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Recent Advancements in the Diagnosis and

Treatment of Leukodystrophies
Allison M. Bradbury, PhD,* and Margie A. Ream, MD, PhD†

Leukodystrophies and genetic leukoencephalopathies comprise a growing group of inherited

white matter disorders. Diagnostic rates have improved with increased utilization of next gener-
ation sequencing. As treatment options continue to advance for leukodystrophies, so will candi-
dacy for inclusion in the United States’ newborn Recommended Universal Screening Panel as
was achieved for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Stem cell therapies have become standard of
care for selected leukodystrophies. However, transplantation-related risks remain high and out-
comes are not fully satisfactory. Transduction of autologous hematopoietic stem cells with len-
tiviral vectors, referred to as ex vivo gene therapy, circumvents some, but not all, of the risks of
traditional transplantation and has recently been demonstrated to be safe and efficective in clin-
ical studies of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy and metachromatic leukodystrophy. Gene ther-
apy, through direct infusion of adeno-associated virus vectors, has emerged as a safer
alternative for many monogenetic pediatric neurological disorders. Numerous preclinical stud-
ies have shown safety and efficacy of adeno-associated virus gene therapy in leukodystrophies
allowing expanded access treatment for Canavan disease prior to initiation of a clinical trial.
For inherited white matter disorders resulting from overexpression of a protein, such as Peli-
zaeus-Merzbacher disease, emerging RNA therapies have shown success in preclinical studies
and promise for rapid translation to the clinic. Lastly, small molecule and protein therapies
remain a long-term treatment option for a number of leukodystrophies, including intrathecal
enzyme replacement therapy for metachromatic leukodystrophy. Herein we review recent
advances in diagnosis and treatment of inherited white matter disorders.
Semin Pediatr Neurol 37:100876 © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction neurology. The combined category of leukodystrophies and

genetic leukoencephalopathies includes “all genetically deter-

L eukodystrophies include many diseases that are individu-

ally rare but collectively common in the practice of child
mined disorders primarily affecting central nervous system
(CNS) white matter, irrespective of the structural white matter
component involved, the molecular process affected and the
disease course.”1 There are at least 30 canonical leukodystro-
From the *Center for Gene Therapy, Nationwide Children’s Hospital,
phies affecting CNS myelin and glia, with more than 700 geneti-
Columbus, OH.
Division of Neurology, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH. cally determined diseases meeting the broader classification of
AMB is a beneficiary of a licensing agreement with Axovant Gene Therapies leukodystrophies and genetic leukoencephalopathies.2,3
(royalties); has received income from Neurogene (consulting and As a group, the inherited white matter disorders are
honorarium); and is an inventor on a patent application (Gray SJ, nearly as common as acquired pediatric white matter disor-
Lykken E, Vite CH, Bradbury AM. Optimized GALC Genes and Expression
ders such as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and mul-
Cassettes and Their Use. PCT/US2019/067727). MAR a member of the
Evidence Review Group for the Advisory Committee on Heritable tiple sclerosis.4 Estimates based on allele frequency in
Disorders in Newborns and Children. The views expressed herein are genetic databases predict the incidence of leukodystrophies
solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the to be 1 in 4733 live births, however, observational estimates
Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children, found a leukodystrophy diagnosis in 1 per 7663 children,
or the members of the Evidence Review Group.
suggesting that many cases go undiagnosed.5,6 Unfortu-
Address reprint requests to Margie A Ream, MD, PhD, Division of
Neurology, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Dr., nately, patient socioeconomic status and race impact the
Columbus, OH 43205. E-mail: likelihood of diagnosis and the true incidence can only be 1
1071-9091/11/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 A.M. Bradbury and M.A. Ream

