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‘ paper ‘A Double integration wntegrel of © function white ™ called 8 mbltipte intepret ty gh? on thes chapter, we whall Bani @ thet Py er Ot 8 tinction of two weriatiins, We pal one vate while hose tt can be integrated sith to nakding the ¢ ‘ est process double integration ribet variable constant a R be a region in the coordinate plane, Then tet f(x +¥) a function that is defined and continuous in RL. Divide R into “ of areas OA,, AA... AA, If (x;, y;) is any point to OA, then f(x;, y;) is the value of the function at that tt Form the fam is, 91) As + flx,,9,) BA, tet Hx ps ¥y) OAy a1) insigma notation, we write the sum (1) as n : DL tx. y) Aaj (2) tet ¢ limit of the sum (2) as n increases indefinitely is called the double integral of (x, y) over the region R and is denoted by the symbol ff f(x, y)dA (3) ‘The symbolic definition of the double integral can now be written 8 ; a f f f(x y)dA slim Yi flxy oA, (4) ee R n+ je] 411 Scanned with CamScanner 1 pifferential and Integral Cate aleuty 412 5 1 ct dl 1 (recall Chapter 12) | Just as the definite inteere ¢ | can be interpreted as an area, so the double integral f f f(x, y)4A R “ . onsider the region R. on the eted as a volume. C a = £(x,Y) represent a surface xy plane (Fig. 14.1) and let z Pe nie iste oe i f a so! this region. Let V be the volume 0 4 s above by the su pelow by the region R, ‘7, i div: rectangular subregions of are ra 7 |, Ap. The ith subregion of area AA; is shows } Note that the product BAAj or 1%, Yi) aa, represents the volume of a parallellepiped having a base Ag and an altitude 2j = f(x}, yj). Hence, the sum (2) above represen, ie lume of n parallelepipeds. This sum approx S. It is, therefore, natural 5 the sum of the vol mates the volume V of the solid ther f the solid S as the limit of the sum (2) define the volume V 0! as n tends to infinity. That is, n velim > f(x, y)44j n+°7/=1 can be interpr' ide R into (5) or by definition (4) above, we have v= t f f(x, yd “oR, (6) sue KS Ce FIG) 14,1 Scanned with CamScanner i a patestat jon | ca 419 gree tterated Integral yh v> shall now Gevelop a > gince the double ing ae for evaluating double “ solid, then aa Inethog We shall cue 88 the volume pe of the solid will be the method f ve for computing the es ‘OT evaluating the double sider the region R j consider in the xy. ‘ curves Y= 6, (8) and y = Sar Oe 142) bounded by e 'p where 2 < b and the functions epchwi lines x = aand 3 he interval [a, b]. Also let 2 = £ $3 are continuous 5 Xs Y) be continuous and z a | t FIG. 14.2 nonnegative in R. Draw a plane section paral'e! to the yz-plane ad passing through the cylindrical column standing on R. Then by the method used in Sec. 12.7 of Chapter 12, the volume V of the solid is given by b : v= ih A(x)ax @ Where x is any number in [a, b]. Because the volume of a solid Salso determined by the double integral (see equation (6) in the Meceding section), then we have the relation Scanned with CamScanner Differential and Integral Caley Ns 414 fy % SR Lat D: i f J ass [ Aceax % BR. +S ‘ "eof the area of @ plane region, then we Since, A(x) is # measure Oa it ar he height men a ne. Hence, find it by integratio a function of y alone. A(x) becomes 2 (X) A ef tx,9)8¥ a i “O1(3) (3) Substituting (3) in (2), we get bo (*) f(x, yA = ff f(x, yaya 4 E(14.1) ff fC y)a. Pye i : ' «de of B(141) is called an interateq The integral on the