An enormous ball of fire that split away from the Sun has a temperature of 60,000
degrees and is filled with ionised gas particles. The reactions that take place inside
the Sun, which is a giant nuclear reactor, release enormous energy. The slightest
deviation that might occur in these reactions, which represent the fundamental
source for the survival of human life, would lead to the Sun being extinguished or
else exploding within a matter of seconds. The fact that such a danger never arises
stems from the way that these processes within the Sun have been regulated with a
miraculous sensitivity. When we examine the Sun and the Solar System we
encounter an enormous equilibrium. The effect that prevents the planets from
spinning off into the frozen wastes of space lies in the equilibrium between the Sun’s
gravity and the planets’ centrifugal force. The Sun attracts all the planets with a
powerful gravitational force, while thanks to the centrifugal force that stems from
the rotation of the planets this gravitational effect is reduced and an immaculate
equilibrium is established. Were the planets to revolve just slightly slower, then they
would quickly be pulled toward the Sun and swallowed by it with a huge explosion.
Yet none of this ever happens, and all the planets continue in their own courses. That
is because, as Allah reveals in a verse: “Each one is swimming in a sphere.”(Surah
Yasin, 40)

The Glorious Equilibrium in the Sun…

The Sun is a giant nuclear reactor. Inside it, hydrogen atoms are constantly converted
into helium, as a result of which light and heat are given off. In order for the light
and heat that reach the Earth to be released, four hydrogens have to combine and
turn into one helium. Hydrogen, which has one single proton in its nucleus, is the
simplest element in the universe. The helium nucleus, on the other hand, has two
neutrons and two protons. The process that takes place in the Sun is the appearance
of one helium element from a combination of four hydrogens. Enormous energy is
released during the course of this process. Nearly all the heat and light that reach the
Earth is the result of this nuclear reaction inside the Sun. However, it is impossible
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for four hydrogen atoms to combine and turn into helium in a single moment. In
order for this to happen, a two stage process is required. First, two hydrogen atoms
combine and give rise to an “intermediate formula” with one proton and one
neutron. This formula is known as a “deutron.” A helium nucleus subsequently
appears when two deutrons combine together.

The Strongest Nuclear Force

We may now ask the real question. What is the force that attaches two separate
atomic nuclei together? This force if known as “strong nuclear force,” the greatest
nuclear force in the universe. It is billions upon billions upon billions of times more
powerful than gravity. It is thanks to this force that two hydrogen nuclei are able to
adhere to one another.

However, research has shown that strong nuclear force is at just the right level to
bring this about. Were strong nuclear force just a little weaker than it actually is at
this moment, then the two hydrogen nuclei could not combine. Two protons
approaching one another would immediately repel each other, and thus the nuclear
reaction inside the Sun would come to an end before it had even begun. In other
words, the Sun would never have existed. The well-known scientist George
Greenstein describes this state of affairs by saying “if strong nuclear force were just
a little weaker, then the light of the Earth would never shine.”

The Balanced Reaction in the Sun

But what would happen if strong nuclear force were a little stronger? In that event,
a di proton with two protons would form, rather than a deutron consisting of one
proton and one neutron. In that event, solar fuel would suddenly become
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unbelievably powerful, so much so that the Sun and all other stars like it would
explode within a matter of a few seconds. If the Sun were to explode, then the earth
and all living things on it would turn into coal in just a few seconds. Yet thanks to
the mercy of Almighty Allah, our Creator, strong nuclear force stands at exactly the
required level, and the Sun performs a balanced reaction; in other words, it “burns

All this shows that strong nuclear force has been regulated in such a way as to make
human life possible. Were there to be any deviation in this, stars such as the Sun
would either fail to come into being, or else would be destroyed in a very short space
of time in a huge explosion. Allah has created the Sun in a very special way, such as
to support human life, and tells us of this in the Qur’an in verse 5 of Surat Ar
Rahman: “The stars and the trees all bow down in prostration.”

It is Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, Who created the universe from nothing and then
designed and arranged it according to His choosing. After having created them,
Allah bestowed a specific order on the Earth and sky, using no previous models. The
way that the bodies in the universe remain stable thanks to miraculous balances is
one of the proofs of the perfection of Allah’s creation. As Almighty Allah tells
us: “Among His signs is that He shows you lightning, a source of fear and eager
hope, and sends down water from the sky, bringing the dead earth back to life by
it.” (Surat Ar Rum 25)

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The Miracle of Coordination-A System That Functions
Flawlessly in Our Bodies

● What is the first condition for the immaculate coordination in our bodies?

● What processes take place in our bodies when we see someone we know or
as we walk?

● What kind of co-ordination is there between nerve cells and the brain?

● What processes are taking place in your body as you read this?

The flash of a camera in the dark, the way your car starts when you turn the key in
the ignition, the way your computer performs the processes you want at high speed:
A large number of components have to work together in harmony for the processes
summarized in just a few words here to take place. Just like the technological devices
cited here, all the events that take place in the world come about as the result of a
perfect harmony in the universe. One of the most striking examples of this perfect
organization takes place in our own bodies. This organization allows a person to
perform many actions, such as laughing, speaking, opening and closing their eyes,
walking, recognizing people and understanding, at one and the same time, and also
performs vitally important tasks for us. In addition, all these processes take place
very fast, in just a thousandth of a second. Almighty God has created all these
systems in our body in harmony with one another, directed toward all our needs
and in a flawless manner. This sublime intelligence and awareness manifests itself
in every cell in our bodies as we walk, breathe, look around or greet someone we
know in our daily activities, activities that seem so very ordinary to us, and our
organs and tissues work together in an extraordinary coordination and equilibrium.

The Processes That Are Involved in the Body as We Walk

Walking is a process we all learn at an early age and regard as “very easy.” Yet in
order for us to take even a single step, various different systems in our bodies go into
action and work together with astounding rapidity in order for us to take that step.
In addition, these systems work in such an organized way that after we have taken
one step there is no need for us to wait to take the next one. The way that all these
processes we have to write down one after the other take place “simultaneously” in
the body is of course a great miracle.

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-The way that our bones, which weigh around 16 kg, can bear a body weighing 3-4
times more than them without breaking,

-The way that the reactive force that forms toward our bodies because of their weight
every time we take a step is reduced by means of the “force distributing” effect of
the 33 small bones that make up the spine and its curved S shape,

-The way some 100 of the muscles so carefully attached to the bones work as we

-The curved sole of the foot and its special shape resembling a cushion that
eliminates the adverse effect of the weight of the body,

-And the way we maintain our balance owing to the coordination between the
cerebellum, inner ear and micro hairs in the inner ear, are just a few of the processes
that allow us to walk.

Moreover, at the same time as such complex systems are going into action to allow
us to walk, we can also speak, breathe, close our eyes, turns our heads right and left
and recognize objects by their names. The way these processes, summarized here in
just a few sentences, take place at the same time once again reveals the perfect
creation in the human body.

