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для 1-4 класів
(part 2)

©by Alla Yarova 1

u - [u:]

blue Bruce true June

clue crude prune rude

glue prude drume rule

The crude little boy has blue toothbrush.

He always uses it to brush his teeth.

The boy uses it twice a day.

After that he likes eating a prune.

As a rule his grandma taught him how

to brush his teeth well.

The boy wants to have clean teeth.

©by Alla Yarova 2
y - [ i: ]

Lynn lynx system lorry

symbol lyrical gym stuffy

crystal myth gypsum daily

synonym city navy baby

This is my beautiful toy lynx.

It is big and nice.

It likes to play in the gym.

And it likes to walk in the city.

My lynx drives the lorry.

I love my orange lynx.

We love to play together every day.

©by Alla Yarova 3
y - [ai]

type dye style my

tye why spy shy

fry sky fly Clyde

cry try rye sly

Yesterday, it was my birthday.

My father bought me the new kite.

This kite was brown and red.

It was flying in the blue sky.

Suddenly I lost it.

- Why? Why?

I run and cried. It was not in the sky...

My father promised me to buy the new

©by Alla Yarova kite. 4

yard yellow yes yet

play grey say may

York yesterday day lay

you your away always

lawyer boy pay young

I love my dog.

It is very kind. It is Yorkshire Terrier.

It is grey, black and brown.

Its name is York. My York is young.

And it plays on the yard every day.

Yesterday my Yorkshire Terrier has

scratched the legs of our kitchen table.☺

©by Alla Yarova

But I love my dog very much. 5
ck - [ k ]

chaos character chasm chemical

chemist chlorine choir choral

chord chorus Christ christen

Christmas chronic chromium chemistry

echo anchor scheme ache

architect orchestra mechanic stomach

My little brother is 5 years old.

He is called Nick. He likes to make a chaos.

He has a bad character.

Our mum takes him to choir.

Nick’s favorite holiday is Christmas.

My brother wants to be an architect.

©by Alla Yarova I love Nick very much. 6

w - [w]

week waste wee welt

will witch win wish

web wave wife wide

swim sweet sweep swift

twin twill twice dwell

Five cows lived in a little forest.

Twice a week they walked in the park.

They wished eating fresh grass.

They didn’t like spiders and swept their

web away.

Five cows couldn’t swim but they liked to

play in the water.

©by Alla Yarova

They were very nice and kind. 7
-old [ould], -olt [oult]

old cold hold fold

bold gold sold told

colt bolt molt volt

A little ant lived in a rocky green area.

He was gold. He was small but bold.

He has father. His father was old.

A little ant helped his father.

He sold pebbles and bought grain.

He felt hot but he worked.

He felt cold but he worked too.

A little ant loved his old father very much

and he loved to help him.
©by Alla Yarova 8
- all [o:l] - ald [o:ld]
- alt [o:lt] - als [o:ls]

all ball call stall bald

wall tall mall fall false

hall small salt halt malt

A dog had found a piece of meat and was

carrying it home in his mouth to eat.

He was tall and strong. He had to cross a

running creek. As he crossed, he looked
down in the water and saw his own
shadow in the water. He thought the
shadow was another dog with another
piece of meat. Then he started to hit the
shadow with his mouth, but as it opened
his mouth the piece of meat fell into the

©by Alla Yarova

water. ☺ 9
all [o:] – ell [e]

small – smell ball – bell

wall – well tall – tell

stall – shell fall – fell

hall – hell call – sell

This ball is small.

A pizza smells great.

My bed is near the wall.

My mum cooks well.

My daddy is tall.

He tells a friend that he feels very

tired and weak.

©by Alla Yarova 10
au - [o:]

cause author fault sauce

pause August haunt vault

launch because Laura gauze

gauntlet staunch Paul Claude

It is August. Helen has a goat.

It is a mother goat.

The goat likes to eat the green grass with

the sauce. ☺

The mother goat’s name is Laura.

And the goat has two sons.

Their names are Paul and Claude.

Laura takes care of the baby goats.

©by Alla Yarova 11
oa - [ ou ]

oak boat toast coast

coal load loan throat

goat soap goal coach

coat float road cocoa

It’s a beautiful day.

Two friends like to boat in the river.

They like to sit on the oak and eat toasts.

Two friends like to play with two baby


They like to float together.

Their coach brings cocoa

and gives them.

©by Alla Yarova

They like cocoa very much. 12
ou - [Λ]

young touch trouble couple

Douglas country cousin double

The little fish has beautiful fins.

They are blue and orange.

Teddy likes to touch them.

Teddy is my cousin. He is young and


His surname is Douglas.

He lives in the country.

He likes the little fish.

©by Alla Yarova 13
ie - [i]

Lizzie Addie Cathie Connie

Dickie Eddie Essie Flossie

Jennie Orrie nightie

I have a lot of friends.

There are Lizzie, Addie, Essie, Cathie,

Flossie, Jennie, Dickie, Connie and Orrie.

They are my classmates.

We do our lessons and play together.