ascertained through population level screening.7 In this number of genetic white matter disorders that have therapies
report we review recent advances in the diagnosis and treat- in development, next generation sequencing should be con-
ment of leukodystrophies, rather than to provide an sidered early in the course of evaluation.
exhaustive discussion of individual diseases. Emerging ther-
apies are presented which may eventually move many con-
ditions from untreatable to curable.
Recent Advances in
Presymptomatic Diagnosis
Recent Advances in the Clinical Through Newborn Screening
Diagnosis of Leukodystrophies As treatment options continue to expand, as discussed below,
The diagnostic algorithm for leukodystrophies has evolved to many leukodystrophies will become candidates for inclusion in
encourage greater and earlier reliance on genetic testing the newborn Recommended Universal Screening Panel (RUSP)
(Fig. 1).8 Just 10 years ago, half of patients with leukodystro- in the United States. X-linked adrenal leukodystrophy (X-ALD)
phy did not receive a specific diagnosis.5 By 2016 this was added to the RUSP in 2016 and is currently screened for in
improved to 80% by combining MRI, biochemical data, and 17 states and the District of Columbia (, Sept
exome sequencing, with additional benefit of whole genome 23, 2020). X-ALD Newborn Screening (NBS) does not discrimi-
sequencing for still undiagnosed cases.9-11 When next gener- nate by eventual phenotype  adrenal insufficiency, childhood
ation sequencing does not identify a diagnosis, given the cerebral disease, or adult onset adrenal myeloneuropathy 
rapid rate of gene discovery reanalysis of data after 2-3 years and only clinical follow up over time will determine the ultimate
can resolve an additional 10% of cases.12,13 diagnosis. Krabbe disease (KD, globoid cell leukodystrophy)
As we learn more about the genetics behind leukodystro- was not supported by a 2009 evidence review for nomination
phies, it has become apparent that affected genes are rarely to the RUSP but has been on the state screening panel in New
specific to myelin and may affect widespread cellular func- York since 2006 and is screened for in 7 additional states. NBS
tion.9 Of 399 genes causing MRI-defined leukoencephalop- labs use galactocerebrosidase activity as a first-tier test and most
athy, the majority involve metabolic and mitochondrial measure psychosine as a confirmatory test. Elevation in this
pathways. Additionally, transcription factor genes are as neurotoxic compound that is normally degraded by galactocere-
commonly involved as genes for lysosomal and peroxisomal brosidase can distinguish between early infantile KD (EIKD),
function.3 Given the urgency of diagnosis in an increasing late onset KD, and pseudodeficiency.14-16

MRI suggests abnormal myelinaon

(white maer T2 hyperintensity, T1 iso/hypodensity)

Rule out infecous, autoimmune

and toxic causes.

Biochemical studies to consider Genec tesng Consider tesng to define the

based on MRI paern: Single gene sequencing if MRI, extent of the disease:
serum amino acids the history and biochemical Nerve conducon
serum lactate and pyruvate studies point to a specific Auditory evoked potenals
lysosomal enzymes Visual evoked potenals
If the diagnosis uncertain, order
psychosine next generaon-based gene Somatosensory evoked
very long chain fay acids panel or whole exome potenals
sequencing. Electroencephalogram
If the diagnosis sll unknown, Developmental tesng
urine organic acids consider whole genome
urine sulfades
urine sialic acid
CSF studies: protein, cell count,
amino acids, lactate, neopterin
and interferon-alpha, sialic acid

Figure 1 Proposed diagnostic algorithm for suspected leukodystrophies. MRI with and without contrast can be helpful
for some diseases that cause inflammation as can MR spectroscopy to evaluate for lactate (mitochondrial disorders)
and N-acetyl acetate (Canavan disease). Biochemical, genetic and clinical evaluations should be individualized accord-
ing to the clinical presentation and the pattern of abnormalities on the MRI. Using select biochemical tests at the same
time as genetic testing can help speed diagnosis and interpretation of genetic results if uncommon variants are found
(van der Knaap, 2019).
Diagnosis and treatment of leukodystrophies 3

