Grit1993 Estabilidad de Liposomas

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Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 64 (1993) 3-18 3

Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd.

Chemical stability of liposomes" implications for their physical


Mustafa Grit* and Daan J.A. Crommelin

Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Utrecht P.O. Box 80082, 3508 TB Utrecht (The Netherlands)

(Received July 28th, 1992; accepted October 9th, 1992)

In the first part of this article, chemical and physical stability of aqueous liposome dispersions have been addressed. Chemical
stability of phospholipids has been considered in two parts: oxidation and hydrolysis. Major attention has been paid to hydrolysis
kinetics of phospholipids as a function of pH, temperature, buffer concentration and ionic strength. Furthermore, the effect of chain
length, head group, state of aggregation, addition of cholesterol and presence of charge on the hydrolysis kinetics of phospholipids
has been dealth with. In the second part physical stability of chemically degraded liposome dispersions has been evaluated. In the
final part quality control assays for liposome dispersions is presented and a HPLC method with a refractive index detector for the
analysis of phospholipids from aqueous liposome dispersions is described.

Key words: liposomes; phospholipids; oxidation; hydrolysis; physical stabibility; quality contro; HPLC analysis of phospholipids

Introduction is dealt with first. The main focus is on phospha-

tidylcholine as it is most commonly used in phar-
In the last two decades, it has been demon- maceutical liposome preparations. The physical
strated that encapsulation of drugs into liposomes stability of liposome dispersions and the relation-
can lead to the enhancement of therapeutic ship between physical and chemical stability of li-
efficacy of drugs, reduction of their toxicity and posomes are the subjects of interest in the second
prolongation of their therapeutic effect. In addi- part. Finally, attention is paid to quality control
tion, studies have been performed on the use of aspects of liposome dispersions.
liposome-based vaccines. Recently, a liposome
formulation containing the antifungal agent am- Chemical stability of phospholipids
photericin has been approved by regulatory au-
thorities and is presently used in the clinic. From Liposome-forming phospholipids are obtained
a pharmaceutical point of view, drugs and dosage from natural sources or through synthetic routes.
forms must be sufficiently stable to be stored for Natural phospholipids are not easy to characterise
at least 1 year and preferably longer periods of in terms of their exact phospholipid composition.
time. Liposomal drug formulations have to comp- In contrast, synthetic phospholipids can be well
ly with this rule. characterised and can be obtained in a highly
In this article liposomal stability issues are purified form. The chemical structure of a number
addressed. The chemical stability of phospholipids of phospholipids regularly used for liposome
preparations is shown in Fig. I.
Correspondence to: D.J.A. Crommelin, Department of Phar- Two degradation pathways, which might limit
maceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Utrecht P.O.
Box 80082, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
the shelf life of liposome dispersions, have been
*Present address: KA Corporation, Institute for Fundamental described for phospholipids in (aqueous) liposome
Research, 2606 Akabane, Ichikai-machi, Hoga-gun, Tochigi dispersions. These are the oxidative and the hydro-
321-34, Japan. lytic degradation pathways.

0009-3084/93/$06.00 © 1993 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd.

Printed and Published in Ireland
Phosphatidyl moiety Headgroup

O-- C H 2 - C H z - N + (CH~) 3 Phosphatidylcholine (PC)

0 0 +
O--CHz--CH 2- NH 3 Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)

O--CH~coO- Phosphatidylserine (PS)

O--CH~ ,CH--CH2 Phosphatidylglycerol (PG)


o- H Phosphatidic acid (PA)


o~ Phosphatidylinositol (PI)

Fig. 1. Structure of a number of phospholipids regularly used in liposomes [5].

