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Preoperative Evaluation Before Noncardiac

Dennis M. Bierle, MD; David Raslau, MD; Dennis W. Regan, MD;
Karna K. Sundsted, MD; and Karen F. Mauck, MD


The medical complexity of surgical patients is increasing and medical specialties are frequently asked
to assist with the perioperative management surgical patients. Effective pre-anesthetic medical eval-
uations are a valuable tool in providing high-value, patient-centered surgical care and should sys-
tematically address risk assessment and identify areas for risk modification. This review outlines a
structured approach to the pre-anesthetic medical evaluation, focusing on the asymptomatic patient. It
discusses the evidence supporting the use of perioperative risk calculation tools and focused preop-
erative testing. We also introduce important key topics that will be explored in greater detail in up-
coming reviews in this series.
ª 2019 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2019;nn(n):1-16

his article is the first in a series of re- Mayo Clinic Rochester,

promotes free water retention and the pro-
Division of General Inter-
view articles on perioperative medi- duction of concentrated urine) and renin/ nal Medicine, Rochester,
cal evaluation and management. We aldosterone (which promotes sodium and MN.
review perioperative physiology and intro- water reabsorption). The inflammatory
duce our approach to a pre-anesthetic medi- response to surgery is predominantly driven
cal evaluation, focusing on the asymptomatic by the release of cytokines (interleukin-1,
patient. Subsequent articles will discuss interlukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-a)
specific topics relevant to perioperative man- from the leukocytes, fibroblasts, and endo-
agement of the surgical patient. thelial cells from the site of the injured tis-
sue. These cytokines initiate a local
THE SURGICAL STRESS RESPONSE AND response, but also initiate a more systemic
THE PHYSIOLOGY OF ANESTHESIA acute-phase response with the production
Understanding the physiologic changes due of acute-phase proteins from the liver. The
to surgical stress and anesthesia are neces- magnitude of the surgical stress response is
sary for perioperative risk assessment and proportional to the degree of surgical injury.
management. The surgical stress response Its duration also varies; the effect of ADH
is activated by afferent input to the hypothal- lasts for 3 to 5 days postoperatively, whereas
amus from the site of tissue injury, which the effects of cytokines last 48 to 72 hours.1
results in endocrine, metabolic, and inflam- Anesthetics contribute to many perioper-
matory responses.1,2 The endocrine stress ative physiologic changes. Two major classes
response includes increases in levels of of anesthesia are available: general and neu-
cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone, raxial anesthesia. Multiple factors contribute
growth hormone, catecholamines, renin, to selecting the most appropriate anesthetic,
and antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Metabolic and this choice is best left the anesthesiolo-
changes such as catabolism of carbohydrates, gist. General anesthesia (GA) is comprised
fat, and protein provide increased energy of a triad of hypnosis, analgesia, and muscle
needed for the production of glucose and relaxation.3 During the induction phase, an
acute-phase proteins. Salt and water meta- intravenous combination of a sedative-
bolism is influenced by ADH (which hypnotic (such as propofol, etomidate, or

Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16 n 1 n ª 2019 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

ketamine), an adjuvant (such as midazolam, requires an analysis of surgical urgency,

opioid, or lidocaine), and a neuromuscular surgery-specific risk, patient-specific risk,
blocking agent (such as rocuronium, vecuro- and the status of relevant comorbidities.
nium, or cisatracurium) are used. An inhala- This information can then be integrated to
tion agent (sevoflurane, desflurane, formulate preoperative and postoperative
isoflurane, or nitric oxide) may be added risk modification recommendations.
once initial loss of consciousness is
achieved.4 Maintenance of anesthesia is Surgical Urgency
achieved by using an inhalation agent, intra- Surgical urgency is one of the most impor-
venous anesthesia, or, most commonly, a tant determinants of perioperative risk and
combination of both.4 GA leads to multi- management. Many guidelines, including
system physiologic changes, particularly those from American, European, and Cana-
during induction and emergence.4 The dian cardiovascular societies, recommend
most important effects are hypotension due assessing surgical urgency as the first step
to vasodilatation, decreased heart rate and in a pre-anesthetic medical evaluation.7-9 Ur-
decreased stroke volume, and respiratory gent or emergent status has been shown to
impairment due to loss of respiratory muscle increase the risk of complications over
tone, reduced lung volume, and airway similar procedures performed electively.10
closure.4,5 Several classification schemes for surgical
Neuraxial anesthesia, including spinal urgency have been published. The most
and epidural techniques, creates unique recent American College of Cardiology
physiologic effects due to a blockade of the (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA)
sympathetic nervous system and unopposed guidelines include formal definitions based
parasympathetic tone. This sympathectomy on expert consensus8: (1) emergency sur-
occurs above the sensory level (unmyelin- gery: life or limb threatened without inter-
ated nerves are more sensitive to anesthetics) vention within 6 hours; (2) urgent surgery:
and causes hypotension and bradycardia. Pa- life or limb threatened without intervention
tients with hypovolemia or pre-load depen- within 24 hours; (3) time-sensitive surgery:
dent cardiac disease (such as aortic stenosis medically necessary to operate within 1 to
or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) are at sig- 6 weeks; and (4) elective: can be deferred
nificant risk of complications, including car- for up to 1 year.
diac arrest and death. Respiratory effects The Canadian Cardiology Society out-
include a sense of dyspnea and a reduction lines a three-tiered system of emergency,
in expiratory effort and cough strength. Pa- urgent/semi-urgent, and elective surgeries
ralysis of the accessory muscles and dia- in their most recent guidelines.7 The Euro-
phragm can occur if a high spinal level is pean Heart Rhythm Association uses a
achieved. Finally, afferent and efferent nerve similar scheme for unplanned surgery in pa-
signals to the bladder are blocked, resulting tients receiving therapeutic anticoagula-
in urinary retention.6 tion.11 The common urgency classification
In summary, the surgical stress response scheme is used by many institutions to opti-
and anesthesia affect multiple organ systems mize surgical scheduling, but it does not
and awareness of these important physio- include categories beyond 24 hours.12,13
logic changes is vital to understanding how We prefer the classification scheme outlined
best to manage them in the perioperative by the ACC/AHA as it better approximates
setting. the clinical decisions in practice.