We Make No Special Effort to Speak

In order for the words we wish to say to leave our mouths we do not have sit and
calculate the aperture of our vocal cords and how much they need to vibrate, which
of the hundreds of muscles in our mouths, tongues and throats need to contract or
expand, by how much and in what order, how many cubic centimetres of air to take
into our lungs, and how fast and at what intervals we need to expel that air again.
And even if we wanted to, we could not do it! This is because the emergence from
our mouths of one single word is the result of many structures, from the respiratory
system to the nervous system and from our muscles to our bones all working in

When We Meet and Get Acquainted

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Whenever we meet anyone we know, a glorious organization take place in our
bodies in response to this new situation. We can list these processes that go into
operation simultaneously as follows:

The recognition process begins with sight. The light reflected from the body of the
other person reaches our pupils at a rate of 10 trillion photons (light particles) per
second. The light first passes through the lens and then through the fluid filling the
eye sockets, and then falls onto the retina. There are hundreds of millions of cells on
the surface of the retina; “cone cells” able to perceive color and “rod cells” able to
distinguish between dark and light. The retina cells perceive the photons by means
of complicated chemical processes and produce electrical signals. The electrical
stimulus from the retina is thus transmitted from one neuron to another to the visual
cortex of the brain. In this way, the image of the person you know forms in a perfect
manner in the center of the cerebral cortex.

In order to establish that this person is someone you know, the memory cells are
checked and data in the memory concerning the person’s face are compared. Even
the face in the image in the cerebral cortex and the facial data in your memory are
compared, and any change in that person (such as a new hairstyle or perhaps a sickly
appearance) is immediately identified.

The thousands of complex processes that take place so far do so at an amazing speed,
and we immediately recognize the person in front of us, smile, say hello and begin
speaking to them. And this time, 17 muscles have to work together, accurately and
at the same time, in order to produce a small smile. If just one of the 17 does not work
or misperforms, then the smile will not happen and the expression on your face will
be meaningless.

We do not make any special effort to speak and to greet people. In order for the
words we wish to say to leave our mouths, we do not have sit and calculate the
aperture of our vocal cords and how much they need to vibrate, which of the
hundreds of muscles in our mouths, tongues and throats to contract or expand, by
how much and in what order, how many cubic centimetres of air to take into our
lungs, and how fast and at what intervals we need to expel that air again. And even
if we wanted to, we could not do it! This is because the emergence from our mouths
of even one single word is the result of many structures, from the respiratory system
to the nervous system and from our muscles to our bones all working in harmony.

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Almighty God has created human beings in a perfect manner. The human body is
just one of the proofs of Almighty God’s infinite power and knowledge. Anyone
capable of using his intelligence and conscience will clearly see this. The creative
artistry of our Lord is revealed as follows in verses:

“O man! What has deluded you in respect of your Noble Lord?

He Who created you and formed you and proportioned you
and assembled you in whatever way He willed.” (Surat al-Infitar, 6-8)

The Amazing Coordination between the Nerve Cells and the Brain

There are 10 million (10,000,000) brain cells in every cubic centimeter of the brain,
and a total of between 10 to 15 billion cells. At the same time, the nerve cells have up
to 10 times as many connections between them, in the region of 15 trillion
(15,000,000,000,000). The number of cells (brain connective tissue) in connection with
the nerve cells and feeding and supporting them is around 90 billion (90,000,000,000).

Messages carried to the brain via the nerves travel at 200 miles (320 km) per hour. In
other words, the nerves that reach the body from the nerve cells literally act like a
highway for information traveling between the brain and the body. All events taking
place in our bodies moment by moment, such as;

 The way you are using your eyes to read these words;
 The way you lean back as you sit down;
 The way you understand what you read;
 The way your heart beats;
 The way you breathe;
 The way you close your eyes;
 The way your hair grows;
 The way you perceive smells;
 The way you hear what is going on around you;

In short, processes of all kind that we could go on listing forever, continue by way
of signals reaching the brain and commands issued by the brain to every part of the
body. (Between 100,000 and 1,000,000 chemical reactions are known to be capable of
taking place in the brain in just one minute.)

The Billions of Pieces of Data Processed Every Second Are All under the Control
of God
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The first condition for the flawless harmony in the body is the provision of accurate
information. New analyses can only be performed with new information being
obtained: That is why there is a wonderful communications network in the body.

In order for coordinated activity to take place, the positions of the relevant organs in
the body and the relationships between them all need to be known. That information
comes from the eyes, the balance mechanism in the inner ear, the muscles, the joints,
the skin and the bones; billions of pieces of information are processed and analyzed
every second, and decisions are taken accordingly. Even while you sleep your vital
organs continue to function owing to instructions coming in from part of the nervous
system, the lower brain and the spinal column. Your heart beats, your lungs work
and you breathe.

The speed of data processing in your body cannot be matched by any computer. No
matter what you do, extraordinary calculations take place in your body, from the
simplest actions to the most difficult.

Everything described here clearly takes place as the result of a creation requiring an
infinite power. That infinite might belongs to God, the Almighty Creator of the entire
universe. This is revealed as follows in the Qur’an:

“…No, everything in the heavens and Earth belongs to Him. Everything is

obedient to Him.” (Surat al-Baqara, 116)

As You Read These Words

The systems in your body continue functioning perfectly every second. Due to that
organization, you can hear the sounds around you and see and understand what
you read at one and the same time. Meanwhile, your heart continues to beat, your
nose detects smells and your lungs continue to breathe. You constantly blink and
swallow. Maybe you sip a cup of tea beside you, and then your digestive system
goes to work. Additionally, if you do not eat or drink anything, you will soon feel
hungry. The interesting thing is that while all these things are taking place you still
continue to read and understand what you are reading. While you are concentrating
on reading and understanding, the organization in your body continues to keep you
alive outside your own volition. What is more, these processes continue to take place
without your asking for them. Of course, this flawless co-ordination is not something
that a person can carry out for himself; nobody ever thinks, “I must close my eyes to
stop them from drying out” or “I must regulate my breathing” when he is out jogging.
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Actions that seem very simple to you - and that you may never even have thought
about - actually show the presence of a highly detailed organization in your body
and reveal the flawless nature of the creative artistry of Almighty God. Almighty
God reveals in verses of the Qur’an how His creations are all magnificently
coordinated with one another:

“He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any flaw in
the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again – do you see any gaps?
Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and
exhausted!” (Surat al-Mulk, 3-4)

There is an amazingly complex and enormous co-ordination network inside us. Its
aim is to ensure we stay alive. This co-ordination can particularly be seen in the
body’s locomotion system because the skeletal system, the muscles and the nervous
system have to work together in perfect collaboration for even the smallest
movement to be possible. This is only possible with the flawless creation of
Omniscient and All-Powerful God. Our Almighty Lord, Who has flawlessly created
the heavens, the Earth and all that lies between, has also created the human body
with the most miraculous details and extraordinary co-ordination

Electrons assume their places in their orbits with a special command and change
places when necessary in the same way. They are specially protected, and thus never
collide because they are under the sole control of Almighty Allah, Who created and
watches over them at every moment.

Every atom created over the last 15 billion years maintains that same wondrous

For 15 billion years, not a single electron has followed the wrong orbit, changed
speed or collided with another electron because every electron is within the
knowledge of our Lord and acts by His command. That is why, in terms of
knowledge and creation, everything from giant galaxies to the invisible world inside
the atom are all one and the same. They all came into being by our Lord Allah
commanding them to “Be!”

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan:

Our Word to a thing when We desire it is just to say to it “Be!” and it is. (Surat
an Nahl, 40)
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Proof of a Magnificent Creator.

Millions of plant and animal types present in the world stand out as evidence that
prove the existence and might of our Creator. All of these living beings, a limited
number of which will be described as examples here, deserve to be examined
individually. They all have different body systems, diverse defence tactics, unique
ways of feeding, and interesting reproduction methods. Unfortunately, it is not
possible to describe all living beings with all their features in a single book.
Encyclopaedias of many volumes would not be enough for this task. However, even
the few examples we will discuss here will be sufficient to prove that life on earth
can in no way be explained by coincidences or accidental happenings.

