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Exercise 11.1 apes Focus Ea 1 Ina test Arun scored 3 marks fewer than Sofia. a If Sofia scored 30 marks, how many marks did Arun score? b If Sofia scored 12.5 marks, how many marks did Arun score? € If Arun scored 19 marks, how many marks did Sofia score? Sofia scores x marks and Arun scores y marks. ‘Copy and complete this function: y The length of a rectangle is four times its width. a If the width of the rectangle is 1] cm, what is its length? b I the length of the rectangle is 100 em, what ists width? ¢ The width is wem and the length is /em. Write down a function that gives /in terms of w. The price of a train ticket is $12 more than the price of a bus ticket. a Find the price of the train ticket if the price of the bus ticket is $9. b The price of the bus ticket is $b. What is the price of the train ticket? © If the price of the train ticket is $, write a function for r. Zara's mass is half the mass of Sofia. a Together, Zara and Sofia have a mass of more than 20 kg. Givean example of the possible masses of Zara and Sofia. 1 Sofiiaxkg and Zara’ pkg. Write formula fr yin terns of x. 11. Graphs > Practice 5 Marcus and Zara walk to school. Marcus takes 10 minutes longer than Zara. 2 Copy and complete this table of possible times b Zara takes x minutes and Marcus takes y minutes. Write a function for y in terms of x. 6 — Zarahastwo plates. The diameter of one plate is 1.5 times the diameter of the other plate a Ifthe diameter of the small plate is 15 cm, work out the diameter of the large plate. b Copy and complete this table of possible diameters. 30 | 31.5 € Write function connecting x and » TY 7 _Aitthe sides ofthis pentagon are the same length. a Ifthe length of cach side is 7 em, work out the perimete b If the perimeter is 120 cm, work out the length of each side. © If the perimeter is vem and the length of cach side is yem, which of these functions (A to D) is correct? A y=5x B Cc ysxss D 8 The length of this rectangle is twice its width @ Ifthe width is Sem, work outthe: i length ii perimeter Ifthe width is 6.5 em, work out the: i length ii perimeter © If the width is wem and the length is fem, work out a function for fin terms of w If the width is wem and the perimeter is pem, work out a function for p in terms of w. 142 > 11.1. Functions 9 — Fadi buys a book online. The postage is $6. @ Copy and complete this table to show the total cost for five books of different prices. | b Ifthe total cost, including postage, is $17.95, work out the price of the book. €¢ Ifthe book costs $x and the total cost is $y, which of these functions (A to E) is correct? A y=6r B c D y=x+6 Challenge 10 Twenty books cost $349, a Work out the cost of 10 books. b Work outa function for the cost, ¢, in dollars, of m books. € Use your function to find the cost of 36 books. d= How many books can you buy for $1000? Yq 41 Atan airport, a price is shown in two currencies: b Work out a similar price ticket that shows these two currencies for an item that costs 10 dollars. Work out a formula that you can use to convert dollars to crowns. Explain the variables you use. 12. The mass of 100 AS sheets of paper is 250 g. 13 a b © Work out the mass of 10 AS sheets of paper. Work out a function to the find the mass (ykg) of m AS sheets of paper. An A3 sheet of paper is four times the area of an AS sheet of paper. Work out a function for the mass (zkg) of n A3 sheets of paper. The cost of 40 litres of petrol is $120. b © Work out the cost of: i 2litres ii 10 litres litre Write a formula for the cost (c), in dollars, of litres of petrol. Use your formula to work out the cost of 33.5 litres of petrol. Paper is sold in different sizes: 3, Ad, AS, and 80 on. 13) 11. Graphs > > 11.2 Graphs of functions Exercise 11.2 oa axes Focus coordinates 1 a Copy and complete this table of values, graph ee ee x+3 5 b Use the table from part a to draw a graph of y= +3. € The following poims are on the line. Copy and complete the missing coordinates. i 6f) # ef) a) » ¢.—) 2 Theequation of a line is y=x+1 a Copy and complete this table of values. * x —3 | -2]-1 0 1 xt 2 4 e the table to draw a graph of y=x41 € Which of the following points are on the line? (6,7) (-6,-7) (10,9) (-10,—-9) (-0.5,0.5) 3a Copy and complete this table of values, x -? 