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S.Y. 2021-2022

Faculty Information:
Name: Darielyn O. Ricablanca, Eleboy V. A-m-is , Melba D. Paras
Email Address:,
Mobile Number: 09059440569/09639483217/09555865435


Course No.: GE 100

Course Description This course examines the life, works , and writings of Rizal of situating them to the societal issues of his time as well as their implications to present.

Course Credit: 3 Units (153 hours)

Placement: Second Year BSBA
Pre-requisites: None
Institutional Outcomes:
1. Graduates can display Christ-like characters in the practice of their profession, endowed with faithful service for God and humanity.
2. Graduates can demonstrate competence in their knowledge and skills with positive attitude in their respective workplace exercising the principles, values and identity of PAC.
3. Graduates can demonstrate and share their knowledge, skills and attitude with expertise and specialization.
4. Graduates can apply appropriate knowledge utilizing creative and critical thinking skills in dealing simple to complex problems.
5. Graduates have the ability to communicate English language and language major using simple to complex concepts, such ability to understand and write reports and documentation
and have the ability to give feedback effectively and efficiently to instruction given.
6. Graduates can conduct research, investigations and designs in a broad range of context.
7. Graduates have the ability to engage activity in different workplace with respect to different cultural orientations.
8. Graduates can understand and practice the highest standard of ethical, social, professional roles and responsibilities.
9. Graduates have the ability to work harmoniously, effectively and efficiently as member and leader of the team.
10. Graduates who have the ability to identify and to address their educational needs by upgrading their skills and competence and to allow them to contribute to the advancement of
knowledge. Has the capacity to engage self-reflection and lifelong learning.
11. Graduates can serve globally competitive, productive and useful to community and mankind.
12. Graduates can practice patriotism and demonstrate safety procedure and practices in their workplace.
13. Graduates can demonstrate and apply knowledge, skills, and attitude based on Philippine Qualification Framework as mandated by DepEd, TESDA, CHED and other agencies.
14. Graduates can appreciate and demonstrate strong to manage and facilitate in increasing participation and in achieving ASEAN goal and objective that can accelerate economic,
and social growth of the country.


P- Professionalism and Academic Excellence- A- Accountability and Integrity – As faculty and C-Committed to Serve God and Mankind – We
We shall perform and discharge our duties and staff are held responsible in our professional, shall serve God with full commitment and
responsibilities with professionalism, devotion, personal and spiritual growth. Serving with dedication, as to serve students, parents and
dedication and excellence; in teaching and integrity and with strong relations to God and mankind. Committed to prepare students to
delivering quality services at all times. with faithful adherence to the word of God. serve with excellent performance and with
distinctive behavior as they practice their

Program outcomes:
1. Articulate a comprehensive and contextualized view of the English language system and development.
2. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
3. Work well with others.
4. Communicate in English (both oral and written) fluently, accurately, and creativity in diverse social, cultural, academic and professional settings.
5. Participate effectively in oral communication situations where language systems ( phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic ) vary ;
6. Produce well-written text for various academic and professional purposes.
Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the course the students should be able to :

1.Discuss Jose Rizal’s life within the context of 19 th'century Philippines

2.Analyze Rizal’s various works, particularly the novels Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
3.Organize Rizal’s ideas into various themes
4.Demonstrate a critical reading of primary sources
5.Interpret the values that can be derived from studying Rizal’s life and works
6.Display an appreciation for education and love of country

( Activities, Assessment & Mode of Submission
With Strong Access Internet With intermittent Internet With no capacity and Internet
Connection Connection Connection
(Online Modalities ) (Online-Offline- Modular (Offline- Modular Approach)
Week 1-4 Activities: Activities Activities
1. Online orientation before the 1. Online and Modular orientation 1. Instruction can be found in the
Sept.27,20 start of the class; before the start of the class; module.
21-October - Modalities - Modalities - modalities
27,2021 Lecture introduction to - PACthinkfast registration - PAC thinkfast registration - how to use the Module
After mastering the content in this the Chapter, levelling of - E-module - how to use the Module - the course syllabus
chapter, the students should be able expectations,and - the course syllabus - the course syllabus - the schedule of classes
to do the following: instructions for activities. - the schedule of classes - the schedule of classes - assessment and mode of
- assessment and mode of - assessment and mode of submission
submission submission - Grading System
- Grading System - Grading System - Policy
- Policy - Policy