From Caterpillar to Butterfly

If you had 450-500 eggs and if you had to preserve them outside, what would you
do? The wisest course for you would be to take precautions to prevent them from
being scattered around, say, by the wind, or other environmental factors. Being one
of the animals that lay the most eggs at one time (450-500), the silkworms use a very
intelligent way to protect their eggs: they unite the eggs with a viscous substance
(thread) they secrete to prevent them from being scattered around. The caterpillars
that pop out of their eggs firstly find a safe branch for themselves and then get tied
to this branch with the same thread. Later, to promote their own development, they
start to spin a cocoon for themselves with the thread they secrete. It takes 3-4 days
for a caterpillar that has opened its eyes very recently to life to complete this process.
During this period, the caterpillar makes thousands of turns and produces a thread
an average of 900-1,500 metres long. At the end of this process, it starts a new task
through which it undergoes a metamorphosis to become an elegant butterfly.
Neither the action taken by the mother silkworm to protect its eggs, nor the
behaviour of a tiny caterpillar devoid of any awareness, education or knowledge can
be explained by evolution. First of all, the ability of the mother to produce the thread
it uses to secure its eggs is miraculous. The newly-born caterpillar’s knowing the
most suitable environment for itself, its spinning a cocoon in accordance with it, its
undergoing a metamorphosis, and its coming through this metamorphosis without
any problem are beyond human comprehension. Hence, we can simply say that each
caterpillar is born into the world with a foreknowledge of what to do, which means
that it was ‘taught’ all of these things before it was born. Let us explain this with an
example. What would you think if you saw a new-born baby standing up a few
hours after his birth, getting together the things he needs to make his bed (like quilt,
pillow, mattress), and later putting all these together neatly, making his bed and
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lying down on it? After you recover from the shock of the event, you would probably
think that the baby must have been taught in an extraordinary way in his mother’s
womb to perform such a process. The case of the caterpillars is no different from the
baby in this example. This again leads us to the same conclusions: these living
creatures come into life, behave and live in the way determined by Allah Who has
created them. The Qur’anic verse stating that Allah has inspired the honeybee and
commanded it to make honey (Surat an-Nahl, 68-69) provides an example of the
great secret of the world of living beings. This secret is that all living beings have
bowed to Allah’s will and follow the fate determined by Him. This is why the
honeybee makes honey and the silkworm produces silk.

The Symmetry in Wings

When we look at the butterfly wings in the pictures, we see a perfect symmetry
prevailing over them. These lace-like wings are so adorned with patterns, spots and
colours that each of them is like a work of art. When you look at the wings of these
butterflies, you notice that the patterns and colours on both sides are fully identical,
no matter how intricate they may seem. Even the smallest dot is present on both
wings, thereby introducing a flawless order and symmetry. In addition, none of the
colours on these thin wings mixes with the other, each being sharply set apart from
the other. Actually, these colours are formed by the amassing of tiny scales clustered
one on top of another. Isn’t it a wonder how these small scales that are easily
dispersed with your hand’s slightest touch can be arranged in both wings without
any mistake in their disposal so as to produce exactly the same pattern. Even the
replacement of a single scale would destroy the symmetry in the wings and impair
their aesthetics. However, you never see any muddle in the wings of any butterfly
on the earth. They are as neat and elegant as if made by an artist. And they are indeed
made by an Exalted Creator.

The Animal with the Longest Neck: The Giraffe

Giraffes have many amazing characteristics. One of these is that their neck stands on
7 vertebrae, just like that of all other mammals, even though it is so long. Another
amazing fact about giraffes is that they do not have any problem pumping blood up
to their brain on top of their long neck. A little thinking would make one notice how
difficult it must be to have the blood pumped so high. But giraffes do not have any
problem about this, because their hearts are equipped with features to pump blood
as high as necessary. This enables them to carry on with their lives effortlessly. Yet
they still face another problem while they drink water. Essentially, giraffes should
have died of high blood pressure every time they bent down to drink water.
However, the perfect system in their necks completely eliminates this risk. When
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they bend down, the valves in their neck vessels are shut down and they prevent
excess blood from flowing to the brain. There is no doubt that the giraffes did not
acquire these traits by planning them in accordance with their needs. It is even more
implausible to say that all these vital features were shaped over time through a
gradual evolutionary process. In order for a giraffe to stay alive, it is vital for it to
have a pumping system to transmit blood to the brain and a valve system to prevent
high blood pressure the minute it bends down. If any one of these characteristics did
not exist or did not function properly, then it would be impossible for the giraffe to
go on living. The conclusion to be derived from all this is that the giraffe species was
born into the world with all the characteristics vital for its living. It is impossible for
a non-existent being to master its body and acquire essential traits consciously. So,
giraffes unquestionably prove that they are created by a conscious creation, that is
by Allah.

Sea Turtles
Sea turtles living in the oceans surge in crowds towards the beach when it is time for
them to reproduce. This is no ordinary beach though. The beach they arrive at to
reproduce has to be the one where they were born. Sometimes sea turtles have to
travel as far as 800 kilometres to arrive there. But a long and tough journey does not
change the situation. They arrive at the beach where they were born to give birth to
their offspring, no matter what. It is quite unaccountable how a living being can find
its way back to the very same beach 20-25 years after its departure from there. It is
all the more extraordinary that it can find the direction of its birthplace in the depths
of the ocean where so little light penetrates, and then spot it from among numerous
similar beaches. Finally, thousands of travellers with no compass meet on the same
beach at the same time. Initially a mystery, the reasons underlying this insistent
meeting came as a great surprise when finally revealed. Since turtles know that their
offspring cannot survive in sea conditions, they bury their eggs under the sand on
the beach. But why do all of them meet on the same beach, at the same time? Would
not the hatchlings survive if they did the same thing at different times and on
different beaches? Those who did research on this topic were faced with a very
interesting situation. Thousands of offspring under the sand have to overcome a
number of formidable obstacles after breaking their eggs with the hard lump on their
head. The hatchlings of an average of 31 grams cannot dig the earth layer above them
on their own and they all help each other. When thousands of hatchlings on the
beach start to dig the earth, they make it to the sand surface in a few days. Yet before
they appear on the surface, they wait for a while for nightfall. For in the day time,
there is the danger of falling a prey to predators. In addition, it would be quite

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difficult for them to proceed by crawling on sands scorched by the sunlight. When
night falls, they go up to the surface after completing the digging process. Although
it is dark, they rush to the sea and depart from the beach to return there as much as
20-25 years later. It is impossible for these hatchlings to know that they have to dig
their way up after they pop out of their eggs and wait for a while at a certain distance
from the sea. It is by no means possible for them to know, when they are still buried
in the earth, whether it is day or night, that predators exist outside and that they
could fall a prey to them, that the sand is scorching because of the sun, that this could
harm them, and that they must rush to the sea. So, how does this conscious conduct
come about? The only answer to this question is that these hatchlings have been
somehow ‘programmed’ to behave in this way, which means that their Creator has
inspired in them the instinct that helps them protect their lives.