right side 0! i integral the fact that it is an integral of an integral. The the iterated integral is the value of the double integral. pression 2 (x) f(x, y)dy dx 1 (&) in E(14.1) indicates integration of £(x, y) with respect to x is kept constant. The result of this first integration isa ft of x which is then integrated with respect to x. Now. consider a region R that is bounded by the x= A, (y), x = Ay (y) and the lines y =, y= 4 ( Let z = f(x, y) bea surface above R. If we take a plane parallel to the xz-plane and then follow the same argun above, we shall have the relation \ 5(14.2) flies : ‘ R . Scanned with CamScanner Ps a ntegration is % 415 . the expression Axdy ina: es irst i kay ji ' (gota the first integration. indicates that y is regarded att (0 304 1. Evaluate Sf pe 1), > voayax tion: This takes the 4, ' solu integration of x2 ‘orm E(14.1) which indicates x is kept constant, Ti, with respect to y while NUS, Ets 2 oe H 2|* ff (« = vldjax =f fev 3] * Teel 1 i “fille -s)-(@-4)] fe - 8 )ax Y -[»- 3] = 11 EXAMPLE 2. Evaluate a x? + y* )dxdy , j J é ; ivy. is i 4.2). Hence y is kept ion: This is of the. form EL i : ea constant during the first integration. Thus 2 ae 2 3 y ae x 21 dy [fe sven LEE el l/Jy F Arye a (d+ *) ay =f [(G+¥)- ara 1 Scanned with CamScanner Differential and Integral Ca), ‘Ulu 416 Find the volume of the solid in the first octa = 6 and the coordinate EXAMPLE 3. bounded by x + 2y + 32 planes. Solve in two ways. e section parallel to the yz — plane ist Solution: Take a plan xt 2y+ 3z = 6, we get 7 — (Fig. 14.3). From tts, 9) = 4 (6 — x — 29) Also we note that a= 0, b= 6,1 (x) = and go (x)= 46-2) Then by E(14.1), . 6 pr t6-%) v= f J 1 @—x—2y)dyax ° ovo 3 46-0) if’ 2 =z] |6y-x7-¥ : dx 0 0 ’ FIG, 14.3 2nd Solution: ane a plane section parallel to the x2 os (Fig. 14.4). Then a = 0, b = 3, \1 (y)= 0, (vy) = 6—2y, By E(14.2), Scanned with CamScanner ntial and Integral Caley hig piffere} 418 ; 6. f f, Xin(xy dx dY ah 1 py? _dxdy__ «J, #=* 1 ; f f xVaay dvds 1 x 1 9 f ' f x? sin(xy)dydx le) oe ; | ids by double integration: | Bla Find the volume of the following soli id in the first octant bounded by ox + 8y + 42 = 19 a ait ate planes. (Check the answer by using the and the coordin: formula for the volume of a pyramid. ) ) ctant bounded by the cylinder x? = 4-2 . The solid in the first 0 uy in 0 and 4x + 3y.= 12. and the planes x = 0, y= 0,2= The solid bounded by the planes x t y+ z= 9, 2x = By, 12. é y= 0, x = 3and above x = 0. The solid above z = 0 and bounded by the plane x + 2=4 13. and the cylinder y” = 4x. 44, The solid in the firsi octant bounded by the cylinder x+y? = 9 and the plane x + y= 15. The solid above z = 0 and bounded by the plane x + z= 2 and the cylinder x? + y? = 4. 16, The.solid bounded by the cylinders y = x? and g=4-y. 17. The solid der y? = oe ded by the planes z = 0, z= x and the cylin Scanned with CamScanner r a gntegration un yszane a s ea between two curv The Sto. Consider agin Fg ae een ve in! = 1, the volume under the surface z = f(x, . i 0 the area A of the region R in the x al 'd by dou- Dat if we let »¥) is numerically -y-plane. Then, E(14.1) be ces to bg: E(14.3) A= f f are - a! oy(%) syewises when f(x, y) = 1, E(14.2) reduces to ui do B44) aS f J hy : £2 es z us. WE have two formulas which express the measure of the Rs mat aregion as a double integral. - SAMPLE: Find the area bounded by y = 3x and y = x? by E double integration. 