2. Read and follow instruction in The

Chapter 1: 2. Using the read 2. Using the Life, Works, and Writings of Jose
#WhyStudyRIZAL The Life, Works, and Writings of read The Life, Works, and Rizal Module 1 that will be given
Jose Rizal –Lesson 1 -4 as Writings of Jose Rizal –Lesson 1 - during the orientation program.
chapter 1- of the Module 1 4 as chapter 1- of the Module 1
Lesson 1 Republic Act
Or Module 1 can be taken during
1425 (Rizal Law) the schedule face to face class.
3.Please have additional reading
Lesson 1
3. Read the instruction and study 3. Read the instruction and study references about The Life, Works,
the E- Module that is posted in the the E- Module that is posted in the and Writings of Jose Rizal
 Exploration: LMS of the school: LMS or from the hardcopy of the
1) Discuss the democratic carefully
Role of the Module 1 that will be given on
process that led to the
Millennials schedule basis before the start to
promulgation of the Rizal Law; 4. Schedule of submission of the
2) Examine the goals of the Rizal the class. module can be found in the
 The Birth of the
Law; Rizal Law 4. .Visit read and study this topic of instruction, Submit the module in the
the following links posted in the 4. Visit, read and study this topic guard house in a sealed envelope
3) Interpret the role of the youth The Life, Works, of the following links posted in the with student’s name, course and
as implied in the Rizal Law.
and Writings of Jose Rizal The Life, level, teacher’s name and subject.
Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal
5. Please have an additional
Lesson 2 Concept of 5.Please have an additional
Lesson 2 reading references about our topic
Hero reading references about our topic
in Chapter 1
in Chapter 1 The Life, Works ,and
 Exploration :
Writings of Jose Rizal
1. trace the Filipino concept of Youth
hero/bayani through times Empowerment
6. Contact the instructor through
2. analyze the criteria set by the  Concept of 6. Contact the instructor through
Hero in Filipino messenger, group chat, email or
nation in recognizing heroes; text for: consultation, clarification of messenger, group chat, email or
and Culture and
History the topics, problems on online text for: consultation, clarification
3. assess the heroism of Rizal class, schedules of online class of the topics, problems on online
 Criteria for
using the definitions and and evaluation class , schedules of online /offline
Recognizing Assessment& Mode of Submission of
criteria of heroes Heroes class and evaluation
 Rizal as Filipino Assessment and Mode of
Hero Submission of Requirements 1. Evaluation and activities can
Assessment and Mode of
Submission of Requirements be found in the module, jut be
1. Online quiz: Answer the
guided with the instructions.
prepared quiz posted in the 1. Online and offline quiz:
The Life, Works ,and Writings of Answer the prepared quiz
Jose Rizal posted in the 2. Written assessment
Lesson 3 Rizal as a - synthesis to be submitted on
Lesson 3 Symbol Oct.27, 2021.
1. differentiate the historical Rizal 2. Written assessment:
 Exploration: Instruction will be posted in 2. Written assessment:
from the symbolic Rizal;
2. analyze photos of Rizal as signs and Finding a Rizal the The Instruction will be posted
symbols; and Meme Life, Works ,and Writings in the
3. asses the significance of symbols in  Rizal as Text, of Jose Rizal The Life, Works ,and
strengthening national solidarity and Signs ,and
sense of community. Writings of Jose Rizal
Symbols -synthesis to be submitted through and in the hardcopy of the
online ( email ) module. -synthesis to be submitted
on or before Oct.27, 2021. through online ( email )
Lesson 4
Lesson 4 Rizal and om or submitted in the guard
1. identify the role of History in the 3. Schedule of submission of the
Nation-building house in a sealed envelop
process of nation-building; module can be found in the
 Exploration :
3. Online / oral revalida ,via with students name, teacher’s instruction, Submit the module in the
2. realize the function of studying the life, Choral
Recitation video call/ conferencing . name, subject and course and guard house in a sealed envelope
works, and writings of Jose Rizal to the
process of nation-building; and This is an individual level. with student’s name, course and
3. offer practical ideas to contribute to assessment before another level, teacher’s name and subject.
module and instruction will Online / oral revalida ,via
the process of nation-building.
be given on Oct.27, 2021. video call as oral evaluation .
This is an individual
assessment before another
module and instruction will be
given Oct.27, 2021.

