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International Journal of Signal Processing

Zorana Stosic, Petar Rutesic

An Improved Canny Edge Detection Algorithm

for Detecting Brain Tumors in MRI Images
University of Belgrade University of Belgrade
Faculty of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics
Studentski trg 16, Belgrade Studentski trg 16, Belgrade

Abstract: Medical image processing represents an important research topic. Computer aided diagnostic application
both, reduce time and improve quality of diagnostic process. In this paper an edge detection algorithm, specially
adjusted for processing brain MRI images is presented. LoG filer was introduced as the first step of improved
Canny algorithm. Also, gradient magnitude and kernel gradient were adjusted specially for edge detection in
brain MRI images. This algorithm is based on the improvement of the traditional Canny algorithm. The proposed
method was compared with other standard edge detection methods, and it was noticed that it produces more detail
edge detection. The simulation results have shown that the proposed algorithm is more noise-resilient and better
in edge and detail detection than standard Canny algorithm.

Key–Words: MRI images, brain tumor, Canny algorithm, edge detection, image fusion

1 Introduction flammation. Brain tumors are classified into: primary

brain tumor and secondary (metastatic) brain tumor.
Digital images and digital image processing are used The difference is that primary brain tumors, whether
in various fields and one of them is medicine. In they are malignant or benign, may be localized while
medicine, different sources are used for obtaining dig- secondary tumors could be in different locations [6].
ital images: ultrasound, X-ray, computed tomogra- In order to detect brain tumor, MRI images must be
phy (CT) scans, positron emission tomography (PET) categorized and analyzed [7].
scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and more. Brain tumor detection is often done by image seg-
Different sources are needed since the body is very mentation which is an attempt to divide the digital
complex thus for example, bones are captured by X- image into multiple disjunct segments that separate
rays while soft tissues are more visible on images ob- image properties. Separation is done based on the
tained by MRI. These images are further processed intensity levels and on the similarities of the region
in order to empathize important parts such as tumors, [8]. Segmentation techniques such as edge detection,
bleedings, veins, etc. Numerous methods for medi- threshold, clustering and many others are used for tu-
cal image processing and computer aided diagnostics mor detection. Threshold is the simplest segmenta-
were proposed in the past [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. tion technique whose analysis depends on pre-defined
Magnetic resonance imaging is a medical imag- thresholds. Threshold determination is a common re-
ing technique used in radiology to show internal struc- search topic [9, 10] where entropy based methods [11]
tures of the body and it is considered to be an im- are frequent choice. Edge detection identifies the dis-
portant tool for surgeons. It uses the property of nu- crepancies in the image, and is more precisely aimed
clear magnetic resonance to display images of the nu- at finding unrelated illumination of the image, espe-
cleus of the atom inside the body. MRI also provides cially along the edges where the intensity changes
the perfect contrast between the various soft tissues of sharply. Clustering is a process in which pixels are
the body, which is especially useful for displaying the grouped into clusters, which represent a collection of
brain, muscles, etc. The brain is considered to be one pixels that have some common features. The goal of
of the sensitive organs and MR images of the brain the segmentation is to simplify or change the image
should be carefully observed. One of the brain anoma- into something that makes more sense and is easier to
lies that can be captured by MRI is tumor. A brain analyze.
tumor is any intra cranial mass created by abnormal In this paper we propose improved Canny edge
and uncontrolled cell division. Tumors can destroy detection algorithm for detecting brain tumor in MRI
brain cells or damage them indirectly by causing in- images. Kernel gradient of the traditional Canny algo-
ISSN: 2367-8984 11 Volume 3, 2018
International Journal of Signal Processing
Zorana Stosic, Petar Rutesic

rithm was modified and adjusted for the considering by various Gaussian kernels. After the smoothing,
problem. Output of our proposed method and Canny Canny algorithm finds the edges where the intensity
edge detection algorithm were combined in order to of the gray level changes the most. These regions are
obtain better segmentation. located by selecting image gradients. The gradient of
each pixel is determined by Sobel operator, and the
first step is to approximate the gradient directions of
2 Edge detection by traditional x and y using the following kernels:
Canny algorithm 
−1 0 1

