Review of Related Literature and Studies

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Related Literature


According to Brookover, Wilbur; And Others (1982), training to use modules helps

teachers, administrators, and school staff produce learners who will get high levels of

achievement regardless of the hindrances to the student’s environment. Modular learning calls

for the relationship between teacher expectations, student perceptions of teacher expectations and

evaluations, and student achievement. Also, this mode of learning addresses principles for

grouping students to maximize achievement and simplify classroom management, and it deals

with the teacher’s strategy of effective instruction. They also talk about the problem of the

discipline of the students while answering their modules. Lastly, modular learning discusses

methods for student cooperative learning, the use of positive reinforcements such as praise, and

assessment data to improve instructional programs.

According to Oluniyi (2013), this mode of learning has been an alternative to access

education globally. To continue the practices of learning before, the Centre for Distance

Learning at Obafemi Awolowo University began transitioning the existing program from a face-

to-face model to an e-learning model. This study will review the challenges and problems

encountered in transitioning to a new mode of learning. Also, they mentioned the most

significant issue of the learners, which are the solution to Internet Facilities and Inability to use

Computer. Although the respondents admitted that there are e-learning challenges, they also

believe that those challenges could be solved. The transition to this mode of learning made a
massive reaction of the students. Challenges of online learning include the availability of the

technology and skills using the new way of learning, the pedagogical skills for online

instructions, and disposition to innovation are real threats to students' success.

Based on this literature, The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has it goals, according

to National Policy on Education (NPE) this are: to provide quality education and equity in

educational opportunities especially for those who have been denied, to meet special needs of the

employees especially the teachers, to encourage internalization, especially of tertiary education

curricula, and to ameliorate the effect of internal and external brain drain in tertiary institutions

by utilizing experts as teachers regardless of their locations or places of work.

According to Crowe (2015), The Coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic affects the delivery

of lessons to the learners. We need to implement new approaches and strategies in teaching and

learning. The Department of Education (DepEd) provides a new method: the modular distance

learning modality that will suit the location of learners. The Department of Education conducted

an individual survey to the parents of the students that prefer to have a modular distance learning

modality. The schools provide learning modules for learners to use in studying at home.

One of the biggest challenges that school organizations are experiencing today is

managing their capacity to meet all the learning needs of students. This struggle hinders creating

a wide variety of suitable learning materials to cater to the needs of learners to complete their

competencies and roles as a student. But some of the parents, due to lack of education in guiding

their child to their learning modules, prefer combining it with an online explanation of the

teachers regarding the modules.

According to Ozudorgo (2021), distance education offers learners to access education

independently from time and space with the support of technology and individuals around them.
Some schools and institutions choose this kind of new setup in learning because learners need to

access education, update their skill development, increase the cost of effectiveness, increase the

quality of educational structure, improve the capacity of the system of education, balance

inequalities between age groups, provide education to specific target groups, provide emergency

case training to target groups, expanding the capacity of education in new subject areas, an

associate working and family life with education and adding an international dimension to

education. Despite the beautiful goals and objectives, it also encounters obstacles and problems.

The first problem is related to the equipment and materials used, and the second is related to

pedagogy, belief, and personal preferences.

They stated that student barriers to learning would bring misinterpretation of

expectations, time management, and interpersonal communication. At the same time, the barriers

to the teachers or instructors are related to identifying expectations, providing feedback, and

interpersonal relations. O’Doherty, Dromey, Lougheed, Hannigan, Last, and McGrath (2018)

stated in their research based on the literature that barriers in modular distance learning are

limitations in time, skills, and lack of institutional strategies and support and negative attitudes of

everyone involved.

According to Rust (2000), the philosophy of modular learning empowers the student to

have a coherent and relevant curriculum. They stated that choosing this type of distance learning

is not referred by your friends or because they do not clash with part-time work commitments.

One problem that they see in modular learning is that there is too much summative assessment,

and this is likely to be even more “true” with each module having at least one evaluation and

probably more.
The personal tutor system made them think they could be the way to decrease the number

of students that have problems with modular learning. Also, they considered creating designs in

which the student takes responsibility for tracking and recording their knowledge. In this case,

students will be alarmed if they are not learning or not accomplishing their modules on time.