Week 1-4 Chapter 2: Activities: Activities Activities

#RIZALLife 1. Using the read 1.Using the read 1. Read and follow instruction in The
Oct.27,20 The Life, Works ,and Writings of The Life, Works ,and Writings of Contemporary World Module 2 that
21-Nov. Jose Rizal Jose Rizal will be given during the orientation
27,2021 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Century
Lesson 5-8 as chapter 2 of the Lesson 5-8 as chapter 2 of the program.
1.discuss important changes in Spain Module 2 Module 2
and in the Philippines; Or Module 2 can be taken during
2.enumerate the policies that enabled  Exploration: the schedule face to face class.
Filipinos to organize and ask for Mapping Rizal’s
reforms; and Travels
2. Read the instruction and study 2. Read the instruction and study 2..Please have additional reading
 Economic and
the E- Module that is posted in the the E- Module that is posted in the references about The Life,
3.relate how the conditions of the 19th Political LMS of the school: Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal
LMS or from the hardcopy of the
century Philippines and Europe Situation of the carefully Module 2 that will be given on
affected the formation of Rizal’s Philippines
schedule basis before the start to
consciousness.  Education and the class.
the Rise of the
3 .Visit read and study this topic of 3.. Schedule of submission of the
Ilustrados 3. Visit, read and study this topic
the following links posted in the module can be found in the
of the following links posted in the instruction, Submit the module in the The Life, The Life, Works guard house in a sealed envelope
Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal
Lesson 6 ,and Writings of Jose Rizal with student’s name, course and
Lesson 6 Memorias de level, teacher’s name and subject.
4. Please have an additional
1.explore important aspects of Rizal’s
un Estudiante de Manila 4.Please have an additional
reading references about our topic
reading references about our topic
childhood from his Memorias de un  Exploration : in Chapter 2
in Chapter 2 The Life, Works ,and
Estudiante de Manila; Producing an Writings of Jose Rizal
2.identify relevant individuals and 5. Contact the instructor through
messenger, group chat, email or 5.Contact the instructor through
institutions instrumental to his messenger, group chat, email or
text for: consultation, clarification of
education; and the topics, problems on online text for: consultation, clarification
class, schedules of online class of the topics, problems on online
3.appreciate Rizal’s view on class , schedules of online /offline
childhood, family, love, and education. and evaluation
class and evaluation

Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Influences Assessment& Mode of Submission of