Oxidation of phospholipids rials which are purified from hydroperoxides and

transition metal ions. Storage at low temperatures,
Oxidation of phospholipids, particularly those protection from light and oxygen will
with unsaturated fatty acyl chains, has obtained exclude the chance of oxidation. To further
considerable attention throughout the years and enhance protection against oxidation, antioxi-
was extensively reviewed [1-4]. Oxidation of dants, such as a-tocopherol and butyl hydroxy tol-
phospholipids in liposomes mainly takes place in uene (BHT) can be added. Moreover, EDTA can
unsaturated fatty acyl chain-carrying phospho- be used to form a complex with transition metal
lipids. But, saturated fatty acids can also be oxi- ions. Working under an inert gas atmosphere such
dized at high temperatures [1]. The fatty acyl as nitrogen or argon reduces the oxidation of lip-
chains of phospholipid molecules are oxidized via ids during preparation of liposomes. Recently, a
a free radical chain mechanism in the absence of protective effect of buffers such as HEPES and
specific oxidants. Exposure to electromagnetic ra- Tris against lipid peroxidation has been reported
diation and/or the presence of trace amounts of by Fiorentini et al. [6]. Oxidation of phospholipids
transition metal ions initiate radical formation can also be overcome by using less unsaturated
(hydrogen atom abstraction) in the lipid chain (ini- fatty acyl chain-containing phospholipids. Lang et
tial step). Since unsaturation permits delocaliza- al. [7] investigated the sensitivity of a series of
tion of the remaining unpaired electron along the (partially hydrogenated) egg phosphatidylcholine
lipid chain, lipids containing polyunsaturated fatty (PHEPC) molecules against accelerated oxidation
acids are the most sensitive to radical formation. If in the presence of 2,2'-azobis-(2-amidinopro-
oxygen is present, the process develops further and pane)hydrochloride (AAPH). They observed a
via the formation of hydroperoxides fission of the decreased sensitivity of (PH)EPC with a decreas-
fatty acid chain can occur [5]. ing degree, of unsaturation (Fig. 2). The use of par-
Peroxidation of phospholipids in liposomes can tially hydrogenated phospholipids might be
be minimised by the use of high quality raw mate- preferred over natural phospholipids, since up to
a certain hydrogenation level partially hydro- if the esters are hydrated. In a phospholipid bi-
genated lipids in aqueous dispersions do not show layer in an aqueous medium the position of the hy-
a phase transition above 0°C that physically drophobic/hydrophilic boundary is, on the
disturbs the bilayer structure while the sensitivity average, positioned at the level of the first CH2
to oxidation decreases substantially [7]. group in the hydrocarbon chains [9]. These con-
siderations are based on calculations of the dimen-
Hydrolysis of phospholipids in aqueous liposome sions of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts of
dispersions PC and PE bilayers as derived from X-ray long
spacing data This finding indicates that water and
Hydrolysis products and reaction scheme consequently, proton and hydroxide ions have ac-
The four ester bonds present in a phospholipid cess to all ester bonds.
molecule may be subject to hydrolysis in water 2-Acyl and l-acyl lysophospholipids are formed
(Figs. 1 and 3). The carboxy esters at sn-1 and sn-2 as a result of hydrolysis of the carboxy esters at the
positions are hydrolysed faster than the phosphate sn-1 and sn-2 positions, respectively. Further
esters [8]. Hydrolysis of esters is catalysed in the hydrolysis of both lysophospholipids produces a
presence of acid and base. In the acid-catalysed glycerophospho compound. Glycerophosphoric
hydrolysis of esters, the ester is first protonated acid, the end hydrolysis product, is produced by
and subsequently a nucleophilic attack of water hydrolysis of the phosphate-headgroup (e.g. cho-
takes place (rate determining step). The base- line, ethanolamine, serine) ester. The hydrolysis of
catalysed hydrolysis of an ester proceeds via an the ester bond between glycerol and phosphoric
addition-elimination mechanism. Here, the rate acid appears to be very slow and, therefore, no free
determining step is the attack of hydroxide ions on phosphoric acid and glycerol are produced under
the carbonyl carbon atom first. In both cases, fast pharmaceutically relevant conditions [10,11]. In
addition-elimination reactions follow the rate Fig. 3, hydrolysis and acyl migration reactions
determining steps [8]. This process can take place which can take place in phospholipids in aqueous
liposome dispersions are summarised; PC is taken
as an example.
Under both acidic and alkaline conditions
hydrolysis of PC in aqueous liposome dispersions
" I'V I 0 , 1
follows pseudo first-order kinetics [ 12-16]. Upon
analysis the major initial hydrolysis product is
10 1-acyl lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) (erroneous-
ly often called 2-LPC) [12,13,15-17]. If the hyd-
t'N rolysis reactions are not monitored in detail for
both positions, the overall results obtained give
the impression that hydrolysis mainly takes place
at the sn-2 position. However, hydrolysis takes
place at both positions. 2-Acyl lysophospholipids
20 4.0 60 80 100 are rapidly converted to l-acyl lysophospholipids
Time (rnin)
via an acyl migration reaction. 1-Acyl lysophos-
Fig. 2. Oxygen uptake of liposomes prepared from a series of pholipids are the most stable form of the two
(partially hydrogenated) egg PC molecules during AAPH- isomeric lysophospholipids [18]. Acyl migration
stimulated oxidation in small unilamellar vesicles (SUV). Plot reactions are pH-dependent and a minimum rate
shows oxygen uptake in dispersions of SUV in closed stirred
of acyl migration can be found around pH
vessels at room temperature as measured by an oxygen elec-
trode. AAPH was added at time 0. Iodine values (IV), which 4.0-5.0; acyl migration reactions tend to be
are a measure of the degree of unsaturation, are given in the catalysed by buffer species.
plot. Data from Ref. 7. Kensil and Dennis determined the hydrolysis
O C H2 O~C R'
II /
R" C--O-.'C--H O
CH2~O--t~O - CH 2 CH 2 N+(CH3)3

1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphorylcholine (PC)

S acyl migration
~H 2 O--C R' k' ~H 2 OH
HO C--H iOI k" R" C--O-.C--H O
CH2~O-P ~O- CH z CH 2 N+(CH3)3 CU, , 2 - - U - PII~ O _ CH 2
_ CH2 N+(CHa)3
O- O-
1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phospborylcholine (LPC) 2-acy]-sn-giyceroi-3-plaosplaorylcboline (LPC)

HO C--H 0
CH2~O-P ~O-- CH2 CH2 N+(CH3)3
sn-glycerol-3-pbosphorylclaoline (GPC)

k5 --O-CH 2 CH 2 N+(CH3)3

~H2 OH
(~H2- - O - - P - OH
glyceropbospboric acid

Fig. 3. Hydrolysis reactions of PC in aqueous liposome dispersions. R' and R" are acyl chains.