NY ScreenPlus is a large United States’ National Institutes Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
of Health-funded pilot study of multiple rare disorders HSCs can be derived from bone marrow or peripheral blood
planned in New York state and will include acid sphingo- from unrelated matched donors or related donors. Related
myelinase deficiency, cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, donors who are disease gene carriers are not the preferred
ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2, Gaucher disease, Fabry disease, source as they generally do not have maximal enzyme activ-
lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, metachromatic leukodystro- ity, even if they are asymptomatic.25 HSC derived from
phy, mucopolysaccharidoses II, IIIb, IVa, VI, and VII, and umbilical cord blood (UCB) has the advantages of lower rates
Niemann Pick type C.17 This consented study proposes to of graft vs host disease, more flexibility in human leukocyte
determine incidence, outcomes, and ethical issues related to antigen matching, and rapid procurement from storage in
NBS of these conditions. The resulting data will be instru- cord blood banks.26,27
mental in nominations for these conditions for the RUSP. Criteria for assessing transplant candidacy and guidelines
for transplant-related care for X-ALD, KD, and metachro-
matic leukodystrophy (MLD) are available, and include a rec-
ommendation for seizure prophylaxis during myeloablative
Recent Advances in the conditioning.26,28 Because of the delay between transplanta-
Management of tion and sufficient brain engraftment to affect the disease
Leukodystrophies course, HSC transplantation (HSCT) is not effective for
patients with rapidly progressive or clinically advanced dis-
For all leukodystrophies  those with and without treat- ease including symptomatic infantile MLD and EIKD.26,29-32
ments  guidelines have been developed for general care For X-ALD, transplantation does not reverse adrenal insuffi-
with an emphasis on quality of life.18,19 Musculoskeletal, gas- ciency or prevent adrenal myeloneuropathy nor does it affect
trointestinal, respiratory, neurologic, endocrine, and psycho- peripheral neuropathy in KD or MLD.29,33-35
social impacts of the disease must be screened for by a Early identification through fetal diagnostics and NBS
knowledgeable provider, ideally every 6 months. Epilepsy results in better outcomes than treatment after clinical detec-
occurs in approximately one-third of patients with leukodys- tion because it allows HSCT prior to symptom onset. Guide-
trophy, is the presenting complaint in 7% of cases, and is lines exist for the rapid evaluation and treatment of NBS-
particularly common early in the course of Alexander dis- identified EIKD as well as for monitoring symptom onset in
ease.20,21 Pain in patients with leukodystrophy requires spe- X-ALD.36,37
cial consideration as causes and expression of pain vary by
disease severity.18,22 Communication, school, and psychoso- Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant With the Additional
cial supports including the recognition of care giver burnout Intrathecal Administration of UCB-Derived
are important elements for holistic care of affected families.19 Oligodendrocytes
Both in the United States and several other countries, Leuko- UCB stem cells can be induced to differentiate into oligoden-
dystrophy Centers of Excellence and Leukodystrophy Certi- drocytes. A clinical study evaluating intravenous UCB trans-
fied Network clinics receive recognition from advocacy plant and intrathecal administration of UCB-derived
groups for their evidence-based multidisciplinary care. oligodendrocytes (referred to as DUOC) has been ongoing
since 2014. This clinical study includes ALD, Krabbe, MLD,
and Pelizaeus Merzbacher Disease (PMD) (NCT02254863).
Recent Advances in the Preclinical studies in mice demonstrated that treatment with
DUOC accelerated brain remyelination.38
Treatment of Leukodystrophies
Treatments for leukodystrophies are under intense investiga- Neural Stem Cells
tion, but few are in clinical use and none are yet considered Neural stem cells (NSC) self-renew and differentiate in vivo
curative. Below we discuss examples of approaches to leukodys- into multiple cell types, including myelin-forming oligoden-
trophy treatment and associated studies (Table). Where no drocytes.39 Banks of cryo-preserved human embryo-derived
human trials exist, we provide examples of preclinical studies. NSCs are available for animal studies and clinical trials.40 It
is now possible to direct human somatic cells to dedifferenti-
ate into stem cells, including NCS, then re-differentiate into
Stem Cell Therapies specific cell lineages. This cellular source may increase the
The longest standing treatment option for leukodystrophies feasibility of NSC-based therapies by circumventing the lim-
is the transplantation of stem cells, which are cells that have ited availability of embryo-derived cells.41
the potential to differentiate into multiple cell types. The The authors of 1 clinical study reported 4 patients with
mechanism of action is not fully understood but hematopoi- early, severe PMD treated with human NCS. The subjects
etic stem cells (HSC) are thought to exert an anti-inflamma- ranged in age from 6 months to 5 years, had different muta-
tory effect and serve as a source for normal CNS tions and had varying degrees of disease progression at the
microglia.23,24 Several sources of stem cell therapies have time of enrollment. There was substantial variation in disease
been used and some are still under investigation. progression post-transplant, although all patients showed
4 A.M. Bradbury and M.A. Ream