Effective pre-anesthetic medical evaluations The intrinsic risk of a surgical procedure de-
should systematically address risk assess- pends on the amount and location of tissue
ment and risk modification. Risk assessment disruption, blood loss, fluid shifts, and

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2 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16

hemodynamic effects, among other vari- may improve this calibration, although the
ables.10 An evaluation of surgery-specific variables and outcomes are limited to only
risk is formally included in American, Euro- those collected by NSQIP. This can lead to
pean, and Canadian guidelines for preopera- differences in the outcomes predicted by
tive cardiac evaluation.7-9 Other societies different calculators, complicating direct
recommend similar approaches for other or- comparisons between calculators.
gan systems.14-17 Table 1 outlines several commonly used
The risk of major adverse cardiac events risk assessment tools categorized by organ
was historically separated into low- (<1%), system. There are no prospective trials
intermediate- (1% to 5%) and high- (>5%) directly comparing perioperative risk assess-
risk categories.18 More recent guidelines ment tools, but the strength and weaknesses
recommend a binary approach, using low have been shown in observational studies.
risk (<1%) and elevated risk (1%) to better Understanding the strengths and limitations
integrate with the clinical decision-making of the tools preferred at one’s practice loca-
process.8 Low-risk procedures, such as cata- tion is crucial to effective use.
ract or dermatologic surgeries, have fewer
hemodynamic shifts and a smaller surgical COMBINED RISK ASSESSMENT
stress response.8 We recommend assessing risk by organ sys-
tem, and outline a structured approach
Patient-Specific Risk below. Surgical urgency, surgical risk, and
Patient-specific risk is attributable to medical patient-specific risk factors are necessary in-
comorbidities that impact the overall risk of puts for clinical decision algorithms and so-
a surgical procedure. The history and phys- ciety guidelines. The combined medical and
ical exam are key components in identifying surgical risk for cardiac complications, pul-
these risk factors. This assessment should monary complications, venous thromboem-
build on the procedure-specific risk; the bolism, postoperative nausea, vomiting, and
preferred risk assessment tools incorporate delirium should be assessed on all pa-
both patient and procedural elements when tients.8,14-17 Additional risks should be
possible. A limitation of many risk assess- assessed on an individualized basis.
ment tools is the assumption that patients
are medically stable and are therefore not ac- Cardiac
curate in patients with acute or progressive The 2014 ACC/AHA guidelines for perioper-
symptoms.19 When these symptoms are ative cardiac evaluation created an easy-to-
identified, they should be evaluated as would follow algorithm to identify patients for
be done in a non-perioperative setting.8 whom stress testing can be considered.8
Perioperative risk assessment tools have Key decisions are based on identifying pa-
several additional limitations. They are tients with acute coronary syndrome,
derived from populations where high-risk elevated perioperative risk of major adverse
conditions with low prevalence such as pul- cardiac events based on a validated risk
monary hypertension and cirrhosis are often assessment (see Table 1), and poor func-
not accounted for in the models, underesti- tional capacity (<4 Measurement of Exercise
mating the risk in affected patients. There Tolerance Before Surgery [METS]). The Ca-
is also the possibility that the absolute risk nadian Cardiovascular Society recommends
estimates may not be accurate. For example, formally evaluating only patients with
the validation and derivation cohorts used to known cardiovascular disease or aged 45
construct the Revised Cardiac Risk Index years or older who are undergoing surgery
showed significant differences in cardiovas- requiring at least an overnight hospital
cular complication rates, particularly with stay. They recommend against stress testing
scores greater than 1.19 The use of large da- and prefer postoperative troponin moni-
tabases such as the National Surgery Quality toring guided by B-naturetic peptide levels
Improvement Program (NSQIP) database over functional capacity assessment.7 These
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16 n 3

