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Sentence Fluency Trait Scoring Guide

Exceptional (6) Strong (5) Refining (4) Developing (3) Emerging (2) Rudimentary (1)
High Middle Low
The writer carefully and creatively constructs
The writer offers simple sentences that are
sentences for maximum impact. Transition The writer’s sentences, even simple ones, are
Crafting Well-Built sound but no long, complex ones. He or she
words such as but, and, and so are used often flawed. Sentence beginnings are
Sentences attempts to vary the beginnings and lengths of
successfully to join sentences and sentence repetitive and uninspired.
The writer uses various types of sentences The writer exhibits basic sentence sense and The writer uses a single, repetitive sentence
(simple, compound, and/or complex) to offers some sentence variety. He or she pattern throughout or connects sentence parts
Varying Sentence
enhance the central theme or story line. The attempts to use different types of sentences, with an endless string of transition words such
piece is made up of an effective mix of long, but in doing so creates an uneven flow rather as and, but, or, and because, which distracts
complex sentences and short, simple ones. than a smooth, seamless one. the reader.

The writer thinks about how the sentences

The writer has produced a text that is uneven. The writer has created a text that is a challenge
Capturing Smooth sound. He or she uses phrasing that is almost
Many sentences read smoothly, whereas others to read aloud since the sentences are
and Rhythmic Flow musical. If the piece were read aloud, it would
are choppy or awkward. incomplete, choppy, stilted, rambling, and/or
be easy on the ear.
The writer diverges from standard English to
create interest and impact. For example, he or
she may use a sentence fragment, such as “All The writer includes fragments, but they seem The writer offers few or no simple, well-built
alone in the forest,” or a single word, such as more accidental than intentional. He or she sentences, making it impossible to determine
Breaking the “Rules” “Bam!” to accent a particular moment or uses informal words such as well, and, and but whether he or she has done anything out of the
to Create Fluency action. He or she might begin with informal inappropriately to start sentences, and pays ordinary. Global revision is necessary before
words such as well, and, or but to create a little attention to making dialogue sound sentences can be revised for stylistic and
conversational tone, or he or she might break authentic. creative purposes.
rules intentionally to make dialogue sound
High Middle Low
Exceptional (6) Strong (5) Refining (4) Developing (3) Emerging (2) Rudimentary (1)

Writing Sample Score

Criteria Score (1-6) Comments
Crafting Well-Built The three points are the same point just worded differently
Varying Sentence Types 2 Repeats “You’ll want to see what happens next” or “its exciting” Tries to use questions as hooks.
Capturing Smooth and Some choppiness, especially in the 1st body paragraph
Rhythmic Flow
Breaking the “Rules” to All sentences are very simple with no voice or style.
Create Fluency
Sentence Fluency Trait Scoring Guide


During the next writing workshop, I will pull the student up to have a one-on-one conference. I will first ask her how she feels she is doing with her
sentence fluency. I will then prompt her if there were any changes she thought about making or anything she was second guessing herself on or
need any clarifications form me about.

I would then take the time to work with the student by first praising their ideas and showing enthusiasm to want to know more, thus needing more
detailed sentences. I will then read outload the paper, focusing on pausing at commas, periods, etc. I will then ask them if this is how they wanted
to paragraph to sound or what they could do to help me read it out loud more smoothly. We will spend a few minutes combining sentences and
evening out the flow.

Next, I will utilize the ABC method. In this method, I will have the student circle the first letter of every sentence. If any letters repeat in a single
paragraph, I will have the student change the starting word or phrase to add intentional diversity. This includes focusing on fluency when the
student uses dependent clauses to start sentences and wound up sounding unfinished. This could be helped by providing the student with access
to a physical or online thesaurus to help them get new ideas of what different words they could use without feeling like they have to completely
alter their sentences and throw away what they felt was hard work.

I will have the student then go and rework the paper, going to any station she may feel that could help her such as the resource station for a
thesaurus or the peer evaluation station for second opinions or ideas. Then, in the last ten minutes of class, I will have the student come back up
and I will read out loud the changes for the student to audibly hear the strength the changes added.

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