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* The Strawberry seeds become available after you cabbage seeds.

age seeds. While you can only plant two of them

ship 100 turnips, 100 potatoes, 100 cucumbers and in the same space in one season, they ultimately bring
100 cabbages. in the most profit per day. If you’re starting off and can’t
afford cabbage yet then go with turnips. Cucumber’s
^ During the spring if you have at least 15,000 affection might seem like a good investment in this videogame
with Karen she’ll come by and give you some since they grow back but when you do the math they
Moondrop seeds. After they bloomWon will start selling end up earning you less by the end of the season with
Moondrop seeds. the same amount of space than turnips.

In terms of profit your best investment during the Every day during the spring you can find 3 bamboo
spring in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is to go with shoots and 2 blue grasses in the wild. In your first year
especially you should collect these every day.

* The pumpkin seeds become available after you ship harvests out of them their high selling price is enough
100 onions, 100 tomatos, 100 corn and 100 to make them the best investment in this videogame. If
pineapples. you can’t afford them then your next best bet is to go
with corn.
In terms of making the most profit with your space
during the summer in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Every day during the summer you can find 2 red
you should plant pineapples. Even though they take grasses growing in the wild.
almost all season to grow and you can only get two

Relaxation Tea Leaves After you give them the gifts they’ll invite you to their
tea party. At the end of the tea party they’ll give you
Relaxation Tea Leaves which you can use to make
On any sunny, non-festival day during the spring visit Relaxation Tea. If you submit Relaxation Tea for
the Harvest Sprites between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm. the Cooking Festival in this game you’re pretty much
Give them each a gift they love, Flour is probably the guaranteed to win.
easiest. You have to give them each an item without
leaving their house.
* The spinach seeds become available after you ship too expensive either so you should easily be able to
100 carrots, 100 eggplants, 100 sweet potatoes and plant a lot.
100 green peppers.
Every day during the fall in this videogame you can
On rare ocassions a red coloured Red Magic Flower find 3 apples by the tree on your farm, and in the wild
(they’re usually blue hence the confusion) will grow you can find 2 green grasses, 4 mushrooms, 1
and this can be sold for 200g. poisonous mushroom, 2 wild grapes and 1 truffle.

By far your best investment in the fall of Harvest Moon: Make sure you grab that truffle every day and you’ll get
Back to Nature is to grow sweet potatoes. These aren’t 15,000g by the end of the season.

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