Project Life Cycle Management Assessment 1 FABIAN NAVAS S40075727

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Family Name:

Navas Sanabria

Given Name:

Fabian Navas

Student ID: Course:

S40075725 BSBPMG417 Apply Project Life Cycle

Management Processes BSBPMG410 Apply
Project Time Management Techniques

Subject: Trainer’s name:

Project Life Cycle Management

Declaration: I certify that this assignment is entirely my own work. I have provided full referencing to
the work of others. The material in this paper has not been submitted before.

Assessment 1 –
Written Responses Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your
organisational requirements for each one. Complete the work individually.

1. Provide five examples of Project Initiation Documentation (PID).

• Project Definition: (Determine the purpose, why are you doing this job? With clear
objectives, what specific results will be achieved and how will you measure these
results? Establishing the scope, setting the limits and structuring the activities and
steps to be carried out, Customer requirements template
• the project budget
• Risk Analysis register
• Roles and Responsibilities Manual
• Initial Project Plan

2. How can you ensure project objectives are in accordance with the overall organisational
strategies and goals?
set objectives in the projects with the goals to be achieved allow performance measurement
to start a process broad planning, which implies asking what the mission is, or who we are,
where we want to go, how we can get there and finally look for mechanisms to know if the
objective that is e has been reached; l Compliance in customer satisfaction, which leads us to
think that the sum of compliance in each indicator implemented to evaluate the specific
objective of the project leads us to the fulfillment of the general objective of the organization
that is aligned with the policies, mission and vision of the company.

3. How can you assist in negotiating project objectives, outcomes and benefits?
Negotiations generally involve compromises in certain areas such as the project budget and
schedule. have the clarity of what benefits are expected to be achieved for the organization
and the determination of the product of the measurable project with short and long-term
results for the organization by setting clear, measurable and achievable objectives our client
will have the clarity of the delivery commitment and any other requirement or expectation
generated in the project and thus reach agreements that meet the satisfaction of our client.

4. Create an example project governance structure.


Steering Committe and EXECUTIVE

Executive Commitee SPONSOR

Area Leaders COMMITTEE

Subject Matter Experts Manager

Core Project
Subject Matter Experts Team

5. Create a project charter template with five sections that can be used to obtain project

Project Name Date

Project Manager Sponsors




Project specification



Project Risk

In scope out scope

Key stakelholders Role and Responsabilities

Name Title Name Role Responsibility

Project Approval Requeriments Signature of project Sponsor Date

6. What methods can be used to breakdown project objectives in achievable deliverables?

trace the scope of the project only the deliverables that are within range; any out of reach
and unnecessary deliverables will cause confusion and waste project resources. Therefore, it
is important that verify alignment of deliverables with objectives, to break down project
objectives into more realistic achievable deliverables and provide clarity on project needs in
terms of deliverables and success criteria.

Work breakdown structure (WBS) should include

✓ Job description,
✓ Assumptions and limitations,
✓ Responsible organization,
✓ Schedule milestones,
✓ Associated programming activities,
✓ Resources needed,
✓ Cost estimates,
✓ Quality requirements,
✓ Acceptance criteria,
✓ Technical references and
✓ Agreement information.
7. Create a Project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to identify key requirements for each project stage.

Work Breakdown
Name of Project


Est. Finish
WBS Task Description Description Assigned To Start Date Budget $ Resources Deliverable
hours Date

8. Using the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) you created for your project, identify and clearly map milestones against time and objectives.

Name of Project
Project Fri, Apr 9,
Leadership Conference 2021: Leading in the twentieth century
Start 2021

Task Assigned Est. Budget

WBS Description Start date Finish date Resources Deliverable
Description to Hours $
1 Speakers
To develop the
task properly,
The deliverable from
In accordance to the it is required
Contact and the task is to find the
conference to be Donna an office with
1.1 confirm the 32 9/04/2021 30/09/2021 1600 properly speakers to
conducted, it is required to Chisholm all stuff
speakers carry out the
find the properly speakers (laptop,
To develop the
In accordance to the task properly,
The deliverable from
conference to be it is required
the task must be the
Decide conducted, it is required to Donna an office with
1.2 10 9/04/2021 9/04/2021 500 properly topics in
topics decide a properly topics to Chisholm all stuff
accordance to have a
guarantee a successfully (laptop,
successful conference
conference wireless,
The staff from the project
decided the following
To develop the
topics: 1. Everybody can
task properly,
lead, because anyone can
it is required The deliverable from
serve 2. There is no
Confirm Donna an office with the task must be the
1.3 universal leadership style 16 7/05/2021 14/05/2021 800
Topics Chisholm all stuff topics to carry out
3. Leadership roles are
(laptop, during the conference
converging 4. Leadership is
a dynamic relationship 5.
Character is a competitive
In accordance to make a To develop the The deliverable from
successful conference, it is task properly, the task is to have the
Arrange required to arrange the Donna it is required confidence that the
1.3 10 15/05/2021 16/05/2021 500
speakers speakers and in this way Chisholm an office with speakers are
guarantee the develop of all stuff confirmed to the
the conference (laptop, conference

To develop the
task properly,
The main objective of this The deliverable from
it is required a
task to provide the the task is arrange
Brief Donna conference
1.4 instructions to the 16 17/09/2021 24/09/2021 800 with the speakers how
speakers Chisholm office with all
speakers of how should be must be conducted
stuff (laptop,
conducted the conference the conference
2 Venue
To have a successful
conference, it is highly To develop the
important to find a task properly,
The deliverable from
comfortable place with all it is required
the task is a list with
Decide facilities available for the Dan an office with
2.1 10 5/07/2021 14/05/2021 500 the best venues
venue conferce. In accordance to Streep all stuff
options for the
this situation, it is (laptop,
requested to make a list of wireless,
the possible venues for the telephone)
To develop the The deliverable from
Once We have analyzed
task properly, the task must be the
the different venues, the
Dan it is required booking of the venue
2.2 Book venue staff from the project must 10 5/07/2021 14/05/2021 500
Streep an office with to conduct the
book the venue to develop
all stuff conference in the date
the conference
(laptop, selected