some benefit related to respiratory status, trunk strength and The gene-corrected HSCs stably engrafted and ARSA activity
ambulation. Two of the 4 patients developed antibodies in circulating haemopoietic cells increased. Nerve conduc-
directed to the transplanted cells indicating that immunosup- tion velocity improved in 3 patients, remained stable in 4,
pression post-transplant may be required.42 Overall trans- and decreased in 2 while the natural history of the disease
plantation with NSCs was well tolerated during the 4 year would have predicted that all patients would experience pro-
follow up; however, given the clinical variability at the time gressive decline in nerve conduction velocity. Two years
of transplant, efficacy was difficult to assess. post-transplant most biopsy samples showed improvement
in myelination and reduction in sulfatide storage. Except for
1 patient, MRI scores remained substantially lower than
Gene Therapy untreated controls and Gross Motor Function Measure scores
Gene therapy involves the delivery of a healthy copy of a improved. IQ scores were within normal range (plus or
gene into cells that can then produce an enzyme or other minus 1 standard deviation) for all patients except for 1, as
protein needed to correct a disease process. Gene delivery compared to untreated patients which all fell below the mini-
can be accomplished through direct infusion of virus par- mum value since first testing. Overall this trial demonstrated
ticles which then incorporate into host cells or through infu- safety in all patients and marked benefit in 8 out of 9
sion of a patient’s own HSC that have been transduced with patients. A clinical trial evaluating ex vivo lentiviral gene ther-
the normal gene. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) and lentivi- apy in patients with late juvenile MLD is ongoing in Italy
rus are the 2 most commonly used gene delivery vectors. (NCT04283227).
These 2 viruses differ in size, integration, prevalence of anti-
viral antibodies in the general population, and efficiency at AAV Gene Therapy
transducing different cell types. AAV is a nonintegrating virus which cannot replicate once in
a host and therefore avoids some of the concerns associated
Ex Vivo Lentiviral Gene Therapy with lentiviral-based therapies. Certain AAV serotypes cross
Ex vivo gene therapy entails collection of a patient’s own the blood brain barrier after systemic delivery and have
HSCs, transduction with lentiviral vectors encoding the become a tool to replace transgenes in several monogenetic
transgene of interest (ex vivo transduction), and reinfusion of pediatric neurological conditions. The United States’ FDA
the patient’s modified stem cells after chemotherapy to sup- approval of intravenous delivery of AAV9 for the treatment
press endogenous HSCs. Ex vivo gene therapy does not of spinal muscular atrophy in 2019 accelerated interest in
require a matched donor and thus mitigates the risk of rejec- AAV gene therapy for the treatment of leukodystrophies.
tion and prevents the need for a donor search. Additionally, In an expanded access clinical trial, a single 18-month-old
viral genetic engineering can increase the level of protein patient with Canavan disease was treated with AAV9 encoding
expression over naturally expressed wild-type genes. As lenti- human aspartoacylase by simultaneous intravenous and intra-
virus integrates into the host genome, there is risk of inter- cerebroventricular injection. Prior to treatment, the subject
ruption of other genes and such off-target effects must be received immunosuppression with rituximab and sirolimus.
monitored. The first reports in 2018, 9 months after gene transfer, demon-
A phase 3 clinical study of ex vivo lentiviral gene therapy in strated safety and functional improvements from baseline.
boys with X-ALD has been ongoing since 2019 This was the first reported case of simultaneously employing
(NCT03852498). This protocol requires myeloablative con- multiple routes of vector delivery to reach a target dose.45
ditioning with busulfan and fludarabine. The authors of a Preclinical studies utilizing AAV gene therapy are under
phase 2-3 study of 32 males reported on the first 17 patients, investigation for a number of leukodystrophies including
and found that 15 had stabilization of neurologic function. KD, X-ALD, MLD, multiple sulfatase deficiency, Canavan dis-
One patient withdrew from the study, underwent traditional ease and megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcor-
HSCT, and died from complications. One patient experi- tical cysts.46-53 Many of these studies are likely to translate to
enced rapid disease progression and died 22 months after the clinic in the near future.
treatment. There was a positive dose response to increasing
virus copy number. Neuroinflammation, as evidenced by
gadolinium enhancement on MRI, resolved in 16 of the 17 RNA Based Therapies
patients by 6 months. Such a benefit occurred faster than Antisense oligonucleotides and microRNAs (miRNA) can
would be expected from traditional HSCT.37 However, modify expression of endogenous genes through their inter-
enhancement reemerged in 4 patients at 24 months suggest- action with messenger RNA (mRNA). These therapies offer
ing that the benefit may not be permanent in all patients. promise for the treatment of leukodystrophies due to overex-
Overall this study showed no toxic effects and resulted in pression or over activity of a gene product.
clinical stabilization in most treated patients.43
Ex vivo lentiviral gene therapy has also been evaluated in Antisense Oligonucleotides (ASO)
MLD. In a phase 1-2 trial of 9 patients with late infantile and Antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) are small, single stranded
early juvenile onset, patient’s HSCs were transduced with a molecules of either RNA or DNA that bind to specific mRNA
lentiviral vector encoding human aryl sulfatase (ARSA) and sequences, and can alter splicing thereby modifying the
infused after myeloablative conditioning with busulfan.44 resulting protein product (as in risdiplam which was
Diagnosis and treatment of leukodystrophies
Table Approaches to the Treatment of Leukodystrophies
Disadvantages and
Proposed Mechanism Areas Needing Further Recent Preclinical
Therapy of Action Advantages Study Clinical Trials Studies (2019-2020)