K( Gx ) = −2 0 2 (1)
 
Identifying the edges of medical images is an impor-
tant step towards identifying objects of human organs, −1 0 1
such as soft brain tissue. Usually, once MRI image is  
obtained, various algorithms are used to extract useful 1 2 1
K( Gy ) =  0 0 0 (2)
 
information. This information is particularly useful
for identifying tissue boundaries, for estimating the −1 −2 −1
consequences of the stroke and tumors, for planning Then the gradient magnitude are calculated as the
operations, etc. Nowadays, there is a group of edge Euclidean distance:
detection algorithms based on the differential opera- q
tors, such as Robert operator, Sobel operator, Prewitt |G| = G2x + G2y . (3)
operator, etc. These operators are simple, easy to im-
plement and have a good execution time. On the other Sometimes, the edges are extended and for this
hand, they are sensitive to noise thus edge detection reason, they cannot be accurately determined. In order
accuracy should be improved. Canny operator rep- to solve this problem, it is necessary to determine the
resents the improvement of traditional single thresh- edge direction:
old method, in which the high and low threshold are
selected according to the gradient of the image his- |Gx |
togram. θ = arctan . (4)
|Gy |
The primary goal of all edge detection algorithms
is to locate the edge without some pre-given informa- This converts the blurred edges into the sharp
tion. Some of the well-known edge detection algo- ones. This is done by keeping local maxima and re-
rithm are Sobel, Roberts, Laplace and Canny algo- jecting all other points. For each pixel, the following
rithm. However, all these algorithms are not designed procedure is followed:
to recognize high frequency impulse noise [12]. In • Round the gradient direction to the nearest 45◦ , based
practice, medical images contain the boundaries of on the use of the 8 nearest neighbors.
objects, shadows and all kinds of noise, and therefore,
with these algorithms it is difficult to distinguish the • Compare the edge strength of the current pixel with
original edges of objects from noise or trivial geomet- the edge strength of the pixel in the positive and neg-
ric figures. ative gradient directions. If the direction is north, i.e.
Canny method has been frequently used in med- 90◦ , then compare it with pixels south and north of
ical applications [13]. In the Canny algorithm, Gaus- the current pixel
sian function is used to smooth the image before the • If the edge strength of the current pixel is the largest,
edge detection process in order to reduce the Gaus- the value will be preserved, otherwise, the value will
sian noise and to set the resolution of the image in be suppressed.
which the change in intensity is more easily detected.
All these factors contribute to precise edge detec- The preserved pixels are marked by their inten-
tion. However, Canny algorithm has some weak- sity. Many of these pixels represent points of the real
nesses. Although the Canny operator accurately rec- edges, but there are also those that are created as a re-
ognize edges, it is possible to recognize false edges sult of noise or color variation. Canny algorithm uses
due to the presence of the noise. Also, it fails to rec- two thresholds, a higher and a lower one, for detecting
ognize the edges that branch out and some important and removing false edge pixels. Pixels that are bigger
details. than the higher threshold are marked as strong pixels,
Five basic steps of Canny edge detection al- while pixels with smaller value than the lower thresh-
gorithm are image smoothing and filtering, find- old are rejected. The pixels with value between these
ing the gradient magnitude and gradient direction, two thresholds are marked as weak pixels.
non-maxima suppression, double threshold and edge Strong edges are interpreted as reliable edges and
tracking by hysteresis. The image can be smoothed can be included immediately in the final result and
ISSN: 2367-8984 12 Volume 3, 2018
International Journal of Signal Processing
Zorana Stosic, Petar Rutesic

