Virtual Training Handbook I - English Communication Skill Training

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NOUNS: a word that names a person, place, a thing or an idea.

Ex: teachers, bag, freedom

Proper Noun: name or title of a particular person, place, thing or idea; it always begins with a capital letter.
Ex: Lord Byron, Manila, Lassie

Common Noun: refers to a general example of a person, place, thing, or idea or to a general category of
people, places, things, or ideas; it is not capitalized.
Ex: poet, city, dog

Concrete Noun: name of material things, people and places as well as everything that can be perceived
through the senses.
Ex: Venus is a planet, not a star.
Ex: The principal particles of the atom are the proton, the neutron, and the electron.

Abstract Noun: name of qualities, emotions, conditions, and attitudes which have no material existence
Ex: Have you experienced the joy of seeing a beautiful sunset?
Ex: Love, justice, wisdom, and power are God's major qualities.

Compound Noun: consists of two or more words used together to name one person, place, or thing. One kind
of compound noun consists of two or more words joined together.
Ex: sky + diver = skydiver sun + glasses = sunglasses

 Another kind of compound noun consists of words joined by one or more hyphens.
Ex: light-year passers-by brother-in-law

 A third kind of compound noun consists of two or more words that are used together, though not
joined, to create a single noun.
Ex: high school air force jet engine
 Compound noun can be proper nouns as well as common nouns.
Ex: Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo lunar excursion module

Collective Noun: stands for a whole group of people, places, things or ideas.
Ex: A pride of lions lived in the zoo.


family committee team herd troop

group jury club gaggle troop

brood crew litter platoon cast

bunch flock pack squad colony

Count Noun: refers to objects that can be counted.

Ex: books tables houses countries

Mass Noun: refers to things that cannot be counted individually.. They do not have plural forms. To make
them plural, we use expressions of quality.
Ex: love money food knowledge medicine kindness

 Gender of Nouns:
Masculine - refers to persons or animals of the male kind
Ex: groom lad king rooster
Feminine - refers to persons or animals of the female kind.
Ex: bride lass queen hen
Neuter - refers to object with no sex
Ex: house car package handkerchief

Common - refers to nouns that are either male or female


1. Most nouns form the plural by adding -s to the singular.
( idea - ideas car - cars )

2. Nouns which end in s, sh, ch, x or z from the plural by adding -es.
(box - boxes dish - dishes )

3. Nouns ending in -y preceded by a consonant form the plural by changing -y to -i and adding -es.
(baby -babies city - cities )

4. Nouns ending in -y preceded by vowels form the plural by merely adding -s.
(toy-toys valley - valleys )

5. Some nouns ending in -f or -fe form the plural by changing -f or -fe to -v and adding -s or -es.
(self - selves life – lives)

6. Some nouns retain the f in the plural form.

(roof - roofs belief – beliefs)

7. Nouns ending in -o preceded by a vowel form the plural by adding -s.

(bamboo - bamboos radio-radios)

8. Nouns ending in -o preceded by a consonant form the plural by adding -es.

(hero - heroes tomato – tomatoes)

9. Words pertaining to music that end in -o form their plural by adding -s.
(solo - solos piano – pianos)

10. Some nouns show plural inflection by changes in form.

(Goose - geese child- children.)

11. Nouns ending in -sis change -i to -e in the plural.

(crisis - crises parenthesis-parentheses)

12. Foreign nouns ending in -us form the plural by changing the ending to -i.
(cactus - cacti fungus – fungi)

13.Nouns ending in -um or -on form the plural by changing the ending to -a,
(datum - data curriculum – curricula)

14. Compound nouns form the plural in different ways. In general, -s or -es is added to the most important
brother-in-law - brothers-in-law spoonful - spoonfuls

15. Some nouns have the same singular and plural form.
deer – deer sheep - sheep

16. Some words are always plural

scissors eyeglasses

17.Plural of numerals and letters are formed by adding -s.

m's 7’s

PRONOUNS: a word that take the place of a noun.

 The noun that the pronoun replaces or refers to is called an antecedent.

PERSONAL PRONOUNS - are used to refer to one or more person or things.
 First person - refers to the speaker/s.

 Second Person - refers to the person being spoken to.
 Third Person - refers to person or persons spoken about.
DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS - tells which one or which group is referred to.
INTENSIVE PRONOUN - are the same words as the reflexive pronouns but are used to
draw attention to a noun in a sentence.
Ex: I wrote myself a song.
INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN - Introduce questions.
Ex: what which who whom whose
INDEFINITE PRONOUNS - refer to the people, places, and things in general
Ex: anybody everyone no one anyone much either nobody someone anything
both few many others several

VERB: A word that expresses an action or a state of being

Action Verbs- either physical or mental action.
Ex: The plane landed at NAIA a while ago.
Mother always hopes for the best.
Linking Verbs- is a verb that connects the subject of a sentence to the complement. It is sometimes
called a copula or a copular verb.
Ex: The sky is blue.
be being am is are was were

 Other forms of Linking Verbs (Examples)

appear grow seem stay
become look smell taste
feel remain sound get

Auxiliary Verbs- verbs used with main verbs to form verb phrases
Ex: form of be have do
be is do will

been was does would

am were did have

had has shall should
can could may might



1. The subject and verb must agree in number.

Dennis drives his own car.
Many men today drive their own cars.

2. Compound subjects take plural verb.

Rose and Linda are best friends in school.
The doctors and nurses are distributing free medicines.

3. A compound subject referring to a single person takes the singular verb.

My confidant and adviser is my brother.
The secretary and treasurer of our class is a trustworthy classmate.

4. Compound subjects modified by each and every are singular.
Every father and mother carries out the assigned role.
Each male and female student wears I.D. inside the school.

5. The verb agrees with its subject, not with the predicate nominative.
Books and magazines are the only material for his report.

6. When the compound subjects are joined by or, nor, either-or, neither-nor, the verb agrees with the
subject nearer it.
Neither the singers nor the composer is benefited by the concert.
Either Jim or his friends are volunteering to clean the mess.

7. When regarded as a unit, a collective noun is singular.

The committee stands firm to impose its decision.
The jury holds its verdict in abeyance.

8. When regarded as individuals, a collective noun is plural.

The audience are clapping their hands after each number.
The crowd are agitating over a dispute among themselves.

9. When preceded by the article a, the subject number is plural.

A number of poor children are afflicted by the epidemic.
A number of people have passed through the acid tests of life.

10. When preceded by the article the, the subject number is singular.
The number of absentees from the English class is reduced.
The number of enrollees generally decreases during the second semester.

11.The verb agrees with the affirmative, not with the negative subject.
The father, nor the mother, decides on the welfare of the family.

You, not I, are accountable for the loss of the book.

12. Singular indefinite pronouns like someone, anyone, each, neither, either, take the singular verbs.
Someone is by your side to support you at the confrontation.
Anyone is welcome to give his suggestions.

13. The plural indefinite pronouns such as all, both, several, few, many take plural verbs.
Many have been invited to my party.
Few have came and attended, however.

14.Many a followed by a singular noun takes singular verb.

Many a novel has been written on love.
Many a youngster today has already been aware of the crisis.

15. Nouns plural in form but singular in meaning takes singular verb.
Statistics provides the numerical data in question.
Politics is always associated with the "pulling of the string".

16. Scissors, refreshments, clothes, pliers, etc. are always plural.

Refreshments are now served at the canteen.

17. Impersonal pronoun it at the beginning of a sentence is followed by a singular verb.

It is his suggestions that finally take precedence.

18. An amount of money, space of time or unit of measurement even in plural form, takes a singular
Three meters of cloth makes a dress of my size.

19. Fractions are singular or plural depending upon the -of phrase.
One half of the class misses out the first period.

20. Adjectives used as nouns are considered plural.
The old need some recognition to feel that they belong.

21. Singular verbs are used with mathematical abstractions.

Four times eight is thirty-two.

22. The indefinite pronoun none is singular but may occasionally require a plural verb.
None of the students have done their homework.

ADJECTIVES: Words that modify a noun or a pronoun

Compound Adjectives- out-going secretary, world class school
Descriptive - adjectives that tell about a quality
Ex: yellow big smooth soft
Limiting - denotes quantity or number, or limits in some way.
a. Numerical - three musketeers, first day
b. Demonstrative - this school, those days
c. Interrogative - what question, which project
d. Indefinite - some students, any idea
e. Possessive - our future, his fault
f. Articles - a senator, the president
g. Noun modifiers - stone house, coffee table

POSITIVE- describes a quality or characteristics; it is the plain form of the adjective.
COMPARATIVE- used to compare two persons or things
SUPERLATIVE- used to compare three or more persons or things.

a. All adjectives of one syllable and a few of two syllables have - er added to form the
comparative degree and -est to form the superlative degree.


small smaller smallest
dark darker darkest
tall taller tallest
long longer longest
tiny tinier tiniest

b. Most adjectives of two syllable and al adjectives of more than two syllables form
the comparative degree with the word more and the superlative degree with the
word most.


peaceful more peaceful most Peaceful

careful more careful most careful

thoughtful more thoughtful most thoughtful

pleasant more pleasant most pleasant

generous more generous most generous

c. The word less and least are used before all adjectives to indicate less of a quality.


important less important least important

famous less famous least famous

silly less silly least silly

hungry less hungry least hungry

painful less painful least painful

d. A few commonly used adjectives form their degrees of comparison irregularly.


