Lesson Plan 1 CA654497

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Teacher name: Sana Manzoor


Subject: chemistry

Topic: Groups and periods

 Learning Out Comes:

After this students will be able to understand about group and periods in the periodic
table. They will also be able to know about the properties of various things in regard
of their properties.

 Resources &Av aids

White board ,Duster, Marker

 Methodology

Demonstration Method

 Announcement of topic & introduction

Today we read topic”groups and periods” and we will discuss about the periodic
table in our classroom. We will discuss the periods and group by giving various

 Activity of Teacher

First of all I will take various objects around us in our school like a chair, drinking
water in a bottle and a balloon filled with gas.

 Activity of students

I will make seven groups of class and each group contain 4-5 students and they will
check the properties working or not in class and will discuss the topic in groups

 Assessment
I will call one student from each group and ask question.

1. What is periodic table?

2. How discovered it and when?
3. What is groups?
4. What is periods?

 Conclusion

A period is a horizontal row of the periodic table. A group is a vertical column of the
periodic table.

 Home Work

Write a note on groups and periods?

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