TABLE 1. Perioperative Risk Assessment Toolsa

Tool Outcomes Advantages Limitations
Cardiac risk calculators
Revised Cardiac Risk Myocardial infarction, pulmonary Simple, well-validated Moderate performance, derived in
index19 edema, ventricular fibrillation, elective surgeries with
cardiac arrest, or complete heart hospitalization for at least 2 days
Gupta MICA20 Myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest Adjusts for type of surgery Limited patient-specific variables,
does not account for variability
within each surgery type,
variables and outcomes limited
to data collected by NSQIP
ACS NSQIP10 Myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest Specific data for each procedure Single set of variables for all
outcomes, variables and
outcomes limited to data
collected by NSQIP
Pulmonary risk calculators
Gupta Respiratory Mechanical ventilation >48 hours Validated across wide range of Limited patient-specific variables,
Failure21 after surgery or unplanned surgeries and clinical settings does not account for variability
intubation within 30 days of within each surgery type
Gupta Postoperative Pneumonia within 30 days of Validated across wide range of Limited patient-specific variables,
Pneumonia22 surgery surgeries and clinical settings does not account for variability
within each surgery type
ARISCAT23 Respiratory infection, respiratory Includes objective variables rather Includes complications of
failure, pleural effusion, than general classifications questionable clinical relevance,
atelectasis, pneumothorax, valid for inpatient surgery only
bronchospasm, aspiration
ACS NSQIP10 Respiratory failure, pneumonia Surgery specific Variables and outcomes limited to
data collected by NSQIP
STOP-BANG24 Moderate or severe OSA Validated in perioperative setting Nonspecific at intermediate scores
Sleep apnea clinical Moderate or severe OSA Score >15 predicts postoperative Lacks specificity when used alone
score25 respiratory events, especially in
combination with postoperative
VTE risk calculators
Caprini26 VTE within 30 days of surgery Accounts for many patient and Not validated in neurosurgery,
surgical factors cardiac, thoracic, or trauma
ACCP14 VTE within 30 days of surgery Addresses different surgeries Complex to implement with
specifically subjective components
ACS NSQIP10 VTE within 30 days of surgery Procedure specific Variables and outcomes limited to
data collected by NSQIP
Geriatric risk
Risk analysis index27 Death, surgical complications Short survey or documentation Not externally validated, stronger
review to collect data predictor at 6 months than 30
days, optimal cut points
Continued on next page

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4 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16

TABLE 1. Continued
Tool Outcomes Advantages Limitations
Geriatric risk
calculators, continued
Frailty score28 30-day surgical complications, Components validated in Specific equipment required, time-
length of stay, and discharge perioperative and general consuming
disposition populations
Modified frailty Death, surgical complications, Simple to calculate Not validated in a clinical setting
index29 unplanned 30 day readmission due to NSQIP changes
Mini-Cog30,31 Dementia risk Simple, assesses multiple cognitive
domain, abnormal test predicts
Hepatic risk calculators
MELD32 Death Higher scores correlate with worse Most studies done with older
outcomes (>10) versions of MELD equations
than what is used for transplant
Child-Pugh33 Death Higher scores correlate with worse Performance similar to MELD,
outcomes (>7) which is more widely used for
Postoperative nausea/
vomiting risk calculators
Apfel score34 Postoperative nausea and vomiting Simple, can guide intervention Moderate predictive power
Koivuranta score35 Postoperative nausea and vomiting Simple, prospectively developed Moderate predictive power
Other risk calculators
CAGE36 Alcohol use disorder Score >2 increases risk of delirium Prospective interventional studies
not available
AUDIT-C37 Alcohol use disorder Higher scores (9-12) associated Prospective interventional studies
with increased complication not available
Duke Activity Status Functional status in METs Incorporates common household Relies on patient recall, decision
Index38 activities thresholds not established
ACCP ¼ American College of Clinical Pharmacy; ACS ¼ American College of Surgeons; ARISCAT ¼ Assess Respiratory Risk in Surgical Patients in Catalonia; AUDIT-C ¼
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; MELD ¼ Model for End-stage Liver Disease; MET ¼ metabolic equivalent; MICA ¼ Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Arrest;
NSQIP ¼ National Surgical Quality Improvement Project; OSA ¼ obstructive sleep apnea; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.

algorithms have not been prospectively condition is identified, it should be

compared, but the METS trial, discussed managed per standard clinical practice
below, does compare several different guidelines. For medically stable patients,
methods of assessing functional capacity.39 the next step is to assess the risk of major
Patients needing emergency surgery adverse cardiac events using a combination
should undergo clinical risk stratification of medical and surgical risk. The calcula-
and proceed to surgery with monitoring tors contained in Table 1 all meet this
intraoperatively and postoperatively as requirement. For patients with a risk of
indicated. Patients not needing emergency less than 1%, no further testing is indicated
surgery should be assessed for signs and and the patient may proceed with surgery.
symptoms of acute coronary syndrome. Patients with a risk of greater than 1%
Although not specifically mentioned in benefit from a functional capacity assess-
the guideline, our practice is to extend ment. If the functional capacity is greater
this to other acute or unstable cardiac con- than or equal to 4 METs, the patient may
ditions. If an unstable acute cardiac proceed to surgery. If the functional
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16 n 5