many more most
good better best

far farther farthest

little less least
bad worse worst

ADVERB: Word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb

1. Adverb of manner - adverbs which tell how, e.g. softly, nicely.
2. Adverb of place - adverbs which tell where, e.g. here, overboard
3. Adverb of time - adverbs which tell when e.g. tomorrow, for two hours
4. Adverb of frequency - adverbs which tell how often e.g. always, sometimes
5. Intensifiers- adverbs which indicate degree

1. Adverbs that end in –ly form their comparative and superlative degrees with the words more and
slowly more slowly most slowly

seriously more seriously most seriously

curiously more curiously most curiously

2. Most one-syllable adverbs form their degrees of comparison with –er and –est added to positive


hard harder hardest
late later latest
fast faster fastest

3. A few commonly used adverbs form their comparative and superlative irregularly.
badly worse worst
little less least
well better best

4. Certain adverbs cannot be compared such as:

Now Then Once Where
Never Ever There

PREPOSITION: words that expresses a relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in a

 Several compound prepositions that are made up of more than one word. These are considered as
single prepositions.
 This is usually followed by a noun or pronoun which is called the object of the preposition.
 Together, the preposition, the object, and the modifiers of the object form the prepositional phrase.
Ex: Life-giving knowledge is found in the Bible.

about above across after against

along among at behind below

beneath beside between beyond by

before concerning down during except

for from in into of

off on over past since

through through out toward under underneath

until unto up upon with

CONJUNCTION: connects individual words or group of words

1. Coordinating Conjunctions – connect ideas of equal rank like word to word, phrase to phrase, or
clause to clause.
Ex: and but for nor yet
2. Correlative Conjunctions – consists of two or more words that work together as a set.
Ex: Either…or both…and not only…but also neither…nor whether…or
3. Conjunctive Adverbs – function like coordinating conjunctions. They usually connect independent
clauses which can stand by themselves as complete sentences.

consequently finally indeed moreover nevertheless

furthermore however instead still thus

4. Subordinating Conjunctions – used to introduce subordinate clauses.

Time : after, as, as long, as soon as, before, since, until, when, whenever, while,
Manner: as, as if, though
Cause: because
Condition: although, as long as, even if, even though, provided that, though, unless, while
Comparison: as, than
Purpose: in order that, so that, that

INTERJECTION: an exclamatory word or phrase that can stand by itself although it may appear in a
 Many interjections express strong emotions.

ah gee help aha

alas golly great hooray

dear me goodness hey Hurrah


Complete the sentences by providing the correct verb tense.

1. Hardly had the minister finished his speech when the earthquake ________ (shake) the stadium.

2. Everybody will be at the office at about 8:30 tomorrow as the meeting ________ (start) at nine o’clock.

3. That candidate who had been interviewed before we ________ (speak) to all the others is still my

4. While climbing onto the mountain top, I ______________ (encounter) a strange animal which I’d never
seen before.

5. The chairman was sure that his plan would work out fine as no other member _________________
(oppose) it up to that time.

6. I wasn’t surprised to hear that Monica ___________ (have) an accident as she is a very reckless driver.

7. Since the very first day when the Umbrella Company embarked such a dangerous and risky lab-research,
very strange incidents ____________________ (take place) within the research complex.

8-9. Urbanization ____________________ (always / be) a problem which causes several environmental
challenges ever since the rate of migration ____________ (increase) after the industrial revolution.

10. When I ________ (come) home this evening, my parents had gone out for a walk.

11. By the time the troops ________ (arrive), the war will have ended.

12. By the year 2025, linguists __________________________ (study) the Indy-European language family
for more than 200 years.

13. Gasoline _____________ (become) a major problem for people for the last ten years, therefore, during
this time many people have preferred to sell their cars and buy smaller ones.

14. By the time he was 14. Wolfgang Mozart _________________ (compose) an enviable number of musical

15. Nothing in my life ___________ (be) so strong to stop me achieve my goals so far and I don’t think
anything will be.

16. Archaeologists _________________ (explain) recently that an ancient underground city around
Cappadocia has long wide corridors where there are many special areas for making cheese and wine.

17. I was amazed when he accepted a drink, since I _____________ _________ (always / assume) that he
was a teetotaller.

18. I ___________________ (play) tennis tomorrow but I won’t be able to do that because I have injured
my right ankle.

19. We _____________ (visit) the seashore many times before but last summer we enjoyed ourselves more
than ever.

20. According to a survey, thousands of vending machines __________ ________________ (have to be

converted) before the new coins have come into circulation.


Complete the sentences by providing the correct verb form.

1. Many of my friends (disagree / disagrees) with me on this topic.

2. Fifteen Pounds (is / are) the price of that jacket.
3. Two hundred kilometres (seem / seems) a long distance to drive just for a party.
4. One-half of the students in the class (has / have) good marks on the test.
5. Several members of staff in the company (need / needs) a higher salary.
6. Neither the bread nor the cheese (is / are) fresh enough to eat.
7. Two chairs by the table in the dining room (is / are) broken.
8. Many politicians in public office (has / have) concerns about protecting the details of their private
9. Either my aunt or my uncle usually (help / helps) my parents.
10. The price of the pair of gloves (was / were) five Euros.
11. Both he and his father (has / have) the same medical problems.
12. Anyone who has had children (understand / understands) the importance of discipline.
13. My neighbour, encouraged by his wife, (give / gives) money to those in need.
14. Sean, my colleague and friend, (work / works) in an office.
15. Many (go / goes) on pilgrimage in the summer.
16. Many voters in the country in the north of England (refuse / refuses) to vote for the new candidate.
17. My father and mother (is / are) enjoying their vacation.
18. My best friend and confidant (has / have) decided to move away.
19. Either he or his assistant (is / are) responsible for the payroll.
20. Neither the students nor the teachers (agree / agrees) with the proposal.
21. The student or the committee members (write / writes) every day.
22. The committee members or the student (write / writes) every day.
23. Diabetes (affect / affects) many people around the world.
24. Never (has / have) the weather been so bad in the months of June and July.
25. Of all the grammar points I have studied in my weeks of English training, the most recent unit
(confuse / confuses) me the most for a variety of reasons.

VOWEL SOUNDS : Words and Sentences
shield The Knight broke his shield.
keep Keep moving forward.
fear Don’t fear the reaper.
leech The Leech won’t stop sucking blood.
meat Meat is a major food group.
beach Let’s all go to the beach.
reach The goal is out of reach.
feed Feed the dog more food.
eel John ate eel for lunch.
real The new President is the real deal.
appear The Lion appeared out of nowhere.
deep The diver dived deep.
we We should go home already.
feast The feast was offered to them.
teach I will teach you how to speak English.
cheat They had to cheat to win.
fee We paid the entrance fee.
niece My niece came home yesterday.
sea The ship was lost in the middle of the sea.
please Please refrain from making any noise.
indeed Indeed, it was the best idea he ever had.
proceed The examiner allowed me to proceed to the next room.
tea We had a tea party last week.
beat Listen to the beat of the drums.
beans We had to buy more beans for lunch.
team The team won the championship.
peach Peach is my favorite fruit.
mean I did not mean to hurt her.

queen The queen ordered a new decree.
bee I’m as busy as a bee.
sheep The sheep is eating grass.
ears My ears popped when we landed.
clean I left the room squeaky clean.
green The grass is green on our lawn.
heal I waited for my wounds to heal.
scene That was the best scene in the movie.
diesel The truck’s engine runs on diesel fuel.
peel Don’t peel the banana.
heat I increased the heat on the oven.
deer The Deer jumped on the rock.
sneeze I cover my nose when I sneeze.
squeeze I had to squeeze the toothpaste out of its container.
leaves Leaves fall off trees during autumn.
preach He was able to preach last Sunday.
steel The building is made of steel.
teeth I brush my teeth every day.
screen I cleaned the screen of the computer.
beast The beast hurried towards the dark forest.
beer I spilled my beer on the floor.


fix I will fix the fridge today.
wig The wig was blown off by the wind.
grin I saw the grin on her face.
fish We caught the fish from the river.
king The King waited for his crown.
hymn We sang the hymn when we started.
list I made a list of everything.

spirit The Holy spirit blessed them.
lick I wanted to lick the sauce from the plate.
prick She felt the prick of the needle.
lip I moved my lower lip to speak better.
hill Jack fell down the hill.
slip It was a slippery slope.
dip We took a dip down the river.
win They must win the trophy.
zipper The zipper on the sweater broke.
sit Please sit on the stool.
spin The earth spins on its axis.
tin I found a tin can in my bag.
thin Please slice the cheese thinly.
bin Empty out the trash bin.
mint We found the book in mint condition.
kick We had to kick the door down.
brief They had to catch their breath for a brief moment.
dinner Tom prepared dinner for us.
gym We practiced in the gym.
in In God we trust.
built The pyramids were built by ancient people.
tilt One of the barrels tilted forward.
sitter Sharon works as a babysitter.
sinner The priest challenged the sinners.
lizard A lizard can detach its tail.
kitten Our kitten was found stuck in a tree.
spit They don’t allow us to spit.
tip He gave the waiter a tip.
bid Bid them goodbye for me.
ginger I wanted to add ginger to my meal.

finger Jay broke his finger.
finish It was a fight to the finish.
influence The Spanish influence is hard to get rid of.
fit The dress was a perfect fit.
rid We must get rid of all these pests.
bit Jen bit off more than she could chew.
wit He had to use his wit to pass the test.
will I will remember that.
kidney Tom donated his kidney to a patient.
symptom The doctor checked on his symptoms.
kill We had to kill the cockroach.
civil Abraham Lincoln fought for civil rights.