Assessment and Mode of Requirements
1.identify individuals relevant to the Assessment and Mode of
 Exploration:
Submission of Requirements
formation of Rizal’s consciousness as Submission of Requirements 1.Evaluation and activities can be
a student in the Philippines and in Philippine found in the module, jut be guided
1.Online quiz: Answer the prepared
Europe. quiz posted in the 1.Online and offline quiz: with the instructions.
 Rizal’s Family Answer the prepared quiz
 As a Student in The Life, Works ,and Writings
2.define the different disciplines and of Jose Rizal posted in the
Binan and 2.Written assessment
ideas encountered by Rizal through
Manila - synthesis to be submitted on Nov.
his exposure to different academic  Rizal in Europe: 2. Written assessment: Instruction
2.Written assessment: Instruction 27,2021
German will be posted in the
circles in Europe. will be posted in the
3.assess how these ideas influenced Scholarship The Life, The Life,
his writings and his stance regarding  Rizal’s Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal - Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal
the emancipation of the Philippines. Scholarship, the synthesis to be submitted through and in the hardcopy of the
Propaganda online ( email ) module.
Movement, and -synthesis to be submitted
the Suffering of
on or before Nov. 27,2021 through online ( email )
the Filipinos
om or submitted in the guard
3. Schedule of submission of the
house in a sealed envelop
module can be found in the
with students name, teacher’s
Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Rizal , the instruction, Submit the module in the
3.Online / oral revalida ,via video name, subject and course and
Polymath guard house in a sealed envelope
1.identify different disciplines and call/ conferencing . This is an level.
with student’s name, course and
interests of Jose Rizal;  Exploration : individual assessment before level, teacher’s name and subject.
Trying a another module and instruction will 3.Online / oral revalida ,via video
2.explore a new skill or a new field of Different Skill be given on Nov. 27,2021 call as oral evaluation . This is an
study; and ( Classroom individual assessment before
Skill and Talent another module and instruction
3.relate how learning new skills and Show) will be given on Nov. 27,2021
exploring new fields can be beneficial  Rizal’s
Interest,Skills ,a
for the welfare of the community and
nd Talents
the country.

Week 1-4 CHAPTER 3 # RIZAL Activities: Activities Activities

Nov.27,2021- 1. Using the read 1.Using the read 1. Read and follow instruction in The
Jan. 5,2022 The Life, Works ,and Writings of The Life, Works ,and Writings of Life, Works ,and Writings of Jose
Lesson 9
Lesson 9 Works of Rizal Jose Rizal –Lesson 9-12 as Jose Rizal –Lesson 9-12 as Rizal Module 3 that will be given
chapter 3 of the Module 3 chapter 3 of the Module 3 during the orientation program.
1. Discuss selected works of Or Module 3 can be taken during
Rizal;  Exploration: the schedule face to face class.
Tracing Rizal’s
2. Enumerate the significance of Writing 2. Read the instruction and study 2..Please have additional reading
2. Read the instruction and study
each of his works in their own the E- Module that is posted in the the E- Module that is posted in the references about the Contemporary
context; and LMS of the school: LMS or from the hardcopy of the World carefully Module 3 that will be given on
3. Relate the significance of
schedule basis before the start to
Rizal’s works to one’s life. the class.
3.. Schedule of submission of the
3 .Visit read and study this topic of 3. Visit, read and study this topic module can be found in the
the following links posted in the of the following links posted in the instruction, Submit the module in the The Life, The Life, Works guard house in a sealed envelope
Lesson 10 Lesson 10 The Value of Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal ,and Writings of Jose Rizal with student’s name, course and
Science level, teacher’s name and subject.
4. Please have an additional 4..Please have an additional
reading references about our topic reading references about our topic
1. To enumerate the discoveries
 Exploration in Chapter 3 in Chapter 3 The Life, Works ,and
made by Rizal in Dapitan;
Writings of Jose Rizal
2. To provide alternative ways on
looking at how his mind works;
and 5. Contact the instructor through 5.Contact the instructor through
messenger, group chat, email or messenger, group chat, email or
3. To synthesize his scientific
text for: consultation, clarification of text for: consultation, clarification
approach to framing a nation. the topics, problems on online of the topics, problems on online
class, schedules of online class class , schedules of online /offline
and evaluation class and evaluation
Lesson 11 Lesson 11 The Art of
Assessment& Mode of Submission of
Assessment and Mode of Requirements
1.Identify the artistic works of Rizal Assessment and Mode of
 Exploration Submission of Requirements Submission of Requirements
and how he made use of them; 1.Evaluation and activities can be
2.Establish the connection of his art 1.Online quiz: Answer the prepared found in the module, jut be guided
1.Online and offline quiz:
quiz posted in the with the instructions.
works with other fields of endeavor; Answer the prepared quiz
The Life, Works ,and Writings posted in the
of Jose Rizal 2.Written assessment
3.Synthesize Rizal's passion for the
2. Written assessment: Instruction - synthesis to be submitted on
arts complementing his love for 2.Written assessment: Instruction Jan. 5,2022
reason. Lesson 12 will be posted in the will be posted in the
Organizations The Life, The Life,
Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal - Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal
synthesis to be submitted through and in the hardcopy of the
Lesson 12 online ( email ) module.
 Exploration -synthesis to be submitted
on or before Jan. 5,2022 through online ( email )
1.Categorize the different
organizations that Rizal had formed;
om or submitted in the guard
2.Discuss the reason for establishing house in a sealed envelop 3. Schedule of submission of the
each organization; and with students name, teacher’s module can be found in the
name, subject and course and instruction, Submit the module in the
3.Classify each organization’s specific level. guard house in a sealed envelope
3.Online / oral revalida ,via video
contribution. with student’s name, course and
call/ conferencing . This is an
3.Online / oral revalida ,via video level, teacher’s name and subject.
individual assessment before
call as oral evaluation . This is an
another module and instruction will
individual assessment before
be given on Jan. 5,2022
another module and instruction
will be given on Jan. 5,2022