capacity is less than 4 METs, pharmaco- surgery are available from the American Col-
logic stress testing is reasonable if the re- lege of Chest Physicians; these guidelines
sults would affect management.8 should be followed over more generalized
The ACC/AHA algorithm does not tools.14 Bleeding risk assessment includes
include noncoronary cardiac conditions, the rate of bleeding inherent to the proced-
but the guidelines do recommend patients ure, the consequences of bleeding (such as
be evaluated if there is clinical evidence of the potentially devastating consequences in
heart failure, valvular heart disease, neurosurgical or reconstructive procedures)
arrhythmia, or other cardiac disorders. Pa- and patient factors such as medications or
tients with established cardiovascular disease comorbidities. The risk of clotting should
also require additional considerations. Those be balanced with the risk of bleeding to
with a history of myocardial infarction or determine the type and duration of prophy-
stroke within the past year deserve careful laxis recommended.
review due to a variety of factors, including
antiplatelet medications and risk of subse- Delirium
quent events.40,41 Delirium is a major contributor to postoper-
ative morbidity and mortality in elderly pa-
Pulmonary tients. Delirium risk should be assessed in
Pulmonary complications contribute to peri- all patients, with special attention to those
operative morbidity and mortality in similar with known or suspected preoperative
magnitude to cardiac complications.15 Pul- cognitive dysfunction.16 A mini-cog score
monary complication rates are higher in up- of 2 or less is associated with an increased
per abdominal, thoracic, and head and neck risk of delirium.31 Assessing baseline cogni-
surgeries due to their impacts on respiratory tion, identifying surrogate decision makers,
mechanics.42,43 Patients should undergo a documenting risk factors, and identifying al-
clinical assessment for new or progressive ternatives to provoking medications in high-
pulmonary disorders, including the impact risk patients are recommended.16
on functional status. This includes assessing
for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and hypo- Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
ventilation syndromes using a validated Postoperative nausea and vomiting is a com-
screening instrument.17,24,44 Patients with mon complication that affects patient com-
symptoms or exam findings suggestive of fort, risk of pulmonary complications, and
function-limiting pulmonary disease should resource use.45 Multiple risk factors have
be evaluated if the surgical urgency permits. been identified, and several models to pre-
The calculators in Table 1 provide risk esti- dict symptoms within the first 24 hours
mates based on surgical and patient factors, have been published (see Table 1). Overall
but do not predict the risk of OSA. performance of these models is similar.46

Venous Thromboembolism and Bleeding Other Risks

All surgical patients should undergo risk Many disorders identified by a comprehen-
assessment for venous thromboembolism sive evaluation may require additional
(VTE) and bleeding.14 Factors contributing consideration and should be assessed as indi-
to a higher risk of VTE include tissue injury, cated in non-perioperative settings. Condi-
pro-inflammatory states such as cancer, loca- tions affecting hemodynamics, fluid
tion and duration of the procedure, and balance, wound healing, infection, and
immobilization. The Caprini risk assessment bleeding deserve special attention. Medica-
tool can be applied to several different types tions and endocrine, renal, gastrointestinal,
of surgery, but is best validated in general and nutritional disorders will be discussed
and abdomino-pelvic populations.26 Specific later in this series. Preoperative involvement
guidelines for total joint arthroplasty, hip of subspecialists can be considered, particu-
fracture, spine surgery, and ambulatory larly when structured management
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6 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16

approaches are not readily available or opti- improved outcomes, and patient satisfac-
mization is desired. tion.17 Table 2 summarizes our suggested
PREOPERATIVE HISTORY AND PHYSICAL The preoperative history should assess
EXAMINATION functional capacity in metabolic equivalents
The goal of the preoperative history and (METs), including whether the patient is
physical examination is to identify elements able to meet 4 METs regularly and without
needed for preoperative risk assessment significant symptoms. Examples of 4 METs
and reduction, anesthetic management, and of activity include walking on a flat surface
optimization of medical comorbidities. A at a 4-mph pace, walking up a hill or flight
thorough medical, surgical, family, and so- of stairs without stopping or performing
cial history should be obtained. It is also heavy housework such as vacuuming. Pa-
important to document the severity and tients may not accurately self-report METs.
stability of chronic medical conditions. Ex- A large prospective cohort study recently
pected benefits include the safety of periop- compared preoperative subjective assess-
erative care, optimal resource use, ment of METs with other preoperative

TABLE 2. Preoperative History and Physical Exam by System

System History Physical exam
General Serious illness or hospitalization in past 6 months Vital signs, body mass index, sarcopenia, cognition
Weight, cognitive, or functional changes Wounds, pressure ulcers
Ear, nose and throat Airway tumor, obstruction or history of previous Mallampati classification
oropharyngeal surgery Dentition
History of head and neck radiation Removable oral appliances
Neck Pain Range of motion
Previous injury or surgery Thyromental distance
History of rheumatoid arthritis, Down syndrome Neck circumference
Cardiac Recent chest pain, exertional dyspnea, dizziness, peripheral Auscultation
edema, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Jugular venous pressure
Hepatojugular reflex
Peripheral edema
Hematologic Excessive bleeding (personal and family) Petechiae
Blood clotting (personal and family) Ecchymoses
Blood thinner exposure Peripheral edema
Pulmonary Dyspnea Trachea
Snoring, apneic episodes, snort arousals Auscultation
Features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma Work of breathing
exacerbation if patient has these conditions Chest wall abnormalities
Gastrointestinal Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, history of liver disease, Findings of cirrhosis
postoperative ileus, or nausea/vomiting Surgical scars
Musculoskeletal Falls Synovitis
Range of motion Gait
Pain Deformities such as kyphosis or scoliosis
Neurologic Symptoms of stroke (new or residual) Focal neurologic deficits
Seizures Pupil symmetry
Other Menstrual/pregnancy Implanted medical devices
Medications, including over the counter
Tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs
Corticosteroid exposure (including injections)
Reactions to general anesthesia (personal and family)

Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16 n 7

markers of fitness, including cardiopulmo- defined by NSQIP. This classifies the patient
nary exercise testing, the Duke Activity Sta- as independent, partially dependent, or
tus Index (DASI) questionnaire, and serum dependent based on the level of assistance
N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide needed from another person or device to
(NT pro-BNP).39 Preoperative subjective accomplish activities of daily living.10
assessment of METS was only approximately
20% sensitive for identifying patients who PREOPERATIVE TESTING
were unable to achieve 4 METs during car- Thoughtful consideration to what testing is
diopulmonary exercise testing. However, indicated ensures safe, cost-effective care.
the DASI questionnaire was positively corre- Preoperative testing is generally limited to
lated to peak oxygen consumption and nega- those things that have a high likelihood to
tively correlated with NT pro-BNP change management. For most patients un-
concentrations, suggesting the DASI may dergoing surgery, minimal testing is indi-
be superior to subjective assessment. This cated. This approach reduces the impact of
study has prompted us to begin incorpo- false-positive testing and prevents unneces-
rating the DASI into our practice. sary delays for surgeries. Subsequent reviews
Several risk calculators require the pa- in this series address disease-specific man-
tient’s preoperative functional status as agement, so we focus on the management

TABLE 3. Summary of Preoperative Testing Recommendations for Asymptomatic Patientsa

Indicated for
Test routine testing? Special considerations
Electrocardiogram No Known CVD
Severe obesity (BMI > 40 kg/m2) with CVD risk factors
Stress testing No Known CVD
High-risk patients with poor functional capacity
B-natriuretic peptide Yes/no May be helpful for borderline or unknown functional capacity
Hemoglobin and hematocrit No Known hemoglobinopathies
Advanced age
Surgeries likely to have significant blood loss
Platelets No Hematologic or liver disease
Creatinine No Known renal disease
Medications that affect renal function
Advanced age or elevated-risk procedure
Electrolytes No Medications that alter electrolytes
Fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c No Diabetes
Vascular and orthopedic surgeries
Liver enzymes No Liver disease
Coagulation studies No Known coagulopathies
Albumin, pre-albumin, transferrin No History or physical exam create concern
Pregnancy testing Yes None
Urinalysis No Urologic, gynecological surgery
MRSA screening No MRSA characteristics of local institution
Chest x-ray No Patients older than 50 years with abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery or upper
abdominal and thoracic surgery
Severe obesity (BMI > 40 kg/m2)
Pulmonary Function Test No Indicated in pulmonary resection
Sleep Study No Clinical screening indicated routinely
BMI ¼ body mass index; CVD ¼ cardiovascular disease; MRSA ¼ methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus.

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8 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16

of asymptomatic individuals. Suggestions are Hematologic

summarized in Table 3. Routine hemoglobin and hematocrit levels
are not indicated preoperatively for most
asymptomatic patients without known ane-
mia. The American Society of Anesthesiolo-
Routine electrocardiograms (ECGs) are not
gists recommends these lab tests in selected
indicated for asymptomatic individuals who
patients of advanced age and in those who
are undergoing low-risk surgeries. ECG is
will be undergoing surgeries that are likely
recommended for patients undergoing an
to result in severe blood loss.17 Routine
elevated-risk surgical procedure or patients
white blood cell counts and platelets levels
with known cardiovascular disease not un-
are not indicated in patients without symp-
dergoing a low-risk procedure.8 It is reason-
toms or known abnormalities.49 Platelets
able to obtain a preoperative ECG for
would be indicated in patients with known
severely obese patients (body mass index
hematologic or hepatic disease.
[BMI] >40 kg/m2) who have at least one
Routine coagulation testing is not recom-
additional cardiovascular disease risk factor,
mended as coagulopathies are rare in asymp-
such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipid-
tomatic individuals and most who have
emia, smoking, or poor exercise tolerance.47
dysregulation of hemostasis will present
Stress testing can be considered in spe-
with symptoms before evaluation for a preop-
cific situations, such as elevated risk patients
erative exam.50 Questions regarding periop-
with a poor functional capacity (<4 METs).8
erative management of patients who are on
BNP is an evolving tool, but its role remains
anticoagulants are common. It is worth a brief
unclear. Routine echocardiography is not
review here, although a comprehensive re-
recommended in asymptomatic individuals;
view will follow. Warfarin can be effectively
it is reasonable in patients with known
monitored by the prothrombin time (PT)
valvular disease or decreased left ventricular
and this should be measured preoperatively
function. 8
in patients who receive warfarin. The novel
anticoagulants do not require routine labs
Pulmonary for monitoring therapy, but residual activity
Routine chest x-rays are not needed for may need to be assessed preoperatively. Dabi-
asymptomatic patients, but the American gatran is preferentially monitored with an
College of Physicians recommends one “for ecarin clotting time, but significant activity
patients with known cardiopulmonary dis- is unlikely if a dilute thrombin time or acti-
ease and those older than 50 years of age vated partial thromboplastin time is normal.
who are undergoing upper abdominal, Apixaban, edoxaban, and rivaroxaban are fac-
thoracic, or abdominal aortic aneurysm sur- tor Xa inhibitors that are monitored with a
gery.”15 The ACC/AHA recommends a chest drug-specific anti-Xa assay. An uncalibrated
x-ray for patients with severe obesity (BMI anti-Xa assay that is normal excludes signifi-
>40 kg/m2) to assess for potentially “undiag- cant active anticoagulant effect. PT and acti-
nosed heart failure, cardiac chamber enlarge- vated partial thromboplastin time are less
ment, or abnormal pulmonary vascularity reliable in this situation.51
suggestive of pulmonary hypertension.”47
Pulmonary function testing is not recom- Chemistries
mended routinely because clinical evaluation The American Geriatrics Society recom-
is more predictive of pulmonary complica- mends that all elderly patients have a creati-
tions after surgery.48 Screening for OSA nine test before surgery.16 It is also
risk is accomplished using a validated tool reasonable to consider this in patients who
such as the snoring, tiredness, observed ap- have underlying kidney disease, are taking
nea, high blood pressure, BMI, age, neck medications that alter electrolytes, have
circumference, and male gender (STOP- exposure to nephrotoxic agents, or require
Bang) score. cardiac risk stratification as the Revised
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16 n 9

