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( FIRST SEMESTER, SY. 2021-22 )

The Life,
Works, and
Writings of
Jose Rizal

Prepared by:
Instructor Instructor Instructor
The Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal

Course Title: The Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal

Course No: Rizal 100
Course Description: This module is design to demonstrates, recognize and familiarize learners with the principles and
central ideas of each generation has its own understanding of how Jose Rizal lived and has its own interpretation of his
works and writings. In this module, the understanding of the Rizal course was suited for the current generation and why
Rizal is still relevant today. It also hopes to regain learner’s interest in the work of Rizal’s image, story, context, and ideas
that are still relevant in today’s society. Activities in this module are designed to capitalize on today’s technology, especially
the internet, to provide a timely learning experience to the readers. This will enhance not only the learning process but also
the appreciation of young leaders of one of the foundations of the Filipino nation.
Course Credit: 3 units (153 hours)
Placement: First Year, First Semester


1. Graduates can display Christ-like characters in the practice of their profession, endowed with faithful
service for God and humanity.
2. Graduates can demonstrate competence in their knowledge and skills with positive attitude in their
respective workplace exercising the principles, values and identity of PAC.
3. Graduates can demonstrate and share their knowledge, skills and attitude with expertise and
4. Graduates can apply appropriate knowledge utilizing creative and critical thinking skills in dealing simple
to complex problems.
5. Graduates have the ability to communicate English language and language major using simple to
complex concepts, such ability to understand and write reports and documentation and have the ability to
give feedback effectively and efficiently to instruction given.
6. Graduates can conduct research, investigations and designs in a broad range of context.
7. Graduates have the ability to engage activity in different workplace with respect to different cultural
8. Graduates can understand and practice the highest standard of ethical, social, professional roles and
9. Graduates have the ability to work harmoniously, effectively and efficiently as member and leader of the
10. Graduates who have the ability to identify and to address their educational needs by upgrading their
skills and competence and to allow them to contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Has the capacity
to engage self-reflection and lifelong learning.
11. Graduates can serve globally competitive, productive and useful to community and mankind.
12. Graduates can practice patriotism and demonstrate safety procedure and practices in their workplace.
P- Professionalism and Academic A- Accountability and Integrity – As C-Committed to Serve God and
Excellence- We shall perform and faculty and staff are held responsible Mankind – We shall serve God with
discharge our duties and in our professional, personal and full commitment and dedication, as to
responsibilities with professionalism, spiritual growth. Serving with integrity serve students, parents and
devotion, dedication and excellence; and with strong relations to God and mankind. Committed to prepare
in teaching and delivering quality with faithful adherence to the word of students to serve with excellent
services at all times. God. performance and with distinctive
behavior as they practice their

Program Outcomes:
A. Identity the qualities of a hero.
B. Discuss the provisions of the Rizal Law and why it was established.
C. Relate the role of symbols and heroism in the process of nation building.
D. Trace the Filipino concept of hero/bayani through times.
E. Analyze the criteria set by the nation in Recognizing heroes.
F. Asses the heroism of Rizal using the definitions and criteria of heroes.
G. Differentiate the historical Rizal from the symbol Rizal.
H. Asses the significance of symbol in strengthening national solidarity and sense of community.
I. Identify the role of History in the process of nation-building.
J. Realize the function of studying the life, work, and writing of Jose Rizal to the process of nation-building.
K. Offer practical ideas to contribute to the process of nation-building.

At the end of the first year, the learners can demonstrates, recognize and familiarize learners with the principles and central
ideas of each generation has its own understanding of how Jose Rizal lived and has its own interpretation of his works and
writings. It also hopes to regain learner’s interest in the work of Rizal’s image, story, context, and ideas that are still relevant
in today’s society.

1. Identity the qualities of a hero.
2. Discuss the provisions of the Rizal Law and why it was established.
3. Relate the role of symbols and heroism in the process of nation building.
4. Trace the Filipino concept of hero/bayani through times.
5. Analyze the criteria set by the nation in Recognizing heroes.
6. Asses the heroism of Rizal using the definitions and criteria of heroes.
7. Differentiate the historical Rizal from the symbol Rizal.
8. Asses the significance of symbol in strengthening national solidarity and sense of community.
9. Identify the role of History in the process of nation-building.
10. Realize the function of studying the life, work, and writing of Jose Rizal to the process of nation-building.
11. Offer practical ideas to contribute to the process of nation-building

MODULE 1: Why Study Rizal

 Republic Act 1425 (Rizal Law)
 Concept of Hero
 Rizal as a Symbol
 Rizal and Nation-building