1st Solution: The region is shown in Fig. 14.5 and a vertical element is taken. Hence we shall use E(14.3) with a = 0, b = 3, $,(x) = x’, and $2(x) = 8x. ind dee Ok i ffi J 3x Sy ax -{ 43 dx o Lx? 3 -f [ox] as a y Scanned with CamScanner * pifferential and Integral Gy), Us, 420 wv ae = wl \ ool, os wn: If we take a horizontal element (Fig. 14.6), then we use E(14.4). Thus 9 yz ‘ fue : " oY yB 1 2nd Solutio ¥=3x 9 (2 4-5 0 ae. Bed FIG. 14.6 If the bounding curves of a region R are in polar coordi- nates, the area A of R may also be calculated by double integra- tion. In section 12.3 of Chapter 12, we found that the area boun- ded by r= f, (6), r= f, (0), @ = B and @ = «a is given by the formula A= (@-x ae 4 2 1 (1) Qa Scanned with CamScanner * we jntegtation yu ‘ 421 fe now that i: if 2rdr = y2 ~. 2 Y 2 (2) ating (2) in (1 a qpstituting ( ) in (1) and simplifying, we obtain ‘ Bar. g(14.5) a-ff tae. eff 10) 2 nd ay pie 44.7, we see that dA = rdra¢ %, EXAMPLE: Find the area of the region enclosed by the lem- niscate r? = 4sin2¢. Solution: In Fig. 14.8, we see that « = 0, p=fr, = 0 and r, = V4sin26. By (14.5) and because of symmetry, we have Jasindt a 2 anal ff rdrd@ oJo0 Scanned with CamScanner - Differential and Integral ¢ ~ “tte a 422 4 My is =2 f Qsin2ed0 ° it =2 [? costo] ‘ 0 w > FIG. 14.8 : EXERCISE 14.2 Use double integration to find the area bounded by the sive curves (problems 1 to 14). 1 y=x , y =x (first quadrant) ; Q9 y=x2,xty=6. 3. y=x,y=2x ,y=6—-x 4, ysx-1l,y=xt1 5. xi = 16-r4y , Sx dy=12 6. x=y?—2y , x= 2y 7. yo=4x , y=2x—4 8 y=xt9, y=9--3x 9. r= 4cosé 10. 1? = 2sin34- (one loop only) 11. r= 4(1 + sin#) 12. r=a(1 + cos#) Scanned with CamScanner a integration 423 36 72 con Be 46cos20 4. i. i snd the area that is inside the Gr 1S pe circle t= 2 cle r = 4cos#- and outside aq the area that is inside the cardicia « — 16. ede the circle r = 1," cardioid + = 1+ cos@ and . ind the area that is common to th e circle r = 4si ” the Jemniscate x? = 8 cos2#, ircle r = 4sin@ and : Find oe area a a common to the cardioid r = 2(1 —cos#) " and the ¢ = Ss : Find the ee that is bounded above by the circle r = 4 and e below by'the line rsin@ = 2. Find the area that is inside the circle r = 10cos# and to the a right of the line r= 2sec@. ; 444 Volume of a Solid of Revolution ume of a solid of revolution can also be computed by eo uanok Tf the area of the region R tomer abs (x) and y =. $2(x). is revolved about the x-axis (Fig. 14.9), the volume of the solid. generated based on our discussion in’. section 12.3 (Chapter 12) is given by the formula ae Ven \ (y? ~ vax a But we know that 12 . f 2ydy = yy’, r 7: 1 : Scanned with CamScanner ential and Integral Caley) Ny piffer 424 ating (2) 18 (1), ¥8 eet substituting ( By a (0) ate fre aaef fm (14-6) Jody 1 y FIG. 14.9 Note that the product dyax in’ B(14.6) is the area dA of a rectangular element in Band y is the distance of this element of area from the axis of revolution (Fig. 14.10). Similarly, if the a-of R is revolved about the y-axis, the volume of the solid generated (Fig. 14.11) is given by the double integral : d 7*2 -. pd p20) gat) V=2" J f sdxdy = anf i xdxdy : ce xy ct 1”) : mess : ie | yo (%) ii ey . ¥20, (0) ars xea) ‘Ls. i FIG. 14. 