rate constants at the sn-I and sn-2 positions of ation of the radioactivity of the formed LPC [12].
dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) with lac They found equal hydrolysis rates at both posi-
labelled preferentially in the sn-2 fatty acid chain tions over the first half-life of the hydrolysis pro-
in a liposome dispersion and in Triton X-100/PC cess. The hydrolysis of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phos-
mixed micelles at a molar ratio of 4/1 at 40 and phatidyicholine (POPC) under extreme acid condi-
50°C and at the rather exotic pH 12.7 by determin- tions (pH 1.0) was studied by Ho et al. [19]. The
formation of palmitic and oleic acid from the sn-I The effect of pH
and sn-2 positions, respectively, was followed in Detailed studies on the effect of pH on the
time. No significant differences were found be- hydrolysis of saturated soybean PC in a pH range
tween the concentrations of oleic and palmitic acid from 4.0-9.0 at 40°C and 70°C were published by
in time over the first part of the hydrolysis process. Grit et al.[15]. As shown in Fig. 5 the hydrolysis
Similar results were found in a study where the rate of saturated soybean PC reached a minimum
hydrolysis kinetics of saturated soybean PC were at pH 6.5 and V-shaped pH profiles were obtained
investigated [15]. as expected for an acid/base-catalysed ester hyd-
The reaction time course of the hydrolysis of rolysis. Similar results were reported for the
saturated soybean PC in 0.05 M acetate buffer (pH hydrolysis of distearoyl phosphatidylcholine
4.0) at 70°C is presented in Fig. 4. The concentra- (DSPC), natural soybean PC and partially hydro-
tion patterns of PC, free fatty acids, the two genated egg PC [13,14,16].
lysophosphatidylcholines and glycerophospho-
choline as a function of time are plotted, providing The effect of temperature
a detailed picture of the hydrolysis process. The The effect of temperature on the hydrolysis of
formation of lysophospholipids is often taken as a phospholipids has been studied with synthetic
measure for hydrolysis of phospholipids in lipo- and/or natural PC. For all PC's the results could
some dispersions in studies on the chemical stabili- be described by Arrhenius kinetics as a semi-
ty of phospholipids [ 13,20,21 ]. As shown clearly in logarithmic linear relationship was found between
Figs. 3 and 4, lysophosphatidylcholines are inter- the observed hydrolysis rate constant and the
mediate hydrolysis products. Hydrolysis kinetics reciprocal of the absolute temperature. For natu-
of phospholipids, therefore, cannot be monitored ral PC's Arrhenius kinetics held in a temperature
by following the lysophospholipid concentration range from room temperature up to 82°C [14,16].
in liposome dispersions. The conversion rate of However, for phospholipids composed of satur-
lysophospholipids to their glycerophospho analog ated fatty acids and with a liquid to gel crystalline
is not exactly known yet. In some studies it was phase transition due to melting of the fatty acyl
reported to be faster than that of the hydrolysis of chains, biphasic Arrhenius curves were obtained
phospholipids to lysophospholipids [12,19]. with a discontinuity around the transition temper-
ature [12,13,15]. Arrhenius plots for the hydrolysis
of saturated soybean PC and partially hydro-


10 -5.

.o~ 10 o

10 -6. o o o
e.. |

~ 5 o o
• o° o
w - 10-7, • oo o • •
0 50 100 150 200
% •
Time (h) % *

Fig. 4. Disappearance of saturated soybean PC and the ap- 10-8 , i , i • i

•, • i • i , i ,

pearance of hydrolysisproducts of PC in pH 4.0 acetate buffer 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(C= 0.05 M) at 70°C. Data from Ref. 15. n = 12; bars indicate
standard errors. O, Phosphatidylcholine(PC); 0, 2-acyl-lyso- pH
phosphatidylcholine (sn-2 LPC); n, l-acyl-lysophosphatidyl- Fig. 5. The effectof pH on the hydrolysisof saturated soybean
choline (sn-I LPC); II, glycerophosphocholine(GPC); A, free PC at 40°C (@) and 70°C (O). Bufferconcentration = 0.05 M.
fatty acids. Data from Ref. 15.
genated egg PC are presented in Fig. 6. Fr0kjaer The effect of buffer species
found a higher activation energy in DSPC lipo- The effect of buffer species on the hydrolysis
somes for pH 6.5 for bilayers in the gel state than process has recently been studied for the first time
in the liquid crystalline state [13]. No information in different buffer solutions for natural soybean
was given about the confidence intervals for the PC, saturated soybean PC and partially hydro-
published data. The difference between the two ac- genated egg PC [14-16]. The formation of fatty
tivation energies may not be statistically signifi- acids upon the hydrolysis of fatty acyl esters tends
cant, when the standard errors for the observed to change the pH during storage. In order to be
hydrolysis rate constants are taken into account. able to obtain iso-pH hydrolysis rate constants,
With DPPC liposomes Kensil and Dennis found the pH of the dispersions must be kept constant
the same activation energy in bilayers in both the over the experimental period by using appropriate
gel and the liquid crystalline phase at pH 12.7 [12]. buffer solutions. Then, the possible catalytic effect
Furthermore, the jump in the observed rate con- of the buffer species on the hydrolysis reactions
stants was less pronounced for the DPPC lipo- has to be taken into account [22]. To quantitate
somes than for the DSPC liposomes. For saturated the contribution of the buffer species on hydrolysis
soybean PC, the activation energies below and kinetics, the experiments were performed at dif-
above the transition temperature were found to be ferent buffer concentrations, for different pH
similar if the (expected) standard deviations are values with the same buffer at constant temper-
taken into account [15]. ature. Detailed information on the quantitative
analysis of catalysed hydrolysis data and calcula-
The effect of ionic strength tion of the second-order rate constants have been
The effect of ionic strength on the hydrolysis ki- published elsewhere [14]. Figure 7 shows the effect
netics of partially hydrogenated egg PC was of buffer concentration on the hydrolysis rate con-
studied at pH 4.5, 6.5 and 8.0 at 70°C [16]. No stant of partially hydrogenated egg PC in HEPES
effect of the ionic strength on the hydrolysis kinet- buffer for different pH values at 70°C [16]. The
ics was observed. Theoretically, the ionic strength second-order rate constants for the catalysed
affects the reaction kinetics only if the reaction hydrolysis of natural soybean PC, saturated soy-
takes place between two charged species. As PC bean PC and partially hydrogenated egg PC by
has no net charge at the studied pH values, no different buffer species are listed in Table I
ionic strength effect on the hydrolysis kinetics was [14-16]. In general, buffer species catalyse the
expected and the results confirmed this prediction. hydrolysis process. When the second-order rate
constants for the catalysed hydrolysis are com-
pared and when the regularly used buffer concen-

10-6 0.8

10 -7.


