The Fruit of Islam and The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews-2

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A For Your Toolbox Special Study Resource

The Fruit of Islam and The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews
(This report is designed as a study aid and ministry tool)

F.O.I. Sole Purpose:

The Sole purpose of the FOI is to deliver the now 30 to 40 million dead to the Lamb of God, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad through His servant the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

The Jesus Connection:

The Lamb of God is a reference to the Jesus of scripture. There was a historical Jesus and there are prophetic Jesus The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said in The Theology of Time lecture series He didnt make him a big sheep; He said a little Lamb. So Im very little. I dont know how much is Lamb about me, but I know Im little. It is up to you to listen, and as you listen, read and remember. June 4, 1972 My size is very small, thats why they symbolically prophesied of me as being a little Lamb instead of a grownup Lamb. June 18,1972 I am most certainly that little fellow whos called a Lamb in the Bible October 15, 1972 What you read of Jesus in the Bibles prophesy is myself August 20,1972 1

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As the Bible teach you of me, and you thought it was the Jesus of 2,000 years ago, but its Elijah." HEM Theology of Time July 9, 1972 I am as it is written, the Right Hand of God September 10, 1972 The coming of God under the name Jesus is also prophesied as being after the workings of Satan. His work will be among other things to reveal the man of sin and son of perdition. 3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, The New Catholic Dictionary defines sin as: A voluntary transgression of the law of God. It is a transgression (Latin: trans, beyond; gradi, to go) because it is an act whereby we go beyond the limits imposed on freedom. It is a voluntary transgression because it is committed knowingly and willingly. The law of God, which sin contravenes, comprises not only the natural and the Divine positive law, but also the just precepts of all legitimately constituted authority. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said in Our Saviour Has Arrived in the chapter entitled The Knowledge of God Himself (Saviours' Day, February 26, 1969) Theyre so glad that the day has come now that they can show you now that the Black man is God!" If the Black man is God and Satan is the opponent of God then we need only find the opponent of the Black man to find Satan. The question is who has done the most evil and wickedness to the Black man (God). It has been Yacubs grafted devil, the skunk of the planet earth. ; also known as the slave-masters children, the enemy. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Musa was sent to teach the devils some of the forgotten Tricknollegy. Mossa came two thousand years later and taught him how to live a respectful life, how to build a home for himself and some of the Tricknollegy that Yacub taught him, which was devilishment - telling lies, stealing and how to master the original man.(Lost-Found Muslim Lesson No.1 Question 4) Only some accepted the forgotten Tricknollegy and became Musas top students or followers. These are known as the Jews. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote: The birth and death of Jesus meant the end of the rule and independence of the Jews who rejected him as being a prophet of Allah (God), which serves a s sign of what we may expect in the days of the Last One whom Musa and Isa (Moses and Jesus) these two prophets prophesied would come in these last days or who would be present with Allah (God) in person. HEM Pittsburgh Courier 8-3-1957 Based on the above, we should understand that if the Nation of Islams leadership, which involves Master Fard Muhammad, Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, fulfill the prophecies concerning the coming of God and the triumphant works of Jesus, then we should expect a conflict with the Synagogue of Satan 2

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The Meaning of FOI:

What is the meaning of F.O.I.? The Fruit of Islam. The name given to the military training of the men who belong to Islam in North America. Military training implies tactics. Military training implies maneuvers. Military training implies going behind the lines in enemy territory. Military training implies establishing a beachhead in enemy territory and then proceeding to take control. Military training implies WAR. The 47th chapter of the Quran is called, "Muhammad," and that chapter is also called "War" because when the Muhammad of the Holy Quran comes he makes war on the forces of evil that have ruled and dominated the planet earth for the last 6,000 years. The objective of it is to turn the earth back into the hands of its original ownersSo, brothers, You can see we've got a lot of training to do. And so we organize, and we go after our people in a systematic way: block by block, street by street, house by house. We knock on any door; just like He went, we go. And don't go ugly. Put your best foot forward. And that's why, brothers, when people write about the followers of the Messenger they say they are clean, they are courteous, they are respectful, they are submissive, but underneath all of that they see that this is a dangerous body if ignited in that way. So this is going to be a balanced training. The Meaning of F.O.I. by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Economic Potential of Door to Door

