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CHECKING OF THE LABORATORY all the unit of competency enumerated for

The assessor will check the laboratory’s tools and Agricultural Crop Production NC II.
materials as stipulated in the Training Regulation. 8. CONDUCT ORIENTATION TO THE
A: Good morning, sir, I have now checked the CANDIDATES
laboratory as well as the facilities, tools and Context and Purpose of the Assessment
equipment needed in Agricultural Crop A: I would like to welcome you to Southern
Production NC II and it complies with the Isabela College of Art and Technology as our
standards prescribed by the Training Regulation. Assessment Center for the qualification
2. CANDIDATES WILL ENTER THE Agricultural Crop Production NC II. The purpose
LABORATORY of our assessment is to determine the level of
The assessor will open the door so that the your competency.
candidates will enter inside the laboratory. 9. QUALIFICATIONS OR UNITS OF
A: Good afternoon, everyone, may I request A: today I am going to administer competency
everyone to please stand for an opening prayer. assessment for Agricultural Crop Production NC
4. INTRODUCE MYSELF II. The qualification for ACP II is compose of
Good morning, everybody! My name is Rhobelle basic, common and core competencies. For the
Joyce G. Pagatpatan, I am an accredited core competencies, we do have; 1. Perform
competency assessor for Agricultural Crop Nursery Operations, 2. Plant Crops, 3. Caring
Production NC II. and Maintaining Crops and 4. Carry-out harvest
5. ACKNOWLEDGE THE PERSONNEL and post-harvest operations.
I would like to acknowledge the presence of 10. TASK TO BE PERFORM AND EVIDENCE
Mr./Ms.____________________________ one of the TO BE COLLECTED
member of our _______________________ and A: The different task to be perform are the
Mr./Mrs.___________________________, our TESDA following: 1. Prepare growing media mixture, 2.
representative. You do not have to worry about Place growing media in prescribed containers,
their presence. They are here to oversee the and 3. Arrange and label containers according to
conduct of assessment and to check if the varieties/species.
conduct is in accordance with the prescribed I will collect evidence through written test,
competency assessment methodology and demonstration, and oral questioning.
procedures. They will not assess you. 11. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES TO BE
Before we start, let me first check the attendance. A: to determine your knowledge and skills for
please present to me your admission slips once Agricultural Crop Production NC II, the
your name is called, and please sign the assessment method we will use will be written
attendance sheet provided to you. test, demonstration, and oral questioning. This
(call the name and make them sign) assessment method can help to measure
7. PRESENT THE ACCOMPLISHED underpinning knowledge and skills.
GUIDE. A: For your personal need, toilet and wash area
A: I have here with me your accomplished is located at the end of the hallway. You can take
application form and self-assessment guide. This your meal at our canteen, which is located on the
is an indication that you know and can perform ground floor. However, during the assessment,
you are not allowed to leave the premises of the do not worry about it because you can apply for
Assessment Center. re-assessment any time at your own convenience.
13. ALLOWABLE/REASONABLE In case the reassessment is full qualification, you
ADJUSTMENTS have to undergo the whole assessment process. If
A: If you have difficulty in understanding the you are found to be competent in some unit of
instructions, please do not hesitate to inform me competencies, the reassessment shall focus in
because I am willing to translate it for you. Also, the unit of competency where you are found to be
during the written examination, if you have not yet competent.
dilemma in writing down your answers, don’t be Take note, that if you failed two consecutive
shy to ask because we can accept your verbal assessment you will be advised or undergo a
answers. refresher course before applying for
14. DO’S AND DON’T’S reassessment.
A: if you have concerns, questions, or any 18. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH
clarification to the conduct of the assessment, REQUIREMENT
you may raise your hands because I am more A: during the actual assessment please observe
than willing to assist you. But once the safety as you perform the different task. In case
assessment started, please refrain from asking of accidents, please call my attention immediately
questions because it will no longer allowed. so that we can provide you with first aid. In case
there’s a need, first aid kit is available at the left
(If you have physical or any form of difficulties, side of the laboratory.
do not hesitate to call my attention so that we 19. CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE OUTCOME
can address it immediately) A: with regards to the result of your assessment,
15. RIGHTS AND APPEAL SYSTEM we observe strict confidentiality. this is to ensure
A: In case you have any questions regarding the your integrity; the result is made available only to
assessment result, you have the right to appeal. the authorized personnel and the institution
You can submit your appeal to the TESDA where you had your actual training.
provincial office where the assessment center and 20. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIFIC
assessor are accredited. INSTRUCTION TO THE CANDIDATES.
16. ISSUANCCE OF THE NATIONAL A: So now, I will distribute the specific
CERTIFICATE OR COC instruction. Please read and understand it
A: for those candidates who will complete the carefully. If you have difficulty, I am willing to