10-8 i
2.7 2'.9 3.! 3'.3 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Buffer concentration (M)
1/T x 10-3
Fig. 6. The effect of temperature on the hydrolysis of saturated Fig. 7. The effect of buffer concentration on the hydrolysis of
soybean PC (O) and partially hydrogenated egg PC (O)in pH partially hydrogenated egg PC in HEPES buffers at 70°C. Data
4.0 acetate buffer (C = 0.05 M). Data from Refs. 15 and 16. from Ref. 16. O, pH 6.8; 0, pH 7.0; I"1, pH 7.5

Second-order rate constants for the catalysed hydrolysis of PC at 70°C.

Natural Saturated Partially hydrogenated

soybean PC a soybean PC b egg PC ¢

k0 2.0 × 10-7 1.0 x 10-8 6.2 × 10 -8

kH 2.2 x 10-2 2.4 x 10 -2 1.6 x 10-2
koH 1.9 x 10 -l 1.2 x 10 -1 2.7 x 10 -I
kAc- 5.5 x 10-6 1.7 x 10-5 1.1 × 10 -5
kblAc -1.6 X 10-6 -2.5 X 10 -6 -1.6 × 10-6
kTris+ 1.0 × 10-5 8.9 × 10-6 7.9 X 10-6
kTris 1.1 X 10-6 8.9 × 10 -7 8.7 X 10 -7

Rate constants are expressed in M -1 S-1, except for the first-order rate constant k 0 which is reported in S-1.
aTaken from Ref. 14.
bTaken from Ref. 15.
STa'ken from Ref. 16.

trations are considered, it can be concluded that tween the data sets were found to be significant
under pharmaceutically relevant conditions the when analysed with a Student's t-test. The data
hydrolysis is mainly catalysed by protons and hy- suggest that as the chain length of these neutral
droxyl ions. phospholipids decreases, the rate of hydrolysis
tends to increase and that the degree of saturation
The effect of chain length and headgroup of the acyl chains also affects the rate. The mecha-
No systematic studies have been performed on nism behind these observations is not fully
the effect of chain length and headgroup on the understood yet. In a study where the hydrolysis ki-
hydrolysis of phospholipids in liposome disper- netics of partially hydrogenated, neutral egg PC
sions. The rate constants of the alkaline hydrolysis and negatively charged egg PG were studied in li-
of synthetic PC's with various chain lengths, egg posomes with PHEPC/EPG = 10/1 bilayers, it was
PC and egg PE obtained at 40°C and pH 12.7 in found that egg PG hydrolyses slightly faster than
a mixed micelluar solution of Triton X-100/pho.s- partially hydrogenated egg PC [23]. The
pholipid in a molar ratio of 8/1 are listed in Table difference found could possibly be ascribed to the
II [12]. The authors state that the differences be- difference in degree of unsaturation of the phos-
pholipids studied and/or the presence of the net
The effect of the state of aggregation
The effect of chain length and headgroup on the hydrolysis rate
If the accessibility of the esters in the phospho-
constant (kobs) of phospholipids in mixed micelluar solution of
Triton X-100/phospholipid (molar ratio 8/1) at 40°C and at p H lipid molecule by water and, consequently, proton
12.7. and hydroxyl ions is affected by the aggregation
state of the phospholipids, differences could be
Phospholipid kobs X 103 (M -t. s -l) expected between hydrolysis rate constants of
DLPC 16.0 phospholipids in different aggregation states. Ken-
DMPC 15.0 sil and Dennis [12] determined the hydrolysis rate
DPPC 13.2 constants of egg PC and DPPC in liposomes and
Egg PC 14.1
Egg PE 4.6
in mixed micelles (prepared with Triton X-100).
Both egg PC and DPPC hydrolyse faster in mixed
aData from Ref. 12. micelles than in liposomes. Hydrolysis rate con-

