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We the final year students of the department of computer science have to

undertake a Project work in the final year in 5 th semester as per our courses
curriculum to make our endeavor successful. The title of the project is
“Faculty Information System”, the purpose of the system is to maintain all the
faculty details in am automation manner for the various department of
Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya, Port Blair.

The main aim of this Faculty Information System is to keep and maintain the
relevant information of the faculty in the institute. The following details of
faculty would be available:

 Name
 E-mail ID
 Qualifications
 Designation
 Blood group

The project is developed under the windows 10 operating system with Visual
Studio 2010 Editor, Visual Basic as front end and MS. Access as back end.

The Project consists of the following Major Forms:

 Login
 J.N.R.M. details
 Department Details
 Faculty Details

Finally, by using all the above detail, the report/outputs are prepared.

The project entitled ‘FACULTY INFORMATION SYSTEM’ computerizes

the information thereby optimizing man-hour.

This system is user friendly and flexible to maintain and required minimum
data entry. The requested information is made available with response in
seconds. The aim of our project is to develop a software based system that
contains necessary information about the faculty. The software is user-
friendly and allows long storage of information in the database.

The software, FACULTY INFORMATION SYSTEM, reduces the burden of

maintenance of records, generation of reports, performing searches etc. If we
do this manually, then all process becomes too times consuming leading to do
this manually, then all becomes too times consuming leading to wastage of
man power.

Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya, Port Blair is the premier

institution in the Union Territory of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands which
had its inception in 1967 as Govt. College Port Blair. The college offers
instructions in wide-ranging disciplines at undergraduate and postgraduate
levels leading to B.A, B.Sc., B.Com, BCA, BBA (Tourism & Travel Mgt.) and
BPES (Physical Education) degrees and M.Sc., M.A, and M.Com degrees
respectively. Initially the college was affiliated with Punjab University,
Chandigarh at the time of inception (1967) and the affiliation was shifted to
Pondicherry Central University in the year 1987. The college is also been
declared as NET examination centre by UGC from December 2002 onwards.
This college has an excellent sprawling campus having statues of great
thinkers like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Swami Vivekananda. The islands
of Andaman and Nicobar are geographically remote because of the vast
distance from mainland coastal line. The islands of Andaman and Nicobar are
home to some of the indigenous tribes. JNRM is the hub of higher educational
activities in these islands and has produced diligent graduates and
postgraduates in many disciplines. Apart from many first classes, some of the
students have been Gold medalists and toppers in the entire Pondicherry

The basic goal of our project is to enhance the existing system.

This software allows long term storage of information by storing information

in the database.

The volume of data to be handled is too large. It is necessary to boost the

processing of data in order to get immediate reports, taking all this into
consideration; the existing system is replaced with new system. This system is
user-friendly and flexible to maintain any information. The request
information is made available with response in seconds.

The major objective of Faculty Information System is to replace the existing

system of the department for effortless and management of faculty details in
college. It introduces an automated system which replaces the existing manual
system which is time consuming and numerous manpower is needed to
perform the work. It is necessary to speed up the processing of the data in
order to get quick reports.
Decrease the work load of department and maintain data accuracy, easy
retrieval in different forms to study and analysis the past cases.

The essence of the system analysis is to look at the entire problem context, to
systematically investigate the objective of the system & the criteria for system
effectiveness & to evaluate the alternatives in term of effectiveness & cost.

The principles of system analysis are applied when an information system or

application is first proposed. The concept of system stress aids in identifying
requirements for information system support & generation applications. The
following steps are applied in the development of our project.

 Specification of what the new system is to accomplish based on the

adequacy of user.
 Functional hierarchy showing the function to be performed by the new
system & the relationship with each other.
 List of attributes of the entities.

These are the data items, which need to be held about each entity.

3.1 Problem Analysis

Problem analysis is the process of understanding real – world problems and

user’s needs and proposing solution to meet those needs. The goal of problem
analysis is to gain a better understanding, before development begins, of the
problem being solved.

