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Distribution of inversion in Zostera marina demonstrates unique selection pressures and

history of two bays

Bridget Patterson ,
1,2 Trey Ursillo ,
1,3 Jay Stachowicz ,
1 Rachael Bay 1
1UC Davis Evolution and Ecology, 2Bowdoin College, 3Wake Forest University


Haplotypes found in eelgrass beds separate two

Zostera marina, eelgrass, is an inter and subtidal plant that grows to be 2 feet to 6
feet tall. The most widespread seagrass species, it provides several ecosystem services:
• Nursery for economically important fish
• Protect coasts from erosion and storm surges
• Sequester and store carbon emissions1

There is a chromosomal inversion (see figure) found in

bays from the rest of California.
southern populations (San Diego) of the plant but not in the
north (Washington State) Washington, n=12
• Prevents recombination of the genes found in the inversion2 and
• Creates two separate haplotypes of eelgrass3
Understanding the distribution of the inversion may help us
understand eelgrass ecosystems Made with biorender
Humboldt, n=84 Site Homozygous Heterozygous Homozygous 𝝌𝟐 p-value
• How eelgrass dispersed along the CA coast North (Observed| South result
• Is there a latitudinal cline? Where is the transition between haplotypes? (Observed| Expected) (Observed|
100% Expected) Expected)
• Through Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium analysis, is the inversion neutral or under
selection? Bodega 35 | 49.8 104 | 74.4 13 | 27.8 5.723 <0.025
Tomales 72 | 77.5 65 | 54.1 4 | 9.5 27.005 <0.0005
• Collected leaf tissue samples from 7 sites
• Extracted DNA using Quigen DNeasy Plant Mini
• PCR and HindIII digest were used to genotype each
Bodega Bay, n=141
• Hardy-Weinberg analysis to understand whether genotypes follow neutral From National Geographic by Suzanne Olyarnik
expectations dition/eelgrassmbodegabaycalifornia

Results: Tomales Bay, n=152


Other than Tomales and Bodega, all sites contain only one haplotype, with San Diego
being fixed for a different haplotype than the more northern sites. Hardy-Weinberg
tests suggest there are more heterozygotes than expected in Bodega and Tomales 23%
populations. 68%
San Francisco, n=79
Variation in the frequency of the inversion data might be caused in many ways
1. Geologic history: ex. changes in water depth4
a) When sites were founded (SF had ocean water before BB and TB)5
2. Recent anthropogenic history: ex. pollution6, wasting disease bottleneck7 Monterey Bay, n=35
a) Sites have different levels of anthropogenic activity
3. Current selection pressure and restoration efforts
a) Higher frequency of heterozygotes suggests heterozygote advantage
b) Recent restoration efforts may have diminished diversity8

Next Steps:
1. Environmental surveys
2. Further Southern
Northern Homozygote
San Diego, n=12
Southern Homozygote

Thank you to Brenda Cameron for her help. This work was funded by NSF grant DBI#1950536, with additional funding Map of California from
from UC Davis. Research was conducted at University of California Davis, in Davis, CA.
[1] Mtwana Nordlund et al. PLoS One. 2016, 11. [2] Wellenreuther and Bernatchez. Cell Press. 2018, 33. [3] Abbott et al.
Ecology and Evolution. 2018, 8. [4] Duffy et al. PNAS. 2022, 119. [5] NOAA ARCGIS. [6] Beheshti, K. and Ward, M. 2021.
Eelgrass Restoration on the U.S. West Coast: A Comprehensive Assessment of Restoration Techniques and Their Outcomes.
Prepared for the Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership. [7] Sullivan et al. Fungal Ecology 2013, 6. [8]
Williams et al. Restoration Ecology. 1996, 4.

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