MODULE 2: Rizal life

 19th Century Philippines

 Memorias de un Estudiante de Manila
 Influences
 Rizal, the polymath

MODULE 3: Rizal Works

 Work of Rizal
 The Value of Science
 The Art of Rizal
 Organization

MODULE 4: RIZAL Patriotismand Nationalism

 Rizal’s Tripartite View of History
 Rizal and Education
 The Role of the Youth

(Week 1-4, First Semester, SY. 2021-2022)


This module is design to demonstrates, recognize and familiarize learners with the principles and central
ideas of each generation has its own understanding of how Jose Rizal lived and has its own
interpretation of his works and writings. In this module, the understanding of the Rizal course was suited
for the current generation and why Rizal is still relevant today. It also hopes to regain learner’s interest in
the work of Rizal’s image, story, context, and ideas that are still relevant in today’s society. Activities in
this module are designed to capitalizeon today’s technology, especially the internet, to provide a timely
learning experience to the readers.

Chapter 1: Understanding, recognizing, expressing commitment to be actively involved in various community service.
 Republic Act 1425 (Rizal Law)
 Concept of Hero
 Rizal as a Symbol
 Rizal and Nation-building

After mastering the content in this chapter, the students should be able to do the following.
1. Show understanding of the National Service Training Program (NSTP).
2. Recognize the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) as the component of NSTP that aims to help alleviate problems
through the different community services.
3. Express commitment to be actively involved in various community services.


1. Online or Face to face orientation the start of the class;
a. modalities
b. how to use the module
c. the course syllabus
d. the schedule of classes
e. assessment and mode of submission
f. grading system
i. policy
g. students are required to create thinkfast account and join the class BSBA 1.

2. Using the Thinkfast, read the learning materials posted in Topic 1 as the unit or module can be taken BSBA Office.
3. Read and study the whole chapter of this module.
4. Contact the instructor through messenger, groupchat, email text, or personally for consultation of the topic, problems on
online/offline class, schedule of online/offline class and evaluation.
5. Request the students to attend online and offline class as scheduled for conferencing with the instructor for orientation,
oral evaluation/video conferencing.
1. Online/Offline Quiz
a. Answer the prepared 20 items quiz posted in the thinkfast for students with online classes.
b. Offline quiz is indicated in the module of instruction.

2. Written Assessment
To be submitted through online (email), or submitted
personally in the office during the final revalida.

a. What are the goals or purpose of RA 1425?

b. Why it is important to study Rizal law?

1. Online/ oral revalida, individual assessment before another module will be given out on October 28, 2021
Online students-video conferencing
Offline students- during face to face schedule
(Week 5-8, First Semester, SY. 2021)


This module is design to demonstrates, recognize and familiarize learners with the principles and central ideas of each
generation has its own understanding of how Jose Rizal lived and has its own interpretation of his works and writings. In this
module, the understanding of the Rizal course was suited for the current generation and why Rizal is still relevant today. It
also hopes to regain learner’s interest in the work of Rizal’s image, story, context, and ideas that are still relevant in today’s
society. Activities in this module are designed to capitalized on today’s technology, especially the internet, to provide a
timely learning experience to the readers.

Chapter 2: Describing, identifying, and describe a person’s unique qualities that make him/her a productive social being.
 19th Century Philippines
 Memorias de un Estudiante de Manila
 Influences
 Rizal, the Polymath

After mastering the content in this chapter, the students should be able to do the following:
1. discuss important changes in Spain and in the Philippines
2. enumerate the policies that enable Filipinos to organize and ask for reforms
3. relate how the conditions of the 19 th century Philippines and Europe affected the formation of Rizal’s consciousness.


1. Online or Face to face orientation the start of the class;
a. modalities
b. how to use the module
c. the course syllabus
d. the schedule of classes
e. assessment and mode of submission
f. grading system
i. policy
g. students are required to create thinkfast account and join the class BSBA 1.
2. Using the Thinkfast, read the learning materials posted in Topic 1 as the unit or module can be taken BSBA Office.
3. Read and study the whole chapter of this module.
4. Contact the instructor through messenger, group chat, email text, or personally for consultation of the topic, problems on
online/offline class, schedule of online/offline class and evaluation.
5. Request the students to attend online and offline class as scheduled for conferencing with the instructor for orientation,
oral evaluation/video conferencing.

1. Online/Offline Quiz
a. Answer the prepared 20 items quiz posted in the thinkfast for students with online classes.
b. Offline quiz is indicated in the module of instruction.

2. Written Assessment:
To be submitted through online (email), or submitted
personally in the office during the final revalida.

