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Health Care: Philosophy Statement

Mikeilla De La Cruz

Health 101

September 15, 2019

The current HealthCare system is a system that almost feels like a luxury, something that

is not easy access but when you do you try to get the best treatment. When the Healthcare system

is a right for all people it shouldn't matter their social status, race, or economic status whether or

not people can pay for it. Especially in the U.S having insurance health care is possible but

nowadays a lot more people do make it seem like it's impossible to get insurance at times that is

not always the case and they either lie or didn't actually try to apply for insurance. But at times it

does seem like getting a good treatment from a proper healthcare facility is difficult because

insurance is almost impossible to get. At the moment I feel like health care, it is being run

correctly but it is not the best and it could get worse and almost impossible to get a proper health

care treatment. The biggest influence that leads to inconsistency is money, patient/people being

financially stable to pay for any health treatments. As well as the insurances that make the

process difficult or the people that make it impossible to get insurance and which is why

healthcare system is not running as smooth as I think it should.

I believe that health is the “central to human happiness”. The safety in health is the most

important to me as well as having the access to a healthcare facility, being able to help is what I

value the most. Especially in an industry like healthcare where a patient can even help a doctor to

learn and where both can help learn from one another. Everyday there is something new and

learning something new everyday helps better ones skill. My values in a profession will affect

me by caring about others and being able to work in the medical field can give me access to put

my ‘caring’ to work. Although I find that caring can be bad, emotional in the profession when

you care too much for others. But I feel that I can learn from my mistakes if that ever were to be

the case and grow or work from what my weaknesses are which can only make me excel in my


My philosophical statement is one in which I will stand in the duration of my profession

in the healthcare industry. It is based on warmhearted, conscientious, and compassionate

philosophy stems from my values and beliefs that are accompanied with trust and respect. I

strongly believe that health is the most important to oneself and in order to be happy with oneself

it is also to keep those around you happy as well. Being surrounded by positivity allows myself

to keep striving and being better, especially being educated and keeping up with new discoveries

regarding health especially in the healthcare industry. Keeping patients happy, healthy, and the

desire to keep wanting to live. It would be a privilege to serve those from all ages, ethnicity, and

background. I feel it is the path for me to help others and working in an industry of all ages can

not only help others but more especially help me learn from others. Learning from others keeps

me within the environment where I strive to keep learning to better my skills and a saying that I

always go by, “I wasn't born to just teach. I was born to inspire others, to change people”.

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