They called it Personal Profiling. When the majority of students are not able to engage in this

process, it means that they do not initially recognize the relevance or value of it sufficiently to

invest the time.


Modular learning activities are widely used as an alternative to better assisting them in

the acquisition of autonomous learning Nardo (2017). Most of the subjects, such as natural

sciences and social sciences, are taught using the modular approach in teaching and learning

Nacar & Camara (2021).

Self-studying is one of the significant ways distance learning works. Thus, Sejpal (2013)

pointed out that the "module" concept is related to the notion of a language curriculum that is

flexible. It should be autonomous, self-contained, self-instructed, well-defined objectives,

encourage individual differences, association, information sequence structure, systematically

structured learning opportunities, usage of an array of media, dynamic learner engagement,

immediate strengthening of answers and responses, proficiency of assessment approaches, and

work assessment.

According to Tupas & Laguda (2020), the modular approach is an efficient and effective

tool for helping students learn. It is unusual in that each student may utilize any or all the
educational resources at any time of day, and they are available at any time. This method is

believed to have a greater impact on learners' comprehension of texts, particularly in self-

instructional modules.

However, it is contrary to this idea that distance education will not have this value where

students’ independence requires them to be highly intrinsically motivated. Studying alone is

painful and eats a lot of time Cabansag P., Cabansag V., & Soriano (2020). It necessitates an

increased motivation level due to certain levels of constraints such as discipline, preparation, and

management that not all students have.

According to Anzaldo (2021), education in a new normal is becoming difficult in the

Philippines. In accordance with this are the problems and disadvantages for teachers and

students, such as the difficulty of students in answering modules, some modules were responded

by guardians/parents, and not all students are committed to answering modules, with some doing

it merely for formality and completeness. Participants also provide comments and suggestions

that may be useful in the future. They suggest that MDL should be combined with ODL if

possible so that students can receive greater help from their teachers and that modules be

produced as soon as possible. Students must be accountable for completing their modules for

continuous learning based on the suggestions. Furthermore, teachers and parents must be aware

of their duties and provide more specific examples of the lesson while reducing activities to

allow children to study and absorb the lesson.

According to Chin (2020), the Philippine education system is now adjusting to blended

learning. Despite calls for "Academic Freeze" in the aftermath of the pandemic, the DepEd

believes that education must not be compromised. As a result, they developed various modes of

learning, including Modular Distance Learning. The common problems and difficulties of this
modality include technical issues such as the availability of resources, the reliability of the Self-

Learning Module, students being distracted by other things, and the educational background of

parents or guardians, because not all of them are well-equipped with appropriate education.

Based on the Manila Bulletin’s latest news by Malipot (2020), a teacher’s federation

called the attention of DepEd due to raised issues concerning the preparation of modular

learning. The problems identified were a lack of materials in printing modules, pressure and

stress in creating modules and activity sheets in a limited time-frame, which caused teachers to

stay until the evening in school just to prepare and finish the printing of modules, and

reproduction cost, which is a big problem because schools are asked to find ways to raise funds

in a limited of time. Other LGUs give their assistance, although assurances from LGUs in some

places were not conveyed as quickly as possible.

Related Studies


For the reason of limited resources, the researchers are not able to find foreign studies.


Modular learning is an arrangement of distance learning through the Self-Learning

Module (SLM) and is very convenient for most standard Filipino students. Regarding the issues

and concerns of teachers on the use of modular learning, it was established that teachers are

oriented and well prepared to fulfill their duties and assignments on modular distance learning

throughout the pandemic. Guiamalon et al. (2021). Teachers are completely trained and

developed skills to do their responsibilities efficiently and effectively. Parents/guardians can

support their children in their learning style, but some parents are confused and disoriented by

not facilitating and explaining the modules provided to their children.

In a study conducted by Nacar & Camara (2021) about the lived experiences of teachers

in implementing modular distance learning in the Philippine setting, it was found that teachers

had experienced various issues and challenges in Modular Distance Learning like monitoring the

progress of learners and as well as transporting modules in remote areas. With this situation,

students may be at risk of dropping out or failing because teachers have difficulty

communicating with them and giving them feedback.