 What were the most important economic changes un the Philippines during the 19 th century?
 How did these economic changes affects the lives of Filipinos during that time?
 Based on your personal assessment, how were these events in the 19 th century crucial to the formation of Rizal’s
love for his country?

1. Online/ oral revalida, individual assessment before another module will be given out on November29, 2021
Online students-video conferencing
Offline students- during face to face schedule
(Week 9-12, First Semester, SY. 2021)


This module is design to demonstrates, recognize and familiarize learners with the principles and central
ideas of each generation has its own understanding of how Jose Rizal lived and has its own
interpretation of his works and writings. In this module, the understanding of the Rizal course was suited
for the current generation and why Rizal is still relevant today. It also hopes to regain learner’s interest in
the work of Rizal’s image, story, context, and ideas that are still relevant in today’s society. Activities in
this module are designed to capitalize on today’s technology, especially the internet, to provide a timely
learning experience to the readers.

Chapter 3: Enumerating, discussing, and ranalyze the concepts discussed to real-life situations.
 Work of Rizal
 The Values of Science
 The Art of Rizal
 Organization

After mastering the content in this chapter, the students should be able to do the following:
1. enumerate the different works, interests, and organizations of Dr. Jose Rizal.
2. discuss how Rizal valued the arts and the sciences in his works.
3. analyse the different disciplines he ventured in and how it shape his mind for the birth of a nation


1. Online or Face to face orientation the start of the class;
a. modalities
b. how to use the module
c. the course syllabus
d. the schedule of classes
e. assessment and mode of submission
f. grading system
i. policy
g. students are required to create thinkfast account and join the class BSBA 1.

2. Using the Thinkfast, read the learning materials posted in Topic 1 as the unit or module can be taken BSBA Office.
3. Read and study the whole chapter of this module.
4. Contact the instructor through messenger, group chat, email text, or personally for consultation of the topic, problems on
online/offline class, schedule of online/offline class and evaluation.
5. Request the students to attend online and offline class as scheduled for conferencing with the instructor for orientation,
oral evaluation/video conferencing.
1. Online/Offline Quiz
a. Answer the prepared 30 items quiz posted in the thinkfast for students with online classes.
b. Offline quiz is indicated in the module of instruction.
2. Written Assessment:
To be submitted through online (email), or submitted
personally in the office during the final revalida.

 What were the most important writings by Rizal? What did he state in those essays or poem?
 Based on your personal assessment, ere the writings of Rizal still relevant today as they were during his time?
 Rizal dealt with a lot of critics because he was writing from a perspective of a Filipino. How did his writings stir the
population? What did he provide wthat others before him did not?

1. Online/ oral revalida, individual assessment before another module will be given out on December 12, 2021
Online students-video conferencing
Offline students- during face to face schedule
(Week 13-16, First Semester, SY. 2021)

Rizal Patriotisman Nationalsm

This module is design to demonstrates, recognize and familiarize learners with the principles and central ideas of each
generation has its own understanding of how Jose Rizal lived and has its own interpretation of his works and writings. In this
module, the understanding of the Rizal course was suited for the current generation and why Rizal is still relevant today. It
also hopes to regain learner’s interest in the work of Rizal’s image, story, context, and ideas that are still relevant in today’s
society. Activities in this module are designed to capitalized on today’s technology, especially the internet, to provide a
timely learning experience to the readers.

Chapter 4: Displaying, discussing, applying and analyze Rizal’s perspective on Philippines History.
 Rizal’s Tripartite View of History
 Rizal and Education
 The Role of the Youth

After mastering the content in this chapter, the students should be able to do the following
1. display greater appreciation to education, women, leadership, and national progress
2. discuss the different ideas that Rizal wanted to emphasize in his works.
3. apply Rizal’s ideas as students and citizens of the Philippines.
4. analyze Rizal’s perspective on Philippines History.


1. Online or Face to face orientation the start of the class;
a. modalities
b. how to use the module
c. the course syllabus
d. the schedule of classes
e. assessment and mode of submission
f. grading system
i. policy
g. students are required to create thinkfast account and join the class BSBA 1.

2. Using the Thinkfast, read the learning materials posted in Topic 1 as the unit or module can be taken BSBA Office.
3. Read and study the whole chapter of this module.
4. Contact the instructor through messenger, group chat, email text, or personally for consultation of the topic, problems on
online/offline class, schedule of online/offline class and evaluation.
5. Request the students to attend online and offline class as scheduled for conferencing with the instructor for orientation,
oral evaluation/video conferencing.
1. Online/Offline Quiz
a. Answer the prepared 30 items quiz posted in the thinkfast for students with online classes.
b. Offline quiz is indicated in the module of instruction.

