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SE pla Nel bt eS Td RESUS oae evise Meelis ENuetegs sues a oan bey dre) HEADS TO PRISON AFTER aU aT) yaa Ve Seapets oT q TTA i ' \ | KI} ss m1 we i ESE ud 100 YEARS PNP Buena iii ene cae eT Cen See Ce er eon ce en RC arts Pear) Spa aes mastaokertiegineeaten ert ova eam) ia ene neat eer ee CTE Pov SS = \ _ ~ mn EY) | Piston tis,ed Beda rN Tareas i SENT ted READY FOR THE FUTURE 2022 MILITARY TIMES PAY & BENEFITS GUIDE TS ee a UE W i Au ee WSR eee ae rt Resa) Preach Ty bith) Sot aay OPERATIONAL TESTS Raat Laity A rigntctadetes Pras obese) pricey é — Ta Ng HIKE IN 20 YEARS, HR PEL ah Fioqeeeeazaeay eosin Retort ay Eran Pisani) peo At ods re ponte ad Reson eee eer cree pet eng ae ee ast bert ry Peers read Cree have more flexibly eee eee sy ey eet which one active duty Seren Peers ice eects eng eee acd eas (RENEE) elo cn ‘Only one member erica T Brel Cry ee iarios eee eran NEW INFORMATION itso WARFARE DETACHMENT | [Fhe 1S ESTABLISHED poe eer > ENTERS GROUND TESTING ‘The frst B-21 Raider bomber has entered the ground test hase, paving the way forts expected rollout his year. Nomthiop Grumman now has six ofthe stealth, ex-generation aicraftin various stages of production, During the ground test phase at Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, testers wl tun the B-2"'s power fn, test its subsystems and structural integrty, and apply Coatings and paint. The next step wlnvolve geting the £21 road fr fight. Formal fight testing willbe hel at Edwards Air Force Base in Catforna, The Air Force expects to improve ore research and taining ound informa paration ive both tion warfare with @ new organization Piers fetablshes March 22 by Air Combat oes F-35 FULL-RATE PRODUCTION | rn Pere DECISION DELAYED — AGAIN viscvviinctafcnc’, | [ESSAI isa hybrid wing evel organization de- | ASCE Testing delays will pusha decision _ Asked whether the ight time signed to connect airmen from mutti- as ‘onwhether fo move the F-35 19 schedule efectwely makes impos- | ple locations as they accelerate reaat- | [ema REESE fultrate production int ate fiscal sible a decsion on fu-rate po. ness, isa subordinate unit ofthe rca 2023 — and pethaps ito FY 2024, duction in seal 2023, Fic said,“I | 'SSth Wing at Ofut Air Force Bae in eel L.Gen. Eric Fick, the program don't thnk rules t out Nebraska, which provides ISR elec- ces ‘executive offer forthe F35 Joint The Defense Department tronic warfare, communications, ane eer Program Offce, sad the F-35 cit- originally planned for a fullrate ruclear command and control. et ical Joint Simulation Environment production decision for he F-25 in| The unit also known as Detach: reer) testing, which hasto happen be- December 2019, but thas repeat. | ment wil nduct traning and fore the arcratts intial operations edly sipped due to Joint Simuia- | research events to help prepare the eens test and evaluation phase can be ton Envonment delays Air Force for operations in the infor. eer dosed, snow expected totake The Joint Simulation Envcanment | mation environment and electomag- | [eed place in spring or summer 2023. wll create high-end that scenar- | netie spectrum. I wil also operate out Before a milestone C decision igs to test how wel the F-35 wi ofthe 67th Cyberspace Wing at Jeint or ‘canbe reached on ulate pro- respond in the most dangerous Base San Antonio in Texas rea ‘duction forthe F-35, he results situations. The scenarios ne 35 | The new model allows the Air Force | [Meee foftnese simulaton tests muste wilface wilinciude varying threat | to conduct training events mare often eas Validated and used tohelp create dense, different mixes of aicrat’ | while integrating personnel rom all Peer ‘report necessary fr the review, and avaiety of graund threats over the globe. 