During this time of the pandemic, where the students are in new normal schooling, stress

is one of the primary problems students’ faces, especially for the students who are handling

work, responsibilities and studying at the same time. Therefore Barcenas & Bibon (2021)

conducted research about the coping mechanism of island school students on the problems

encountered in modular distance learning. The study shows that the students are desire help from

educated others due to the unavailability and inaccessibility of a sudden support system; cheating

or referring to the internet for education, and cautiously organized modules to conduct time well

before answering submitting all outputs.

A study conducted by Resoles (2021) about the effects of distance learning modality on

the teaching performance of educators in the Philippines shows that educators face various

problems that need immediate solutions through appropriate policy proposals, strategic

programs, and further studies to explore the issue like motivation and willingness among

teachers, technological limitations, Accessibility issues, Wages, and benefits, as well as mental

health issues.
With many studies about the harmful effects of modular distance learning, a study

conducted by Betlen (2021) focuses on the positive impacts of modular distance learning on

students, and the study shows that the effect of the modular learning approach on the academic

achievement of the students has come to the realization. Students using a modular learning

approach have significantly improved their academic performance. He also showed a reasonable

improvement in student performance using a modular approach to learning across a variety of

learning disciplines such as mathematics, science, and English.

According to Dargo and Dimas (2021), most schools in rural areas utilized Modular

Distance Learning (MDL) to ensure the continuity of education. Their study discovered that

there are 2.25% decrease in the General Weighted Average of the learners after the execution of

MDL. In addition, the negative effects they discovered that may be a problem are lacking

socialization among learners, teacher-learner limited engagement, additional workload to parents

and disruptions at home. They offer several solutions to these concerns, such as conducting

online meditations, simplifying modules, and home visits.

As stated in the study of Talimodao and Madrigal (2021), there several challenges that

teachers experienced on activities, outputs, and tests. There are also some problems about the

incapacity of parents to teach their children and comply in distribution or retrieval of self-

learning printed modules. They also stated that teachers need support in the said modality from

the school administrators by making them undergo training thematic assessments that is good for

the quality of printed modules.


The research focuses on Modular Distance Learning which is a form of individualized

instruction that allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLM's) in print or digital format,

which is applicable in the context of the learners. This serves as a complete guide for both

teachers' and students' desired competencies.

This mode of learning is very visible during this time of pandemic because social

gatherings are prohibited for the safety of all, especially the learners. According to the studies we

gathered, modular distance learning is the best approach or method that the Department of

Education can do despite the many challenges they may experience. Such as the availability of

students' devices, internet connection, government funding insufficiency, and the time and

expertise of the parents who would help their child in answering the modules.

In line with this, local studies stated that this type of learning was recognized in Asia and

the West to continue the acquisition of autonomous learning. Most of the curriculum developers

decided to make and use modules as a big part of this method because it is the easiest way to

utilize and most appropriate for all types of learners. A module is a self-contained, self-

instructed, well-defined objective, or in short, it refers to an instructional unit that focuses on a

particular topic.

Some foreign studies also demonstrated researchers' about modular distance learning.

Based on them, this method reinforces positive praise and assessments that help instructional

programs. The transition to this mode of learning caused a massive reaction from the students,

but they believed that those challenges could be solved. What matters most is the benefit we can
get from having and administering this kind of setup. Most institutions choose this kind of new

normal setting because learners need to access education and the academe aims to give quality

education for all and develop each learner’s full potential.

To sum it up, the advantages the studies emphasized were, learning continues depending

in the student’s willingness to accept change, parents realized their roles as it is very important.

In education, students learn to value their time and modular learning teach their students values,

not specific lessons which is repetitive.

Theoretical Framework

The researchers gathered the following theories that will support the study.

Andragogy Theory (Knowles, 1984)

According to Culatta 2021, Andragogy is instructing the students to focus on how the

students did the activity than the content being taught. These strategies can apply to the activities

such as case studies, role-playing, simulations, and self-evaluation. Also, Andragogy has four

assumptions about learning design; first, educators must know why students need to learn

something. Second, students need to learn experientially. Third, students learn best when they

approach us through problem-solving. Lastly, they know best when the topic is of immediate


This theory will help the researchers to explain that even modular learning is done

without seeing each other, they can still utilize instructions and strategies that will make the

learners bring out their best performance, and by that teacher will be able to see the process on

student’s learning. Also, this kind of strategy will focus more on the process and less on the
content being taught. In this way, educators adopt the role of facilitator rather than lecturer or


Theory of Independent Study (Wedemeyer, 1981)

According to Instructional Design Hub 2012, the Theory of Independent Study idealizes

learner freedom. Wedemeyer characterized independent study, which is first learning takes place

through the student’s activity, second learning is made convenient for the student in their

environment. Lastly, the learner takes responsibility for the pace of their progress, with the

freedom to start and stop at any time.