stants of egg PC in liposomes and in mixed relative hydrophilicity of the lipid membrane sur-
micelles at 40°C and at pH 12.7 were 1.4 × 10 -3 face via separation of the phospholipid head
M -1 s -1 and 14.1 × l0 -3 M -I s -l, respectively. groups. This will cause an increase in the head-
The rate constants for DPPC were 0.7 × l0 -3 group hydration. If the hydrolysis rate were de-
M -l s -I in liposomes and 13.8 × 10 -3 M -1 S -1 in pendent on the hydration of the headgroup, in
mixed micelles. Thus, under those conditions the pure PHEPC bilayers the addition of cholesterol
rate constants in vesicles were 10-20-fold lower would accelerate the hydrolysis rate due to the
than those in mixed micelles. Moreover, the acti- enhanced hydration.
vation energies of both egg PC and DPPC were The effect of cholesterol on the hydrolysis kinet-
lower in mixed micelles that in vesicles. The ics of partially hydrogenated egg PC was in-
authors conclude that the aggregation state vestigated at different pH values at 60°C [16]. No
strongly influences hydrolysis kinetics presumably difference was observed in the hydrolysis rate of
by affecting the interfacial region between the lipid partially hydrogenated egg PC in the liposome
molecules and water [12]. dispersions with and without cholesterol and con-
cluded that the hydrolysis kinetics of partially
The effect of cholesterol incorporation in the bi- hydrogenated egg PC were not affected by the
layers on the hydrolysis kinetics of phosphatidyl- presence of cholesterol in liposomal bilayers.
choline PHEPC used in the above-mentioned study was
The incorporation of cholesterol into liposomal in the liquid crystalline state above 0°C and,
bilayers tends to increase the retention of hydro- therefore, had no transition from the fluid
philic drugs, counteracts lipid phase transition and crystalline to gel state above 0°C [7]. Since the ad-
increases the rigidity of fluid state bilayers and dition of cholesterol into gel state bilayers
thereby the resistance to in vivo liposome degrada- counteracts lipid phase transition, cholesterol in-
tion. This explains why cholesterol is often a part corporation into gel bilayers such as saturated soy-
of pharmaceutical liposome formulations [24-27]. bean PC, DPPC and DSPC may bring about the
Different interaction mechanisms between disappearance of the discontinuity in the Ar-
bilayer-forming phospholipids and cholesterol rhenius curve as was observed in Fig. 6.
have been discussed. The formation of hydrogen
bonds between the 3-OH group of cholesterol and Hydrolysis kinetics of phospholipids in charged li-
the carbonyl group of the fatty acyl ester bonds of posomes
phospholipids at both sn-1 and sn-2 positions has In pharmaceutical liposome formulations a
been proposed [28,29]. Depending on the strength charged phospholipid is regularly one of the
of this interaction, the hydration properties of bilayer-forming (phospho)lipids as it tends to im-
both ester bonds may be changed. Any change in prove the physical stability of liposomes by reduc-
the hydration properties of the esters can affect the ing the rate of aggregation and fusion [13,33].
hydrolysis kinetics, if access of water molecules to Moreover, Talsma et al. [34] suggest that in the ab-
the ester bond is a critical factor. This effect is, in sence of a charged phospholipid, vesiculation is in-
general, expected to be a protective effect. Certain complete upon hydration of the cast lipid film.
properties of the bilayers formed with a mixture of Addition of a charged phospholipid results in the
cholesterol and either a di-ester GPC or a di-ether formation of smaller liposomes and a higher en-
GPC, which is lacking ester carbonyl groups, have capsulation efficiency.
been reported [30,31]. Similar properties for both Incorporation of charged molecules into phos-
bilayers were found and, therefore, it was conclud- pholipid bilayers generates an electrostatic charge
ed that the interaction between PC and cholesterol and thereby an electrostatic surface potential
as mentioned above did not occur or was unlikely which brings about a redistribution of cations and
to play an important role. anions, including protons and hydroxyl ions, at
On the other hand, Zaslavsky et al. [32] the bilayer-water interface [35]. The Gouy-
reoorted that the addition of cholesterol increases Chapman theory of the diffuse double layer

describes the relationship between surface charge fast as egg PE. At pH 12.7 the PC molecule has no
density, surface potential and the concentration of net charge (neutral), while PE is negatively charg-
the ions present in the bulk aqueous solution ed due to deprotonation of the amine group (pKa
[35,36]. After calculating the surface potential and of the amine group is around 11.0) [35]. Although
taking into account the interaction of cations the authors do not give a full analysis of the possi-
other than protons with the charged liposome sur- ble mechanism behind this observation, it can be
face, the pH at the liposome surface can be hypothesised that the difference and the variation
calculated with the Boltzmann equation [35]. of the hydrolysis rates can be ascribed to changes
The pH at the liposome surface can also be of the pH in the close proximity of the phospholip-
measured experimentally with pH-sensitive probes id molecules in the mixed micelles.
[37]. 7-Hydroxycoumarin covalently attached to a
long hydrocarbon chain is a good example to be Physical stability of chemically degraded liposomes
used for this purpose. This probe can intercalate
into the lipid bilayer while its fluorophore is in the
lipid-water interface. Its pH-dependent excitation The physical stability of liposomes concerns two
and emission spectrum allows determination of the parameters: (i) changes in the average particle size
pH at the bilayer-water interface. In all cases, a and size distribution due to vesicle aggregation
good agreement was obtained between the ex- and fusion and (ii) loss of entrapped drug due to
perimentally measured surface pH and the surface leakage.
pH predicted by application of the Gouy- Changes in the average particle size and size dis-
Chapman theory. tribution of a liposome dispersion due to aggrega-
Recently, hydrolysis kinetics of partially tion and fusion are strongly affected by
hydrogenated egg PC and egg PG have been in- (phospho)lipid composition, medium composition
vestigated under different conditions [23]. Dif- and pH [37]. Liposomes which lack a net electrical
ferent electrostatic profiles in the aqueous phase charge tend to be less stable towards aggregation
around the bilayers were obtained by varying the than charged liposomes. Thus, aggregation can be
charged phospholipid content (egg PG) of the lipo- prevented or slowed down by incorporation of a
somes and the ionic strength of the bulk aqueous charge-carrying lipid into the liposomal formula-
solution. The pH at the bilayer-water interface was tion. Special attention must be paid to the com-
calculated with the Gouy-Chapman theory. position of the hydration medium: the hydration
Hydrolysis kinetics of both phospholipids in buf- medium should not contain any polyvalent ca-
fered aqueous dispersions followed pseudo first- tions, which induce aggregation and, subsequent-
order reaction kinetics. Upon analysis of the data ly, fusion of the liposomes. If polyvalent ions are
it was demonstrated that the differences between present in the hydration medium, the destabilizing
kobs-Values for highly charged bilayers and those effect might be overcome by the use of chelating
for neutral bilayers can be ascribed to surface pH agents such as EDTA [37].
differences. It is the surface pH that controls phos- The loss of encapsulated, water-soluble drugs
pholipid hydrolysis kinetics in liposomal bilayers due to leakage depends on the composition of the
and not bulk pH. liposome, its size and the physical state of the
Hydrolysis rates of egg PC and egg PE were bilayer-forming lipids (gel or liquid crystalline
determined at pH 12.7 and at 40°C in mixed state) [37]. In general, leakage of drugs from gel
micelles containing the phospholipids separately state liposomes is slower than from liquid crystal-
and in a mixture of 1:1 (molar ratio) [12]. When line state liposomes [38]. However, storage around
hydrolysis rates of the pure phospholipids were the phase transition temperature enhances the per-
determined, egg PC hydrolysed three times faster meability of gel state bilayers [39]. Incorporation
than egg PE (Table II). In a mixture of the of substantial fractions of cholesterol decreases the
phospholipids the difference was less pronounced. bilayer permeability. For example a dramatic
In that case egg PC hydrolysed around twice as decrease in permeability of liposomes for carbox-