units of competency, you may request and claim translate it in our local dialect if you want.
your national certificate for ACP II at the TESDA 1. using the materials, tools and equipment, you
provincial office. For those candidates who are required to perform the task within 1 hour. I
complete certain unit of competency, you can will be observing you while you are performing
also request and claim your certificate of the task.
competency to the TESDA provincial office. 2. after your demonstration, I will ask you some
(just bring with you your Competency questions related to your demonstration.
Assessment Result Summary (CARS) issued by 3. you may call me when there is a need for me to
the Assessment Center Manager translate or explain items for clarification.
17. REASSESSMENT PROCEDURE 4. after the questioning portion, I will give you
A: after the assessment and you are found to be feedback about your performance
not yet competent for the qualification of ACP II,, 5. do you have further clarification or questions?
A: this is your numbers. For the orderly of A: is that all ms. Adriano?
Assessment. Number 1 and Number 2, please C: yes mam, that’s all.
follow me in the Assessment Area. A: okay, thank you ms.adriano.
A: Okay, on my signal you may start the task. 25. FEEDBACKING
Candidates you may begin! A: Mr. Fuerte, please take a sit. How do you feel
(Assessor will check the candidate’s performance about the assessment?
using the rating sheet) C: during the assessment Mam, I feel a little bit
23. AFTER THE TIME relax because I has been able to perform the task
A: candidates, your time is up. Kindly proceed to properly and correctly. I am also confident that I
the waiting area and wait for your turn for the answered the questions correctly.
oral questioning. A: that’s true Ms. Adriano. Your opinion
(Candidates will seat) coincides my observation. You really have the
24. ORAL QUESTIONING knowledge and skill in performing the task given
A: candidate #1: please follow me. to you. You have skills in preparing growing
A: Please take a sit Mr. Fuerte. media, you also answered all the questions
A: What are the characteristics that the growing correctly. With that, I would say that you are
media should have? competent in this qualification. Congratulations.
C: it should have good aeration and it should A: for the issuance of you National Certificate,
have high water holding capacity. the AC Manager will inform you where to get your
A: what is the most important technique you certificate in 5 working days after the
must do, so that the seedlings will not be infected assessment. Upon claiming, please secure 1 pc,
with soil borne diseases like damping-off? passport size ID picture with white background:
C: you have to sterilize the growing media, 2 pcs documentary stamp and 50 pesos for the
ma’am. You can do it before mixing the certification fee.
components or after you mixed them. A: with that, please sign the Competency
A: how can you sterilized the components of Assessment Results Summary.
growing media? C: (you will sign the CARS) Detached Assessment
C: I can use SOLARIZATION mam, I will just put Result Summary.
the components under the heat of the sun, the A: do you have any questions mr. Fuerte?
heat of the sun will do the work. C: None Sir. I have no more questions.
A: what if there is not enough sunlight? A: Okay, thank you very much and once again
C: I can use boiling water to sterilize the CONGRATULATIONS.
components mam.
A: okay, thank you mr. fuerte, you can ow return
to your seat.
A: Ms. Adriano, it’s your turn.
Please take a sit.
A: What are the characteristics that the growing
media should have?
C: (answer in nervously and stammering) ah! It
should be, it should be aeration and has water
Candidate #2 given back to the assessor and AC manager to
A: Ms. Adriano, please come in, please take as sign the reports and other documents. Then, the
sit. assessment package with the accomplished
A: how do you feel with the assessment? reports and other documents will be given back
C: Honestly mam, during the assessment I felt to the TESDA Representative.
quite nervous. I did not perform the task A: I am done now in my CCA Ma’am/Sir.
correctly because of my tense. During the
interview. I was also tense because I was not sure
about my answers that’s why I stammered as I
answer your questions.
A: Really? So, what will you do if you will be
asked to perform the same task next time?
C: I will be practicing more in order to acquire
the needed skill. I will also make some reviews so
that I can answer the questions correctly.
A: That’s good. If you will do that, surely you will
become competent in this qualification. Actually,
you have already some skills. In fact, you have
the skill in preparing the materials, however you
didn’t finish the task on time and you didn’t label
the trays. So based in your performance, I would
say that you are not yet competent in some of
the competencies in this qualification. If you have
doubts with the assessment results, you have the
right to appeal. Just submit a letter to TESDA
Provincial Office where the center and the
assessor are accredited. In some manner, you
can still be reassessed, one month after this
assessment. Okay? So please sign the
Competency Assessment Result Summary.
(Candidate will sign the CARS)
(Detached and give to candidate)
Do you have any further questions?
C: none mam.
A: okey, thank you very much Ms. Adrianao.


A: the assessment reports will be given to the AC
manager. Afterwards, the AC Manager will give it
to the Processing Officer to process and
accomplish the Registry of Workers Assessed and
Certified (RWAC). The processing Officer will sign
the RWAC and other reports. Then this will be

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