Stem cell therapies

Hematopoietic stem cell Donor stem cells become  Routine procedure.  Chemical ablation. FDA approved procedure.
transplantation resident cells, namely  Risks associated with
(HSCT). microglia in the CNS, and GVHD.
produce the deficient  Necessity of HLA
enzyme. matched donor bone mar-
row or UCB.
 Does not treat neuropa-
 Lag time between trans-
plant, engraftment, and
production of enzyme.
Umbilical cord blood Donor-derived oligoden-  DUOC cells delivered  Chemical ablation is NCT02254863:
(UCB) trans- drocytes delivered intrathecally increase the required. ALD, KD, MLD, PMD.
plant + intrathecal directly to the CNS rate, number, and type of  Two lots of UCB, 1 for
UCB-derived oligo- engraft, enhance remyeli- UCB-derived cells in the traditional UCB trans-
dendrocytes (DUOC). nation, and produce the CNS. plant and 1 for DUOC are
deficient enzyme in addi- required.
tion to traditional UCB  Risks associated with
transplant. GVHD.
 Necessity of HLA
matched UCB.
Neural stem cells NSCs self-renew and dif-  NSCs differentiate into  Embryo-derived NSCs PMD: PMD: (Gruenenfelder,
(NSC). ferentiate in vivo into neurons, astrocytes, and have limited availability, (Gupta, Henry et al, 2019). McLaughlin et al, 2020).
multiple cell types, oligodendrocytes. Direct ethical concerns. VWM:
including myelin-forming targeting of the CNS  Potential immunogenicity (Dooves, Leferink et al,
oligodendrocytes. increases the rate and to transplanted NSCs. 2019).
number of engrafted
Gene therapy
Ex vivo lentiviral gene Ex vivo gene therapy  Does not require search  Chemical ablation is ALD
therapy. entails collection of a for donor match. required. (Eichler, Duncan et al,
patient’s own HSCs,  Negates risk of GVHD.  Risk of insertional muta- 2017): NCT03852498.
transduction with lentivi-  Can restore enzyme lev- genesis. MLD
ral vectors encoding the els to supraphysiological  Dose dependency- insuf- (Sessa, Lorioli et al, 2016):
transgene of interest (ex levels. ficient vector copy num- NCT04283227.
vivo transduction), and ber can lead to
reinfusion of the patient’s inadequate levels of the
modified stem cells after

Table (Continued )
Disadvantages and
Proposed Mechanism Areas Needing Further Recent Preclinical
Therapy of Action Advantages Study Clinical Trials Studies (2019-2020)

