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SOTP Ref No.


SOP for achieving 10/o Ramp Rate

_1) Brief Explanation about eq_uipment / system including design _parameters...

2) Pur_pose:

This document is prepared to guide the operating personnel while Load ramp ups &
clowns to achieve ramp rate of 1 % .
3) Prerec[uisites:

a) Wall blower and LRSB operation to be stopped and postponed if coinciding with `
ranping activity.
Lb) Ramp should be given in small steps preferably steps of 25MW or less, however if

' loops are well tuned for continuous ramp of 37.5MW, same can be done.

c) Ramp activity to be done on priority by subsiding any UI loss/gain appreheusious.

d) Mill combination and mill stopping sequence may be planned before hand during
ramp down.

e) Loops should be tuned to achieve minimum 5% ramp gradient with least parametric
`` variations.

f) Unit is running at full load with CMC and all major loops in auto i.e. Feed water/
drum level, 02 trim, furnace pressure and all feeders with SH, RI] spray.

4) Res|)onsibilities:
Coordination shall be done by SCE/ASCE.


Ramp down from full load (1st block is.Nth block).

1) As soon as ramp down information is received prepare for ramp down by postponing
any non-critical activity like soot blowing, LRSB, mill change over etc.
2) Nth block :( 100°/o to 85°/o) Give ramp down with ramp gradient, (minimum 5°/o/minute)
say from 250 to 225 MW six minutes prior to block start. ,

Note: If information is not received before six minutes of block start, start the ramp down
as soon as information is received.
`.`-Note: In the first ramping block, 0.5°/o ramp only needs to be achieved but to prepare for

probable consecutive ramp reversal block, further ramping up/ down to target load of the
block is suggested. `

3) ` Once 225MW set point is achieved wait for one or two minutes and give again 12.5MW
'T ramp down with said gradient.

4) During this first ramping activity care must be taken so as to avoid feeder speed going `^`=-:
below 60°/o of the rated, if observed so, one top feeder may be taken in manual and brought
to technical minimum to avoid lean mixture and improper primary to secondary air ratio,
if even after brining one feeder to minimum other feeders are going below 600/o of rated,
the feeder running at minimum should be taken out and minimum cold air should be
given for purging and cooling.

5) .N+1 block: Now there can be two cases either ramp up or down.

Case-1: Ram down 850/o to 700/o

a. Ramp should be given six minutes prior to start of the N+1th block.

b. Give ramp down in similar steps of 25MW and 12.5MW as described in point 2 and 3.

c. care must be taken so as to avoid feeder speed going below 60% of the rated, if observed
so, one top feeder may be taken in manual and brought to technical minimum to avoid
lean mixture and improper primary to secondary air ratio, if even after brining one
feeder to minimum other feeders are going below 60°/o of rated, the feeder running at
minimum should be taken out and minimum cold air should be given for purging and

Case-2: Ram 850/o to 1000/o

a. Ramp should be given six minutes prior to start of the N+1th block.

b. Give ramp up in similar steps of 25MW initially and 12.5MW after one or two minutes
of achieving the set point of 237.5 with the said gradient. It may be taken care that both
the ramp of 25 and 12.5MW should be given on time so that target load can be achieved
on time and requisite ramp can be achieved.

6. N+2 block: Considering previous block ramp down only, In this block also we can either
ramp up and down.

Case-1: Ramp down (_70% to 550/a)

a. Ramp should be given six minutes prior to start of the N+2th block.

b. Give ramp down in similar steps of 25MW and 12.5MW as described in point 2 and 3.

c. care must be taken so as to avoid feeder speed going below 60°/o of the rated, if observed
so, one top feeder may be taken in manual and brought to technical minimum to avoid
lean mixture and improper primary to secondary air ratio, if even after brining one feeder

``to minimum other feeders are going below 60% of rated, the feeder running at minimum

should be taken out and minimum cold air`should be given for purging and cooling.

Case-2: Ramp Up (700/o to 850/o)

`g. Ramp should be given six minutes prior to start of the N+1th block.

b. Give ramp up in similar steps of 25MW initially and 12.5MW after one or two minutes
of achieving the set point of 175MW (70°/o) with the said gradient. It may be taken care that -:
both the ramp of 25 and 12.5MW should be given on time so that target load can be
achieved on time and requisite ramp can be achieved.

Note: If strategically it has been decided to declare marginally more than 1% ramp rate to
avoid third block 1°/o ramp, third block ramping can be done at reduced ramp also to a
improve stability near to technical minimum load.


a. Number of mills i/s should be decided judiciously so as to avoid high pA to sA ratio. `

b. As far as possible consecutive mills to be kept in service at low loads.

c. There should not be gap of more than 1 mills in any case.

d. Below 70°/o load minimum over fire damper modulation and WB to furnace DP should
be ensured, if not maintaining, SADC checking and rectification may be carried out with

e. Flame intensity may be monitored and if any flickering is observed minimum 3 three
guns in any coal feeding elevation may be taken. (APH soot blowing may also be started
during the time of guns i/s).

f. Care must be taken for feed water loop and BFPs, recirculation valve may be opened if
individual suction flow is going below.

9. Soot blowing needs to be carried out on timely basis, during extended operation at
technical minimum also soot blowing needs to be done in simplex mode, if needed oil guns
may be taken in service.

7. N+3 block: In this block only ramp up is po.ssible as we are operating at technical
min`imum load Ramping shall be done in steps of 25 and 12.5MW as mentioned earlier, ramp
command of 25MW to be given 6 min prior to block start and subsequent 12MW after one or
two minutes of set point (not actual load) achieving the 162.5MW.

8. Further ramping activity shall be done as described in earlier steps depenqing on

scheduled ramp up or down.

9. During the complete ramping activity care must be taken to avoid high flue gas 02 and
lean mixture

Note: Care must be taken while ramping up that overloading of mills and feeders shall not
take place and any mill shall be taken after setpoint raising in the initial part of any block.

Caution: It has been observed that maximum parametric variations and excursions takes
place during the ramping up activity only so due care must be taken to avoid any excursions
during the activity i.e. decreasing the burner tilt, prior decreasing the steam temperature set
point by 2-3 degrees, etc.

Note: It is worth understanding that achieving 1 °/o ramp rate in all the blocks depends on the
ram-ping method adopted, which should be same for all the blocks else any over
achievement in one block can cause underachievement in other, Higher ramp rate shall only
help in achieving the ramp rate in consecutive ramp reversal blocks.

L Revision # o Implementation Date: Lastreviewed/update date: .

31.08.2021 31.08.2021

Prepared by: Checked By: Approved by:

Tapas Bachar, DGM(O) SajeevMoh das, GM(O) D P Patra, GM(O)
•rfut ¥\N^tr\ ®--------fu.

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