This theory will help the researchers guide educators to design individualized instruction,

foster learner autonomy, and provide appropriate support (teaching), all of which may make the

instruction more effective for the learner. Also, this will emphasize the importance of learner

autonomy and self-responsibility that will make the learner responsible for the pace of their

progress, with the freedom to start and stop at any time.

Transactional Distance Theory (Moore, 1993)

According to Weidlich and Bastiaens 2018, Transactional distance is an influential

concept in distance education proposed by Moore; it is the fundamental guiding principle in

distance education, influencing the process of teaching and learning. It will always rely on

technologically mediated communication; we constantly have a problem. To achieve the goal of

distance learning, this aspect of technological mediation needs to be considered. Also, this theory

refers to the degree of psychological distance between learner and teacher. It tells that space and
time are the most prominent distance education problem. Distance education relies on

technology problems to deliver communication, instruction, and content to the students. But to

fill this theoretical gap, they propose “Learner-Interface Interaction” as a process of

manipulating tools to accomplish a task. Learner-Interface Interaction will make the students

aware of their ability to interact through technology, thereby influencing the learning in a

meaningful way.

This theory will help the researchers to address the problems in implementing modular

learning to the teachers and parents, like the distance between teachers and students, issues in

technology they are using, and the problems in the communication. Researchers will educate

readers on the issues that need to have a solution. By presenting this theory, they will have an

idea about the “Learner-Interface Interaction” that they can use to improve students’

communication, instruction, and learning content.

Habeeb Kolade’s Theory on Modular Education (Kolade, 2019)

Kolade’s Theory on Modular Education started to gain prominence as online learning

increasingly became widely accepted. The most know schools and universities are alarmed

about delivering quality education despite the situation. Being advanced in our technology opens

new possibilities in traveling to places where such instruction could be provided in a shorter

period. Still, most significantly, it opens new opportunities in our ways of learning. Even this

opens many possibilities, and this is connected to challenges. Schools experience conflict in

running their mode of education, which is modular. Most learners often rue the time wasted and

wish they had better opportunities to gain quality learning.

This theory will help the researchers tell the readers to open their minds about this critical

issue in implementing modular learning in our school's systems. Everybody needs to be alarmed

about delivering quality education through modular learning. Especially in the situation that

learners often rue the time wasted and wish they had better opportunities to gain quality learning.

Also, we in the field of education need to be concerned about how we provide quality education
Input: Process: Output:
to the students and how we are going to improve the running of modular learning in our school

system without wasting the students' time.

Data of Experiences 1. Addressed the
and Problems in Problems
Modular Distance faced by
Learning of: Analyzing and Primary Level
Assessing the Problems Teachers and
a. Framework
b. Teachers Students in
2. Suggest
Solutions to
the Problem.

In presenting the conceptual framework of the study, the researchers used the Input-

Process-Output (IPO) Model. The Input diagram above shows what are the data needed in order

to develop the study which are the experiences and problems of students and teachers in

implementing modular distance learning. The Process diagram explains what the researchers

perform on the data gathered, which is to analyze and assess their problems. On the output

diagram, this is where the researchers produced the main idea of the study which is to address the

problems faced by the teachers and students in the primary level on implementing modular

distance learning in order to understand and create possible solutions.

Hypotheses of the Study

Problems are expected to occur in conducting new ideas or practices such as Modular

Distance Learning. However, in this study, these problems are needed to be addressed in order to

make some adjustments and develop intervention programs that will help to address the

identified problems. The solutions to these problems may come from the individuals who are

involve in it.

Definition of Terms

To familiarize the readers, the following terms are defined:

 Modular Distance Learning (MDL). A form of distance learning that uses printed or

digital Self-Learning Modules constructed based on MELCS provided by DepEd.


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