Assignment 2 Sas Subject

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SAS=VA AsS1mO ent=22

EXploun he PuxPose to_Pex£orm_Scenao analYsiss

The puSPoSe to Pextom Sce namo_ana[NSiS t
fcseCact hYPothe ticel scenaxios b SPecituY he
uuse valu es fox one es moKe undexlNng faCeKs

poin the utlity ot sAs dah studio with eny wo

Utlty SASDctel Gtldio
Aodif Columns:
calumns Can he nodified Al e honsing the case
changini he datea 41Pe chenaing foxmots xe movia
wbte SPaceKemoving Columns .OX xendmim S Column
he ad nIS.

Secute new Colu mni

Ne Col um n Cun be CXected by SPi14Hn 9 Colum ns.
Cehng cal culated Colu ro ns wh_ an e-xpxess ion ox
biwxidins Custom Cade

Com binn tales

1Aes Cn be Combmed ho1Z0nte 11Y ox Vex tica|1Y

Do-te can be Hexed bY S Pe c fing conditions 0
E Sict me data.

JRestTuctuxe Data
DOU O_Cgn bexeSIXu(AxeX4 Y AansfoSLng Columng.

mPaye Date aliy

te qualiti Cun he in PxaNed bi chantin3 csi n9
Pasing dataPex foxcing fied eHxdcAien Pefesm
sendes_analisic Pexfosming identisicahon onglysis.
Pexfox mcrh oresati ooc USIng maten odes
removing duelicades Stondaxdi2ing dote and
woXKina withmateng and elustexna.
ComPye the usage 0 vasious Creo ohiects in SAS
NiSual AnalyiCS
A Ceo_mgp ovexoys_date on a eo9 Kd e c moP
DAte Com be disrlayed uSing_Co loye d eSionk
Co Ox dnte Ox e9 onc ond ccxdinatésas aa
Conaeu plot .0x a netuey n. 1n cxdex to dicelay
dlatei o0 a cceo map at leot me_LategorY dccta
Hem must have Vawes tha axe mapPed to
ge0sKaphical loCaion ox Kejions.

*|xec obiecte

A Resions 9eo mdP USe.s colox to show vasictho ns
location. Houw evPs,l01ex eionc apeeax mere
en hasiz2c han Sma))ex ones,wich Can Affect
PescePi onser of ColoxS

A Coaxdinate 9e0 map disPais a maP with e itmexa
Scates elat cxa hubble plot of Cooxcinales I is tVPe
a he1Ps with detecting SPacial Pattexns and
undexstandina hedista1bution of daa ovey a
qeogxaphitad xeion whàch_can help Xe veal PaHesr
using clu stexed PointsFox a bu &Ale elat bubAle.
size helfs wh Ctmpasing PdOPextie s_oNex xelious
without he Size 0A the SelLon Causing digoxhon
bLd the size 0f *h e bubsle con_oVex lap with_
hex bubhlec and xe iions maxin he chaxt

A Reg1en- Co oxdinate a 9ec map d1S Ploig a mapP
sina_hoth_Colo xed Xeions and eh ex co scatex_
plot o2 bubble plot OA CooAdindesrhs4YPe c=
ma is 9xeat fox comfax1ng two levels o fdccte
ith the xeiion coloss Xe pxesening mode Amexe
nfexmation dnd the Coondinates_KePsesemH ng
moXe SPecifie intexmaHon_

A Con+e ux 9eo maf diselay shaded Keon s_avxe
a aeo 9 Saf kical >esion. Contau r ma Ps axe best
Used t o chou Nesyde nçe date

ANetWOKK 9eo maP display S a netwoxK diatxg =
oNexlaid_en a maf NeuwoxR maPs axe helpeul
fex undexc-landing hdu locoien af fects the
xelat onshein he netwoxK
Q-4 Explaum diftexent t1Pes _of ways date can be ilter
in SAS visual Ana Nics.
ODote Sou e Hex
DFa s.auxle Ltex suhsets he dacte foxthe
entxe sepox-t and is applieA LO eNex} aePODt
Ohject thcat uses that data_SoUKte, thedata.
Seuse fiHex dcts as a pye -fLex bY £ilten
he date beeC se it is bDouah t nto isual_
AnaHCS.TNs Con be seen b_ he uPdated
CaxdinalitY volu es n the data .Pan e otex th-
f1tex has been applied

28asic Reroxt £itex

Ba sic Repost Altex Subsets he
individlual reP cxt Obiectc by Ugin9 a £ox
tem_ ngle dake

3Advonced Refoxt Ltex

tSubstc me dado tox ndinidu Ql Ye Poxt
Obiect uSing ony nym bey A
oresatoxsin *he_sam doteitems on
fost -A9Xe 9ateee Refoxt_ Ater
Subsets he dct foK individu@l y e fpxt
ObiectSN uSInA a93e iate d Valu ese Post
dggs e1oLie Se fos tAi+ess_OKe CQilable, onlyo-
meacuXe dda item
|what is fasometex,DscuSS USa9 e and diffexem-
tiPes o Puxa metexc in baief
PxCme+es is o Nariasle whose Nalue can be
Chonse d o1d thact Com be se ff xen ced &
Ohex Befoxt ObiectS,foA me t exs Can be
ged in centxol Ohiects in visual Analytiec,
udnen_me vuye f h e cortKol Chdnses #ne
Posam ettx is uPdcted w Hh mat Yalue and on
KAt Cb)ect Mat xefeKenLe Mdt PaXUm et¬x
ax e u Pdcted aLA we, P@xa m etexc Can be Ucedii
Colcuoti onSdisPlgy sulec filess amd XUnks
URLand te4t ohieok.
Nym exC Poam efer rlce d n yan kS chosOcte
Pasdm ete Used im CalclLior Date pao mere
Used n on cldyonLe filte&

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