yfluorescein (in liquid crystalline state) by addition affect the bilayer properties. For example, long
of 40% cholesterol has been reported by Crom- fatty acyl chain-bearing lysophospholipids do not
melin and Van Bommel [38]. On the other hand, adopt a bilayer configuration, but organize them-
cholesterol incorporation into gel state liposomes, selves in a micellar structure when dispersed in
which were stored at 4°C, did not affect the perme- water [41]. Bilayer structures are destabilized
ability of the bilayer (Fig. 8). when they contain an elevated concentration of
Changes in bilayer permeability can be the con- lysophospholipids. As a consequence of destabil-
sequence of chemical degradation of bilayer- ization, the bilayers become more sensitive to fu-
forming phospholipids. The permeability for sion and can undergo morphological changes
sucrose of liposomes composed of PC and PA was affecting their permeability [42-45]. Enhanced
studied in aqueous dispersions by Hunt and Tsang leakage of glucose from DMPC liposomes was
[40]. Dispersions exposed to air and light showed shown in a study where the effect of exogenous
a dramatic increase in permeability after a 10-day LPC on the physical stability of liposomes was in-
induction period. In c~-tocopherol-containing lipo- vestigated [46]. Similar results were also reported
some dispersions the induction period was longer. for exogenous LPC containing egg PC liposomes
After 6 months no significant increase in the bi- where carboxyfluorescein was used as a
layer permeability was observed. These results hydrophilic marker molecule [47]. In the above-
indicate that oxidative degradation can have pro- mentioned studies leak-out rate and/or leak-out
nounced effects on the permeability of bilayers. versus time profiles of the encapsulated hydro-
The second degradation pathway of phospho- philic marker molecules were used as parameters
lipids in aqueous liposome dispersions is hydro- to describe the bilayer permeability.
lysis. As already mentioned above, lyso- Recently, the leak-in rate of calcein was deter-
phospholipids and free fatty acids are produced as mined in PHEPC/EPG-containing liposomes with
a result of phospholipid hydrolysis. These hydro- and without cholesterol [48]. Calcein was chosen
lysis products have amphiphilic properties differ- as a hydrophilic marker molecule because its efflux
ent from the 'parent' lipids and can, therefore, from liposomes was insensitive to pH changes of
the hydration medium in the pH range 5.5-8.0
[49]. The leak-in rate of calcein into liposomes is
100 ~ _ ~ mm • lu enhanced when increasing concentrations of ex-
ogenous LPC are incorporated into bilayers at
40°C in liposomes without cholesterol (Fig. 9).
Cholesterol addition to these liposomes reduced
the leak-in rate of calcein.
..,d The second primary hydrolysis products of
50 phospholipids are free fatty acids. Incorporation
of fatty acids into liposomal bilayers increases the
tendency of liposomes to aggregate [50]. The effect
of exogenous myristic acid on the permeability of
DMPC liposomes was investigated at 22°C (below
the transition temperature of DMPC) and 38°C
00 10 20 30 /,0 (above the transition temperature of DMPC). Bi-
layer permeability to K + was not affected up to a
_ Time (days) concentration of 5% myristic acid (on a molar
Fig. 8. CF latency in reversed evaporation vesicles (REV) basis). Above that critical concentration of ex-
dispersed in iso-osmotic sodium chloride/0.01 M Tris solutions, ogenous myristic acid, a dramatic decrease in per-
pH 7.4, stored at 4-6°C. Data from Ref. 38. r'l, PC/PS (9/1, meability is observed with liquid crystalline state
molar ratio); A, PC/PS/cholesterol (10/1/4, molar ratio); II,
DPPC/DPPG (10/1, molar ratio); A, DPPC/DPPG/cholesterol
bilayers (38°C). This effect is less pronounced in
(10/1/5, molar ratio) gel state bilayers (Fig. 10) [51].

15 15

[] • o
o • o
o •

-~5 •
5" o [] •
ooQ Q o •
0 •
0 • [] • •

~o-4" o o °
~ • ¢ • t •
o o

o i
i ,

0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800

Time (h) Time (h)

Fig. 9. Leakage of caicein into exogenous LPC-containing liposomes at 40°C. Data from Ref. 48. A, PHEPC/EPC (10/1, molar ratio)
liposomes; O, fresh; 0, 5% LPC added; n, 20% LPC added; B, PHEPC/EPC/cholesterol (10/1/4, molar ratio) liposomes; O, fresh;
0, 5% LPC added; I"1, 20% LPC added.

In reality, hydrolytic degradation products are interacting hydrophilic marker molecule calcein
not added artificially to the bilayer upon storage, was determined at 40°C. Exogenous LPC-
but they are formed during storage and gradually containing liposomes were taken as the control.
influence bilayer characteristics. At least in the ini- The leak-in rate ofcalcein was enhanced by the in-
tial stage of the process, the hydrolysis products creasing concentrations of exogenous LPC. On the
are part of the bilayers. Therefore, in order to gain other hand, in liposomes containing partially
more insight into the effect of hydrolysis products hydrolysed phospholipids, a drop in leak-in rate
on bilayer permeability, experiments were per- was found up to 10% hydrolysis (corresponds to
formed with liposome dispersions containing free around 10% LPC) of the phospholipids involved.
fatty acids and lysophospholipids formed in-situ. Above that degree of hydrolysis the leak-in rate
In these experiments liposome dispersions were started to increase as in exogenous LPC-
stored over different time intervals at elevated containing liposomes (Fig. 11). Both liposome
temperatures to obtain partially hydrolysed dispersions with and without cholesterol followed
phospholipids with different levels of degradation. a similar pattern [48]. The permeability enhance-
Afterwards, the leak-in rate of the non-bilayer- ment effect of LPC was assigned to the tendency
of LPC molecules to interdigitate in phospholipid
bilayers. Apparently, up to a certain level the