To develop the
task properly,
To have a successful The deliverable form
it is required
conference, it is highly the task is to arrange
Arrange Dan an office with
2.3 important to arrange the 10 5/07/2021 14/05/2021 500 the properly catering
catering Streep all stuff
catering for the to have a successful
participants. conference
3 Marketing
To promote and guarantee To develop the
full attendance to the task properly,
The deliverable from
conference, it is required a it is required
the task is to choice
marketing plan. In Erin an office with
3.1 Decide flyers 20 21/05/2021 6/04/2021 1000 the proper flyer to the
accordance to that, it O'Donnell all stuff
conference to be
necessary to develop a (laptop,
flyer and start a marketing wireless,
strategy telephone)
To develop the
task properly, The deliverable from
Once the staff from the
it is required the task is to print
project have decided the
an office with flyer with the correct
flyer advertisement, it is Erin
3.2 Print flyers 20 21/05/2021 6/04/2021 1000 all stuff specification to be
necessary to print it and to O'Donnell
(laptop, send to the
get the approval from the
wireless, participants of the
marketing department
telephone, conference
To develop the
task properly, The deliverable from
In accordance to the it is required the task is to email all
marketing strategy, it is an office with of the possible
3.3 Mail flyers required to email the 20 6/11/2021 7/02/2021 1000 all stuff participants with the
potential participants to (laptop, flyer and all
guarantee full attendance wireless, information from the
telephone, conference
To develop the
task properly,
it is required
It is highly important email The deliverable from
an office with
Send email reminders for the Carlos the task is to confirm
3.4 30 15/07/2021 10/04/2021 900 all stuff
reminders conference participants to Santiago the attendance to the
guarantee full attendance conference
4 Registration
To develop the
task properly,
It is necessary to have a it is required
The deliverable from
registration list to the an office with
Create Carlos the task is create a
4.1 participants, to create a 30 15/07/2021 10/04/2021 900 all stuff
register Santiago data base of the
data base for others (laptop,
events wireless,
To develop the The deliverable from
It is requested, to have a
Register Carlos task properly, the task is the
4.2 register from the 30 15/07/2021 10/04/2021 900
applicants Santiago it is required registration from the
an office with participants
all stuff
To develop the
task properly,
It is highly important to it is required
The deliverable from
have the confirmation an office with
Send Carlos the task is to have the
4.3 from the participants 30 15/07/2021 10/04/2021 900 all stuff
confirmation Santiago attendance
before the conference to (laptop,
guarantee full attendance wireless,
To develop the
task properly,
it is required The deliverable from
To handle the payments
an office with the task is arrange the
Arrange and have a proper Edith
4.4 20 4/09/2021 15/04/2021 1000 all stuff banking to have a
banking accounting it is requested Partridge
(laptop, proper accounting
to arrange the banking
wireless, from the event
To develop the
task properly,
Once the conference have
Arrange it is required The deliverable from
started, it is requested to
registration an office with the task is the develop
have a registration center Dan
4.5 center at 10 17/09/2021 10/01/2021 500 all stuff of the proper
at the conference site to Streep
conference (laptop, registration center in
have a control and make
site wireless, the conference site
the confirmation process
9. Provide an example of a project baseline within a Project Management Plan (PMP).

Project schedule baseline

Week beginning






























Item Topic Activity Responsible
1 Speakers
1.1 Speakers Contact potential speakers Donna Chisholm
1.2 Speakers Confirm speakers Donna Chisholm
1.3 Speakers Confirm topics Donna Chisholm
1.4 Speakers Select and contact a back up speaker Donna Chisholm
1.5 Speakers Brief speakers Donna Chisholm
1.6 Speakers Develop thank you letter for speakers Donna Chisholm
1.7 Speakers Send thank you letter for speakers Donna Chisholm
2 Venue
2.1 Venue Get quotes from potential venues Dan Streep
2.2 Venue Decide on venue Dan Streep
2.3 Venue Book venue Dan Streep
2.4 Venue Arrange catering Dan Streep
2.5 Venue Check near by hotel vacancies Dan Streep
2.6 Venue Security Dan Streep
2.7 Venue Decoration Dan Streep
3 Marketing
3.1 Marketing Write email to prospective attendees Erin O’Donnell
3.2 Marketing Write social media posts Erin O’Donnell
3.3 Marketing Write brochure Erin O’Donnell
3.4 Marketing Write cover letter for brochure Erin O’Donnell
3.5 Marketing Print brochure Erin O’Donnell
3.6 Marketing Send out brochures Erin O’Donnell
4 Registration
4.1 Registration Create registration chart Student
4.2 Registration Arrange banking facilities Edith Partridge
4.3 Registration Register applicants Student
4.4 Registration Send confirmations Student
4.5 Registration Arrange registration centre at conference site Dan Streep
4.6 Registration Arrange staffing for registration centre Dan Streep
10. What type of project documents can be used during the negotiation process?


✓ Project charter, authority boundaries

✓ Scope, cost, and schedule objectives
✓ Changes to scope, cost or schedule
✓ Release, acceptance, go/no-go criteria
✓ Contract terms and conditions
✓ Assignments, roles and responsibilities
✓ Resources

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