Synopsis: 1.1 Title of The Project

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1.1 Title of the project

Hospital Management System

1.2 Objective

The project “Hospital management system” is aimed to develop to maintain the day-
to-day state of appointment/discharge of the patients, list of doctors, report
generation, and etc. It is designed to achieve the following objectives.

1. To computerize all details regarding patient details & hospital details.

2. Scheduling the appointment of patient with doctors to make it convenient for
3. Scheduling the services of specialized doctors and emergency properly so that
facilities provided by hospital are fully utilized in effective and efficient manner.
4. It should be able to handle the test reports of the patients conducted in the
pathology lab of the hospitals.
5. The inventory should be updated automatically whenever a transaction is made.
6. The information of the patients should be kept up to date and their record should
be kept in the system for historical purposes.

1.3 Project Category

Web Application.

1.4 Language to be used

Front End -PHP (HTML, JavaScript, CSS)
Back End-MYSQL.

1.5 Structure of the program

1.5.1 Analysis:
The proposed software product is the Hospital Management System (HMS). The
system will be used in any hospitals, clinic, dispensary or pathology labs. Clinic,
dispensary or pathology to get the information from the patients and then storing
that data for future usages. The current system in use is a paper based system. It is
too slow and cannot provide updated lists of the patients within reasonable
timeframe. The intension of the system is to reduce over-time pay and increase the
number of patients that can be treated accurately.
The main aim of our project is to provide a paper-less hospital up to 90%. It also
aims at providing low-cost reliable automation of the existing The main aim of our

1.5.2 Module description:

This project consists of four modules; Admin Module: Login: In this module, admin can login by using his username and
password Dashboard: In this module, admin can view the total patients, total
doctors, total registered users, total appointments and total new queries. Doctors: In this module, admin can add doctors specialization, add
doctors information and manage the information about doctors. Add Doctor Specialization: Admin can add the new doctor's
specialization (Edit/Delete/Update). Add Doctors: Here, admin can add the new doctor's
information. Manage Doctor: Here, admin can view the existing all doctors'
details (Edit/Delete/Update) Doctor Session Logs: In this module, admin can see the login
and logout time of doctors. Users: In this module, admin can view users' details (who take online
appointment), manage the information about users and also have right to delete
irrelevant user. Manage User: Here, admin can view the existing registered users'
information. User Session Logs: In this module, admin can see the
login and logout time of different users. Patients: In this module, admin can view patient's details. Manage Patients: Here, admin can manage the all-existing
patient’s details. Patient Search: In this module, admin can search patient with the
help of patient name and mobile number. Appointment History: In this module, admin can view appointment
history of all the Users. Contact Us Queries: In this module, admin can view queries which are
send by different users. Unread Queries: Here, admin can view the queries which are not
yet remarked by Admin. Read Queries: Here, admin can view the queries which are
already remarked by admin. Reports: In this module, admin can view reports of patients in particular
period B/w Dates Report: Here, admin can search the patient’s reports by
using their From date (appointment date) and To date (Updation date). Logout: In this module, admin can logout from their account. User Module (Patient): Register: In this module, a new user can able to create their information
by filling their personal information. Login: In this module, users can login by using their username and
password. Dashboard: In this module, user (patients) can view the his/her profile,
Appointments and Book Appointment. Update Profile: Here, user can edit and update their own profile. Book Appointment: In this module, user (patient) can book his/her
appointment. Appointment History: In this module, users (patients) can see his/her
own appointment history. Medical History: In this module, user (patients) can see his/her own
medical history. Logout: In this module, user can logout from their user account. User
can update his/her profile, change the password and recover the password. Doctor Module: Login: In this module, doctors can login by using username and
password. Dashboard: In this module, doctor can view his/her own profile and
online appointments. Update Profile: Here, doctors can edit and update their own
profile. Appointment History: In this module, doctor can see patient’s
appointment history. Patients: In this module, doctor can manage patients. Add
Patients: Here, doctors can add the patients details with their medical history
details. Manage Patient: Here, doctor can view and manage the details of
existing patients (Edit/Delete/Update) Search: In this section, doctor can search patient with the help of
patient name and mobile number. Logout: In this section, doctor can logout from their account. Doctor
can also update his/her profile, change the password and recover the password. Contact Us Module: In this module, users can get contact details of hospital
management System and also, they can send the feedback.

1.6 Future Scope

In future, we would be to build this hospital management system web application into an
Android Application supported by all mobile phones through the internet. The main aim
of our project is to provide a paper-less hospital up to 90% so we can develop SMS
service to user while visiting hospital. In future, we can enhance this system by including
more facilities like Pharmacy system for the stock details of medicines in the Pharmacy.

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