fate You can choose your own fate.
wage The worker waited for his wages.
obey Sean always obeyed his parents.
lake Angelica swam in the lake.
ashtray Please empty out the ashtray.
cane Get the old cane for grandpa.
lane I had to switch lanes to avoid the traffic jam.
insane He thought of an insane way to win.
bake I want to learn how to bake a cake.
frame Put the picture inside the frame.
debate The Senators ended the debate.
weight Bob needs to check his weight.
afraid Don’t be afraid of the dark.
fail Failing is the first step of success.
fade The color faded away.
state He lives in a different state.

blade Jack sharpened the blade.
cage We put the dog in its cage.
blaze The firemen needed to put out the blaze.
gave I gave my money away.
decay The dead animal was in a state of decay when they found it.
display Please clean all the items on display.
survey The General surveyed the battlefield.
portray We need to portray them accurately.
make I shall make more orange juice.
cake The cake tasted better than the bread.
ate I just ate a box of chocolate.
create Jill needed to create a bigger box.
chain We broke the chain on the bike.
fillet Bill will cook fish fillet today.
aim Aim high to achieve your goals.
caffeine There was too much caffeine in her coffee.
hay The horse ate all the hay.
sale The manager put up a sale sign on the window.
male Male Lions are very territorial.
escape We had to escape the chasing lion.
shape We fixed the shape of the building.
shake You need to shake your head when you don’t agree.
rate Sarah paid the regular rate for the hotel.
faith Have faith in your beliefs.
later We’ll catch the bus later.
great I want to visit the great wall of china.
drain The pool was drained for repairs.
pray Don’t forget to pray every day.
way The tiger found a way to catch more prey.
array We have an array of products you can choose from.

tray Put in on the metal tray.
pay You must pay your taxes regularly.
today Today is the day we decide your fate.
save Jean had to save some money.
angel The angel opened her wings.


western The ship went across the western hemisphere.
wedge He put a wedge in between the two logs.
well Mary got water from the well.
heaven There are angels in heaven.
parent Parents will have a meeting tomorrow.
pleasure It was my pleasure serving you.
dress I need to buy a new dress.
led The evidence led to the arrest of the criminal.
step This is the first step in the process.
blend Mark needs to blend in so he won’t be noticed.
net A lot of fish were caught in the net.
check Please check the attendance.
entire The entire audience applauded the movie.
send We need to send them more money.
tend I tend to forget things from time to time.
end We made sure we would make it until the end.
fence The carpenter made the white fence outside.
tense The atmosphere is tense during the exams.
when When will you get here?
then If they win then we must go back home.
bell The bell rings every hour or so.
mess The baby made a mess.
merry We were all merry yesterday.

pen The pen ran out of ink.
sense The idea does not make any sense.
elbow The biker bruised his elbow.
echo My voice echoed in the cave.
wreck The car was a total wreck.
neck I do neck exercises every day.
melt Polar ice caps melt every year.
spell The little girl learned how to spell her name.
belt I need to loosen my belt every time I eat.
ten There are ten plates on the table.
bestow The magician bestowed upon me magical powers.
fellow My fellow classmates passed their homework.
medicine Tom needed to buy medicine for his mom.
enjoy Jerry enjoys running around the park.
next We are next in line.
bread I bake bread every day.
thread Jack needed the needle and the thread to fix his clothes.
empathy You must show empathy to your fellow man.
elegant It was an elegant birthday party.
elaborate Bob needs to elaborate more on his idea.
fresh I bought fresh apples.
suspect The suspect was caught yesterday.
arrest He was arrested by a policeman.
example Tom gave the example to Jerry.
lecture Jen gave a lecture on English pronunciation.
chef He is the head chef of a five star restaurant.
medal Mark was given a medal for bravery.
yell I want you to yell as loud as you can.

ballad The ballad was written by Shakespeare.
bat I saw a bat inside the cave.
pants Bob bought a new pair of pants.
land The land was vast and wide.
band Jack plays in a band.
value We value our customers business.
hat I put my hat on the rack.
black His eyes were as black as night.
interact They must learn to interact with each other.
cap I removed the cap from the soda bottle.
bath Tom gave the dog a bath last month.
lamp The genie was stuck inside the lamp.
math Jerry loves math.
gamble We needed to gamble to try and win.
answer Jen needs an answer to the question
dad Dad and I will play baseball today.
apple Fresh apples are on display.
mask We found a strange mask in the attic.
map He accidentally ripped the map.
knapsack All of the students have a knapsack.
glad I’m glad we won the game.
plan Bob needed to plan the wedding for Mary.
habit We must make it a habit to exercise daily.
dance Jerry loves to dance.
lad He was a good lad for respecting his parents.
manner We must enter the room in a timely manner.
chat Jen and Leslie love to chat with other people.
cabin Tom found an old cabin in the woods.
command The general gave his command.

flag The soldiers folded the flag properly.
stand We must stand together to fight back.
last Bob is the last member of the family to go to Europe.
amber The Government issued an amber alert.
cancer My zodiac sign is Cancer.
salmon We caught a lot of salmon off the coast.
adapt Jerry must adapt to the environment around him.
tap Jack loves tap dancing.
clap The judge clapped his hands after the performance.
paradise Boracay island is considered as paradise.
arrogant Jen was so arrogant after passing the exam.
activity We must add new activities for them.
compact Dad bought a new compact sedan.
laughed Mark laughed all the way to school.
baggage You must get your bags at the baggage counter.
mandatory The new rule is mandatory.
passenger I put the groceries on the passenger seat.
add We need to add more trainers.
actor He is one of the best actors out there.
mad My mom got mad when I fell asleep.
travel I would like to travel the world.
bank Mike got money from the bank.


fall The wrestler had a huge fall.
cause We must determine the proximate cause of the problem.
calm The seas were calm after the storm.
knob Just turn the door knob to open it.
doctor I went to the doctor for a physical.
poverty Poverty is the biggest issue in the Philippines.

knowledge Knowledge is definitely power.
knot Grace and Bob tied the knot.
pot We put a lot of pots in the garden for the gardener.
clot We must wait for his blood to clot before operating.
jaw Drop your jaw to pronounce the sound properly.
brawl A brawl erupted after the game.
shawl Don’t forget to wear your shawl.
ball The player dropped the ball.
tall You need to be tall to play in the NBA.
call I answered her call yesterday.
taught My father once taught me that I should always smile.
dawn The soldiers will attack at dawn.
rough The tongue of the cat is rough like sandpaper.
crawl The baby learned to crawl.
palm Palm trees are all over the beach.
talk We need to talk later.
stalker Tom was Jerry’s stalker before.
caught I got caught in the strong rain.
bond My friend and I have a strong bond.
audible The accent was hard to understand but still audible.
audiotape I bought a new audiotape for our recording.
authority I don’t have the authority to do that.
bought I bought us time to make our project.
halt I had to halt what I was doing to make way for them.
law Bob knows the laws of the country well.
raw Don’t eat chicken meat raw.
saw I saw you yesterday.
closet Jack put all your clothes in the closet.
wall We built a wall on the yard.
daughter My Daughter knows how to fly an airplane.

vault The gold bars were put inside a vault.
fault He admitted his fault after the meeting.
haunted Jack slept inside a haunted house last night.
top We were able to climb the top of the mountain.
naughty The boy was spanked for being naughty.
autobiography Bob wrote his own autobiography.
lawn I paid Jerry to mow our lawn tomorrow.
ought I ought to find a new way of finding friends.
odd The way Jack sleeps is really odd.
father My Father is my hero.
flaws There were a lot of flaws in the presentation.
straw Allen wanted to buy a straw hat.
call Stu took the call for Steve.
autumn The leaves start to fall during autumn.
garden I planted wild plants


money John took money out of the bank.
about The movie is about superman.
above The plane is above the clouds.
amount The amount John took out of the bank is in millions.
button Please don’t forget to press the button.
butter My favourite flavour for ice cream is butter.
sudden His mood changed all of a sudden.
lucky I lost my lucky red hat.
hut I wanted to build a hut on the beach.
customers There are a lot of customers waiting in line.
product We must present our product correctly.
cutter Use a cutter to cut the paper.

nut The racoon stole all the nuts from the squirrel.
suffer He left the squirrel to suffer.
legion That actor has a legion of fans supporting him.
pigeon The carrier pigeon was important during world war two.
mug I put a lot of root beer on the mug.
muffin Bob’s favourite snacks are muffins.
under Jack can work under pressure.
usher Mark was an usher before he became a priest.
rush He was in a rush when he left.
bargain I bought my jacket at the bargain barn.
mountain Jill climbed the highest mountain.
fountain I made a wish at the wishing fountain.
foreign There are a lot of foreign people in Boracay.
journal I wrote everything on my journal.
engine That big rig has a strong engine.
cover I need you to cover your book with plastic.
chunk The lion bit a huge chunk of meat from its meal.
gun The army bought a lot of guns for war.
supper The last supper is an important event in the Christian world.
uncle My Uncle is Jack from Wisconsin.
honey The bees from our farm make the sweetest honey.
funny My cousin is the funniest man alive.
around I’ve been around the block many times.
allowed We are not allowed to drink beer.
bus I always take the bus when I go to work.
country North Korea is a hermit country.
trust I trust that you will finish what you started.
attention Always pay attention to your teacher.
attendance I had perfect attendance when I was in school.
cousin Bob is our cousin twice removed.

