Moonwise June 2011

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JUNE 2011







Many of us are sensitive to the energies that vibrate around us. We can tell when something feels good or bad, and we react to that vibration. These feelings can come from people, objects or spaces. Sacred space as a pagan concept is quite important to a successful ritual working, and it is for this reason that many traditions go to great lengths to cleanse the spaces they use before they begin their rituals. Sacred spaces can be created both outdoors and indoors. However, indoor spaces will need to be cleansed more than outdoor spaces, as they tend to accumulate many more latent energies that could harm a working. Outdoor spaces tend to come with an automatic cleanser, nature. Being exposed to the elements of air, fire, water

and earth, spaces that are outside will be cleansed by these energies daily. The air on the winds will disperse them, the heat of the fiery sun will burn them away, the water of the rains will wash them away, and the soil of the earth will absorb them and transform them. Our buildings and dwellings are designed to protect against the elements. And in our current age we tend to spend most of our time indoors. All that time spent in one place adds up, as the energies you give off will be trapped and collect in the spaces in which you can inhabit. This is the reason some rooms feel joyful and others can feel depressing. The energy that is meant to move like a stream has pooled into one place and needs to be released.


There are many methods of cleansing a space, such as smudging and magickal cleansing. Another factor that restricts the movement of energy is that we tend to live in small places, and many times rooms have to double as a normal living space and a sacred worship area. The following circle cleansing is for use before a ritual, just before the casting of the circle. It can be adapted to fit any kind of cleansing rite you wish to do.

[See article Continuation on page 4]

DID YOU KNOW? We have a coupon box! Take or leave a coupon before and after each event. We would also appreciate coupon donations as well. We have brought back the Free Cycle. Bring your unwanted items and give them away!


Ron Allen Dream Catcher 1998 This gem I found at a flea market several years ago is constantly on my playlist. Ron Allen and his fellow Native American Musicians use a mix of traditional and modern instruments to describe the passing of the Wheel of the Year. The name of each track uses the Celtic names instead of Native American names. Each track truly captures the essence of the holiday. Summer Solstice is lazy and slow moving, Samhain is very deep and eerie. My favorite track is Beltane, which depicts a romantic dance around a bonfire. The music is especially good for mediation and would do well in a ritual setting. As a technical detail, the CD is hard to find new, but used and via MP3s you can find it quite easily.


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For this month I decided to do something new. I will not be posting a sweet recipe for this month, instead I decided to make a savory item and then make another savory item from the leftovers of that. Until I met my husband I really could not stand all the recipes that made enough to feed an army. I was one person and really did not need to eat that much. I also did not want to eat leftovers for days. Then I met Chris and we still only had 2 people and enough to feed 6 to 8 people. This was not good I was trying to eat healthy and get him to eat healthy too. So I figured how to refurbish leftovers and make it different. I figured like me there are 1 and 2 people households that feel the same way I do. So for this month I am posting a recipe for my familys Burgundy Pot Roast. Then I will post how to make beef potpie from that. I hope you enjoy both of them.


Ingredients: 1 chuck roast (3 4 lbs.) 1 dried package onion soup mix (like Liptons) cup red wine (your choice) 1 onion (I like red onions but you can use yellow or other) 1 lb. baby carrots 1 lbs. Red potatoes Vegetable shortening (Crisco) or oil for browning Water to fill 4 beef bullion cubes Directions: Use a heaping spoonful of the shortening or 2 tbs. oil into a Dutch oven to brown the roast. Brown on both sides then put into a 4qt baking dish or crockpot. Empty the package of onion soup mix on top of the roast. Pour wine over soup mix and roast. Rough chop the onion so that it is like wedge shaped. Chop the potatoes into wedges also. Put the onions on top of the roast followed by the carrots and potatoes. Pour enough water to almost reach the top of the potatoes. Put bullion cubes into the water. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours. (The smaller the roast the less time.) (If using a 4 qt baking dish cook in the oven for 1 hour on 350*F.) After cooking remove roast and slice it. Serve with onions, potatoes and carrots with beef burgundy sauce over it.

Until I met my husband I really could not stand all the recipes that made enough to feed an army.


Beef Potpie (Made from above leftover Pot Roast) Extra Ingredients: 1 lb. Bag frozen mixed vegetables 1 cup all purpose flour Water (enough to make gravy with flour) Prepared Crusts (Pillsbury) D Directions: Preheat oven to 350*F. Spray a 9x13 pan with non-stick cooking spray Cut all the leftover meat, onions, potatoes and carrots into bite size cubes. Mix with thawed mixed vegetables. Put into the bottom of the pan. Take leftover burgundy sauce and put into a medium sized saucepot. Cook on medium heat until hot. In a bowl put flour and water until it is a creamy consistency. Wisk flour mixture into sauce to make gravy. Stir until thickened on medium- low heat. When thick enough pour over meat and vegetables in pan. Cover meat and gravy mixture with prepared crusts and bake at 350* for 35 40 minutes or until crust is lightly browned.