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan shared with the F.O.I. the Exodus Program of door to door sales as a pathway to economic independence. This programs emphasis was the establishment of individual customer lists to be developed by each brother. The customers on the lists would begin by becoming customers for The Final Call newspaper and eventually become customers of products, goods and services from the Nation of Islam. These lists also were to be the sphere of righteous influence for the members of the F.O.I. class and as such make each brother a minister serving a flock or block of the 30 to 40 million masses of our mentally dead people. We now revisit Minister Farrakhans program in light of the history of Jewish economic strength in the antebellum south. Please consider the Exodus program offered by the Minister as you read the following excerpts from Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 2. Before the widespread establishment of permanent brick-and-mortar stores, a sizable portion of retailing in America was performed by a legion of traveling salesmen pushing their wares. Early on, New England-based Yankee peddlers dominated the occupation, but in the competition for Southern trade the New Englander proved no match for the Jewish immigrants arriving in overwhelming numbers. The well-stocked and experienced Jewish peddlers soon eclipsed the Yankees in numbers and scope 3

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of operations, hastening their declineUpon arrival in America these Jewish newcomers made immediate connections with the Jewish manufacturers and wholesalers already established in the big Northern cities, connections that furnished them with employment, training, open lines of credit, territories to work in, and a supply of merchandise. The peddlers set out on foot with 100-pound backpacks{this is analogous to 100 Final Call Newspapers}, or with their mule teams and covered wagons, navigating the riverbanks, mountainsides, and forest trails, selling goods at mining and logging camps, river towns, and isolated farmhouses and plantations. They quickly imbibed the peculiar folkways and the distinctive cultural and racial characteristics of the American Southlands while they carefully surveyed the commercial needs and wants of the diverse peoples of the region. They developed regular routes and were welcomed and appreciated by the Gentiles they served for the muchneeded goods and services they brought. Some routes charted out by Jewish peddlers became so well-established and profitable that the routes themselves could be bought and sold{this is analogous to Final Call Customer Lists that come from Door to Door}. To the plantation South a visit from the Jew peddler was a much anticipated event. These peddlers brought a wide array of new and unique manufactured household goods, and, more important, they brought the desperately needed capital investment to an entirely underdeveloped agricultural economy in the form of credit, loans, and a willingness to barter when cash was scarceNo sooner had Hayim Isaac Reznitzky stepped off the boat than his Jewish brethren in trade gave him a load of merchandise on credit, directed him to the county of Bertie, North Carolina, and authorized him to mark up his merchandise by a spectacular 400 percent. The rewards of this livelihood far outweighed the risks. One peddler figured it this way: He would extend credit to anyone he thought he could trust to pay for the item. If an item was priced at $5, he accepted $1 or $2 as the down payment and collected from the customer a tiny amount on the balance each week until the price was paid. According to his calculations, The peddler usually secured his cost of the item at the first payment, the balance being his profit. By this method, the peddler secured repeated opportunities to sell new products under the guise of collection visits, keeping these profitable relationships for years. Jewish immigrants enjoyed exclusivity in the field and took full advantage of their monopoly status below the MasonDixon line. A penniless immigrant couldand often didobtain immeasurable wealth in less than a generation on American soilOnce immigrant Jews securely established their New World businesses, they replicated the process by supplying the endless stream of Jewish newcomers starting out in the peddling trade. Ultimately, Jews were able to extend the reach of their family trading networks deep into the American wilderness, giving them a distinct advantage over all other competitors. As Dr. Henry L. Feingold put it, the early development of an intragroup system of credit, based on family ties, fraternal or social clubs, or even religious congregationswas a crucial factor, which more than anything else may account for the inordinate success of the immigrant generation in business. Additionally, and just as important, Jewish peddlers/merchants became the outposts through which the products of Black slave laborsugar, molasses, corn, rice, and especially cottonwere exported out of the region, using the same Jewish network pipelines to profitably and efficiently market these products.{Another observation of the above gives rise to the question: If the Jewish Peddler was a familiar presence in the South and Blacks in Detroit had migrated from the South, was Master Fard Muhammad disguising himself as a Jewish peddler in his door to door ministry in Black Bottom Detroit in 1930? The traveling Jewish salesman would have been familiar to Southern born Blacks now living in Detroit and, coming in a like manner, Master Fard 4