skull There is a skull shaped island in the Caribbean.
much I didn’t learn much from our last lesson.
again I’ll try to listen again.
mention I was mentioned in the story.
none None of them passed the interview.
study I wanted to study the way planets were born.
information She gave the wrong information to him.
adjust I want to adjust the volume.
plump The Melon was so plump when it was picked.

sir Sir John gave us our scores.
blur The rocket was so fast it was a blur.
fur I wanted to buy a fur coat.
urchin Sea Urchins taste very good.
urgent I need to pass this urgent message.
curtain Close the curtains when the sun comes up.
urge I urge you to study more.
surge The storm surge devastated the coast.
ruler Bob is a very good ruler.
emergency A state of emergency was declared due to the storm.
refer John was referred by Bob.
defer We needed to defer her to the next class.
detergent Jack uses a lot of detergent when doing his laundry.
determine Jill determined to finish the fight.
purse Jen forgot her purse inside the cab.
perfect He speaks perfect English.
curse The witch cursed the village.
serve I must serve the food now.

merge We needed to merge the two classes together.
future I want to prepare for the future.
earth The Earth is dying slowly.
birth My friend gave birth yesterday.
flirt Flirting is not allowed in the office.
dirt Dirt stuck to his boot after working all day.
first I was the first to finish everything.
girth The whale’s girth did not allow it to escape the net.
slurp I love slurping the ice from a fruit shake drink.
nerd My friend is a really smart nerd for his age.
herd The cow herd fell of the cliff.
pervert Jack was accused of being a pervert.
curve There are a lot of curves on that highway.
better It’s better to try again rather than to give up.
herb This herb promotes good health.
deserve You deserve another chance.
reserve I reserved a table for you.
divert We need to divert their attention.
alert Jack raised the tornado alert.
stern The pirate fell off the stern.
fern I planted fern around the backyard.
turn Don’t forget to take the left turn on the next exit.
burn I want to burn those old books.
learn Bob learned a lot from his mistakes.
burner Please cook your food on the burner.
teacher My teacher gave me a star.
furnish We need to furnish the office with supplies.
thirst My thirst is unquenchable.
answer The answer to the question is still a mystery.
pearl The pearl we found was a fake.

shirt Jack bought a new shirt.
fertile The soil here is very fertile.
shelter We found shelter during the storm.


moon The cow jumped over the moon.
poor The poor cow fell to earth.
move We must move the chair away.
soon I will join you soon.
boost His idea will boost your confidence.
racoon I found a racoon in my room.
oozing Lebron James is oozing with confidence.
tool There are a lot of tools in the shed.
smooth Her skin is so smooth.
spoon I always use a spoon when eating ice cream.
maroon Maroon if my favourite colour.
true It is too good to be true.
school Bob went to school yesterday.
new I found a new friend at work.
Tuesday Tuesday is my day off.
crew The crew ate their lunch 2 hours ago.
clue The detective found clues on the ground.
drool I drool over savoury food.
brute He used brute force to lift the stone.
pool I love swimming in the pool.
cool John is a cool customer.
bloom All the flowers are in bloom.
juice I forgot to drink my orange juice.
rude The agent was rude to the customer.

June June is my birth month.
chew Jack needs to chew his food properly.
blue My favourite colour is blue.
boots I bought myself a new pair of boots.
stool I broke the stool when I sat on it.
door I asked him to shut the door.
screw Ben put the screws on the window properly.
due The bill’s due date is today.
choose I choose to be with my friends rather than my family.
mood Jen was not really in the mood to feed her pet.
nude Bob was seen in a nude beach.
seduce He was not trying to seduce you.
foolish You were too foolish to believe me.
blooming The rose was blooming by itself in the garden.
glue I used glue to stick them together.
goose The pet goose flew south for the winter.
brewed I always drink brewed coffee in the morning
brooch Cindy bought a gold brooch from Bloomingdales.
do I do most of the work in the morning.
tune We need to fine tune the car.
tattoo My tattoo is actually temporary.
rescue They rescued the drowning boy.
newspaper I read the story in a newspaper yesterday.
loose I tied my shoelaces loosely so I can remove it easily.
roots You must research on your roots.
pour Let me pour you a glass of wine.
doom The skydiver fell to his death.

could I could bring a new dog tomorrow.
bull Bob kicked a bull in its stomach.
pull He pulled on the cord to shut it off.
book I love reading books.
would Would you like a new pair of socks?
woods I got lost in the woods.
hook You are not off the hook yet.
cook My mom is a really good cook.
took I took my time in preparing dinner.
pulled Jack out from the rubble.
good You are a good friend.
rook The bishop ate the rook in the game of chess.
full I have a full understanding of the situation.
should Jen should never leave your side.
look I will look into more options for our plans.
foot The basketball player broke his foot when he landed.
shook I shook my head when he failed.
hood Ruth removed her hood to reveal her face.
stood I stood in defiance over the issue.
bullet I took a bullet for my boss once.
wolf The wolf made easy work of the sheep.
lawful We were proud of his lawful ideas.
flu Jack caught the flu when he went to Africa.
pudding Chocolate pudding is my everyday snack.
tourist Bob was a lost tourist when he went to China.
ambush The soldiers got ambushed by the rebels.
bushes I had to cut the bushes to reveal the fence.
mousse Chocolate mousse goes well with hot coco.
flute I bought my daughter a new flute.

truth She had to know the truth.
ruby Ruby diamonds are very rare.
put I usually put in my best effort.
goodness He was fine, thank goodness.
woman I’m a one woman, man.
wool Sheep provided wool for the entire village.
wolf The wolf ate the sheep.
whoops Whoops! I forgot what to say.
cushion The air cushion saved him from the crash.
jewel There were a lot of jewels put on the crown.
lose We had to lose the game because of his mistake.
mustard I must have ketchup with my mustard.
Columbus Christopher Columbus discovered America.
symbols Symbols were used by the aliens.
opposites They do say opposites attract.
tsunami The tsunami devastated Japan.
bulldog I have a pet bulldog.
pull We need to pull her out of the class.
opposition The opposition walked out of the meeting.
footage There was footage of the walk out.


gold Gold is a scarce resource.
stone The deal was set in stone.
vote Jack chose not to vote.
store I bought my drink from the store.
score We need to score to catch up.
wrote I wrote a letter of apology.
alto My voice is alto.
alone I was left home alone last summer.

motion The lawmaker set a motion to create a new law.
meadow I love frolicking in the meadow.
clone Bob wants to be cloned in the future.
doe John Doe was his name.
boat My brother sunk a boat in the lake with his slingshot.
only He is the only person that can do that.
old Old jokes are sometimes funny.
ghost Existence of ghosts can never be proven.
soul All souls go to heaven.
low The gas gauge hit its low mark.
toast I love putting butter on toast.
boast I hate to boast about it.
most Most of them didn’t know.
clothes I bought them new clothes.
blower I cleaned the yard with a leaf blower.
overload It was information overload for him.
token As a token of my gratitude I gave him five dollars.
throw I need to throw the trash away.
gloves The gloves were off when he came back.
pronoun You must use pronouns in your sentences.
hotel I wanted to stay in the hotel.
loan The bank granted me a loan.
know I know what we’ll do today.
moan I can hear the ghost moan.
toad Jack kissed a toad to make a wish.
ocean I can smell the ocean from here.
close I believe that it’s really close.
tone You need to change your tone.
nose My nose is really sensitive.
cone I want my ice cream in a cone.

host Bob will host the show.
flow You should check your flow when you talk.
holy His father is a very holy man.
home I went home late last night.
hope When all hope is lost he comes to the rescue.
oats I eat oats in the morning.
ovation They gave me a standing ovation.
oval The shape of the egg is oval.
go Can we go now?
bone Give the dog a bone, he needs it.
phone I borrowed her phone yesterday.
both I want to do both activities.


cow Cow’s give us milk.
sound The sound came from the basement.
south Those ducks will fly south for the winter.
crown I want to steal that crown.
browse You need to browse for more books.
loud The fan is too loud.
mountain High mountain tops have ice caps.
towel I need a towel to wipe my sweat.
shower I’ll take a shower later.
power The power of suggestion is overwhelming.
vowels The fourteen vowels are important.
thousand I will need a thousand reasons to believe it.
howl I hear wolves howl at night.
owl The owl hoots at dawn.
hometown I miss going back to my hometown.
pouch I need to get a new pouch.

foul He cried foul when he lost.
vow He vows he will take revenge.
sprout The mushroom sprouted everywhere.
brown Brown is the color of the soil.
down I went down the basement.
town The town sheriff is my father.
clown The clown scared the children.
gown My mother gave me a new wedding gown.
house We bought a house for the happy couple.
out I want to go out at night.
now Now is the time to start the fire.
allow They will allow us to use fireworks.
mouse The mouse was caught by the cat.
cloud A dark cloud loomed overhead.
couch The couch was the last piece to be moved.
shout I wanted to shout at her.
amount Bob needs a huge amount of money.
pout I never pout when I’m disappointed.
gout There was a problem with his gout.
mount Jack mounted the horse.
noun Use your nouns properly.
found I found the best way to finish it.
bound He is bound by his contract.
round He bought us a round of beer.
drown We almost drowned last night.
stout His brother is a stout fellow.
powder I smell a hint of gun powder.
count He never learned how to count.
counter I left my bag at the baggage counter.
lousy That restaurant has lousy service.

blouse Jen borrowed my blouse.
spouse She forgot about her spouse.
how I don’t know how they finished it.
pound The noise pounded my head.