weak edges are included if and only if they are con- The second adjustment is modification of gradi-
nected with the strong edges. ent magnitude. The proposed algorithm combines the
There are many suggestions for improving the gradient magnitude and gradient direction:
Canny algorithm [14, 15, 16]. One improvement
would be calculating 8 neighborhood pixels including
not only the gradient directions of x and y, but also the magnitude(x, y, θ) = max(cos θGx , sin θGy ). (6)
first order partial finite differences of directions 45◦
and 135◦ , and calculating the gradient amplitude with Kernel gradient was also modified. The ordi-
certain weights [17]. However, it is difficult to design nary Canny method calculates the gradient magnitude
a general edge detection algorithm that works well in and gradient direction based on pixels within the 2x2
different contexts. Therefore, in this paper, modified neighborhood and can easily detect false edges. One
Canny edge detection algorithm was designed specif- of the solutions is to calculate the gradient magnitude
ically for MRI images of brain tumors. and gradient direction by using pixels within mxn
neighborhood. New kernels are:
 √ √ 
3 The proposed improved Canny al- 2 2 0 −2 2
Gx =  √ 4 0 −4 (7)
 
gorithm √ 
2 2 0 −2 2
Our proposed improved Canny algorithm as the first  √ √ 
step applies the LoG filter, which emphasizes the re- 2 2 4 2 2
Gy =  0√ 0 0√  (8)
 
gion of fastest intensity change. LoG value is used to
decompose the original image into two images. The −2 2 −4 −2 2
first image is the image of interest and it contains in-
formation of the original image whose value is greater The traditional Canny algorithm uses a non-
or equal to the corresponding LoG value. The second maxima suppression method to ensure that the edge
image contains all values that are less than the corre- width is exactly 1 pixel. In this method, a fusion of
sponding LoG value and we ignore this image because two images is suggested. The first image is obtained
it contains mainly of the noise. by using the previously mentioned modified kernel,
while the second image is obtained by using modified
After applying LoG filter, the proposed method
kernel and a modified gradient magnitude. The fu-
follows the usual steps: image smoothing and filter-
sion of these two images guarantees the existence of
ing, finding the gradient magnitude and gradient di-
all edges that one of these two images alone might not
rection, non-maxima suppression and edge tracking
detect [18].
by hysteresis.
In this paper we proposed modified kernel for
smoothing the image. The proposed kernel empha- 4 Results
sizes the edges of the image:
  The proposed algorithm is implemented in C# pro-
1 1 1 gramming language, Visual Studio 2017 with .NET
1 α 1 (5)
 
Framework 4.7. All tests were done on an Intel
1 1 1 R CoreTM i7-3770K CPU at 4GHz, 8GB RAM and
Windows 10 Professional OS.
where α = 2, 4 or 8. If we change the alpha parame-
MRI images of the brain used for testing are from
ter in Gaussian function, we will see clear differences
web-based medical image depository [19] where they
(Fig. 1). With increasing values, more details are de-
are freely available. Results of the traditional Canny
tected, although more details do not necessarily result
algorithm were compared with the results of the pro-
in better image. It can be noted that if the parameter
posed improved algorithm.
value is set to 8, an unclear image is obtained. Based
Result images of our proposed method as well as
on this, in this paper we set α = 2.
traditional Canny edge detection algorithm are shown
in Fig. 2. It can be noticed that the improved
Canny algorithm has managed to find more details
than the original one. The proposed method produces
small curves that are not fully connected. The cause
of these disconnections is the performance of LoG.
Laplace filter reduces sensitivity to the orientation of
the edges of the corners and curves whose intensity
Figure 1: Effect of Gaussian filter for α = 2, 4 and 8 varies widely.
ISSN: 2367-8984 13 Volume 3, 2018
International Journal of Signal Processing
Zorana Stosic, Petar Rutesic

(a) (b) (a) Sobel operator (b) Laplace operator

(c) (d) (c) Canny operator (d) Improved Canny algo-


Figure 3: Comparison between the proposed method

and some standard edge detection algorithms

Acknowledgements: This research is supported by

the Ministry of Education, Science and Technologi-
cal Development of Republic of Serbia, Grant No. III-
(e) (f) 44006.

Figure 2: Two examples of the proposed method: (a)-

(b) Original image, (c)-(d) the output of an original References:
Canny algorithm, (e)-(f) the ouput of the proposed
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