Singhsunmeet 232276 11948475 Poetry Submission Sunmeet Singh Email Sunmeet657 Gmail-2

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Clipped Wings

They say a fool can do no right

but I can say that he tried -

Like looking for home in

A heron’s shade; 

I took a cage for a hand

And a hand for a reason. 

I’m told, I’m told, I’m told

That I’m sel sh for wanting, 

Naive for hoping 


Dumb for trying

But then tell me -   

What does that make them? 

I was born 

Bearing a debt to be paid twofold,  

The Old Reeve’s name Guilt. 

To be built

To serve
To build

To fall

That and more to suffer.

Left praying that in the end 

The heart is lighter than the feather


Deemed worthy by the writer 


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