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DATE Shahrukh

7/17/2022 Sunday -

Create Vendor Services and Vendor Categories

7/18/2022 Monday Screens with complete functionality

Screen for managing dish categories. Screen for

viewing complaints of customer against sub venue
booking. Screen for viewing complaints of customer
7/19/2022 Tuesday against vendor package booking.

Screen for managing dish categories. Screen for

viewing complaints of customer against sub venue
booking. Screen for viewing complaints of customer
7/20/2022 Wednesday against vendor package booking.

Screen for viewing customer feedback against

vendor booking. Screen for viewing customer
feedback against sub venue booking. Start next day
7/21/2022 Thursday work when done

complete all previous task and finilize design for

7/22/2022 Friday components.
crud for dish make sure crud for dish and dish
category is working fine... Main focus should be
correcting UI bugs in all created screen and creating
a userfriendly and consistent design. Also if today's
task is completed. Consult with ali and start menu
7/23/2022 Saturday screen

7/24/2022 finalize customer landing page on figma and

SUNDAY Sunday implement its front end

continue customer landing page. And all

functionality of the page should be working.
7/25/2022 Monday Continue next day work when done

Continue yesterday's work…. Also research on how

to have variable fields for vendor service category
with ALI. Discuss schema with Talha. Send final
7/26/2022 Tuesday details on Slack
start module 12 screen of setting and support.
7/27/2022 Wednesday Frontend UI should show all the features

Integrate all above screens if not done. Make Venue

7/28/2022 Thursday Owner Dash Board
manage menu (module 4 complete ) for venue
7/29/2022 Friday owner. Module 5 (only doable parts)

create booking screens that link from a venue,

7/30/2022 Saturday vendor to all the screens
create customer process that
of booking a venue
link from , page
vendorcreate booking screens that link from a
venue, vendor to all the process of booking a venue ,
7/31/2022 Sunday vendor

8/1/2022 Monday

8/2/2022 Tuesday

8/3/2022 Wednesday

8/4/2022 Thursday

8/5/2022 Friday

8/6/2022 Saturday

8/7/2022 Sunday -

8/8/2022 Monday

8/9/2022 Tuesday

8/10/2022 Wednesday

8/11/2022 Thursday

8/12/2022 Friday

8/13/2022 Saturday
8/14/2022 Sunday -

8/15/2022 Monday

8/16/2022 Tuesday

8/17/2022 Wednesday

8/18/2022 Thursday

8/19/2022 Friday

8/20/2022 Saturday

8/21/2022 Sunday -

8/22/2022 Monday

8/23/2022 Tuesday

8/24/2022 Wednesday

8/25/2022 Thursday

8/26/2022 Friday

8/27/2022 Saturday

8/28/2022 Sunday -

8/29/2022 Monday

8/30/2022 Tuesday

8/31/2022 Wednesday


M2.17, 2.18, 2.19 ,,,,, M6.1,6.2,6.3,6.4, -----

M2.29,2.30,2.31,,,,,M2.20 -----

create venue crud screens , specific venue

details screen which includes sub venues,
M2.29,2.30,2.31,,,,,M2.20 venue services and menu of the venue

create and integrate all menu functionality of

the venue. create all venue services
15.11,12,13 functionality of venue

create sub venue crud screens (complete) and

all sub venue services with functinality
Complete view screens if not complete. Then
shift to menu as well as sub venue booking....
screen for sub venue bookings and all
functionality, should be created.

screen for vendor package booking and all

functionality.... research on how to have
variable fields for vendor service category.
Discuss with Shahrukh.

Complete wedding card editor, make UI and

finalize the schema with Talha once front end
is done

Make Staff Screen button on Specific Venue

Details page and make staff screens (all)…
Integrate all screens uptil now if not done
Module 12 …... M2.32 (SUPER ADMIN)
Register a venue, update a venue, view
venues (of venue owner), delete venue…..
Register a sub venue, update, delete and view
registered sub venues, enable disable venue,
Module 12 subvenue bookings. (VENUE OWNER)

yesterday's work + manage staff screen for

venue owner (all)

Module 4,,,,, Module 5.4,5,6,7 Start incomplete screens as marked on trello

Start incomplete screens as marked on trello

Module 8 Start incomplete screens as marked on trello




Modify Venue Model, Vendor Service

Model, Bookings Model and also modify
their crud apis to send all relavent data.
And once done: Start next day work.

MODULE 15:Complaints, Feedback APIs

(Super ADMIN, Customer), create
complaint model (for venue and vendor)

MODULE 15:Complaints, Feedback APIs

(Super ADMIN, Customer), create
complaint model (for venue and vendor)

Start Module 3: Venue Administration

M2.8,9,10,11,12,13 APIs (EXCEPT STAFF). Create Staff Model

Continue prev day work + Create Staff

Related APIs for Venue Owner

Start Module 13: Venue Accounting if last

days's task is complete.

Start Module 14: Statistics for venue,

correct all faulty apis marked on trello by
M8.11,12,13,14,15,…... M2.32 team

Module 11 Continue Venue accouting.

continue statistics for venue and

M3.11,12,13,14 subvenue. Finalize Wedding Card Schema
M3.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 continue statistics for vendor

r esearch on SOCKET IO for notifications

M3.11,12,13,14 module. start implementation asap

start chat module via

implement notification module 7

Correct booking, menu business
all APIs marked on trellologic for
by team
pricing (if needed)................ Correct
Venue and SubVenue View API if needed
by frontend



MODULE 8 Backend `

Module 15 Backend

Module 15 Backend

Module 3: 3.1-3.11


Module 13

Module 14: 14.1-14.10

Module 13

Module 14: 14.11-14.22

Module 14: 14.11-14.22

Module 7

Module 7

Module 7

MODULE 8 Backend

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