Week 1-4 Activities: Activities Activities

Chapter IV #
Jan. RizalPatriotismand 1. Using the read 1.Using the read 1. Read and follow instruction in The
5,2022- Nationalism The Life, Works ,and Writings of The Life, Works ,and Writings of Life, Works ,and Writings of Jose
February Jose Rizal –Lesson 13-20 as Jose Rizal –Lesson 13-20 as Rizal –Lesson 13-20 as chapter 4 of
7,2022 Lesson 13 Tripartite View of History chapter 4 of the Module 4 chapter 4 of the Module 4 the Module 4
Lesson 13 Tripartite Or Module 4 can be taken during That will be given during the
View of History the schedule face to face class. orientation program.
1. Compare and contrast the concepts
of Bipartite and Tripartite view of 2. Read the instruction and study 2. Read the instruction and study
History;  Exploration: the E- Module that is posted in the the E- Module that is posted in the 2..Please have additional reading
Corroborating LMS of the school: LMS or from the hardcopy of the references about The Life,
2.Analyze Rizal’s perspective on Historical carefully Module 1 that will be given on Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal
Philippine History; and Sources schedule basis before the start to
3.Use History to address current  Bipartite vs. the class.
issues. Tripartite View
of History 3 .Visit read and study this topic of 3.. Schedule of submission of the
the following links posted in the 3. Visit, read and study this topic
 Rizal’s module can be found in the The Life, of the following links posted in the
Annotation to instruction, Submit the module in the
Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal The Life, Works
Antonio de guard house in a sealed envelope
,and Writings of Jose Rizal
Morga’s with student’s name, course and
4. Please have an additional level, teacher’s name and subject.
Sucesos de reading references about our topic 4..Please have an additional
las Islas in Chapter 4 reading references about our
Filipinas topic in Chapter 4 The Life,
Works ,and Writings of Jose
Lesson 14 Rizal
5. Contact the instructor through
Lesson 14 Rizal and messenger, group chat, email or 5.Contact the instructor through
text for: consultation, clarification of messenger, group chat, email or
1. Identify the different works of Rizal Education
the topics, problems on online text for: consultation, clarification
that showed his perception on the class, schedules of online class of the topics, problems on online
importance of education in the  Exploration: and evaluation class , schedules of online /offline
country; Debate class and evaluation
 Education in
2.Create their own career plans for the Rizal’s Works Assessment& Mode of Submission of
future; and  Education as Assessment and Mode of Requirements
Revolution Submission of Requirements Assessment and Mode of
3.Discuss how their chosen careers Submission of Requirements 1.Evaluation and activities can be
 Rizal as
may help in the improvement of life in Education 1.Online quiz: Answer the prepared found in the module, jut be guided
the Philippines. quiz posted in the 1.Online and offline quiz: with the instructions.
The Life, Works ,and Answer the prepared quiz
Writings of Jose Rizal posted in the 2.Written assessment
- synthesis to be submitted on
Lesson 15 2. Written assessment: Instruction 2.Written assessment: Instruction February 7,2022
Lesson 15 Role of the will be posted in the will be posted in the
Youth The Life, The Life,
1. Compare the various types of youth Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal - Works ,and Writings of Jose Rizal
Rizal had to deal with; synthesis to be submitted through and in the hardcopy of the
 Exploration: online ( email ) module.
2. Identify the qualities of youth; and Connecting
World Changers
-synthesis to be submitted
on or before February 7,2022 through online ( email )
3.Relate how the youth is with the Youth
instrumental in nation building. ricablancadarielyn22@gmail.c
om or submitted in the guard
house in a sealed envelop 3. Schedule of submission of the
with students name, teacher’s module can be found in the
name, subject and course and instruction, Submit the module in the
Lesson 16 Lesson 16 The Role of
3.Online / oral revalida ,via video level. guard house in a sealed envelope
Women in Nation-
call/ conferencing . This is an with student’s name, course and
individual assessment before level, teacher’s name and subject.
1.Discuss the role of women in nation another module and instruction will 3.Online / oral revalida ,via video
 Exploration: be given on February 7,2022 call as oral evaluation . This is an
building according to Rizal;
Gender individual assessment before
2.Assess the status of women in the Inclusivity another module and instruction
present society; and Project will be given on February 7,2022
 The Women of
3.Formulate a project that shows the Malolos
importance of gender inclusivity in  The Role of
society. Women in
Nation –building
 Women in
Other Letters of