0,2] 4 sx] -« b Drawa graph of the line y=1.5x ¢ The point (8, []) is on the line. Work out the missing coordinate. The point ([_]. -15) is on the line. Work out the missing coordinate. Practice 4 a Create a table of values for points on the line y=x+ 7. Choose x values between —4 and 4. b Use your table from part ato draw a graph of y=x+7 € Ifyou extend your graph, where will it cross the x-axis? 7. Find the point where the line crosses the line y= 11.2 Graphs of functions 5 a Copy and complete this table of values. - | 3 [0 3 6 = b Use the table from part a todraw a graph of the line y © Onthe same axes draw the line y=x+5, 6 a One kilogram of fruit costs $12. ‘Copy and complete this table of values. tlJ2];/3];/4][s][6 b Use the table from part a to draw a graph. © Copy and complete this name for the line Work out thecost of: i 2.Skgof fruit Okgof fruit SY 7 Most countries measure distances in kilometres. Some countries, such as the USA, use miles This graph shows how to change miles to kilometres. @ Use the graph to copy and complete this, table of values, 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 32 80 b How many miles are the same as 40 km? ¢ How many kilometres are the same as | mile? d-_ mmiles is the same as k kilometres. Write a function to show the connection between nr and k. Challenge 8 You can exchange 100 dollars for 250 riyals. a Drawa graph to help convert from dollars to rivals. b How many riyals can you get in exchange for 40 dollars? € Copy and complete this table of values. 20 40 60 80 | 100 d_ Find a function to change from dollars to riyals. 11. Graphs > YY a Describe the graph of +a, where a =x +2 positive number. Where does the coordinate axes? ¢ The point (5, &)is on the line. 12. Work out the value of k 10 a Draw the straight line that passes through (0, 0), (3, 6) and (2, -4), b Work out the name of the line. € On the same axes draw the line that passes through (0, 0), (3.7.5) and ( ). d_ Work out the name of the second line. > 11.3 Lines parallel to the axes Exercise 11.3 ones vertices Focus acaxis 1. Three vertices of a square are (2, 3), (2, 3) and (-4, -3). = a Draw the square Write the coordinates of the other vertex. ates of the centre of the square, b ¢ — Find the coor d 2. Write a line for each ‘One side of the square is on the line of the other three sides jes of rectangle ABCD. @ Draw the rectangle and find the coordinates of D. b Work out the coordinates of the centre of BC. © Work out the coordinat the rectangle. Work out the equation of the straight line through C that is parallel to the x-axis @ Work out the equation of the straight line through C that is parallel to the y-axis. 2 Hereare twos of the centre of 11.3 Lines parallel to the axes 3° Thelines x=—5S and y=4 divide this grid into four regions: A, B, C and D. In which region is each of these points? a (5.5) b (10,-10) c 4 (-10, 10) e Practice 4 Point 4 ha 6), point B has coordinates (~4, 6) and point Chas coordinates (~4, —4), a Draw the triangle ABC. b Write the equation of the line through A and B. ¢ — Write the equation of the line through Band C. d_ Find the equation of the line through (—1, 6) that is perpendicular to AB. @ Find the equation of the line through (—4, 1) that is perpendicular to BC. 5 EFGisa triangle. Eis (5,2) and Fis (1, —4) and x=1 isa line of symmetry a Work out the coordinates of G. b Work out the name of the line through @ and E. 6 Here are four lines 8 y=53 4.5 Write the coordinates of the points where the lines meet. Challenge Yq 8 YW 10 The lines x=6, x=—12, y= 10 and y=3 makea rectangle, Work out the lengths of the sides of the rectangle. a A line is perpendicular to x= Find the equation of the line. b A line is parallel to p 2.and passes through (5, 3). Find the equation of the line -4 and passes through (0, 6). Three equally spaced points are in a straight line. Two of the points are (4, 7) and (4,3). Where could the third point be’ The lines y=x, x=—2 and y= 6 enclose a triangle. Find the coordinates of the vertices. 