Bombardier Beetle
The bombardier beetle is an insect on which an enormous amount of research has
been done. The trait that renders this insect so popular is that it uses chemical
methods to protect itself from its enemies. In moments of danger, the insect squirts
hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone stored in its body towards the enemy to
protect itself. Prior to battle, specialised structures called secretory lobes make a very
concentrated mixture of these two chemicals. The mixture is stored in a separate
compartment called the storage chamber. This compartment is connected to a second
one called the explosion chamber. The two compartments are kept separate from one
another by a sphincter muscle. The moment the insect senses danger, it squeezes the
muscles surrounding the storage chamber while simultaneously relaxing the
sphincter muscle, and the chemical in the storage chamber is transferred to the
explosion chamber. A large quantity of heat is released and a vaporisation occurs.
The released vapour and the oxygen gas exert pressure on the walls of the explosion
chamber and this chemical is squirted at the enemy through a channel leading
outward from the beetle’s body. It is still a great mystery to researchers how an insect
can harbour inside itself a powerful system potent enough to trigger a chemical
reaction that could easily cause it harm while also isolating itself from the effects of
that system. No doubt, the existence and working of this system is too complicated
to be attributed to the insect itself. It is still a matter of discussion how the
bombardier beetle makes such a system work within its tiny body measuring about
2 cm in length, when human experts can perform it only in laboratories. The only
apparent truth here is that this insect is a concrete example completely refuting the
theory of evolution, because it is impossible for this complex chemical system to have
been shaped by a series of coincidental variations and passed on to future

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generations. Even a minor deficiency or ‘defect’ in a single piece of the system would
leave the animal defenceless, so that it would soon be killed or it would cause it to
blow itself up. Therefore, the only explanation is that the chemical weapon in the
insect’s body had come into being with all its parts all at once and without any defect.

Termite Nests
No one can help feeling surprised at the sight of a termite nest erected on the ground
by termites. These nests are architectural wonders, rising as high as 5 or 6 metres.
When you compare the size of a termite and its nest, you will see that the termite has
successfully completed an architectural project about 300 times bigger than itself.
But what is even more astonishing is that the termites are blind. A person who has
never seen the huge nests built by blind termites would probably think that they are
made up of sand piles heaped upon each other. However, a termite nest proves to
be of a marvellous design comprehensible to the human mind: inside there are
intersecting tunnels, corridors, ventilation systems, special fungus production yards
and safety exits. If you assemble thousands of blind people and give them all kinds
of technical tools, you can never make them set up a nest similar to the one made by
the termite colony. So, just think:
– How could a termite measuring 1-2 cm. in length have learnt the architectural and
engineering information needed to make such a subtle design?
– How could thousands of blind termites manage to work in harmony to build this
construction which is an artistic wonder?
-If you divide a termite nest into two during the first stages of its construction, and
then reunite it, you will see that all passage-ways, canals and roads fit each other.
How can this miraculous event be explained?
The conclusion to be derived from this example is that Allah has created all living
beings uniquely and without any prior example. Even one termite nest is enough for
a person to comprehend Allah and believe that He is the One Who created all.

The Woodpecker
As we all know, woodpeckers build their nests by boring holes in tree trunks with
their beaks. This may sound familiar to most people. But the point many people fail
to examine is why woodpeckers suffer no brain haemorrhage when they beat a tattoo
so vigorously with their heads. What the woodpecker does is in a way similar to a
human being driving a nail into the wall with his head. If a man ventured to do
something like that, he would probably undergo a brain shock followed by a brain
haemorrhage. However, woodpeckers can peck a hard tree trunk 38-43 times in just
two or three seconds and nothing happens to it. Nothing happens because the head
structure of woodpeckers is ideally created for such a task. The skull of the
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woodpecker has a remarkable suspension system that absorbs the force of the blows.
Its forehead and some skull muscles adjoined to its beak and the jaw joint are so
robust that they help lessen the effect of the forceful strokes during pecking. Design
and planning do not end here. Preferring primarily pine trees, woodpeckers check
the age of the trees before boring a hole in them and pick those older than 100 years,
because pine trees older than 100 years suffer an illness that causes the hard and
thick bark to soften. This was only recently discovered by science and perhaps you
may be reading of it here for the first time in your life; woodpeckers have known it
for centuries. This is not the only reason why woodpeckers prefer pine trees.
Woodpeckers dig cavities around their nests, the function of which was not
originally understood. These cavities were later understood to protect them from a
great danger. Over time, the sticky resin that leaks from the pine trees fills up the
cavities and the outpost of the woodpecker’s nest is thus filled with a pool whereby
woodpeckers can be protected from snakes, their greatest enemies. Another
interesting feature of woodpeckers is that their tongues are thin enough to penetrate
even ants’ nests in the trees. Their tongues are also sticky, which allows them to
collect the ants that live there. The perfection in their creation is further revealed by
the fact that their tongues have a structure which prevents them from being harmed
by the acid in the bodies of the ants. Woodpeckers, each of whose characteristics is
discussed in a different paragraph above, prove with all their detailed features that
they are ‘created’. If woodpeckers had evolved coincidentally as the theory of
evolution claims, they would have died before they acquired such extraordinarily
consistent traits and hey would be extinct. However, as they were created by Allah
with a special ‘design’ adapted to their life, they started their lives by bearing all the
vital characteristics.

One of the defence strategies of animals is camouflage. Some animals have the
special protection of a body structure and coloration which are totally adapted to
their habitat. The bodies of these living beings are so harmonious with their
environment that when you look at their pictures, you cannot tell if they are plants
or animals, or distinguish them from their surroundings. As will be seen in the
following pages, the incredible similarity of an insect to a leaf helps it escape the
notice of its enemies. It is obvious that this tiny animal has not made its body look
like a leaf. Maybe it is not even aware that it is being protected because it looks like
a leaf. However, the camouflage is so deft that it readily impinges as a defence tactic
planned specially and ‘created’.

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False Eyes
There are some incredible and unimaginably interesting defence methods in the
animal world. One of these is false eyes. With such false eyes, various butterfly,
caterpillar and fish species convince their enemies that they are ‘dangerous’. The
butterflies in the left pictures open their wings as soon as they sense a danger and
display a pair of eyes on each of their wings which appear quite threatening to their
enemies. Let us take our time and think: can these extremely convincing eyes be the
result of a coincidence? How does the butterfly know that a pair of scary eyes appear
when it opens its wings and that this view would frighten its enemy? Has the
butterfly happened to see the pattern on its wings and decided that this pattern was
frightening and that it could use it in a moment of danger? Such a convincing pattern
can be the result only of a conscious design, not of coincidences. Moreover, it is by
no means possible to think that the butterfly is aware of the patterns on its wings
and discovered this as a defence tactic by itself. It is obvious that Allah, Who created
the butterfly, bestowed on its body such a pattern and inspired in the animal the
instinct to use it in moments of danger.

