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Luke 1:46-55
JRM Daily Devotion

And Mary sang this song:
    “My soul is ecstatic, overflowing with praises to God!

My spirit bursts with joy over my life-giving God!

For he set his tender gaze upon me, his lowly servant girl. [b]

    And from here on, everyone will know

    that I have been favored and blessed.

The Mighty One has worked a mighty miracle for me;
    holy is his name!

Mercy kisses all his godly lovers,
    from one generation to the next.

Mighty power flows from him
    to scatter all those who walk in pride.

Powerful princes he tears from their thrones
    and he lifts up the lowly to take their place.

Those who hunger for him will always be filled,

    but the smug and self-satisfied he will send away empty.

Because he can never forget to show mercy,
    he has helped his chosen servant, Israel,

Keeping his promises to Abraham

    and to his descendants forever.”

 When is it the easiest to offer praise to God?

 Is it when great things happen or when circumstances work out in one’s favor?
 As we get to this final message in this series, we must take note of one thing.
 The message title is Mary’s Magnificat. The word MAGNIFICAT is a word that comes of
the Latin Vulgate, which is a 4th century Latin translation of the Bible, which was largely
the work of Jerome.
 The word MAGNIFICAT means PROCLAIMS THE GREATNESS, it is where we get our
 This outpouring of praise from Mary is exclaiming the greatness of God.

Why is Mary pouring out praise to God at this point? Is it simply because she has been
blessed in a big way, or is there something more to it than that?

 Mary’s Magnificat has some of its basis in the tremendous blessing Mary has received;
however, Mary’s praise goes deeper than, THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING GOOD TO
 As we listen to and examine Mary’s Magnificat, there is application for us today as Mary
sets an example of WHY our praise to God should be much deeper than praising God
because we received some sort of great blessing.

1. Mary Praises God for His Greatness

And Mary sang this song:

    “My soul is ecstatic, overflowing with praises to God!

My spirit bursts with joy over my life-giving God! [a]

For he set his tender gaze upon me, his lowly servant girl. [b]

    And from here on, everyone will know

    that I have been favored and blessed.

The Mighty One has worked a mighty miracle for me;
    holy is his name!

 Mary is full of joy and humility concerning her calling from God.

 Mary understands that she has not had this honor bestowed upon her because she
DESERVED it, but rather, she knew it was by God’s grace and mercy that opened the
door for her to be able to have this honor.

 It is true that Mary is praising God in part because He has blessed her in a big way;
however, notice the praise is all about God, and how God looked down on her with favor,
and how, because of God, she will be called blessed in all the generations

 Notice she realizes people will see her in this light because of what GOD has done for

 My testimony of Thanksgiving

 Shadrach Meshach and Abednego story

2. Mary Praises God for His Mercy

Mercy kisses all his godly lovers,
    from one generation to the next.

Mighty power flows from him
    to scatter all those who walk in pride.

Powerful princes he tears from their thrones
    and he lifts up the lowly to take their place.

Those who hunger for him will always be filled, [d]

    but the smug and self-satisfied he will send away empty.

Because he can never forget to show mercy,
    he has helped his chosen servant, Israel,

 Mary continues her praise of God by reminding us that God offers His mercy to all

 As we look at Mary’s position in life, one must once again see that God is not concerned
with one’s status in this world before He uses a person for His glory.

 She was poor, she was going to marry a man who was poor. WE know this not only
from what Mary is saying about herself, but later in Luke 2:22-24 when Jesus was
presented in the temple, the family offered doves instead of the usual lamb. Their
offering would be acceptable if they were too poor to offer up a lamb.
 Too many people think that they are too damaged or in some way are too messed up
for God to love them.

 This COVID season, we might feel limited, broken, discouraged, needy, useless
or even distressed. But the good news is that GOD HEARS THE CRY OF THE
 Lamentation 3 says The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases…His MERCY
never comes to and end.
 It is a reminder to all of us that : GOD’S MERCY IS BIGGER THAN OUR
 Mary knows that the more she understands how Underserving she is, the louder
the worship she offers to the Lord

3. Mary Praises God for His Promises

Those who hunger for him will always be filled,

    but the smug and self-satisfied he will send away empty.

Because he can never forget to show mercy,
    he has helped his chosen servant, Israel,

Keeping his promises to Abraham

    and to his descendants forever.”

 Let us all be reminded of God’s promises in our lives.

 Our confidence lies in knowing that HE who begun a good work in us, is faithful
to complete it in the very end
 Whatever season we are into right now, know for sure that God makes every
season beautiful. Hinde man ngayon, darating din ang araw kung saan tutugon
ang Panginoon sa kanyang pangako
 It one of God’s greatest attribute: God is our promise keeper

Mga kapatid, lets just Humble ourselves, hold on and worship God in His greatness and

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