sight It was love at first sight.
right My house is to the right.
slide My daughter loves going down the slide
glide The bird can glide through the air.
blind The man was blinded by fury.
why Why was he so angry?
lie Did he lie to her?
file I must file my vacation leave early.
bite I wanted to take a bite out of the pizza.
white His skin turned ghoulish white.
sky The sky is blue while the sun is shining.
kind He really is one of a kind.
tie I was ready to tie the knot.
fight We must fight back.
might I might join you later.
site They build a statue at the site.
night My favourite part of the day is night.
pine I love the smell of pine trees.
sign It was a sign of success.
size I was shocked at the size of the doughnut.
nine There were nine pieces of eight that the pirates possessed.
whine You should stop whining and start helping.
eyes Her eyes glistened in the sunlight.
high I jumped high to reach the fruit.

light There was no hint of light at the bottom of the ocean.
life Life struggled to survive in a desert.
type Type your names using the keyboard.
try Try to understand what I’m saying.
nice It was nice to hear from you.
smile Just keep smiling all the time.
mile My house is half a mile away.
die My pet hamster died last night.
aisle I walked her down the aisle.
rely I was the only one they could rely on.
goodbye She had to say goodbye.
shine The sun shines every day.
aspire I aspire to be successful with everything I do.
wine They drink wine all the time.
like We love the taste of wine.
spike Bob pierced his skin on the metal spike.
pie Jack ate all the pie on the table.
vine Grape vines are taking over our roof.
shy She was so shy at the start.
apply I want to apply everything I learned last week.
ice Ice water is so refreshing.
bike I always bike after eating.


oil Oil is an important resource.
boil Let the water boil first.
soil The earthworm went down the soil.
toil Farmers toil every day.
foil She used a tin foil to cover the food.
coil The rattlesnake coiled itself to prepare to strike.

moist The air in this room is moist.
poise Do not lose poise under pressure.
coin I have a coin purse with me.
boy That boy is one smart fellow.
toy We bought him a new toy.
toilet She got stuck in the toilet.
convoy It was long convoy he followed.
spoil The bacteria spoiled the food.
broil I love to broil oysters.
loin My children are the fruit of my loins.
groin I got kicked in the groin.
annoy They annoy her so much.
oyster Oysters are a delicacy.
ointment Ointment treats burns.
anoint He was anointed as the king.
appoint I want to appoint my secretary.
appointment There was a scheduled appointment.
soy Soy is a staple Japanese condiment.
voice He was the voice of the voiceless.
point He had a point to issue.
exploit Mark was exploited by his employers.
employ We need to employ other people.
employer John is my employer.
employee Bob is my employee.
destroy We want to destroy poverty.
enjoy I want to enjoy life.
joy The joy of fatherhood is eternal.
loiter Don’t loiter in this hall.
join Can you join me later?
ploy They prevented my ploy.

deploy I was deployed in Afghanistan.
embroider We had to embroider the dress.
avoid She avoided me.
rejoice We rejoiced in victory.
loyal She was loyal to him.
choice It was his choice.

CONSONANT SOUNDS : Words and Sentences

chain The food supply chain should decrease its reliance on non-renewable energy.
charcoal Burning charcoal is placed on top of the foil.
chair Many elderly & disabled folk need to cross here, often in electric wheel chairs.
charge There is no additional charge for issuing the check.
cheek Forget about turning the other cheek, revenge is good for you.
challenge The delivery of mental health services in rural areas presents distinct challenges.
charity Charity begins at Home.
champion He remains determined to be boxing's undisputed heavyweight champion.
change At every level, there will be radical change.
chase Indeed, he seems to like his movies as loud as his comedy and the film lurches
between gun-toting set pieces and high-speed chases.
channel You cannot record one digital channel and watch another digital channel.
chat There will also be an opportunity for an informal chat with Jael over
chick Chick flick ' to describe the films with appeal to women began in the early 1990s.
cheap Just as car travel has never ever been so cheap, it has never been so cheap to fly.
chicken Doing all of these things instead of running around a job, often like a headless
cheat Cheat who hasn’t been caught.
chief Three top police chiefs sang from different hymn sheets on Tuesday.

chapter The final chapter in the book is beyond basic style.
check A quick check on the internet will uncover thousands of web pages on that issue.
child As a consequence, many people sold their children into child labor and
crunch I never put myself into a final "big crunch" situation.
chunk Alternate pork cubes with pineapple chunks on 4-5 long skewers.
speech I was deeply moved by his speech.
chili Spicy and hearty, this chili only gets better when it's made ahead.
church The church bells are ringing.
teach It's easier to teach children than adults.
chimney I think it's time for me to clean the chimney.
bunch A bunch of people were standing outside waiting.
bench He woke up to find himself lying on a bench in the park.
chin I sat down amidst a black cluster of shrubs, and rested, chin on hand.
lunch What did you have for lunch today?
wrench What the water could not wrench free, it saturated and warped.
chip To watch a video clip of where your money goes, please click here.
children The children are sleeping. Please don't be so noisy.
inch I know every inch of the town.
chocolate Ann loves chocolate more than anything.
punch The victim threw a punch at the youth, breaking one of his teeth, who promptly
pinch To prevent egg cracking whilst boiling, add a pinch of salt to the water.
choice We have no choice but to carry on.
beach No day at the beach is complete without spending some time in the water.
chop Chop down trees for firewood.
bleach The sink is full of bleach solution for scrubbing equipment and floors.
Pitch One tone is a low, sustained fundamental pitch, similar to the drone of a bagpipe.
stitch I have put the last stitch to your dress.
chopper The chopper has double blades, a gyroscope and a rechargeable battery.

chariot There are columns of soldiers at the front, followed by war chariots at the back.
chalk Chalk on an old dry blackboard.
Chance As soon as I can get the chance, I'll come for a visit.
patch Sticky patches are placed on the back of the head.
munch Munch all day long and so good quality hay should make up a high proportion of
their diet.

face I caught a glimpse of her face.
fact I love the fact that you always seem to care so much.
fall I couldn't help but fall in love with you.
faith This person who professed faith never bears any fruit.
farm My father and mother have a big farm there.
fear The girl trembled with fear.
feed I used to feed my dog twice a day.
feel I don't feel up to eating anything tonight.
fell She fell in love with him.
fuel Gasoline is used for fuel.
fresh A refrigerator keeps meat fresh.
friend He is an old friend of mine.
fry Fry an egg for me.
from The six universities in the city are struggling to recover from the disaster.
front Her husband eats everything she puts in front of him.
flour He bought a lot of flour and oil.
flush Flush out the toxins that have been pushed out from the cells with the massage.
fly The desire to fly in the sky like a bird inspired the invention of the airplane.
frame Build a simple frame for a plywood panel sized to fit the bed.
free What do you do in your free time?
fled The suspect fled prior to the arrival of the police.
flee It's not unusual for investors to flee when stocks fall.

flesh The fish is cooked when the skin slides easily off the flesh.
flick As the sun sets, flick on your flashlights and sit in a circle.
flight If you have an upcoming flight, it's a good idea to monitor its status.
flip Click the top right corner to flip to the next page.
flirt Patrick, it has been said you are an outrageous flirt.
float Oil will float on water.
flood Devastating floods in the rainy season washed away most of the year's rice harvest.
floor I took the elevator to the fourth floor.
wife Are you still in love with your wife?
flame Sulfur burns with a blue flame.
flash Flash flooding can occur, with a dry river bed becoming a raging torrent in a few
flat My bicycle has a flat tire.
flea The stolen bikes were then sold at a local flea market
self She allegedly killed him in self-defense.
shelf He hit his head on the shelf.
strife Away from all the strife of men he was Journeying to a greater peace.
surf Surfers typically refer to wave groups in the surf zone as a set.
thief The policeman arrested the thief.
fund Then they sell all that lovely opium to fund terrorism.
left Who left the door open?
lift Could you give me a lift to the train station?
beef This beef is tender.
if Is it ok if I call you mine?
knife She cut her hand with a knife.
life Tom decided to give up city life and live in the country.
proof Ed discovers terrifying proof that a bear is living nearby.
roof The roof was damaged by the storm.
safe I promise you I'll keep you safe.

hood How do I open the hood?
homework I think it's time for me to do my homework.
height She's about the same height as you.
human This dog is almost human.
Hollywood Hollywood is the movie capital of the world.
habit Telling lies is a very bad habit.
he He must be homesick.
hacker If broken into, there is no limit to the damage a hacker can do to a computer
running in administrator mode.
horror Horror manifests the primal fear: loss of will, helplessness.
horse His horse jumped over the fence.
handsome She found him handsome.
hulk When it's finished with that work, there's simply no use for the metal hulk that
humiliate We felt that kids should not be humiliated, nor should they humiliate others.
harass Go harass someone else, maybe they will make you feel complete.
Holy Holy cow that lightning shot is absolutely outstanding.
had I've had enough.
headache I have a bad headache today.
hose Each hose can be expanded and contracted independently.
hospital On an island without a hospital, it's an extremely serious injury
hair She pushed back a loose strand of her light brown hair.
heavy In addition, recycling the heavy metals in batteries is a difficult task.
house My house is just down the street.
hangout You'll spend money on wine and cheese and enjoy some hangout time with
helpful My program was not helpful at all regarding job placement.
humor He seems to have no sense of humor.
haircut I got a shave and a haircut.