Water Lilies
Little flowers on the earth are mostly considered commonplace by people,
notwithstanding their overall perfection. What prevents people from grasping the
creation miracles in these flowers is the familiarity brought about by seeing them
everywhere and every day. Therefore, flowers that grow in a totally different place,
under totally different conditions and in totally different sizes will be assessed
without the ‘glasses of familiarity’ and thus help us grasp the existence of Allah.
Amazon water lilies that grow in the sticky mud covering the bottom of the Amazon
River are interesting enough to remove the ‘glasses of familiarity’ from people,
because they continue their lives not in the way people are accustomed to and
witness everyday, but with a very different struggle. These plants start to grow in
the mud at the bottom of the Amazon River, and then reach out towards the river
surface. Their goal is to reach the sunlight which is vital to their existence. When they
finally reach the water’s surface, they stop growing and develop thorny, round buds.
The buds develop into gigantic leaves with a reach of 2 metres in as short a time as
a couple of hours. ‘Knowing’ that the more they cover the river surface with
abundant leaves, the more will they be able to make use of sunlight, these water lilies
make ample use of daylight to perform photosynthesis. They ‘know’ that otherwise
they will not be able to survive at the bottom of the river due to the scarcity of light.
It is certainly quite inspiring for a plant to employ such an ‘intelligent’ tactic.
However, sunlight alone does not suffice for the Amazon water lilies. They also need

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oxygen equally, yet it is obvious that this oxygen does not exist in the muddy ground
in which their roots are located. This is why water lilies stretch out stems developing
from their roots upwards towards the water surface where their leaves float.
Sometimes these stems grow as tall as 11 metres; they are tied to the leaves and
function as oxygen-carriers between the leaves and the root.How can a bud in its
initial stages in life in the depths of a river know that it needs oxygen and sunlight
to survive, that it would not be able to live in their absence, and that everything it
needs is present on the water surface? A being recently introduced to life is aware
neither of the fact that this water has an ending point, nor of the existence of the sun
or oxygen. Therefore, if the whole event is assessed from the standpoint of
evolutionists, these plants should long before have been defeated by environmental
conditions and become extinct. Nevertheless, water lilies are still present today in all
their perfection. The unbelievable life struggle of water lilies continues well after
they reach light and oxygen on the water surface, where they curl the brims of their
huge leaves upward to prevent them from sinking. They can continue their lives
with all these precautions, yet they also know that these are not enough for their
reproduction. They need a living being that will carry their pollen to another water
lily, and this living being is a beetle (coleopterans) which has been created with a
special weakness for white colour. They prefer these white water lilies out of all the
attractive flowers of the Amazon River. When Amazon water lilies are visited by
creatures which will continue their species, they close all their leaves, imprison them,
and offer them ample pollen. They let them free after keeping them for one night,
and then change their colour so that they do not bring the same pollen back to them.
The once pure white, glorious water lilies will now go on adorning the Amazon river
in pink. Could such flawless and finely calculated plans be the work of a bud
unaware of everything? Of course not. They are the work of the wisdom of Allah,
Who created all things. All the details summarised here show that plants, like all
other living beings in the universe, came into existence already furnished with the
most convenient systems, and this was thanks to their Creator.

Can the wind form an airplane by coincidence?
The famous physicist Sir Fred Hoyle makes a very striking observation about the
origin of life. In his book
The Intelligent Universe he writes: The chance that higher life forms might have
emerged in this way (by coincidence) is comparable with the chance that a tornado
sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials
therein. This comparison of Hoyle’s is quite inspiring. The examples that we have

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discussed above also reveal that both the existence of life and the perfection of its
present systems force us to look for the great power making these come into being.
Just as a hurricane cannot produce an airplane as a result of coincidences, neither is
it possible for the universe to have come into being as a result of unanticipated
happenings and moreover to harbour extremely complex structures therein. In truth,
the universe is furnished with myriad systems of an infinitely greater complexity
than those of an airplane Everything we have said in this chapter confronts us with
the evidence of the flawless planning not only in our immediate surroundings but
also in the depths of space. One who assesses these signs which are so evident as to
be undeniable by both reason and conscience can come to only one conclusion: there
is no room for coincidence in the universe; the universe was CREATED with all the
minutiae contained in it. And Allah, the Creator of this flawless system, is He Who
has infinite might and knowledge.

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Scientists confirm the sign of God

The attributes of the universe discovered by science point to the existence of God.
Science leads us to the conclusion that the universe has a Creator and this Creator is
perfect in might, wisdom and knowledge. It is religion that shows us the way in
knowing God. It is therefore possible to say that science is a method we use to better
see and investigate the realities addressed by religion. Nevertheless, today, some of
the scientists who step forth in the name of science take an entirely different stand.
In their view, scientific discoveries do not imply the creation of God. They have, on
the contrary, projected an atheistic understanding of science by saying that it is not
possible to reach God through scientific data: they claim that science and religion are
two clashing notions.

As a matter of fact, this atheistic understanding of science is quite recent. Until a few
centuries ago, science and religion were never thought to clash with each other, and
science was accepted as a method of proving the existence of God. The so called
atheistic understanding of science flourished only after the materialist and positivist
philosophies swept through the world of science in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Particularly after Charles Darwin postulated the theory of evolution in 1859, circles
holding a materialistic world view started to ideologically defend this theory, which
they looked upon as an alternative to religion. The theory of evolution argued that
the universe was not created by a creator but came into being by chance. As a result,
it was asserted that religion was in conflict with science. The British researchers
Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln said on this issue:

For Isaac Newton, a century and a half before Darwin, science was not separate from religion
but, on the contrary, an aspect of religion, and ultimately subservient to it. ...But the science
of Darwin's time became precisely that, divorcing itself from the context in which it had
previously existed and establishing itself as a rival absolute, an alternative repository of
meaning. As a result, religion and science were no longer working in concert, but rather stood
opposed to each other, and humanity was increasingly forced to choose between

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them. (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy, Gorgi
Books, London: 1991, p. 177 178.)

As we stated before, the so called split between science and religion was totally
ideological. Some scientists, who earnestly believed in materialism, conditioned
themselves to prove that the universe had no creator and they devised various
theories in this context. The theory of evolution was the most famous and the most
important of them. In the field of astronomy as well certain theories were developed
such as the "steady state theory" or the "chaos theory". However, all of these theories
that denied creation were demolished by science itself, as we have clearly shown in
the previous chapters.

Today, scientists who still keep to these theories and insist on denying all things
religious, are dogmatic and bigoted people, who have conditioned themselves not
to believe in God. The famous English zoologist and evolutionist D.M.S. Watson
confesses to this dogmatism as he explains why he and his colleagues accept the
theory of evolution:

If so, it will present a parallel to the theory of evolution itself, a theory universally accepted,
not because it can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only
alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible. (D.M.S. Watson, "Adaptation", Nature,
no. 124, p. 233)

What Watson means by "special creation" is God's creation. As acknowledged, this

scientist finds this "unacceptable". But why? Is it because science says so? Actually it
does not. On the contrary, science proves the truth of creation. The only reason why
Watson looks upon this fact as unacceptable is because he has conditioned himself
to deny the existence of God. All other evolutionists take the same stand.

Evolutionists rely not on science but on materialist philosophy and they distort
science to make it agree with this philosophy. A geneticist and an outspoken
evolutionist from Harvard University, Richard Lewontin, confesses to this truth:

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It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material
explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori
adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that
produce material explanations, no matter how counter intuitive, no matter how mystifying
to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, so we cannot allow a Divine Foot
in the door. (Richard Levontin, The Demon Haunted World, The New York Review of
Books, January, 9, 1997, p. 28)

On the other hand, today, just as in history, there are, as opposed to this dogmatic
materialist group, scientists who confirm God's existence, and regard science as a
way of knowing Him. Some trends developing in the USA such as "Creationism" or
"Intelligent Design" prove by scientific evidence that all living things were created
by God.