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Muhammad would be assured that His fish would bite a familiar bait. Perhaps the Jewish peddlers of the South were observed during his 20 year visitation and study of America prior to beginning His ministry in Detroit in July 1930}

The ADLs sabotage of the Fruit Of Islam

The Anti-Defamation League has an active modern record of acting to thwart the progress and success of the Nation of Islam and the Fruit of Islam specifically. Since history is best qualified to reward our research, consider the following history excerpted from the book The Ugly Truth About The ADL by the Executive Intelligence Review Peddling Slavery Still Today Fast forward to 1992. In the nation's capital, where B'nai B'rith lawyer Simon Wolf conspired on behalf of the southern slave trade, the streets in many parts of town are dominated now by drug traffickers whose deadly poison has inflicted both a subculture of addiction and violence and a spread of the AIDS virus among the predominantly black population. Community-based efforts, led by the Nation of Islam, have begun to roll back that new subculture of slavery and despair, restoring safety and dignity to some of the most desperately poor neighborhoods in the United States. True to its history, the B'nai B'rith ADL intercedes to turn back the clock to the days of slavery. First, the ADL set off a massive wave of anger and resentment in the African-American community when, in June 1992, it published The Anti-Semitism of Black Demagogues and Extremists. The widely circulated ADL report is a frontal attack on the Nation of Islam (NOI) and its leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan. It openly threatens retribution against any elected officials or political activists who "associate with or publicly commend the NOI." In July 1992, a major uproar developed in Washington, D.C. when the ADL was caught red-handed in an ugly attempt to shut down any government contact with what has been the only effective effort to clean up drug and crime-infested areas in the nation's capital: the NOI's now-famous "Dopebusters." When Washington, D.C. Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly issued an official proclamation honoring Nation of Islam minister Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad for his leadership in the Dopebusters campaign, and for his groundbreaking work in treating AIDS patients with Immuviron, an African-developed anti-AIDS drug, the ADL went crazy. Kelly was repeatedly hit with ADL-organized delegations demanding" that the proclamation be rescinded lest she, too, be identified as an anti-Semite. When she refused, the ADL engaged in a national barrage of media attacks against the Nation of Islam. The attacks culminated in an article run in the Washington Times coauthored by ADL National Director Abe Foxman and Fact Finding Director Mira Larisky Boland. Ultimately, Kelly succumbed to ADL demands and issued an "Open Letter to the Community" in which she continued to praise Dr. Muhammad's work against drugs, violence, and AIDS, but condemned alleged "anti-Semitic statements attributed to him by the ADL. But what was really at the heart of the Washington Times article, which was otherwise a potpourri of outrageous and unsubstantiated charges against the Nation of Islam; was a demand that Congress defeat the major appropriations bill for the Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), over the question of whether HUD rules should permit a HUD contractor to hire the Dopebusters to provide security for a federally subsidized housing project in Los Angeles. The ADL was particularly upset about the national 5

