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Nama : …………………………. Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : V (Lima) A/B/C/D Hari / Tgl : Kamis, 23 September 2021

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d.

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) a, b, c, atau d)

1. It is a ….
a. ruler
b. sharpener
c. dictionary
d. book
2. It is a/an ….
a. sharpener
b. ruler
c. eraser
d. notebook
3. We use a crayon to ….
a. pen
b. ruler
c. look for words
d. coloring
4. Pencil case in Indonesia is ….
a. pensil
b. pena
c. tempat pensil
d. rautan
5. Samuel has …. sharpener.
a. a
b. an
c. some
d. three
6. Ami : Do you mind if I use your book?
Cilla : No, ….
a. you can
b. I do not
c. I do
d. you shall
7. “Bolehkah aku meminjam kamusmu?”
The English sentence is ….
a. shall we borrow the notebook?
b. can I have your book?
c. can I use your pencil?
d. may I borrow your dictionary?
8. Mega : Can I borrow your eraser?
Loli : ….
The correct expression to complete the dialog is ….
a. I am sorry, I don’t have it
b. I am sorry, I didn’t had it
c. I am sorry, I am using it
d. never mind
9. Bima : Shall I have the …. please?
Yoga : Sure, here you are.
Bima : Thank you.
a. book
b. correction pen
c. dictionary
d. eraser
10. What does the “pajamas” means in Indonesia?
It means ….
a. baju
b. kaos
c. piyama
d. kemeja
11. What does the “trousers’ means in Indonesia?
It means ….
a. celana pendek
b. celana Panjang
c. rok
d. kaos kaki
12. It is so cold outside. Irma is wearing a ….
a. t-shirt
b. shirt
c. jacket
d. raincoat
13. Laila : Show me how to fold the …. please?
Sinta : Sure. It’s like this
a. dress
b. jacket
c. necklace
d. veil
14. Rania : That is a nice ….
Salsa : Thank you.
a. socks
b. necklace
c. hat
d. gloves
15. Your – me – please – hat – please.
The best order of the jumbled words is ….
a. lend me your hat, please.
b. lend me hat your, please.
c. lend your me hat, please.
d. lend me your please, hat.
16. I wear a ….
a. shoes
b. tie
c. gloves
d. necklace
17. It’s raining. Don’t forget to bring the ….
a. shoes
b. gloves
c. sweater
d. raincoat
18. I am wearing a ….. on my hand.
a. socks
b. bracelet
c. necklace
d. tie
19. Dito : What are you wearing?
Amin : I am wearing a ……..
a. tie
b. shoes
c. gloves
d. socks
20. Jihan : May I rub your …. ?
Erna : Yes, sure.
a. snake
b. horse
c. cat
d. tapir
21. Yuda : Excuse me, Sir. Can you show me, where is the …. cage?
Mr Dodit : Sure. It is over there.
a. giraffe
b. rhinoceros
c. komodo
d. monkey
22. Indah : May I feed the ….?
Olive : No. Don’t do it. It is dangerous.
a. hyena
b. bear
c. lion
d. dog
23. Tyo : Can you tell me what word “tiger” mean in Indonesian?
Bagas : It means ….
a. singa
b. harimau
c. kucing
d. rubah
24. …. is an animal that lives in the desert and
has one or two humps on their bodies.
a. kangaroo
b. camel
c. hippopotamus
d. rhinoceros
25. Pay attention to the following animals.
(1) Lion
(2) Cheetah
(3) Frog
(4) Shark

The correct animals that can run fast are shown by number ….

a. (1) and (2)

b. (2) and (3)
c. (2) and (4)
d. (3) and (4)
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
(Isilah titik-titik berikut dengan jawaban yang tepat)

This is a picture of a (1) …. animal. It is a brontosaurs (2) …. . It is a (3) …. creature. It

has a huge (4) …. and a long (5) …. . It’s (6) …. is comparatively (7) …. . This dinosaur (8) …. a
long tail. (9) …. legs look like those of an (10) …. .

a. it’s f. small
b. prehistoric g. neck
c. torso h. elephant’s
d. dinosaur i. has
e. head j. giant

III. Answer the following questions with the correct answer.

(Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan jawaban yang benar)

Read the following text and answer the questions.

I have a cat in my house, the cat is male. I like call him “Cattie”. He is an adorable cat,
my cat is cute. His body is fat. He has black and white fur.

I really love cuddle him because his fur feels soft. Every morning my mother gives a fish,
sometime he usually scratches out my arm when I play with him. He is an active animal. He likes
to run around the house. He likes to chase everyone in my house. When he feels tired or sleepy,
he usually sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometime under the table.

“Cattie” often goes out to find for food at night. And sometime he brings a mouse on his
mouth. Then, he eats the mouse in the back of my house for himself.

1. What kind of animal had by the writer?

Answer: ...........................................................................................................................................
2. What is the colour of Cattie’s fur?
Answer: ...........................................................................................................................................
3. Why does the writer want to cuddle Cattie?
Answer: ...........................................................................................................................................
4. What does Cattie often do?
Answer: ...........................................................................................................................................
5. When does Cattie go out to find a food?
Answer: ...........................................................................................................................................

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