chemotherapy to sup- enzyme and incomplete

press their endogenous correction.
Intracerebral lentiviral Direct injection of lentiviral  Targeting of specific  Surgical procedure with ALD: NCT03727555.
gene therapy. vectors encoding the brain regions. multiple bur holes. MLD:
transgene of choice into  Does not require trans-  Limited distribution NCT03725670.
multiple brain regions plantation or beyond the injection site.
where the virus integra- conditioning.  Restricted tropism.
tes into the genome of  Immunogenicity.
the host’s cells and pro-  Risk of insertional
duces the therapeutic mutagenesis.
AAV gene therapy Direct injection of an AAV  Small- certain serotypes  Limited packaging capac- Canavan: KD: (Pan, Sands et al,
vector that enters the can cross BBB after sys- ity. (Corti, Coleman et al, 2019, Bradbury, Bagel
host’s cells and produces temic injection.  Loss of vector with cell 2018). et al, 2020, Rafi, Luzi
the therapeutic protein  Nonpathogenic. turnover since it is nonin- et al, 2020).
without disrupting the  Nonintegrating. tegrating. MLC: (Garcia-Lareu et al,
host DNA.  Replication deficient.  High prevalence of neu- 2020).
 Does not require trans- tralizing antibodies to MSD: (Presa Ray et al,
plantation or condition- certain serotypes in pop- 2020).
ing. ulation.
 Targetability of tissue or  Manufacturing con-
cell types by altering cap- straints for high dose,
sid or promoter. systemic delivery.
 Potential toxicity to liver
and dorsal root ganglion
after high dose delivery.
RNA based therapies
Antisense oligonucleo- ASO are small, single-  Target RNA instead of  Off target effect. Canavan:
tides (ASO). stranded nucleic acids DNA.  Immunogenicity. (Hull, Wang et al, 2020).
 Small size.  Do not cross the BBB

A.M. Bradbury and M.A. Ream

that target RNA and can PMD: (Elitt, Barbar et al,
alter protein expression. efficiently, so repeated 2020).
intrathecal administration
is required for CNS tar-
 May require repeat
Diagnosis and treatment of leukodystrophies
Table (Continued )
Disadvantages and
Proposed Mechanism Areas Needing Further Recent Preclinical
Therapy of Action Advantages Study Clinical Trials Studies (2019-2020)

MicroRNA (miRNA). miRNAs are small, noncod-  Target RNA instead of  Necessary delivery sys- PMD:
ing RNAs that target DNA. tem (Li, Okada et al, 2019).
mRNAs and regulate  Small size.  If delivered in AAV, same
gene expression.  Can be used for up or as above for AAV.
down regulation.  Off target effects.
 In vivo stability.
Small molecule and protein therapies
Inhibitors. Inhibitors interrupt dysre-  Unlike cell and gene ther-  Continual treatment AGS: NCT03921554,
gulated pathways. apies, small molecule required NCT04517253,
therapies can be discon-  Can have off target NCT02363452,
tinued in case of unto- effects on other functions NCT03304717.
ward effects or lack of of the pathway ALD:
efficacy. (Zierfuss, Weinhofer et al,
 Minimally invasive. 2020).
 Can repurpose FDA
approved drugs.
Chaperone therapy. Molecular chaperones  Unlike cell and gene ther-  Continual treatment Fabry: NCT04049760.
bind to proteins with spe- apies, small molecule required.
cific conformational qual- therapies can be discon-  Can have off target
ities in order to optimize tinued if untoward effects effects of other functions
their activity. arise or if there is lack of of the pathway.
Enzyme replacement Delivery of functional  Unlike cell and gene ther-  Large proteins cannot MLD:
therapy. enzyme. apies, small molecule cross the BBB so must be (Dali, Sevin et al, 2020)
therapies can be discon- delivered intrathecally NCT03771898.
tinued if untoward effects utilizing a permanent
arise or if there is lack of IDDD or repeated lumbar
efficacy. puncture.
 Risk of infection.
 Continual treatment
required, often weekly or
bi-weekly depending on
/2 life of the protein.
AAV, adeno-associated virus; AGS, Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome; ASO, antisense oligonucleotides; BBB, blood-brain barrier; CNS, central nervous system; DUOC, UCB-derived oligodendrocytes;
FDA, Food and Drug Administration; GVHD, graft vs host disease; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation;IDDD, intrathecal drug delivery device; KD,
Krabbe disease (globoid cell leukodystrophy); miRNA, microRNA; MLC, megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts; MLD, metachromatic leukodystrophy; NSC, neural stem
cells; PMD, Pelizaeus Merzbacher disease; UCB, umbilical cord blood; X-ALD, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy.