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attention the successful Dopebusters drug eradication program was getting. The Dopebusters were founded in Washington, D.C. in 1988. Since then, unarmed Dopebuster patrols have been able to eradicate drug trafficking at the street level in nine Washington ghetto neighborhoods and private housing projects. They have done so with no deaths and very little violence. Exemplary of the success of the program is the Mayfair Mansions housing complex in Northeast Washington. Mayfair Mansions went from an ugly, unsafe, open-air drug market in 1988, to being a handsomely restored, safe, vibrant community, as a result of Dopebuster patrols. When HUD Secretary Jack Kemp visited Mayfair Mansions earlier this year, he admitted that the Nation of Islam's Dopebusters deserved the credit, and indicated that he was open to granting the patrols federal government contracts. Tenants in public and private housing projects from New York to Baltimore to Los Angeles are demanding Dopebuster patrols. In most cases, the idea has the support of local police and government agencies who have failed to find any other effective way to curtail the intensifying pattern of drug trafficking and violence. In almost every case, the ADL has attempted to block the tenants' choice of security force. Tenant leaders who refuse to back down have been subjected, to threats, harassment, break-ins and other forms of intimidation This time, however, the ADL may have committed a fatal error in launching such an open and vicious attack on the Nation of Islam. Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad is not only a leader of the NOI, he is one of the most respected community leaders in the Washington area, and his pioneering work against AIDS is gaining him international recognition. The black and Hispanic communities in the U.S. are disproportionately infected by the deadly virus, but have had almost no access to the accepted treatment, which consists of the prohibitively expensive (and highly toxic) AZT, DDI, or DDC. Dr. Muhammad and New York City physician Dr. Barbara Justice, have reported dramatic success in treating more than 600 patients who are HIV-positive with Immuviron, the drug they brought back from Kenya. The pair is also credited with bringing vital information concerning this new treatment modality to both the general public and the medical profession, taking the point in a courageous effort to avert what would otherwise be the worst holocaust to hit the human race. Similarly, the ADL's charges against the Dopebusters carry little credibility, and leave the ADL completely exposed as nothing more than a protection racket for the drug cartel. The Dopebusters enjoy the intense support of the communities they serve and have an unprecedented record of success. Wherever they go, the Dopebusters convey an unmistakable message of hope and inspiration to the community, that the war on drugs can be won. Interviews with the residents of the communities served by the Dopebusters make clear that they believe that it is that message, and nothing else, that has made the Nation of Islam and the Dopebusters a target of ADL attack. In a community where the twin plagues of drug addiction and AIDS are the most visible vestiges of slavery, the ADL has shown that despite the passage of time, its true loyalties lie with the slave meters.{Based on the above, the question arises: Where would the NOI be economically without our good works being thwarted by the false claim of antisemitism levied by the ADL?}

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Master Fard Muhammad and the 19th President:

A Stunning Historical Coincidence by Alan Muhammad
Early in the year 1877, the government of the United States was grappling with the hotly contested presidential election of November 1876, between Republican Rutherford B. Hayes and Democrat Samuel J. Tilden. Votes were being contested around charges of voting fraud and intimidation and the Congress was thrown into disruption as threats and vitriol filled their chambers. Democrats began a filibuster and threatened national disorder and even civil war. After many days of near chaos, a group of politicians from among both parties secretly gathered at the Wormley Hotel in Washington to attempt to resolve the issue and save the union from potential disaster. A deal was struck in that smoky hotel room which would affect the history of Black people in America as no other event before or since. The Compromise of 1877, as historians call it, was the deal in which white people North and South agreed that Blacks would be returned to virtual slavery, devoid of civil rights, assigned to permanent inferiority. If Republican Hayes were allowed to become the 19th president, the agreement stated, he would remove the federal troops in the South that were protecting the rights of Blacks against the violent ex-Confederates and Ku Klux Klan. The vanquished Southern slave-owner class would be free to return to power and enforce the old slave law free of federal control. This so-called Compromise of 1877 was the most significant event in our history, it seems to me, in that it brought all whites together in the solemn cause of American white supremacy. No other event not the Civil War, and not the Emancipation Proclamation so specifically and directly affected the future status of the Black race as a whole. Jim Crow laws took immediate effect; lynchings, mass murders, and pogroms escalated; Black property was stolen; and whites moved Blacks out of employment in trades and industry. But what is most significant is that that back-room deal in the Wormley Hotel occurred on 26 February 1877 the birth date of our Lord and Saviour Master Fard Muhammad.

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Further, it was a Jew and meeting participant, Louisiana congressman William M. Levy, who carried the message to the Congress and assured the Southern racists that their interests had been secured. His entire speech to Congress is firmly inlaid in the Congressional Record (March1, 1877) and is considered by historians to be the most significant of the speeches in the whole lengthy debate. In it, he assures the North that the white people of Louisiana will be fair and just to the colored race, and that the rumors of the egregious racist violence were simply slander the whitest of all white lies. Also, as the filibuster ended some Southern politicians held out to the end, as they did not trust the Hayes camp to follow through on their promises. A Kentucky senator, in a strangely appropriate way, cast the moment of their perceived defeat in a divine light: Mr. Speaker, the end has come. Today is Friday. Upon that day the Saviour of the world suffered crucifixion between two thieves. On this Friday constitutional government, justice, honesty, fair dealing, manhood, and decency suffer crucifixion amid a number of thieves.? Arguably, these two events, happening on the very same day the final straw, so to speak, for the white man to do right by the ex-slave, and the birth of the Blackmans Lord and Saviour are the most significant events in American history.

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