2. Written Assessment:
To be submitted through online (email) , darielynricablanca22@gmail.comor submitted
personally in the office during the final revalida.

 What is the difference between the Bipartive View of History and Tripartive View of History?
 What are the contribution of Rizal’s annotation to Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de last Islas Filipinas?
 What type of sacrifices did Rizal make in his lifetime?
 How did he take his final sacrifice? To whom was it dedicated.

1. Online/ oral revalida, individual assessment before another module will be given out on February 15, 2021
Online students-video conferencing
Offline students- during face to face schedule

Textbooks & References & Author
Textbooks & References:
Agoncillo, T. (1965) History of the Filipino People. Quezon City: Malaya Publishing.

Anderson, B. (2006) Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-colonial Imagination. Quezon City: Anvil

Bantug, A.L. (2008) Lolo Jose: An Intimate Portrait of Jose Rizal. Quezon City: Asuncion Lopez Bantug and
Intramuros Administration.

Constantino, R. (1975) The Philippines: A Past Revisited. Quezon City: Tala Publishing.

Corpuz, O.D. (1989) The Roots of the Filipino Nation. Quezon City: AKLAHI Foundation.

Cortes, R.M. (2000) The Filipino Saga: History as Social Change. Quezon City: New Day Publishers.

Craig, A. (1913) Lineage, Life, and Labors of Jose Rizal, Philippine Patriot: a study of the growth of free ideas
in the Trans-Pacific American Territory. Manila: Philippine Education. Co.

Donoso, I. (Ed.) (2016) Boxer Codex: A Modern Spanish Transcription and English Translation of 16 th-Century
Exploration Accounts of East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific (Garcia, M.L., Quirino, C., Garcia, M.
trans.). Quezon City: Vibal Foundation.

Fast, J. and J. Richardson (1979) Roots of dependency: political and economic revolution in 19th century
Philippines. Quezon City: Foundation for Nationalist Studies.

Guerrero, L.M. (1963) The First Filipino: A biography of Jose Rizal. Manila: Vertex Press.
Laurel Jr., Jose B. (1960) “The Trials of the Rizal Bill.” PHA Historical Bulletin. Orosa, S.Y.

Mojares, R. B. (2002) Waiting for MariangMakiling: Essays in Philippine Cultural History. Quezon City: Ateneo
de Manila University Press.

Purino, A. (2008) Rizal the greatest Filipino hero. Quezon City: Rex Publishing, Inc.

Quibuyen, F. (1999) A Nation Aborted: Rizal, American Hegemony, and Philippine Nationalism. Quezon City:
Ateneo de Manila University Press.

Rizal, J. (1887) Noli me Tangere (Lacson-Locsin, M.S. trans.). Makati City: The Bookmark, Inc.

Rizal, J. (1889) Letter to the Women of Malolos. Tagalog-English Special Edition.

Rizal, J. (1891) El Filibusterismo (Lacson-Locsin, M. S. trans.). Makati City: St. Faustina Press.

Salazar, Z. A. (1997) Si Andres Bonifacio at angKabayanihang Pilipino. LungsodMandaluyong:


Scott, W.H. (1979) Class structure in the Unhispanized Philippines. Philippine Studies, vol. 27. No. 2.

Sztompka, P. (1994) The Sociology of Social Change. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Zaide, G. (1981) Jose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings. Manila: C.F. Villanueva Bookstore.

Prepared by:
Darielyn O. Ricablanca Eleboy V. Am-is Melba D. Paras
Insturctor Instructor Insturctor

Checked by:
Dean, School of BSBA

Noted by:
Acting VP- Academic

Appoved by:
College President
Course Title: NSTP
Course No: NCM 107
Course Description: The CWTS I is a three (3)- unit- academic course fir students who opted to take the CWTS components
of the NSTP. Orients and trains students in programs or activities that contribute to the general welfare and the
betterment of the life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to
improving health, education, environment,, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry.
Course Credit: 3 units (153 hours)
Placement: First Year, First Semester
Pre-requisites: NSTP-CWTS