This shows us that science and religion are not conflicting sources of information,
but that, on the contrary, science is a method that verifies the absolute truths
provided by religion. The clash between religion and science can only hold true for
certain religions that incorporate some superstitious elements as well as divine
sources. However, this is certainly out of the question for Islam, which relies only on
the pure revelation of God. Moreover, Islam particularly advocates scientific
enquiry, and announces that probing the universe is a method to explore the creation
of God. The following verse of the Qur'an addresses this issue;

Do they not look at the sky above them? How We have built it and adorned it, and
there are no rifts therein? And the earth We have spread it out, and set thereon
mountains standing firm, and caused it to bring forth plants of beauteous kinds
(in pairs). And We send down from the sky blessed water whereby We give
growth unto gardens and the grain of crops. And tall palm trees, with shoots of
fruit stalks, piled one over another. (Surah Qaf, 6 7, 9 10)

As the above verses imply, the Qur'an always urges people to think, to reason and
to explore everything in the world in which they live. This is because science
supports religion, saves the individual from ignorance, and causes him to think more
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consciously; it opens wide one's world of thought and helps one grasp the signs of
God self-evident in the universe. Prominent German physicist Max Planck said:

"Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over
the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: Ye must have faith. It
is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with."(J. De Vries, Essential of Physical
Science, Wm.B.Eerdmans Pub.Co., Grand Rapids, SD 1958, p. 15.)

All the issues we have treated so far simply put it that the existence of the universe
and all living things cannot be explained by coincidences.
Many scientists who have left their mark on the world of science have confirmed,
and still confirm this great reality. The more people learn about the universe, the
higher does their admirations for its flawless order become. Every newly discovered
detail supports creation in an unquestionable way.

The great majority of modern physicists accept the fact of creation as we set foot
in the 21st century. David Darling also maintains that neither time, nor space, nor
matter, nor energy, nor even a tiny spot or a cavity existed at the beginning. A slight
quick movement and a modest quiver and fluctuation occurred. Darling ends by
saying that when the cover of this cosmic box was opened, the tendrils of the miracle
of creation appeared from beneath it.

Besides, it is already known that almost all the founders of diverse scientific branches
believed in God and His divine books. The greatest physicists in history, Newton,
Faraday, Kelvin and Maxwell are a few examples of such scientists.

In the time of Isaac Newton, the great physicist, scientists believed that the
movements of the heavenly bodies and planets could be explained by different laws.
Nevertheless, Newton believed that the creator of earth and space was the same, and
therefore they had to be explained by the same laws. He said:

This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from
the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.This Being governs

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all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all, and on account of His
dominion. He is wont to be called Lord God, Universal Ruler.

As is evident, thousands of scientists who have been doing research in the fields of
physics, mathematics, and astronomy since the Middle Ages all agree on the idea
that the universe is created by a single Creator and always focus on the same point.
The founder of physical astronomy, Johannes Kepler, stated his strong belief in God
in one of his books where he wrote:

Since we astronomers are priests of the highest God in regard to the book of nature, it befits
us to be thoughtful, not of the glory of our minds, but rather, above all else, of the glory of
God. (Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, . 51)

The great physicist, William Thompson (Lord Kelvin), who established

thermodynamics on a formal scientific basis, was also a Christian who believed in
God. He had strongly opposed Darwin's theory of evolution and totally rejected it.
In 1903, short before his death, he made the unequivocal statement that, "With regard
to the origin of life, science... positively affirms creative power." (David Darling, Deep Time,
Delacorte Press, 1989, New York.)

One of the professors of physics at Oxford University, Robert Mattheus states the
same fact in his book published in 1992 where he explains that DNA molecules were
created by God. Mattheus says that all these stages proceed in a perfect harmony
from a single cell to a living baby, then to a little child, and finally to an adolescent.
All these events can be explained only by a miracle, just as in all the other stages of
Mattheus asks how such a perfect and complex organism can emerge from such a
simple and tiny cell and how a glorious HUMAN is created from a cell even smaller
than the dot on the letter i. He finally concludes that this is nothing short of a miracle.
(Robert Matthews, Unravelling the Mind of God, London Bridge, July, 1995, p.8)

Some other scientists who admit that the universe is created by a Creator and who
are known by their cited attributes are:
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Robert Boyle (the father of modern chemistry)
Iona William Petty (known for his studies on statistics and modern economy)
Michael Faraday (one of the greatest physicists of all times)
Gregory Mendel (the father of genetics; he invalidated Darwinism with his
discoveries in the science of genetics)
Louis Pasteur (the greatest name in bacteriology; he declared war on Darwinism)
John Dalton (the father of atomic theory)
Blaise Pascal (one of the most important mathematicians)
John Ray (the most important name in British natural history)
Nicolaus Steno (a famous stratiographer who investigated earth layers)
Carolus Linnaeus (the father of biological classification)
Georges Cuvier (the founder of comparative anatomy)
Matthew Maury (the founder of oceanography)
Thomas Anderson (one the pioneers in the field of organic chemistry)

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Bees that have technological knowledge

· How do wasps collect solar energy?

· How does the solar energy system of wasps work?

· What is the secret of wasps’ computer system that works faster than the
direction finding computers people use?

· What is the special system which wasps have to reach the nectar in flowers

Bees, which are a large family composed of twenty thousand species, are among the
beings that have the most striking knowledge of engineering and architecture,
possess social lives which are quite different from many other animals and that leave
the scientists who examine them in astonishment at their communication skills. Bees
have great technological knowledge as well as their honey making ability, which is
one of their most well-known and miraculous abilities. Bees behave according to
Allah’s inspiration, just like all other beings on earth. Allah Who created everything
reveals His sovereignty over living things in Surah Hud as such:

“... There is no creature He does not hold by the forelock. My Lord is on a

Straight Path.“ (Surah Hud, 56)

Wasps That Collect and Use Solar Energy

The “Eastern Wasp” (Vespa orientalis), which is a bee species living in the region
between the Near East and India, is most active in the hottest hours of the day in
comparison to other insect species that are more active in the morning. This is
because this bee species sets up their nests under the ground and collects the rays
from the Sun thanks to a special structure in its stomach, and they use this as an
energy stock through a pigment created by Almighty Allah. The answers to the
questions that scientists have been pondering for a long time as to the function of the
yellow bands on their abdomens, and why their active hours are so very different
from their relatives, are hidden in this structure.

Almighty Allah Created the Body Structure of Wasps in Compliance with

Collecting Solar Energy
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Allah, the Lord of the worlds, created the brown section of the hard caticula layer of
the outer skeleton that surrenders the body of this bee species out of hard riffles with
a height of 160 nanometers. The structure of the section, where the yellow band is, is
more different. Here an oval shaped ledge at a height of 50 nanometers is interlocked
with another one. This structure prevents the reflection of sun light and obtains
energy by capturing light in this region.

Another characteristic Almighty Allah created for these beings to collect solar energy
is their pigment cells. The melanin pigment inside the cuticula is brown, while the
xanthopterin pigment is yellow. This yellow pigment turns the light into electrical
energy and functions as a worker that harvests light.