hostage Hostage's family pleads for his life after video surfaces.
hawk The wild hawk is accustomed to prey on tame birds; the domestic hawk on wild.
hidden One thing that helps is calculating the hidden benefits.
haunted Still haunted by its beauty and a longing to return someday.
however Tom has money. However, he's not all that happy.
handwriting She has beautiful handwriting.
humidity He says the problem is the weather, and particularly the humidity.
hunch I can’t see why mother doesn't mention dad, have a hunch he has gone I wonder.
hepatitis There are many types of virus which can cause hepatitis.
hasn't He hasn't written to them in a long time.
hyper Two explosions of the sun hyper sonic and supersonic.
host He thanked the host for the very enjoyable party.
herself Her mother lives in the country all by herself.
hooker Barely a pound of crack and a high class hooker to enjoy it with!
herbal Four of the herbal mixes contained relatives of parsley.
harden At an earlier stage in the story we were told that pharaoh hardened his heart.
homey Offering the finest in services, it remains a homey, quaint and friendly village.
hunter The bounty hunter starts to climb off the hood.
hometown t was a dream come true to play for the hometown team for five wonderful years.
hope I hope you had a nice trip.
hero Who's your favorite super hero?
harmful The risks of such injuries, as well as other potentially harmful or unsafe.
hurry She was in a great hurry.

jeep We met john in his old us army jeep.
jealous It made her jealous to see him walking with another girl.
joke She told him a joke, but he didn't laugh.
jerk A sudden jerk will compress the nylon too far.
jewelry Pearls top the list as the most popular bridal jewelry.

charge Who is the person in charge?
fridge Each air-conditioned guest room includes a cable television, mini-fridge and
orange She tried to squeeze the juice from the orange.
agency Every major intelligence agency across the world does the exercise.
general We are doing our part in bringing the awareness of cervical cancer to
the general public.
marriage She is related to him by marriage.
passage I copied a passage from the book into my notebook.
college My sister became a college student.
change When did you change your address?
manage I can't possibly manage it.
huge Seen from the sky, the river looked like a huge snake.
urgent There is an urgent need for money.
danger She deliberately exposed him to danger.
stranger A stranger spoke to me on the crowded bus.
badge Sports became his badge and his escape in a family that struggled.
just I have just finished my homework.
jungle On my right, a monkey hangs atop the dense jungle, peering down with curiosity.
jump You must not jump to conclusions.
journalist If a journalist published something, they have a duty to ensure that it is accurate
Japanese He lived in a typical Japanese-style house.
jargon This is no surprise; column inches strewn with impenetrable jargon are a tough
jaywalk When a bus stops, drivers should know that kids will jaywalk.
jeans I've never seen him wearing jeans.
age I'm saving money for my old age.
jellyfish Jellyfish come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.
gorgeous There are the usual charming street photos, some gorgeous birds, plenty of bugs
on flowers.

vegetable Serve slices of steak with a fresh green salad or favorite summer vegetable.
sergeant The sergeant looked back at him with wide, guilty eyes.
legend It was here, according to legend, where the story had begun.
German I think I'm really not any good at German.
jail Tom served two months in jail for drunken driving.
jacket She handed him his jacket then opened the door and asked him to leave.
jackass He is such a Jackass for driving his bike off the cliff just for fun.
jury Could you describe to the jury what happened?
justice Licenses are granted by the local licensing justices or magistrates ' court.
Judge You shouldn't judge others on how they look.
joint They agreed on a joint statement.
jog The man next door said he goes for a jog every morning.
job This is why I quit the job.
jingle Some students can work with other students to develop a jingle based on a well-
known song.
jet It's been a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag.
jumble The original kitchen was a cramped, haphazard jumble.
January It’s January again! Another New Year.
janitor He was a milkman, a sporting-goods salesman and a janitor in a paper factory.
jam She made jam from the apples.

would I would love to invite you for dinner.
should I should check my emails for that job application.
could I could set up the date for you?
colonel He was a Colonel in the Army.
Lincoln President Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States of
polka dot Avoid polka dot fabrics with dots similar in size to the punched holes.
folk Now you know why country folk are nicer people than city smarts.

calve The cows were inseminated this spring and should calve this coming winter.
salmon Salmon run season occurs during the summer and early fall months
psalm Psalm is a book of the Old Testament which is part of the Bible.
Palmolive Palmolive is my wife’s shampoo brand.
embalm Opportunities are good, especially for those who also embalm.
calm I need you to calm down so we can sort this problem out.
almond Pretty apple and almond blossom around pear, with underlying flintiness.
walk Walk with me to the Bus Stop.
talk I need to talk to you.
stalk When cooking asparagus, you must first break off the tough stem ends by
bending the stalk.
falcon Falcon is a bird that preys on rodents.
chalk Please pass the chalk; I need to finish my work on the board.
balk Poor nations balk at trade proposals.
Ralph Ralph is a very kind person.
half When it comes to evolution, survival of the fittest is only half the story.
calf The other will be farther down your leg, either in your calf or ankle.
calm Cool colors tend to make people feel calm and restful.
palm Let me read your palm.
blade Place in a food processor fitted with the steel blade.
blame Don’t blame me for losing your bag.
clack She moved her chair until it struck mine with a dry, wooden clack.
claim We don't know these vaccines work, so you can't make that claim.
flame The flame of the fire is dying.
flag The flag has been removed from the pole.
floor Fire in the hole!
glide It’s breath taking when you glide through the country side on a Glider.
planet Scientist are claiming that there was life on Planet Mars.
sled Santa’s sled will take off midnight.
slowly Slowly but surely we will get there.

glue I need glue to fix my paper house.
gloss I’m going to buy Lip Gloss later.
globe There are a lot of breathtaking sceneries all around our globe.
cliff Be Careful! You might fall off the cliff.
clown Send in the Clowns for their circus act.
blush She’s blushing because the boy she has a crush on is checking her out.
flew I flew in from Mumbai last night.
close Close the door after you have fed the dog.
bloom The flowers are in Bloom.
black My favorite color is black.
block Don’t block the drive way.
blend You just need to blend in so they won’t have second thoughts about you.
blew I blew it! I’ll the exam again next year.
sleep You need to get some sleep.

lab All our experiments will be the lab.
logical It’s logical to say that Shirley is the culprit.
learn What do we learn from our mistakes?
lighter I feel lighter now after my exam.
leave I am going to leave you because it’s not working out.
logo That is a great looking logo.
labor May One is actually Labor Day here in the Philippines.
lack You lack the empathy; you just lost a customer.
like Since you have beautiful smile I know I like you.
lonesome Are you lonesome tonight?
ladle Use a utensil with a handle such as a scoop or ladle to dispense ice.
lamb Lamb meat is delicious.
legalize I’m going to legalize what we talked about on to paper.
look Look! It’s a bird, a plane, no it’s superman.

limit Know your limit when you’re drinking liquor.
legend It was here, according to legend that the story had begun.
laminate The wall-mounted laminate units come in cherry or maple color.
loose Bats, meanwhile, are adept at living in attics and under loose shingles.
line Then it, too, releases communication signals down the line.
landlady In the summertime though, the landlady never cooked, it was too hot.
lamp Please put some more oil in your lamp.
Lord Lord of the round table; Sir Lancelot.
lesbian Didn’t you know she was a lesbian?
lottery I won the lottery.
landslide There’s a lot of landslide along Kennon Road.
loss You should have married her; now look what happened? It’s really your loss.
leader He’s the leader of the basketball team.
liquor I don’t drink Liquor.
lifestyle My lifestyle is not good since I eat a lot.
length The length of our house is adequate.
listen Listen to my voice and follow me in the dark.
loud Please not so Loud!
loyal He’s is very loyal to her.
lawyer He’s a very bad lawyer.
low Let’s keep everything on a low so we won’t disturb the other people in the
lives Our lives are at stake since you forgot to trap the wild tiger.
lunchtime Lunchtime will start at one in the afternoon.
lieutenant My husband is a Lieutenant and in-charge of Bravo Company.
long I long to see your smile and feel you touch.
loud Please the noise down you are too loud.
liquid Do we still have the liquid dishwasher?
love I love the way you lie.
lifestyle Lifestyle of rich and famous always surround fast cars, good liquor, and fine

likewise “Hope you’re doing ok?” “Likewise” John replied.
limit Everyone has a limit so it’s imperative you profile the people in your team.
lemon Lemon makes good lemonade juice on a hot summer day.
locate Locate the beacon because it carries a survival kit plus it will activate the distress
lazy I’m too lazy to do my homework.

nylon Nylon fabric makes great uniform for outdoor sports.
nuts These guys are nuts.
nutritious Orange juice is very nutritious when you would like to start your day.
nutrient One of the key nutrients in Blueberries is antioxidant.
nurse My wife is a nurse but she didn’t do her.
notorious Pablo Escobar was a very notorious drug lord during his time.
notify Student will be notify about the memorandum at the end of the day.
notice I notice that you have lost weight.
note I have note from your secretary that you have a dinner meeting tonight.
nuptial There is going to be wedding next month; John and Jenna nuptial.
number What’s your cellphone number?
normal Your blood pressure is normal.
nuisance Can you tell me the nuisance on hitting a bird with one stone?
nude The guy was nude earlier today.
nowhere He is nowhere to be found.
now I want to talk to you now.
November November is Halloween time.
novel I just finished reading my novel
noun What is a noun?
nag Boy, is she a nag?
nail I like to do my nails at the parlor.