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Compromise You're the woman who is lost Wanting and missing. Your beauty unmatched, Your heart so pure, Your soul so vibrant and burning, So attractive yet selective. I'm the man who is wandering, Seeking and searching. I am anything and nothing, I have no soul of my own; But I've taken the lives of others In order to fill the void within. His soul resonates with your presence, I'm aroused by your appearance. I'll gladly take the role with your man's soul Of the one you lost yourself to. Though I won't take kindly If you won't take me for me, He can be with you in spirit His life I've taken on myself. Perhaps if you take me as he, As he within me; I can take you as mine, As your soul will be mine.
~T.Tatsumaki the fullest moon I see arteries and veins in moon beams pulsing through the clouds of rainbow in my night sky cross through. Its just the wind standing between your wet kisses your clouded lips. My eyes drip through lashes in the light thats in the dark you crave at night. Youre a falling flashlight in the sky. I

Price Tag I hope I never know Just how much I love you. Because for me to be certain Id have to hurt you In just such a way that makes You Hate Me. And once I realize Youre never looking back And Im trying to pick up the pieces, Ill still think of you, And I will know. But I never want to know If the price of that knowledge Is the thing I love. Audrey Owens
Archaic How long has it been since I took Just one look? Has it been a score already? A tenth in a century? It's been my age. No longer a prime number. I'm not amused. I have to stretch. Shake my legs out a bit Wave my hands But not for the heck of it. I want something solid. Show me something with spark and shine Like a Wiseman's wine. Give me something from my time without excess rime.

Crow The crow flies, Ebony black, cleverly disguised, Within the gloomy night, Still a shadow casts in moonlight. The strong wings hold fast, The supposed inferior wingspan oh so vast, Flies higher than the almighty moon, Exquisite bird, come back soon. L. M. Crow

dont know if youre the rainbow or the light. Angie T. Jeffreys

Extend to me a thing I can reach for it. For making the effort, you'll bring creation. A virtuous restoration. Muse me. It's been a while. Don't make me look twice. Once is enough for solace. Once more, And we're done. ~T.Tatsumaki

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Our goal is to serve the Triad area Pagan commuWhen: 12am-4pm July 30th [[Yes that is nity a Saturday]] by coordinating opportuniWhere: Here at the U.U! ties for fellowship, educa~~This is a fundraiser and there will be a tion, and celebration. small admission cost.~~ We are not a Tradition, Coven, Grove, etc We are a cooperative association of celebratory circles, covens and solitary practitioners from a variety of Earth Spirited traditions coming together for the mutual benefit of all Pagans of the Triad area by sharing experience. It is not the intent of Path of the Moon Collective to be anyone's primary spiritual home, but rather to be place for like-minded people to connect and find their own Paths more easily.

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Purification of the Circle Standing before your altar, take a moment to ground and focus on the task of clearing away negative or harmful energies from your immediate workspace. See these energies as a thick fog that hangs in the air. Take up the smoking incense. Say: With the Powers of Air and Wind, I purify this circle. May these powers blow away and disperse any impure energies that may harm my workings from this area. May these powers in return fill this space with clarity and inspiration. Walk, spin, or move the incense however you can around the circle. See the fog of negative energies begin to thin. Return the incense to the altar. Next take up the fire candle. Say: With the Powers of Fire and heat, I purify this circle. May these powers burn away any impure energies that my harm my workings from this area. May these powers in return fill this space with determination and enthusiasm. Walk, spin, or move the candle however you can around the circle. See the fog burn the haze away, the energies sparking in the heat. Return the candle to the altar. Now take up the bowl of water. Say: By the Powers of Water and rain, I purify this circle. May these powers wash away any impure energies that may harm my workings from this area. May these powers in return fill this space with compassion and joy. Walk, spin, or move around the circle however you can with the water bowl, using your fingertips to sprinkle the water around the area. See the haze thin even more as the water washes the energies away. Return the water bowl to the altar. Lastly, take up the bowl of dirt. Say: By the Powers of Earth and compost, I purify this circle. May these powers absorb any impure energies that may harm my workings from this area. May these powers in return fill this space with stability and power. Walk, spin, or move the bowl of dirt around the circle. She the remainder of the fog flow into the dirt and become trapped inside. Return the bowl to the altar. Notice the new feeling of the area. How clear and cleansed it now feels. Say: This circle is now cleansed; let the ritual begin.

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