11. Graphs » 11 The four lines x=0, x=—4, y=x+ | and y=x+4 enclose a shape. a What is the name of the shape? b Find the coordinates of the vertices of the shape. The triangle is enclosed by three lines. Work out the equation of each line. > 11.4 Interpreting graphs — " 1 Thisis a graph of distance against time for Erica as she runs oS 0 & 20 3 3 35 40 45 Time (min) as) 11.4 Interpreting graphs Bilal is reading a book. The graph shows how fast he is reading ance Zara is walking home from school. The graph shows her the distance from her home. b How far does Erica run in 10 minutes? How long does Erica take to run 6 km? Use the graph to copy and complete this table of values. 5 wo | 1s | 20 ‘The graph is a straight line. What does that tell you about Erica's speed? How far will Erica run in I hour if she continues at the same speed? A marathon is 42 km. How long will it take Erica to run a marathon at this speed? How many pages does he read in 4 hours 2 150. How long doss he take to read 100 pages? Z f What is hisrate of reading, in pages per hour? S joo. The book has 240 pages. How long will it take 2 Bilal to read the book? E Choose the correct word for the gradient. positive negative zero How far from home is she after 15 minutes? kn) How far'is it from Zara's school to her home? How does the graph show that she is walking at a constant speed? Which word describes the gradient? positive negative wero Distance from ho b | iS | ‘Time (min) 19> 11. Graphs > @ Copy and complete this table of values. Time (min) 0 Distance from home (km) 3 wo} 1 20 f If Zara continues to walk at the same rate, how long will it take her to walk home from schoo!? Practice J 4 This raph shows the cost of a long- distance phone call a Find the cost of a call that lasts Sminutes b Aaall costs $4. How long does the call last? © Describe in words how the cost of a call is calculated. ds Marcus says: > 4 6 8 2 4 1 ‘Time (min) A10 minute call costs $5 soa 20 minute call costs twice as much, which is $10. Explain why Marcus is incorrect. Can you write a better explanation of the cost? 5 The graph shows how the charge on the battery of an electronic device decreases as the device is being used. What is the initial charge? b Copy and complete this table Charge (%) Bes 8 | Time (h) 0 1 2 3) 4 [Charge (%) 0 ‘Time (h) 11.4 Interpreting graphs © If the charge continues to decrease at the same rate, when will the battery have no charge? What is the rate at which the charge is decreasing, in percentage points per hour? Suppose the initial charge was only 70%. Draw a graph to show how the charge changes in this case. 6 A cable car takes passengers to the top of a hill. The graph shows the height of the 0. cable car above sea level. 2 a What is the height of the starting = point above sea evel? * a bie b How long does it take the cablecarto reach the top? y 200- ¢ — How fast does the cable car climb, in 2 metres per minute? ¢_Drawa graph to show the journey when the cable car travels twice as fast Challenge Time (min) 7 This graph shows how the temperature of & 8 Temperature (°C) Time (min) What does the shape of the graph tell yo What is the initial temperature? What i How many degrees does the temperature change each minute? How long will it take for the temperature to reach 30° C? What assumption did you make to answer this question? ihe temperature after S minutes? eonoe 11. Graphs > 8 9 A tap is slowly filling a barrel with water. This graph shows the depth of water in the barrel a Whatis the initial depth? b How long does it take for the depth to be 3metres? € — How much does the depth change cach minute? What would the graph look like if the water flowed into the tank twive as quickly? e Zara says . ‘Time (min) “If the water flowed into the tank twice as quickly, the depth would be 3 metres in 12 minut Is Zara's statement true or false? Give evidence to justify your answer. This graph shows how the speed of a car changes during 70 seconds. Speed (km/h) 80. | 60. 40. f | 20 | | 4 | 0) mw | Time(s) Describe how the speed changes. When is the speed changing at the fastest rate? Describe when the gradient i i positive negative zero 10° The diagram shows a vase The vase is filled with water at a constant rate Sketch a graph to show how the depth of water in the vase changes with time. 152 >

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