name What is your name?
nap It’s one in the afternoon so it’s nap time.
narcotic I work as a narcotic agent for the NBI.
nasty Girley got a nasty wound from falling down the stairs.
nation The nation of Islam’s holy place is NEW MECCA.
national I’m a Filipino National.
nationwide Globe and Smart network coverage is nationwide.
native I’m was born here in Mountain province which I can I am a native.
natural All you got to do is act natural.
navy I want to join the navy.
neat John is always neat and tidy.
necessary I think it’s necessary for you to pass the evaluation.
neck I got a strain around my neck area.
necklace Do you like my necklace?
need I need from you is confidence to pass the interview.
neglect I neglect to inform the other class their assignments.
negotiate I think we can negotiate on our terms.
neighbor My neighbor has a beamer.
nibble I’ll just nibble on a few crackers during lunch.
nice Nice show!
noisy The class was too noisy.
nickname My name is John and my nickname is J.
noon Let’s meet up at the Food Court at exactly noon.
neither Neither Tom nor Jerry stole the vacuum cleaner.
nephew My nephew is a hot head.
news I got good news for our class today.
nervous I feeling nervous right now.
new year Happy new year!


saying The things I’m saying to you now is for your ears only.
something Somethings been making me blue.
stunning Wow! She looks stunning.
stocking Nursing students are required to wear stocking.
striking She has a striking resemblance to Christine Reyes.
nothing I saw nothing, I heard nothing, and I won’t say anything.
bring Bring your tumbler to classroom training and you can have free hot milo.
fling “She’s not my girl; that was just a fling.” laughed Piolo.
gang The gang caught up with rivalry and everything went sideways.
young We were so young back in the day when we were doing crazy things.
hang “Hang that man, sheriff!” cried the people.
hung John was late because he got hung up finishing his assignment.
king Lion is the king of the jungle.
length What length can a person’s patients go when dealing with irate callers?
long I long for an ice cream right now.
trimming I’m trimming down on carbohydrates.
trying I’m trying to lose weight.
washing John and Marsha are using the washing machine today.
wedding I’m going to Sarah’s wedding.
lung My lung hurts for doing a 3 minute smoke break.
ping I want you to ping my website please.
sang I sang earlier at the karaoke bar and now my friends are not since it raining.
ring Ring my number because I’m not so sure if its working.
rung The phone rung earlier?
sing Sing a song for me, Crizza.
slang American’s use a lot of slang when communicating in English.
sling Make a sling because he injured his fore arm.
song Get the song hits book and lets sing a song.
spring Its spring time and the animals are out looking for a mate.
sting I got a bad sting from a wasp.

strength Hercules had the strength of a thousand men.
string “String up that cowboy sheriff” said the US Marshall.
strong Hulk is strong but I bet superman is stronger.
stung I got stung by a wasp earlier.
among There were rumors among teachers that their pupils might have cheated the
wing The sparrow hurt his wing so he couldn’t escape.
bedding The hotel bedding was old so the couple decided to sleep on the carpet floor.
being Jason was being too hard on Mike for not inviting him to his party last Saturday.
belong “I belong here” the bad guy smiled just after someone got shot at the bar as he
entered the saloon.
morning Morning is the time to look into the mirror and say “Have a great day!”
meaning The meaning of life can be found in the Bible.
oblong The shape little mike drew was oblong and not a circle as instructed by his
offspring The offspring of Mad Dog Madison was evil he was called Wild Wolf Bill.
outing The outing the teenagers took the lake really didn’t go well.
youngster A youngster at our church decided to donate a large amount of money to the
along Donkie went along with Shrek’s idea on kidnapping the three little pigs for fun.
king The King announced his engagement to the Princess of France.
younger When Robert was younger he had a lot of girlfriends.

partly I was partly blamed for the broken vase.
partner “Howdy partner?” said the lone ranger to a Mexican eating burritos.
Part-time Kim is doing part-time teaching for a Korean School.
party The students decided to start the party around 8 o’clock tonight.
pass Lebron James did a pass to Wade at the 3 point line.
police The police went after the drunk driver on highway 66.

polite The kid was polite when asking permission to go out.
political The Political Feud at the little town was too much for the towns people to bear.
plastic The plastic bottle is poisonous.
play John help his son out by doing a role play for his act this coming Friday.
piano The piano was rejected since the key of “C” was really offbeat.
pick Tommy had to pick the pink colored toy since all the other kids went first.
physically James is physically fit for his next exercise.
physician The physician diagnose Bruce Wayne and said he can’t go Skiing.
padlock The padlock was really strong they had to cut using the welding machine.
padre The local church padre was against cock fighting in his area.
pagan The pagan General Constantine of Rome converted his religion to Christianity.
page Tommy was looking at the wrong page in the book.
pageant The pageant slip and fell but got up right away to continue her catwalk.
piece The last piece of Hawaiian cheese pizza didn’t go unseen by hungry Joe.
pig The pig was ready for country style roasting.
pigeon Pigeon racing is a popular race in Taiwan.
pill The pill that Tommy took was the wrong one.
pimple A single made Jelena’s day miserable.
PIN Janets ATM machine PIN is so secretive that she can’t memorize them by heart.
plan Jericho’s plan was to skip graduation and go straight to the party.
plane The plane took off right on schedule.
planet The Planet Mars might have life according to Scientist basing this on new
plains The plains of Moab was home for the Israel for 40years before entering the
Promise Land.
pistol Billy’s Pistol didn’t fire during the Mexican Standoff so he got shot pretty bad.
piston The piston ring in Tony Starks car fried since the manufacturer read the blue
print incorrect.
pit The pit in the desert is not only home to water but to scorpions and rattlesnakes

pitch The Pitch on Kim’s voice was out of tune.
pixel The pixel on the TV set was so obvious that the kids just decided to play outside.
phone The phone rang earlier but no one answered.
phone call The phone call earlier was for Tommy from his ex-wife.
phonetics Phonetics is one of the keys of proper speech development.
pornography Pornography is too widely spread that it’s so normal to watch it on TV, Internet,
and Dvd’s.
phony A cowboy pretended to be a phony cowboy.
protest Police Officers started a protest since a lot of their comrade died without benefits
to immediate family.
protocol One of Navy Seals protocol is extract any American Personal in any given
provide Tommy was able to provide Lydia all the information she needs.
province Tommy has a lot of farm animals back in his animal.
provision Jake asked the Front Desk representative if their customers’ line was already
pioneer Pioneer is also a leading brand is good surround system sounds.
pipe The pipe sprung a leak.
piracy Somebody did a piracy on the new movies showing at the cinemas.
photocopy Tommy’s supervisor asked him to photocopy their assignment.

rope The rope snapped as he climbed up the mountain.
rosary The rosary is used by Catholic devotees when praying.
rose Rose for you and Chocolate for her.
response Tommy response to the evaluation question was out of the grid.
responsibility “With Great Power comes Great Responsibility” said Ben Parker to Peter
resolve Tommy said he will resolve the issue if he gets a cappuccino and Donut.
resource The resource from Intel was good for the CIA agents.

respect Respect is important between trainers and their students.
registry The Computers Registry got corrupted.
rest room Everybody was rushing to the same restroom.
reach Tommy can’t reach the toilet paper on the top shelf.
react Tommy did react to James by nodding in agreement.
reaction James reaction to Tommy was disappointing.
roots Looking back on his roots Jerry felt a gap when growing up with his absent
Roman Catholic Roman Catholic is the Dominant Religion in the Philippines.
resume Sharon the HR Manager was looking for the applicants resume.
Rob Tommy wants to rob the bank.
resurface The resurface of the killer has put the city on full alert.
road The road to El Dorador was long, and challenging but it was worth it.
riverbed Tommy found a lot of his old golf balls at the riverbed.
rinse Jane was lazy to rinse her calls by hand so she used the washing machine.
rightfully Jane told Tommy that what was rightfully his was also hers.
right The right way to find true happiness is within yourself.
ride Jaycee said he really likes Mo’s ride.
rich One way to get rich is play the lottery.
rephrase Agent had to rephrase what the customer was saying.
replay John had to replay the CCTV recording to find a clue.
replace John replaced the Jack as Supervisor for Mass Production.
report Report that John made was different from what had happened earlier.
Republican President George W. Bush was a Republican.
requirement One of the requirement is becoming a secret agent is to not have family and
renew John has to renew his license this month.
recommend John did recommend Tommy for a supervisor position.
repeat John asked Tommy to repeat the marketing plan at their board meeting.
recognition Tommy was not there at his son’s recognition.

rude Jake was rude to Jane by taking advantage of her kindness.
review The review went well for Jane.
run “Run Forest Run!” cried the Little Girl.
rumor John spread rumor about Jane in a really bad way.
ruin Jane’s life was ruined by John.
reception Lucas waited at the hotel reception area.
recall Jack did recall his childhood when he talked to an old friend of his.
rebuild They rebuild the Hotel after the bombing.
row Jack did row the boat earlier but got lazy and passed it on to Kevin.
reason The reason Jack was endorsed is due to his improvement on pronunciation.
rough Larry had a rough day at his farm.
realize Winnie did realize that they will need to kill the Turkey very soon.
read Robin did read a lot for vocabulary exercises.
restricted Area 51 is a restricted area.
reality check Max’s reality check on his drinking problem turned real when his wife left him
for Max’s best friend.

dream James will practically dream almost every night about Amy.
dress Amy did dress up the town dance.
drink James does drink a lot during parties.
driver The Driver of the Rig fell asleep wild on the road on hi-way 55.
drugstore The drugstore only gives out prescribed drugs.
travel Miguel Buniel likes to travel to Dangerous countries like North Korea as
train The Train was right on time.
tray The tray was off balanced so all the drinks fell.
treat “Trick or Treat” said the little boy.
trick Dad played a trick on his son during Halloween.
brunch David really prefers brunch over lunch and breakfast.