10 4 fee: | FIG, 14.11 Scanned with CamScanner — eee cod tote i. Benerateg 1, Mtegratio, n area boundeq by 9 2olving abou ene of the deta . - a : ra golution: In Fig, 144 midye ge $2 fx) = dy, We , 2 {x) 4x ~ ya -By Bet that 4 (x) 8), ea) Sapibyag? oe FIG. 14.12 gain i ved i i in Fig. 14.7. If R is revol abo the pole ey ahs spnerated and its volume is given ut the polar axis, 2 So” by the double integral Scanned with CamScanner 426 (14. B 8) V= ax[ J lox Differential and Integra) Ca Cul £,(8) r £,(6) sin@drdt Formula (14.8) may be obtained by replacing y and dyads ; E(14.6) by rsin@ and rdrd@ respectively. The limits of jn A ration are, likewise, replaced by their corresponding valet If the cegion is revolved about the normal axis, the volume of the solid generated is given by 8 E049) -V= ax { J o-'f,(9) Find by double integration the volume of the EXAMPLE: solid generated by revolving about. the polar axis £,(8) Peosdred the upper half of the circle r = 6cos@. Solution: In Fig. 14.18, we see that a = 6, B= = 1 = £,(6) = 0, = £,(8) = cos. Hence'by v= Ha4s b 4. -6c0s8 ° Qn J st Ele. we [Bo 0 de = 144 f cos? Osino-dé ° 14dn [- cos 4 36n | +e 2 2 rsin-Odrd@ [eee 6cosé Se | FIG. 14.13 x Scanned with CamScanner cen ateme aaieiaaidilidtaas qvegration - ts PXERCISE 14,3 ouble integration the a i jn the specified area about the hee solid deed o ( =x ‘ ee ve : 2 ROL=2 y= 9; about the y-axis ea pounded by y" = 4x, 2x—y. 4; about the y-axis : yee pounded by x? = 9 — ¥, x? =-y: about the x-axis ase pounded by y = x’, ¥ = 2x + 3; about the x-axis Fist quadrant area bounded by y? = x, x = 2 and y= 0; 5, about X= 2 i pounded by x? + y =9%x= ay = 8; about x = 3 1, Uppet half of the area bounded by r = 1 + cos@, about the * polar axis 4. rea bounded by x = sing and @ = F; about the mnmal ae . i ah. 9, First quadrant area bounded by r = 2asin® and @ =43 about ¢ = t : op 10, Upper half of the area bounded ‘by = 3+ cos@ andr = 4; about.6 = 0 ' angular coordi- 13.4 that the rec see Tt was discussed 1 ae jane are can be deter ) nea defined by B(18.10) tat 145 Centroid of a Plane Area M, sou gant eet OA Scanned with CamScanner Differential and Integral 498 eral Caloulys M.=|* dA is the moment of area with wee f e pect to the y-axis. Tes, M=/Y dA is the moment of area with rl if e pect to the x-axis. Tes, Recall also that %, and y, are the centroidal coordinates of the element of area. ‘Phe centroid of a plane area may also be com. puted by double integration. That is, compute M,, My and A by use of double integrals. ue FIG. 14.14 14.14 where a typical element sen. If dx and dy are small, = xand y,= y.Now My in terms of a double integral Consider the region R in Fig. of area (dA = dydx = dxdy) is ch then dA is almost a point. Hence, we have Xp we may define the first moment as follows (14.10) My -{f xdydx Likewise, M, may be defined as B(Q411) 9 My= f if yaydx Note that in double integration, x, and y, can be expressed more directly. In single integration, x, and y, depend on whether the element chosen is parallel or perpendicufar to the axis about which the moment is taken. Scanned with CamScanner sje integration yu 429 ¢ the order of integra; tion j ‘| jana reversed, we have |" the equation B(4.10) and ot pa4t2) My= Sf xdxdy p0413) 9 My= if i verdy jf the equations of the boun, , then we have the following ees ate in polar coordi pate’ a 3 514-14) My “ii P cosOdrdg. p45) My= f f * sin@drdg. E: Find by double integration the centroid of the pxaM ED area bounded by y? = x and x? = By, Solution: Refer to Fig. 14.15, By E(14.8), the-area of the : region bounded by the given curves