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''Without the karma of good deed, they are only destroying themselves'' this quote was said by

Guru Nanak. And today I would like to share one experience related to this quote. The story
started in my school when I was greenhouse captain meaning I was the imp volunteer ' so let's
come to the main plot so as a volunteer I was on bus duty I had to monitor all the children and
then align and send them in an orderly fashion to into a bus so the day was as normal as it could
be so I was just checking on my assistant captain or vice-captain who was also happened to be on
bus duty. so I was just strolling around the section which was assigned to him for monitoring and
spotted him across the distance and I was moving towards him so as I was getting closer step by
step I could see that my assistant or subordinate was crying and there was some kind of red-
colored substance dripping from his hand. And I was so shocked to see when I reached him a
boy was laying in a pool of blood and beside him was my assistant with blood on his hand was
crying begging for forgiveness.

So after seeing the whole situation I quickly ran and called for help as the sector which he was
monitoring was at the very end of the bus ground so with all my force I called my colleague
captains and immediately went to our supervisor and told the whole situation and then also
helped the school nurse in carrying him towards the medical ward giving him some temporary
aid and then sending him to a hospital along with his mother. After he was sent to the hospital I
was interrogated because as I was the one who reported the incident in the first place then when
explained the whole situation the teacher sent me to investigate and interrogate my assistant
because I was the one close to him.

Then after wrapping my head around all of this calmly asked my assistant .''what the HELL
happened back there '' my assistant said after wiping his tears off '' we fought then I angrily
snatched his bag which was strapped up to his back also causing the boy to slip and fall and then
he hit his head and started bleeding so then I asked why were you two fighting. He said to me
with a naevi face .''Because he took my book and didn't return it the previous day ''after hearing
this I slapped him in his face and [which was rude but still]I told him that he almost got me killed
because of this and taught him that what he had done was bad and I was the captain and I had
responsibility for my assistant .

So with a heavy heart, I along with my assistant went to my supervisors' office and turned myself
and also told them that lied to them earlier as the teacher were about to scold me like an angel
come from the sky my assistant told the teacher the whole truth and also accepted his guilt and
was truly sorry for that. The room went silent for a second then the compliment for sacrificing
myself for my friend sorry assistant . And also reduced the punishment for my assistant so at the
end of the story we all were happy and about the boy he was fine and came to school after a
week and made my assistant apologize him and what is the moral of this story the morel of the
story even one act of kindness of pure generosity, not the TikTok and reels people out there who
just do it for the comments and views will get 10 times the sum given

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