4 sunroRcETIMES.COM sor 2022 IS INOUR DNA nest frond os Comps OMG) we con ha teep yur edt on vk Wit peonsze! spp aa ‘tay ant 178 cton wate MG who were yor see, ara derevor ceri fom Traced date ner. MOO les Neocon Stl eres play mort tenooke teres orn expe 8 Sousa cgemitan tween sues || Carer menting rena ole " x UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. GLOBAL CAMPUS MADE FOR YOU | UMGC.EDU ZF sx voun senvice since 1947 GUARD, RESERVE TO GET 20 MORE C-130J AIRCRAFT Springs was SAVE A VETERAN’S LIFE - BECOME A KIDNEY DONOR WIL SERRANO ~< TT f we SB reems Mele hM uae moire — =, lane lite Ru AMT ek -areratigerel) as \ aN Veterans to seek assistance to find a eu Ruts shan Tolono loco cee hod SS eee PF ¥Y > MARGARITE DISPIRTO Sa eee oian ausaakelee nsec) rete rk eae Cha ea aaa eeuee Kosta ova aan Reece heen Pee cpa Mone eka rewae vac eee NON cary 7 ki i ant ee ea ee Se ah ep ia ere a uaa hay Pega eh cies CANS NR TTL —— CE Se era a Raat e) Rimini CAPITAL On the chopping block By Stephen Losey and Rachel S. Cohen Poe eee eae Pe ee ee Pree ene ene Ra eae eg Ps hep Reema Ta feet een eer od Bees seer weet an eet s seanner a bys ee pers Pe Pre cee ee ee ey rie ene pny mar srt se ett eres eae CRITICAL CUTS Gira se Tte ade Perec ey Cor eee eet en 68.1 bilion for operations and maintenance, $394 bi fey eer ere teri ee reer eet] Peete SL rope eens WR eeRNC rer res eee eee es ‘Secretary Frank Kendal wold reporets Mach 25, prep eeeepeceeprca era amet ene ee eee Cee ee Te eeee mre CoN ee eee eee Peay ee joogle Cloud get more pilots cleared for takeoff. Our dandelions wh: ice and make the Warfighter's mission and focus Just like dandelions, military children Jute their lebrating the 2022 Month of id with in-store and \ games and gi of the Miltary pages, themed reci Community HUB. MOMC EXCHANGE From UTS page 10 wil instead fy the KC-A6 Pegass tanker = 10C-130H eansport planes a Maxwell AFB, Al sham, which is ransiioning to By the new MHL. 139 Gacy Wolf nuclear mise fed patrol helcopers +B EAC Joint Survellance Target Atak Radar ound age tracking jt at Robins AFB, Geogiss the final four STARS would depart in 2024 ‘Previn prone divestment of 67 F-1SCID Eagles, 26 F-16CID Fighting Falons, 12 HH-60G Pre Haws, 10 KC-10 Extenders, eee EC-130) Commando Solos and one EC-130H Compass Call The Air Frc sao planning to tansfer ownership oF 100 MQ)9 Reaper survelance and stack drones to mother government onganiation” Kenll si, though hey wil mala bas rte cuten lst lation, The service owns more than 300 Reaper. ‘Money saved on no longer maintaining the aging sieaoes woud instead po toward nsench on Fue Platforms and rplacemene programs GOING SHOPPING “The Air Fore pesto buy at least 87 new steal {in 2023, though nt all of es procurement quanta have Been made publi, sch an Beginning prod tion ofthe secretive B-21 Raider nuclear bomber, Te suggests adding 33 F-35A Lightning Ul two doven for than expected — and 24 F-15EX Eagle It fighter fs, 15 KC-4GA canker, 10 HH 12 A 2022 ‘GW Joly Gren I Combat Resue Helicopters and five MH-139A nuclear msi field pal heicop Arthe sime tim, secks more finding for technology developmen prices Uke hypersonke sneapons nuclear mses, autonomous seal the Advanced Bute Management System andthe [Next-Generation Als Dominance progam Kendall sid the changing cet environment romped the Air Frce to reconsider is combat ‘exrcand-esce neds Te now plans ta buy bast 10 of 75 HH-GOW combat rescue elcopesin 2023, eather than the expected 3p ec. The seni that wee most worried abo are not theme at they once were” Kendall id "When we were doing countesinsngeace, we vxee worried abou losing