30 n

%,C 20

.~ ~ 10 a

a •
E .,, °
~-10 a • o •

°C 5 10 15 20
% Lysophosphatidylcholine

I Fig. 11. Leak-in rate of calcein through liposomal bilayers at

5 1BO 1~5 40°C as a function of LPC content of liposomes. Data from
Myristic acid, tool % Ref. 48. O, PHEPC/EPC (10/1, molar ratio) hydrolysed ('aged')
liposomes; O, PHEPC/EPC/cholesterol (10/1/4, molar ratio)
Fig. 10. K + trapped into the vesicles. Dependence on the hydrolysed ('aged') liposomes; 17, PHEPC/EPC (10/1, molar
amount of exogenous myristic acid. Data from Ref. 51; O, 22°C ratio) LPC added liposomes; II, PHEPC/EPC/cholesterol
and 0, 36°C. (10/1/4, molar ratio) LPC added liposomes.

presence o f both L P C and free fatty acids has a ity control o f raw materials to be used for the pro-
stabilizing effect on the bilayer permeability. In the duction, is followed by in process control in order
initial stage the free fatty acids effectively to find out batch to batch variations and/or any
neutralise the LPC-destabilizing effect and the problem which can affect the quality o f the end
presence o f both degradation products makes the product and it ends with the quality control of the
bilayer even less permeable than with final product. This sequence o f validated pro-
phospholipids alone. cedures has to be followed for each production
batch so that regulatory authorities can be assured
Quality control of liposome dispersions that reproducible pharmaceuticals are being pro-
duced. Although no guidelines have been publish-
Quality control has always been a key issue in ed by regulatory authorities for the quality control
pharmaceutical production. It starts with the qual- of liposome-based pharmaceuticals, a concept for


Quality control assays of pharmaceutical liposomal formulations.

Characterization assays
pH pH meter
Osmolarity Osmometer
Phospholipid concentration Lipid phosphorus content (Fiske and Subbarow or Bartlett method)
Cholesterol concentration Cholesterol oxidase assay, HPLC
Drug concentration Spectrophotometry, HPLC or other
chromatographic procedure

Biochemical stability assays

pH pH meter
Phospholipid peroxidation Conjugated diens, lipid peroxides, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test and fatty
acid composition (GC)
Phospholipid hydrolysis TLC, HPLC
Cholesterol autooxidtion TLC, HPLC
Antioxidant degradation TLC, HPLC
Drug degradation TLC, HPLC, Spectroscopy

Physical stability assays

Vesicle size distribution:
submicrometer range Photon correlation spectroscopy, Gel exclusion chromatography and
specific turbidity
micrometer range Coulter counter, Laser diffraction and light microscopy
Electrical surface potential and surface pH Zeta potential measurements, use of electrical field or pH sensitive probes
Percentage of free drug Gel exclusion chromatography, ion exchange chromatography and
protamine precipitation
Dilution dependent drug release assay Dilution effect (0-10 000-fold) on liposomal drug/PL ratio
Drug/phospholipid ratio Determination of drug and phospholipid content

Biological assays
Sterility Aerobic and anaerobic bottle culture
Pyrogenicity Rabbit and/or Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) tests
Animal toxicity Monitor survival
Relevant body fluid-induced leakage Gel exclusion chromatography, ion exchange chromatography and
protamine precipitation

aTaken from Ref. 52


the characterisation and quality control of other methods described in the literature and
liposome-based pharmaceuticals has been publish- reviewed recently [55], an example of a validated
ed by Barenholz and Crommelin (Table III) [52]. HPLC method is given below. This procedure has
As presented in Table III, quality control pro- been used in studies where the hydrolysis kinetics
cedures for a pharmaceutical liposome dispersion of phospholipids in aqueous liposome dispersions
should deal with three different degrees of have been described.
validated assays: chemical characterisation and Separation of PC, PG and their hydrolysis prod-
stability assays, physical characterisation and ucts lysophosphatidylcholine and lysophospha-
stability assays and biological assays. tidylglycerol was achieved on an amino phase
Chemical characterisation and stability assays column (Zorbax-NH2, 25 cm × 4.6 mm i.d.) with
describe the phospholipid composition of fresh a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile/meth-
and stored liposome dispersions. They are discuss- anol/10 mM ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
ed in this article. Other quality control assays such solution pH 4.8 (64/28/8, v/v) which was delivered
as the determination of the average particle size at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min [56]. A chromatogram
and size distribution and determination of free and obtained after the analysis of a mixture of
encapsulated drug concentrations are dealt with in phospholipids (DMPC, DMPG, MPC and MPG)
other chapters.
As already mentioned in the second part of this
article, assessment of the chemical stability of
phospholipids on storage in terms of phospholipid
hydrolysis cannot be based on the determination
of lysophospholipids present in the liposome
dispersions. As lysophospholipids are intermediate
hydrolysis products, their concentration can reach 7
a steady-state level after a period of time while
phospholipid hydrolysis still takes place.
Therefore, in order to gain full insight into the
phospholipid hydrolysis process, the concentra-
tions of parent phospholipids, lysophospholipids,
fatty acids and glycerophospho compounds must
be determined.
Colorimetric methods as described by Fiske and
Subbarow [53] and Bartlett [54] are widely used
for the determination of the total phospholipid
content of liposomes e.g. to minimise batch-to-
batch variation. In order to determine the concen-
tration of individual phospholipids, analytical J
methods which are able to separate phospholipids ! I i I I I I I
present in a liposome formulation must be used. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Most widely used methods are thin layer chroma- Time (rain)
tography (TLC) and high performance liquid Fig. 12. HPLC ehromatogram of phospholipids. Data from
chromatography (HPLC). Improved sensitivity, Ref. 48. HPLC conditions: mobile phase, aeetonitrile/
high precision and efficient separation and quanti- methanol/10 mM ammonium dihydrogen phosphate solution,
tation of minor components present in the samples pH 4.8, (64/28/8, v/v); flow rate, 1.5 ml/min; detection, RI. (1)
with larger sample loadings without loss of resolu- Solvent front; (2) dimyristoylphosphatidyleholine (DMPC); (3)
dimyristoylphosphatidylglyeerol (DMPG); (4) 2-myristoyl
tion are the advantages of HPLC over TLC. lysophosphatidyleholine (MPC); (5) l-myristoyl lysophospha-
Therefore, in our opinion HPLC is the method of tidylcholine (MPC); (6) 2-myristoyl lysophosphatidylglyeerol
choice in phospholipid analysis. Among many (MPG); (7) l-myristoyl lysophosphatidylglyeerol (MPG).