is By E(14.10), 1 4px? = j xdydx my= JJ 3 Scanned with CamScanner FIG. 14.15 Scanned with CamScanner we Integration 431 qnerefore, the centroid ig ad, 9 ) * Ty) - js left to the student to : roblem above can als x i that the centroig of th ‘om @ area ine P - rs y(1418) by using B(14.19) EXERCISE 144 double integration the centro; es curves. enltoid ofthe area bounded by qe ; sy xty= 6,x= 0 (first quadrant) g, oxt gy = 18,x=0,y=0 ‘= yoy = 7x ' | yxe4y—y VHX 6: yes, y= 2x hye 5o-x,x=0,y=0 1 yoxx=hy=0 pyet 2 ae- aya e-8 9. yeoxx-y=2 10. yex?,x=2,9=0 11. upper loop of = sin? & 12, r= 6sin@ ler=2 13. inside r= 4cos®, outsid M4 r= a(1 + cos#) / i Scanned with CamScanner~~ Differential and Integra) Cay 432 CUlyy 14.6 Moment of Inertia of a Plane Area i t of inertia with respect In Fig. 14.14, the momen' n ec é x-axis of the element of area is, according to the definition te in Section 13.6, equal to y? dydx Likewise, its moment of inertia with respect to the y-axis is ahve by x? dydx conclude that the moment of inertia of the toty ce, we ma} Nae ae espect to the x-axis is given by area in Fig. 14.14 with r . Ss E(14.16) aga f foresee The moment of inertia with respect to the y-axis is defined simi. larly. That is : E(14.17) y= ff x? dydx The moment of inertia of the area A about a line perpen- dicular to the xy-plane and passing through the origin is called the polar moment of inertia of the area with respect to the origin, It is denoted by 1, and defined by the relation E(14.18) h=kth If we substitute the expressions for I, and y from E(14.16) and E(14.17) respectively into E(14.18), we get E(14.19) ly |] (x? + y? dyad E(14.19) is a formula which we can use to find I, directly. That is, we do not have to compute for I. and 1. i in order to find Ty, Spl Independen ly 70 Scanned with CamScanner 7 jntegravion Q 433 order of integration ig on he ° tation of certain proty metimes Teverse : puta’ lems. Th dl to facilitate vf (1439) Become en (14.16), 50417) (14.20) k=(Cy Y dxdy BU421) ys f eany eae tom [fee + andy ly. If the bounding curves are in a in polar coordinates, the oe ats a aed Ty Ty, and I, are defined by the following Je in gon E(14.23) i={[Psit eace (14.24) y= f J A cet parte (14.25) Ig= ff i Pade gXAMPLE: Find I,, ly and I, of the area bounded by y = 2x. x = 2and y= 0. (See Fig. 14.16) Solution: By E(14.16), : 2 dx aude = y ay! wo fSe : 14.16 32 FIG. Scanned with CamScanner x Differential and Integra) ale 434 whe * py B(14.17), 2 2x y= ff x? dydx oo. 2 2x fel 0 0 2 . { = [ ee o = 8 7 j or by B(14.19), By 5(14.18) r as 2 L= (x? + y? )dydx p= kt ly: 2 Jodo oy oy ; i we ax. <4 Bis Ee (es Lanes “2, 3 8x3 56 =] [2x HS dx, => lo 208 3 Alternative solution: I,, I, and Ih ‘may also be found by — reversing the order of integration. The student may show the details of the computation. (See Fig. 14.17). By E(14.20), : | 472 ee : k =f f y? dxdy | ov y/2 = 82 : 2 ‘ : Scanned with CamScanner y 435 ye2x . FIG 14.17 EXERCISE 14.5 ind Ly 5 and I, of the area bounded by the given curves. Find “x? 4 x=¥> 9, yo 2VEE= Y= 0 3, y=sing, =F Y= 0 x= 12-3y,y=0 4 xy= 4, oxty=6 5, y= 4x, x = 4y 6. Find Ig of one loop ofr? = cos2¢. 1. Find Ip of the area pounded by r= 1+ cos@. h -10-00=% 8 Find Iy of the area bounded by reos® = 1, # 5 9. Find Iy of the area pounded by x= 2siné- = 6. 10, Find Ip ofthe area bounded by r= acos2 Scanned with CamScanner

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