When one contemplates these facts in the light of this information, a very important
conclusion is arrived at. This bee species did not gain the ability to collect solar
energy using its own will or by coincidence. Knowing that the hottest hours of the
day are at noon is not something bees could ascertain. All of the knowledge bees
have is inspired by Almighty Allah. In one verse, this truth is revealed as such:

“He is Allah – the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong
the Most Beautiful Names.Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies
Him.He is the Almighty, the All Wise.”(Surat al Hashr, 24)

Bees That Solve Problems Faster Than Computers

Computers are used in many areas of daily life, mainly in communication, gathering
data, engineering and research. Today computers are used in the solving of many
problems. The help of computers are resorted to in order to find the shortest way in
terms of time and distance. Computers compare the length of possible routes and
choose the shortest one for solving this complicated mathematical problem.
However, they can never do it in a rapid fashion. But bees, which have a brain as
tiny as a grass seed, can find the shortest route without the help of any devices. This
is because bees looking for food solve the problem of finding the shortest way in the
shortest time, which computers find difficult to solve, every day routinely. Every
day, bees travel around the flowers found in many different regions; they must use
lots of energy to fly and for this reason they find a route that will keep their flight to
a minimum. For this they first discover the location of flowers. Then, they
immediately learn to fly on the best route in order to save energy and time. So, how
do bees’ tiny brains solve this problem of finding this perfect short way, in
comparison to people’s technological assistants depending on traffic flow, internet
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knowledge and road computers? The answer of this question is again the same. Our
Almighty Lord created all beings with His infinite might and knowledge and
bestowed the most appropriate features for their environments. In one verse it is
revealed as such:

“The Originator of the heavens and earth. When He decides on something,

He just says to it, ‘Be!’ and it is.”(Surat al Baqara, 117)

Bees That Have Ultraviolet Vision

When bees fly into a garden, they see flowers very differently than people do. This
is because they detect ultraviolet light as an additional color and when they look at
flowers, they see different patterns than people do. These patterns are not formed
randomly. Our Almighty Lord has created different patterns on every flower
specially. The characteristic of these patterns is to direct the bees to where the nectar
is, just like the lines on an airport runway. In this way, bees can reach the flowers’
nectar rapidly.

There is a very important connection between flowers and bees. Both creatures act
according to Allah’s inspiration and so attract one another. For example, flowers that
need to be fertilized by bees secrete the nectar that will attract the bees. Allah
bestowed on flowers the characteristics that will attract bees with their scents and
vibrant colors. But the characteristics Allah bestowed on flowers are not limited to
these; this is because flowers also have lines that help the bees reach the nectar easily.

This relationship between bees and flowers is very important in terms of human
beings. This is because beekeeping is very important for agricultural purposes. Many
fruit trees and flowers are fertilized through bees. Therefore, some specialists
recognize this support provided by bees as a contribution far more important than
honey production. When this information is considered, one immediately thinks
about the verses about the honeybee in Surat an Nahl. Allah draws attention that
bees eat from all fruits in these verses:

“Your Lord revealed to the bees: ‘Build dwellings in the mountains and the
trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of
fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you
to follow.’ From inside them comes a drink of varying colours, containing
healing for mankind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect.”
(Surat an Nahl, 68 69)
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Bees Act with Allah’s Inspiration Just Like All Other Creatures

The perfect systems in bees and abilities such as rational behavior, calculation,
planning, construction and technological knowledge clearly prove that it is
impossible for a bee to be formed and maintain its existence through coincidences.
Therefore, evolutionists’ theories of coincidence have no validity. This is because
even these examples given in this article show that bees are created all at once, and
with the systems they possess. Allah created bees with superior qualities, just like all
other living things. And He granted bees technological abilities to produce honey in
amounts more than they need and gave them to the service of human beings. So
these characteristics show one truth: Allah is the One Who grants these features and
amazing abilities to the bees. Allah shows us His infinite knowledge and matchless
creation just as in all other beings. For a person who witnesses this creation, the only
thing to do is to praise our Lord and surrender to Him. In one verse, He reveals the
importance of evidences of creation as follows:

“And in your creation and all the creatures He has spread about there are
Signs for people with certainty.” (Surat al Jathiyya, 4)

What is the Reason That Bees Visit the Same Flower Species When Collecting

An interesting situation that will attract notice is bees that collect honey in a field full
of different flowers are watched for a little while. Bees come and go between a single
flower species at a time. When they fly from one flower to another, they do not even
pay attention to other flower species.

This action of bees that visit the same flowers, sometimes for days, is beneficial for
both them and the flowers. We can explain this situation as such: A bee that lands
on a flower for the first time may have to work for a very long time to find a single
drop of nectar, when it does not know the structure of the flower. The bee gains
speed and skill only after it visits the same flower for the fifth or the sixth time, and
it begins to save time as it can reach its target easily.

This situation is beneficial for flowers because as bees prefer one species of flower, a
speedy and safe fertilization is ensured. This is because a flower’s pollen cannot
fertilize other flowers, and the flower can only be fertilized by the travels taken by
bees among the same flowers. Bees use scents to find the same species of flowers.

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Bees mark the flowers, which they visited for once or collected nectar or pollens, by
leaving a scent. So the bees that come after them do not lose time and energy for no

The Flawless System in the Bees’ Body Structures

There is a matchless creation in the bees’ body structures. Every organ of the bee is
created specially to carry out its current tasks. For example, the skeleton of the bee
is very strong. Its respiratory system has a structure that will provide more nutrients
for the tissues by using the air better. The muscle structure has different qualities in
every area of the body according to different needs. For example, there is no outer
membrane, which is found in other muscles, on its wing muscles to provide more
oxygen. In the same way, the olfactory and taste systems are also created according
to the bee’s task of collecting flowers. All of the perfect bodily structures of bees are
only one of the many evidences of Allah’s matchless art of creation and infinite
wisdom. Allah reveals that He encompasses all things with His wisdom in one verse:

“Your god is Allah alone, there is no god but Him. He encompasses all things
in His knowledge.’” (Surah Ta Ha, 98)

Examples of Bees’ Other Miraculous Creation Characteristics

● Bees at the same hive visit 225,000 flowers a day. A single bee generally visits 50
to 1,000 flowers a day. Sometimes this number can be a few thousand.

● The queen bee produces 2,000 eggs five or six minutes apart. In this way, it can
produce almost two hundred thousand eggs a year.

● Bees need to visit two million flowers in order to produce 450 grams of honey.
In order to produce one kilogram of honey, they travel a distance equal to
traveling around the world four times.

● A bee can travel fat speeds of twenty to twenty-five kilometers per hour.

● According to the results of a research, the bee brain works faster than the most
advanced computers of the world. Today, the most advanced computer can do
sixteen billion processes per second. The bee brain’s number of processes is
exactly 625 times, meaning ten trillion. While the bee brain can do so many
processes, it consumes far less energy than a computer. The energy consumed

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by ten million bees is as much as the energy needed to light a 100-watt bulb. (The
bee brain consumes less than ten microwatts of energy)

● Some spider species imitate the patterns on flowers, which Allah created for the
bees to find the nectar easily, and use these patterns while knitting their webs.
In this way, bees assume that the spider web is a flower. However, bees are not
completely defenceless. This is because as they recognize ultraviolet light, they
can easily see the polarized light around the sun. Therefore, they can find their
way back home by looking at the sun even on a cloudy day. If a bee that gets
very close to a spider web recognizes this without getting caught, it can find its
way back home by looking at the polarized light.

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The protein that prevents tumors in mothers milk-The
HAMLET Protein

· How does the HAMLET protein, which was lately discovered in

mother’s milk, prevent the formation of tumors?

· What are the characteristics of mother’s milk that change according to

the baby’s need?

Proteins are basic bioactive molecules and they are required for the cell to carry out
its functions. Some proteins act individually or together with other proteins.
However, some of them need the help of chemical compounds that are not proteins.
These non-protein molecules can be vitamins, minerals or metal ions. Vitamins or
inorganic substances are auxiliary proteins and they are generally named as co-
factors. Iron, magnesium, cobalt, copper, zinc, selenium are common ions and
auxiliary inorganic substances. These proteins do quite amazing things when they
get connected to their helpers. One of the most interesting of these takes place in
mother’s milk.