Cardiac Risk Index and Gupta myocardial recovery from malnutrition. In addition,
infarction or cardiac arrest calculator use other conditions such a renal disease and he-
creatinine as one of the risk factors. Specifics patic disease can affect albumin levels. Preal-
regarding management of patients with kid- bumin has a half-life of approximately 2 days
ney disease will be discussed in detail in a but it can be difficult to interpret in the pres-
subsequent review. Routine electrolytes are ence of inflammation, renal disease, and he-
not indicated in the asymptomatic patient. patic disease. Transferrin has a half-life of
The incidence of asymptomatic abnormal- approximately 10 days. It also represents
ities is very low.49 Situations that would the iron status of a patient and therefore
require electrolyte analysis should be easily must be interpreted in conjunction with
predictable from a good history, that is, use iron levels (ie, a low transferrin in the setting
of diuretics for hypertension. of a low serum iron is more indicative of iron
Routine fasting glucose levels are deficiency than protein malnutrition).
also not recommended in asymptomatic
populations. A meta-analysis studying the INFECTION
association between hemoglobin A1c levels Routine urinalysis and culture to screen for
in non-diabetics and surgical complications asymptomatic bacteriuria is not recommen-
did not show any association except in ded. There does not appear to be any signif-
vascular and orthopedic surgeries.52 For pa- icant difference in wound infections for
tients undergoing these types of surgeries, those who had or did not have urinalysis
the authors believed it was reasonable to before most surgeries, including orthopedic
use hemoglobin A1c as screening tool. Pa- surgeries.56,57 Exceptions to this would be
tients who have diabetes should have hemo- high-risk surgeries, such as urologic and gy-
globin A1c levels to monitor the necological surgeries.58
management of their diabetes before surgery. Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus
Routine liver enzyme tests are not rec- aureus (MRSA) infections are a risk to the
ommended in asymptomatic individuals. hospitalized patient and may represent an
Significant abnormalities are uncommon53 even greater risk to the surgical patient.
and analysis of the NSQIP database showed Practices regarding MRSA screening vary
no risk difference between patients who widely. A meta-analysis from 2010
had preoperative liver testing and those concluded that evidence is currently incon-
who did not.54 Patients with liver disease clusive to recommend routine preoperative
should have laboratory studies performed screening for MRSA colonization.59
so that either a Model for End-stage Liver
Disease (MELD) score or a Child-Pugh score PREGNANCY
can be calculated (creatinine, bilirubin, PT, Pregnancy cannot be excluded by history
and albumin). alone and knowing someone is pregnant
may change the surgical plan. Pregnancy
NUTRITION testing in women of child-bearing age is rec-
Routinely obtaining albumin, prealbumin, ommended by the American Society of
and transferrin levels is not recommended Anesthesiologists.17
for asymptomatic patients, with the possible
exception of geriatric patients.16 These are
reasonable tests if there is concern for nutri-
tional status based on history, physical exam Geriatric
finding, or underlying medical conditions. Geriatric patients have a higher rate of med-
Low albumin levels (<2.2 g/dL) suggest ical comorbidities including cardiovascular
malnutrition and correlate with poor surgi- disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic kid-
cal outcomes.55 However, albumin has a ney disease, hypertension, and diabetes.16
half-life of approximately 20 days and may Management of these conditions does not
not reflect recent poor nutrition or recent differ from the nongeriatric population.
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10 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16