Institutional Outcomes:
1. Graduates can display Christ-like characters in the practice of their profession, endowed with faithful service for God and
2. Graduates can demonstrate competence in their knowledge and skills with positive attitude in their respective workplace
exercising the principles, values and identity of PAC.
3. Graduates can demonstrate and share their knowledge, skills and attitude with expertise and specialization.
4. Graduates can apply appropriate knowledge utilizing creative and critical thinking skills in dealing simple to complex
5. Graduates have the ability to communicate English language and language major using simple to complex concepts,
such ability to understand and write reports and documentation and have the ability to give feedback effectively and
efficiently to instruction given.
6. Graduates can conduct research, investigations and designs in a broad range of context.
7. Graduates have the ability to engage activity in different workplace with respect to different cultural orientations.
8. Graduates can understand and practice the highest standard of ethical, social, professional roles and responsibilities.
9. Graduates have the ability to work harmoniously, effectively and efficiently as member and leader of the team.
10. Graduates who have the ability to identify and to address their educational needs by upgrading their skills and
competence and to allow them to contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Has the capacity to engage self-reflection
and lifelong learning.
11. Graduates can serve globally competitive, productive and useful to community and mankind.
12. Graduates can practice healthy lifestyle and demonstrate safety procedure and practices in their workplace.
13. Graduates can demonstrate and apply knowledge, skills, and attitude based on Philippine Qualification Framework as
mandated by DepEd, TESDA, CHED and other agencies.
14. Graduates can appreciate and demonstrate strong to manage and facilitate in increasing participation and involvement
in achieving ASEAN goal and objective that can accelerate economic, and social growth of the country.
P- Professionalism and Academic A- Accountability and Integrity – As C-Committed to Serve God and
Excellence- We shall perform and faculty and staff are held Mankind – We shall serve God with
discharge our duties and responsible in our professional, full commitment and dedication, as
responsibilities with professionalism, personal and spiritual growth. to serve students, parents and
devotion, dedication and excellence; Serving with integrity and with mankind. Committed to prepare
in teaching and delivering quality strong relations to God and with students to serve with excellent
services at all times. faithful adherence to the word of performance and with distinctive
God. behavior as they practice their

Program outcomes:
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences, and humanities in the practice of NSTP.
2. Apply the concepts and principles of stewardship learned in NSTP toward the conservation and restoration of
3. Show understanding of the National Service Training Program (NSTP).
4. Promote and integrate values education, transformational leadership, and sustainable social mobilization for youth
development, community-building, national renewal, and global solidarity.

Level outcomes:
At the end of the semester the students are expected to recognize the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) as the
components of NSTP that aims to help alleviate social problems through the different community service.

Course Outcomes:
1. Show understanding of the National Service Training Program (NSTP);
2. Recognize the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) as the components of NSTP that aims to help alleviate social
problems through the different community service.
3. Express commitment to be actively involved in various community services.
4. Describe the nature of the human person.
5. Identify the importance of a person’s ability and capacity.
6. Describe a person’s unique qualities that make him/her a productive social being.
7. Define and expound on the nature and philosophical values of being a Filipino.
8. Cite popular Filipino of good citizenship and relate the concepts discussed to real-life situations.
9. Describe transformational leadership and identify the characteristic of a leader.
CHAPTER I: NATP Program (RA 9163)………………………………………………………………………
Lesson 1: NSTP Components…………………………………………………………………………
Lesson 2: Coverage of the NSTP Law……………………………………………………………….
Lesson 3: NSTP- CWTS Vision………………………………………………………………………..
Lesson 4: NSTP-CWTS Mission……………………………………………………………………….
Lesson 5: NSTP- CWTS Core Values………………………………………………………………..
Lesson 6: NSTP Minimum Standard………………………………………………………………….

CHAPTER II: The Nature of Human Person……………………………………………………………….

Lesson 7: The Human Person……………………………………………………………………….
Lesson 8: Characteristics of Human Person……………………………………………………….
Lesson 9: Biblical Views……………………………………………………………………………….
Lesson 10: Philosophical Views …………………………………………………………………….
Lesson 11: Classical Greek Views………………………………………………………………….
Lesson 12: Sociological Views……………………………………………………………………….
Lesson 13: Hierarchy of Needs……………………………………………………………………….

CHAPTER III: Values Development for Citizenship Training……………………………………………
Lesson 14: The Preamble……………………………………………………………………………..
Lesson 15: Philosophy of Values…………………………………………………………………….
Lesson 16: Filipino Values…………………………………………………………………………….
Lesson 17: Good Citizenship Values ………………………………………………………………..
Lesson 18: Roots of the Filipino Character…………………………………………………………
Lesson 19: National and Patriotism………………………………………………………………….
Lesson 20: Development of National and Patriotism in the Philippines
Lesson 21: Personal Development Plan

CHAPTER IV: Leadership Training

Human Behaviour
Good leadership
Characteristics of a Good Leader
Transformational Leadership
Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Behaviours of a Transformational Leadership
Four Components of Transformational Leadership
Leadership Development
Virtuous Cycle of Leadership Control
Seven Habit of Highly Effective People
Time Management
Involvement in Decision-making
Difficulties in Decision-making

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