After consulting our guide, we decided to take the project for developing the
software for Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeiya Mahavidhyalay, Port Blair. We the
associates of this project had an interaction with Head of the Department of
computer science department and had proposed them to go for a
computerized system which will help them to get the work done efficiently in
the means of time. After that, we gathered the information about their
requirement in order to proposed new software for the department, by which
the department head can see the information of the particular staff. If we do
this manually, then all process become time consuming which leads to wastage
of man power.
3.1 Feasibility study

 Feasibility study includes whether it is consistent with the existing plan

& whether it should override the priorities of other application already
planned. Whenever a project assessment phases in order to evaluate the
alternative approaches its development with rest of the plan.

The feasibility report covers items such as the following.

 General description of the application.

 Expected development schedule
 Schedule of resources & budget required for development.
 Schedule of expected cost & benefits from operations (economic
 Summary of evaluation with respect to technical motivational, schedule
& operational feasibility.

The following are the areas for feasibility:

 Technical
 Resource
 Legal
 Financial

System design is included in order to cover the user’s necessity and the
detailed analysis of the system. It is the most crucial phase in the development
of a system. Usually, the design proceeds in two stages:

 Preliminary or general design

 Architectural or Structured

Preliminary or General Design:-

At this stage, new features of the system are specified. Estimation of costs for
implementing these features& the benefits to be accessed are carried out. If
the project considered to be feasible, then the next stage of detailed design is

Architectural or Structured:-

It is refer to the structure of the system, which is composed of various

components of a system/program. The user selects one of the available options
as an input to the system. According to the input by the user the system acts
and the rest of the function are performed accordingly.

4.1 Data Flow Diagram

Data flows are data structure in motion, while data stores structures. Data
flow are paths or ‘pipe lines’, along which data structure travel, where as the
data stores are place where data structure are kept until needed. Data flow
diagram are directed graphs in which the nodes specify processing activities
and the arcs specify data items transmitted between processing nodes. The
data flow diagrams that are used for the design of proposed system are given
E – R Diagram
This document is an Entity Relationship (ER) diagram or “ERD” for a system
to manage Electronic resources. An ERD is a model that identifies the
concepts or entities that exit. In a system and the relationship between those
entities. An ERD is often used as a way to visualize a relationship database.
Each entity represents a database table and the keys in one table that point to
specific records in related tables. ERD may also be more abstract not
necessarily capturing every table needed within database, but serving to
diagram the major concepts and relationship.

The ERD is the later type, intended to present an abstract, theoretical view of
major Entities and relationships needed for management of electronic device.

It may assist the Database design process for an eco-trip management system
but does not identify ever table would be necessary for a trip management





Line Represents flow

















1.2 Input Design

Input design is the process of converting user oriented input to a computer

based format. The input data were collected and once they were identified,
appropriate input media were selected for processing. The goal of designing
input data was to make data entry as easy and free from errors as possible.
An input format should be logical and easy to understand. Each area in the
form was clearly identified and specified to the user what to write and where
to write it. While entering the data, the operators need to know the allocated
space from each field. The format in which data fields are entered and the
name of the data for the specified in addition to this the input design phase
made sure the data values and transaction have validations to detect errors
and comments to warn the user a wrong input .Control was ensuring for
entering input data. Input controls ways to ensure that:

 Only authorized user can access the system

 Validate the data for accuracy
 Determine whether any necessary data have been omitted

1.3 Output Design

Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to

the user efficient and intelligent output design improves the system
relationship with the user and help in decision making. The output also
provides a means of storing a copy of results for later reference and
consultation. Output generally refers to the results and in the form of
operational documents or reports. The report section in the proposed system
consists of the following:

 Report of the staff’s of different department.

 The project developed in one platform may not be run on to other
 Training for simple computer operations in necessary for the users
working on the system.
 The software can be used by a computer literate only.
 There is no chance of having anyone’s signature.

 Implementation of this software in future may help the department to

work efficiently without carrying much burden and time.
 In order to provide staff’s information, the software can be used to
 Further implementation of planning’s and enhancement is designing
can be done without affecting other records.
 Further implementation is to add their daily attendance record to
manage properly.
 Further we can add more Reports to the project.
This software entitled “Faculty information System” is applicable for use in
any department.

This software brings out the optimum benefit to the department by getting the
desired result efficiency and also minimizing the manual risks.

This system will provide reports of orders date wise and department wise.

Before using this system, the department must validate thoroughly to avoid
any kind of risk.

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