Exercise 1

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Exercise 1 -Deadline: 19th February

Complete the following sentences/questions using EVER or NEVER

1.Have you EVER travelled abroad?

2. I have NEVER drunk goat’s milk.

3.Has your mum EVER studied a foreign language?

4. John has NEVER read that book.

5.I have NEVER slept in a tent.

Complete the sentences using FOR or SINCE

1. I have lived in my house ..........................a long time.

2. I have studied French.........................last December.

3. I have had my car..................five years.

4. We have worked together........................last year.

5. I haven’t seen my friend....................Christmas.

Complete the sentences using: ALREADY or YET

1. We have ALREADY finished unit 5.

2. We haven’t started unit 6 YET.

3. I have ALREADY cleaned the house.

4. I haven’t taken the dog for a walk YET.

5. We have ALREADY seen that film.

Complete the following chart

Infinitive Past Past participle

Be was/were Been

Eat ate Eaten

Get got got
went Gone
had Had

Drive drank Drunk

listen drove Driven

read listened Listened
read/red Read/red
rode Ridden
saw Seen
took Taken
watched Watched

wrote written

Making predictions: WILL/WON’T

Complete the following sentences

1. I think tomorrow it.....................(rain)
2. When I finish High school I.......................to University.(go)
3. Don’ worry. I.......................forget to post the letter. (forget)

Prefer/would rather
Complete these sentences using: prefer or would rather
(prefer+ing- would rather+ infinitive)
1. I..............................travelling by bus to travelling by train.
2. I...................drive than travel by train.
3. I prefer.......................to the cinema to watching a film at home.
4. I........................go to the cinema than watch a film at home.
5. I ......................playing tennis to playing football.


Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Some Some
A lot A lot
a little A few
much many

Complete the sentences or questions using: a little- a few- much- many- a

1. How much water do you drink every day?

2. How many times have I told you to do your homework?
3. I have a lot of money, so we can buy some biscuits.
4. Do you drink some of coffee?
5. She can´t buy a car because she hasn´t got a lot of money.
6. There aren´t.............................hotels in this town.
7. I invited all my friends to my birthday party, but only.........................came.
8. We are going away for....................... days. Today is Friday. We are
coming back on Tuesday.
9. He ate ..................of food, so he felt sick.
10. Her English is quite good. She doesn´t make.........................mistakes.

Complete the chart with vocabulary connected to the different areas.

Types of Musical Means of Special

music instruments Types of transport occasions

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