plot in thos kinds of salons, Theat of ggreon ike wee seeing in Buope or we might sc inthe Pacife by (Chal, pus ina very diferent cenatio.” He noted that wile Rui buildup at he Ursin boner shexd oF Febroay invasion did infuence she Pentagon 2028 budge equest, the Als Rowe wll ence cethinking pro in Europe over the next several months “The Als Force alo secking $5.3 illon to coc ue revamping outdated fais acon the globe Proposed construction spans neatly 40 major projeet, More than half ae new stars, preparing the Serco bring on new ests ie the B21 Ras, wile chipping away atthe $35 billion backlog of Roar deferred bate cre ‘Among its top-priocry intative, it hopes 0 secure nearly $100 million that would ber Posture in he Indo-Pacific as well Namely the Funds could further the service’ ability wo head out ‘on las minate deployments in emote area without much suppor, «concep known a gle combat ‘Offical old reporters they hope to secur ands for 1.1 millon fying hours next year, which they cai isthe moat the sevice ean bundle reli about the sme a he previous yar. That plan waste ed by lst years Alghanstan withdrawal, dhe ongoing ‘var in Ukraine and other glbsl security evens, Tecause Faure ying hour neede ae st two eas in advance, Srefanek told Air Force Time We execute all of ur fal work! operations our oF existing (Air Frc) funds, which indies resourcing Fahoth oatine peacetime day raining swell x played wartime operations” she ak. “Should| cent operations sequieaditonal nding in ‘xeon, we would lok o support fom Congress For supplemental Funding The Penta’ rextines or ls wafer by howe much dime and money ichas oan pions and crews the maintenance ssoutesealable Iecp aging plane inthe ai and her simile actors "Ac always, che Ai Force wll spond as equted ‘wor aggresively to mancsn reanes roy even a Stefan sad wwe modernize forthe future, TEAM U.S. IS PREPARING TO MAKE ITS WAY TO THE INVICTUS GAMES, Fisher House Foundation is proud to support our greatest national treasure: our service members, veterans, and their families at the 2022 Invictus Games in the Hague. Fisher House Foundation has been a part of every Invictus Games since the inaugural games in 2014. The Foundation provides Team U.S. competitors, families, coaches, and staff with uniforms. We also organize transportation for veteran competitors and families of all athletes becat at Fisher House Foundation, we know a “Family's Love 00d M #WEAREINVICTUS VISIT INVICTUSGAMES2020.COM THE NEW COMBAT RESCUE HELICOPTER BEGINS OPERATIONAL TESTS Ai Is By Stephen Losey 14 mroncerives.coM A ‘Space Force PT Uniform ‘aac Frat et a MaMa WHY THE SPACE, FORCE IS DITCHING ANNUAL Pil TESTS: By Rachel S. Cohen The Sp rola branch as Fore is boy going where no US. ne before: dumping che annul The Pentagon's newest branch wan ts members cing thee diy helt ofl thelr best rather than on how fs dey ean ran a mile complete purhupe once aye TEs ee we implement adatrdeven,ssearchn formed lic health and Fines approach Incres the wells and readiness of the fore Space Force personnel bos Paci Muleay sid in March 16 memo to guardians. a program that promote physic avg mental hah, balanced eating nd ep and fa healthy life, Guardians in ‘hance o weigh in on which rechnologes and meth tse Space Force dhoald use. fens ie will pair nes with robust education on dhe, seep hygiene and other physiological fcr 0 promot soca, mental andl spc helh ae wel "Weare looking ino more sclen ‘ifcally proven way odo so and wl be leveraging sand wool Maley wrote and Oura rings ose how wall they int thee everyday ives: Officials be that spending money on swetnble to wack wodant, physiological and deep

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