Lesson 17 Lesson17 Leadership

1. Identify the qualities of a  Exploration:

leader according to Rizal; Leaders Then
2. Explain the need for and Now
leadership roles in the face of
challenges; and
3. Relate the character of Rizal's
leadership in today's society.

Lesson 18 Rizal and the

Philippine Revolution of
Lesson 18

 Exploration::
1. Compare the concept of Reform Rizal-Bonifacio
and Revolution; Connection
 Rizal’s
2.Analyze the views of Rizal regarding Stance
the Philippine Revolution of 1896; and  Rizal and the
Revolution of
3.Apply the concept of Revolutionary 1896
spirit in present-day issues.  Rizal and

Lesson 19 Sacrifice and

Lesson 19
 Exploration:
Various Forms
of Sacrifice
1.describe the sacrifices of Rizal to
achieve his goal;
2.Illustrate the link between his
martyrdom and the revolution; and
3.Synthesize the meaning of sacrifice
then and now.
Lesson 20 Rizal’s
Concept of Being a
“Filipino” and Filipino

Lesson 20
 Exploration:

1.Identify Rizal’s concept of Filipino

Nation and nationalism;
2.Analyze the writings which contain
his idea of nation and nationalism; and

3.Offer a new approach in the process

of nation-building.

I. Attendance
1. Each student is expected to be prompt in attending online classes and submission of modules.
2. Absences should not exceed 20% of the total class meetings. In case of accumulating absences beyond 20%, the students shall be dropped.
3. Excused absences are for causes such as illness, natural disaster, and death in the immediate family, and approved field trips. An excuse slip signed by the parent/guardian/or a
medical certificates from the physician ( if absence is due to illness ) must be presented when the student returns to class.
4. In the event the teacher fails to show up on time (Unannounced), the student must wait until 15 minutes on the said class schedule.

II. Classroom Behavior

1. Students are expected to behave and dress in a manner becoming a refined lady/gentleman. The school uniform is required on designated days.
2. Participation in any class activity whether indoor or outdoor is expected.
3. Expression of opinions shall be duly respected regardless of the position taken which will not affect a student’s grade. However, it is the teacher’s responsibility to guide the
discussion towards the acceptable position.
4. Distractive behaviours such as shouting, jeering, bullying, boisterous laughter unnecessarily moving around or going out of the classroom, using a cellular phone or other electronic
gadgets, not used in connection with the class activity and other disturbing acts shall not be tolerated.

III. Course Requirement

1. Quizzes are expected either before or after the discussion, whether announced or unannounced.
2. Attendance is a must.
3. Group/individual reporting will be done and the assigned topic must be prepared ahead of time.
4. There will be four major examinations such as: Preliminary, Midterm, Semifinal and Final.