8 A.M. Bradbury and M.A. Ream

approved by the United States’ FDA in 2020 for spinal mus- being evaluated in a phase 3 clinical study for pediatric
cular atrophy) or inhibit translation thereby reducing protein patients in the United States and Spain (NCT04049760).
expression. The duration of action of ASOs differ in different
disease models. ASOs have demonstrated benefit in a mouse
Enzyme Replacement Therapy
model of PMD, which is due to over-expression of proteoli-
Infusion of functional enzymes can have significant benefit
pid protein 1 (PLP1) and Canavan disease, which results
replacing defective enzyme molecules. However, when deliv-
from toxic effects of increased NacetylLaspartate (NAA)
ered systemically, large proteins cannot cross the blood brain
production.54,55 Clinical trials for PMD are anticipated soon.
barrier efficiently, thus direct targeting of the CNS is neces-
The first study of intrathecal delivery of recombinant
MircroRNAs (miRNA) are small, noncoding RNAs that target
human arylsulfatase A (ARSA) for the treatment of MLD
mRNAs and regulate gene expression. Unlike ASOs, miRNA
enrolled 24 patients with symptom onset aged  30 months
can be a naturally occurring intracellular mechanism for
using an intrathecal drug delivery device (IDDD). The treat-
post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Delivery
ment was generally well tolerated with no deaths and no
of miRNA targeting the PLP1 gene using an AAV vector
adverse events warranting discontinuation. The most com-
resulted in improved myelination and survival in a mouse
mon serious adverse events were related to the IDDD. There
model of PMD.56
were dose-dependent benefits in CSF ARSA and sulfatide lev-
els and motor function.58
Small Molecule and Protein Therapies A modified study using higher and more frequent dosing
is underway with a plan to enroll 42 patients between the
A variety of small molecule and protein therapies have been
United States, Canada, Brazil and Europe (NCT03771898).
studied for the treatment of leukodystrophies. This group
includes inhibitors of dysregulated pathways, molecular
chaperones, and enzyme replacement therapy.

Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome (AGS) can result from mutations As more is learned about leukodystrophies and treatments
in genes related to production of nucleases, enzymes that become available, advocacy groups and specialty centers
break down DNA and RNA, resulting in accumulation of work to maximize patient care and move the field forward.
DNA and RNA that triggers an injurious immune response. Organizations such as the Global Leukodystrophy Initiative,
Use of reverse transcriptase inhibitors are under clinical United Leukodystrophy Foundation, and disease-specific
investigation for AGS including: zidovudine, lamivudine, organizations, often named after children who succumbed to
and abacavir (NCT02363452) or tenofovir and emtricitabine these conditions, connect families, provide education to
(NCT03304717). Alternatively, AGS can be caused by muta- physicians, patients, and the public, fund research, and advo-
tions in genes related to immune system function. Targeting cate for newborn screening and other policy changes to aid in
pathways such as the JAK-STAT signaling pathway with bari- the care and cure of leukodystrophies. With rapid advances
citinib, a janus kinase inhibitor, as approved for rheumatoid in cell, gene, RNA-based, and protein therapies, many of
arthritis, is currently in clinical study for AGS these conditions will become treatable in the coming years.
(NCT03921554, NCT04517253). As advancements in treatment run parallel with advance-
Three patients with X-ALD who had advanced cerebral ments in diagnosis and screening, an increasing number of
disease and thus not eligible for HSCT or ex vivo lentiviral children will benefit from the emerging science and new
gene therapy received vorinostat, a histone deacetylase inhib- technologies.
itor, to evaluate the effect on blood brain barrier integrity.
After 80 days of vorinostat treatment, the CSF levels of albu-
min and immunoglobulins normalized, suggesting a reduc- References
tion in the excessive blood brain barrier permeability that is 1. van der Knaap MS, Bugiani M: Leukodystrophies: A proposed classifica-
typically associated with X-ALD. However, after vorinostat tion system based on pathological changes and pathogenetic mecha-
discontinuation, CNS lesions progressed. In order to deter- nisms. Acta Neuropathol 134:351-382, 2017
mine efficacy, vorinostat would need to be evaluated in ear- 2. Vanderver A, Prust M, Tonduti D, et al: Case definition and classifica-
lier disease stages with a longer duration of therapy.57 tion of leukodystrophies and leukoencephalopathies. Mol Genet Metab
114:494-500, 2015
3. Urbik VM, Schmiedel M, Soderholm H, Bonkowsky JL: Expanded phe-
Chaperone Therapy notypic definition identifies hundreds of potential causative genes for
Molecular chaperones bind to proteins with specific confor- leukodystrophies and leukoencephalopathies. Child Neurol Open 7,
mational qualities in order to optimize their activity. A given 2020. 2329048X20939003
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