Lizzie, Addie, Essie and Cathie like English


Flossie, Jennie and Dickie like Maths


But everyone likes Sport.

©by Alla Yarova 14
ear - [iә]

ear clear dear fear

near year spear hear

lear appear sear smear

tear rear beard shear

Matt has a red car.

His dad bought it this year.

It is clear.

Matt doesn’t fear to drive his favourite


The red car is near the house.

Matt loves it very much.

©by Alla Yarova 15
eer - [ iә]

beer cheer peer engineer

seer sheer leer pioneer

deer sneer steer queer

Jack is a student of the 3-rd class.

He is clever but queer.

His mum is a teacher and his dad is an


Jack wishes to become an engineer too.

He likes Maths lessons and Art lessons.

Jack has a lot of friends.

They play together every day.

©by Alla Yarova 16
-tion [∫n], -sion [∫n], -sion [ ʒ(ə)n]

station motion fiction section

dictation emotion friction mention

notion ambition fraction addition

solution tradition selection revolution

pension mission illusion explosion

My dad loves holidays.

He saves and values traditions.

He likes to spend different holidays in the


I often get a mission to organize a happy

I like to help my daddy very much.

©by Alla Yarova 17

-ild [aild], -ind [aind]

mild child find mind behind

wild blind hind kind remind

I'm always pretty calm and cool,

especially when something breaks.

I’m kind child and my friends usually tell

me that it's my positive quality.

I enjoy solving tricky problems and find

solutions to situations.

I love animals. I love wild places too.

My friends and I often walk in the park.

We often go to the mountains.

It’s very cool and the climate is mild there.

©by Alla Yarova 18
kn - [n]

know knew knock knight

knar knap knead knobble

knee knot knell knuckle

knob knave kneel knife

When Sally was in class 4, she used to ask

a lot of questions.

She wanted to know everything.

She liked to read the fairy tales about


She knew all about knights and knaves

from fairy tales.
©by Alla Yarova 19
ph - [n]

sphinx elephant telephone phrase

phone physics asphalt microphone

alpha alphabet Memphis philosophy

photo dolphin Joseph catastrophe

This is a little boy.

His name is Joseph.

He is six years old.

He can take cool photos.

He always uses his phone to do that.

Joseph likes to take pictures of elephants

and dolphins without using flash.

He is a very clever student.

He likes to study very much.

©by Alla Yarova 20
aw - [o:]

dawn law crawl Lawrence

draw saw paw prawn

hawk taw lawn drawn

bawl haw straw trawl

claw raw fawn spawn

This is a bat. It's a tiny animal. It's small

enough to fit in your hand and weighs as a

little as a sheet of paper.

Its wings are very thin.

It likes to hang upside down.

Lawrence is the little girl.

She loves her bat very much.

©by Alla Yarova 21
ow - [ou]

know blow low window

grow show bow snow

flow crow tow rainbow

slow own yellow willow

The magpie is a large bird in the crow


They often have long tails.

They also walk or hop along the ground.

They are not slow.

Magpies are beautiful birds.

They love the rainbow and snow.

Dan likes to watch for these birds from his

©by Alla Yarova

own window. 22
ea - [e]

ready wealth weather heavy

weapon feather head health

leather sweat breast peasant

bread dead thread dreadful

deaf threat death breakfast

Nick got up at 7 o’clock yesterday.

He made his bed and went to the kitchen.

Nick had breakfast and looked at the


The weather was fine.

The sky was blue.

It was sunny and warm.

And now he was ready to play on the yard.

©by Alla Yarova 23
ia, ie, io, iu, ya - [aiә]

Brian lion violet riot

quiet bias violate client

giant diet viola dialogue

dryad dyad dial diary

It is the little boy. His name is Brian.

He likes to play with his toys.

He has a toy lion. It is big and orange.

His lion can play the violet viola.

The lion is quiet giant.

Brian has an own diary too.

He paints his favourite toy lion there.

©by Alla Yarova 24

ew [ju:]

few skew-eyed view stew

new New York review mewl

dew New Zeland news interview

mew mews thews newspaper

A little mouse lived in the small house in

New York.
Her new friend the cat came from
New Zeland. He was nice.
The cat’s name was Tom.
They ate and watched the news
Also they liked reading newspapers.
Tom liked to mew everywhere.
And now the mouse can mewl too. ☺
©by Alla Yarova 25
ew - [u:]

crew chewing gum slew

flew fitchew screw

chew screwdriver drew

Jew screw-nail jewel

Mike has a nice little fitchew.

It is small and nice.

It is brown and pink.

It likes sweets and chewing gums.

Mike likes to play with his friend very


They can run, jump and climb trees

©by Alla Yarova 26
-ture [t∫ә]

capture feature future literature

mixture sculpture venture temperature

lecture nature culture adventure

vulture picture gesture structure

fracture torture suture agriculture

John lives in a big house. He is a painter.

He likes to paint different pictures.

Today he does not feel good.

He has a high tempetature.

He needs to take a mixture.

John takes the mixture and starts to read

the interesting literature.
©by Alla Yarova 27

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