break David’s break was too early but he had no choice but to take it.
probably Blake probably would buy chocolate over flowers as gift for Lydia.
breathe Fred can’t breathe properly due to Asthma attacks.
brick The brick that was used at Johns backyard wall was not standard.
bring Jane wanted to bring Mervin a gift for his birth date but Mervin will be out of
broken Tommy was broken hearted when his girlfriend left him for another man.
broth Beef broth is the best type of additives for soup.
praise The priest did praise God after he survived almost getting drowned.
precious “My Precious!!!” squeaked Smiggle.
pretend John tried to pretend and hate Martha but deep down inside he cares too much
for her.
prepare Tom is trying to prepare on what to say when he will propose to Lucy.
primary Tom’s primary concern is their new house and lot and not the car.
print Jane asked her students to print out the test for tomorrow.
professional Jane is a professional Hit-man when she is not a teacher.
pronunciation Jojo has a difficult with his pronunciation when it comes to interview.
protect The police are here to serve and protect.
privacy Tom wants a few minutes privacy with Martha’s Dad.
drum David knows how to play the drum.
dryer David has the washing machine without the Dryer.
crash Tom did crash his car when going over to Martha’s place to propose.
creek The creek is not like it was a decade ago.
cream The facial cream that Crizza was using was actually limited edition.
creative The Manager asked his team to be creative with the new theme for next quarter.
credit John’s credit card level went up last month.
criticism Tom absorbed a lot of criticism from John.
crocodile The Crocodile is one of the world’s most deadliest animal.
crook Jaycee was a bad person but wants to change that’s why they call him a
“halfway crook”.

sacred The church used to be a sacred place.
sacrifice “no sacrifice, no victory” said Captain Archibald Witwicky.
sad It was sad to see that Aunt Joan is gone.
said I said for you not to drink from the faucet.
shop That was the same shop lifter last week.
soup The soup was good.
sound I love the sound of your heart.
sight Area 51 is a UFO site.
savings account Tom has a lot of saving accounts from different banks.
saint Peter the Fisherman was considered a Saint by the Christendom.
sake For Pete’s sake don’t try that again.
saloon A lot of shootout happen in the saloon where cowboys try out their quick hand.
saliva Your saliva is going all over the place so don’t with your mouth full.
salesman That salesman last week sold me a trashy gadget.
soul They say that there is a soul or after life for a human being.
shrimp Lots of fried shrimp and beer and your good to go.
sore My throat is sore from all that talking in class.
saw I saw her standing there.
showbiz Showbiz is another term from simple gossip between neighbors but with style.
salt Dead sea has a lot of salt that you can float due to its density.
salvage Fire burnt the whole neighbor so fast I wasn’t able to salvage any of my
shine Shine like a diamond is a song from Rihanna.
ship Ship wreck is common around the English coast due to its jagged rocks.
software Flash drives are good to save software documents but I rather email it.
stream Stream is the smallest form of water movement.
soon Justice League will hopefully hit the theatres soon.
shotgun Tom shotgun went off and now his car is at a car body shop; go figure.

sauce Best sauce for Grilled Chicken is BBQ Sauce.
stress Call centre can give a lot of stress but once you see your pay you are satisfied.
stone A smooth stone can make a good bullet for a slingshot.
stood He stood his ground and drew his gun at the Mexican Standoff.
store I will like to go the 7-11store.
solid Babies can’t solid food till they reach a certain month.
Santa Claus Santa Claus is European Folk tale who is named saint Nicolas.
storm “Storm coming!” declares Batman.
sardine I rather choose corned beef over sardines.
shoot Shoot the ball into the hoop.
stove the principle is the stove is always hot.
straight After work I will go straight to the Mall.
shoplifter What nerve of the shoplifter to comeback and shoplift the same store?
Satan Satan has a lot of issues.
strain Don’t strain yourself while you try and speak English.
stranded I’m stranded on an island.
somebody I want to love somebody like you.
satisfied Tom satisfied Jacks proposal by chipping a bottle of Kentucky dry Whiskey.
son My son is a hardworking person.
strategy Tom strategy to get Martha’s attention is to pull-up on Martha’s front gate with
his new car.
Saturday Saturday is the best day for night out.
song Tom dedicate a song to his Girlfriend.

scab The Scab on Tom’s hand is still fresh after 3months coming from a motorcycle

speech King Richard has issues with his speech.
scale On a scale on one to ten Tom gave Martha a ten.
stink The skunk spray on Tom and tom now is stink.
strip The Airport police advised the tourist to strip their outer garment.
string The string snapped and Carlos project collapsed.
stroke Karen suffered a heat stroke.
stroll James and Jackie took a stroll at the new park.
strong People are strong during the people power revolution in the Philippines.
scalp Tom’s scalp has a lot of Dandruffs.
star Star wars was the greatest space movie.
scan Anthony did scan his documents and sent it via email.
scar The scar in Tom’s heart is everlasting.
scandal The scandal was show all over
square Little Mike drew oblong by mistake instead of a square.
squash Squash is a delicacy.
squat The new soldiers did a lot of squat during boot camp.
squeak The mouse squeak hard when he was captured.
squeal The pig did squeal before she died.
skate The skateboard was damage during the extreme sport.
sketch Her sketch was magnificent that a couple of students want to buy it
ski Europe is tourist destination if you want to go and ski.
skill Tom has the skill for this type of job.
spill Glass of milk spill over my couch.
smoke Some restaurant won’t allow people to smoke inside.
smooth A little Vodka and Martini that is shaken is smooth all the way.
smudge Little Ted smudge the new speakers and his brother got furious.
smart Roman is really smart that’s why he is the 10th grade even though he is only
13yrs old.
smash The taxi driver smashed into the Light pole last night.

smear John got a smear on his face after crawling under his cab trying to find the keys
he has dropped.
smell John smells really bad after fixing the toilet tank.
smile Martha did smile at Tom after they exchanged glances.
sneak Tom to a sneak preview on the next coming movie via a friend from Hollywood.
sneeze Daniel sneeze a little harder than before that it moved the blinds at the windows.
sniff Donny’s sniff was loud enough to get the neighbors attention.
snip Max’s scissors didn’t snip that good after Leila used it to cut through bamboo
snob Leila is a snob if you just met her.
snack Carla rather do snack that eat a complete meal during lunch.
snag The crew of the fishing boat tried to reel in the bait but the line got a snag.
snail The snail is one of the slowest moving animals on the planet.
snake A snake can make a great pet if you know how to handle them.
snap Snap can only happen when someone is really in your face.
scold The teacher did scold Jeff for being noisy around the other students.
scoop The TV scoop for today was seeing a dog riding its very own scooter.
speed The “Need for Speed “is a cool computer game.
scooter The scooter that Henry got is state of the art and can climb up mountainous
scope As a Technical Support Representative your area.

blotter John filed a blotter the police precinct.
daughter Jacks didn’t allow her daughter to go to the prom.
hotter It was hotter than last year.
letter John received a letter from Mark.
potter John is a potter by profession for a long time.
slaughter They did slaughter the cow for the wedding tomorrow.
skater John was a skater all his life just like Tony Hawke.

spotter Mark’s spotter was killed during a black ops mission in Sierra Leone.
squatter There’s a lot of squatter in the Pasig Area in Metro Manila.
totter “I will not leave you to totter” said the Hebrew Slave.
trotter John leaves all around America like a trotter.
yachter James is a yachter.
better Jake said that he will stay will Ericka till the end for better or for worse.
bettor Jake is a real bettor but has lost a lot of money especially on horse tracks.
debtor The Chinese triads are real debtors so you need to watch your back.
greater “For the greater good of mankind” said the President.
traitor There’s a lot of traitors in political realm so we always need to watch our back.
getter John is a real go getter no matter what.
sweater John removed his sweater and gave to Leila since she asked for a souvenir.
crater The crater of the dormant volcano was so deep that if from a lake at the bottom.
flatter “Don’t flatter yourself” said Carl Malone to Bruce Wayne.
freighter John took up work as a freighter over the Docks.
hater Jule is a real man hater after her boyfriend married another girl from another
waiter The waiter was happy with Tips he got at the end of his shift.
Notable Notable roles would be Heath Ledger as Joker in the Darknight.
Water The water is calm after the storm.
Scatter “Everyone scatter” screamed the sergeant during their battle.
porter John is a potter at a five star hotel.
meter It takes a couple of meter to get to the house of James Garner.
matter Doesn’t matter what work John has he is happy just as long as he is with the
love of her life.
shorter Mark hand was shorter then David even though they are the same height.
committee The committee agreed that there will be a two dollar fund eveytime someone is
late for the meeting.
data Rico lost his data this morning.
pattern There’s a pattern on the dress.

latter The latter part of the exam is the hardest.
beating The beating of his heart is fast.
call center The call center industry is a booming industry.
interview I finished the interview in only 10 minutes.
internet The internet was so slow this morning.
university The University ended its classes early.
community People in the community hate garbage on the streets.
thirty We have thirty volunteers for our activity.
twenty Twenty students were hired today.
United States The United States of America is celebrating the 4th of July annually.

path I found a new path leading to the next area.
both Both of us made it through the language assessment.
mathematics Mathematics is the easiest subject of all.
earth Help mother earth by conserving electricity.
month Last month was my favorite month.
north The north pole is where Santa Claus lives.
authority The authority figure is sir John.
nothing Nothing beats sleeping early at night.
south There are a lot of penguins at the south pole.
nineteenth My unit is located at the nineteenth floor of the building.
author The author of the book is Sharon.
thin I get thin if I don’t eat.


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