Issues specific to the geriatric population dysfunction, coronary artery disease, coagul-
include cognitive deficits and delirium, opathy, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia,
malnutrition, frailty, and falls. Current substance use disorders, and infection/colo-
guidelines recommend screening for cogni- nization with MRSA.66 Although some
tive deficits which are a risk factor for post- studies have noted a slight increase in
operative delirium and a history of falls.60 morbidity and mortality in HIV patients
Geriatric patients should be assessed for with either high viral loads or low CD4
frailty and malnutrition using standard counts, organ dysfunction and nutritional
assessment tools (see Table 1). Recent status are superior risk predictors.67,68 Opti-
studies suggest that addressing malnutrition mization of antiretroviral therapy (ART)
and frailty preoperatively with a program of before elective surgery is recommended,
“prehabilitation” improves postoperative and pharmacy oversight for antiretroviral
outcomes.61 In the case of urgent surgery, drug interaction checking is recommended.
increased attention to postoperative rehabil- Clinicians should continue ART in the peri-
itation and nutrition has also been shown operative period with as little interruption as
to be beneficial.60 Patient’s wishes regarding possible. When ART interruption is neces-
advanced directives should be noted, partic- sary, all components of the regimen should
ularly regarding the issue of intraoperative be stopped simultaneously, and clinicians
resuscitation. The Beers criteria should be should consult with a provider who has
used when prescribing medications experience in management of ART.66 Pa-
postoperatively.62 tients who require prophylaxis for Pneumo-
cystis jirovecii and are unable to receive
Pregnancy oral medications for more than 1 week can
The most common nonobstetric conditions receive trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
requiring surgery during pregnancy are intravenously or pentamidine intravenously
appendicitis, biliary disease, ovarian torsion or by inhalation.69 Patients with a history
or neoplasm, and trauma. The pre- of P. jirovecii are at increased risk of sponta-
anesthetic medical evaluation should include neous pneumothorax, which could manifest
an obstetrician and medications should be as postoperative dyspnea.70
screened for teratogenicity.63 Elective sur-
geries are recommended to be postponed un- Chronic Liver Disease
til after delivery. Time-sensitive surgery is Patients with cirrhosis are at increased risk
recommended to be performed during the for surgical and anesthesia related complica-
second trimester when the risk of sponta- tions.71 The MELD and Child-Pugh scores
neous abortion is lowest.63 Urgent surgery predict postoperative risk in cirrhotic pa-
can generally be performed safely, although tients.72 Patients with a MELD score of less
the risks may be higher than non-pregnant than 10 are at low risk during elective sur-
patients and mechanical effects of late-stage gery, whereas those with a MELD score
pregnancy have perioperative implica- greater than 10 are at elevated risk.73 This
tions.64,65 Delaying urgent surgery is associ- risk increases with an increasing MELD,
ated with higher complication rates, and and special consideration should be given
patients should not be deprived of an indi- to those with MELD scores of 15 or
cated surgery due to pregnancy alone.63 greater.74 Ninety-day postoperative mortality
rates in patients with MELD scores of 15 or
Human Immunodeficiency Virus higher are greater than 50%, and greater
The preoperative evaluation of patients with than 85% for patients with MELD scores
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is over 25.32
similar to that of patients without HIV, Patients with nonalcoholic steatohepati-
with special attention towards conditions tis are at increased risk for coronary disease
that are more prevalent in patients with due to the likelihood of significant dyslipide-
HIV.66 These include hepatic and renal mia.75 Patients with hemochromatosis
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16 n 11

should be considered for screening for car- possibility of these conditions being
diomyopathy.72 Patients with ascites are at undiagnosed.
increased risk for wound dehiscence and Class 2 and 3 obesity (BMI, 35 kg/m2)
incisional hernia; these patients should be even in otherwise healthy patients, is an in-
treated with diuretics and sodium restriction dependent risk factor for specific adverse
to reduce the ascites burden preoperatively if perioperative outcomes including pneu-
possible.72 Hepatic encephalopathy can be monia, respiratory failure, and postoperative
brought on or aggravated by narcotic- wound infections.79 The perioperative man-
induced constipation and the use of benzodi- agement of comorbid medical conditions
azepine medications; the use of these drugs does not differ in the obese versus nonobese
should be minimized when possible.71 patient.


Refusal of Blood Products
Delaying or cancelling a surgery should be
Patients may refuse blood products due to
considered when risk unacceptably out-
religious beliefs or concerns regarding blood
weighs the expected benefit. Although
product safety. The most well-known refusal
testing and risk assessment tools can be
comes from the religious group known as Je-
helpful, this is ultimately a clinical decision
hovah’s Witnesses. In general, Witnesses
that should incorporate the surgical team,
believe that voluntarily accepting blood
medical team, and patient values. Preopera-
transfusions may affect their eternal salva-
tive medical optimization should focus on
tion. However, there is variation among be-
meaningfully reducing modifiable periopera-
liefs, with some individuals accepting blood
tive risk. Major limitations in the literature
subtractions such as albumin or coagulation
are the absence of optimization targets and
factor concentrates. Often, autologous trans-
distinction of which risks are modifiable.
fusion involving storage of autologous blood
This is reflected in guidelines on coronary
is unacceptable, whereas circulating blood
revascularization and sleep apnea treat-
back into the patient such as during cardio-
ment.8,44 Unmodifiable risk is best managed
pulmonary bypass, is acceptable. Periopera-
through enhanced monitoring or postopera-
tive evaluation should focus on careful and
tive prevention strategies. Studies have
granular delineation of the patient’s wishes,
shown that postoperative mortality corre-
including potential life-threatening situa-
lates more with the way complications are
tions. Correcting any coagulopathy using
managed than with the incidence.80
factors as acceptable to the patient, and opti-
The surgical urgency significantly con-
mizing red cell production with iron, B12
tributes to the decision to delay a surgery. It
and folate supplements as appropriate, may
is very rarely appropriate to delay emergency
improve outcomes.76,77
surgery. However, unstable or progressive
symptoms, particularly those affecting the
Obesity cardiac or respiratory systems, should prompt
Otherwise healthy overweight (BMI, 25 to evaluation even in urgent surgeries.8 Elective
30 kg/m2) and class 1 obese patients (BMI, or time-sensitive surgeries should only be
30 to 35 kg/m2) are not at increased risk of delayed for testing that would potentially alter
adverse outcome following noncardiac sur- management. If confirmatory testing is not
gery.78 However, there is an increased risk able to be performed preoperatively, patients
of comorbidities that do adversely affect should be managed as if they have the sus-
postoperative outcomes, including OSA, pected condition.44
obesity hypoventilation syndrome, hyperten- Perioperative hypertension is common,
sion, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, meta- but has not been shown to influence compli-
bolic syndrome, and chronic kidney cation rates when less than 180/110 mm
disease.79 These patients should have a peri- Hg.81 Patients in need of urgent surgery
operative evaluation with attention to the with blood pressures greater than this may
n n
12 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16