is presented in Fig. 12. Under these conditions sep- 50

aration of the isomers of lysosphospholipids was o/
also obtained (Fig. 12). Furthermore, separation o~ 40
of phospholipid classes other than those given o x 30 °
above has been achieved as well. Calibration
curves obtained were linear over two orders of . 20
magnitude and detection limits of PC, PG, LPC '-0 ~ o
and LPG were 22, 29, 30 and 50/~g/ml with an in- lo o/
~/" ' -
jection volume of 20/~1. Method precision for a 0
standard phospholipid mixture and for a PC-PC- 0 50 100 150
containing liposome dispersion was in the range Iodine value
0.6-4.5% (relative standard deviation). Fig. 13. The relationship between the molar response of dif-
Different detectors have been described to be ferent species of phosphatidylcholine with varying degrees of
used for phospholipid detection after column sepa- saturation. Data from Ref. 56. (O), RI; (O), UV detector set at
ration. These detectors are based on UV-VIS elec- 206 nm.

tromagnetic radiation absorption in the range

195-215 nm, differential refractometry (RI detec- the RI detector was in the same range as the sensi-
tor), light scattering and flame ionization. Despite tivity of the UV detector when dealing with
the shortcomings mentioned below, UV absorb- phospholipids with low degrees of unsaturation.
tion in the range 195-215 nm is regularly used at But, the UV detector was more sensitive for the
present for quantitative analysis of phospholipids. analysis of unsaturated phospholipids. As detector
Its sensitivity varies with the degree of unsatura- sensitivity of impurities such as lyso phospholipids
tion of the phospholipid's fatty acyl chains: highly with low degrees of acyl chain saturation is still
unsaturated phospholipids yield a good response, relatively low, a new generation of more sensitive
the response for the unsaturated phospholipids is detectors with constant molar response should im-
poor. Comparison of short wavelength UV detec- prove and simplify quality control procedures.
tion and RI detection has been done recently to Moreover, Zorbax-NH2 columns with lower
test the potential of both detectors in phospholipid batch-to-batch variability in performance and
analysis. Molar responses (peak area measure- being able to not only separate major
ments) of a series of phosphatidylcholines varying (lyso)phospholipids, but also fatty acids in one run
in degree of unsaturation have been determined would contribute to simplification of the asses-
using both detectors [56]. While the molar re- sment of product quality in different stages of
sponse of the RI detector was constant for all preparation of liposome dispersions.
phosphatidylcholines tested, the molar response of
the short wavelength UV detector increased pro- Conclusions
portionally to the degree of unsaturation of the
fatty acid chains of the phosphatidylcholines (Fig. Two decomposition pathways of liposomal
13). Besides the advantage of RI detector, its in- phospholipids, oxidation and hydrolysis, have
compatibility with any form of gradient elution been dealt within the first part of this article. Oxi-
(solvent and flow gradients) is a disadvantage dative degradation can be reduced by the use of
when operating a method using gradient elution. high quality raw materials, by addition of antioxi-
Moreover, RI detector must be operated at cons- dants and by preparation of liposomes under an
tant temperature. Temperature changes at close oxygen-free atmosphere. Storage at low
proximity of the detector will cause instability of temperatures reduces the rate of oxidation as well.
the baseline. Therefore, adjustment of the column Furthermore, the use of partially saturated
and mobile phase temperature is recommended phospholipids could be a better choice than the
when the difference between outside and operation phospholipids carrying polyunsaturated fatty acyl
temperature is large. In general, the sensitivity of chains (natural egg phosphatidylcholine).

In contrast to oxidative degradation, hydrolysis behavior in vivo has not been investigated yet.
of phospholipids can only be fully prohibited by Both their disposition and safety may be affected
removal of water by means of (freeze)-drying. by the presence of LPC and fatty acid constituents
However, because of the physical stability pro- which are known to have a high affinity to other
blems encountered with freeze-drying of liposomes blood constituents. Therefore, additional in vivo
containing hydrophilic, non-bilayer interacting, studies should be performed using 'aged' liposome
low molecular weight drugs (e.g. loss of drug after dispersions containing in situ-formed hydrolysis
rehydration and the tendency to growth of the products in order to provide better strategies for
average particle size) storage of the liposomes as the assessment of shelf-life of liposome-based
an aqueous dispersion may be the preferred pharmaceuticals.
choice. In an aqueous dispersion, the storage tem-
perature and pH were found to be two major par- References
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