Simulado Inglês

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ALUNO - ________________________________________________________ Nº_____ TURMA______
PROF.(a) – RITA DATA ___ / ___ / 2022

• Utilize somente caneta azul ou preta. Respostas a lápis serão desconsideradas.
• Escreva as respostas de forma legível e evite rasurar

Questão 1 - (UFSC – Adaptada) Choose the grammatically CORRECT proposition to complete the blanks
in the following sentence:
If he ____________ the basics of computers, he ____________ a better student.
a) learns – become
b) learning – will become
c) will learning – becomes
d) learns – will become
e) will learn – become

Questão 2 - (PUC-RIO) In the sentence “If you wrote about the international banking systems for
bankers, your language and information would be more technical”, the author intends to transmit an
idea of:
a) conclusion
b) addition
c) condition
d) comparison
e) contrast

Questão 3 - Put the verb into the correct first conditional form:
a) If I __________________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the Marissa’s house.
b) If they __________________ (say) that again, I __________________ (be) angry.
c) If we __________________ (not / see) our friends tomorrow, we __________________ (see) them
next week.
d) If she __________________ (come) today, he __________________ (be) very surprised.
e) If you __________________ (stay) here, we __________________ (be) late.

Questão 4 – Fill in the sentences below with the appropriate phrasal verbs:
1. Don’t _____ your dreams! (desistir)
2. If life has been hard, ________! Things will get better! (aguentar firme)
3. She's really starting to ________ now. (crescer)
4. She _________a pretty dress to wear to the party. (vestiu)
A) Wake up, look for, get up, grow up
B) Get out, give up, grow up, put on
C) Give up, hang on, grow up, put on
D) Put on, give up, grow up, look for

Questão 5 – Fill in the sentences below with the appropriate phrasal verbs:
1. Can you _________ her phone number for me? ( procurar algo)
2. I ________ at 7 A.M. every day. (levantar)
3. __________ his number on that list. ( pesquisar)
A) Look for, get up, look up
B) Get up, hold on, give up
C) Wake up, get up, look up
D) Look for, give up, look up

Questão 6 – Fill in the sentences below with the appropriate phrasal verbs:
1. I need to ________ at 7 A.M. every day ( acordar)
2. The teacher screamed at him to __________. (sair)
3. We’ll _________ another minute, then we’ll have to go. (esperar)

A) Find out, give up, hold on

B) Hang on, give up, wake up
C) Get out, hold on, look for
D) Wake up, get out, hold on

Questão 7 - Choose the correct alternative to answer the question.

How can we describe the character of the meme?
a) ( ) We can describe him as a lazy person, because it took him
thirty minutes to bike to his neighbor’s house.
b) ( ) We can say that he is optimistic about the environment
because he doesn’t ride a car.
c) ( ) We can call him “the best biker of the world” because he
always rides a bike to go to his neighbor’s house.
d) ( ) We can describe him as good cyclist because he is always
riding his bikes.

Questão 8 - According to the text, we can say that the characters

a) ( ) have the same opinion about climate change.

b) ( ) have different opinions about the glaciers.
c) ( ) have different opinions about climate change.
d) ( ) have the same opinion about the science fiction movies.
Questão 9 - Questão 1

No cartum, a crítica está no fato de a sociedade exigir do adolescente que

a) se aposente prematuramente.
b) amadureça precocemente.
c) estude aplicadamente.
d) se forme rapidamente.
e) ouça atentamente
Questão 10 - (Enem 2019)

No cartum, o estudante faz uma pergunta usando turn this thing on por
a) suspeitar que o colega está com seu material por engano.
b) duvidar que o colega possa se tornar um bom aluno.
c) desconfiar que o livro levado é de outra matéria.
d) entender como desligada a postura do colega.
e) desconhecer como usar um livro impresso.

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