Allah Creates the Protein Called HAMLET in Mother’s Milk as a Result of

Miraculous Processes

Mother’s milk is a matchless compound created by Allah in order to meet the

nutrition needs of the baby in full and to protect the baby against possible infections.
The balance of the nutrients in mother’s milk is in the most ideal measures, and in
the best form for the body systems of the immature baby. Mother’s milk, which is
called “the miracle mixture” by scientists as the nutritional values of this milk are at
ideal measures, is very rich in nutrients that make brain cells grow and accelerate
the development of the nervous system. Even a baby formula prepared with the
latest technology cannot replace this miracle food. New benefits of mother’s milk are
found every day as a result of research.

As is known, mother’s milk includes many enzymes, vitamins, nucleotides and

antibodies. However, scientists have discovered a new protein in mother’s milk

This protein, which is the main protein in mother’s milk and known as “alpha-
lactalbumin”, gives mother’s milk a superior quality with respect to cow’s milk. This
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is because the protein called beta-lactalbumin in cow’s milk is rejected by the baby’s

A protein called alpha-lactalbumin is produced at the last stages of pregnancy and

nursing time. This protein helps the sugar called lactose inside the milk to be
synthesized and makes the baby sleep easily and decreases the baby’s tension. At
the same time, when this protein enters the baby’s stomach, it combines with an
auxiliary protein called oleic acid. Oleic acid is a well-known fatty acid also called
OMEGA 9 (a basic component of olive oil). It decreases blood pressure and prevents
deadly diseases that affect the brain. However, when alpha-lactalbumin and oleic
acid are combined, a miracle happens and they produce an alpha-lactalbumin
protein called “HAMLET” (short for Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal
to Tumor cells) that is deadly to tumor cells in man.

HAMLET Destroys a Great Number of Tumor Cells

As a result of the studies conducted, it was proved that mother’s milk, about which
hundreds of articles were published, protected babies against cancer but its
mechanism has not yet been understood completely. This complex protein, which is
produced only in the baby’s stomach, kills 40 different types of tumor cells. This
protein attacks the cell wall, enters inside and begins to change their shape within
half an hour after it combines with tumor cells and kills them in six hours on average.
However, the interesting thing about this protein is that it can distinguish healthy
cells from tumor. Scientists have not yet understood how this protein recognizes
tumor cells. It is of course impossible that cells with no mind or consciousness can
distinguish between healthy cells and tumor cells. These cells can distinguish
between healthy and dangerous cells only by Allah’s inspiration. In the Qur’an,
Allah’s sovereignty over all living things is revealed as such:

“I have put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature He does
not hold by the forelock. My Lord is on a Straight Path.” (Surah Hud, 56)

The interesting point is that the alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid that form this
protein do not have the ability to destroy tumors on their own. Alpha-lactalbumin
and fatty acids exist naturally in mother’s milk. But they need to turn into a
compound in the baby’s stomach to become the HAMLET protein that destroys the
tumor. It is of course a great miracle that Allah creates the cure before the disease,
and places all these molecules inside the milk that the baby will drink.

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When the protein in mother’s milk, fatty acids and enzymes in the baby’s stomach
are not created at the same time, their ability to destroy tumors disappears. No doubt
that this is one of the best examples of Allah’s flawless art of creation. In one verse it
is revealed:

“His command when He desires a thing is just to say to it, ‘Be!’ and it is.” (Surah
Ya Sin, 82)

Allah Creates Mother’s Milk According to the Baby’s Needs

It is clear that the mother has not decided by herself to produce mother’s milk, which
is the most ideal nutrient for her baby, born in need of protection and nutrition, on
her own. Therefore, the nutritional values of the mother’s milk are not determined
by the mother; this is because the mother cannot possibly know the nutrients
required for her baby moment to moment. The mother cannot control the contents
of the milk that are formed inside her body. Even if its qualities are not completely
defined, the mother’s milk changes according to the growth phases of the baby, and
the milk’s content differs according to the nutrients the baby needs during a certain
period. Almighty Allah, Who knows the needs of every being and grants them,
creates mother’s milk inside the mother’s body for the baby:

● Milk is a colostrum in the first days the baby is born, so it is rich in protein and
antibodies. This milk strengthens the baby’s immune system and helps the
baby’s digestive system develop.

● After the first three to four days, the milk turns into a thinner, more fluid and
sweet form. This is for the baby’s thirst. Sugars, proteins and minerals are there
according to the baby’s need. This milk is low in fat and rich in carbohydrates.

● In time, milk takes a thicker and creamier form. This is to appease the baby. At
the same time, the IgA level is high from the 10th day to at least seven and a half
months. The antibodies of this milk are individualized, meaning different
compositions according to every baby’s need. This is because Allah had created
a special system for this. As the mother touches and hugs the baby, the mother’s
body communicates with pathogens that colonize the baby, and the mother’s
body produces the suitable antibodies and immune cells.

● In the milk of mothers who cast, miraculously, there is more fat, sodium, chloride
and iron according to the baby’s need. However, in babies who are premature

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and feed with their own mothers’ milk, superiorities such as better sight and
better results in IQ tests have been observed.

● There is very little iron in mother’s milk, because iron is a magnet for bacteria
and gut flora; if there were too much iron in milk, this might have caused an

Allah creates special treatments and a special nutrient that contains medicine for the
baby. The production centre of this medicine is the mother’s body. The mother’s
body detects the invaders by caring only for the baby. This situation is so perfect that
it cannot be explained by coincidences. There is no doubt that Allah creates a very
special connection between the baby and the mother. It is revealed in the verse:

“We have instructed man concerning his parents. Bearing him caused his
mother great debility and the period of his weaning was two years: ‘Give
thanks to Me and to your parents. I am your final destination.” (Surah
Luqman, 14).

Mother’s milk is the nutrient that the baby can digest most easily. Even though it is
a very rich nutritional drink, its digestion is very easy in accordance with the baby’s
sensitive systems. So as the baby uses less energy to digest nutrients, it can use its
energy for other bodily functions, growth and development of organs.

Mother’s milk, which is always ready with its ideal temperature, plays an
important role in brain development with the sugars and fats it includes. Besides
this, elements such as calcium play a major role in the baby’s bone development.
Even though this miraculous mixture is named as milk, 90% of mother’s milk is
actually composed of water. This is also a very important aspect, because babies
also need water as liquid as well as nutrients. Water and other foreign substances
other than mother’s milk may not be so hygienic. However, the baby’s need of
water is met with mother’s milk, 90% of which is water.

HAMLET Is the Most Effective Medicine Yet Produced in the World

1- It kills a wide variety of tumor cells. However, it does not touch healthy
and mature cells.

2- It kills more than 40 tumor cells, even those very difficult to treat with

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3- It kills tumor cells with a natural and non-toxic mechanism. Therefore, it
does not harm healthy tissues, in contrast to cancer medicines.

4- It exists naturally in human milk and causes lower risk of cancer in

children that feed with mother’s milk and in their mothers.

Almighty Allah, the All-Knowing, created mother’s milk and HAMLET, which is an
important protein complex in this milk, as one of the strongest medicines. Our Lord’s
name “Al-Shafi” (One Who gives health) is revealed in one verse as such:

“And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me;” (Surah ash-Shu'arah, 80)

All Articles are taken from Harunyahya.com

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