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1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. D. 11. D 12. B 13.

14. B 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. B 22.D 23. C 24.B 25. B

Câu kết hợp

Mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the correct conjunctions or transitions that completes
the following sentences.
1. Unfortunately, your letter arrived after the final date for application. ________, we cannot consider you.
A. As result B. That is because C. Consequently D. To this
2. The doctors know that it will be very difficult to save the patient’s life, _______ they will try their best.
A. but B. Although C. despite D. however
3. You can go to the party tonight ______ you come home before 10 p.m.
A. as long as B. as far as C. as soon as D. as well as
4. _______, a bat sends out a series of signals, which bounce off any object in its path.
A. When in flying B. While it is flying C. When they are flying D. Once flying
5. ________ a scholarship, I entered the unknown territory of private education.
A. To award B. To be awarded
C. Having awarded D. Having been awarded
6. ________, he couldn't solve that mathematical puzzle.
A. As intelligent as was he B. Intelligent as he was
C. So intelligent was he D. Although he is intelligent
7. The residents of the village are living a happy life ______ they lack modern facilities.
A. because of B. although C. therefore D. despite
8. However, malaria afflicts more than 200 million people each year, ______ one million children in Africa alone.
A. kill B. and kill C. killing D. to kill
9. When D.H. Lawrence died, most of what was written about him was hostile;______, today he is widely recognized as an
important writer.
A. in spite of B. what is more C. all the same D. as a result
10. Anderson broke his leg in the football game last week;_____, he won’t be able to captain the team for the rest of the semester.
A. Since B. lest C. for D. thus
11. “Will your brother be present at the conference?” – “He will, _______ he still has a cold.
A. because B. whether C. while D. although
12. Yesterday the teacher had his students memorize ten poems. _________, they were made to write three essays in class.
A. However B. In addition C. Otherwise D. More
13. I gave my last chocolate bar to Andy, because he was feeling hungry; ______ he likes them far more than I do.
A. besides B. whereas C. nonetheless D. hence
14. The police pursued the enemy relentlessly, _______.
A. and finally catch him B. finally catching him

C. to catch him in the final D. with a final catch

15. _______ the Spanish realized that their new discoveries were part of an enormous continent, Christopher Columbus had
already died.
A. As soon as B. Once C. By the time D. After
16. The average temperature in Dubai is 27℃, and has never dropped below 0℃; ______, it has become a popular place in which
to ski.
A. neither B. nonetheless C. either D. despite
17. “How will you be able to get to London in time for the meeting?” – “I will fly, _____ will only take 50 minutes.
A. and such B. that C. and therefore D. which
18. The Archeology Museum in Istanbul has a number of tombs from the ancient world;_____, it contains a vast collections of
historical coins.
A. furthermore B. quite the contrary C. even though D. on account of
19. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, _____ eleven times the size of the earth.
A. is B. has C. being D. having
20. An early typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly; the typist, _______, couldn’t see his work on this machine.
A. nevertheless B. therefore C. yet D. although
21. _______ you have finished everything on your plate will you be allowed to leave the table.
A. As soon as B. Not until C. By the time D. Even if
22. Nicholas has wanted to visit the lonian island of Kefalonia _____ he finished reading Captain Corelli’s Mandolin last year.
A. ever since B. just after C. just as D. the moment
23. In ancient times, Libya was used to refer to most of the lands of North Africa _____ today it is only the name of a specific
country within them.
A. as though B. much as C. whereas D. as long as
24. Francis eventually found a rare copy of a work by Gaspar da Carvajal, ______ unfortunately someone had written lecture notes
inside it.
A. while B. but C. until D. once
25. _______ Bob pays his bill in a restaurant, he gives some extra money to the waiter or waitress as a tip.
A. As long as B. Whenever C. By the time D. No sooner

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