Grades Computation : Use the parameters in computing grades for prelim, midterm, semi final and final grades
Parameters Online Blended Offline
Attendance / Participation 10% 10% 10%
Quizzes/ Assignment 25% 25% 25%
Reports ( Case Studies, Research Paper,
Reflections, Synthesis- written evaluation , 30% 30% 30%
analysis- written evaluation, )
Major Examination/ Final Revalida/ Evaluation 35% 35% 35%
100% 100% 100%
To compute the Final Grades: Formula: ( Carreon Method ) Student’ s score/Teacher ‘s Score x 50 +50
Prelim Grade 30 % Semi Final Grade 40 %
Temporary Midterm Grade 70% Temporary Final Grade 60%
Final Midterm Grade 100% Final Grade 100 %
Note: To get the FINAL STUDENT’S GRADES, cumulative computation is used 40% from Midterm Grade and 60% from the Final Grades.
Example: Midterm Grades 90 = 40% = 36
Final Grades 95= 60% = 57
Student’s Grades 93 %

100 %

Textbooks & References:
Agoncillo, T. (1965) History of the Filipino People. Quezon City: Malaya Publishing.

Anderson, B. (2006) Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-colonial Imagination. Quezon City: Anvil Publishing.

Bantug, A.L. (2008) Lolo Jose: An Intimate Portrait of Jose Rizal. Quezon City: Asuncion Lopez Bantug and Intramuros Administration.

Constantino, R. (1975) The Philippines: A Past Revisited. Quezon City: Tala Publishing.

Corpuz, O.D. (1989) The Roots of the Filipino Nation. Quezon City: AKLAHI Foundation.

Cortes, R.M. (2000) The Filipino Saga: History as Social Change. Quezon City: New Day Publishers.

Craig, A. (1913) Lineage, Life, and Labors of Jose Rizal, Philippine Patriot: a study of the growth of free ideas in the Trans-Pacific American Territory. Manila: Philippine
Education. Co.

Donoso, I. (Ed.) (2016) Boxer Codex: A Modern Spanish Transcription and English Translation of 16 th-Century Exploration Accounts of East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific
(Garcia, M.L., Quirino, C., Garcia, M. trans.). Quezon City: Vibal Foundation.
Fast, J. and J. Richardson (1979) Roots of dependency: political and economic revolution in 19th century Philippines. Quezon City: Foundation for Nationalist Studies.

Guerrero, L.M. (1963) The First Filipino: A biography of Jose Rizal. Manila: Vertex Press.

Laurel Jr., Jose B. (1960) “The Trials of the Rizal Bill.” PHA Historical Bulletin. Orosa, S.Y.

Mojares, R. B. (2002) Waiting for MariangMakiling: Essays in Philippine Cultural History. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.

Purino, A. (2008) Rizal the greatest Filipino hero. Quezon City: Rex Publishing, Inc.

Quibuyen, F. (1999) A Nation Aborted: Rizal, American Hegemony, and Philippine Nationalism. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.

Rizal, J. (1887) Noli me Tangere (Lacson-Locsin, M.S. trans.). Makati City: The Bookmark, Inc.

Rizal, J. (1889) Letter to the Women of Malolos. Tagalog-English Special Edition.

Rizal, J. (1891) El Filibusterismo (Lacson-Locsin, M. S. trans.). Makati City: St. Faustina Press.

Salazar, Z. A. (1997) Si Andres Bonifacio at angKabayanihang Pilipino. LungsodMandaluyong: PalimbagangKalawakan.

Scott, W.H. (1979) Class structure in the Unhispanized Philippines. Philippine Studies, vol. 27. No. 2.

Sztompka, P. (1994) The Sociology of Social Change. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Zaide, G. (1981) Jose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings. Manila: C.F. Villanueva Bookstore.


Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

Darielyn O. Ricablanca
Melba D. Paras
Instructor Dean, School of BSBA Acting VP- Academic College President

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