TABLE 4. Example Documentationa

System-based risk
management Example documentation
Overall summary of risk A 71-year-old male is scheduled for a total hip arthroplasty. He is at acceptable risk to proceed with the planned
surgical procedure without additional testing. His chronic diseases are medically optimized. Details and
recommendations as follows.
Cardiac risk assessment Patient has stable coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus on insulin. His estimated functional capacity is 4 METs;
he ambulates without the use of a gait aid. His RCRI score is 2. His Gupta risk is 1.4%. The estimated risk of cardiac
death, nonfatal MI, or cardiac arrest is approximately 1.5% to 2.5%. He has adequate functional capacity and the
electrocardiogram reveals no worrisome findings. No additional cardiac testing is indicated at this time. Metoprolol
should be taken the morning of surgery.
Pulmonary risk assessment Risk factors for postoperative pulmonary complications include age, moderate COPD, and OSA. His COPD is
adequately controlled with tiotropium inhaler; he is able to walk 1 to 2 miles without respiratory limitation. Lungs
are clear on exam. He is compliant with his CPAP. No additional pulmonary testing is indicated. Would
recommend postoperative incentive spirometry, aspiration precautions, and early mobilization. If needed, Duonebs
may be provided postoperatively. Patient advised to bring his CPAP with him for use in the recovery room and
VTE risk assessment Patient is at high risk for perioperative VTE given this surgical procedure and his advanced age. He is not at significant
increased risk for postoperative bleeding. Would recommend prophylaxis with both mechanical (pneumatic
compression) and pharmacologic methods. Because of the increased risk of VTE after hospital discharge,
recommend consideration of extending anticoagulant prophylaxis for at least 10 to 14 days, and ideally, up to
35 days postoperatively. The specific prophylactic regimen is to be determined by the surgical team.
Delirium risk assessment His estimated risk of postoperative delirium is approximately 12% given the type of surgery; he has additional risk
factors of age, male sex, and decreased hearing. Recommend careful attention to maintaining day/night activities,
early mobilization, frequent reorientation, and having the patient wear his hearing aids postoperatively. Avoidance
of as-needed medications with anticholinergic or sedative side effects (ie, diphenhydramine, benzodiazepines) is
also recommended. Multimodal approach to pain management to minimize the need for opiates is encouraged.
Having family present as much as possible postoperatively can be helpful with reorientation.
Disease-specific Hemoglobin A1C was well controlled at 7.5%. The patient is advised to hold his morning short acting insulin. He
management should take 50% of his usual glargine dose the night before surgery (15 units). Corrective scale insulin can be used
Diabetes as needed until the patient resumes normal dietary intake.
Stress dose steroids Because the patient has received >5 mg of prednisone for >3 weeks in the past 3 months, I recommend stress dose
Hypothyroidism steroids; hydrocortisone 25 mg every 8 hours for 2 days.
Patient is on a stable dose of levothyroxine. His last TSH was normal 6 months ago. His gout, gastroesophageal reflux,
and hypertension are clinically stable.
Laboratory review I have reviewed his blood count, electrolytes and creatinine; all were normal. Type and screen has been completed
per surgical service.
Medication management I have reviewed the fasting guidelines with the patient and have recommended that he take the following medications
on the morning of surgery: omeprazole, metoprolol, tiotropium, levothyroxine, and allopurinol. He was advised to
hold hydrochlorothiazide, lisinopril, and multivitamin on the morning of surgery. He can take his atorvastatin the
evening before surgery as usual. Insulin recommendations as above. Medications can be resumed postoperatively
once diet is resumed as blood pressure and fluid status tolerates. I have confirmed his current active medication list
in the electronic record.
COPD ¼ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CPAP ¼ continuous positive airway pressure; MET ¼ metabolic equivalent of task; MI ¼ myocardial infarction; OSA ¼
obstructive sleep apnea; RCRI ¼ revised cardiac risk index; TSH ¼ thyroid stimulating hormone; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.

require parenteral antihypertensive ther- Smoking and substance use disorders in-
apy.82 Upper respiratory infection has been crease perioperative risk directly through ef-
associated with an increased risk in minor fects from the substances themselves and
pulmonary complications in children, but indirectly through an increased risk of
there is no established major morbidity in comorbidities such as coronary artery dis-
adults.83 ease.84 Smoking cessation can have benefits
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2019;nn(n):1-16 n 13

within as little as 2 weeks, although the Individual reprints of this article and a bound reprint of
largest benefit is seen after at least 8 weeks.85 the entire Thematic Review on Perioperative Medicine will
be available for purchase from our website www.
Patients undergoing elective or time-
sensitive surgeries should be referred for
substance use counseling. The Thematic Review Series on Perioperative Medicine
will continue in an upcoming issue.
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variety of complications.86 Some studies
have shown a reduction in transfusions with REFERENCES
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